diff options
authorHerbert Duerr <>2002-09-04 16:42:22 +0000
committerHerbert Duerr <>2002-09-04 16:42:22 +0000
commit2b92cf585cdf788d9cc94396e4ecf56ad93f6b56 (patch)
parentb5dadb2a5f0acedb5a5e44b44082e7a812552a82 (diff)
#100194# adjust to SalLayout::DrawText changes, prefer references to pointers
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
index e1ade8cdb90c..a6bb0c9b526c 100644
--- a/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
+++ b/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: salgdi3.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.89 $
+ * $Revision: 1.90 $
- * last change: $Author: ssa $ $Date: 2002-08-29 16:35:19 $
+ * last change: $Author: hdu $ $Date: 2002-09-04 17:42:22 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@
#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
+#include "xfont.hxx"
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
@@ -1038,8 +1041,8 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
if( pClipRegion_ && !XEmptyRegion( pClipRegion_ ) )
(*aX11GlyphPeer.pXRenderSetPictureClipRegion)( pDisplay, aDst, pClipRegion_ );
- ServerFont* pFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
- GlyphSet aGlyphSet = aX11GlyphPeer.GetGlyphSet( *pFont );
+ ServerFont& rFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
+ GlyphSet aGlyphSet = aX11GlyphPeer.GetGlyphSet( rFont );
Point aPos;
static const int MAXGLYPHS = 160;
@@ -1047,13 +1050,13 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
int nMaxGlyphs = rLayout.GetOrientation() ? 1 : MAXGLYPHS;
for( int nStart = 0;;)
- int nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( nMaxGlyphs, aGlyphAry, aPos, nStart, NULL );
+ int nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( nMaxGlyphs, aGlyphAry, aPos, nStart );
if( !nGlyphs )
unsigned int aRenderAry[ MAXGLYPHS ];
for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i )
- aRenderAry[ i ] = aX11GlyphPeer.GetGlyphId( *pFont, aGlyphAry[ i ] );
+ aRenderAry[ i ] = aX11GlyphPeer.GetGlyphId( rFont, aGlyphAry[i] );
(*aX11GlyphPeer.pXRenderCompositeString32)( pDisplay, PictOpOver,
aSrc, aDst, 0, aGlyphSet, 0, 0, aPos.X(), aPos.Y(), aRenderAry, nGlyphs );
@@ -1066,16 +1069,16 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
bool SalGraphicsData::DrawServerAAForcedString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
- ServerFont* pFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
+ ServerFont& rFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
// prepare glyphs and get extent of operation
int nXmin, nXmax, nYmin, nYmax;
int nStart = 0;
Point aPos;
long nGlyph;
- for( bool bFirst=true; rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( 1, &nGlyph, aPos, nStart, NULL ); )
+ for( bool bFirst=true; rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( 1, &nGlyph, aPos, nStart ); )
- const RawBitmap* const pRawBitmap = aX11GlyphPeer.GetRawBitmap( *pFont, nGlyph );
+ const RawBitmap* const pRawBitmap = aX11GlyphPeer.GetRawBitmap( rFont, nGlyph );
if( !pRawBitmap )
@@ -1178,9 +1181,9 @@ bool SalGraphicsData::DrawServerAAForcedString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout
// work on XImage
const int bpp = pImg->bits_per_pixel >> 3;
- for( nStart = 0; rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( 1, &nGlyph, aPos, nStart, NULL ); )
+ for( nStart = 0; rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( 1, &nGlyph, aPos, nStart ); )
- const RawBitmap* const pRawBitmap = aX11GlyphPeer.GetRawBitmap( *pFont, nGlyph );
+ const RawBitmap* const pRawBitmap = aX11GlyphPeer.GetRawBitmap( rFont, nGlyph );
if( !pRawBitmap )
@@ -1245,7 +1248,7 @@ bool SalGraphicsData::DrawServerAAForcedString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout
void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerSimpleFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rSalLayout )
- ServerFont* pFont = rSalLayout.GetServerFont();
+ ServerFont& rFont = rSalLayout.GetServerFont();
Display* pDisplay = GetXDisplay();
GC nGC = SelectFont();
@@ -1258,10 +1261,10 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerSimpleFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rSalLa
Point aPos;
long nGlyph;
- for( int nStart = 0; rSalLayout.GetNextGlyphs( 1, &nGlyph, aPos, nStart, NULL ); )
+ for( int nStart = 0; rSalLayout.GetNextGlyphs( 1, &nGlyph, aPos, nStart ); )
- Pixmap aStipple = aX11GlyphPeer.GetPixmap( *pFont, nGlyph );
- const GlyphMetric& rGM = pFont->GetGlyphMetric( nGlyph );
+ Pixmap aStipple = aX11GlyphPeer.GetPixmap( rFont, nGlyph );
+ const GlyphMetric& rGM = rFont.GetGlyphMetric( nGlyph );
if( aStipple != None )
@@ -1286,11 +1289,11 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerSimpleFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rSalLa
void SalGraphicsData::DispatchServerFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
- ServerFont* pFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
+ ServerFont& rFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
- if( aX11GlyphPeer.GetGlyphSet( *pFont ) )
+ if( aX11GlyphPeer.GetGlyphSet( rFont ) )
DrawServerAAFontString( rLayout );
- else if( aX11GlyphPeer.ForcedAntialiasing( *pFont ) )
+ else if( aX11GlyphPeer.ForcedAntialiasing( rFont ) )
DrawServerAAForcedString( rLayout );
DrawServerSimpleFontString( rLayout );
@@ -1298,6 +1301,108 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DispatchServerFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout
+// TODO: move into psp project
+class PspFontLayout : public GenericSalLayout
+ ::psp::PrinterGfx& mrPrinterGfx;
+ PspFontLayout( const ImplLayoutArgs&, ::psp::PrinterGfx& );
+ virtual void DrawText( SalGraphics& ) const;
+PspFontLayout::PspFontLayout( const ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs, ::psp::PrinterGfx& rGfx )
+: GenericSalLayout( rArgs ),
+ mrPrinterGfx( rGfx )
+ // TODO: implement real bidi
+ // not very important because builtin fonts usually don't support bidi chars anyway
+ bool bRightToLeft = (0 != (rArgs.mnFlags & SAL_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL));
+ int nGlyphCount = rArgs.mnEndCharPos - rArgs.mnMinCharPos;
+ GlyphItem* pGlyphBuffer = new GlyphItem[ nGlyphCount ];
+ long nUnitsPerPixel = 1;
+ long nWidth = 0;
+ int nOldGlyphId = -1;
+ for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i )
+ {
+ int nLogicalIndex = bRightToLeft ? (rArgs.mnEndCharPos-1-i) : (rArgs.mnMinCharPos+i);
+ sal_Unicode cChar = rArgs.mpStr[ nLogicalIndex ];
+ int nGlyphIndex = cChar; // printer glyphs = unicode
+ long nGlyphWidth;
+ nUnitsPerPixel = rGfx.GetCharWidth( cChar, cChar, &nGlyphWidth );
+ Point aNewPos( nWidth, 0 );
+ nWidth += nGlyphWidth;
+ if( SAL_LAYOUT_KERNING_PAIRS & rArgs.mnFlags )
+ {
+ // TODO: get kerning value from printer
+ int nKern = 0; //GetGlyphKernValue( nOldGlyphId, nGlyphIndex );
+ aNewPos += Point( nKern, 0 );
+ nOldGlyphId = nGlyphIndex;
+ }
+ // TODO: apply asian kerning if requested too
+ // but most probably no asian pairs in builtin fonts
+ int nGlyphFlags = bRightToLeft ? GlyphItem::IS_RTL_GLYPH : 0;
+ pGlyphBuffer[i] = GlyphItem( nLogicalIndex, nGlyphIndex, aNewPos,
+ nGlyphFlags, nGlyphWidth );
+ }
+ SetGlyphItems( pGlyphBuffer, nGlyphCount );
+ SetOrientation( rGfx.GetFontAngle() );
+ SetUnitsPerPixel( nUnitsPerPixel );
+ SetWantFallback( false );
+ if( rArgs.mpDXArray )
+ ApplyDXArray( rArgs.mpDXArray );
+ if( rArgs.mnLayoutWidth )
+ Justify( rArgs.mnLayoutWidth );
+void PspFontLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& rSalGraphics ) const
+ const int nMaxGlyphs = 160;
+ long aGlyphAry[ nMaxGlyphs ];
+ long aWidthAry[ nMaxGlyphs ];
+ sal_Int32 aIdxAry [ nMaxGlyphs ];
+ sal_Unicode aUnicodes[ nMaxGlyphs ];
+ Point aPos;
+ for( int nStart = 0;; )
+ {
+ int nGlyphCount = GetNextGlyphs( nMaxGlyphs, aGlyphAry, aPos, nStart, aWidthAry );
+ if( !nGlyphCount )
+ break;
+ long nXOffset = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i )
+ {
+ nXOffset += aWidthAry[ i ];
+ aIdxAry[ i ] = nXOffset / mnUnitsPerPixel;
+ long nGlyphIdx = aGlyphAry[i] & (GF_IDXMASK | GF_ROTMASK);
+ aUnicodes[i] = (aGlyphAry[i] & GF_ISCHAR) ? nGlyphIdx : 0;
+ aGlyphAry[i] = nGlyphIdx;
+ }
+ mrPrinterGfx.DrawGlyphs( aPos, (unsigned long*)aGlyphAry, aUnicodes, nGlyphCount, aIdxAry );
+ }
+void ServerFontLayout::DrawText( SalGraphics& rSalGraphics ) const
+ rSalGraphics.maGraphicsData.DispatchServerFontString( *this );
static Point
RotatedPoint( Point &rOrigin, int nDx, int nAngle )
@@ -1336,129 +1441,61 @@ void SalGraphicsData::DrawServerFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
-SalGraphicsData::DrawStringUCS2( int nX, int nY, const sal_Unicode* pStr, int nLength )
+void SalGraphicsData::DrawStringUCS2MB( const Point& rPoint, const sal_Unicode* pStr, int nLength )
- // plain Unicode, can handle all chars and can be handled straight forward
- XFontStruct* pFontStruct = xFont_->GetFontStruct( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE );
- if ( pFontStruct == NULL )
- return;
Display* pDisplay = GetXDisplay();
GC nGC = SelectFont();
- XSetFont( pDisplay, nGC, pFontStruct->fid );
- sal_Unicode *pBuffer = (sal_Unicode*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(sal_Unicode) );
- for ( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
- pBuffer[ i ] = SwapBytes(pStr[ i ]) ;
- #else
- sal_Unicode *pBuffer = const_cast<sal_Unicode*>(pStr);
- #endif
- XDrawString16( pDisplay, hDrawable_, nGC, nX, nY, (XChar2b*)pBuffer, nLength );
-SalGraphicsData::DrawStringMB ( int nX, int nY, const sal_Unicode* pStr, int nLength )
- XTextItem16 *pTextItem = (XTextItem16*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(XTextItem16) );
- XChar2b *pMBChar = (XChar2b*) alloca( nLength * sizeof(XChar2b) );
- memcpy( pMBChar, pStr, nLength * sizeof(XChar2b) );
- rtl_TextEncoding nEnc;
- XFontStruct *pFont;
- for ( int nChar = 0, nItem = 0; nChar < nLength; nChar++ )
+ if( xFont_->GetAsciiEncoding() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
- if ( !(pFont = xFont_->GetFontStruct(pStr[nChar], &nEnc)) )
- if ( !(pFont = mxFallbackFont->GetFontStruct(pStr[nChar], &nEnc)) )
- if ( !(pFont = mxFallbackFont->GetFontStruct((sal_Unicode)'?', &nEnc)) )
- continue;
- else
- pMBChar[nChar].byte1 = 0, pMBChar[nChar].byte2 = '?';
- pTextItem[ nItem ].chars = pMBChar + nChar;
- pTextItem[ nItem ].delta = 0;
- pTextItem[ nItem ].font = pFont->fid;
- pTextItem[ nItem ].nchars = 1;
- ConvertTextItem16( &pTextItem[ nItem ], nEnc );
- ++nItem;
- }
- Display* pDisplay = GetXDisplay();
- GC nGC = SelectFont();
- XDrawText16( pDisplay, hDrawable_, nGC, nX, nY, pTextItem, nItem );
+ // plain Unicode, can handle all chars and can be handled straight forward
+ XFontStruct* pFontStruct = xFont_->GetFontStruct( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE );
+ if( !pFontStruct )
+ return;
-#ifndef ENABLE_CTL
+ XSetFont( pDisplay, nGC, pFontStruct->fid );
-// draw string in one of the fonts / encodings that are available in the
-// extended font
-SalGraphicsData::DrawText( long nX, long nY, const sal_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLength )
- if (nLength == 0)
- return;
+ sal_Unicode *pBuffer = (sal_Unicode*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(sal_Unicode) );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
+ pBuffer[ i ] = SwapBytes(pStr[ i ]) ;
+ #else
+ sal_Unicode *pBuffer = const_cast<sal_Unicode*>(pStr);
+ #endif
- if( xFont_ != NULL )
- {
- if( xFont_->GetAsciiEncoding() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
- DrawStringUCS2 ( nX, nY, pStr, nLength );
- else
- DrawStringMB ( nX, nY, pStr, nLength );
+ XDrawString16( pDisplay, hDrawable_, nGC, rPoint.X(), rPoint.Y(), (XChar2b*)pBuffer, nLength );
-#endif // ENABLE_CTL
+ else
+ {
+ XTextItem16 *pTextItem = (XTextItem16*)alloca( nLength * sizeof(XTextItem16) );
+ XChar2b *pMBChar = (XChar2b*) alloca( nLength * sizeof(XChar2b) );
-void SalGraphicsData::DrawX11FontString( const X11FontLayout& rLayout )
- if( !xFont_ )
- return;
+ memcpy( pMBChar, pStr, nLength * sizeof(XChar2b) );
-#if 1 // TODO: enable fallback
- const X11FontLayout* pLayout = &rLayout;
- SalLayout* pLayout = rLayout.ExtractLayout( 0, GlyphItem::FALLBACK_MASK );
- if( !pLayout )
- return;
- static const int MAXGLYPHS = 160;
- int nMaxGlyphs = pLayout->GetOrientation() ? 1 : MAXGLYPHS;
+ rtl_TextEncoding nEnc;
+ XFontStruct *pFont;
+ for ( int nChar = 0, nItem = 0; nChar < nLength; nChar++ )
+ {
+ if ( !(pFont = xFont_->GetFontStruct(pStr[nChar], &nEnc)) )
+ if ( !(pFont = mxFallbackFont->GetFontStruct(pStr[nChar], &nEnc)) )
+ if ( !(pFont = mxFallbackFont->GetFontStruct((sal_Unicode)'?', &nEnc)) )
+ continue;
+ else
+ pMBChar[nChar].byte1 = 0, pMBChar[nChar].byte2 = '?';
- Point aPos;
- for( int nStart=0;;)
- {
- long aGlyphAry[ MAXGLYPHS ];
- int nGlyphs = pLayout->GetNextGlyphs( nMaxGlyphs, aGlyphAry, aPos, nStart, NULL );
- if( !nGlyphs )
- break;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].chars = pMBChar + nChar;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].delta = 0;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].font = pFont->fid;
+ pTextItem[ nItem ].nchars = 1;
- sal_Unicode pStr[ MAXGLYPHS ];
- for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; ++i )
- pStr[ i ] = aGlyphAry[ i ];
+ ConvertTextItem16( &pTextItem[ nItem ], nEnc );
+ ++nItem;
+ }
- if( xFont_->GetAsciiEncoding() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
- DrawStringUCS2 ( aPos.X(), aPos.Y(), pStr, nGlyphs );
- else
- DrawStringMB ( aPos.X(), aPos.Y(), pStr, nGlyphs );
+ XDrawText16( pDisplay, hDrawable_, nGC, rPoint.X(), rPoint.Y(), pTextItem, nItem );
-#if 0
- // release fallback layout
- pLayout->Release();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ULONG SalGraphicsData::GetFontCodeRanges( sal_uInt32* pCodePairs ) const
ULONG nPairs = 0;
@@ -1474,109 +1511,6 @@ ULONG SalGraphicsData::GetFontCodeRanges( sal_uInt32* pCodePairs ) const
-void SalGraphics::DrawSalLayout( const SalLayout& rSalLayout, const OutputDevice* )
- if( maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx != NULL )
- {
-#define MAX_GLYPHS 160
- long aGlyphAry[MAX_GLYPHS];
- long aWidthAry[MAX_GLYPHS];
- sal_Int32 aIdxAry[MAX_GLYPHS];
- sal_Unicode aUnicodes[MAX_GLYPHS];
- memset( aUnicodes, 0, sizeof(aUnicodes));
- Point aPos;
- bool bHasGlyphs = rSalLayout.HasGlyphs();
- const GenericSalLayout& rLayout = reinterpret_cast<const GenericSalLayout&>( rSalLayout );
- int nUnitsPerPixel = rLayout.GetUnitsPerPixel();
- for( int nStart = 0;; )
- {
- int nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( MAX_GLYPHS, aGlyphAry, aPos, nStart, aWidthAry );
- if( !nGlyphs )
- break;
- long nXOffset = 0;
- for( int j = 0; j < nGlyphs; j++ )
- {
- nXOffset += aWidthAry[ j ];
- aIdxAry[ j ] = nXOffset / nUnitsPerPixel;
- aUnicodes[j] = bHasGlyphs ? 0 : aGlyphAry[j];
- }
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawGlyphs( aPos, (unsigned long*)aGlyphAry, aUnicodes, nGlyphs, aIdxAry );
- }
- }
- else
- if( maGraphicsData.mpServerSideFont != NULL )
- {
- const ServerFontLayout& rLayout = reinterpret_cast< const ServerFontLayout&>( rSalLayout );
- maGraphicsData.DrawServerFontString( rLayout );
- }
- else
- {
- const X11FontLayout& rLayout = reinterpret_cast<const X11FontLayout&>( rSalLayout );
- maGraphicsData.DrawX11FontString( rLayout );
- }
-#ifndef ENABLE_CTL
-SalGraphics::DrawText( long nX, long nY, const xub_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLen )
- if( ! pStr || ! nLen )
- return;
- int nStart, nStop;
- if( maGraphicsData.FaxPhoneComment( pStr, nLen, nStart, nStop ) )
- {
- // can only happen on printer
- if( nStart )
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawText( Point(nX, nY), pStr, nStart );
- if( nStop < nLen-1 )
- {
- long nCharWidth;
- long nWidth = 0;
- for( int i = 0; i < nStop; i++ )
- {
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->GetCharWidth( pStr[i], pStr[i], &nCharWidth );
- nWidth += nCharWidth;
- }
- nWidth /= 1000;
- int nAngle = maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->GetFontAngle();
- nX += (long)((double)nWidth * cos( (double)nAngle * 2.0 * M_PI / 3600.0 ));
- nY -= (long)((double)nWidth * sin( (double)nAngle * 2.0 * M_PI / 3600.0 ));
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawText( Point( nX, nY ), pStr + nStop, nLen - nStop );
- }
- return;
- }
- if (maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx != NULL)
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawText( Point(nX, nY), pStr, nLen);
- else
- {
- if( maGraphicsData.mpServerSideFont != NULL )
- maGraphicsData.DrawServerFontString( nX, nY, pStr, nLen, NULL );
- else
- maGraphicsData.DrawText( nX, nY, pStr, nLen );
- }
-#endif // ENABLE_CTL
static BOOL
@@ -1637,55 +1571,6 @@ SalGraphics::SetFont( ImplFontSelectData *pEntry )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef ENABLE_CTL
-SalGraphics::DrawTextArray( long nX, long nY,
- const xub_Unicode *pStr, USHORT nLen, const long *pDXAry )
- if( ! pStr || ! nLen )
- return;
- int nStart, nStop;
- if( maGraphicsData.FaxPhoneComment( pStr, nLen, nStart, nStop ) ) // TODO: do in CTL
- {
- // can only happen on printer
- if( nStart )
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawText( Point(nX, nY), pStr, nStart, pDXAry );
- if( nStop < nLen-1 )
- {
- int nAngle = maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->GetFontAngle();
- nX += (long)((double)pDXAry[nStop-1] * cos( (double)nAngle * 2.0 * M_PI / 3600.0 ));
- nY -= (long)((double)pDXAry[nStop-1] * sin( (double)nAngle * 2.0 * M_PI / 3600.0 ));
- long* pNewArray = (long*)alloca( sizeof(long)*nLen );
- for( int i = nStop; i < nLen-1; i++ )
- pNewArray[i-nStop] = pDXAry[i]-pDXAry[nStop-1];
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawText( Point( nX, nY ), pStr + nStop, nLen - nStop, pNewArray );
- }
- return;
- }
- if (maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx != NULL)
- maGraphicsData.m_pPrinterGfx->DrawText (Point(nX, nY), pStr, nLen, pDXAry);
- else
- {
- if( maGraphicsData.mpServerSideFont != NULL )
- maGraphicsData.DrawServerFontString( nX, nY, pStr, nLen, pDXAry );
- else
- maGraphicsData.DrawText( nX, nY, pStr, nLen, pDXAry );
- }
-#endif // ENABLE_CTL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SalGraphics::SetTextColor( SalColor nSalColor )
@@ -2341,106 +2226,44 @@ SalGraphics::GetGlyphOutline( xub_Unicode cChar,
-#ifdef ENABLE_CTL
-SalLayout* SalGraphicsData::LayoutText( const ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs )
+SalLayout* SalGraphicsData::LayoutText( ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs )
- bool bEnableGlyphs = true;
#if !defined(_USE_PRINT_EXTENSION_)
// workaround for printers not handling glyph indexing for non-TT fonts
- // TODO: make bEnableGlyphs part of SalLayout
if( m_pPrinterGfx != NULL )
int nFontId = m_pPrinterGfx->GetFontID();
- bEnableGlyphs = ( psp::fonttype::TrueType == psp::PrintFontManager::get().getFontType( nFontId ) );
+ if( psp::fonttype::TrueType != psp::PrintFontManager::get().getFontType( nFontId ) )
#endif // !defined(_USE_PRINT_EXTENSION_)
GenericSalLayout* pSalLayout = NULL;
- if( mpServerSideFont && bEnableGlyphs )
+ if( mpServerSideFont && !(rArgs.mnFlags & SAL_LAYOUT_DISABLE_GLYPH_PROCESSING) )
// layout in selected font
- pSalLayout = mpServerSideFont->LayoutText( rArgs );
-#if 0 // TODO: enable fallback layout
- // if needed use fallback fonts
- if( mpSrvFallbackFont && (!pSalLayout || pSalLayout->GetWantFallback()) )
- {
- SalLayout* pFallbackLayout = mpSrvFallbackFont->LayoutText( pStr,
- nLength, nLayoutOptions, nFirstCharIndex, int nEndCharIndex );
- if( pFallbackLayout )
- {
- pSalLayout->MergeLayout( 1, *pFallbackLayout );
- pFallbackLayout->Release();
- }
- }
+ pSalLayout = new ServerFontLayout( rArgs, *mpServerSideFont );
#if !defined(_USE_PRINT_EXTENSION_)
else if( m_pPrinterGfx != NULL )
- // TODO: implement real bidi
- bool bRightToLeft = (0 != (rArgs.mnFlags & SAL_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL));
- int nGlyphCount = rArgs.mnEndCharIndex - rArgs.mnFirstCharIndex;
- GlyphItem* pGlyphBuffer = new GlyphItem[ nGlyphCount ];
- long nUnitsPerPixel = 1;
- long nWidth = 0;
- int nOldGlyphId = -1;
- for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i )
- {
- int nLogicalIndex = bRightToLeft ? (rArgs.mnEndCharIndex-1-i) : (rArgs.mnFirstCharIndex+i);
- sal_Unicode cChar = rArgs.mpStr[ nLogicalIndex ];
- int nGlyphIndex = cChar; // printer glyphs = unicode
- Point aNewPos( nWidth, 0 );
- long nGlyphWidth;
- nUnitsPerPixel = m_pPrinterGfx->GetCharWidth( cChar, cChar, &nGlyphWidth );
- nWidth += nGlyphWidth;
- if( SAL_LAYOUT_KERNING_PAIRS & rArgs.mnFlags )
- {
- // TODO: get kerning value from printer
- int nKern = 0; //GetGlyphKernValue( nOldGlyphId, nGlyphIndex );
- aNewPos += Point( nKern, 0 );
- nOldGlyphId = nGlyphIndex;
- }
- // TODO: apply asian kerning if requested too
- pGlyphBuffer[i] = GlyphItem( nLogicalIndex, nGlyphIndex, aNewPos,
- GlyphItem::CLUSTER_START, nGlyphWidth );
- }
- GenericSalLayout* pPrinterLayout = new GenericSalLayout( rArgs );
- pPrinterLayout->SetGlyphItems( pGlyphBuffer, nGlyphCount );
- pPrinterLayout->SetUnitsPerPixel( nUnitsPerPixel );
- pPrinterLayout->SetOrientation( m_pPrinterGfx->GetFontAngle() );
- pPrinterLayout->SetWantFallback( false );
- if( rArgs.mpDXArray )
- pPrinterLayout->ApplyDXArray( rArgs.mpDXArray );
- if( rArgs.mnLayoutWidth )
- pPrinterLayout->Justify( rArgs.mnLayoutWidth );
- pSalLayout = pPrinterLayout;
+ pSalLayout = new PspFontLayout( rArgs, *m_pPrinterGfx );
#endif // !defined(_USE_PRINT_EXTENSION_)
- else
- pSalLayout = xFont_->LayoutText( rArgs );
+ else if( xFont_ )
+ pSalLayout = new X11FontLayout( rArgs, *xFont_ );
return pSalLayout;
-#endif // ENABLE_CTL
-#ifdef ENABLE_CTL
-SalLayout* SalGraphics::LayoutText( const ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs, const OutputDevice* )
+SalLayout* SalGraphics::LayoutText( ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs )
SalLayout* pSalLayout = maGraphicsData.LayoutText( rArgs );
return pSalLayout;
-#endif // ENABLE_CTL