diff options
authorJean-Pierre Ledure <>2017-03-25 09:29:02 +0100
committerJean-Pierre Ledure <>2017-03-25 09:29:02 +0100
commit72a2f615c37aada0d5ab8791f1fa9a71772b50f6 (patch)
parent54f9a81a1c041c18d209d7eb4659ac18a3ca76dd (diff)
Access2Base Missing parentheses - Bug #106710
Due to more severe Basic interpreter on final parentheses missing parentheses were revealed Change-Id: I779b5e3d299fb9c56ecd807d28a780cc3ab9a1b5
6 files changed, 6 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
index 46cb24afac2d..a972b3ca6bab 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ Dim sOutput As String, l As Long, lLength As Long
If Len(pvString) &gt; 0 Then
For l = 1 To Len(pvString)
If lLength &gt; 0 And Len(sOutput) &gt; lLength Then Exit For
- sOutput = sOutput &amp; Utils._UTF8Encode(Mid(pvString, l, 1)
+ sOutput = sOutput &amp; Utils._UTF8Encode(Mid(pvString, l, 1))
Next l
End If
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Database.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Database.xba
index 20129c17357d..dd5be2877283 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Database.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Database.xba
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ Dim i As Integer, l As Long
lNextPattern = InStr(lCurrentChar, psString, vPatterns(i), 1) &apos; Text (not case-sensitive) string comparison
If lNextPattern &gt; 0 And lNextPattern &lt; lPattern Then
lPattern = lNextPattern
- sPattern = Mid(psString, lPattern, Len(vPatterns(i))
+ sPattern = Mid(psString, lPattern, Len(vPatterns(i)))
End If
Next i
&apos; Up to the next pattern or to the end of the string, UTF8-encode each character
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Event.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Event.xba
index 32ec17cc3937..1e858d914284 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Event.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Event.xba
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Const cstDatabaseForm = &quot;;
Set oObject = poEvent.Source
_EventSource = oObject
sArray = Split(Utils._getUNOTypeName(poEvent), &quot;.&quot;)
- _EventType = UCase(sArray(UBound(sArray))
+ _EventType = UCase(sArray(UBound(sArray)))
If Utils._hasUNOProperty(poEvent, &quot;EventName&quot;) Then _EventName = poEvent.EventName
Select Case _EventType
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
index 0bc968fd4c8e..b3b611359618 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
@@ -1124,6 +1124,7 @@ Private Function _PropertiesList() As Variant
_PropertiesList = Array(&quot;AbsolutePosition&quot;, &quot;BOF&quot;, &quot;Bookmarkable&quot;, &quot;Bookmark&quot;, &quot;EditMode&quot; _
, &quot;EOF&quot;, &quot;Filter&quot;, &quot;LastModified&quot;, &quot;Name&quot;, &quot;ObjectType&quot; , &quot;RecordCount&quot; _
+ )
End Function &apos; _PropertiesList
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Trace.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Trace.xba
index fdc08d4d623c..601b711fdf33 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Trace.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Trace.xba
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Public Sub TraceLevel(ByVal Optional psTraceLevel As String)
Case psTraceLevel = &quot;&quot; : psTraceLevel = &quot;ERROR&quot;
Case Utils._InList(UCase(psTraceLevel), Array( _
- )
+ ))
Case Else : Goto Exit_Sub
End Select
_A2B_.MinimalTraceLevel = _TraceLevel(psTraceLevel)
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
index ac99e5aae0e3..1d7cd1dcc970 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
@@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ Const cstDot = &quot;.&quot;
Dim sName As String
If InStr(psName, &quot;.&quot;) &gt; 0 Then
- sName = Join(Split(psName, cstDot), cstSquareClose &amp; cstDot &amp; cstSquareOpen
+ sName = Join(Split(psName, cstDot), cstSquareClose &amp; cstDot &amp; cstSquareOpen)
_Surround = cstSquareOpen &amp; sName &amp; cstSquareClose
ElseIf InStr(psName, &quot; &quot;) &gt; 0 Then
_Surround = cstSquareOpen &amp; psName &amp; cstSquareClose