diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2001-06-29 01:08:08 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2001-06-29 01:08:08 +0000
commit553e0ff230f755b9f7a8443267f3296bead06987 (patch)
parentede15473c70de8dadbb84bf0e27ec8b4282a31e1 (diff)
Merge SRC633: 29.06.01 - 04:08:25
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/WizardPages.src b/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/WizardPages.src
index 7082c9423b17..7ab8c3e95149 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/WizardPages.src
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/WizardPages.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: WizardPages.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.14 $
+ * $Revision: 1.15 $
- * last change: $Author: fme $ $Date: 2001-06-21 15:26:43 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-06-29 02:08:08 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -267,6 +267,26 @@ ModalDialog WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE
Text = "~Hilfe" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Help" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "~Help";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ajuda";
+ Text[ russian ] = "Help";
+ Text[ greek ] = "Help";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Help";
+ Text[ french ] = "Help";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Ay~uda";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Help";
+ Text[ italian ] = "~?";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Help";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "~Hjlp";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Po~moc";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Help";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "Help";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Help";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "Help";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Help";
CancelButton PB_CANCEL
@@ -411,9 +431,9 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT
Text[ dutch ] = "Bestaande kolommen";
Text[ french ] = "Colonnes disponibles";
Text[ spanish ] = "Columnas existentes";
- Text[ italian ] = "Colonne:";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Colonne disponibili";
Text[ danish ] = "Eksisterende kolonner";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Existerande kolumner:";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Existerande kolumner";
Text[ polish ] = "Istniejce kolumny";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tablename:";
Text[ japanese ] = "̗";
@@ -571,7 +591,7 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT
Text[ swedish ] = "Kolumninformation";
Text[ polish ] = "Informacja o kolumnnach:";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tablename:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "̏:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̏";
Text[ korean ] = " ";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еϢ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "T";
@@ -607,7 +627,7 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT
Text[ swedish ] = "Autom. typigenknning";
Text[ polish ] = "Automat. identyfikacja typu";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tablename:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "߂̎F";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ނ̎F";
Text[ korean ] = "ڵ Ÿν";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զʶ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ѧO";
@@ -623,6 +643,26 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 40 , 8 ) ;
Text = "(max.) ~Zeilen" ;
Text [ English ] = "Lines (ma~x)" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Lines (ma~x)";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Linhas (max.)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "(.) :";
+ Text[ greek ] = " (.):";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "(max.) ~regels";
+ Text[ french ] = "~Lignes (max.) :";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "~Lneas (mx.)";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "(max.) ~Zeilen:";
+ Text[ italian ] = "~Righe (max)";
+ Text[ danish ] = "(Maks.) rkker:";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "(ma~x) rader";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wiersze (maks.)";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tablename:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ős(~X)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(ִ)~:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()(~X)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(̦h)C(~X)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satrlar (azami):";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "( ) :";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "~Lneas (mx.):";
NumericField ET_AUTO
@@ -693,6 +733,26 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 20) ;
Text = "Quelltabelle: \n" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Source table: \n" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Source table: \n";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Tabela fonte: \n";
+ Text[ russian ] = " : \n";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : \n";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Brontabel: \n";
+ Text[ french ] = "Table source : \n";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Tabla fuente: \n";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Quelltabelle: \n";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Tabella sorgente: \n";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Kildetabel: \n";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Klltabell: \n";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tabela rdowa: \n";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Source table: \n";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ð: \n";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ҽ ̺: \n";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ\n";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G\n";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Kaynak tablo: \n";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " : \n";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Tabla fuente: \n";
@@ -701,6 +761,26 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 75 , 20) ;
Text = "Zieltabelle: \n" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Destination table: \n" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Destination table: \n";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Tabela de destino: \n";
+ Text[ russian ] = " : \n";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : \n";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Doeltabel: \n";
+ Text[ french ] = "Table cible : \n";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Tabla destino: \n";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Zieltabelle: \n";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Tabella destinazione: \n";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Mltabel: \n";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Mltabell: \n";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tabela docelowa: \n";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Destination table: \n";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ޯð: \n";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ̺: \n";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ŀ\n";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ؼЪG\n";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Hedef tablo: \n";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " : \n";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Tabla destino: \n";
@@ -874,6 +954,26 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 8 ) ;
Text = "~Tabellenname" ;
Text [ English ] = "Tablename" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Ta~ble name";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome da ta~bela";
+ Text[ russian ] = " :";
+ Text[ greek ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam";
+ Text[ french ] = "Nom de la ~table :";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre de la ta~bla";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Tabellenname:";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Nome ~tabella";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Tabelnavn:";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabellnamn";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabellenname:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ðٖ(~B)";
+ Text[ korean ] = "̺ ̸(~B):";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~B)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W(~B)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo ad:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre de la ta~bla:";
@@ -1056,6 +1156,26 @@ TabPage TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 39 , 8 ) ;
Text = "Name";
Text[ENGLISH] = "Name";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Name";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome";
+ Text[ russian ] = ":";
+ Text[ greek ] = ":";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Naam";
+ Text[ french ] = "Nom :";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Nimi:";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Nome";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Navn:";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Namn";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O";
+ Text[ korean ] = "̸:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Ad:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ":";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Nombre:";
@@ -1233,3 +1353,4 @@ String STR_ERR_DUPL_TABLENAME