diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2012-03-29 12:29:44 +0100
committerCaolán McNamara <>2012-03-29 12:44:23 +0100
commit21ca0847952be3eabc7c11200a2b70e0801a8fc6 (patch)
parent9ce98add53128716524ec06dd1f90548326adce0 (diff)
callcatcher: update list
16 files changed, 5 insertions, 559 deletions
diff --git a/editeng/inc/editeng/unotext.hxx b/editeng/inc/editeng/unotext.hxx
index 127771b42bb4..ace08dddb5a0 100644
--- a/editeng/inc/editeng/unotext.hxx
+++ b/editeng/inc/editeng/unotext.hxx
@@ -485,7 +485,9 @@ public:
virtual ~SvxUnoText() throw();
// Internal
+ static const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > & getUnoTunnelId() throw();
+ virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getSomething( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aIdentifier )
+ throw(::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
// ====================================================================
@@ -536,7 +538,6 @@ protected:
using SvxUnoTextRangeBase::getPropertyValue;
- SvxUnoTextContent() throw();
SvxUnoTextContent( const SvxUnoTextBase& rText, sal_uInt16 nPara ) throw();
SvxUnoTextContent( const SvxUnoTextContent& rContent ) throw();
virtual ~SvxUnoTextContent() throw();
diff --git a/editeng/source/uno/unotext.cxx b/editeng/source/uno/unotext.cxx
index 469e2d70da4c..ab24176ee589 100644
--- a/editeng/source/uno/unotext.cxx
+++ b/editeng/source/uno/unotext.cxx
@@ -2162,15 +2162,6 @@ SvxUnoText::~SvxUnoText() throw()
-SvxUnoText* SvxUnoText::getImplementation( const uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >& xInt )
- uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xUT( xInt, uno::UNO_QUERY );
- if( )
- return reinterpret_cast<SvxUnoText*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_uIntPtr>(xUT->getSomething( SvxUnoText::getUnoTunnelId())));
- else
- return NULL;
class theSvxUnoTextUnoTunnelId : public rtl::Static< UnoTunnelIdInit, theSvxUnoTextUnoTunnelId > {};
diff --git a/editeng/source/uno/unotext2.cxx b/editeng/source/uno/unotext2.cxx
index 095763f69f36..e3fb8c93a9b4 100644
--- a/editeng/source/uno/unotext2.cxx
+++ b/editeng/source/uno/unotext2.cxx
@@ -102,24 +102,6 @@ uno::Any SvxUnoTextContentEnumeration::nextElement(void) throw( container::NoSuc
// ====================================================================
// class SvxUnoTextContent
// ====================================================================
-uno::Reference< text::XText > xDummyText;
-static SvxUnoText* getDummyText() throw()
- if(!
- xDummyText = new SvxUnoText();
- return SvxUnoText::getImplementation( xDummyText );
-SvxUnoTextContent::SvxUnoTextContent() throw()
-: SvxUnoTextContent_Base(*getDummyText())
-, mnParagraph(0)
-, mrParentText(*getDummyText())
-, maDisposeListeners(maDisposeContainerMutex)
-, mbDisposing( false )
SvxUnoTextContent::SvxUnoTextContent( const SvxUnoTextBase& rText, sal_uInt16 nPara ) throw()
: SvxUnoTextContent_Base(rText)
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/core/filterbase.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/core/filterbase.hxx
index 7c09707f940b..41f49f7669ce 100644
--- a/oox/inc/oox/core/filterbase.hxx
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/core/filterbase.hxx
@@ -121,9 +121,6 @@ public:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Returns the specified argument passed through the XInitialization interface. */
- ::com::sun::star::uno::Any getArgument( const ::rtl::OUString& rArgName ) const;
/** Returns the component context passed in the filter constructor (always existing). */
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >&
getComponentContext() const;
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx
index 77d2710224bb..a8b16b008bb7 100644
--- a/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/dump/dumperbase.hxx
@@ -875,7 +875,6 @@ public:
void eraseNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName );
NameListRef getNameList( const ::rtl::OUString& rListName ) const;
- ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > requestEncryptionData( ::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier );
inline bool isPasswordCancelled() const { return mbPwCancelled; }
diff --git a/oox/source/core/filterbase.cxx b/oox/source/core/filterbase.cxx
index 40288ef1d640..2620272f6803 100644
--- a/oox/source/core/filterbase.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/core/filterbase.cxx
@@ -246,14 +246,6 @@ OoxmlVersion FilterBase::getVersion() const
return mxImpl->meVersion;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Any FilterBase::getArgument( const OUString& rArgName ) const
- SequenceAsHashMap::const_iterator aIt = mxImpl->maArguments.find( rArgName );
- return (aIt == mxImpl->maArguments.end()) ? Any() : aIt->second;
const Reference< XComponentContext >& FilterBase::getComponentContext() const
return mxImpl->mxComponentContext;
diff --git a/oox/source/dump/dumperbase.cxx b/oox/source/dump/dumperbase.cxx
index b2078edb760f..0a10907c27ae 100644
--- a/oox/source/dump/dumperbase.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/dump/dumperbase.cxx
@@ -1469,20 +1469,6 @@ NameListRef SharedConfigData::getNameList( const OUString& rListName ) const
return xList;
-Sequence< NamedValue > SharedConfigData::requestEncryptionData( ::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier )
- Sequence< NamedValue > aEncryptionData;
- if( !mbPwCancelled )
- {
- ::std::vector< OUString > aDefaultPasswords;
- aDefaultPasswords.push_back( CREATE_OUSTRING( "VelvetSweatshop" ) );
- aEncryptionData = ::comphelper::DocPasswordHelper::requestAndVerifyDocPassword(
- rVerifier, mrMediaDesc, ::comphelper::DocPasswordRequestType_MS, &aDefaultPasswords );
- mbPwCancelled = !aEncryptionData.hasElements();
- }
- return aEncryptionData;
bool SharedConfigData::implIsValid() const
return mbLoaded && && mxRootStrg.get() && !maSysFileName.isEmpty();
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/ftools/fapihelper.cxx b/sc/source/filter/ftools/fapihelper.cxx
index 70bca8e177e7..328fb1b8f5d3 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/ftools/fapihelper.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/ftools/fapihelper.cxx
@@ -129,12 +129,6 @@ Reference< XInterface > ScfApiHelper::CreateInstanceWithArgs(
return xInt;
-Reference< XInterface > ScfApiHelper::CreateInstanceWithArgs(
- const OUString& rServiceName, const Sequence< Any >& rArgs )
- return CreateInstanceWithArgs( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), rServiceName, rArgs );
uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue > ScfApiHelper::QueryEncryptionDataForMedium( SfxMedium& rMedium,
::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier, const ::std::vector< OUString >* pDefaultPasswords )
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/biffdetector.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/biffdetector.hxx
index b75c91221281..10c026b2b51d 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/biffdetector.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/biffdetector.hxx
@@ -52,10 +52,6 @@ namespace BiffDetector
/** Detects the BIFF version of the passed stream. */
BiffType detectStreamBiffVersion( BinaryInputStream& rInStream );
- /** Detects the BIFF version and workbook stream name of the passed storage. */
- BiffType detectStorageBiffVersion( ::rtl::OUString& orWorkbookStreamName,
- const StorageRef& rxStorage );
// ============================================================================
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/fapihelper.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/fapihelper.hxx
index f8a338f959b3..7a5f4dce388c 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/fapihelper.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/fapihelper.hxx
@@ -97,11 +97,6 @@ public:
const ::rtl::OUString& rServiceName,
const UnoAnySequence& rArgs );
- /** Creates an instance from the passed service name, using the process service factory. */
- static XInterfaceRef CreateInstanceWithArgs(
- const ::rtl::OUString& rServiceName,
- const UnoAnySequence& rArgs );
/** Opens a password dialog and returns the encryption data.
@return The encryption data or an empty sequence on 'Cancel' or any error. */
static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > QueryEncryptionDataForMedium( SfxMedium& rMedium,
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx
index 9906c610808f..76f90f7d29a7 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx
@@ -150,8 +150,6 @@ public:
void importPaletteColor( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
/** Imports the PALETTE record from the passed stream. */
void importPalette( BiffInputStream& rStrm );
- /** Imports a color palette from a UNO sequence in the passed any. */
- void importPalette( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rPalette );
/** Rturns the RGB value of the color with the passed index. */
sal_Int32 getColor( sal_Int32 nPaletteIdx ) const;
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/workbookfragment.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/workbookfragment.hxx
index ab1aab6ee4a2..223a85994538 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/workbookfragment.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/workbookfragment.hxx
@@ -70,29 +70,6 @@ private:
DefinedNameRef mxCurrName;
-// ============================================================================
-class BiffWorkbookFragment : public BiffWorkbookFragmentBase
- explicit BiffWorkbookFragment( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper, const ::rtl::OUString& rStrmName );
- /** Imports the entire workbook stream, including all contained worksheets. */
- virtual bool importFragment();
- /** Imports a complete BIFF4 workspace fragment (with embedded sheets). */
- bool importWorkspaceFragment();
- /** Imports the workbook globals fragment from current stream position. */
- bool importGlobalsFragment( ISegmentProgressBar& rProgressBar );
- /** Imports a sheet fragment with passed type from current stream position. */
- bool importSheetFragment(
- ISegmentProgressBar& rProgressBar,
- BiffFragmentType eFragment, sal_Int16 nCalcSheet );
-// ============================================================================
} // namespace xls
} // namespace oox
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/biffdetector.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/biffdetector.cxx
index cf29f62ea568..14ebbcfc586b 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/biffdetector.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/biffdetector.cxx
@@ -103,54 +103,6 @@ BiffType detectStreamBiffVersion( BinaryInputStream& rInStream )
return eBiff;
-BiffType detectStorageBiffVersion( OUString& orWorkbookStreamName, const StorageRef& rxStorage )
- BiffType eBiff = BIFF_UNKNOWN;
- if( rxStorage.get() )
- {
- if( rxStorage->isStorage() )
- {
- // try to open the "Book" stream
- const OUString saBookName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Book" );
- BinaryXInputStream aBookStrm5( rxStorage->openInputStream( saBookName ), true );
- BiffType eBookStrm5Biff = detectStreamBiffVersion( aBookStrm5 );
- // try to open the "Workbook" stream
- const OUString saWorkbookName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Workbook" );
- BinaryXInputStream aBookStrm8( rxStorage->openInputStream( saWorkbookName ), true );
- BiffType eBookStrm8Biff = detectStreamBiffVersion( aBookStrm8 );
- // decide which stream to use
- if( (eBookStrm8Biff != BIFF_UNKNOWN) && ((eBookStrm5Biff == BIFF_UNKNOWN) || (eBookStrm8Biff > eBookStrm5Biff)) )
- {
- /* Only "Workbook" stream exists; or both streams exist, and
- "Workbook" has higher BIFF version than "Book" stream. */
- eBiff = eBookStrm8Biff;
- orWorkbookStreamName = saWorkbookName;
- }
- else if( eBookStrm5Biff != BIFF_UNKNOWN )
- {
- /* Only "Book" stream exists; or both streams exist, and
- "Book" has higher BIFF version than "Workbook" stream. */
- eBiff = eBookStrm5Biff;
- orWorkbookStreamName = saBookName;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // no storage, try plain input stream from medium (even for BIFF5+)
- BinaryXInputStream aStrm( rxStorage->openInputStream( OUString() ), false );
- eBiff = detectStreamBiffVersion( aStrm );
- orWorkbookStreamName = OUString();
- }
- }
- return eBiff;
-// ============================================================================
} // BiffDetector
} // namespace xls
} // namespace oox
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx
index b9bcdd880a80..4f2935b6a5ea 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx
@@ -565,18 +565,6 @@ void ColorPalette::importPalette( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
-void ColorPalette::importPalette( const Any& rPalette )
- Sequence< sal_Int32 > rColorSeq;
- if( (rPalette >>= rColorSeq) && rColorSeq.hasElements() )
- {
- const sal_Int32* pnColor = rColorSeq.getConstArray();
- const sal_Int32* pnColorEnd = pnColor + rColorSeq.getLength();
- for( ; pnColor < pnColorEnd; ++pnColor )
- appendColor( *pnColor & 0xFFFFFF );
- }
sal_Int32 ColorPalette::getColor( sal_Int32 nPaletteIdx ) const
sal_Int32 nColor = API_RGB_TRANSPARENT;
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx
index 4d079e0cfce3..2ef185d0f921 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/workbookfragment.cxx
@@ -368,409 +368,6 @@ void WorkbookFragment::importPivotCacheDefFragment( const OUString& rRelId, sal_
getPivotCaches().registerPivotCacheFragment( nCacheId, getFragmentPathFromRelId( rRelId ) );
-// ============================================================================
-BiffWorkbookFragment::BiffWorkbookFragment( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rStrmName ) :
- BiffWorkbookFragmentBase( rHelper, rStrmName )
-bool BiffWorkbookFragment::importFragment()
- bool bRet = false;
- BiffFragmentType eFragment = startFragment( getBiff() );
- switch( eFragment )
- {
- {
- BiffInputStream& rStrm = getInputStream();
- // import workbook globals fragment and create sheets in document
- ISegmentProgressBarRef xGlobalsProgress = getProgressBar().createSegment( PROGRESS_LENGTH_GLOBALS );
- bRet = importGlobalsFragment( *xGlobalsProgress );
- // load sheet fragments (do not return false in bRet on missing/broken sheets)
- WorksheetBuffer& rWorksheets = getWorksheets();
- bool bNextSheet = bRet;
- for( sal_Int32 nWorksheet = 0, nWorksheetCount = rWorksheets.getWorksheetCount(); bNextSheet && (nWorksheet < nWorksheetCount); ++nWorksheet )
- {
- // calculate progress size for the sheet
- double fSegmentLength = getProgressBar().getFreeLength() / (nWorksheetCount - nWorksheet);
- ISegmentProgressBarRef xSheetProgress = getProgressBar().createSegment( fSegmentLength );
- /* Try to start a new sheet fragment. The SHEET records point to the
- first record of the sheet fragment which is usually a BOF record. */
- BiffFragmentType eSheetFragment = BIFF_FRAGMENT_UNKNOWN;
- sal_Int64 nRecHandle = rWorksheets.getBiffRecordHandle( nWorksheet );
- if( rStrm.startRecordByHandle( nRecHandle ) )
- {
- /* #i109800# Stream may point to any record of the sheet fragment.
- Check the record identifier before calling startFragment(). */
- bool bIsBofRec = BiffHelper::isBofRecord( rStrm );
- /* Rewind the record. If it is the BOF record, it will be read in
- startFragment(). In every case, stream will point before the
- first available non-BOF record. */
- rStrm.rewindRecord();
- // if the BOF record is missing, a regular worksheet will be assumed
- eSheetFragment = bIsBofRec ? startFragment( getBiff() ) : BIFF_FRAGMENT_WORKSHEET;
- }
- sal_Int16 nCalcSheet = rWorksheets.getCalcSheetIndex( nWorksheet );
- bNextSheet = importSheetFragment( *xSheetProgress, eSheetFragment, nCalcSheet );
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- bRet = importWorkspaceFragment();
- // sheets are embedded in workspace fragment, nothing to do here
- }
- break;
- {
- /* Single sheet without globals
- - #i62752# possible in all BIFF versions
- - do not return false in bRet on missing/broken sheets. */
- getWorksheets().initializeSingleSheet();
- importSheetFragment( getProgressBar(), eFragment, 0 );
- // success, even if stream is broken
- bRet = true;
- }
- break;
- default:;
- }
- // final conversions, e.g. calculation settings and view settings
- if( bRet )
- finalizeWorkbookImport();
- return bRet;
-bool BiffWorkbookFragment::importWorkspaceFragment()
- // enable workbook mode, has not been set yet in BIFF4 workspace files
- setIsWorkbookFile();
- WorksheetBuffer& rWorksheets = getWorksheets();
- bool bRet = true;
- // import the workspace globals
- ISegmentProgressBarRef xGlobalsProgress = getProgressBar().createSegment( PROGRESS_LENGTH_GLOBALS );
- bool bLoop = true;
- BiffInputStream& rStrm = getInputStream();
- while( bRet && bLoop && rStrm.startNextRecord() && (rStrm.getRecId() != BIFF_ID_EOF) )
- {
- switch( rStrm.getRecId() )
- {
- case BIFF_ID_SHEET: rWorksheets.importSheet( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_CODEPAGE: setCodePage( rStrm.readuInt16() ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_FILEPASS: bRet = getCodecHelper().importFilePass( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_SHEETHEADER: rStrm.rewindRecord(); bLoop = false; break;
- }
- }
- xGlobalsProgress->setPosition( 1.0 );
- // load sheet fragments (do not return false in bRet on missing/broken sheets)
- bool bNextSheet = bRet;
- for( sal_Int32 nWorksheet = 0, nWorksheetCount = rWorksheets.getWorksheetCount(); bNextSheet && (nWorksheet < nWorksheetCount); ++nWorksheet )
- {
- // try to start a new sheet fragment (with leading SHEETHEADER record)
- bNextSheet = rStrm.startNextRecord() && (rStrm.getRecId() == BIFF_ID_SHEETHEADER);
- if( bNextSheet )
- {
- double fSegmentLength = getProgressBar().getFreeLength() / (nWorksheetCount - nWorksheet);
- ISegmentProgressBarRef xSheetProgress = getProgressBar().createSegment( fSegmentLength );
- /* Read current sheet name (sheet substreams may not be in the
- same order as SHEET records are). */
- rStrm.skip( 4 );
- OUString aSheetName = rStrm.readByteStringUC( false, getTextEncoding() );
- sal_Int16 nCurrSheet = rWorksheets.getCalcSheetIndex( aSheetName );
- // load the sheet fragment records
- BiffFragmentType eSheetFragment = startFragment( getBiff() );
- bNextSheet = importSheetFragment( *xSheetProgress, eSheetFragment, nCurrSheet );
- // do not return false in bRet on missing/broken sheets
- }
- }
- return bRet;
-bool BiffWorkbookFragment::importGlobalsFragment( ISegmentProgressBar& rProgressBar )
- WorkbookSettings& rWorkbookSett = getWorkbookSettings();
- ViewSettings& rViewSett = getViewSettings();
- SharedStringsBuffer& rSharedStrings = getSharedStrings();
- StylesBuffer& rStyles = getStyles();
- WorksheetBuffer& rWorksheets = getWorksheets();
- PivotCacheBuffer& rPivotCaches = getPivotCaches();
- bool bHasVbaProject = false;
- bool bEmptyVbaProject = false;
- // collect records that need to be loaded in a second pass
- typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int64 > RecordHandleVec;
- RecordHandleVec aExtLinkRecs;
- bool bRet = true;
- bool bLoop = true;
- BiffInputStream& rStrm = getInputStream();
- while( bRet && bLoop && rStrm.startNextRecord() )
- {
- sal_uInt16 nRecId = rStrm.getRecId();
- bool bExtLinkRec = false;
- /* #i56376# BIFF5-BIFF8: If an EOF record for globals is missing,
- simulate it. The issue is about a document where the sheet fragment
- starts directly after the EXTSST record, without terminating the
- globals fragment with an EOF record. */
- if( BiffHelper::isBofRecord( rStrm ) || (nRecId == BIFF_ID_EOF) )
- {
- bLoop = false;
- }
- else switch( nRecId )
- {
- // records in all BIFF versions
- case BIFF_ID_CODEPAGE: setCodePage( rStrm.readuInt16() ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_DATEMODE: rWorkbookSett.importDateMode( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_FILEPASS: bRet = getCodecHelper().importFilePass( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PRECISION: rWorkbookSett.importPrecision( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_WINDOW1: rViewSett.importWindow1( rStrm ); break;
- // BIFF specific records
- default: switch( getBiff() )
- {
- case BIFF2: switch( nRecId )
- {
- case BIFF2_ID_DEFINEDNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF2_ID_EXTERNALNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_EXTERNSHEET: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF2_ID_FONT: rStyles.importFont( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_FONTCOLOR: rStyles.importFontColor( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF2_ID_FORMAT: rStyles.importFormat( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF2_ID_XF: rStyles.importXf( rStrm ); break;
- }
- break;
- case BIFF3: switch( nRecId )
- {
- case BIFF_ID_CRN: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF3_ID_DEFINEDNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF3_ID_EXTERNALNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_EXTERNSHEET: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_FILESHARING: rWorkbookSett.importFileSharing( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF3_ID_FONT: rStyles.importFont( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF2_ID_FORMAT: rStyles.importFormat( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_HIDEOBJ: rWorkbookSett.importHideObj( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PALETTE: rStyles.importPalette( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_STYLE: rStyles.importStyle( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_XCT: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF3_ID_XF: rStyles.importXf( rStrm ); break;
- }
- break;
- case BIFF4: switch( nRecId )
- {
- case BIFF_ID_CRN: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF3_ID_DEFINEDNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF3_ID_EXTERNALNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_EXTERNSHEET: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_FILESHARING: rWorkbookSett.importFileSharing( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF3_ID_FONT: rStyles.importFont( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF4_ID_FORMAT: rStyles.importFormat( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_HIDEOBJ: rWorkbookSett.importHideObj( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PALETTE: rStyles.importPalette( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_STYLE: rStyles.importStyle( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_XCT: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF4_ID_XF: rStyles.importXf( rStrm ); break;
- }
- break;
- case BIFF5: switch( nRecId )
- {
- case BIFF_ID_BOOKBOOL: rWorkbookSett.importBookBool( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_CRN: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF5_ID_DEFINEDNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF5_ID_EXTERNALNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_EXTERNSHEET: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_FILESHARING: rWorkbookSett.importFileSharing( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF5_ID_FONT: rStyles.importFont( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF4_ID_FORMAT: rStyles.importFormat( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_HIDEOBJ: rWorkbookSett.importHideObj( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_OLESIZE: rViewSett.importOleSize( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PALETTE: rStyles.importPalette( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PIVOTCACHE: rPivotCaches.importPivotCacheRef( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_SHEET: rWorksheets.importSheet( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_STYLE: rStyles.importStyle( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_XCT: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF5_ID_XF: rStyles.importXf( rStrm ); break;
- }
- break;
- case BIFF8: switch( nRecId )
- {
- case BIFF_ID_BOOKBOOL: rWorkbookSett.importBookBool( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_CODENAME: rWorkbookSett.importCodeName( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_CRN: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF5_ID_DEFINEDNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_EXTERNALBOOK: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF5_ID_EXTERNALNAME: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_EXTERNSHEET: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_FILESHARING: rWorkbookSett.importFileSharing( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF5_ID_FONT: rStyles.importFont( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF4_ID_FORMAT: rStyles.importFormat( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_HIDEOBJ: rWorkbookSett.importHideObj( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_OLESIZE: rViewSett.importOleSize( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PALETTE: rStyles.importPalette( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_PIVOTCACHE: rPivotCaches.importPivotCacheRef( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_SHEET: rWorksheets.importSheet( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_SST: rSharedStrings.importSst( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_STYLE: rStyles.importStyle( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_USESELFS: rWorkbookSett.importUsesElfs( rStrm ); break;
- case BIFF_ID_VBAPROJECT: bHasVbaProject = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_VBAPROJECTEMPTY: bEmptyVbaProject = true; break;
- case BIFF_ID_XCT: bExtLinkRec = true; break;
- case BIFF5_ID_XF: rStyles.importXf( rStrm ); break;
- }
- break;
- case BIFF_UNKNOWN: break;
- }
- }
- if( bExtLinkRec )
- aExtLinkRecs.push_back( rStrm.getRecHandle() );
- }
- // finalize global buffers
- rProgressBar.setPosition( 0.5 );
- if( bRet )
- {
- rSharedStrings.finalizeImport();
- rStyles.finalizeImport();
- }
- /* Import external link data (EXTERNSHEET, EXTERNALNAME, DEFINEDNAME)
- which need existing internal sheets (SHEET records). The SHEET records
- may follow the external links records in some BIFF versions. */
- if( bRet && !aExtLinkRecs.empty() )
- {
- // remember current stream position (the EOF record)
- sal_Int64 nEofHandle = rStrm.getRecHandle();
- // context handler implementing import of external link records
- BiffExternalSheetDataContext aSheetContext( *this, true );
- // import all records by using their cached record handle
- for( RecordHandleVec::const_iterator aIt = aExtLinkRecs.begin(), aEnd = aExtLinkRecs.end(); (aIt != aEnd) && rStrm.startRecordByHandle( *aIt ); ++aIt )
- aSheetContext.importRecord( rStrm );
- // finalize global buffers
- getDefinedNames().finalizeImport();
- // seek back to the EOF record of the workbook globals fragment
- bRet = rStrm.startRecordByHandle( nEofHandle );
- }
- // open the VBA project storage
- if( bHasVbaProject && !bEmptyVbaProject )
- setVbaProjectStorage( getBaseFilter().openSubStorage( CREATE_OUSTRING( "_VBA_PROJECT_CUR" ), false ) );
- // #i56376# missing EOF - rewind before worksheet BOF record (see above)
- if( bRet && BiffHelper::isBofRecord( rStrm ) )
- rStrm.rewindRecord();
- rProgressBar.setPosition( 1.0 );
- return bRet;
-bool BiffWorkbookFragment::importSheetFragment( ISegmentProgressBar& rProgressBar, BiffFragmentType eFragment, sal_Int16 nCalcSheet )
- // no Calc sheet - skip the fragment
- if( nCalcSheet < 0 )
- return skipFragment();
- // find the sheet type for this fragment
- WorksheetType eSheetType = SHEETTYPE_EMPTYSHEET;
- switch( eFragment )
- {
- default: return false;
- }
- /* #i11183# Clear buffers that are used per-sheet, e.g. external links in
- BIFF4W and BIFF5 files, or defined names in BIFF4W files. */
- createBuffersPerSheet( nCalcSheet );
- // preprocess some records
- BiffInputStream& rStrm = getInputStream();
- switch( getBiff() )
- {
- // load the workbook globals fragment records in BIFF2-BIFF4
- case BIFF2:
- case BIFF3:
- case BIFF4:
- {
- // remember current record to seek back below
- sal_Int64 nRecHandle = rStrm.getRecHandle();
- // import the global records
- ISegmentProgressBarRef xGlobalsProgress = rProgressBar.createSegment( PROGRESS_LENGTH_GLOBALS );
- importGlobalsFragment( *xGlobalsProgress );
- // rewind stream to fragment BOF record
- rStrm.startRecordByHandle( nRecHandle );
- }
- break;
- // load the external link records for this sheet in BIFF5
- case BIFF5:
- {
- // remember current record to seek back below
- sal_Int64 nRecHandle = rStrm.getRecHandle();
- // fragment implementing import of external link records
- BiffExternalLinkFragment( *this ).importFragment();
- // rewind stream to fragment BOF record
- rStrm.startRecordByHandle( nRecHandle );
- }
- break;
- case BIFF8:
- break;
- break;
- }
- // create the WorksheetGlobals object
- ISegmentProgressBarRef xSheetProgress = rProgressBar.createSegment( rProgressBar.getFreeLength() );
- WorksheetGlobalsRef xSheetGlob = WorksheetHelper::constructGlobals( *this, xSheetProgress, eSheetType, nCalcSheet );
- OSL_ENSURE( xSheetGlob.get(), "BiffWorkbookFragment::importSheetFragment - missing sheet in document" );
- if( !xSheetGlob.get() )
- return false;
- // create the worksheet fragment
- ::boost::shared_ptr< BiffWorksheetFragmentBase > xFragment;
- switch( eSheetType )
- {
- xFragment.reset( new BiffWorksheetFragment( *xSheetGlob, *this ) );
- break;
- xFragment.reset( new BiffChartsheetFragment( *xSheetGlob, *this ) );
- break;
- xFragment.reset( new BiffSkipWorksheetFragment( *xSheetGlob, *this ) );
- break;
- }
- // load the sheet fragment records
- return xFragment.get() && xFragment->importFragment();
-// ============================================================================
} // namespace xls
} // namespace oox
diff --git a/unusedcode.easy b/unusedcode.easy
index 61a08564bba8..ecbba19f3454 100755
--- a/unusedcode.easy
+++ b/unusedcode.easy
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
CertificateExtension_XmlSecImpl::setCertExtn(com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<signed char>, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<signed char>, unsigned char)
CharPosArray::Insert(CharPosArray const*, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short)
CharPosArray::Replace(int const&, unsigned short)
CharPosArray::Replace(int const*, unsigned short, unsigned short)
@@ -186,7 +187,6 @@ SvxTabStopArr::Remove(SvxTabStop const&, unsigned short)
SvxTabStopArr_SAR::Replace(SvxTabStop const&, unsigned short)
SvxTabStopArr_SAR::Replace(SvxTabStop const*, unsigned short, unsigned short)
SvxTabStopArr_SAR::_ForEach(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned char (*)(SvxTabStop const&, void*), void*)
SwAttrIter::Dump(SvStream&) const
SwBlinkList::Insert(SwBlinkList const*, unsigned short, unsigned short)
SwBlinkList::Insert(SwBlinkPortion* const&, unsigned short&)
@@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ nullcanvas::SpriteCanvasHelper::genericUpdate(basegfx::B2DConnectedRanges<canvas
nullcanvas::SpriteCanvasHelper::opaqueUpdate(basegfx::B2DConnectedRanges<canvas::SpriteRedrawManager::SpriteInfo>::ConnectedComponents const&)
nullcanvas::SpriteCanvasHelper::scrollUpdate(basegfx::B2DRange const&, basegfx::B2DRange const&, basegfx::B2DConnectedRanges<canvas::SpriteRedrawManager::SpriteInfo>::ConnectedComponents const&)
ooo::vba::extractIntFromAny(com::sun::star::uno::Any const&)
oox::dump::DffStreamObject::construct(oox::dump::OutputObjectBase const&, oox::dump::BinaryInputStreamRef const&)
oox::dump::InputObjectBase::dumpColorABGR(oox::dump::String const&)
oox::dump::InputObjectBase::dumpRk(oox::dump::String const&)