diff options
authorJustin Luth <>2019-11-07 15:22:08 +0300
committerMiklos Vajna <>2019-11-18 09:25:35 +0100
commit227100ff4e5560c09c5a822052fc5ada541b8cc5 (patch)
parentbc9b046fbd1d68016ae6c53c990fce97b57eb663 (diff)
related tdf#120412 ww8import: allow > 100% escapement, fix calculation
On import, it was calculating the escapement before reading the character size. If there is a fontsize SPRM in the character run, make sure that is processed first. Also, use the new MAX_*_ESC values since 100% is not nearly enough as a maximum. I looked for a mechanism that could delay processing, but found nothing. I thought about creating such a mechanism, but that could get extremely complicated, as loops would need to be detected (co-dependencies, etc). In the end, it seems likely that SOME function would need to be re-run (for example make Read_SubSuperProp runAgain at the end of the character properties) since there (likely) is no guarantee of the order of SPRMs. From my code-reading, it looks like Read_Fontsize is re-entrant-able, so that seems like the simplest solution in this case. This is mature code, so no real call for creating new mechanisms... Change-Id: I1269989c74cf34e38f8db77bd6fc510e395ee864 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <> Tested-by: Justin Luth <> Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <>
-rw-r--r--sw/qa/extras/ww8export/data/tdf120412_proportionalEscapement.odtbin0 -> 11092 bytes
3 files changed, 27 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/data/tdf120412_proportionalEscapement.odt b/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/data/tdf120412_proportionalEscapement.odt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ecd5841a8e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/data/tdf120412_proportionalEscapement.odt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/ww8export3.cxx b/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/ww8export3.cxx
index 95520e563155..96940648ad2b 100644
--- a/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/ww8export3.cxx
+++ b/sw/qa/extras/ww8export/ww8export3.cxx
@@ -180,8 +180,17 @@ DECLARE_WW8EXPORT_TEST(testTdf127316_autoEscapement, "tdf127316_autoEscapement.o
// Automatic escapement SHOULD BE limited by the font bottom line(?)
// and so the calculations ought to be different. There is room for a lot of export improvement here.
// Negative escapements (subscripts) were decreasing by 1% every round-trip due to bad manual rounding.
- // The actual number of 33% isn't so important here, but test that it is stable across multiple round-trips.
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Did you fix or break me?", -33.f, getProperty<float>(getRun(xPara, 2), "CharEscapement"), 1);
+ // The actual number of 50% isn't so important here, but test that it is stable across multiple round-trips.
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Did you fix or break me?", -50.f, getProperty<float>(getRun(xPara, 2), "CharEscapement"), 1);
+DECLARE_WW8EXPORT_TEST(testTdf120412_proportionalEscapement, "tdf120412_proportionalEscapement.odt")
+ uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xPara = getParagraph(2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 0.f, getProperty<float>(getRun(xPara, 2, "Base"), "CharEscapement"), 0);
+ // Import was limiting to 100%. And export based the position on the original height, not the proportional height.
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 150.f, getProperty<float>(getRun(xPara, 3,"Super"), "CharEscapement"), 2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, getPages());
DECLARE_WW8EXPORT_TEST(testTdf121111_fillStyleNone, "tdf121111_fillStyleNone.docx")
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx
index 72e5f77db274..f0d93a16044f 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par6.cxx
@@ -3448,6 +3448,15 @@ void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuperProp( sal_uInt16, const sal_uInt8* pData, sho
+ // if the fontsize for these characters is specified, make sure it is updated first
+ if ( m_xPlcxMan )
+ {
+ const sal_uInt16 nFontsizeID = m_bVer67 ? NS_sprm::v6::sprmCHps : NS_sprm::sprmCHps;
+ const SprmResult aFontsize = m_xPlcxMan->GetChpPLCF()->HasSprm( nFontsizeID );
+ if ( aFontsize.pSprm && aFontsize.nRemainingData )
+ Read_FontSize(nFontsizeID, aFontsize.pSprm, aFontsize.nRemainingData);
+ }
// font position in HalfPoints
short nPos = eVersion <= ww::eWW2 ? static_cast< sal_Int8 >( *pData ) : SVBT16ToInt16( pData );
sal_Int32 nPos2 = nPos * ( 10 * 100 ); // HalfPoints in 100 * tw
@@ -3460,10 +3469,10 @@ void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_SubSuperProp( sal_uInt16, const sal_uInt8* pData, sho
if (pF != nullptr && pF->GetHeight() != 0)
nHeight = pF->GetHeight();
nPos2 /= nHeight; // ... now in % (rounded)
- if( nPos2 > 100 ) // for safety
- nPos2 = 100;
- if( nPos2 < -100 )
- nPos2 = -100;
+ if( nPos2 > MAX_ESC_POS )
+ nPos2 = MAX_ESC_POS;
+ if( nPos2 < -MAX_ESC_POS )
+ nPos2 = -MAX_ESC_POS;
SvxEscapementItem aEs( static_cast<short>(nPos2), 100, RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT );
NewAttr( aEs );
@@ -3833,6 +3842,9 @@ void SwWW8ImplReader::closeFont(sal_uInt16 nId)
void SwWW8ImplReader::Read_FontCode( sal_uInt16 nId, const sal_uInt8* pData, short nLen )
+ //Note: this function needs to be able to run multiple times on the same data.
+ //It is called by Read_SubSuperProp to ensure that the current fontsize is known.
if (!m_bSymbol) // if bSymbol, the symbol's font
{ // (see sprmCSymbol) is valid!
switch( nId )