diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2006-04-26 19:50:23 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2006-04-26 19:50:23 +0000
commit463502b793888ad82c1a7263bff215649d66992e (patch)
parentb8babab3766d98c4e381677be5fe9bd4ba2e450a (diff)
2006/04/21 12:00:15 af #i61115# Code cleanup. 2006/04/18 15:43:57 af #i61115# Update() returns list of events that have to be notified. 2006/04/12 15:18:19 af #i61359# Fixed some compiler problems. 2006/03/24 12:25:23 af #i61115# Converted pointers to MasterPageDescriptor to shared_ptr. Added classification of URLs for ordering. 2006/02/22 09:50:39 af #i61359# Major restructuring of MasterPageContainer and MasterPagesSelector. 2006/02/17 12:45:59 af #i61359# Initial revision.
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sd/source/ui/toolpanel/controls/MasterPageDescriptor.hxx b/sd/source/ui/toolpanel/controls/MasterPageDescriptor.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1234e13dbcdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd/source/ui/toolpanel/controls/MasterPageDescriptor.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: MasterPageDescriptor.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-04-26 20:50:23 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "MasterPageContainer.hxx"
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+namespace sd { namespace toolpanel { namespace controls {
+class PageObjectProvider;
+class PreviewProvider;
+class MasterPageDescriptor;
+typedef ::boost::shared_ptr<MasterPageDescriptor> SharedMasterPageDescriptor;
+/** A collection of data that is stored for every master page in the
+ MasterpageContainer.
+class MasterPageDescriptor
+ MasterPageDescriptor (
+ MasterPageContainer::Origin eOrigin,
+ const sal_Int32 nTemplateIndex,
+ const String& rURL,
+ const String& rPageName,
+ const String& rStyleName,
+ const ::boost::shared_ptr<PageObjectProvider>& rpPageObjectProvider,
+ const ::boost::shared_ptr<PreviewProvider>& rpPreviewProvider);
+ MasterPageDescriptor (const MasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ ~MasterPageDescriptor (void);
+ void SetToken (MasterPageContainer::Token aToken);
+ /** Update the called MasterPageDescriptor object with values from the
+ given one. Only those values are updated that have default values
+ in the called object and that have non-default values in the given
+ one.
+ @return
+ Returns a list of event types for which event notifications have
+ to be sent to listeners. The list may be empty or NULL.
+ */
+ ::std::auto_ptr<std::vector<MasterPageContainerChangeEvent::EventType> >
+ Update (
+ const MasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ /** This convenience method returns either a small or a large preview,
+ depending on the given size specifier.
+ Note that the previews are not created when they are not present.
+ @return
+ The returned preview may be empty.
+ */
+ Image GetPreview (MasterPageContainer::PreviewSize ePreviewSize);
+ /** Use the PreviewProvider to get access to a preview of the master
+ page.
+ Note that this is only done, when either bForce is <TRUE/> or
+ the PreviewProvider::GetCostIndex() returns 0.
+ The small preview is created by scaling the large one, not by
+ calling PreviewProvider::operator() a second time.
+ It is the responsibility of the caller to call UpdatePageObject()
+ before calling this method when the PreviewProvider can only work
+ when the master page object is present, i.e. its NeedsPageObject()
+ method returns <TRUE/>.
+ @param nCostThreshold
+ When this is zero or positive then the preview is created only
+ when the preview provider has a cost equal to or smaller than
+ this threshold. A negative value forces the preview to be
+ created, regardless of the cost.
+ @param rSmallSize
+ Size of the small preview.
+ @param rLargeSize
+ Size of the large preview.
+ @param rRenderer
+ A PreviewRenderer object that may be used to create a preview.
+ @return
+ When the previews are successfully provided then <TRUE/> is
+ returned.
+ */
+ bool UpdatePreview (
+ sal_Int32 nCostThreshold,
+ const Size& rSmallSize,
+ const Size& rLargeSize,
+ ::sd::PreviewRenderer& rRenderer);
+ /** Use the PageObjectProvider to get access to the master page object.
+ Note that this is only done, when either bForce is <TRUE/> or the
+ PreviewProvider::GetCostIndex() returns 0.
+ @param nCostThreshold
+ When this is zero or positive then the page object is created
+ only when the page object provider has a cost equal to or
+ smaller than this threshold. A negative value forces the
+ page object be created, regardless of the cost.
+ @param pDocument
+ This document of the MasterPageContainer may be used to create
+ a page object with or store one in.
+ @return
+ When the master page object is successfully provided then
+ <TRUE/> is returned.
+ */
+ bool UpdatePageObject (
+ sal_Int32 nCostThreshold,
+ SdDrawDocument* pDocument);
+ enum URLClassification {
+ };
+ URLClassification GetURLClassification (void);
+ /** The Token under which the MasterPageContainer gives access to the
+ object.
+ */
+ MasterPageContainer::Token maToken;
+ /** A rough specification of the origin of the master page.
+ */
+ MasterPageContainer::Origin meOrigin;
+ /** The URL is not empty for master pages loaded from a template
+ document.
+ */
+ ::rtl::OUString msURL;
+ /** Taken from the title of the template file.
+ */
+ ::rtl::OUString msPageName;
+ /** Taken from the master page object.
+ */
+ ::rtl::OUString msStyleName;
+ /** The actual master page.
+ */
+ SdPage* mpMasterPage;
+ /** A slide that uses the master page.
+ */
+ SdPage* mpSlide;
+ /** A small (the default size) preview of the master page. May be
+ empty. When this smaller preview is not empty then the larger one
+ is not empty, too.
+ */
+ Image maSmallPreview;
+ /** A large preview of the master page. May be empty. When this larger
+ preview is not empty then the smaller one is not empty, too.
+ */
+ Image maLargePreview;
+ /** The prewview provider. May be empty. May be replaced during the
+ lifetime of a MasterPageDescriptor object.
+ */
+ ::boost::shared_ptr<PreviewProvider> mpPreviewProvider;
+ /** The master page provider. May be empty. May be replaced during
+ the lifetime of a MasterPageDescriptor object.
+ */
+ ::boost::shared_ptr<PageObjectProvider> mpPageObjectProvider;
+ /** This index represents the order in which templates are provided via
+ the TemplateScanner. It defines the order in which the entries in
+ the AllMasterPagesSelector are displayed. The default value is -1.
+ */
+ sal_Int32 mnTemplateIndex;
+ URLClassification meURLClassification;
+ sal_Int32 mnUseCount;
+ class URLComparator { public:
+ ::rtl::OUString msURL;
+ URLComparator (const ::rtl::OUString& sURL);
+ bool operator() (const SharedMasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ };
+ class PageNameComparator { public:
+ ::rtl::OUString msPageName;
+ PageNameComparator (const ::rtl::OUString& sPageName);
+ bool operator() (const SharedMasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ };
+ class StyleNameComparator { public:
+ ::rtl::OUString msStyleName;
+ StyleNameComparator (const ::rtl::OUString& sStyleName);
+ bool operator() (const SharedMasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ };
+ class PageObjectComparator { public:
+ const SdPage* mpMasterPage;
+ PageObjectComparator (const SdPage* pPageObject);
+ bool operator() (const SharedMasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ };
+ class AllComparator { public:
+ AllComparator(const SharedMasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ bool operator() (const SharedMasterPageDescriptor& rDescriptor);
+ private:
+ SharedMasterPageDescriptor mpDescriptor;
+ };
+} } } // end of namespace ::sd::toolpanel::controls