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authorJoachim Lingner <>2001-02-13 09:41:48 +0000
committerJoachim Lingner <>2001-02-13 09:41:48 +0000
commit0f31394b38911b2084ba08f12b0ba4177ce3908d (patch)
parentb2ada34a213ac984ca00e92519f87e4de925433a (diff)
*** empty log message ***
2 files changed, 44 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/source.cxx b/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/source.cxx
index 50031735c594..d6248d5b0d6e 100644
--- a/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/source.cxx
+++ b/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/source.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: source.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
- * last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2001-02-12 11:11:59 $
+ * last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2001-02-13 10:41:48 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ DWORD WINAPI DndOleSTAFunc(LPVOID pParams);
DragSource::DragSource( const Reference<XMultiServiceFactory>& sf):
m_serviceFactory( sf),
WeakComponentImplHelper2< XDragSource, XInitialization >(m_mutex),
- m_pcurrentContext_impl(0),
+// m_pcurrentContext_impl(0),
@@ -160,99 +160,23 @@ void SAL_CALL DragSource::startDrag( const DragGestureEvent& trigger,
// to the IDropSource interface implemented in this class (but only
// while this function executes). The source context is also used
// in DragSource::QueryContinueDrag.
- m_pcurrentContext_impl= new SourceContext(
- static_cast<DragSource*>(this), listener );
- m_currentContext= static_cast<XDragSourceContext*>( m_pcurrentContext_impl);
+ m_currentContext= static_cast<XDragSourceContext*>( new SourceContext(
+ static_cast<DragSource*>(this), listener ) );
// Convert the XTransferable data object into an IDataObject object;
- IDataObject* pData;
- OleGetClipboard( &pData);
- IDataObject* pData= static_cast<IDataObject*>( new CXTDataObject( trans));
- pData->AddRef();
+ m_pDataObject= static_cast<IDataObject*>( new CXTDataObject( trans));
+ m_pDataObject->AddRef();
// Obtain the id of the thread that created the window
DWORD processId;
- DWORD threadIdWindow= GetWindowThreadProcessId( m_hAppWindow, &processId);
+ m_threadIdWindow= GetWindowThreadProcessId( m_hAppWindow, &processId);
- // DoDragDrop needs an Ole STA appartment.
- // Determine what kind of apartment this thread belongs to. If it is an OLE STA
- // then we assume that this thread created the window. If not then the thread
- // must be an MTA. All other cases are not handled.
- HRESULT hrInit= OleInitialize( NULL);
- DWORD dropEffect= 0;
- if( hrInit == S_OK || hrInit == S_FALSE)
- {
- // OleInitialize has not been called before we called it. However if this
- // is the thread of the window then we do DnD.
- if( threadIdWindow == GetCurrentThreadId() )
- {
- hrDoDragDrop= DoDragDrop(
- pData,
- static_cast<IDropSource*>( this),
- dndActionsToDropEffects( sourceActions),
- &dropEffect);
- }
- else
- OSL_ENSURE( false, "calling thread is nor the window thread and neither a MTA thread");
- if( hrInit == S_OK)
- OleUninitialize();
- }
- else if( hrInit == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE)
- {
- // This function runs currently in an MTA, so we need to create an OLE STA
- // thread in which we call DoDragDrop
- // The structure contains all in an out parameter necessary for the
- // DoDragDrop function and it is past as parameter to the thread function.
- DndParams params;
- pData;
- params.source= static_cast<IDropSource*>( this);
- // The effects ( DROPEFFECT ) that is supported by the source and which
- // are passed as paramater to the DoDragDrop function
- params.dwOkEffects= dndActionsToDropEffects( sourceActions);
- // dwEffect is the effect which is choosen by the drop target ( IDropTarget).
- // It is passed as argument to DoDragDrop
- params.dwEffect= DROPEFFECT_NONE;
- // The return value of DoDragDrop is copied to this member.
- S_OK;
- // The thread id of the thread which created the window in which the drag & drop
- // operation started.
- params.threadIdCreator= threadIdWindow;
- // We are currently running in an MTA. The window has been created in a different
- // thread which must be an Ole STA.
- DWORD idThread;
- HANDLE holeThread= CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DndOleSTAFunc,
- &params, 0, &idThread);
- // Is function shall only return when the drag and drop operation has finished.
- // Therefore we wait for the termination of the thread we created above.
- DWORD stat= WaitForSingleObject( holeThread, INFINITE);
- hrDoDragDrop=;
- dropEffect= params.dwEffect;
- }
- else
- {
- OSL_ASSERT( false);
- }
- OSL_ENSURE( hrDoDragDrop != E_INVALIDARG, "IDataObject impl does not contain valid data");
- //Fire event
- sal_Int8 action= hrDoDragDrop == DRAGDROP_S_DROP ? dndOleDropEffectsToActions( dropEffect) : ACTION_NONE;
- m_pcurrentContext_impl->fire_dragDropEnd( hrDoDragDrop == DRAGDROP_S_DROP ? sal_True : sal_False,
- action);
- // Destroy SourceContextslkfgj
- m_currentContext= 0;
- // Destroy the XTransferable wrapper
- pData->Release();
+ // The thread acccesses members of this instance but does not call acquire.
+ // Hopefully this instance is not destroyed before the thread has terminated.
+ DWORD threadId;
+ HANDLE holeThread= CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DndOleSTAFunc,
+ static_cast<DragSource*>(this), 0, &threadId);
#ifdef DEBUG
@@ -331,7 +255,7 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragSource::QueryContinueDrag(
( m_sourceActions & dndOleKeysToAction( grfKeyState));
sal_Int8 userAction= fEscapePressed ? ACTION_NONE :
dndOleKeysToAction( grfKeyState);
- m_pcurrentContext_impl->fire_dropActionChanged( dropAction, userAction);
+ static_cast<SourceContext*>(m_currentContext.get())->fire_dropActionChanged( dropAction, userAction);
@@ -353,14 +277,15 @@ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragSource::GiveFeedback(
// This function is called as extra thread from DragSource::executeDrag.
// The function carries out a drag and drop operation by calling
-// DoDragDrop
+// DoDragDrop. The thread also notifies all XSourceListener.
// The structure contains all arguments for DoDragDrop and other
- DndParams *params= (DndParams*)pParams;
+ DragSource *pSource= (DragSource*)pParams;
// Drag and drop only works in a thread in which OleInitialize is called.
- params->hr= OleInitialize( NULL);
- if( SUCCEEDED( params->hr) )
+ HRESULT hr= OleInitialize( NULL);
+ if( SUCCEEDED( hr) )
// We force the creation of a thread message queue. This is necessary
// for a later call to AttachThreadInput
@@ -371,23 +296,33 @@ DWORD WINAPI DndOleSTAFunc(LPVOID pParams)
// This thread is attached to the thread that created the window. Hence
// this thread also receives all mouse and keyboard messages which are
// needed by DoDragDrop
- AttachThreadInput( threadId , params->threadIdCreator, TRUE );
+ AttachThreadInput( threadId , pSource->m_threadIdWindow, TRUE );
- IDataObject* pData;
- OleGetClipboard( &pData);
- params->data= pData;
+ m_pDataObject->release();
+ OleGetClipboard( &pSource->m_pDataObject);
- params->hr= DoDragDrop(
- params->data,
- params->source,
- params->dwOkEffects,
- &params->dwEffect);
+ DWORD dwEffect= 0;
+ hr= DoDragDrop(
+ pSource->m_pDataObject,
+ static_cast<IDropSource*>(pSource),
+ dndActionsToDropEffects( pSource->m_sourceActions),
+ &dwEffect);
+ OSL_ENSURE( hr != E_INVALIDARG, "IDataObject impl does not contain valid data");
+ //Fire event
+ sal_Int8 action= hr == DRAGDROP_S_DROP ? dndOleDropEffectsToActions( dwEffect) : ACTION_NONE;
+ static_cast<SourceContext*>(pSource->m_currentContext.get())->fire_dragDropEnd(
+ hr == DRAGDROP_S_DROP ? sal_True : sal_False,
+ action);
+ // Destroy SourceContextslkfgj
+ pSource->m_currentContext= 0;
+ // Destroy the XTransferable wrapper
+ pSource->m_pDataObject->Release();
// Detach this thread from the window thread
- AttachThreadInput( threadId, params->threadIdCreator, FALSE);
+ AttachThreadInput( threadId, pSource->m_threadIdWindow, FALSE);
return 0;
diff --git a/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/target.hxx b/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/target.hxx
index 5e7cb5437ed2..f2fa293ea328 100644
--- a/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/target.hxx
+++ b/dtrans/source/win32/dnd/target.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: target.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.5 $
+ * $Revision: 1.6 $
- * last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2001-02-12 12:35:19 $
+ * last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2001-02-13 10:41:48 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses