diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2018-11-21 21:21:35 +0000
committerCaolán McNamara <>2018-11-23 09:54:21 +0100
commit998d11b44eb3c57583703fa0df67e087ba187195 (patch)
parent626504ee27d853d70a5a8b3b62d69313b9b6eb98 (diff)
weld SwFramePage
Change-Id: I12f868611860867df26bd29474aa19189c2b9a96 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
11 files changed, 645 insertions, 1747 deletions
diff --git a/extras/source/glade/ b/extras/source/glade/
index a02836e94439..629a835e5232 100644
--- a/extras/source/glade/
+++ b/extras/source/glade/
@@ -250,9 +250,6 @@
<glade-widget-class title="NUP Preview" name="vcllo-ShowNupOrderWindow"
generic-name="NUP Preview" parent="GtkDrawingArea"
- <glade-widget-class title="Frame Preview" name="svxlo-SvxSwFrameExample"
- generic-name="Frame Preview" parent="GtkDrawingArea"
- icon-name="widget-gtk-drawingarea"/>
<glade-widget-class title="Presentation Preview" name="sduilo-PresLayoutPreview"
generic-name="Presentation Preview" parent="GtkDrawingArea"
diff --git a/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx b/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx
index ddcc5961b95a..814f0d84aa22 100644
--- a/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/text/WrapTextMode.hpp>
-class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxSwFrameExample : public vcl::Window
+class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SwFrameExample : public weld::CustomWidgetController
Color m_aTransColor; ///< transparency
Color m_aBgCol; ///< background
@@ -63,65 +63,6 @@ class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxSwFrameExample : public vcl::Window
void InitColors_Impl();
void InitAllRects_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
- void CalcBoundRect_Impl(tools::Rectangle &rRect);
- tools::Rectangle DrawInnerFrame_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rBorderColor);
- virtual void Paint(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle&) override;
- virtual Size GetOptimalSize() const override;
- virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) override;
- SvxSwFrameExample(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle);
- void SetWrap(css::text::WrapTextMode nW) { nWrap = nW; }
- void SetHAlign(short nH) { nHAlign = nH; }
- void SetHoriRel(short nR) { nHRel = nR; }
- void SetVAlign(short nV) { nVAlign = nV; }
- void SetVertRel(short nR) { nVRel = nR; }
- void SetTransparent(bool bT) { bTrans = bT; }
- void SetAnchor(RndStdIds nA) { nAnchor = nA; }
- void SetRelPos(const Point& rP);
-class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SwFrameExample : public weld::CustomWidgetController
- Color m_aTransColor; ///< transparency
- Color m_aBgCol; ///< background
- Color m_aFrameColor; ///< graphic frame
- Color m_aAlignColor; ///< align anchor
- Color m_aBorderCol; ///< frame of doc
- Color m_aPrintAreaCol; ///< frame of printable area of doc
- Color m_aTxtCol; ///< symbolised text
- Color m_aBlankCol; ///< area of symbol for blank
- Color m_aBlankFrameCol; ///< frame of symbol for blank
- tools::Rectangle aPage;
- tools::Rectangle aPagePrtArea;
- tools::Rectangle aTextLine;
- tools::Rectangle aPara;
- tools::Rectangle aParaPrtArea;
- tools::Rectangle aFrameAtFrame;
- tools::Rectangle aDrawObj;
- tools::Rectangle aAutoCharFrame;
- Size aFrmSize;
- short nHAlign;
- short nHRel;
- short nVAlign;
- short nVRel;
- RndStdIds nAnchor;
- Point aRelPos;
- void InitColors_Impl();
- void InitAllRects_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
void CalcBoundRect_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, tools::Rectangle &rRect);
tools::Rectangle DrawInnerFrame_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rBorderColor);
@@ -133,12 +74,15 @@ public:
virtual void SetDrawingArea(weld::DrawingArea* pDrawingArea) override;
+ void SetWrap(css::text::WrapTextMode nW) { nWrap = nW; }
void SetHAlign(short nH) { nHAlign = nH; }
void SetHoriRel(short nR) { nHRel = nR; }
void SetVAlign(short nV) { nVAlign = nV; }
void SetVertRel(short nR) { nVRel = nR; }
+ void SetTransparent(bool bT) { bTrans = bT; }
void SetAnchor(RndStdIds nA) { nAnchor = nA; }
void SetRelPos(const Point& rP);
diff --git a/solenv/bin/ b/solenv/bin/
index b0e0ab1c5822..d1b805deacc7 100755
--- a/solenv/bin/
+++ b/solenv/bin/
@@ -510,7 +510,6 @@ custom_widgets = [
- 'SvxSwFrameExample',
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/swframeexample.cxx b/svx/source/dialog/swframeexample.cxx
index 5b6fd26ce804..c8ec11e9dfee 100644
--- a/svx/source/dialog/swframeexample.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/swframeexample.cxx
@@ -45,683 +45,14 @@ void DrawRect_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &r
-SvxSwFrameExample::SvxSwFrameExample( vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle ) :
- Window(pParent, nStyle),
- nHAlign (HoriOrientation::CENTER),
- nHRel (RelOrientation::FRAME),
- nVAlign (VertOrientation::TOP),
- nVRel (RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA),
- nWrap (WrapTextMode_NONE),
- nAnchor (RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE),
- bTrans (false),
- aRelPos (Point(0,0))
- InitColors_Impl();
-Size SvxSwFrameExample::GetOptimalSize() const
- return LogicToPixel(Size(52, 86), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont));
-void SvxSwFrameExample::InitColors_Impl()
- const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
- m_aBgCol = rSettings.GetWindowColor();
- bool bHC = rSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
- m_aFrameColor = COL_LIGHTGREEN;
- m_aAlignColor = COL_LIGHTRED;
- m_aTransColor = COL_TRANSPARENT;
- m_aTxtCol = bHC?
- svtools::ColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor :
- m_aPrintAreaCol = bHC? m_aTxtCol : COL_GRAY;
- m_aBorderCol = m_aTxtCol;
- m_aBlankCol = bHC? m_aTxtCol : COL_LIGHTGRAY;
- m_aBlankFrameCol = bHC? m_aTxtCol : COL_GRAY;
-void SvxSwFrameExample::DataChanged(const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt)
- Window::DataChanged(rDCEvt);
- if (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE))
- InitColors_Impl();
-void SvxSwFrameExample::InitAllRects_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
- aPage.SetSize(GetOutputSizePixel());
- sal_uInt32 nOutWPix = aPage.GetWidth();
- sal_uInt32 nOutHPix = aPage.GetHeight();
- // PrintArea
- sal_uInt32 nLBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nRBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nTBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nBBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nLTxtBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nRTxtBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nTTxtBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nBTxtBorder;
- if (nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
- {
- nLBorder = 14;
- nRBorder = 10;
- nTBorder = 10;
- nBBorder = 15;
- nLTxtBorder = 8;
- nRTxtBorder = 4;
- nTTxtBorder = 2;
- nBTxtBorder = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- nLBorder = 2;
- nRBorder = 2;
- nTBorder = 2;
- nBBorder = 2;
- nLTxtBorder = 2;
- nRTxtBorder = 2;
- nTTxtBorder = 2;
- nBTxtBorder = 2;
- }
- aPagePrtArea = tools::Rectangle(Point(nLBorder, nTBorder), Point((nOutWPix - 1) - nRBorder, (nOutHPix - 1) - nBBorder));
- // Example text: Preparing for the text output
- // A line of text
- aTextLine = aPagePrtArea;
- aTextLine.SetSize(Size(aTextLine.GetWidth(), 2));
- aTextLine.AdjustLeft(nLTxtBorder );
- aTextLine.AdjustRight( -sal_Int32(nRTxtBorder) );
- aTextLine.Move(0, nTTxtBorder);
- // Rectangle to edges including paragraph
- sal_uInt16 nLines = static_cast<sal_uInt16>((aPagePrtArea.GetHeight() / 2 - nTTxtBorder - nBTxtBorder)
- / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2));
- aPara = aPagePrtArea;
- aPara.SetSize(Size(aPara.GetWidth(),
- (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * nLines + nTTxtBorder + nBTxtBorder));
- // Rectangle around paragraph without borders
- aParaPrtArea = aPara;
- aParaPrtArea.AdjustLeft(nLTxtBorder );
- aParaPrtArea.AdjustRight( -sal_Int32(nRTxtBorder) );
- aParaPrtArea.AdjustTop(nTTxtBorder );
- aParaPrtArea.AdjustBottom( -sal_Int32(nBTxtBorder) );
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR || nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR)
- {
- vcl::Font aFont = OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont(
- DefaultFontType::LATIN_TEXT, Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType(),
- GetDefaultFontFlags::OnlyOne, this );
- aFont.SetColor( m_aTxtCol );
- aFont.SetFillColor( m_aBgCol );
- aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL);
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
- {
- aFont.SetFontSize(Size(0, aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() - 2));
- SetFont(aFont);
- aParaPrtArea.SetSize(Size(GetTextWidth(DEMOTEXT), GetTextHeight()));
- }
- else
- {
- aFont.SetFontSize(Size(0, aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() / 2));
- rRenderContext.SetFont(aFont);
- aAutoCharFrame.SetSize(Size(GetTextWidth(OUString('A')), GetTextHeight()));
- aAutoCharFrame.SetPos(Point(aParaPrtArea.Left() + (aParaPrtArea.GetWidth() - aAutoCharFrame.GetWidth()) / 2,
- aParaPrtArea.Top() + (aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() - aAutoCharFrame.GetHeight()) / 2));
- }
- }
- // Inner Frame anchored at the Frame
- aFrameAtFrame = aPara;
- aFrameAtFrame.AdjustLeft(9 );
- aFrameAtFrame.AdjustRight( -5 );
- aFrameAtFrame.AdjustBottom(5 );
- aFrameAtFrame.SetPos(Point(aFrameAtFrame.Left() + 2, (aPagePrtArea.Bottom() - aFrameAtFrame.GetHeight()) / 2 + 5));
- // Size of the frame to be positioned
- if (nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
- {
- sal_uInt32 nLFBorder = nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE ? nLBorder : nLTxtBorder;
- sal_uInt32 nRFBorder = nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE ? nRBorder : nRTxtBorder;
- switch (nHRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT:
- case RelOrientation::FRAME_LEFT:
- aFrmSize = Size(nLFBorder - 4, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3);
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT:
- case RelOrientation::FRAME_RIGHT:
- aFrmSize = Size(nRFBorder - 4, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3);
- break;
- default:
- aFrmSize = Size(nLBorder - 3, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3);
- break;
- }
- aFrmSize.setWidth( std::max(5L, aFrmSize.Width()) );
- aFrmSize.setHeight( std::max(5L, aFrmSize.Height()) );
- }
- else
- {
- sal_uInt32 nFreeWidth = aPagePrtArea.GetWidth() - GetTextWidth(DEMOTEXT);
- aFrmSize = Size(nFreeWidth / 2, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3);
- aDrawObj.SetSize(Size(std::max(5L, static_cast<long>(nFreeWidth) / 3L), std::max(5L, aFrmSize.Height() * 3L)));
- aDrawObj.SetPos(Point(aParaPrtArea.Right() + 1, aParaPrtArea.Bottom() / 2));
- aParaPrtArea.SetRight( aDrawObj.Right() );
- }
-void SvxSwFrameExample::CalcBoundRect_Impl(tools::Rectangle &rRect)
- switch (nAnchor)
- {
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE:
- {
- switch (nHRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::FRAME:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPage.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPage.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPagePrtArea.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPagePrtArea.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPage.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPagePrtArea.Left() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPagePrtArea.Right() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPage.Right() );
- break;
- }
- switch (nVRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetTop( aPagePrtArea.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aPagePrtArea.Bottom() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::FRAME:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME:
- rRect.SetTop( aPage.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aPage.Bottom() );
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY:
- {
- switch (nHRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::FRAME:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME:
- rRect.SetLeft( aFrameAtFrame.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aFrameAtFrame.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetLeft( aFrameAtFrame.Left() + FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- rRect.SetRight( aFrameAtFrame.Right() - FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aFrameAtFrame.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aFrameAtFrame.Left() + FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aFrameAtFrame.Right() );
- rRect.SetRight( aFrameAtFrame.Right() - FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- break;
- }
- switch (nVRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::FRAME:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME:
- rRect.SetTop( aFrameAtFrame.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aFrameAtFrame.Bottom() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA:
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetTop( aFrameAtFrame.Top() + FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- rRect.SetBottom( aFrameAtFrame.Bottom() - FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA:
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR:
- {
- switch (nHRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::FRAME:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPara.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPara.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetLeft( aParaPrtArea.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aParaPrtArea.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPage.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPagePrtArea.Left() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPagePrtArea.Right() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPage.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPage.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPage.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPagePrtArea.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPagePrtArea.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::FRAME_LEFT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aPara.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aParaPrtArea.Left() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::FRAME_RIGHT:
- rRect.SetLeft( aParaPrtArea.Right() );
- rRect.SetRight( aPara.Right() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::CHAR:
- rRect.SetLeft( aAutoCharFrame.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aAutoCharFrame.Left() );
- break;
- }
- switch (nVRel)
- {
- case RelOrientation::FRAME:
- rRect.SetTop( aPara.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aPara.Bottom() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA:
- rRect.SetTop( aParaPrtArea.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aParaPrtArea.Bottom() );
- break;
- case RelOrientation::CHAR:
- if (nVAlign != VertOrientation::NONE &&
- nVAlign != VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM)
- rRect.SetTop( aAutoCharFrame.Top() );
- else
- rRect.SetTop( aAutoCharFrame.Bottom() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aAutoCharFrame.Bottom() );
- break;
- // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341#
- case RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE:
- rRect.SetTop( aAutoCharFrame.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aAutoCharFrame.Top() );
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR:
- rRect.SetLeft( aParaPrtArea.Left() );
- rRect.SetRight( aParaPrtArea.Right() );
- switch (nVAlign)
- {
- case VertOrientation::NONE:
- case VertOrientation::TOP:
- case VertOrientation::CENTER:
- case VertOrientation::BOTTOM:
- {
- FontMetric aMetric(GetFontMetric());
- rRect.SetTop( aParaPrtArea.Bottom() - aMetric.GetDescent() );
- rRect.SetBottom( rRect.Top() );
- }
- break;
- default:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_TOP:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM:
- rRect.SetTop( aParaPrtArea.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aDrawObj.Bottom() );
- break;
- case VertOrientation::CHAR_TOP:
- case VertOrientation::CHAR_CENTER:
- case VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM:
- rRect.SetTop( aParaPrtArea.Top() );
- rRect.SetBottom( aParaPrtArea.Bottom() );
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-tools::Rectangle SvxSwFrameExample::DrawInnerFrame_Impl(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect,
- const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rBorderColor)
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, rRect, rFillColor, rBorderColor);
- // determine the area relative to which the positioning happens
- tools::Rectangle aRect(rRect); // aPagePrtArea = Default
- CalcBoundRect_Impl(aRect);
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY && &rRect == &aPagePrtArea)
- {
- // draw text paragraph
- tools::Rectangle aTxt(aTextLine);
- sal_Int32 nStep = aTxt.GetHeight() + 2;
- sal_uInt16 nLines = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2));
- for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLines; i++)
- {
- if (i == nLines - 1)
- aTxt.SetSize(Size(aTxt.GetWidth() / 2, aTxt.GetHeight()));
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aTxt, m_aTxtCol, m_aTransColor);
- aTxt.Move(0, nStep);
- }
- }
- return aRect;
-void SvxSwFrameExample::Paint(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle&)
- rRenderContext.SetMapMode(MapMode(MapUnit::MapPixel));
- InitAllRects_Impl(rRenderContext);
- // Draw page
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aPage, m_aBgCol, m_aBorderCol);
- // Draw PrintArea
- tools::Rectangle aRect = DrawInnerFrame_Impl(rRenderContext, aPagePrtArea, m_aTransColor, m_aPrintAreaCol);
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY)
- aRect = DrawInnerFrame_Impl(rRenderContext, aFrameAtFrame, m_aBgCol, m_aBorderCol);
- long lXPos = 0;
- long lYPos = 0;
- // Horizontal alignment
- if (nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
- {
- switch (nHAlign)
- {
- case HoriOrientation::RIGHT:
- {
- lXPos = aRect.Right() - aFrmSize.Width() + 1;
- break;
- }
- case HoriOrientation::CENTER:
- {
- lXPos = aRect.Left() + (aRect.GetWidth() - aFrmSize.Width()) / 2;
- break;
- }
- case HoriOrientation::NONE:
- {
- lXPos = aRect.Left() + aRelPos.X();
- break;
- }
- default: // HoriOrientation::LEFT
- lXPos = aRect.Left();
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- lXPos = aRect.Right() + 2;
- }
- // Vertical Alignment
- if (nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
- {
- switch (nVAlign)
- {
- case VertOrientation::BOTTOM:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM:
- {
- // #i22341#
- if ( nVRel != RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE )
- {
- lYPos = aRect.Bottom() - aFrmSize.Height() + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- lYPos = aRect.Top();
- }
- break;
- }
- case VertOrientation::CENTER:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER:
- {
- lYPos = aRect.Top() + (aRect.GetHeight() - aFrmSize.Height()) / 2;
- break;
- }
- case VertOrientation::NONE:
- {
- // #i22341#
- if ( nVRel != RelOrientation::CHAR && nVRel != RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE )
- lYPos = aRect.Top() + aRelPos.Y();
- else
- lYPos = aRect.Top() - aRelPos.Y();
- break;
- }
- default:
- // #i22341#
- if ( nVRel != RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE )
- {
- lYPos = aRect.Top();
- }
- else
- {
- lYPos = aRect.Bottom() - aFrmSize.Height() + 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch(nVAlign)
- {
- case VertOrientation::CENTER:
- case VertOrientation::CHAR_CENTER:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER:
- lYPos = aRect.Top() + (aRect.GetHeight() - aFrmSize.Height()) / 2;
- break;
- case VertOrientation::TOP:
- case VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM:
- case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM:
- lYPos = aRect.Bottom() - aFrmSize.Height() + 1;
- break;
- default:
- lYPos = aRect.Top() - aRelPos.Y();
- break;
- }
- }
- tools::Rectangle aFrmRect(Point(lXPos, lYPos), aFrmSize);
- tools::Rectangle* pOuterFrame = &aPage;
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY)
- pOuterFrame = &aFrameAtFrame;
- if (aFrmRect.Left() < pOuterFrame->Left())
- aFrmRect.Move(pOuterFrame->Left() - aFrmRect.Left(), 0);
- if (aFrmRect.Right() > pOuterFrame->Right())
- aFrmRect.Move(pOuterFrame->Right() - aFrmRect.Right(), 0);
- if (aFrmRect.Top() < pOuterFrame->Top())
- aFrmRect.Move(0, pOuterFrame->Top() - aFrmRect.Top());
- if (aFrmRect.Bottom() > pOuterFrame->Bottom())
- aFrmRect.Move(0, pOuterFrame->Bottom() - aFrmRect.Bottom());
- // Draw Test paragraph
- const long nTxtLineHeight = aTextLine.GetHeight();
- tools::Rectangle aTxt(aTextLine);
- sal_Int32 nStep;
- sal_uInt16 nLines;
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY)
- {
- aTxt.SetLeft( aFrameAtFrame.Left() + FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- aTxt.SetRight( aFrameAtFrame.Right() - FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- aTxt.SetTop( aFrameAtFrame.Top() + FLYINFLY_BORDER );
- aTxt.SetBottom( aTxt.Top() + aTextLine.GetHeight() - 1 );
- nStep = aTxt.GetHeight() + 2;
- nLines = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(((aFrameAtFrame.GetHeight() - 2 * FLYINFLY_BORDER) * 2 / 3)
- / (aTxt.GetHeight() + 2));
- }
- else
- {
- nStep = aTxt.GetHeight() + 2;
- nLines = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2));
- }
- if (nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
- {
- // Simulate text
- const long nOldR = aTxt.Right();
- const long nOldL = aTxt.Left();
- // #i22341#
- const bool bIgnoreWrap = nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR &&
- ( nHRel == RelOrientation::CHAR || nVRel == RelOrientation::CHAR ||
- nVRel == RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE );
- for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLines; ++i)
- {
- if (i == (nLines - 1))
- aTxt.SetSize(Size(aTxt.GetWidth() / 2, aTxt.GetHeight()));
- if (aTxt.IsOver(aFrmRect) && nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR && !bIgnoreWrap)
- {
- switch(nWrap)
- {
- case WrapTextMode_NONE:
- aTxt.SetTop( aFrmRect.Bottom() + nTxtLineHeight );
- aTxt.SetBottom( aTxt.Top() + nTxtLineHeight - 1 );
- break;
- case WrapTextMode_LEFT:
- aTxt.SetRight( aFrmRect.Left() );
- break;
- case WrapTextMode_RIGHT:
- aTxt.SetLeft( aFrmRect.Right() );
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- if (pOuterFrame->IsInside(aTxt))
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aTxt, m_aTxtCol, m_aTransColor );
- aTxt.Move(0, nStep);
- aTxt.SetRight( nOldR );
- aTxt.SetLeft( nOldL );
- }
- aTxt.Move(0, -nStep);
- if (nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY && aTxt.Bottom() > aParaPrtArea.Bottom())
- {
- // Text has been replaced by frame, so adjust parameters height
- sal_Int32 nDiff = aTxt.Bottom() - aParaPrtArea.Bottom();
- aParaPrtArea.AdjustBottom(nDiff );
- aPara.AdjustBottom(nDiff );
- CalcBoundRect_Impl(aRect);
- aParaPrtArea.AdjustBottom( -nDiff );
- aPara.AdjustBottom( -nDiff );
- }
- if (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR && bIgnoreWrap)
- rRenderContext.DrawText(aAutoCharFrame, OUString('A'));
- }
- else
- {
- rRenderContext.DrawText(aParaPrtArea, OUString(DEMOTEXT));
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aDrawObj, m_aBlankCol, m_aBlankFrameCol );
- }
- // Draw rectangle on which the frame is aligned:
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aRect, m_aTransColor, m_aAlignColor);
- // Frame View
- bool bDontFill = (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR && aFrmRect.IsOver(aAutoCharFrame)) || bTrans;
- DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aFrmRect, bDontFill? m_aTransColor : m_aBgCol, m_aFrameColor);
-void SvxSwFrameExample::SetRelPos(const Point& rP)
- aRelPos = rP;
- if (aRelPos.X() > 0)
- aRelPos.setX( 5 );
- if (aRelPos.X() < 0)
- aRelPos.setX( -5 );
- if (aRelPos.Y() > 0)
- aRelPos.setY( 5 );
- if (aRelPos.Y() < 0)
- aRelPos.setY( -5 );
: nHAlign(HoriOrientation::CENTER)
, nHRel(RelOrientation::FRAME)
, nVAlign(VertOrientation::TOP)
, nVRel(RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA)
+ , nWrap(WrapTextMode_NONE)
, nAnchor(RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE)
+ , bTrans(false)
, aRelPos(Point(0,0))
@@ -1310,8 +641,22 @@ void SwFrameExample::Paint(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rect
if (aTxt.IsOver(aFrmRect) && nAnchor != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR && !bIgnoreWrap)
- aTxt.SetTop( aFrmRect.Bottom() + nTxtLineHeight );
- aTxt.SetBottom( aTxt.Top() + nTxtLineHeight - 1 );
+ switch(nWrap)
+ {
+ case WrapTextMode_NONE:
+ aTxt.SetTop( aFrmRect.Bottom() + nTxtLineHeight );
+ aTxt.SetBottom( aTxt.Top() + nTxtLineHeight - 1 );
+ break;
+ case WrapTextMode_LEFT:
+ aTxt.SetRight( aFrmRect.Left() );
+ break;
+ case WrapTextMode_RIGHT:
+ aTxt.SetLeft( aFrmRect.Right() );
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
if (pOuterFrame->IsInside(aTxt))
DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aTxt, m_aTxtCol, m_aTransColor );
@@ -1347,7 +692,7 @@ void SwFrameExample::Paint(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rect
DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aRect, m_aTransColor, m_aAlignColor);
// Frame View
- bool bDontFill = (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR && aFrmRect.IsOver(aAutoCharFrame));
+ bool bDontFill = (nAnchor == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR && aFrmRect.IsOver(aAutoCharFrame)) || bTrans;
DrawRect_Impl(rRenderContext, aFrmRect, bDontFill? m_aTransColor : m_aBgCol, m_aFrameColor);
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/column.cxx b/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/column.cxx
index 8afb3632617f..b65724370016 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/column.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/column.cxx
@@ -558,8 +558,8 @@ void SwColumnPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet *rSet)
//default spacing between cols = 0.5cm
- m_xDistEd1->SetPrcntValue(50, FieldUnit::CM);
- m_xDistEd2->SetPrcntValue(50, FieldUnit::CM);
+ m_xDistEd1->set_value(50, FieldUnit::CM);
+ m_xDistEd2->set_value(50, FieldUnit::CM);
m_xColMgr.reset(new SwColMgr(*rSet));
m_nCols = m_xColMgr->GetCount() ;
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ IMPL_LINK(SwColumnPage, GapModify, weld::MetricSpinButton&, rMetricField, void)
if(nActValue > nMaxGap)
nActValue = nMaxGap;
- m_xDistEd1->SetPrcntValue(m_xDistEd1->NormalizePercent(nMaxGap), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xDistEd1->set_value(m_xDistEd1->NormalizePercent(nMaxGap), FieldUnit::TWIP);
for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < m_nCols; i++)
@@ -1122,29 +1122,29 @@ void SwColumnPage::Update(const weld::MetricSpinButton* pInteractiveField)
//fdo#87612 if we're interacting with this widget and the value will be the same
//then leave it alone (i.e. don't change equivalent values of e.g. .8 -> 0.8)
if (nNewValue != nCurrentValue || pInteractiveField != m_xEd1->get())
- m_xEd1->SetPrcntValue(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xEd1->set_value(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
nCurrentValue = m_xDistEd1->NormalizePercent(m_xDistEd1->DenormalizePercent(m_xDistEd1->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
nNewValue = m_xDistEd1->NormalizePercent(m_nColDist[m_nFirstVis]);
if (nNewValue != nCurrentValue || pInteractiveField != m_xDistEd1->get())
- m_xDistEd1->SetPrcntValue(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xDistEd1->set_value(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
nCurrentValue = m_xEd2->NormalizePercent(m_xEd2->DenormalizePercent(m_xEd2->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
nNewValue = m_xEd2->NormalizePercent(m_nColWidth[m_nFirstVis+1]);
if (nNewValue != nCurrentValue || pInteractiveField != m_xEd2->get())
- m_xEd2->SetPrcntValue(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xEd2->set_value(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
if(m_nCols >= 3)
nCurrentValue = m_xDistEd2->NormalizePercent(m_xDistEd2->DenormalizePercent(m_xDistEd2->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
nNewValue = m_xDistEd2->NormalizePercent(m_nColDist[m_nFirstVis+1]);
if (nNewValue != nCurrentValue || pInteractiveField != m_xDistEd2->get())
- m_xDistEd2->SetPrcntValue(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xDistEd2->set_value(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
nCurrentValue = m_xEd3->NormalizePercent(m_xEd3->DenormalizePercent(m_xEd3->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
nNewValue = m_xEd3->NormalizePercent(m_nColWidth[m_nFirstVis+2]);
if (nNewValue != nCurrentValue || pInteractiveField != m_xEd3->get())
- m_xEd3->SetPrcntValue(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xEd3->set_value(nNewValue, FieldUnit::TWIP);
@@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@ IMPL_LINK(SwColumnPage, SetDefaultsHdl, SvtValueSet *, pVS, void)
- m_xDistEd1->SetPrcntValue(50, FieldUnit::CM);
+ m_xDistEd1->set_value(50, FieldUnit::CM);
@@ -1288,18 +1288,18 @@ IMPL_LINK(SwColumnPage, SetDefaultsHdl, SvtValueSet *, pVS, void)
m_bLockUpdate = true;
- m_xDistEd1->SetPrcntValue(50, FieldUnit::CM);
+ m_xDistEd1->set_value(50, FieldUnit::CM);
// now set the width ratio to 2 : 1 or 1 : 2 respectively
const long nSmall = static_cast< long >(m_xColMgr->GetActualSize() / 3);
if(nItem == 4)
- m_xEd2->SetPrcntValue(m_xEd2->NormalizePercent(nSmall), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xEd2->set_value(m_xEd2->NormalizePercent(nSmall), FieldUnit::TWIP);
m_pModifiedField = m_xEd2.get();
- m_xEd1->SetPrcntValue(m_xEd1->NormalizePercent(nSmall), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xEd1->set_value(m_xEd1->NormalizePercent(nSmall), FieldUnit::TWIP);
m_pModifiedField = m_xEd1.get();
m_bLockUpdate = false;
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/frmpage.cxx b/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/frmpage.cxx
index edee604b9759..70e81edb4375 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/frmpage.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/ui/frmdlg/frmpage.cxx
@@ -595,129 +595,113 @@ static LB lcl_GetLBRelationsForStrID( const FrameMap* _pMap,
// standard frame TabPage
- void HandleAutoCB( bool _bChecked, FixedText& _rFT_man, FixedText& _rFT_auto, MetricField& _rPF_Edit)
- {
- _rFT_man.Show( !_bChecked );
- _rFT_auto.Show( _bChecked );
- OUString accName = _bChecked ? _rFT_auto.GetText() : _rFT_man.GetText();
- _rPF_Edit.SetAccessibleName(accName);
- }
-SwFramePage::SwFramePage(vcl::Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rSet)
- : SfxTabPage(pParent, "FrameTypePage",
- "modules/swriter/ui/frmtypepage.ui", &rSet)
- ,
- m_bAtHorzPosModified( false ),
- m_bAtVertPosModified( false ),
- m_bFormat(false),
- m_bNew(true),
- m_bNoModifyHdl(true),
- m_bIsVerticalFrame(false),
- m_bIsVerticalL2R(false),
- m_bIsInRightToLeft(false),
- m_bHtmlMode(false),
- m_nHtmlMode(0),
- m_nUpperBorder(0),
- m_nLowerBorder(0),
- m_fWidthHeightRatio(1.0),
- mpToCharContentPos( nullptr ),
- m_nOldH(text::HoriOrientation::CENTER),
- m_nOldHRel(text::RelOrientation::FRAME),
- m_nOldV(text::VertOrientation::TOP),
- m_nOldVRel(text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA),
- m_pVMap( nullptr ),
- m_pHMap( nullptr ),
- m_bAllowVertPositioning( true ),
- m_bIsMathOLE( false ),
- m_bIsMathBaselineAlignment( true )
- get(m_pWidthFT, "widthft");
- get(m_pWidthAutoFT, "autowidthft");
- m_aWidthED.set(get<MetricField>("width"));
- get(m_pRelWidthCB, "relwidth");
- get(m_pRelWidthRelationLB, "relwidthrelation");
- get(m_pAutoWidthCB, "autowidth");
- get(m_pHeightFT, "heightft");
- get(m_pHeightAutoFT, "autoheightft");
- m_aHeightED.set(get<MetricField>("height"));
- get(m_pRelHeightCB, "relheight");
- get(m_pRelHeightRelationLB, "relheightrelation");
- get(m_pAutoHeightCB, "autoheight");
- get(m_pFixedRatioCB, "ratio");
- get(m_pRealSizeBT, "origsize");
- get(m_pAnchorFrame, "anchorframe");
- get(m_pAnchorAtPageRB, "topage");
- get(m_pAnchorAtParaRB, "topara");
- get(m_pAnchorAtCharRB, "tochar");
- get(m_pAnchorAsCharRB, "aschar");
- get(m_pAnchorAtFrameRB, "toframe");
- get(m_pHorizontalFT, "horiposft");
- get(m_pHorizontalDLB, "horipos");
- get(m_pAtHorzPosFT, "horibyft");
- get(m_pAtHorzPosED, "byhori");
- get(m_pHoriRelationFT, "horitoft");
- get(m_pHoriRelationLB, "horianchor");
- get(m_pMirrorPagesCB, "mirror");
- get(m_pVerticalFT, "vertposft");
- get(m_pVerticalDLB, "vertpos");
- get(m_pAtVertPosFT, "vertbyft");
- get(m_pAtVertPosED, "byvert");
- get(m_pVertRelationFT, "verttoft");
- get(m_pVertRelationLB, "vertanchor");
- get(m_pFollowTextFlowCB, "followtextflow");
- get(m_pExampleWN, "preview");
- m_pAtHorzPosED->set_width_request(m_pAtHorzPosED->GetOptimalSize().Width());
- m_pAtHorzPosED->set_width_request(m_pAtVertPosED->GetOptimalSize().Width());
+ void HandleAutoCB(bool _bChecked, weld::Label& _rFT_man, weld::Label& _rFT_auto, weld::MetricSpinButton& _rPF_Edit)
+ {
+ !_bChecked );
+ _bChecked );
+ OUString accName = _bChecked ? _rFT_auto.get_label() : _rFT_man.get_label();
+ _rPF_Edit.set_accessible_name(accName);
+ }
+SwFramePage::SwFramePage(TabPageParent pParent, const SfxItemSet &rSet)
+ : SfxTabPage(pParent, "modules/swriter/ui/frmtypepage.ui", "FrameTypePage", &rSet)
+ , m_bAtHorzPosModified(false)
+ , m_bAtVertPosModified(false)
+ , m_bFormat(false)
+ , m_bNew(true)
+ , m_bNoModifyHdl(true)
+ , m_bIsVerticalFrame(false)
+ , m_bIsVerticalL2R(false)
+ , m_bIsInRightToLeft(false)
+ , m_bHtmlMode(false)
+ , m_nHtmlMode(0)
+ , m_nUpperBorder(0)
+ , m_nLowerBorder(0)
+ , m_fWidthHeightRatio(1.0)
+ , mpToCharContentPos(nullptr)
+ , m_nOldH(text::HoriOrientation::CENTER)
+ , m_nOldHRel(text::RelOrientation::FRAME)
+ , m_nOldV(text::VertOrientation::TOP)
+ , m_nOldVRel(text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA)
+ , m_pVMap(nullptr)
+ , m_pHMap(nullptr)
+ , m_bAllowVertPositioning( true )
+ , m_bIsMathOLE(false)
+ , m_bIsMathBaselineAlignment(true)
+ , m_xWidthFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("widthft"))
+ , m_xWidthAutoFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("autowidthft"))
+ , m_xRelWidthCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("relwidth"))
+ , m_xRelWidthRelationLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box("relwidthrelation"))
+ , m_xAutoWidthCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("autowidth"))
+ , m_xHeightFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("heightft"))
+ , m_xHeightAutoFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("autoheightft"))
+ , m_xRelHeightCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("relheight"))
+ , m_xRelHeightRelationLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box("relheightrelation"))
+ , m_xAutoHeightCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("autoheight"))
+ , m_xFixedRatioCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("ratio"))
+ , m_xRealSizeBT(m_xBuilder->weld_button("origsize"))
+ , m_xAnchorFrame(m_xBuilder->weld_widget("anchorframe"))
+ , m_xAnchorAtPageRB(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("topage"))
+ , m_xAnchorAtParaRB(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("topara"))
+ , m_xAnchorAtCharRB(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("tochar"))
+ , m_xAnchorAsCharRB(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("aschar"))
+ , m_xAnchorAtFrameRB(m_xBuilder->weld_radio_button("toframe"))
+ , m_xHorizontalFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("horiposft"))
+ , m_xHorizontalDLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box("horipos"))
+ , m_xAtHorzPosFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("horibyft"))
+ , m_xAtHorzPosED(m_xBuilder->weld_metric_spin_button("byhori", FieldUnit::CM))
+ , m_xHoriRelationFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("horitoft"))
+ , m_xHoriRelationLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box("horianchor"))
+ , m_xMirrorPagesCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("mirror"))
+ , m_xVerticalFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("vertposft"))
+ , m_xVerticalDLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box("vertpos"))
+ , m_xAtVertPosFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("vertbyft"))
+ , m_xAtVertPosED(m_xBuilder->weld_metric_spin_button("byvert", FieldUnit::CM))
+ , m_xVertRelationFT(m_xBuilder->weld_label("verttoft"))
+ , m_xVertRelationLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box("vertanchor"))
+ , m_xFollowTextFlowCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("followtextflow"))
+ , m_xExampleWN(new weld::CustomWeld(*m_xBuilder, "preview", m_aExampleWN))
+ , m_xWidthED(new SwPercentField(m_xBuilder->weld_metric_spin_button("width", FieldUnit::CM)))
+ , m_xHeightED(new SwPercentField(m_xBuilder->weld_metric_spin_button("height", FieldUnit::CM)))
+ const auto nWidthRequest = m_xAtHorzPosED->get_preferred_size().Width();
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_size_request(nWidthRequest, -1);
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_size_request(nWidthRequest, -1);
- Link<Control&,void> aLk3 = LINK(this, SwFramePage, RangeModifyLoseFocusHdl);
- m_aWidthED.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk3 );
- m_aHeightED.SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk3 );
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk3 );
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetLoseFocusHdl( aLk3 );
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->SetClickHdl( LINK(this, SwFramePage, RangeModifyClickHdl) );
- Link<Edit&,void> aLk = LINK(this, SwFramePage, ModifyHdl);
- m_aWidthED.SetModifyHdl( aLk );
- m_aHeightED.SetModifyHdl( aLk );
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetModifyHdl( aLk );
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetModifyHdl( aLk );
+ Link<weld::MetricSpinButton&,void> aLk3 = LINK(this, SwFramePage, ModifyHdl);
+ m_xWidthED->connect_value_changed( aLk3 );
+ m_xHeightED->connect_value_changed( aLk3 );
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->connect_value_changed( aLk3 );
+ m_xAtVertPosED->connect_value_changed( aLk3 );
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->connect_toggled(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RangeModifyClickHdl));
- Link<Button*,void> aLk2 = LINK(this, SwFramePage, AnchorTypeHdl);
- m_pAnchorAtPageRB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
- m_pAnchorAtParaRB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
- m_pAnchorAtCharRB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
- m_pAnchorAsCharRB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
- m_pAnchorAtFrameRB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
+ Link<weld::ToggleButton&,void> aLk2 = LINK(this, SwFramePage, AnchorTypeHdl);
+ m_xAnchorAtPageRB->connect_toggled( aLk2 );
+ m_xAnchorAtParaRB->connect_toggled( aLk2 );
+ m_xAnchorAtCharRB->connect_toggled( aLk2 );
+ m_xAnchorAsCharRB->connect_toggled( aLk2 );
+ m_xAnchorAtFrameRB->connect_toggled( aLk2 );
- m_pHorizontalDLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFramePage, PosHdl));
- m_pVerticalDLB-> SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFramePage, PosHdl));
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->connect_changed(LINK(this, SwFramePage, PosHdl));
+ m_xVerticalDLB->connect_changed(LINK(this, SwFramePage, PosHdl));
- m_pHoriRelationLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RelHdl));
- m_pVertRelationLB->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RelHdl));
+ m_xHoriRelationLB->connect_changed(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RelHdl));
+ m_xVertRelationLB->connect_changed(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RelHdl));
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFramePage, MirrorHdl));
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->connect_toggled(LINK(this, SwFramePage, MirrorHdl));
aLk2 = LINK(this, SwFramePage, RelSizeClickHdl);
- m_pRelWidthCB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
- m_pRelHeightCB->SetClickHdl( aLk2 );
+ m_xRelWidthCB->connect_toggled(aLk2);
+ m_xRelHeightCB->connect_toggled(aLk2);
- m_pAutoWidthCB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwFramePage, AutoWidthClickHdl ) );
- m_pAutoHeightCB->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SwFramePage, AutoHeightClickHdl ) );
+ m_xAutoWidthCB->connect_toggled(LINK(this, SwFramePage, AutoWidthClickHdl));
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->connect_toggled(LINK(this, SwFramePage, AutoHeightClickHdl));
@@ -725,44 +709,6 @@ SwFramePage::~SwFramePage()
-void SwFramePage::dispose()
- m_pWidthFT.clear();
- m_pWidthAutoFT.clear();
- m_pRelWidthCB.clear();
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB.clear();
- m_pAutoWidthCB.clear();
- m_pHeightFT.clear();
- m_pHeightAutoFT.clear();
- m_pRelHeightCB.clear();
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB.clear();
- m_pAutoHeightCB.clear();
- m_pFixedRatioCB.clear();
- m_pRealSizeBT.clear();
- m_pAnchorFrame.clear();
- m_pAnchorAtPageRB.clear();
- m_pAnchorAtParaRB.clear();
- m_pAnchorAtCharRB.clear();
- m_pAnchorAsCharRB.clear();
- m_pAnchorAtFrameRB.clear();
- m_pHorizontalFT.clear();
- m_pHorizontalDLB.clear();
- m_pAtHorzPosFT.clear();
- m_pAtHorzPosED.clear();
- m_pHoriRelationFT.clear();
- m_pHoriRelationLB.clear();
- m_pMirrorPagesCB.clear();
- m_pVerticalFT.clear();
- m_pVerticalDLB.clear();
- m_pAtVertPosFT.clear();
- m_pAtVertPosED.clear();
- m_pVertRelationFT.clear();
- m_pVertRelationLB.clear();
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB.clear();
- m_pExampleWN.clear();
- SfxTabPage::dispose();
struct FrameMaps
@@ -813,13 +759,13 @@ void SwFramePage::setOptimalFrameWidth()
for (const auto& rFrame : aFrames)
- m_pHorizontalDLB->InsertEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(rFrame));
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->append_text(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(rFrame));
- Size aBiggest(m_pHorizontalDLB->GetOptimalSize());
- m_pHorizontalDLB->set_width_request(aBiggest.Width());
- m_pVerticalDLB->set_width_request(aBiggest.Width());
- m_pHorizontalDLB->Clear();
+ Size aBiggest(m_xHorizontalDLB->get_preferred_size());
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->set_size_request(aBiggest.Width(), -1);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_size_request(aBiggest.Width(), -1);
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->clear();
@@ -853,36 +799,36 @@ void SwFramePage::setOptimalRelWidth()
for (const auto& rRel : aRels)
- m_pHoriRelationLB->InsertEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(rRel));
+ m_xHoriRelationLB->append_text(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(rRel));
- Size aBiggest(m_pHoriRelationLB->GetOptimalSize());
- m_pHoriRelationLB->set_width_request(aBiggest.Width());
- m_pVertRelationLB->set_width_request(aBiggest.Width());
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->set_width_request(aBiggest.Width());
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->set_width_request(aBiggest.Width());
- m_pHoriRelationLB->Clear();
+ Size aBiggest(m_xHoriRelationLB->get_preferred_size());
+ m_xHoriRelationLB->set_size_request(aBiggest.Width(), -1);
+ m_xVertRelationLB->set_size_request(aBiggest.Width(), -1);
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->set_size_request(aBiggest.Width(), -1);
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->set_size_request(aBiggest.Width(), -1);
+ m_xHoriRelationLB->clear();
VclPtr<SfxTabPage> SwFramePage::Create(TabPageParent pParent, const SfxItemSet *rSet)
- return VclPtr<SwFramePage>::Create( pParent.pParent, *rSet );
+ return VclPtr<SwFramePage>::Create(pParent, *rSet);
void SwFramePage::EnableGraficMode()
// i#39692 - mustn't be called more than once
- if(!m_pRealSizeBT->IsVisible())
+ if (!m_xRealSizeBT->get_visible())
- m_pWidthFT->Show();
- m_pWidthAutoFT->Hide();
- m_pAutoHeightCB->Hide();
+ m_xWidthFT->show();
+ m_xWidthAutoFT->hide();
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->hide();
- m_pHeightFT->Show();
- m_pHeightAutoFT->Hide();
- m_pAutoWidthCB->Hide();
+ m_xHeightFT->show();
+ m_xHeightAutoFT->hide();
+ m_xAutoWidthCB->hide();
- m_pRealSizeBT->Show();
+ m_xRealSizeBT->show();
@@ -900,10 +846,10 @@ void SwFramePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet *rSet )
m_bHtmlMode = (m_nHtmlMode & HTMLMODE_ON) != 0;
FieldUnit aMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(m_bHtmlMode);
- m_aWidthED.SetMetric(aMetric);
- m_aHeightED.SetMetric(aMetric);
- SetMetric( *m_pAtHorzPosED, aMetric );
- SetMetric( *m_pAtVertPosED, aMetric );
+ m_xWidthED->SetMetric(aMetric);
+ m_xHeightED->SetMetric(aMetric);
+ ::SetFieldUnit(*m_xAtHorzPosED, aMetric);
+ ::SetFieldUnit(*m_xAtVertPosED, aMetric);
const SfxPoolItem* pItem = nullptr;
const SwFormatAnchor& rAnchor = rSet->Get(RES_ANCHOR);
@@ -918,18 +864,18 @@ void SwFramePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet *rSet )
if (m_bFormat)
// at formats no anchor editing
- m_pAnchorFrame->Enable(false);
- m_pFixedRatioCB->Enable(false);
+ m_xAnchorFrame->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->set_sensitive(false);
if (rAnchor.GetAnchorId() != RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY && !pSh->IsFlyInFly())
- m_pAnchorAtFrameRB->Hide();
+ m_xAnchorAtFrameRB->hide();
if ( pSh->IsFrameVertical( true, m_bIsInRightToLeft, m_bIsVerticalL2R ) )
- OUString sHLabel = m_pHorizontalFT->GetText();
- m_pHorizontalFT->SetText(m_pVerticalFT->GetText());
- m_pVerticalFT->SetText(sHLabel);
+ OUString sHLabel = m_xHorizontalFT->get_label();
+ m_xHorizontalFT->set_label(m_xVerticalFT->get_label());
+ m_xVerticalFT->set_label(sHLabel);
m_bIsVerticalFrame = true;
@@ -945,12 +891,12 @@ void SwFramePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet *rSet )
if ( !m_bNew )
- m_pRealSizeBT->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RealSizeHdl));
+ m_xRealSizeBT->connect_clicked(LINK(this, SwFramePage, RealSizeHdl));
- if ( m_sDlgType == "PictureDialog" )
- m_pFixedRatioCB->Check( false );
+ if (m_sDlgType == "PictureDialog")
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->set_active(false);
if ( m_bNew )
@@ -964,48 +910,46 @@ void SwFramePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet *rSet )
m_aGrfSize = rSet->Get(RES_FRM_SIZE).GetSize();
- // entering procent value made possible
- m_aWidthED.SetBaseValue( m_aWidthED.Normalize(m_aGrfSize.Width()), FieldUnit::TWIP );
- m_aHeightED.SetBaseValue( m_aHeightED.Normalize(m_aGrfSize.Height()), FieldUnit::TWIP );
- //the available space is not yet known so the RefValue has to be calculated from size and relative size values
- //this is needed only if relative values are already set
+ // entering percent value made possible
+ // the available space is not yet known so the RefValue has to be calculated from size and relative size values
+ // this is needed only if relative values are already set
const SwFormatFrameSize& rFrameSize = rSet->Get(RES_FRM_SIZE);
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->InsertEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::FRAME));
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->InsertEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::REL_PG_FRAME));
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->append_text(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::FRAME));
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->append_text(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::REL_PG_FRAME));
if (rFrameSize.GetWidthPercent() != SwFormatFrameSize::SYNCED && rFrameSize.GetWidthPercent() != 0)
- //calculate the reference value from the with and relative width values
+ //calculate the reference value from the width and relative width values
sal_Int32 nSpace = rFrameSize.GetWidth() * 100 / rFrameSize.GetWidthPercent();
- m_aWidthED.SetRefValue( nSpace );
+ m_xWidthED->SetRefValue( nSpace );
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->Enable();
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->set_sensitive(true);
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->Disable();
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->set_sensitive(false);
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->InsertEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::FRAME));
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->InsertEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::REL_PG_FRAME));
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->append_text(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::FRAME));
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->append_text(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(SwFPos::REL_PG_FRAME));
if (rFrameSize.GetHeightPercent() != SwFormatFrameSize::SYNCED && rFrameSize.GetHeightPercent() != 0)
//calculate the reference value from the with and relative width values
sal_Int32 nSpace = rFrameSize.GetHeight() * 100 / rFrameSize.GetHeightPercent();
- m_aHeightED.SetRefValue( nSpace );
+ m_xHeightED->SetRefValue( nSpace );
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->Enable();
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->set_sensitive(true);
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->Disable();
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->set_sensitive(false);
// general initialisation part
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE: m_pAnchorAtPageRB->Check(); break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA: m_pAnchorAtParaRB->Check(); break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR: m_pAnchorAtCharRB->Check(); break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR: m_pAnchorAsCharRB->Check(); break;
- case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY: m_pAnchorAtFrameRB->Check();break;
+ case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE: m_xAnchorAtPageRB->set_active(true); break;
+ case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA: m_xAnchorAtParaRB->set_active(true); break;
+ case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR: m_xAnchorAtCharRB->set_active(true); break;
+ case RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR: m_xAnchorAsCharRB->set_active(true); break;
+ case RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY: m_xAnchorAtFrameRB->set_active(true);break;
default:; //prevent warning
@@ -1017,50 +961,53 @@ void SwFramePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet *rSet )
const bool bFollowTextFlow =
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->Check( bFollowTextFlow );
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->set_active(bFollowTextFlow);
- m_pAutoHeightCB->Enable(false);
- m_pAutoWidthCB->Enable(false);
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->Show(false);
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xAutoWidthCB->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->show(false);
if (m_sDlgType == "FrameDialog")
- m_pFixedRatioCB->Enable(false);
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->set_sensitive(false);
// i#18732 hide checkbox in HTML mode
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->Show(false);
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->show(false);
// enable/disable of check box 'Mirror on..'
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->Enable(!m_pAnchorAsCharRB->IsChecked());
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->set_sensitive(!m_xAnchorAsCharRB->get_active());
// enable/disable check box 'Follow text flow'.
// enable check box 'Follow text
// flow' also for anchor type to-frame.
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->Enable( m_pAnchorAtParaRB->IsChecked() ||
- m_pAnchorAtCharRB->IsChecked() ||
- m_pAnchorAtFrameRB->IsChecked() );
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->set_sensitive(m_xAnchorAtParaRB->get_active() ||
+ m_xAnchorAtCharRB->get_active() ||
+ m_xAnchorAtFrameRB->get_active());
- Init( *rSet, true );
- m_pAtVertPosED->SaveValue();
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SaveValue();
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->SaveValue();
+ Init(*rSet);
+ m_xAtVertPosED->save_value();
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->save_value();
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->save_state();
+ m_xWidthED->save_value();
+ m_xHeightED->save_value();
m_bNoModifyHdl = false;
//lock PercentFields
- m_aWidthED.LockAutoCalculation(true);
- m_aHeightED.LockAutoCalculation(true);
+ m_xWidthED->LockAutoCalculation(true);
+ m_xHeightED->LockAutoCalculation(true);
RangeModifyHdl(); // set all maximum values initially
- m_aHeightED.LockAutoCalculation(false);
- m_aWidthED.LockAutoCalculation(false);
+ m_xHeightED->LockAutoCalculation(false);
+ m_xWidthED->LockAutoCalculation(false);
- m_pAutoHeightCB->SaveValue();
- m_pAutoWidthCB->SaveValue();
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->save_state();
+ m_xAutoWidthCB->save_state();
- SwTwips nWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aWidthED.DenormalizePercent(m_aWidthED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- SwTwips nHeight = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aHeightED.DenormalizePercent(m_aHeightED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xWidthED->DenormalizePercent(m_xWidthED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nHeight = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xHeightED->DenormalizePercent(m_xHeightED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
m_fWidthHeightRatio = nHeight ? double(nWidth) / double(nHeight) : 1.0;
@@ -1090,21 +1037,21 @@ bool SwFramePage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rSet)
SwFormatHoriOrient aHoriOrient( rOldSet.Get(RES_HORI_ORIENT) );
- const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pHMap, *m_pHorizontalDLB);
- const sal_Int16 eHOri = GetAlignment(m_pHMap, nMapPos, *m_pHoriRelationLB);
- const sal_Int16 eRel = GetRelation(*m_pHoriRelationLB);
+ const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pHMap, *m_xHorizontalDLB);
+ const sal_Int16 eHOri = GetAlignment(m_pHMap, nMapPos, *m_xHoriRelationLB);
+ const sal_Int16 eRel = GetRelation(*m_xHoriRelationLB);
aHoriOrient.SetHoriOrient( eHOri );
aHoriOrient.SetRelationOrient( eRel );
- aHoriOrient.SetPosToggle(m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsChecked());
+ aHoriOrient.SetPosToggle(m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_active());
- bool bMod = m_pAtHorzPosED->IsValueChangedFromSaved();
- bMod |= m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved();
+ bool bMod = m_xAtHorzPosED->get_value_changed_from_saved();
+ bMod |= m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_state_changed_from_saved();
if ( eHOri == text::HoriOrientation::NONE &&
(m_bNew || (m_bAtHorzPosModified || bMod) || m_nOldH != eHOri ) )
- SwTwips nX = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_pAtHorzPosED->Denormalize(m_pAtHorzPosED->GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nX = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xAtHorzPosED->denormalize(m_xAtHorzPosED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
aHoriOrient.SetPos( nX );
@@ -1125,21 +1072,21 @@ bool SwFramePage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rSet)
// alignment vertical
SwFormatVertOrient aVertOrient( rOldSet.Get(RES_VERT_ORIENT) );
- const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pVMap, *m_pVerticalDLB);
- const sal_Int16 eVOri = GetAlignment(m_pVMap, nMapPos, *m_pVertRelationLB);
- const sal_Int16 eRel = GetRelation(*m_pVertRelationLB);
+ const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pVMap, *m_xVerticalDLB);
+ const sal_Int16 eVOri = GetAlignment(m_pVMap, nMapPos, *m_xVertRelationLB);
+ const sal_Int16 eRel = GetRelation(*m_xVertRelationLB);
aVertOrient.SetVertOrient ( eVOri);
aVertOrient.SetRelationOrient( eRel );
- bool bMod = m_pAtVertPosED->IsValueChangedFromSaved();
+ bool bMod = m_xAtVertPosED->get_value_changed_from_saved();
if ( eVOri == text::VertOrientation::NONE &&
( m_bNew || (m_bAtVertPosModified || bMod) || m_nOldV != eVOri) )
// vertical position
// recalculate offset for character bound frames
- SwTwips nY = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_pAtVertPosED->Denormalize(m_pAtVertPosED->GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nY = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xAtVertPosED->denormalize(m_xAtVertPosED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
if (eAnchorId == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
nY *= -1;
@@ -1170,16 +1117,16 @@ bool SwFramePage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rSet)
const SwFormatFrameSize& rOldSize = rOldSet.Get(RES_FRM_SIZE);
SwFormatFrameSize aSz( rOldSize );
- sal_Int32 nRelWidthRelation = m_pRelWidthRelationLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- if (nRelWidthRelation != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)
+ auto nRelWidthRelation = m_xRelWidthRelationLB->get_active();
+ if (nRelWidthRelation != -1)
if (nRelWidthRelation == 0)
else if (nRelWidthRelation == 1)
- sal_Int32 nRelHeightRelation = m_pRelHeightRelationLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- if (nRelHeightRelation != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)
+ auto nRelHeightRelation = m_xRelHeightRelationLB->get_active();
+ if (nRelHeightRelation != -1)
if (nRelHeightRelation == 0)
@@ -1187,35 +1134,36 @@ bool SwFramePage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rSet)
- bool bValueModified = (m_aWidthED.IsValueModified() || m_aHeightED.IsValueModified());
- bool bCheckChanged = m_pRelWidthCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved()
- || m_pRelHeightCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved();
+ bool bValueModified = m_xWidthED->get_value_changed_from_saved() ||
+ m_xHeightED->get_value_changed_from_saved();
+ bool bCheckChanged = m_xRelWidthCB->get_state_changed_from_saved() ||
+ m_xRelHeightCB->get_state_changed_from_saved();
bool bLegalValue = !(!rOldSize.GetWidth () && !rOldSize.GetHeight() &&
- m_aWidthED .GetValue() == m_aWidthED .GetMin() &&
- m_aHeightED.GetValue() == m_aHeightED.GetMin());
+ m_xWidthED->get_value() == m_xWidthED->get_min() &&
+ m_xHeightED->get_value() == m_xHeightED->get_min());
if ((m_bNew && !m_bFormat) || ((bValueModified || bCheckChanged) && bLegalValue))
- sal_Int64 nNewWidth = m_aWidthED.DenormalizePercent(m_aWidthED.GetRealValue(FieldUnit::TWIP));
- sal_Int64 nNewHeight = m_aHeightED.DenormalizePercent(m_aHeightED.GetRealValue(FieldUnit::TWIP));
+ sal_Int64 nNewWidth = m_xWidthED->DenormalizePercent(m_xWidthED->GetRealValue(FieldUnit::TWIP));
+ sal_Int64 nNewHeight = m_xHeightED->DenormalizePercent(m_xHeightED->GetRealValue(FieldUnit::TWIP));
aSz.SetWidth (static_cast< SwTwips >(nNewWidth));
aSz.SetHeight(static_cast< SwTwips >(nNewHeight));
- if (m_pRelWidthCB->IsChecked())
+ if (m_xRelWidthCB->get_active())
- aSz.SetWidthPercent(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(std::min( static_cast< sal_Int64 >(MAX_PERCENT_WIDTH), m_aWidthED.Convert(m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(nNewWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP, FieldUnit::CUSTOM))));
+ aSz.SetWidthPercent(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(std::min(MAX_PERCENT_WIDTH, m_xWidthED->Convert(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(nNewWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP, FieldUnit::PERCENT))));
- if (m_pRelHeightCB->IsChecked())
- aSz.SetHeightPercent(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(std::min(static_cast< sal_Int64 >(MAX_PERCENT_HEIGHT), m_aHeightED.Convert(m_aHeightED.NormalizePercent(nNewHeight), FieldUnit::TWIP, FieldUnit::CUSTOM))));
+ if (m_xRelHeightCB->get_active())
+ aSz.SetHeightPercent(static_cast<sal_uInt8>(std::min(MAX_PERCENT_HEIGHT, m_xHeightED->Convert(m_xHeightED->NormalizePercent(nNewHeight), FieldUnit::TWIP, FieldUnit::PERCENT))));
- if (m_pFixedRatioCB->IsChecked() && (m_pRelWidthCB->IsChecked() != m_pRelHeightCB->IsChecked()))
+ if (m_xFixedRatioCB->get_active() && (m_xRelWidthCB->get_active() != m_xRelHeightCB->get_active()))
- if (m_pRelWidthCB->IsChecked())
+ if (m_xRelWidthCB->get_active())
@@ -1223,21 +1171,21 @@ bool SwFramePage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rSet)
if( !IsInGraficMode() )
- if( m_pAutoHeightCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved() )
+ if (m_xAutoHeightCB->get_state_changed_from_saved())
- SwFrameSize eFrameSize = m_pAutoHeightCB->IsChecked()? ATT_MIN_SIZE : ATT_FIX_SIZE;
+ SwFrameSize eFrameSize = m_xAutoHeightCB->get_active()? ATT_MIN_SIZE : ATT_FIX_SIZE;
if( eFrameSize != aSz.GetHeightSizeType() )
- if( m_pAutoWidthCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved() )
+ if (m_xAutoWidthCB->get_state_changed_from_saved())
- SwFrameSize eFrameSize = m_pAutoWidthCB->IsChecked()? ATT_MIN_SIZE : ATT_FIX_SIZE;
+ SwFrameSize eFrameSize = m_xAutoWidthCB->get_active()? ATT_MIN_SIZE : ATT_FIX_SIZE;
if( eFrameSize != aSz.GetWidthSizeType() )
aSz.SetWidthSizeType( eFrameSize );
- if( !m_bFormat && m_pFixedRatioCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved() )
- bRet |= nullptr != rSet->Put(SfxBoolItem(FN_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO, m_pFixedRatioCB->IsChecked()));
+ if (!m_bFormat && m_xFixedRatioCB->get_state_changed_from_saved())
+ bRet |= nullptr != rSet->Put(SfxBoolItem(FN_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO, m_xFixedRatioCB->get_active()));
pOldItem = GetOldItem(*rSet, RES_FRM_SIZE);
@@ -1251,9 +1199,9 @@ bool SwFramePage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rSet)
bRet |= nullptr != rSet->Put( aSz );
- if(m_pFollowTextFlowCB->IsValueChangedFromSaved())
+ if (m_xFollowTextFlowCB->get_state_changed_from_saved())
- bRet |= nullptr != rSet->Put(SwFormatFollowTextFlow(m_pFollowTextFlowCB->IsChecked()));
+ bRet |= nullptr != rSet->Put(SwFormatFollowTextFlow(m_xFollowTextFlowCB->get_active()));
return bRet;
@@ -1267,24 +1215,24 @@ void SwFramePage::InitPos(RndStdIds eId,
long nX,
long nY)
- sal_Int32 nPos = m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- if ( nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && m_pVMap )
+ auto nPos = m_xVerticalDLB->get_active();
+ if (nPos != -1 && m_pVMap)
m_nOldV = m_pVMap[nPos].nAlign;
- nPos = m_pVertRelationLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- m_nOldVRel = static_cast<RelationMap *>(m_pVertRelationLB->GetEntryData(nPos))->nRelation;
+ nPos = m_xVertRelationLB->get_active();
+ if (nPos != -1)
+ m_nOldVRel = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap*>(m_xVertRelationLB->get_id(nPos).toInt64())->nRelation;
- nPos = m_pHorizontalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- if ( nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && m_pHMap )
+ nPos = m_xHorizontalDLB->get_active();
+ if (nPos != -1 && m_pHMap)
m_nOldH = m_pHMap[nPos].nAlign;
- nPos = m_pHoriRelationLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- m_nOldHRel = static_cast<RelationMap *>(m_pHoriRelationLB->GetEntryData(nPos))->nRelation;
+ nPos = m_xHoriRelationLB->get_active();
+ if (nPos != -1)
+ m_nOldHRel = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap*>(m_xHoriRelationLB->get_id(nPos).toInt64())->nRelation;
bool bEnable = true;
@@ -1332,8 +1280,8 @@ void SwFramePage::InitPos(RndStdIds eId,
m_pHMap = nullptr;
bEnable = false;
- m_pHorizontalDLB->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pHorizontalFT->Enable( bEnable );
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xHorizontalFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
// select current Pos
// horizontal
@@ -1342,8 +1290,8 @@ void SwFramePage::InitPos(RndStdIds eId,
nH = m_nOldH;
nHRel = m_nOldHRel;
- sal_Int32 nMapPos = FillPosLB(m_pHMap, nH, nHRel, *m_pHorizontalDLB);
- FillRelLB(m_pHMap, nMapPos, nH, nHRel, *m_pHoriRelationLB, *m_pHoriRelationFT);
+ sal_Int32 nMapPos = FillPosLB(m_pHMap, nH, nHRel, *m_xHorizontalDLB);
+ FillRelLB(m_pHMap, nMapPos, nH, nHRel, *m_xHoriRelationLB, *m_xHoriRelationFT);
// vertical
if ( nV < 0 )
@@ -1351,34 +1299,26 @@ void SwFramePage::InitPos(RndStdIds eId,
nV = m_nOldV;
nVRel = m_nOldVRel;
- nMapPos = FillPosLB(m_pVMap, nV, nVRel, *m_pVerticalDLB);
- FillRelLB(m_pVMap, nMapPos, nV, nVRel, *m_pVertRelationLB, *m_pVertRelationFT);
+ nMapPos = FillPosLB(m_pVMap, nV, nVRel, *m_xVerticalDLB);
+ FillRelLB(m_pVMap, nMapPos, nV, nVRel, *m_xVertRelationLB, *m_xVertRelationFT);
bEnable = nH == text::HoriOrientation::NONE && eId != RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR;
if (!bEnable)
- {
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetValue( 0, FieldUnit::TWIP );
- if (nX != LONG_MAX && m_bHtmlMode)
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetModifyFlag();
- }
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_value(0, FieldUnit::TWIP);
if (nX != LONG_MAX)
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetValue( m_pAtHorzPosED->Normalize(nX), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_value(m_xAtHorzPosED->normalize(nX), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_pAtHorzPosFT->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pAtHorzPosED->Enable( bEnable );
+ m_xAtHorzPosFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_sensitive( bEnable );
bEnable = nV == text::VertOrientation::NONE;
if ( !bEnable )
- {
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetValue( 0, FieldUnit::TWIP );
- if(nY != LONG_MAX && m_bHtmlMode)
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetModifyFlag();
- }
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_value(0, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- if ( eId == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR )
+ if (eId == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
if ( nY == LONG_MAX )
nY = 0;
@@ -1386,22 +1326,22 @@ void SwFramePage::InitPos(RndStdIds eId,
nY *= -1;
if ( nY != LONG_MAX )
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetValue( m_pAtVertPosED->Normalize(nY), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_value(m_xAtVertPosED->normalize(nY), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_pAtVertPosFT->Enable( bEnable && m_bAllowVertPositioning );
- m_pAtVertPosED->Enable( bEnable && m_bAllowVertPositioning );
+ m_xAtVertPosFT->set_sensitive( bEnable && m_bAllowVertPositioning );
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_sensitive( bEnable && m_bAllowVertPositioning );
sal_Int32 SwFramePage::FillPosLB(const FrameMap* _pMap,
const sal_Int16 _nAlign,
const sal_Int16 _nRel,
- ListBox& _rLB )
+ weld::ComboBox& _rLB )
OUString sSelEntry;
- const OUString sOldEntry = _rLB.GetSelectedEntry();
+ const OUString sOldEntry = _rLB.get_active_text();
- _rLB.Clear();
+ _rLB.clear();
// i#22341 determine all possible listbox relations for
// given relation for map <aVCharMap>
@@ -1414,17 +1354,17 @@ sal_Int32 SwFramePage::FillPosLB(const FrameMap* _pMap,
for (size_t i = 0; _pMap && i < nCount; ++i)
// Why not from the left/from inside or from above?
- SvxSwFramePosString::StringId eStrId = m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsChecked() ? _pMap[i].eMirrorStrId : _pMap[i].eStrId;
+ SvxSwFramePosString::StringId eStrId = m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_active() ? _pMap[i].eMirrorStrId : _pMap[i].eStrId;
// --> OD 2009-08-31 #mongolianlayout#
eStrId = lcl_ChangeResIdToVerticalOrRTL( eStrId,
OUString sEntry(SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(eStrId));
- if (_rLB.GetEntryPos(sEntry) == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)
+ if (_rLB.find_text(sEntry) == -1)
// don't insert entries when frames are character bound
- _rLB.InsertEntry(sEntry);
+ _rLB.append_text(sEntry);
// i#22341 - add condition to handle map <aVCharMap>
// that is ambiguous in the alignment.
@@ -1435,36 +1375,36 @@ sal_Int32 SwFramePage::FillPosLB(const FrameMap* _pMap,
- _rLB.SelectEntry(sSelEntry);
- if (!_rLB.GetSelectedEntryCount())
- _rLB.SelectEntry(sOldEntry);
+ _rLB.set_active_text(sSelEntry);
+ if (_rLB.get_active() == -1)
+ _rLB.set_active_text(sOldEntry);
- if (!_rLB.GetSelectedEntryCount())
- _rLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ if (_rLB.get_active() == -1)
+ _rLB.set_active(0);
return GetMapPos(_pMap, _rLB);
-void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
+void SwFramePage::FillRelLB(const FrameMap* _pMap,
const sal_uInt16 _nLBSelPos,
const sal_Int16 _nAlign,
const sal_Int16 _nRel,
- ListBox& _rLB,
- FixedText& _rFT )
+ weld::ComboBox& _rLB,
+ weld::Label& _rFT)
OUString sSelEntry;
LB nLBRelations = LB::NONE;
size_t nMapCount = ::lcl_GetFrameMapCount(_pMap);
- _rLB.Clear();
+ _rLB.clear();
if (_nLBSelPos < nMapCount)
if (_pMap == aVAsCharHtmlMap || _pMap == aVAsCharMap)
- const OUString sOldEntry(_rLB.GetSelectedEntry());
+ const OUString sOldEntry(_rLB.get_active_text());
SvxSwFramePosString::StringId eStrId = _pMap[_nLBSelPos].eStrId;
for (size_t nMapPos = 0; nMapPos < nMapCount; nMapPos++)
@@ -1485,8 +1425,7 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
const OUString sEntry = SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(sStrId1);
- sal_Int32 nPos = _rLB.InsertEntry(sEntry);
- _rLB.SetEntryData(nPos, const_cast<RelationMap*>(&rCharMap));
+ _rLB.append(OUString::number(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(&rCharMap)), sEntry);
if (_pMap[nMapPos].nAlign == _nAlign)
sSelEntry = sEntry;
@@ -1495,19 +1434,19 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
if (!sSelEntry.isEmpty())
- _rLB.SelectEntry(sSelEntry);
+ _rLB.set_active_text(sSelEntry);
- _rLB.SelectEntry(sOldEntry);
+ _rLB.set_active_text(sOldEntry);
- if (!_rLB.GetSelectedEntryCount())
+ if (_rLB.get_active() == -1)
- for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < _rLB.GetEntryCount(); i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < _rLB.get_count(); i++)
- RelationMap *pEntry = static_cast<RelationMap *>(_rLB.GetEntryData(i));
+ RelationMap *pEntry = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap*>(_rLB.get_id(i).toInt64());
if (pEntry->nLBRelation == LB::RelChar) // default
- _rLB.SelectEntryPos(i);
+ _rLB.set_active(i);
@@ -1521,10 +1460,10 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
if ( _pMap == aVCharMap )
nLBRelations = ::lcl_GetLBRelationsForStrID( _pMap,
- ( m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsChecked()
+ ( m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_active()
? _pMap[_nLBSelPos].eMirrorStrId
: _pMap[_nLBSelPos].eStrId),
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsChecked() );
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_active() );
@@ -1539,7 +1478,7 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
if (rMap.nLBRelation == static_cast<LB>(nBit))
- SvxSwFramePosString::StringId eStrId1 = m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsChecked() ?
+ SvxSwFramePosString::StringId eStrId1 = m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_active() ?
rMap.eMirrorStrId : rMap.eStrId;
// --> OD 2009-08-31 #mongolianlayout#
eStrId1 =
@@ -1548,8 +1487,7 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
const OUString sEntry = SvxSwFramePosString::GetString(eStrId1);
- sal_Int32 nPos = _rLB.InsertEntry(sEntry);
- _rLB.SetEntryData(nPos, const_cast<RelationMap*>(&rMap));
+ _rLB.append(OUString::number(reinterpret_cast<sal_Int64>(&rMap)), sEntry);
if (sSelEntry.isEmpty() && rMap.nRelation == _nRel)
sSelEntry = sEntry;
@@ -1557,7 +1495,7 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
if (!sSelEntry.isEmpty())
- _rLB.SelectEntry(sSelEntry);
+ _rLB.set_active_text(sSelEntry);
// Probably anchor switch. So look for similar relation
@@ -1590,45 +1528,44 @@ void SwFramePage::FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
- if (_rLB.GetEntryCount())
+ if (_rLB.get_active() != -1)
- RelationMap *pEntry = static_cast<RelationMap *>(_rLB.GetEntryData(_rLB.GetEntryCount() - 1));
+ RelationMap *pEntry = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap*>(_rLB.get_id(_rLB.get_count() - 1).toInt64());
nSimRel = pEntry->nRelation;
- for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < _rLB.GetEntryCount(); i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < _rLB.get_count(); i++)
- RelationMap *pEntry = static_cast<RelationMap *>(_rLB.GetEntryData(i));
+ RelationMap *pEntry = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap*>(_rLB.get_id(i).toInt64());
if (pEntry->nRelation == nSimRel)
- _rLB.SelectEntryPos(i);
+ _rLB.set_active(i);
- if (!_rLB.GetSelectedEntryCount())
- _rLB.SelectEntryPos(0);
+ if (_rLB.get_active() == -1)
+ _rLB.set_active(0);
- const bool bEnable = _rLB.GetEntryCount() != 0
- && (&_rLB != m_pVertRelationLB || m_bAllowVertPositioning);
- _rLB.Enable( bEnable );
- _rFT.Enable( bEnable );
+ const bool bEnable = _rLB.get_count() != 0
+ && (&_rLB != m_xVertRelationLB.get() || m_bAllowVertPositioning);
+ _rLB.set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ _rFT.set_sensitive( bEnable );
-sal_Int16 SwFramePage::GetRelation(ListBox const &rRelationLB)
+sal_Int16 SwFramePage::GetRelation(const weld::ComboBox& rRelationLB)
- const sal_Int32 nPos = rRelationLB.GetSelectedEntryPos();
+ const auto nPos = rRelationLB.get_active();
+ if (nPos != -1)
- RelationMap *pEntry = static_cast<RelationMap *>(rRelationLB.GetEntryData(nPos));
+ RelationMap *pEntry = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap *>(rRelationLB.get_id(nPos).toInt64());
return pEntry->nRelation;
@@ -1636,7 +1573,7 @@ sal_Int16 SwFramePage::GetRelation(ListBox const &rRelationLB)
sal_Int16 SwFramePage::GetAlignment(FrameMap const *pMap, sal_Int32 nMapPos,
- ListBox const &rRelationLB)
+ const weld::ComboBox& rRelationLB)
if (!pMap || nMapPos < 0)
return 0;
@@ -1651,11 +1588,11 @@ sal_Int16 SwFramePage::GetAlignment(FrameMap const *pMap, sal_Int32 nMapPos,
if ( pMap != aVAsCharHtmlMap && pMap != aVAsCharMap && pMap != aVCharMap )
return pMap[nMapPos].nAlign;
- if (rRelationLB.GetSelectedEntryPos() == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)
+ if (rRelationLB.get_active() == -1)
return 0;
- const RelationMap *const pRelationMap = static_cast<const RelationMap *>(
- rRelationLB.GetSelectedEntryData());
+ const RelationMap *const pRelationMap = reinterpret_cast<const RelationMap *>(
+ rRelationLB.get_active_id().toInt64());
const LB nRel = pRelationMap->nLBRelation;
const SvxSwFramePosString::StringId eStrId = pMap[nMapPos].eStrId;
@@ -1668,17 +1605,17 @@ sal_Int16 SwFramePage::GetAlignment(FrameMap const *pMap, sal_Int32 nMapPos,
return 0;
-sal_Int32 SwFramePage::GetMapPos( const FrameMap *pMap, ListBox const &rAlignLB )
+sal_Int32 SwFramePage::GetMapPos(const FrameMap *pMap, const weld::ComboBox& rAlignLB)
sal_Int32 nMapPos = 0;
- sal_Int32 nLBSelPos = rAlignLB.GetSelectedEntryPos();
+ auto nLBSelPos = rAlignLB.get_active();
+ if (nLBSelPos != -1)
if (pMap == aVAsCharHtmlMap || pMap == aVAsCharMap)
const size_t nMapCount = ::lcl_GetFrameMapCount(pMap);
- const OUString sSelEntry(rAlignLB.GetSelectedEntry());
+ const OUString sSelEntry(rAlignLB.get_active_text());
for (size_t i = 0; i < nMapCount; i++)
@@ -1704,19 +1641,19 @@ sal_Int32 SwFramePage::GetMapPos( const FrameMap *pMap, ListBox const &rAlignLB
RndStdIds SwFramePage::GetAnchor()
RndStdIds nRet = RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE;
- if(m_pAnchorAtParaRB->IsChecked())
+ if (m_xAnchorAtParaRB->get_active())
nRet = RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA;
- else if(m_pAnchorAtCharRB->IsChecked())
+ else if (m_xAnchorAtCharRB->get_active())
nRet = RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR;
- else if(m_pAnchorAsCharRB->IsChecked())
+ else if (m_xAnchorAsCharRB->get_active())
nRet = RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR;
- else if(m_pAnchorAtFrameRB->IsChecked())
+ else if (m_xAnchorAtFrameRB->get_active())
nRet = RndStdIds::FLY_AT_FLY;
@@ -1730,12 +1667,12 @@ void SwFramePage::ActivatePage(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
m_bNoModifyHdl = false;
//lock PercentFields
- m_aWidthED.LockAutoCalculation(true);
- m_aHeightED.LockAutoCalculation(true);
+ m_xWidthED->LockAutoCalculation(true);
+ m_xHeightED->LockAutoCalculation(true);
RangeModifyHdl(); // set all maximum values initially
- m_aHeightED.LockAutoCalculation(false);
- m_aWidthED.LockAutoCalculation(false);
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->SaveValue();
+ m_xHeightED->LockAutoCalculation(false);
+ m_xWidthED->LockAutoCalculation(false);
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->save_state();
DeactivateRC SwFramePage::DeactivatePage(SfxItemSet * _pSet)
@@ -1760,47 +1697,43 @@ DeactivateRC SwFramePage::DeactivatePage(SfxItemSet * _pSet)
// swap left/right with inside/outside
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, MirrorHdl, Button*, void)
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, MirrorHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
RndStdIds eId = GetAnchor();
- InitPos( eId, -1, 0, -1, 0, LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX);
+ InitPos(eId, -1, 0, -1, 0, LONG_MAX, LONG_MAX);
-IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, RelSizeClickHdl, Button *, p, void )
+IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, RelSizeClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, rBtn, void )
- CheckBox* pBtn = static_cast<CheckBox*>(p);
- if (pBtn == m_pRelWidthCB)
+ if (&rBtn == m_xRelWidthCB.get())
- m_aWidthED.ShowPercent(pBtn->IsChecked());
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->Enable(pBtn->IsChecked());
- if(pBtn->IsChecked())
- m_aWidthED.get()->SetMax(MAX_PERCENT_WIDTH);
+ m_xWidthED->ShowPercent(rBtn.get_active());
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->set_sensitive(rBtn.get_active());
+ if (rBtn.get_active())
+ m_xWidthED->get()->set_max(MAX_PERCENT_WIDTH, FieldUnit::NONE);
- else // pBtn == m_pRelHeightCB
+ else // rBtn == m_xRelHeightCB.get()
- m_aHeightED.ShowPercent(pBtn->IsChecked());
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->Enable(pBtn->IsChecked());
- if(pBtn->IsChecked())
- m_aHeightED.get()->SetMax(MAX_PERCENT_HEIGHT);
+ m_xHeightED->ShowPercent(rBtn.get_active());
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->set_sensitive(rBtn.get_active());
+ if (rBtn.get_active())
+ m_xHeightED->get()->set_max(MAX_PERCENT_HEIGHT, FieldUnit::NONE);
RangeModifyHdl(); // correct the values again
- if (pBtn == m_pRelWidthCB)
- ModifyHdl(*m_aWidthED.get());
- else // pBtn == m_pRelHeightCB
- ModifyHdl(*m_aHeightED.get());
+ if (&rBtn == m_xRelWidthCB.get())
+ ModifyHdl(*m_xWidthED->get());
+ else // rBtn == m_xRelHeightCB.get()
+ ModifyHdl(*m_xHeightED->get());
// range check
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, RangeModifyClickHdl, Button*, void)
- RangeModifyHdl();
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, RangeModifyLoseFocusHdl, Control&, void)
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, RangeModifyClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
void SwFramePage::RangeModifyHdl()
if (m_bNoModifyHdl)
@@ -1813,16 +1746,16 @@ void SwFramePage::RangeModifyHdl()
SvxSwFrameValidation aVal;
aVal.nAnchorType = GetAnchor();
- aVal.bAutoHeight = m_pAutoHeightCB->IsChecked();
- aVal.bMirror = m_pMirrorPagesCB->IsChecked();
- aVal.bFollowTextFlow = m_pFollowTextFlowCB->IsChecked();
+ aVal.bAutoHeight = m_xAutoHeightCB->get_active();
+ aVal.bMirror = m_xMirrorPagesCB->get_active();
+ aVal.bFollowTextFlow = m_xFollowTextFlowCB->get_active();
if ( m_pHMap )
// alignment horizontal
- const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pHMap, *m_pHorizontalDLB);
- aVal.nHoriOrient = GetAlignment(m_pHMap, nMapPos, *m_pHoriRelationLB);
- aVal.nHRelOrient = GetRelation(*m_pHoriRelationLB);
+ const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pHMap, *m_xHorizontalDLB);
+ aVal.nHoriOrient = GetAlignment(m_pHMap, nMapPos, *m_xHoriRelationLB);
+ aVal.nHRelOrient = GetRelation(*m_xHoriRelationLB);
aVal.nHoriOrient = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
@@ -1830,17 +1763,17 @@ void SwFramePage::RangeModifyHdl()
if ( m_pVMap )
// alignment vertical
- const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pVMap, *m_pVerticalDLB);
- aVal.nVertOrient = GetAlignment(m_pVMap, nMapPos, *m_pVertRelationLB);
- aVal.nVRelOrient = GetRelation(*m_pVertRelationLB);
+ const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pVMap, *m_xVerticalDLB);
+ aVal.nVertOrient = GetAlignment(m_pVMap, nMapPos, *m_xVertRelationLB);
+ aVal.nVRelOrient = GetRelation(*m_xVertRelationLB);
aVal.nVertOrient = text::VertOrientation::NONE;
const long nAtHorzPosVal = static_cast< long >(
- m_pAtHorzPosED->Denormalize(m_pAtHorzPosED->GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)) );
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->denormalize(m_xAtHorzPosED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)) );
const long nAtVertPosVal = static_cast< long >(
- m_pAtVertPosED->Denormalize(m_pAtVertPosED->GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)) );
+ m_xAtVertPosED->denormalize(m_xAtVertPosED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)) );
aVal.nHPos = nAtHorzPosVal;
aVal.nVPos = nAtVertPosVal;
@@ -1848,12 +1781,12 @@ void SwFramePage::RangeModifyHdl()
aMgr.ValidateMetrics(aVal, mpToCharContentPos, true); // one time, to get reference values for percental values
// set reference values for percental values (100%) ...
- m_aWidthED.SetRefValue(aVal.aPercentSize.Width());
- m_aHeightED.SetRefValue(aVal.aPercentSize.Height());
+ m_xWidthED->SetRefValue(aVal.aPercentSize.Width());
+ m_xHeightED->SetRefValue(aVal.aPercentSize.Height());
// ... and correctly convert width and height with it
- SwTwips nWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aWidthED. DenormalizePercent(m_aWidthED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- SwTwips nHeight = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aHeightED.DenormalizePercent(m_aHeightED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xWidthED->DenormalizePercent(m_xWidthED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nHeight = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xHeightED->DenormalizePercent(m_xHeightED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
aVal.nWidth = nWidth;
aVal.nHeight = nHeight;
@@ -1880,8 +1813,8 @@ void SwFramePage::RangeModifyHdl()
nHeight = aVal.nHeight;
// minimum range also for template
- m_aHeightED.SetMin(m_aHeightED.NormalizePercent(aVal.nMinHeight), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_aWidthED. SetMin(m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(aVal.nMinWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xHeightED->set_min(m_xHeightED->NormalizePercent(aVal.nMinHeight), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xWidthED->set_min(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(aVal.nMinWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP);
SwTwips nMaxWidth(aVal.nMaxWidth);
SwTwips nMaxHeight(aVal.nMaxHeight);
@@ -1889,47 +1822,49 @@ void SwFramePage::RangeModifyHdl()
if (aVal.bAutoHeight && (m_sDlgType == "PictureDialog" || m_sDlgType == "ObjectDialog"))
SwTwips nTmp = std::min(nWidth * nMaxHeight / std::max(nHeight, 1L), nMaxHeight);
- m_aWidthED.SetMax(m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(nTmp), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xWidthED->set_max(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(nTmp), FieldUnit::TWIP);
nTmp = std::min(nHeight * nMaxWidth / std::max(nWidth, 1L), nMaxWidth);
- m_aHeightED.SetMax(m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(nTmp), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xHeightED->set_max(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(nTmp), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- SwTwips nTmp = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aHeightED.NormalizePercent(nMaxHeight));
- m_aHeightED.SetMax(nTmp, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ SwTwips nTmp = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xHeightED->NormalizePercent(nMaxHeight));
+ m_xHeightED->set_max(nTmp, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- nTmp = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(nMaxWidth));
- m_aWidthED.SetMax(nTmp, FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ nTmp = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(nMaxWidth));
+ m_xWidthED->set_max(nTmp, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetMin(m_pAtHorzPosED->Normalize(aVal.nMinHPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetMax(m_pAtHorzPosED->Normalize(aVal.nMaxHPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- if ( aVal.nHPos != nAtHorzPosVal )
- m_pAtHorzPosED->SetValue(m_pAtHorzPosED->Normalize(aVal.nHPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_range(m_xAtHorzPosED->normalize(aVal.nMinHPos),
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->normalize(aVal.nMaxHPos),
+ FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ if (aVal.nHPos != nAtHorzPosVal)
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_value(m_xAtHorzPosED->normalize(aVal.nHPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
const SwTwips nUpperOffset = (aVal.nAnchorType == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
? m_nUpperBorder : 0;
const SwTwips nLowerOffset = (aVal.nAnchorType == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR)
? m_nLowerBorder : 0;
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetMin(m_pAtVertPosED->Normalize(aVal.nMinVPos + nLowerOffset + nUpperOffset), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetMax(m_pAtVertPosED->Normalize(aVal.nMaxVPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- if ( aVal.nVPos != nAtVertPosVal )
- m_pAtVertPosED->SetValue(m_pAtVertPosED->Normalize(aVal.nVPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_range(m_xAtVertPosED->normalize(aVal.nMinVPos + nLowerOffset + nUpperOffset),
+ m_xAtVertPosED->normalize(aVal.nMaxVPos),
+ FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ if (aVal.nVPos != nAtVertPosVal)
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_value(m_xAtVertPosED->normalize(aVal.nVPos), FieldUnit::TWIP);
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AnchorTypeHdl, Button*, void)
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AnchorTypeHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->Enable(!m_pAnchorAsCharRB->IsChecked());
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->set_sensitive(!m_xAnchorAsCharRB->get_active());
// i#18732 - enable check box 'Follow text flow' for anchor
// type to-paragraph' and to-character
// i#22305 - enable check box 'Follow text
// flow' also for anchor type to-frame.
- m_pFollowTextFlowCB->Enable( m_pAnchorAtParaRB->IsChecked() ||
- m_pAnchorAtCharRB->IsChecked() ||
- m_pAnchorAtFrameRB->IsChecked() );
+ m_xFollowTextFlowCB->set_sensitive(m_xAnchorAtParaRB->get_active() ||
+ m_xAnchorAtCharRB->get_active() ||
+ m_xAnchorAtFrameRB->get_active());
RndStdIds eId = GetAnchor();
@@ -1938,19 +1873,19 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AnchorTypeHdl, Button*, void)
- PosHdl(*m_pHorizontalDLB);
- PosHdl(*m_pVerticalDLB);
+ PosHdl(*m_xHorizontalDLB);
+ PosHdl(*m_xVerticalDLB);
EnableVerticalPositioning( !(m_bIsMathOLE && m_bIsMathBaselineAlignment
&& RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR == eId) );
-IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, PosHdl, ListBox&, rLB, void )
+IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, PosHdl, weld::ComboBox&, rLB, void )
- bool bHori = &rLB == m_pHorizontalDLB;
- ListBox *pRelLB = bHori ? m_pHoriRelationLB.get() : m_pVertRelationLB.get();
- FixedText *pRelFT = bHori ? m_pHoriRelationFT.get() : m_pVertRelationFT.get();
+ bool bHori = &rLB == m_xHorizontalDLB.get();
+ weld::ComboBox *pRelLB = bHori ? m_xHoriRelationLB.get() : m_xVertRelationLB.get();
+ weld::Label *pRelFT = bHori ? m_xHoriRelationFT.get() : m_xVertRelationFT.get();
FrameMap const *pMap = bHori ? m_pHMap : m_pVMap;
const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(pMap, rLB);
@@ -1959,29 +1894,27 @@ IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, PosHdl, ListBox&, rLB, void )
if (bHori)
bool bEnable = text::HoriOrientation::NONE == nAlign;
- m_pAtHorzPosED->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pAtHorzPosFT->Enable( bEnable );
+ m_xAtHorzPosED->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xAtHorzPosFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
bool bEnable = text::VertOrientation::NONE == nAlign && m_bAllowVertPositioning;
- m_pAtVertPosED->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pAtVertPosFT->Enable( bEnable );
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xAtVertPosFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
sal_Int16 nRel = 0;
- if (rLB.GetSelectedEntryCount())
+ if (rLB.get_active() != -1)
- if (pRelLB->GetSelectedEntryPos() != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)
- nRel = static_cast<RelationMap *>(pRelLB->GetSelectedEntryData())->nRelation;
+ if (pRelLB->get_active() != -1)
+ nRel = reinterpret_cast<RelationMap*>(pRelLB->get_active_id().toInt64())->nRelation;
FillRelLB(pMap, nMapPos, nAlign, nRel, *pRelLB, *pRelFT);
- pRelLB->Clear();
+ pRelLB->clear();
@@ -1999,58 +1932,58 @@ IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, PosHdl, ListBox&, rLB, void )
// right is allowed only above - from the left only above
// from the left at character -> below
if((text::HoriOrientation::LEFT == nAlign || text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT == nAlign) &&
- 0 == m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ 0 == m_xVerticalDLB->get_active())
if(text::RelOrientation::FRAME == nRel)
- m_pVerticalDLB->SelectEntryPos(1);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_active(1);
- m_pVerticalDLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_active(0);
bSet = true;
- else if(text::HoriOrientation::LEFT == nAlign && 1 == m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ else if(text::HoriOrientation::LEFT == nAlign && 1 == m_xVerticalDLB->get_active())
- m_pVerticalDLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_active(0);
bSet = true;
- else if(text::HoriOrientation::NONE == nAlign && 1 == m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ else if(text::HoriOrientation::NONE == nAlign && 1 == m_xVerticalDLB->get_active())
- m_pVerticalDLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_active(0);
bSet = true;
- PosHdl(*m_pVerticalDLB);
+ PosHdl(*m_xVerticalDLB);
if(text::VertOrientation::TOP == nAlign)
- if(1 == m_pHorizontalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ if (1 == m_xHorizontalDLB->get_active())
- m_pHorizontalDLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->set_active(0);
bSet = true;
- m_pHoriRelationLB->SelectEntryPos(1);
+ m_xHoriRelationLB->set_active(1);
else if(text::VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM == nAlign)
- if(2 == m_pHorizontalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ if (2 == m_xHorizontalDLB->get_active())
- m_pHorizontalDLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xHorizontalDLB->set_active(0);
bSet = true;
- m_pHoriRelationLB->SelectEntryPos(0) ;
+ m_xHoriRelationLB->set_active(0) ;
- PosHdl(*m_pHorizontalDLB);
+ PosHdl(*m_xHorizontalDLB);
// horizontal Pos
-IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, RelHdl, ListBox&, rLB, void )
+IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, RelHdl, weld::ComboBox&, rLB, void )
- bool bHori = &rLB == m_pHoriRelationLB;
+ bool bHori = &rLB == m_xHoriRelationLB.get();
@@ -2063,55 +1996,55 @@ IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, RelHdl, ListBox&, rLB, void )
- const sal_Int16 nRel = GetRelation(*m_pHoriRelationLB);
- if(text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA == nRel && 0 == m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ const sal_Int16 nRel = GetRelation(*m_xHoriRelationLB);
+ if(text::RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA == nRel && 0 == m_xVerticalDLB->get_active())
- m_pVerticalDLB->SelectEntryPos(1);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_active(1);
- else if(text::RelOrientation::CHAR == nRel && 1 == m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos())
+ else if(text::RelOrientation::CHAR == nRel && 1 == m_xVerticalDLB->get_active())
- m_pVerticalDLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_active(0);
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, RealSizeHdl, Button*, void)
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, RealSizeHdl, weld::Button&, void)
- m_aWidthED.SetUserValue( m_aWidthED. NormalizePercent(m_aGrfSize.Width() ), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_aHeightED.SetUserValue(m_aHeightED.NormalizePercent(m_aGrfSize.Height()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xWidthED->set_value(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(m_aGrfSize.Width()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xHeightED->set_value(m_xHeightED->NormalizePercent(m_aGrfSize.Height()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
m_fWidthHeightRatio = m_aGrfSize.Height() ? double(m_aGrfSize.Width()) / double(m_aGrfSize.Height()) : 1.0;
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AutoWidthClickHdl, Button*, void)
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AutoWidthClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
if( !IsInGraficMode() )
- HandleAutoCB( m_pAutoWidthCB->IsChecked(), *m_pWidthFT, *m_pWidthAutoFT, *m_aWidthED.get() );
+ HandleAutoCB( m_xAutoWidthCB->get_active(), *m_xWidthFT, *m_xWidthAutoFT, *m_xWidthED->get() );
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AutoHeightClickHdl, Button*, void)
+IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFramePage, AutoHeightClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
- if( !IsInGraficMode() )
- HandleAutoCB( m_pAutoHeightCB->IsChecked(), *m_pHeightFT, *m_pHeightAutoFT, *m_aWidthED.get() );
+ if (!IsInGraficMode())
+ HandleAutoCB(m_xAutoHeightCB->get_active(), *m_xHeightFT, *m_xHeightAutoFT, *m_xWidthED->get());
-IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, ModifyHdl, Edit&, rEdit, void )
+IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, ModifyHdl, weld::MetricSpinButton&, rEdit, void )
- SwTwips nWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aWidthED.DenormalizePercent(m_aWidthED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- SwTwips nHeight = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_aHeightED.DenormalizePercent(m_aHeightED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- if ( m_pFixedRatioCB->IsChecked() )
+ SwTwips nWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xWidthED->DenormalizePercent(m_xWidthED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ SwTwips nHeight = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xHeightED->DenormalizePercent(m_xHeightED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
+ if (m_xFixedRatioCB->get_active())
- if (&rEdit == m_aWidthED.get())
+ if (&rEdit == m_xWidthED->get())
nHeight = SwTwips(static_cast<double>(nWidth) / m_fWidthHeightRatio);
- m_aHeightED.SetPrcntValue(m_aHeightED.NormalizePercent(nHeight), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xHeightED->set_value(m_xHeightED->NormalizePercent(nHeight), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- else if (&rEdit == m_aHeightED.get())
+ else if (&rEdit == m_xHeightED->get())
nWidth = SwTwips(static_cast<double>(nHeight) * m_fWidthHeightRatio);
- m_aWidthED.SetPrcntValue(m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(nWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xWidthED->set_value(m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(nWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP);
m_fWidthHeightRatio = nHeight ? double(nWidth) / double(nHeight) : 1.0;
@@ -2120,32 +2053,32 @@ IMPL_LINK( SwFramePage, ModifyHdl, Edit&, rEdit, void )
void SwFramePage::UpdateExample()
- sal_Int32 nPos = m_pHorizontalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- if ( m_pHMap && nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND )
+ auto nPos = m_xHorizontalDLB->get_active();
+ if (m_pHMap && nPos != -1)
- const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pHMap, *m_pHorizontalDLB);
- m_pExampleWN->SetHAlign(GetAlignment(m_pHMap, nMapPos, *m_pHoriRelationLB));
- m_pExampleWN->SetHoriRel(GetRelation(*m_pHoriRelationLB));
+ const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pHMap, *m_xHorizontalDLB);
+ m_aExampleWN.SetHAlign(GetAlignment(m_pHMap, nMapPos, *m_xHoriRelationLB));
+ m_aExampleWN.SetHoriRel(GetRelation(*m_xHoriRelationLB));
- nPos = m_pVerticalDLB->GetSelectedEntryPos();
- if ( m_pVMap && nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND )
+ nPos = m_xVerticalDLB->get_active();
+ if (m_pVMap && nPos != -1)
- const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pVMap, *m_pVerticalDLB);
- m_pExampleWN->SetVAlign(GetAlignment(m_pVMap, nMapPos, *m_pVertRelationLB));
- m_pExampleWN->SetVertRel(GetRelation(*m_pVertRelationLB));
+ const sal_Int32 nMapPos = GetMapPos(m_pVMap, *m_xVerticalDLB);
+ m_aExampleWN.SetVAlign(GetAlignment(m_pVMap, nMapPos, *m_xVertRelationLB));
+ m_aExampleWN.SetVertRel(GetRelation(*m_xVertRelationLB));
// size
- long nXPos = static_cast< long >(m_pAtHorzPosED->Denormalize(m_pAtHorzPosED->GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- long nYPos = static_cast< long >(m_pAtVertPosED->Denormalize(m_pAtVertPosED->GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- m_pExampleWN->SetRelPos(Point(nXPos, nYPos));
+ auto nXPos = m_xAtHorzPosED->denormalize(m_xAtHorzPosED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP));
+ auto nYPos = m_xAtVertPosED->denormalize(m_xAtVertPosED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP));
+ m_aExampleWN.SetRelPos(Point(nXPos, nYPos));
- m_pExampleWN->SetAnchor(GetAnchor());
- m_pExampleWN->Invalidate();
+ m_aExampleWN.SetAnchor(GetAnchor());
+ m_aExampleWN.Invalidate();
-void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset)
+void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
@@ -2154,8 +2087,8 @@ void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset)
// size
const bool bSizeFixed = pSh->IsSelObjProtected( FlyProtectFlags::Fixed ) != FlyProtectFlags::NONE;
- m_aWidthED .Enable( !bSizeFixed );
- m_aHeightED.Enable( !bSizeFixed );
+ m_xWidthED->set_sensitive( !bSizeFixed );
+ m_xHeightED->set_sensitive( !bSizeFixed );
// size controls for math OLE objects
if ( m_sDlgType == "ObjectDialog" && ! m_bNew )
@@ -2178,78 +2111,60 @@ void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset)
if( rFactNm == aGlbNm )
// disable size controls for math OLE objects
- m_pWidthFT->Disable();
- m_aWidthED.Disable();
- m_pRelWidthCB->Disable();
- m_pHeightFT->Disable();
- m_aHeightED.Disable();
- m_pRelHeightCB->Disable();
- m_pFixedRatioCB->Disable();
- m_pRealSizeBT->Disable();
+ m_xWidthFT->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xWidthED->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xRelWidthCB->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xHeightFT->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xHeightED->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xRelHeightCB->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->set_sensitive(false);
+ m_xRealSizeBT->set_sensitive(false);
// TODO/LATER: get correct aspect
if(0 != (pSh->GetOLEObject()->getStatus( embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT ) & embed::EmbedMisc::MS_EMBED_RECOMPOSEONRESIZE ) )
- m_pRealSizeBT->Disable();
+ m_xRealSizeBT->set_sensitive(false);
const SwFormatFrameSize& rSize = rSet.Get(RES_FRM_SIZE);
- sal_Int64 nWidth = m_aWidthED.NormalizePercent(rSize.GetWidth());
- sal_Int64 nHeight = m_aHeightED.NormalizePercent(rSize.GetHeight());
+ sal_Int64 nWidth = m_xWidthED->NormalizePercent(rSize.GetWidth());
+ sal_Int64 nHeight = m_xHeightED->NormalizePercent(rSize.GetHeight());
- if (nWidth != m_aWidthED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP))
- {
- if(!bReset)
- {
- // value was changed by circulation-Tabpage and
- // has to be set with Modify-Flag
- m_aWidthED.SetUserValue(nWidth, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
- else
- m_aWidthED.SetPrcntValue(nWidth, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
+ if (nWidth != m_xWidthED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP))
+ m_xWidthED->set_value(nWidth, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- if (nHeight != m_aHeightED.GetValue(FieldUnit::TWIP))
- {
- if (!bReset)
- {
- // values was changed by circulation-Tabpage and
- // has to be set with Modify-Flag
- m_aHeightED.SetUserValue(nHeight, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
- else
- m_aHeightED.SetPrcntValue(nHeight, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
+ if (nHeight != m_xHeightED->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP))
+ m_xHeightED->set_value(nHeight, FieldUnit::TWIP);
if (!IsInGraficMode())
SwFrameSize eSize = rSize.GetHeightSizeType();
bool bCheck = eSize != ATT_FIX_SIZE;
- m_pAutoHeightCB->Check( bCheck );
- HandleAutoCB( bCheck, *m_pHeightFT, *m_pHeightAutoFT, *m_aWidthED.get() );
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->set_active(bCheck);
+ HandleAutoCB( bCheck, *m_xHeightFT, *m_xHeightAutoFT, *m_xWidthED->get() );
if( eSize == ATT_VAR_SIZE )
- m_aHeightED.SetValue( m_aHeightED.GetMin() );
+ m_xHeightED->set_value(m_xHeightED->get_min());
eSize = rSize.GetWidthSizeType();
bCheck = eSize != ATT_FIX_SIZE;
- m_pAutoWidthCB->Check( bCheck );
- HandleAutoCB( bCheck, *m_pWidthFT, *m_pWidthAutoFT, *m_aWidthED.get() );
+ m_xAutoWidthCB->set_active(bCheck);
+ HandleAutoCB( bCheck, *m_xWidthFT, *m_xWidthAutoFT, *m_xWidthED->get() );
if( eSize == ATT_VAR_SIZE )
- m_aWidthED.SetValue( m_aWidthED.GetMin() );
+ m_xWidthED->set_value(m_xWidthED->get_min());
if ( !m_bFormat )
SwWrtShell* pSh = getFrameDlgParentShell();
const SwFrameFormat* pFormat = pSh->GetFlyFrameFormat();
if( pFormat && pFormat->GetChain().GetNext() )
- m_pAutoHeightCB->Enable( false );
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->set_sensitive( false );
- m_pAutoHeightCB->Hide();
+ m_xAutoHeightCB->hide();
// organise circulation-gap for character bound frames
const SvxULSpaceItem &rUL = rSet.Get(RES_UL_SPACE);
@@ -2258,8 +2173,8 @@ void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset)
if(SfxItemState::SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO))
- m_pFixedRatioCB->Check(static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>(rSet.Get(FN_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO)).GetValue());
- m_pFixedRatioCB->SaveValue();
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->set_active(static_cast<const SfxBoolItem&>(rSet.Get(FN_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO)).GetValue());
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->save_state();
// columns
@@ -2291,8 +2206,8 @@ void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset)
m_nOldVRel = text::RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA;
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->Check(rHori.IsPosToggle());
- m_pMirrorPagesCB->SaveValue();
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->set_active(rHori.IsPosToggle());
+ m_xMirrorPagesCB->save_state();
@@ -2306,65 +2221,63 @@ void SwFramePage::Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset)
// transparent for example
// circulation for example
const SwFormatSurround& rSurround = rSet.Get(RES_SURROUND);
- m_pExampleWN->SetWrap( rSurround.GetSurround() );
+ m_aExampleWN.SetWrap( rSurround.GetSurround() );
if ( rSurround.GetSurround() == css::text::WrapTextMode_THROUGH )
const SvxOpaqueItem& rOpaque = rSet.Get(RES_OPAQUE);
- m_pExampleWN->SetTransparent(!rOpaque.GetValue());
+ m_aExampleWN.SetTransparent(!rOpaque.GetValue());
// switch to percent if applicable
RangeModifyHdl(); // set reference values (for 100%)
if (rSize.GetWidthPercent() == SwFormatFrameSize::SYNCED || rSize.GetHeightPercent() == SwFormatFrameSize::SYNCED)
- m_pFixedRatioCB->Check();
+ m_xFixedRatioCB->set_active(true);
if (rSize.GetWidthPercent() && rSize.GetWidthPercent() != SwFormatFrameSize::SYNCED &&
- !m_pRelWidthCB->IsChecked())
+ !m_xRelWidthCB->get_active())
- m_pRelWidthCB->Check();
- RelSizeClickHdl(m_pRelWidthCB);
- m_aWidthED.SetPrcntValue(rSize.GetWidthPercent(), FieldUnit::CUSTOM);
+ m_xRelWidthCB->set_active(true);
+ RelSizeClickHdl(*m_xRelWidthCB);
+ m_xWidthED->set_value(rSize.GetWidthPercent(), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
if (rSize.GetHeightPercent() && rSize.GetHeightPercent() != SwFormatFrameSize::SYNCED &&
- !m_pRelHeightCB->IsChecked())
+ !m_xRelHeightCB->get_active())
- m_pRelHeightCB->Check();
- RelSizeClickHdl(m_pRelHeightCB);
- m_aHeightED.SetPrcntValue(rSize.GetHeightPercent(), FieldUnit::CUSTOM);
+ m_xRelHeightCB->set_active(true);
+ RelSizeClickHdl(*m_xRelHeightCB);
+ m_xHeightED->set_value(rSize.GetHeightPercent(), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
- m_pRelWidthCB->SaveValue();
- m_pRelHeightCB->SaveValue();
+ m_xRelWidthCB->save_state();
+ m_xRelHeightCB->save_state();
if (rSize.GetWidthPercentRelation() == text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME)
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->SelectEntryPos(1);
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->set_active(1);
- m_pRelWidthRelationLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xRelWidthRelationLB->set_active(0);
if (rSize.GetHeightPercentRelation() == text::RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME)
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->SelectEntryPos(1);
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->set_active(1);
- m_pRelHeightRelationLB->SelectEntryPos(0);
+ m_xRelHeightRelationLB->set_active(0);
void SwFramePage::SetFormatUsed(bool bFormatUsed)
m_bFormat = bFormatUsed;
if (m_bFormat)
- {
- m_pAnchorFrame->Hide();
- }
+ m_xAnchorFrame->hide();
void SwFramePage::EnableVerticalPositioning( bool bEnable )
m_bAllowVertPositioning = bEnable;
- m_pVerticalFT->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pVerticalDLB->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pAtVertPosFT->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pAtVertPosED->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pVertRelationFT->Enable( bEnable );
- m_pVertRelationLB->Enable( bEnable );
+ m_xVerticalFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xVerticalDLB->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xAtVertPosFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xAtVertPosED->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xVertRelationFT->set_sensitive( bEnable );
+ m_xVertRelationLB->set_sensitive( bEnable );
SwGrfExtPage::SwGrfExtPage(TabPageParent pParent, const SfxItemSet &rSet)
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/table/tabledlg.cxx b/sw/source/ui/table/tabledlg.cxx
index d4a4bf68b9a2..b19711eb2502 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/table/tabledlg.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/ui/table/tabledlg.cxx
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ IMPL_LINK( SwFormatTablePage, RelWidthClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, rBtn, void
m_xRightMF->SetMetricFieldMin(0); //dito
- m_xLeftMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent(nLeft ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent(nRight ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xLeftMF->set_value(m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent(nLeft ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xRightMF->set_value(m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent(nRight ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
ModifyHdl(*m_xLeftMF->get()); //correct values again
@@ -184,27 +184,27 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFormatTablePage, AutoClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
bOthers = true;
if (m_xFullBtn->get_active())
- m_xLeftMF->SetPrcntValue(0);
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue(0);
+ m_xLeftMF->set_value(0);
+ m_xRightMF->set_value(0);
nSaveWidth = static_cast<SwTwips>(m_xWidthMF->DenormalizePercent(m_xWidthMF->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)));
- m_xWidthMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(pTableData->GetSpace()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
+ m_xWidthMF->set_value(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(pTableData->GetSpace()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
bFull = true;
bRestore = false;
else if (m_xLeftBtn->get_active())
bRightEnable = bWidthEnable = true;
- m_xLeftMF->SetPrcntValue(0);
+ m_xLeftMF->set_value(0);
else if (m_xFromLeftBtn->get_active())
bLeftEnable = bWidthEnable = true;
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue(0);
+ m_xRightMF->set_value(0);
else if (m_xRightBtn->get_active())
bLeftEnable = bWidthEnable = true;
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue(0);
+ m_xRightMF->set_value(0);
else if (m_xCenterBtn->get_active())
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwFormatTablePage, AutoClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void)
//After being switched on automatic, the width was pinned
//in order to restore the width while switching back to.
bFull = false;
- m_xWidthMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(nSaveWidth ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xWidthMF->set_value(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(nSaveWidth ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
bModified = true;
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ void SwFormatTablePage::ModifyHdl(const weld::MetricSpinButton& rEdit)
if (nCurWidth != nPrevWidth )
- m_xWidthMF->SetPrcntValue( m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent( nCurWidth ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue( m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent( nRight ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
- m_xLeftMF->SetPrcntValue( m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent( nLeft ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xWidthMF->set_value( m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent( nCurWidth ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xRightMF->set_value( m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent( nRight ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
+ m_xLeftMF->set_value( m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent( nLeft ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
bModified = true;
@@ -451,14 +451,14 @@ void SwFormatTablePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet* )
- m_xWidthMF->SetPrcntValue(pTableData->GetWidthPercent(), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
+ m_xWidthMF->set_value(pTableData->GetWidthPercent(), FieldUnit::PERCENT);
nSaveWidth = static_cast< SwTwips >(m_xWidthMF->get_value(FieldUnit::PERCENT));
- m_xWidthMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(
+ m_xWidthMF->set_value(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(
pTableData->GetWidth()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
nSaveWidth = pTableData->GetWidth();
@@ -467,9 +467,9 @@ void SwFormatTablePage::Reset( const SfxItemSet* )
- m_xLeftMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent(
+ m_xLeftMF->set_value(m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent(
pTableData->GetLeftSpace()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent(
+ m_xRightMF->set_value(m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent(
pTableData->GetRightSpace()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
@@ -565,14 +565,14 @@ void SwFormatTablePage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
if(pTableData->GetWidthPercent() == 0 &&
nCurWidth != m_xWidthMF->DenormalizePercent(m_xWidthMF->get_value(FieldUnit::TWIP)))
- m_xWidthMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(
+ m_xWidthMF->set_value(m_xWidthMF->NormalizePercent(
nCurWidth), FieldUnit::TWIP);
nSaveWidth = nCurWidth;
- m_xLeftMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent(
+ m_xLeftMF->set_value(m_xLeftMF->NormalizePercent(
pTableData->GetLeftSpace()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
- m_xRightMF->SetPrcntValue(m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent(
+ m_xRightMF->set_value(m_xRightMF->NormalizePercent(
pTableData->GetRightSpace()), FieldUnit::TWIP);
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ void SwTableColumnPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet* )
sal_Int64 nMaxTwips = m_aFieldArr[0].NormalizePercent( nTableWidth );
for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; (i < nMetFields) && (i < nNoOfVisibleCols); i++ )
- m_aFieldArr[i].SetPrcntValue( m_aFieldArr[i].NormalizePercent(
+ m_aFieldArr[i].set_value( m_aFieldArr[i].NormalizePercent(
GetVisibleWidth(i) ), FieldUnit::TWIP );
m_aFieldArr[i].set_min(nMinTwips, FieldUnit::TWIP);
m_aFieldArr[i].set_max(nMaxTwips, FieldUnit::TWIP);
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ void SwTableColumnPage::UpdateCols( sal_uInt16 nCurrentPos )
for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; ( i < nNoOfVisibleCols ) && ( i < nMetFields ); i++)
- m_aFieldArr[i].SetPrcntValue(m_aFieldArr[i].NormalizePercent(
+ m_aFieldArr[i].set_value(m_aFieldArr[i].NormalizePercent(
GetVisibleWidth(aValueTable[i]) ), FieldUnit::TWIP);
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/inc/frmpage.hxx b/sw/source/uibase/inc/frmpage.hxx
index a01b5eec508d..f635b9e50213 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/inc/frmpage.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/inc/frmpage.hxx
@@ -43,54 +43,6 @@ struct SwPosition;
// frame dialog
class SwFramePage: public SfxTabPage
- // size
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pWidthFT;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pWidthAutoFT;
- PercentField m_aWidthED;
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pRelWidthCB;
- VclPtr<ListBox> m_pRelWidthRelationLB;
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pAutoWidthCB;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pHeightFT;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pHeightAutoFT;
- PercentField m_aHeightED;
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pRelHeightCB;
- VclPtr<ListBox> m_pRelHeightRelationLB;
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pAutoHeightCB;
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pFixedRatioCB;
- VclPtr<PushButton> m_pRealSizeBT;
- // anchor
- VclPtr<VclContainer> m_pAnchorFrame;
- VclPtr<RadioButton> m_pAnchorAtPageRB;
- VclPtr<RadioButton> m_pAnchorAtParaRB;
- VclPtr<RadioButton> m_pAnchorAtCharRB;
- VclPtr<RadioButton> m_pAnchorAsCharRB;
- VclPtr<RadioButton> m_pAnchorAtFrameRB;
- // position
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pHorizontalFT;
- VclPtr<ListBox> m_pHorizontalDLB;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pAtHorzPosFT;
- VclPtr<MetricField> m_pAtHorzPosED;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pHoriRelationFT;
- VclPtr<ListBox> m_pHoriRelationLB;
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pMirrorPagesCB;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pVerticalFT;
- VclPtr<ListBox> m_pVerticalDLB;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pAtVertPosFT;
- VclPtr<MetricField> m_pAtVertPosED;
- VclPtr<FixedText> m_pVertRelationFT;
- VclPtr<ListBox> m_pVertRelationLB;
- // #i18732# - check box for new option 'FollowTextFlow'
- VclPtr<CheckBox> m_pFollowTextFlowCB;
- // example
- VclPtr<SvxSwFrameExample> m_pExampleWN;
bool m_bAtHorzPosModified;
bool m_bAtVertPosModified;
@@ -126,48 +78,98 @@ class SwFramePage: public SfxTabPage
bool m_bIsMathOLE;
bool m_bIsMathBaselineAlignment;
+ SwFrameExample m_aExampleWN;
+ // size
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xWidthFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xWidthAutoFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xRelWidthCB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xRelWidthRelationLB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xAutoWidthCB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xHeightFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xHeightAutoFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xRelHeightCB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xRelHeightRelationLB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xAutoHeightCB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xFixedRatioCB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xRealSizeBT;
+ // anchor
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Widget> m_xAnchorFrame;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::RadioButton> m_xAnchorAtPageRB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::RadioButton> m_xAnchorAtParaRB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::RadioButton> m_xAnchorAtCharRB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::RadioButton> m_xAnchorAsCharRB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::RadioButton> m_xAnchorAtFrameRB;
+ // position
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xHorizontalFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xHorizontalDLB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xAtHorzPosFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::MetricSpinButton> m_xAtHorzPosED;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xHoriRelationFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xHoriRelationLB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xMirrorPagesCB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xVerticalFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xVerticalDLB;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xAtVertPosFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::MetricSpinButton> m_xAtVertPosED;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::Label> m_xVertRelationFT;
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::ComboBox> m_xVertRelationLB;
+ // #i18732# - check box for new option 'FollowTextFlow'
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xFollowTextFlowCB;
+ // example
+ std::unique_ptr<weld::CustomWeld> m_xExampleWN;
+ std::unique_ptr<SwPercentField> m_xWidthED;
+ std::unique_ptr<SwPercentField> m_xHeightED;
virtual void ActivatePage(const SfxItemSet& rSet) override;
virtual DeactivateRC DeactivatePage(SfxItemSet *pSet) override;
- DECL_LINK(RangeModifyLoseFocusHdl, Control&, void);
- DECL_LINK(RangeModifyClickHdl, Button*, void);
+ DECL_LINK(RangeModifyClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void);
void RangeModifyHdl();
- DECL_LINK(AnchorTypeHdl, Button*, void);
- DECL_LINK( PosHdl, ListBox&, void );
- DECL_LINK( RelHdl, ListBox&, void );
+ DECL_LINK(AnchorTypeHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void);
+ DECL_LINK(PosHdl, weld::ComboBox&, void);
+ DECL_LINK(RelHdl, weld::ComboBox&, void);
void InitPos(RndStdIds eId, sal_Int16 nH, sal_Int16 nHRel,
sal_Int16 nV, sal_Int16 nVRel,
long nX, long nY);
- DECL_LINK(RealSizeHdl, Button *, void);
- DECL_LINK( RelSizeClickHdl, Button *, void );
- DECL_LINK(MirrorHdl, Button *, void);
+ DECL_LINK(RealSizeHdl, weld::Button&, void);
+ DECL_LINK(RelSizeClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void);
+ DECL_LINK(MirrorHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void);
- DECL_LINK( AutoWidthClickHdl, Button *, void);
- DECL_LINK( AutoHeightClickHdl, Button *, void);
+ DECL_LINK(AutoWidthClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void);
+ DECL_LINK(AutoHeightClickHdl, weld::ToggleButton&, void);
// update example
void UpdateExample();
- DECL_LINK( ModifyHdl, Edit&, void );
+ DECL_LINK(ModifyHdl, weld::MetricSpinButton&, void);
- void Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReset = false);
+ void Init(const SfxItemSet& rSet);
// OD 12.11.2003 #i22341# - adjustment to handle maps, that are ambiguous
// in the alignment.
sal_Int32 FillPosLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
const sal_Int16 _nAlign,
const sal_Int16 _nRel,
- ListBox& _rLB );
+ weld::ComboBox& _rLB );
// OD 14.11.2003 #i22341# - adjustment to handle maps, that are ambiguous
// in their string entries.
void FillRelLB( const FrameMap* _pMap,
const sal_uInt16 _nLBSelPos,
const sal_Int16 _nAlign,
const sal_Int16 _nRel,
- ListBox& _rLB,
- FixedText& _rFT );
- static sal_Int32 GetMapPos(const FrameMap *pMap, ListBox const &rAlignLB);
- static sal_Int16 GetAlignment(FrameMap const *pMap, sal_Int32 nMapPos, ListBox const &rRelationLB);
- static sal_Int16 GetRelation(ListBox const &rRelationLB);
+ weld::ComboBox& _rLB,
+ weld::Label& _rFT );
+ static sal_Int32 GetMapPos(const FrameMap *pMap, const weld::ComboBox& rAlignLB);
+ static sal_Int16 GetAlignment(FrameMap const *pMap, sal_Int32 nMapPos, const weld::ComboBox& rRelationLB);
+ static sal_Int16 GetRelation(const weld::ComboBox& rRelationLB);
RndStdIds GetAnchor();
void setOptimalFrameWidth();
@@ -183,9 +185,8 @@ class SwFramePage: public SfxTabPage
static const sal_uInt16 aPageRg[];
- SwFramePage(vcl::Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rSet);
+ SwFramePage(TabPageParent pParent, const SfxItemSet &rSet);
virtual ~SwFramePage() override;
- virtual void dispose() override;
static VclPtr<SfxTabPage> Create(TabPageParent pParent, const SfxItemSet *rSet);
static const sal_uInt16* GetRanges() { return aPageRg; }
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx b/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx
index f03b55f37f44..717620013d03 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx
@@ -25,69 +25,6 @@
#include <swdllapi.h>
#include "uitool.hxx"
-class SW_DLLPUBLIC PercentField
- VclPtr<MetricField> m_pField;
- sal_Int64 nRefValue; // 100% value for conversion (in Twips)
- sal_Int64 nOldMax;
- sal_Int64 nOldMin;
- sal_Int64 nOldSpinSize;
- sal_Int64 nOldBaseValue;
- sal_Int64 nLastPercent;
- sal_Int64 nLastValue;
- sal_uInt16 nOldDigits;
- FieldUnit eOldUnit;
- bool bLockAutoCalculation; //prevent recalculation of percent values when the
- //reference value is changed
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE static sal_Int64 ImpPower10(sal_uInt16 n);
- PercentField();
- void set(MetricField *pField);
- const MetricField* get() const { return m_pField; }
- MetricField* get() { return m_pField; }
- void SetModifyHdl(const Link<Edit&,void>& rLink) { m_pField->SetModifyHdl(rLink); }
- void SetLoseFocusHdl(const Link<Control&,void>& rLink) { m_pField->SetLoseFocusHdl(rLink); }
- void SetMetric(FieldUnit eUnit) { ::SetMetric(*m_pField, eUnit); }
- void Enable(bool bEnable = true) { m_pField->Enable(bEnable); }
- void Disable() { m_pField->Disable(); }
- void SetValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue) { m_pField->SetValue(nNewValue, FieldUnit::NONE); }
- void SetPrcntValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit = FieldUnit::NONE);
- void SetUserValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit);
- void SetBaseValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit);
- sal_Int64 GetValue(FieldUnit eOutUnit = FieldUnit::NONE);
- bool IsValueModified();
- void SetMax(sal_Int64 nNewMax, FieldUnit eInUnit);
- void SetMin(sal_Int64 nNewMin, FieldUnit eInUnit);
- sal_Int64 GetMin() const { return m_pField->GetMin(); }
- sal_Int64 NormalizePercent(sal_Int64 nValue);
- sal_Int64 DenormalizePercent(sal_Int64 nValue);
- sal_Int64 Normalize( sal_Int64 nValue ) const { return m_pField->Normalize(nValue); }
- void SetRefValue(sal_Int64 nValue);
- sal_Int64 GetRealValue(FieldUnit eOutUnit);
- sal_Int64 Convert(sal_Int64 nValue, FieldUnit eInUnit, FieldUnit eOutUnit);
- void ShowPercent(bool bPercent);
- void LockAutoCalculation(bool bLock) {bLockAutoCalculation = bLock;}
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwPercentField
std::unique_ptr<weld::MetricSpinButton> m_pField;
@@ -101,6 +38,8 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwPercentField
int nLastValue;
sal_uInt16 nOldDigits;
FieldUnit eOldUnit;
+ bool bLockAutoCalculation; //prevent recalculation of percent values when the
+ //reference value is changed
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static int ImpPower10(sal_uInt16 n);
@@ -121,16 +60,19 @@ public:
void SetMetricFieldMin(int nNewMin) { m_pField->set_min(nNewMin, FieldUnit::NONE); }
void SetMetricFieldMax(int nNewMax) { m_pField->set_max(nNewMax, FieldUnit::NONE); }
- void SetPrcntValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit = FieldUnit::NONE);
+ void set_value(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit = FieldUnit::NONE);
int get_value(FieldUnit eOutUnit = FieldUnit::NONE);
void set_min(int nNewMin, FieldUnit eInUnit);
void set_max(int nNewMax, FieldUnit eInUnit);
+ int get_min(FieldUnit eOutUnit = FieldUnit::NONE) const { return m_pField->get_min(eOutUnit); }
int NormalizePercent(int nValue);
int DenormalizePercent(int nValue);
+ int normalize(int nValue) const { return m_pField->normalize(nValue); }
void SetRefValue(int nValue);
int GetRealValue(FieldUnit eOutUnit);
@@ -138,6 +80,7 @@ public:
void ShowPercent(bool bPercent);
+ void LockAutoCalculation(bool bLock) {bLockAutoCalculation = bLock;}
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx
index 3616fb3f84fa..6564e9be928a 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx
@@ -19,266 +19,6 @@
#include <prcntfld.hxx>
- : m_pField(nullptr)
- , nRefValue(0)
- , nOldMax(0)
- , nOldMin(0)
- , nOldSpinSize(0)
- , nOldBaseValue(0)
- , nLastPercent(-1)
- , nLastValue(-1)
- , nOldDigits(0)
- , eOldUnit(FieldUnit::NONE)
- , bLockAutoCalculation(false)
-void PercentField::set(MetricField *pField)
- m_pField = pField;
- nOldSpinSize = m_pField->GetSpinSize();
- nRefValue = DenormalizePercent(m_pField->GetMax(FieldUnit::TWIP));
- nOldDigits = m_pField->GetDecimalDigits();
- m_pField->SetCustomUnitText(OUString('%'));
-void PercentField::SetRefValue(sal_Int64 nValue)
- sal_Int64 nRealValue = GetRealValue(eOldUnit);
- nRefValue = nValue;
- if (!bLockAutoCalculation && (m_pField->GetUnit() == FieldUnit::CUSTOM))
- SetPrcntValue(nRealValue, eOldUnit);
-void PercentField::ShowPercent(bool bPercent)
- if ((bPercent && m_pField->GetUnit() == FieldUnit::CUSTOM) ||
- (!bPercent && m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM))
- return;
- sal_Int64 nOldValue;
- if (bPercent)
- {
- sal_Int64 nCurrentWidth, nPercent;
- nOldValue = GetValue();
- eOldUnit = m_pField->GetUnit();
- nOldDigits = m_pField->GetDecimalDigits();
- nOldMin = m_pField->GetMin();
- nOldMax = m_pField->GetMax();
- nOldSpinSize = m_pField->GetSpinSize();
- nOldBaseValue = m_pField->GetBaseValue();
- m_pField->SetUnit(FieldUnit::CUSTOM);
- m_pField->SetDecimalDigits( 0 );
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nOldMin, 0, nOldDigits, eOldUnit, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- // round to 0.5 percent
- nPercent = ((nCurrentWidth * 10) / nRefValue + 5) / 10;
- m_pField->SetMin(std::max(static_cast< sal_Int64 >(1), nPercent));
- m_pField->SetMax(100);
- m_pField->SetSpinSize(5);
- m_pField->SetBaseValue(0);
- if (nOldValue != nLastValue)
- {
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nOldValue, 0, nOldDigits, eOldUnit, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- nPercent = ((nCurrentWidth * 10) / nRefValue + 5) / 10;
- m_pField->SetValue(nPercent);
- nLastPercent = nPercent;
- nLastValue = nOldValue;
- }
- else
- m_pField->SetValue(nLastPercent);
- }
- else
- {
- sal_Int64 nOldPercent = GetValue(FieldUnit::CUSTOM);
- nOldValue = Convert(GetValue(), m_pField->GetUnit(), eOldUnit);
- m_pField->SetUnit(eOldUnit);
- m_pField->SetDecimalDigits(nOldDigits);
- m_pField->SetMin(nOldMin);
- m_pField->SetMax(nOldMax);
- m_pField->SetSpinSize(nOldSpinSize);
- m_pField->SetBaseValue(nOldBaseValue);
- if (nOldPercent != nLastPercent)
- {
- SetPrcntValue(nOldValue, eOldUnit);
- nLastPercent = nOldPercent;
- nLastValue = nOldValue;
- }
- else
- SetPrcntValue(nLastValue, eOldUnit);
- }
-void PercentField::SetPrcntValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM || eInUnit == FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- m_pField->SetValue(Convert(nNewValue, eInUnit, m_pField->GetUnit()));
- else
- {
- // Overwrite output value, do not restore later
- sal_Int64 nPercent, nCurrentWidth;
- if(eInUnit == FieldUnit::TWIP)
- {
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nNewValue, 0, nOldDigits, FieldUnit::TWIP, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
- else
- {
- sal_Int64 nValue = Convert(nNewValue, eInUnit, eOldUnit);
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nValue, 0, nOldDigits, eOldUnit, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
- nPercent = ((nCurrentWidth * 10) / nRefValue + 5) / 10;
- m_pField->SetValue(nPercent);
- }
-void PercentField::SetBaseValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() == FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- nOldBaseValue = MetricField::ConvertValue(nNewValue, 0, nOldDigits, eInUnit, eOldUnit);
- else
- m_pField->SetBaseValue(nNewValue, eInUnit);
-sal_Int64 PercentField::GetValue(FieldUnit eOutUnit)
- return Convert(m_pField->GetValue(), m_pField->GetUnit(), eOutUnit);
-void PercentField::SetMin(sal_Int64 nNewMin, FieldUnit eInUnit)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- m_pField->SetMin(nNewMin, eInUnit);
- else
- {
- if (eInUnit == FieldUnit::NONE)
- eInUnit = eOldUnit;
- nOldMin = Convert(nNewMin, eInUnit, eOldUnit);
- sal_Int64 nPercent = Convert(nNewMin, eInUnit, FieldUnit::CUSTOM);
- m_pField->SetMin(std::max( static_cast< sal_Int64 >(1), nPercent));
- }
-void PercentField::SetMax(sal_Int64 nNewMax, FieldUnit eInUnit)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- m_pField->SetMax(nNewMax, eInUnit);
-sal_Int64 PercentField::NormalizePercent(sal_Int64 nValue)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- nValue = m_pField->Normalize(nValue);
- else
- nValue = nValue * ImpPower10(nOldDigits);
- return nValue;
-sal_Int64 PercentField::DenormalizePercent(sal_Int64 nValue)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- nValue = m_pField->Denormalize(nValue);
- else
- {
- sal_Int64 nFactor = ImpPower10(nOldDigits);
- nValue = ((nValue+(nFactor/2)) / nFactor);
- }
- return nValue;
-bool PercentField::IsValueModified()
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() == FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- return true;
- else
- return m_pField->IsValueModified();
-void PercentField::SetUserValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM || eInUnit == FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- m_pField->SetUserValue(Convert(nNewValue, eInUnit, m_pField->GetUnit()),FieldUnit::NONE);
- else
- {
- // Overwrite output value, do not restore later
- sal_Int64 nPercent, nCurrentWidth;
- if (eInUnit == FieldUnit::TWIP)
- {
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nNewValue, 0, nOldDigits, FieldUnit::TWIP, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
- else
- {
- sal_Int64 nValue = Convert(nNewValue, eInUnit, eOldUnit);
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nValue, 0, nOldDigits, eOldUnit, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- }
- nPercent = ((nCurrentWidth * 10) / nRefValue + 5) / 10;
- m_pField->SetUserValue(nPercent,FieldUnit::NONE);
- }
-sal_Int64 PercentField::ImpPower10(sal_uInt16 n)
- sal_Int64 nValue = 1;
- for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i < n; ++i)
- nValue *= 10;
- return nValue;
-sal_Int64 PercentField::GetRealValue(FieldUnit eOutUnit)
- if (m_pField->GetUnit() != FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- return GetValue(eOutUnit);
- else
- return Convert(GetValue(), m_pField->GetUnit(), eOutUnit);
-sal_Int64 PercentField::Convert(sal_Int64 nValue, FieldUnit eInUnit, FieldUnit eOutUnit)
- if (eInUnit == eOutUnit ||
- (eInUnit == FieldUnit::NONE && eOutUnit == m_pField->GetUnit()) ||
- (eOutUnit == FieldUnit::NONE && eInUnit == m_pField->GetUnit()))
- return nValue;
- if (eInUnit == FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- {
- // Convert to metric
- sal_Int64 nTwipValue = (nRefValue * nValue + 50) / 100;
- if (eOutUnit == FieldUnit::TWIP) // Only convert if necessary
- return NormalizePercent(nTwipValue);
- else
- return MetricField::ConvertValue(NormalizePercent(nTwipValue), 0, nOldDigits, FieldUnit::TWIP, eOutUnit);
- }
- if (eOutUnit == FieldUnit::CUSTOM)
- {
- // Convert to percent
- sal_Int64 nCurrentWidth;
- nValue = DenormalizePercent(nValue);
- if (eInUnit == FieldUnit::TWIP) // Only convert if necessary
- nCurrentWidth = nValue;
- else
- nCurrentWidth = MetricField::ConvertValue(nValue, 0, nOldDigits, eInUnit, FieldUnit::TWIP);
- // Round to 0.5 percent
- return ((nCurrentWidth * 1000) / nRefValue + 5) / 10;
- }
- return MetricField::ConvertValue(nValue, 0, nOldDigits, eInUnit, eOutUnit);
SwPercentField::SwPercentField(std::unique_ptr<weld::MetricSpinButton> pControl)
: m_pField(std::move(pControl))
, nOldMax(0)
@@ -287,6 +27,7 @@ SwPercentField::SwPercentField(std::unique_ptr<weld::MetricSpinButton> pControl)
, nLastValue(-1)
, nOldDigits(m_pField->get_digits())
, eOldUnit(FieldUnit::NONE)
+ , bLockAutoCalculation(false)
int nMin, nMax;
m_pField->get_range(nMin, nMax, FieldUnit::TWIP);
@@ -300,8 +41,8 @@ void SwPercentField::SetRefValue(int nValue)
nRefValue = nValue;
- if (m_pField->get_unit() == FieldUnit::PERCENT)
- SetPrcntValue(nRealValue, eOldUnit);
+ if (!bLockAutoCalculation && (m_pField->get_unit() == FieldUnit::PERCENT))
+ set_value(nRealValue, eOldUnit);
void SwPercentField::ShowPercent(bool bPercent)
@@ -355,16 +96,16 @@ void SwPercentField::ShowPercent(bool bPercent)
if (nOldPercent != nLastPercent)
- SetPrcntValue(nOldValue, eOldUnit);
+ set_value(nOldValue, eOldUnit);
nLastPercent = nOldPercent;
nLastValue = nOldValue;
- SetPrcntValue(nLastValue, eOldUnit);
+ set_value(nLastValue, eOldUnit);
-void SwPercentField::SetPrcntValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit)
+void SwPercentField::set_value(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit)
if (m_pField->get_unit() != FieldUnit::PERCENT || eInUnit == FieldUnit::PERCENT)
m_pField->set_value(Convert(nNewValue, eInUnit, m_pField->get_unit()), FieldUnit::NONE);
diff --git a/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/frmtypepage.ui b/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/frmtypepage.ui
index e2e9f580905c..29207271c8a6 100644
--- a/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/frmtypepage.ui
+++ b/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/frmtypepage.ui
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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+<!-- Generated with glade 3.22.1 -->
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@@ -15,6 +15,18 @@
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@@ -56,9 +68,10 @@
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@@ -95,7 +108,7 @@
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@@ -109,7 +122,7 @@
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@@ -180,10 +193,11 @@
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@@ -219,7 +233,7 @@
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@@ -233,7 +247,7 @@
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@@ -351,7 +365,7 @@
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@@ -398,7 +412,6 @@
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@@ -414,7 +427,7 @@
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- <property name="group">tochar</property>
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@@ -430,7 +443,7 @@
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- <property name="group">aschar</property>
+ <property name="group">topage</property>
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@@ -446,7 +459,7 @@
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@@ -533,7 +546,7 @@
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@@ -547,7 +560,7 @@
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@@ -570,9 +583,10 @@
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@@ -626,10 +640,11 @@
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