diff options
authorPhilipp Weissenbacher <>2012-11-01 09:52:46 +0100
committerMichael Stahl <>2012-11-01 17:11:58 +0000
commite269e30a8bcbbe254e2819ac16ef8681fee0dbf5 (patch)
parent40a772d8746023c0a055d0a417610b3f3b9c034e (diff)
Translate German comments and improve some Germish
Change-Id: If733d06e2213af824884e49bd3414df1c23cb157 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Michael Stahl <> Tested-by: Michael Stahl <>
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/inc/svtools/treelist.hxx b/svtools/inc/svtools/treelist.hxx
index 1473dffe446f..467dda98a9e2 100644
--- a/svtools/inc/svtools/treelist.hxx
+++ b/svtools/inc/svtools/treelist.hxx
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-// Entryflags, die an der View haengen
+// Entryflags that are attached to the View
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ public:
enum SvSortMode { SortAscending, SortDescending, SortNone };
-// Rueckgabewerte Sortlink:
-// siehe International::Compare( pLeft, pRight )
+// For the return values of Sortlink:
+// See International::Compare( pLeft, pRight )
// ( Compare(a,b) ==> b.Compare(a) ==> strcmp(a,b) )
struct SvSortData
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class SVT_DLLPUBLIC SvTreeList
SvTreeListEntry* LastSelected( const SvListView*) const;
sal_Bool Select( SvListView*,SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bSelect=sal_True );
- void SelectAll( SvListView*,sal_Bool bSelect ); // ruft nicht Select-Hdl
+ void SelectAll( SvListView*,sal_Bool bSelect ); // Does not call Select Handler
sal_uLong GetChildSelectionCount( const SvListView*,SvTreeListEntry* pParent ) const;
void Expand( SvListView*,SvTreeListEntry* pParent );
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class SVT_DLLPUBLIC SvTreeList
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void SetListPositions( SvTreeListEntries& rEntries );
- // rPos wird bei SortModeNone nicht geaendert
+ // rPos is not changed for SortModeNone
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void GetInsertionPos(
SvTreeListEntry* pEntry,
SvTreeListEntry* pParent,
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public:
sal_uLong nPos=0
- // informiert alle Listener
+ // Notify all Listeners
void InvalidateEntry( SvTreeListEntry* );
sal_uLong GetEntryCount() const { return nEntryCount; }
@@ -237,10 +237,10 @@ public:
void InsertTree( SvTreeListEntry* pTree, SvTreeListEntry* pTargetParent, sal_uLong nListPos );
- // Entries muessen im gleichen Model stehen!
+ // Entries need to be in the same Model!
void Move( SvTreeListEntry* pSource, SvTreeListEntry* pTarget );
- // erzeugt ggf. Child-List
+ // Creates ChildList if needed
sal_uLong Move( SvTreeListEntry* pSource, SvTreeListEntry* pTargetParent, sal_uLong nListPos);
void Copy( SvTreeListEntry* pSource, SvTreeListEntry* pTarget );
sal_uLong Copy( SvTreeListEntry* pSource, SvTreeListEntry* pTargetParent, sal_uLong nListPos);
@@ -275,12 +275,11 @@ public:
sal_uInt16 GetDepth( const SvTreeListEntry* pEntry ) const;
bool IsAtRootDepth( const SvTreeListEntry* pEntry ) const;
- // das Model ruft zum Clonen von Entries den Clone-Link auf,
- // damit man sich nicht vom Model ableiten muss, wenn man
- // sich von SvTreeListEntry ableitet.
- // Deklaration des Clone-Handlers:
+ // The Model calls the Clone Link to clone Entries.
+ // Thus we do not need to derive from the Model if we derive from SvTreeListEntry.
+ // Declaration of the Clone Handler:
// DECL_LINK(CloneHdl,SvTreeListEntry*);
- // der Handler muss einen SvTreeListEntry* zurueckgeben
+ // The Handler needs to return a SvTreeListEntry*
SvTreeListEntry* Clone( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, sal_uLong& nCloneCount ) const;
void SetCloneLink( const Link& rLink )
{ aCloneLink=rLink; }
@@ -288,8 +287,8 @@ public:
const Link& GetCloneLink() const
{ return aCloneLink; }
- virtual SvTreeListEntry* CloneEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pSource ) const; // ruft den Clone-Link
- virtual SvTreeListEntry* CreateEntry() const; // zum 'new'en von Entries
+ virtual SvTreeListEntry* CloneEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pSource ) const; // Calls the Clone Link
+ virtual SvTreeListEntry* CreateEntry() const; // To create Entries
sal_uInt16 GetRefCount() const { return nRefCount; }
void SetRefCount( sal_uInt16 nRef ) { nRefCount = nRef; }
@@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ protected:
SvTreeList* pModel;
- SvListView(); // !!! setzt das Model auf 0
+ SvListView(); // Sets the Model to 0
virtual ~SvListView();
void Clear();
SvTreeList* GetModel() const;
@@ -403,7 +402,7 @@ public:
sal_Bool Select( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bSelect=sal_True )
{ return pModel->Select((SvListView*)this,pEntry,bSelect); }
- // ruft nicht Select-Hdl
+ // Does not call the Select Handler
virtual void SelectAll( sal_Bool bSelect, sal_Bool )
{ pModel->SelectAll((SvListView*)this, bSelect); }
@@ -417,7 +416,7 @@ public:
const SvViewData* GetViewData( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry ) const;
SvViewData* GetViewData( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry );
sal_Bool HasViewData() const
- { return maDataTable.size() > 1; } // eine ROOT gibts immer
+ { return maDataTable.size() > 1; } // There's always a ROOT
virtual SvViewData* CreateViewData( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry );
virtual void InitViewData( SvViewData*, SvTreeListEntry* pEntry );
diff --git a/svtools/inc/svtools/treelistbox.hxx b/svtools/inc/svtools/treelistbox.hxx
index 59b13bed632b..4ce8c418de26 100644
--- a/svtools/inc/svtools/treelistbox.hxx
+++ b/svtools/inc/svtools/treelistbox.hxx
@@ -74,30 +74,27 @@ enum SvLBoxButtonKind
// *********************************************************************
-// *************************** Tabulatoren *****************************
+// *************************** Tabulators ******************************
// *********************************************************************
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_DYNAMIC 0x0001 // Ausgabespalte des Items verschiebt
- // sich entsprechend Child-Tiefe
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_RIGHT 0x0002 // rechter Rand des Items am Tabulator
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_LEFT 0x0004 // linker Rand ...
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_CENTER 0x0008 // Item am Tabulator zentrieren
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_NUMERIC 0x0010 // Dezimalpunkt am Tabulator (Strings)
-// wird nicht mehr unterstuetzt! Fokus richtet sich jetzt nach Selektion!
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_FOCUS 0x0020 // Fokus visualisieren
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION 0x0040 // Selektionszustand visualisieren
- // Item muss umschliessendes Polygon
- // zurueckgeben koennen (D&D-Cursor)
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_EDITABLE 0x0100 // Item an Tabulator editierbar
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_PUSHABLE 0x0200 // Item verhaelt sich wie ein Button
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_INV_ALWAYS 0x0400 // Hintergrund immer loeschen
-#define SV_LBOXTAB_FORCE 0x0800 // Default-Berechnung des ersten Tabulators
- // (auf die sich Abo-Tabpage, Extras/Optionen/Anpassen,
- // etc. verlassen) ausschalten. Die Position des ersten
- // Tabs entspricht jetzt exakt den eingestellten Flags &
- // Spaltenbreiten.
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_DYNAMIC 0x0001 // Item's output column changes according to the Child Depth
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_RIGHT 0x0002 // Item's right margin at the tabulator
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_LEFT 0x0004 // Left margin
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_CENTER 0x0008 // Center the item at the tabulator
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_NUMERIC 0x0010 // Decimal point at the tabulator (strings)
+// Is not supported anymore! The focus is now controlled by selection!
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_FOCUS 0x0020 // Visualize focus
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_SHOW_SELECTION 0x0040 // Visualize selection state
+ // Item needs to be able to return the surrounding polygon (D'n'D cursor)
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_EDITABLE 0x0100 // Item editable at the tabulator
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_PUSHABLE 0x0200 // Item acts like a Button
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_INV_ALWAYS 0x0400 // Always delete the background
+#define SV_LBOXTAB_FORCE 0x0800 // Switch off the default calculation of the first tabulator
+ // (on which Abo Tabpage/Extras/Option/Customize, etc. rely on)
+ // The first tab's position corresponds precisely to the Flags set
+ // and column widths
#define SV_TAB_BORDER 8
@@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ public:
// *********************************************************************
-// *********************** View-abhaengige Daten ***********************
+// *********************** View-dependent data *************************
// *********************************************************************
class SvViewDataItem
@@ -153,14 +150,14 @@ public:
-// View-abhaengige Daten fuer einen Entry werden in virtueller Fkt.
-// SvTreeListBox::CreateViewData erzeugt. Die ViewDaten-Erzeugung von
-// Items kann nicht veraendert werden (wg. Array)
+// View-dependent data for an Entry is created in the virtual function
+// SvTreeListBox::CreateViewData. The View creation of Items cannot be
+// changed (because it's an array)
class SvViewDataEntry : public SvViewData
- SvViewDataItem* pItemData; // ein Array von SvViewDataItems
- sal_uInt16 nItmCnt; // Anzahl Items fuer delete-operator
+ SvViewDataItem* pItemData; // An array of SvViewDataItems
+ sal_uInt16 nItmCnt; // Item count for delete operator
virtual ~SvViewDataEntry();
@@ -189,16 +186,16 @@ public:
SvTreeListEntry* pEntry ) = 0;
virtual void InitViewData( SvTreeListBox* pView, SvTreeListEntry* pEntry,
- // wenn != 0 muss dieser Pointer benutzt werden!
- // wenn == 0 muss er ueber die View geholt werden
+ // If != 0: this Pointer must be used!
+ // If == 0: it needs to be retrieved via the View
SvViewDataItem* pViewData = 0) = 0;
virtual SvLBoxItem* Create() const = 0;
- // view-abhaengige Daten werden nicht geklont
+ // View-dependent data is not cloned
virtual void Clone( SvLBoxItem* pSource ) = 0;
// *********************************************************************
-// ****************************** SvTreeListBox *******************************
+// ****************************** SvTreeListBox ************************
// *********************************************************************
#define WB_FORCE_SELECTION ((WinBits)0x8000)
@@ -210,11 +207,11 @@ public:
#define SV_DRAGDROP_APP_MOVE (DragDropMode)0x0004
#define SV_DRAGDROP_APP_COPY (DragDropMode)0x0008
#define SV_DRAGDROP_APP_DROP (DragDropMode)0x0010
-// Entries duerfen ueber den obersten Eintrag gedroppt werden.
-// Das Drop-Target ist in diesem Fall 0
+// Entries may be dropped via the uppermost Entry
+// The DropTarget is 0 in that case
#define SV_DRAGDROP_ENABLE_TOP (DragDropMode)0x0020
-#define SVLISTBOX_ID_LBOX 0 // fuer SvTreeListBox::IsA()
+#define SVLISTBOX_ID_LBOX 0 // for SvTreeListBox::IsA()
#define SVLBOX_IN_EDT 0x0001
#define SVLBOX_EDT_ENABLED 0x0002
@@ -280,7 +277,7 @@ protected:
std::vector<SvLBoxTab*> aTabs;
sal_uInt16 nTreeFlags;
sal_uInt16 nImpFlags;
- // Move/CopySelection: Position des aktuellen Eintrags in Selektionsliste
+ // Move/CopySelection: Position of the current Entry in SelectionList
sal_uInt16 nCurEntrySelPos;
@@ -288,15 +285,15 @@ private:
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( CheckButtonClick, SvLBoxButtonData * );
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( TextEditEndedHdl_Impl, void * );
- // Handler, der von TreeList zum Clonen eines Entries aufgerufen wird
+ // Handler that is called by TreeList to clone an Entry
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( CloneHdl_Impl, SvTreeListEntry* );
- // handler and methods for Drag - finished handler.
- // The with get GetDragFinishedHdl() get link can set on the
+ // Handler and methods for Drag - finished handler.
+ // The Handle retrieved by GetDragFinishedHdl can be set on the
// TransferDataContainer. This link is a callback for the DragFinished
- // call. AddBox method is called from the GetDragFinishedHdl() and the
- // remove is called in link callback and in the destructor. So it can't
- // called to a deleted object.
+ // call. The AddBox method is called from the GetDragFinishedHdl() and the
+ // remove is called in the link callback and in the dtor. So it can't be
+ // called for a deleted object.
SVT_DLLPRIVATE static void AddBoxToDDList_Impl( const SvTreeListBox& rB );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE static void RemoveBoxFromDDList_Impl( const SvTreeListBox& rB );
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_STATIC_LINK( SvTreeListBox, DragFinishHdl_Impl, sal_Int8* );
@@ -307,24 +304,23 @@ protected:
void ImplShowTargetEmphasis( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bShow);
void EnableSelectionAsDropTarget( sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True,
sal_Bool bWithChildren = sal_True );
- // standard impl gibt 0 zurueck; muss von abgeleiteten Klassen, die
- // D&D unterstuetzen, ueberladen werden
+ // Standard impl returns 0; must be overloaded by derived classes which support D'n'D
using Window::GetDropTarget;
virtual SvTreeListEntry* GetDropTarget( const Point& );
- // view-spezifische Daten in den Dragserver stellen
- // wird an der Source-View aufgerufen (im BeginDrag-Handler)
+ // Put View-specific data into the Dragserver
+ // Is called at the SourceView (in BeginDrag Handler)
virtual void WriteDragServerInfo( const Point&, SvLBoxDDInfo* );
- // wird an der Target-View aufgerufen (im Drop-Handler)
+ // Is called at the TargetView (in Drop Handler)
virtual void ReadDragServerInfo( const Point&,SvLBoxDDInfo* );
- // invalidate children on enable/disable
+ // Invalidate children on enable/disable
virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType eType );
virtual sal_uLong Insert( SvTreeListEntry* pEnt,SvTreeListEntry* pPar,sal_uLong nPos=LIST_APPEND);
virtual sal_uLong Insert( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry,sal_uLong nRootPos = LIST_APPEND );
- // Inplace-Editing
+ // In-place editing
SvInplaceEdit2* pEdCtrl;
void EditText( const String&, const Rectangle&,const Selection&);
void EditText( const String&, const Rectangle&,const Selection&, sal_Bool bMulti);
@@ -333,25 +329,25 @@ protected:
sal_Bool EditingCanceled() const;
bool IsEmptyTextAllowed() const;
- // Rueckgabewert muss von SvViewDataEntry abgeleitet sein!
+ // Return value must be derived from SvViewDataEntry!
virtual SvViewData* CreateViewData( SvTreeListEntry* );
- // InitViewData wird direkt nach CreateViewData aufgerufen
- // In InitViewData ist der Entry noch nicht in die View eingefuegt!
+ // InitViewData is called right after CreateViewData
+ // The Entry is has not yet been added to the View in InitViewData!
virtual void InitViewData( SvViewData*, SvTreeListEntry* pEntry );
- // ruft fuer Items aller Entries InitViewData auf
+ // Calls InitViewData for all Items
void RecalcViewData();
- // Callback von RecalcViewData
+ // Callback of RecalcViewData
virtual void ViewDataInitialized( SvTreeListEntry* );
- // handler and methods for Drag - finished handler. This link can be set
+ // Handler and methods for Drag - finished handler. This link can be set
// to the TransferDataContainer. The AddBox/RemoveBox methods must be
// called before the StartDrag call.
- // The Remove will be called from the handler, which then called
- // DragFinish method. The Remove also called in the DTOR of the SvTreeListBox -
- // so it can't called to a deleted object.
+ // The Remove will be called from the handler, which then calls DragFinish.
+ // The Remove is also called in the DTOR of the SvTreeListBox -
+ // so it can't be called for a deleted object.
Link GetDragFinishedHdl() const;
- // for asynchronous D&D
+ // For asynchronous D'n'D
sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt, SvTreeListBox* pSourceView );
void OnCurrentEntryChanged();
@@ -395,7 +391,7 @@ public:
DragDropMode GetDragDropMode() const { return nDragDropMode; }
SelectionMode GetSelectionMode() const { return eSelMode; }
- // pParent==0 -> Root-Ebene
+ // pParent == 0 -> Root level
SvTreeListEntry* GetEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pParent, sal_uLong nPos ) const;
SvTreeListEntry* GetEntry( sal_uLong nRootPos ) const;
@@ -420,7 +416,7 @@ public:
void Clear();
- /** enables or disables mnemonic characters in the entry texts.
+ /** Enables or disables mnemonic characters in the entry texts.
If mnemonics are enabled, then entries are selected and made current when
there mnemonic character is pressed. If there are multiple entries with the
@@ -430,21 +426,20 @@ public:
mnemonics. That is, if you press the accelerator key of an invisible
entry, then this entry is *not* selected.
- Be aware that enabling mnemonics is the more expensive the more
- entries you have in your list.
+ Be aware that enabling mnemonics gets more expensive as you add to the list.
void EnableEntryMnemonics( bool _bEnable = true );
bool IsEntryMnemonicsEnabled() const;
- /** handles the given key event.
+ /** Handles the given key event.
- At the moment, this merely checks for accelerator keys, if entry mnemonics
+ At the moment this merely checks for accelerator keys, if entry mnemonics
are enabled.
- The method might come handy when you want to use keyboard acceleration
+ This method may come in handy if you want to use keyboard acceleration
while the control does not have the focus.
- When the key event describes the pressing of a shortcut for an entry,
+ If the key event describes the pressing of a shortcut for an entry,
then SelectSearchEntry resp. ExecuteSearchEntry are called.
@see IMnemonicEntryList
@@ -474,13 +469,12 @@ public:
SvTreeListEntry* GetHdlEntry() const { return pHdlEntry; }
SvLBoxItem* GetHdlItem() const;
- // wird aufgerufen, wenn ein Eintrag mit gesetztem
- // ENTRYFLAG_CHILDREN_ON_DEMAND expandiert wird.
+ // Is called for an Entry that gets expanded with the Flag
virtual void RequestingChildren( SvTreeListEntry* pParent );
// Drag & Drop
- //JP 28.3.2001: new Drag & Drop API
+ // New D'n'D API
virtual sal_Int8 AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
virtual void StartDrag( sal_Int8 nAction, const Point& rPosPixel );
@@ -496,23 +490,21 @@ public:
virtual void NotifyRemoving( SvTreeListEntry* );
virtual SvTreeListEntry* CloneEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pSource );
- virtual SvTreeListEntry* CreateEntry() const; // zum 'new'en von Entries
+ virtual SvTreeListEntry* CreateEntry() const; // To create new Entries
- // Rueckgabe: sal_True==Ok, sal_False==Abbrechen
+ // Return value: sal_True == Ok, sal_False == Cancel
virtual sal_Bool NotifyMoving(
- SvTreeListEntry* pTarget, // D&D-Drop-Position in this->GetModel()
- SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, // Zu verschiebender Entry aus
- // GetSourceListBox()->GetModel()
- SvTreeListEntry*& rpNewParent, // Neuer Target-Parent
- sal_uLong& rNewChildPos); // Position in Childlist des Target-Parents
+ SvTreeListEntry* pTarget, // D'n'D DropPosition in this->GetModel()
+ SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, // Entry to be moved from GetSourceListBox()->GetModel()
+ SvTreeListEntry*& rpNewParent, // New TargetParent
+ sal_uLong& rNewChildPos); // The TargetParent's position in Childlist
- // Rueckgabe: sal_True==Ok, sal_False==Abbrechen
+ // Return value: sal_True == Ok, sal_False == Cancel
virtual sal_Bool NotifyCopying(
- SvTreeListEntry* pTarget, // D&D-Drop-Position in this->GetModel()
- SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, // Zu kopierender Entry aus
- // GetSourceListBox()->GetModel()
- SvTreeListEntry*& rpNewParent, // Neuer Target-Parent
- sal_uLong& rNewChildPos); // Position in Childlist des Target-Parents
+ SvTreeListEntry* pTarget, // D'n'D DropPosition in this->GetModel()
+ SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, // Entry to be copied from GetSourceListBox()->GetModel()
+ SvTreeListEntry*& rpNewParent, // New TargetParent
+ sal_uLong& rNewChildPos); // The TargetParent's position in Childlist
// ACCESSIBILITY ==========================================================
@@ -526,7 +518,7 @@ public:
/** Fills the StateSet of one entry. */
virtual void FillAccessibleEntryStateSet( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet ) const;
- /** Calculate and returns the bounding rectangle of an entry.
+ /** Calculate and return the bounding rectangle of an entry.
@param pEntry
The entry.
@return The bounding rectangle of an entry. */
@@ -564,9 +556,8 @@ protected:
const Selection& );
void EditedText( const XubString& );
- // berechnet abhaengig von TreeList-Style & Bitmap-Groessen
- // alle Tabulatoren neu; wird beim Einfuegen/Austauschen von
- // Bitmaps, beim Wechsel des Models usw. automatisch gerufen
+ // Recalculate all tabs depending on TreeListStyle and Bitmap sizes
+ // Is called automatically when inserting/changing Bitmaps, changing the Model etc.
virtual void SetTabs();
void SetTabs_Impl();
void AddTab( long nPos,sal_uInt16 nFlags=SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_LEFT,
@@ -583,16 +574,15 @@ protected:
virtual void NotifyBeginScroll();
virtual void NotifyEndScroll();
- // nLines == 0 => horizontales Scrolling
+ // nLines == 0 => horizontal Scrolling
virtual void NotifyScrolling( long nLines );
virtual void NotifyScrolled();
void SetScrolledHdl( const Link& rLink ) { aScrolledHdl = rLink; }
const Link& GetScrolledHdl() const { return aScrolledHdl; }
long GetXOffset() const { return GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X(); }
- // wird aufgerufen, _bevor_ Bereiche im Control invalidiert werden,
- // kann zum Hiden von Elementen benutzt werden, die von aussen
- // in das Control hineingezeichnet werden
+ // Is called _before_ Areas in the Control are invalidated.
+ // This can be used to hide Elements which are painted from outside into the Control
virtual void NotifyInvalidating();
virtual sal_uLong GetAscInsertionPos( SvTreeListEntry*, SvTreeListEntry* pParent );
@@ -625,17 +615,17 @@ public:
void SetCheckButtonData( SvLBoxButtonData* );
void SetNodeBitmaps( const Image& rCollapsedNodeBmp, const Image& rExpandedNodeBmp );
- /** returns the default image which clients should use for expanded nodes, to have a consistent user
+ /** Returns the default image which clients should use for expanded nodes, to have a consistent user
interface experience in the whole product.
static const Image& GetDefaultExpandedNodeImage( );
- /** returns the default image which clients should use for expanded nodes, to have a consistent user
+ /** Returns the default image which clients should use for expanded nodes, to have a consistent user
interface experience in the whole product.
static const Image& GetDefaultCollapsedNodeImage( );
- /** sets default bitmaps for collapsed and expanded nodes.
+ /** Sets default bitmaps for collapsed and expanded nodes.
inline void SetNodeDefaultImages( )
@@ -686,7 +676,7 @@ public:
void SetSublistOpenWithLeftRight( sal_Bool bMode = sal_True ); // open/close sublist with cursor left/right
void EnableInplaceEditing( bool bEnable );
- // Editiert das erste StringItem des Entries, 0==Cursor
+ // Edits the Entry's first StringItem, 0 == Cursor
void EditEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry = NULL );
virtual sal_Bool EditingEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, Selection& );
virtual sal_Bool EditedEntry( SvTreeListEntry* pEntry, const rtl::OUString& rNewText );
@@ -741,7 +731,7 @@ public:
long PaintEntry( SvTreeListEntry*, long nLine,
sal_uInt16 nTabFlagMask=0xffff );
virtual Rectangle GetFocusRect( SvTreeListEntry*, long nLine );
- // Beruecksichtigt Einrueckung
+ // Respects indentation
virtual long GetTabPos( SvTreeListEntry*, SvLBoxTab* );
void InvalidateEntry( SvTreeListEntry* );
SvLBoxItem* GetItem( SvTreeListEntry*, long nX, SvLBoxTab** ppTab);
@@ -767,7 +757,7 @@ public:
virtual Region GetDragRegion() const;
- // Children des Parents werden Children des naechstoberen Parents
+ // A Parent's Children are turned into Children of the Parent which comes next in hierarchy
void RemoveParentKeepChildren( SvTreeListEntry* pParent );
DECL_LINK( DefaultCompare, SvSortData* );
@@ -804,7 +794,7 @@ struct SvLBoxDDInfo
Application* pApp;
SvTreeListBox* pSource;
SvTreeListEntry* pDDStartEntry;
- // relative Position im Eintrag bei Drag-Beginn (IconView)
+ // Relative position in the Entry at DragBeginn (IconView)
long nMouseRelX,nMouseRelY;
sal_uLong nRes1,nRes2,nRes3,nRes4;