diff options
authorRüdiger Timm <>2002-12-05 13:00:59 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2002-12-05 13:00:59 +0000
commit5af6a7b949db61bfefce2c9c703676427bb072c6 (patch)
parent636b83f0dd54dbd99a15fe9982c5a069835fd40f (diff)
Merge SRX644: 05.12.02 - 14:57:00
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
index 5d8bcf55816d..0060e316440c 100644
--- a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: dbwizres.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.45 $
+ * $Revision: 1.46 $
- * last change: $Author: bc $ $Date: 2002-12-03 11:40:20 $
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2002-12-05 14:00:59 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 0
Text = "~Fertig stellen";
Text [ english_us] = "C~reate";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Criar";
- Text[ russian ] = "~";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien";
Text[ french ] = "Crer";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Crear";
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 1
Text = "Abbrechen";
Text [ english_us] = "~Cancel";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Ca~ncelar";
- Text[ russian ] = "~";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren";
Text[ french ] = "Annuler";
Text[ spanish ] = "Cancelar";
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 2
Text[ korean ] = "<< 뒤로(~B)";
Text[ turkish ] = "<< Ge~ri";
Text[ catalan ] = "<< ~Enrere";
- Text[ finnish ] = "<< Edellinen";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "<< ~Edellinen";
Text[ thai ] = "<< ~กลับไป";
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 5
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo ad";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de la ~taula";
- Text[ finnish ] = "T~aulukon nimi";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukon nimi";
Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อ~ตาราง";
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6
Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des AutoPiloten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Der AutoPilot wird beendet.";
Text [ english_us] = "An error occurred while running the AutoPilot. The AutoPilot will be terminated.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro durante a execuo do AutoPiloto. Este ser encerrado.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het werken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt.";
Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite au cours de l'excution de l'AutoPilote. Ce dernier va tre ferm.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del AutoPiloto se ha producido un error. El AutoPiloto se cerrar.";
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6
Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿의 실행 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 자동 파일럿이 종료됩니다";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot altrlrken bir hata olutu. Otopilot kapatlacak.";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en executar l'AutoPilot. L'AutoPilot s'aturar.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattisen ohjauksen suorituksessa on ilmenny virhe. Automaattinen ohjaus lopetetaan.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjatun toiminnon ohjauksen suorituksessa on ilmennyt virhe. Ohjattu toiminto lopetetaan.";
Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะใช้งานการนำร่องอัตโนมัติ การนำร่องอัตโนมัติจะยุติ";
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 7
Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des Autopiloten darf kein Formular geffnet sein. Bitte schlieen Sie das Formular.";
Text [ english_us] = "A form cannot be open while the AutoPilot is running. Please close the form.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Durante a execuo do AutoPiloto no pode estar aberto nenhum formulrio. Feche o formulrio.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . , , .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot mag er geen formulier geopend zijn. Sluit het formulier.";
Text[ french ] = "L'AutoPilote ne peut tre excut alors qu'un formulaire est ouvert. Veuillez fermer le formulaire.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del AutoPiloto no debe haber ningn formulario abierto. Cierre el formulario.";
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 7
Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 실행 중 양식을 열어서는 안됩니다. 양식을 닫아 주십시오.";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot alrken ak form bulunmamaldr. Ltfen formu kapatn.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot obrir cap formulari mentre s'executa l'AutoPilot. Si us plau, tanqueu el formulari.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lomake ei voi olla avoin automaattista ohjausta suoritettaessa. Sulje lomake.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Lomake ei voi olla avoin ohjattua toimintoa suoritettaessa. Sulje lomake.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเปิดแบบฟอร์มขณะกำลังใช้งานการนำร่องอัตโนมัติ กรุณาปิดแบบฟอร์ม";
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8
Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Formulare starten zu knnen.";
Text [ english_us] = "No database has been installed. At least one database is required before the AutoPilot for forms can be started.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma base de dados instalada. Para poder activar o AutoPiloto de formulrios necessria, pelo menos, uma base de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de formulaire.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para formularios.";
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되지 않았습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 양식을 위한 자동 파일럿이 시작될 수 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Form OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha cap base de dades. Com a mnim hi ha d'haver una base de dades per executar l'Autopilot per a formularis.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantoja ei ole asennettu. Lomakkeiden automaattisen ohjauksen kyttminen edellytt, ett jrjestelmn on asennettu vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantoja ei ole asennettu. Ohjattu lomakkeiden luominen edellytt, ett jrjestelmn on asennettu vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ได้ติดตั้งฐานข้อมูล ต้องการอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลก่อนเริ่มต้นการนำร่องแบบฟอร์มอัตโนมัติ";
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 11
Text = "Der Titel darf keine Leer- oder Sonderzeichen enthalten.";
Text [ english_us] = "The title must not contain any spaces or special characters.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O ttulo no pode incluir espaos em branco nem caracteres especiais.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " , .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De naam mag geen spaties of speciale tekens bevatten.";
Text[ french ] = "Le titre ne peut comporter ni espaces, ni caractres spciaux.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El ttulo no debe contener espacios ni caracteres especiales.";
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 12
Text = "Der Datenbank-Service ( konnte nicht instantiiert werden.";
Text [ english_us] = "The database service ( could not be instantiated.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel instanciar o servio da base de dados (";
- Text[ russian ] = " ( .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De database service ( kon niet genstantieerd worden.";
+ Text[ russian ] = " (";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De databaseservice ( kan niet worden genitieerd.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'instancier le service de base de donnes ( !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo instanciar el servicio de base de datos (";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile caricare il servizio database (";
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 12
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法實現資料庫服務(。";
Text[ arabic ] = " (";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: Diese Fehlermeldung betrifft StarOffice API. \"instantiiert werden\" bedeutet \"Uebergabe von \"instance variable\".";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De database service ( kon niet genstantieerd worden.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De databaseservice ( kan niet worden genitieerd.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法实现数据库服务功能(。";
Text[ greek ] = " (";
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 서비스(를 인스턴스화하지 못했습니다.";
@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 13
Text[ english_us ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a tabela ou a consulta seleccionadas.";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De geselecteerde tabel of query kon niet worden geopend.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De geselecteerde tabel of query kan niet worden geopend.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la table ou requte slectionne !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la tabla o consulta seleccionada.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att ppna den utvalda tabellen eller skningen.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile aprire la tabella o la ricerca selezionata.";
Text[ danish ] = "Den valgte tabel eller foresprgsel kunne ikke bnes.";
Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona otworzy danej tabeli lub kwerendy.";
@@ -460,9 +460,9 @@ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 14
Text [ english ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established";
Text[ english_us ] = "No connection to the database could be established.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel estabelecer ligao base de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ greek ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Er kon geen verbinding met de database tot stand worden gebracht!";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Er kan geen verbinding met de database tot stand worden gebracht!";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'tablir une connexion la base de donnes !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo realizar la conexin a la base de datos";
Text[ finnish ] = "Yhteyden muodostaminen tietokantaan ei onnistunut.";
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot Gruppenelement";
Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Group Element";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de grupo";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de groupe";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de grupo";
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Grup esi";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Element de grup de l'AutoPilot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen ryhmelementtien ohjaus";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu ryhmelementtien luominen";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่ององค์ประกอบของกลุ่มอัตโนมัติ ";
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 6
Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan deerleri";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Valor de camp";
- Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn arvo";
+ Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn arvot";
Text[ thai ] = ": ค่าของเขตข้อมูล";
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 7
Text[ turkish ] = ": Veritaban alan";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Camp de la base de dades";
- Text[ finnish ] = ": Tietokannan kentt";
+ Text[ finnish ] = ": Tietokantakentt";
Text[ thai ] = ": เขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูล";
@@ -974,8 +974,8 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 9
Text = "Geben Sie in diesem Dialog bitte alle Optionsfelder ein.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Enter all option fields in this dialog.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Indique aqui todos os botes de opo.";
- Text[ russian ] = ", , .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in deze dialoog alle optievelden in";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in dit dialoogvenster alle optievelden in";
Text[ french ] = "Saisissez tous les boutons radio dans cette bote de dialogue.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Introduzca en este dilogo todos los campos de opcin.";
Text[ italian ] = "Indicate in questo dialogo tutti i campi di opzione.";
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在这个对话框内填入全部的选项字段。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請在這個對話方塊內設定全部的選項欄位。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in deze dialoog alle optievelden in";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in dit dialoogvenster alle optievelden in";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在这个对话框内填入全部的选项字段。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "이 대화상자에 모든 옵션 필드를 입력하십시오.";
@@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 10
Text = "Welche Bezeichnungen sollen die Optionsfelder erhalten?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Which names do you want to give the option fields?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Quais os nomes para os botes de opo?";
- Text[ russian ] = " ?";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ?";
Text[ dutch ] = "Welke namen wilt u de optievelden geven?";
Text[ french ] = "Quels intituls attribuer aux boutons radio ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "Qu ttulos deben tener los campos de opcin?";
@@ -1058,8 +1058,8 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12
Text = "Soll ein Optionsfeld standardmig ausgewhlt sein?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Should one option field be selected as default?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccionar um boto de opo como padro?";
- Text[ russian ] = " - ?";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren ?";
+ Text[ russian ] = " - ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren?";
Text[ french ] = "Slectionner un bouton radio par dfaut ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "Desea que se seleccione un botn de opcin de forma predeterminada?";
Text[ italian ] = "Volete che il campo di opzione venga selezionato in modo standard?";
@@ -1071,13 +1071,13 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要选择一个默认的选项字段?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要選擇一個標準的選項欄位?";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要选择一个默认的选项字段?";
Text[ greek ] = " ( ) ;";
Text[ korean ] = "옵션 필드를 기본으로 선택할까요?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek alan standart olarak seili olsun mu?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Hi ha d'haver un camp d'opci seleccionat per defecte?";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valitaanko yksi valintakentt oletusarvoksi?";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Valitaanko yksi valintakentt oletuskentksi?";
Text[ thai ] = "จะเลือกเขตข้อมูลทางเลือกหนึ่งเป็นค่าเริ่มต้นหรือไม่?";
@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 13
Text = "Ja, und zwar folgendes:";
Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, the following:";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Sim, o seguinte:";
- Text[ russian ] = ". :";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", :";
Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel het volgende:";
Text[ french ] = "Oui, le suivant :";
Text[ spanish ] = "S, el siguiente:";
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, aadaki:";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "S, el segent:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kyll, seuraavat:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kyll, seuraava:";
Text[ thai ] = "ใช่ ต่อไปนี้:";
@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 14
Text = "Nein, kein Feld soll ausgewhlt sein.";
Text [ english_us ] = "No, there are no fields that should be selected.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No, nenhum.";
- Text[ russian ] = ". .";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, geen veld selecteren.";
Text[ french ] = "Non, aucun.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No, no se debe seleccionar ningn campo.";
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15
Text [ english_us ] = "When you select an option, the option group is given a specific value.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Se seleccionar uma opo, ser atribudo um determinado valor ao grupo de opes.";
Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest, wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep.";
Text[ french ] = "Si vous slectionnez une option, une valeur spcifique sera attribue au groupe d'options.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Al seleccionar una opcin, se asignar un valor determinado al grupo de opciones.";
Text[ italian ] = "Selezionando un'opzione, verr assegnato un dato valore al gruppo di opzioni.";
@@ -1156,14 +1156,14 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果选中了一个选项,这个选项小组就会获得一个数值。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "如果您選擇了一個選項,選項群組就會得到一個數值。";
Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest, wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果选中了一个选项,这个选项小组就会获得一个数值。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "옵션을 선택하면 옵션 그룹에 특정한 값이 지정됩니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek belirlendiinde, seenek grubuna belirli bir deer atanr.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quan seleccioneu una opci, s'assignar al grup d'opcions un valor determinat.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kun valitset valinnan, valintaryhmlle mritetn tietty arvo.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kun asetus valitaan, valintaryhmlle annetaan tietty arvo.";
Text[ thai ] = "เมื่อคุณเลือกทางเลือกหนึ่ง กลุ่มของทางเลือกจะให้ค่าเฉพาะ";
@@ -1172,8 +1172,8 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 16
Text = "Welchen Wert mchten Sie jeder Option zuweisen?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Which value do you want to assign to each option?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Qual o valor a atribuir a cada opo?";
- Text[ russian ] = " ?";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties ?";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties?";
Text[ french ] = "Quelle valeur attribuer chaque option ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "Qu valor desea asignar a cada opcin?";
Text[ italian ] = "Quale valore desiderate assegnare a ogni opzione?";
@@ -1185,13 +1185,13 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定给每个选项的数值?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要指定每個選項的數值?";
Text[ arabic ] = " ѿ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定给每个选项的数值?";
Text[ greek ] = " ;";
Text[ korean ] = "어느 값을 각 옵션에 지정하겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Her bir seenee hangi deeri atamak istiyorsunuz?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quin valor voleu assignar a cada opci?";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mink arvot haluat antaa valinnoille?";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Mink arvon haluat antaa valinnoille?";
Text[ thai ] = "ค่าไหนที่คุณต้องการกำหนดในแต่ละทางเลือก?";
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 18
Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the option group in a database field or use it for a later action.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor do grupo de opes num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo para uma aco posterior.";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of hem een andere keer gebruiken.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of deze een andere keer gebruiken.";
Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur du groupe d'options dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser pour une action ultrieure.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del grupo de opciones en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo para una accin posterior.";
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore del gruppo di opzioni in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per un'operazione successiva.";
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将选项小组的数值存入一个数据库字段或以备后用。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠在一個資料庫內儲存選項群組的數值,以備後用。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of hem een andere keer gebruiken.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of deze een andere keer gebruiken.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将选项小组的数值存入一个数据库字段或以备后用。";
Text[ greek ] = " ?";
Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 또는 차후로의 작업에 사용할 수 있습니다.";
@@ -1256,8 +1256,8 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19
Text = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar o valor num campo da base de dados?";
- Text[ russian ] = " ?";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld ?";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld?";
Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer la valeur dans un champ de base de donnes ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "Desea guardar el valor en un campo de base de datos?";
Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database ?";
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要将这个数值存入一个数据库字段?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您要在資料庫欄位內儲存這個數值?";
Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要将这个数值存入一个数据库字段?";
Text[ greek ] = " ;";
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 필드에 값을 저장하겠습니까?";
@@ -1284,8 +1284,8 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 20
Text = "Ja, und zwar in folgendem Datenbankfeld :";
Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, save it in the following database field:";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Sim, no seguinte:";
- Text[ russian ] = ". :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld :";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld:";
Text[ french ] = "Oui, dans le champ suivant :";
Text[ spanish ] = "S, en el campo siguiente :";
Text[ italian ] = "S, nel seguente campo database :";
@@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在以下的数据库字段:";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "是,以下的資料庫欄位:";
Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld:";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在以下的数据库字段:";
Text[ greek ] = ", :";
Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음 데이터베이스 필드에:";
@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 21
Text = "Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur im Formular speichern.";
Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only want to save the value in the form.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No. Guardar apenas no formulrio.";
- Text[ russian ] = ". .";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen opslaan in het formulier.";
Text[ french ] = "Non, enregistrer la valeur uniquement dans le formulaire.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No, deseo guardar el valor slo en el formulario.";
@@ -1340,8 +1340,8 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 22
Text = "Welche Beschriftung soll Ihre Optionsgruppe haben?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Which caption is to be given to your option group?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Qual o ttulo a atribuir ao grupo de opes?";
- Text[ russian ] = " ?";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven ?";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven?";
Text[ french ] = "Quelle tiquette attribuer au groupe d'options ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "Qu ttulo desea asignar al grupo de opciones?";
Text[ italian ] = "Quale dicitura volete assegnare al gruppo di opzioni ?";
@@ -1353,13 +1353,13 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项小组的名称?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項群組的名稱?";
Text[ arabic ] = " ߿";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven ?";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项小组的名称?";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹에 어느 라벨을 지정하겠습니까?";
Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek grubunuza hangi resim altyazs verilsin?";
Text[ catalan ] = "Quin ttol ha de tenir el grup d'opcions?";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mik on valintaryhmn kuvaotsikko?";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Mik on valintaryhmn otsikko?";
Text[ thai ] = "คำบรรยายภาพไหนที่ให้เป็นกลุ่มทางเลือกของคุณ?";
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 23
Text = "Dies waren alle Angaben, die zur Erstellung der Optionsgruppe notwendig waren.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Those were all details needed to create the option group.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "As informaes necessrias para criar o grupo de opes esto agora completas.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " , .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De gegevens voor het maken van de optiegroep zijn nu compleet.";
Text[ french ] = "Toutes les informations ncessaires ont t rassembles ; le groupe d'options va pouvoir tre cr.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ya se dispone de la informacin necesaria para crear el grupo de opciones.";
@@ -1398,8 +1398,8 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot Formular";
Text [ english_us ] = "Form AutoPilot";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Formulrios";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulieren";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulier";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de formulaire";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto Formulario ";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Formulario";
@@ -1411,13 +1411,13 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表单";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 表單";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulieren";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulier";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表单";
Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot";
Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 서식 용지";
Text[ turkish ] = "Form OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Formularis de l'AutoPilot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen lomakkeiden ohjaus";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu lomakkeiden luominen";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องแบบฟอร์มอัตโนมัติ ";
@@ -1426,8 +1426,8 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 1
Text = "Der Titel kann nicht verwendet werden. Bitte whlen Sie einen anderen.";
Text [ english_us ] = "This title cannot be used. Please select a different one.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel utilizar este ttulo. Seleccione outro.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . , , .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar, Kies een andere";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar. Kies een andere naam.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'utiliser ce titre ! Choisissez-en choisir un autre.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se puede utilizar este ttulo. Seleccione otro.";
Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo non pu essere utilizzato. Sceglietene un altro.";
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法使用这个标题。请您选择一个其他的标题。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法使用這個標題。請您選擇另外一個。";
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar, Kies een andere";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar. Kies een andere naam.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法使用这个标题。请您选择一个其他的标题。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = "이 제목은 사용될 수 없습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오.";
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 2
Text = "Formular erzeugen";
Text [ english_us ] = "Create Form";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar formulrio";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier maken";
Text[ french ] = "Crer un formulaire";
Text[ spanish ] = "Crear un formulario";
@@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 3
Text = "Formular_";
Text [ english_us ] = "Form_";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Formulrio_";
- Text[ russian ] = "_";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier_";
Text[ french ] = "Formulaire_";
Text[ spanish ] = "Formulario_";
@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 6
Text[ korean ] = "테이블 및 쿼리";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula";
- Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon valinta";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukot tai kyselyt";
Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกตาราง";
@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9
Text = ": Vorlagen";
Text [ english_us ] = ": Templates";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen";
Text[ french ] = " : Styles";
Text[ spanish ] = ": Estilos";
@@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9
Text[ korean ] = ": 템플릿";
Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Plantilles";
- Text[ finnish ] = ": Mallipohjat";
+ Text[ finnish ] = ": Mallit";
Text[ thai ] = ": แม่แบบ";
@@ -1679,7 +1679,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 10
Text = ": Formular erstellen";
Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken";
Text[ french ] = " : Crer le formulaire";
Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario";
@@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 12
Text = "~Vorhandene Felder";
Text [ english_us ] = "Ex~isting fields";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis";
- Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ french ] = "Champs ~existants";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes";
@@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 13
Text = "~Felder im Formular";
Text [ english_us ] = "Fields in form";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos no ~formulrio";
- Text[ russian ] = " ~";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ~";
Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~formulier";
Text[ french ] = "Champs du formulaire";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos del formulario";
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 14
Text = "~Stil";
Text [ english_us ] = "~Layout";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilo";
- Text[ russian ] = "~";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl";
Text[ french ] = "Style";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilo";
@@ -1820,7 +1820,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 15
Text = "S~paltenorientiert";
Text [ english_us ] = "Column-oriented";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Em ~colunas";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolomgerinteerd";
Text[ french ] = "En c~olonnes";
Text[ spanish ] = "En ~columnas";
@@ -1962,7 +1962,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 20
Text [ english_us ] = "~Stacked";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Empilhar";
Text[ russian ] = "~";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Onder elkaar";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Gestapeld";
Text[ french ] = "~Empiler";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Apilado";
Text[ italian ] = "Sovrapposti";
@@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重叠(~S)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重疊(~S)";
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Onder elkaar";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Gestapeld";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重叠(~S)";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "겹침(~S)";
@@ -2019,7 +2019,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22
Text [ english_us ] = "Enter the title";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Indique o ttulo";
Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel aan";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel op";
Text[ french ] = "Titre du document";
Text[ spanish ] = "Escriba el ttulo";
Text[ italian ] = "Indicate un titolo per il documento";
@@ -2031,13 +2031,13 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您输入一个标题";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請輸入一個文件標題";
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel aan";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel op";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您输入一个标题";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "문서 제목을 입력하십시오";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge bal";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol del ~document";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kirjoita otsikko";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Anna otsikko";
Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ชื่อเรื่อง";
@@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23
Text [ english_us ] = "~After completion...";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Depois de pronto...";
Text[ russian ] = "~ ...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooing...";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooiing...";
Text[ french ] = "~Aprs gnration...";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Tras la creacin...";
Text[ italian ] = "~Dopo il completamento...";
@@ -2059,13 +2059,13 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后(~A)...";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在完成之後(~A)...";
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooing...";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooiing...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后(~A)...";
Text[ greek ] = " ~ ...";
Text[ korean ] = "완성 후(~A)...";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Oluturulduktan sonra...";
Text[ catalan ] = "~En acabar...";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Valmistumisen jlkeen";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen ~jlkeen...";
Text[ thai ] = "~หลังจากเสร็จสมบูรณ์...";
@@ -2131,11 +2131,11 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 26
Text [ english_us ] = "The form has been created and saved in the database.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O formulrio foi criado e guardado na base de dados.";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Het formulier werd gemaakt en opgeslagen in de database.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Het formulier is gemaakt en opgeslagen in de database.";
Text[ french ] = "Le formulaire a t cr et archiv dans la base de donnes.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El formulario se cre y guard en la base de datos.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Formulret har skapats och arkiverats i databasen.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ italian ] = "Il formulario stato creato e salvato nel database.";
Text[ danish ] = "Formularen blev oprettet og arkiveret i databasen.";
Text[ polish ] = "Formularz zosta utworzony i zapisany w bazie danych.";
@@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 27
Text [ english ] = "Form names must not contain more than 32 characters.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Form names cannot be longer than 32 characters.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de formulrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres.";
- Text[ russian ] = " 32 .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " 32 .";
Text[ greek ] = " 32 .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Formuliernamen mogen maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn.";
Text[ french ] = "Un nom de formulaire peut contenir au maximum 32 caractres.";
@@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 29
Text[ turkish ] = "No Border";
Text[ arabic ] = " ϡ ѿ 47565";
Text[ catalan ] = "Sense vores";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei reunoja";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei reunusta";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีเส้นขอบ";
@@ -2240,7 +2240,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 30
Text [ english ] = "3D Look";
Text [ english_us ] = "3D look";
Text[ portuguese ] = "3D";
- Text[ russian ] = " 3-";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = " 3";
Text[ dutch ] = "3D-look";
Text[ french ] = "3D";
@@ -2257,7 +2257,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 30
Text[ turkish ] = "3D Look";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Aparena 3D";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kolmiulotteinen nkym";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kolmiulotteinen ulkoasu";
Text[ thai ] = "มองแบบ 3 มิติ";
@@ -2294,12 +2294,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 32
Text [ english ] = "Alignment of the labels";
Text [ english_us ] = "Label placement";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Alinhamento de etiquetas";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Alignment";
Text[ dutch ] = "Uitlijning van labels";
Text[ french ] = "Alignement des champs d'tiquette";
Text[ spanish ] = "Orientacin de los campos de etiquetas";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nimit";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Selitteiden sijoittelu";
Text[ italian ] = "Allineamento del campo di testo fisso";
Text[ danish ] = "Justering af etiketfelter";
Text[ swedish ] = "Justering av etikettflt";
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 33
Text[ dutch ] = "Linkslijnend";
Text[ french ] = "Align gauche";
Text[ spanish ] = "Izquierda";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa nimit vasempaan reunaan";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa vasemmalle";
Text[ italian ] = "Allinea a sinistra";
Text[ danish ] = "Venstrejusteret";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vnsterjusterat";
@@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 34
Text[ dutch ] = "Rechtslijnend";
Text[ french ] = "Align droite";
Text[ spanish ] = "Derecha";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa nimit oikeaan reunaan";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa oikealle";
Text[ italian ] = "Allinea a destra";
Text[ danish ] = "Hjrejusteret";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hgerjusterat";
@@ -2380,7 +2380,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 35
Text[ portuguese ] = "Diposio dos campos da BD";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Arrangement of DB Fields";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Plaatsing van DB-velden";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Plaatsing van databasevelden";
Text[ french ] = "Disposition des champs de BD";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ajuste de los campos de la base de datos";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantakenttien jrjestys";
@@ -2405,12 +2405,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 36
Text [ english ] = "Columnar - Labels left";
Text [ english_us ] = "Columnar - Labels Left";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Colunas - Etiquetas esquerda";
- Text[ russian ] = " - ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " - ";
Text[ greek ] = "Columnar - Labels left";
Text[ dutch ] = "In kolommen - labels links";
Text[ french ] = "Colonnes - tiquettes gauche";
Text[ spanish ] = "En columnas - Etiquetas a la izquierda";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakkeet - nimit vasemmalla";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakkeet - selitteet vasemmalla";
Text[ italian ] = "In colonna - Testo fisso a sinistra";
Text[ danish ] = "I kolonner - etiketter til venstre";
Text[ swedish ] = "I kolumner - etiketter till vnster";
@@ -2433,12 +2433,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 37
Text [ english ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top";
Text [ english_us ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Colunas - Etiquetas no topo";
- Text[ russian ] = " - ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " - ";
Text[ greek ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top";
- Text[ dutch ] = "In kolommen - labels boven";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "In kolommen - labels boven";
Text[ french ] = "Colonnes - tiquettes en haut";
Text[ spanish ] = "En columnas - Etiquetas arriba";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakkeet - nimit ylhll";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakkeet - selitteet ylhll";
Text[ italian ] = "In colonna - Testo fisso in alto";
Text[ danish ] = "I kolonner - etiketter verst";
Text[ swedish ] = "I kolumner - etiketter uppe";
@@ -2465,7 +2465,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 38
Text[ dutch ] = "In blokken - labels links";
Text[ french ] = "Blocs - tiquettes gauche";
Text[ spanish ] = "En bloques - Etiquetas a la izquierda";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lohkot - nimit vasemmalla";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Lohkot - selitteet vasemmalla";
Text[ italian ] = "In riga - Testo fisso a sinistra";
Text[ danish ] = "I blokke - etiketter til venstre";
Text[ swedish ] = "Marginaljusterat - etiketter till vnster";
@@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 39
Text[ dutch ] = "In blokken - labels boven";
Text[ french ] = "Blocs - tiquettes en haut";
Text[ spanish ] = "En bloques - Etiquetas arriba";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lohkot - nimit ylhll";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Lohkot - selitteet ylhll";
Text[ italian ] = "In riga - Testo fisso in alto";
Text[ danish ] = "I blokke - etiketter verst";
Text[ swedish ] = "Marginaljusterat - etiketter uppe";
@@ -2576,7 +2576,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 46
Text[ language_user1 ] = "Titel der zweiten Seite des Autopiloten";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Esquema";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Layout";
Text[ dutch ] = "Lay-out";
Text[ french ] = "Composition";
@@ -2604,7 +2604,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 47
Text [ english_us ] = "Finish";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "Titel der dritten Seite des Autopiloten";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Execuo";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = "Completion";
Text[ dutch ] = "Uitvoeren";
Text[ french ] = "Achvement";
@@ -2632,12 +2632,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 50
Text [ english_us ] = "Display of binary fields";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "berschrift einiger Dialog Controls";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Representao de campos binrios";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields";
Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden weergeven";
Text[ french ] = "Reprsentation des champs binaires";
Text[ spanish ] = "Representacin de campo binario";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Binrikenttien esitystapa";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Binaarikenttien esitystapa";
Text[ italian ] = "Presentazione del campo binario";
Text[ danish ] = "Binrfelt-visning";
Text[ swedish ] = "Visning av binra flt";
@@ -2660,12 +2660,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 51
Text [ english_us ] = "Ignore binary fields";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "Label eines Radio-Buttons";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Ignorar campos binrios";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Ignore Binary Fields";
Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden negeren";
Text[ french ] = "Ignorer les champs binaires";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ignorar campos binarios";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ohita binrikentt";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohita binaarikentt";
Text[ italian ] = "Ignora campi binari";
Text[ danish ] = "Ignorer binrfelter";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ignorera binra flt";
@@ -2688,12 +2688,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 52
Text [ english_us ] = "Binary fields as images";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "Label eines Radio-Buttons";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos binrios como imagens";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Binary Fields as Images";
Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden als afbeeldingen";
Text[ french ] = "Champs binaires comme images";
Text[ spanish ] = "Campos binarios como imgenes";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Binrikentt kuvina";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Binaarikentt kuvina";
Text[ italian ] = "Campi binari come immagini";
Text[ danish ] = "Binrfelter som grafik";
Text[ swedish ] = "Binra flt som grafik";
@@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 55
Text[English] = "Background Picture";
Text[ English_us ] = "Background image";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Imagem de fundo";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Achtergrondafbeelding";
Text[ french ] = "Image d'arrire-plan";
@@ -2745,7 +2745,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 56
Text[English] = "~Tiled";
Text[ English_us ] = "~Tiled";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Em a~zulejo";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Getegeld";
Text[ french ] = "Carrelage";
@@ -2775,7 +2775,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 57
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Escalonado";
Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Gescaleerd";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Op schaal ~gebracht";
Text[ french ] = "Gradu";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Graduado";
Text[ italian ] = "~In scala";
@@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 60
Text[English] = "Directory Path";
Text[ English_us ] = "Directory path";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Atalho do directrio";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Directory Path";
Text[ dutch ] = "Directorypad";
Text[ french ] = "Chemin du rpertoire";
@@ -2831,7 +2831,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 65
Text[ portuguese ] = "Reduz a caixa de dilogo.";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Dialog will be reduced";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De dialog wordt verkleind";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Dialoogvenster wordt verkleind";
Text[ french ] = "Rduit la bote de dialogue.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El tamao del dilogo disminuir";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valintaikkuna pienennetn";
@@ -2859,7 +2859,7 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 66
Text[ portuguese ] = "Aumenta a caixa de dilogo.";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Dialog will be enlarged";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De dialoog wordt vergroot";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Dialoogvenster wordt vergroot";
Text[ french ] = "Agrandit la bote de dialogue.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El tamao del dilogo aumentar";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valintaikkuna suurennetaan";
@@ -2914,12 +2914,12 @@ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 71
Text[ English_us ] = "Writer 6.0 Template";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "Dateityp fr Textvorlage";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Writer 6.0 Modelo";
- Text[ russian ] = "Writer 6.0 ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " Writer 6.0";
Text[ greek ] = "Writer 6.0 Template";
Text[ dutch ] = "Writer 6.0 Sjabloon";
Text[ french ] = "Writer 6.0 Modle";
Text[ spanish ] = "Writer 6.0 - Plantilla";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Writer 6.0 Template";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Writer 6.0 -malli";
Text[ italian ] = "Writer 6.0 Modello";
Text[ danish ] = "Writer 6.0-skabelon";
Text[ swedish ] = "Writer 6.0 mall";
@@ -2944,7 +2944,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot Abfrage";
Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Query";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Consulta";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de requte";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto Consulta";
@@ -2963,7 +2963,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ korean ] = "오토파일럿 질의";
Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Consulta de l'AutoPilot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen kyselyn ohjaus";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu kyselyn luominen";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องแบบสอบถามอัตโนมัติ ";
@@ -2972,7 +2972,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1
Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Abfragen starten zu knnen.";
Text [ english_us ] = "There is no database installed. You need at least one database to start the AutoPilot for queries.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para poder iniciar o AutoPiloto para consultas.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de requte.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para consultas.";
@@ -2991,7 +2991,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 질의 자동 파일럿을 시작하기 위해서는 데이터베이스가 최소한 하나는 필요합니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Sorgu OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha cap base de dades. Hi ha d'haver una base de dades per poder iniciar l'AutoPilot Query.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Automaattista kyselyjen ohjausta varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Ohjattua kyselyjen luomista varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีฐานข้อมูลที่ติดตั้ง คุณต้องการอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลเพื่อเริ่มการนำร่องแบบสอบถามอัตโนมัติ";
@@ -3000,7 +3000,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 2
Text = "In der Ausfhrung, oder beim Anlegen der Abfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred during the execution or defining of the query.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro ao executar ou ao criar a consulta.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de uitvoering of bij het maken van de query.";
Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'excution ou de la cration de la requte.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error en la ejecucin o al guardar la consulta.";
@@ -3029,7 +3029,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 3
Text [ english_us ] = "The query has been saved in the Explorer.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "A consulta foi guardada no Explorer.";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De query werd opgenomen in de explorer.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De query is opgenomen in de Explorer.";
Text[ french ] = "La requte a t archive dans l'Explorer.";
Text[ spanish ] = "La consulta se ha guardado en el Explorador.";
Text[ italian ] = "La ricerca stata salvata nell'Explorer.";
@@ -3041,7 +3041,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个查询存盘在资源管理器内。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經在檔案總管內儲存了查詢。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De query werd opgenomen in de explorer.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De query is opgenomen in de Explorer.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个查询存盘在资源管理器内。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "질의가 익스플로러에 철해졌습니다.!처";
@@ -3057,8 +3057,8 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 4
Text = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Abfrage konnte nicht abgelegt werden.";
Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred. The query could not be saved.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro. Foi impossvel guardar a consulta.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kon niet worden opgeslagen.";
+ Text[ russian ] = ". .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kan niet worden opgeslagen.";
Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite. La requte n'a pu tre archive.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error. No se pudo guardar la consulta.";
Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore. Impossibile salvare la ricerca.";
@@ -3070,13 +3070,13 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了一个错误。因此无法建立这个查询。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "發生一個錯誤,無法儲存查詢。";
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kon niet worden opgeslagen.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kan niet worden opgeslagen.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了一个错误。因此无法建立这个查询。";
Text[ greek ] = " . .";
Text[ korean ] = "오류 발생. 질의를 저장하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Bir hata olutu. Sorgu kaydedilemedi.";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error. No s'ha pogut desar la consulta.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "On ilmennyt virhe. Kysely ei voitu tallentaa.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "On tapahtunut virhe. Kysely ei voitu tallentaa.";
Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถบันทึกแบบสอบถามได้";
@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 5
Text = "Doppelter Feldname. Es existiert bereits ein Feld mit der Bezeichnung $1.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Duplicate field name. A field named $1 already exists.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Emprego duplo do nome de campo. J existe um campo com o nome $1.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . $1 .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " $1 .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele veldnaam. Er bestaat reeds een veld met de naam $1.";
Text[ french ] = "Nom du champ double : il existe dj un champ intitul $1.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre doble de campo: Ya existe un campo con el nombre $1.";
@@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ korean ] = "이중 필드 명칭. 이름이 $1인 필드가 이미 존재합니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ad kullanmda. $1 adnda baka bir alan mevcut.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Duplica el nom del camp. Ja existeix un camp anomenat $1.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Samat kenttien nimet. Kentt $1 on jo olemassa.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Samat kenttien nimet Kentt $1 on jo olemassa.";
Text[ thai ] = "ทำชื่อเขตข้อมูลซ้ำ ชื่อเขตข้อมูล $1 มีอยู่แล้ว";
@@ -3141,7 +3141,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 7
Text = "(kein)";
Text [ english_us ] = "(none)";
Text[ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)";
- Text[ russian ] = "()";
+ Text[ russian ] = "()";
Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)";
Text[ french ] = "(aucun)";
Text[ spanish ] = "(ninguno)";
@@ -3300,7 +3300,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 12
Text[ korean ] = "그리고";
Text[ turkish ] = "VE";
Text[ catalan ] = "AND";
- Text[ finnish ] = "AND";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "JA";
Text[ thai ] = "และ";
@@ -3328,7 +3328,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ korean ] = "또는";
Text[ turkish ] = "VEYA";
Text[ catalan ] = "OR";
- Text[ finnish ] = "OR";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "TAI";
Text[ thai ] = "หรือ";
@@ -3413,7 +3413,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 16
Text[ turkish ] = ": Filtreleme";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Filtre";
- Text[ finnish ] = ": Suodatin";
+ Text[ finnish ] = ": Suodatus";
Text[ thai ] = ": ตัวกรอง";
@@ -3423,7 +3423,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 17
Text [ english_us ] = ": Sort Order";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Ordem";
Text[ russian ] = ": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = ": sortering";
+ Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren";
Text[ french ] = " : Tri";
Text[ spanish ] = ": Ordenar";
Text[ italian ] = ": Ordina";
@@ -3435,14 +3435,14 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 17
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":排序";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":排序";
Text[ arabic ] = ": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = ": sortering";
+ Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":排序";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
Text[ korean ] = ": 정렬";
Text[ turkish ] = ": Sralama";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = ": Ordre";
- Text[ finnish ] = ": Lajitellaan";
+ Text[ finnish ] = ": Lajittelujrjestys";
Text[ thai ] = ": เรียง";
@@ -3451,7 +3451,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 18
Text = ": Fertig stellen";
Text [ english_us ] = ": Create";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien";
Text[ french ] = " : Crer";
Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear";
@@ -3480,7 +3480,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 19
Text = "~Vorschau";
Text [ english_us ] = "~Preview";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ver";
- Text[ russian ] = "~";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld";
Text[ french ] = "Aperu";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Previsualizacin";
@@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 21
Text = "~Vorhandene Felder";
Text [ english_us ] = "~Existing fields";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis";
- Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ french ] = "Champs ~existants";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes";
@@ -3614,7 +3614,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ turkish ] = "Filtreleme";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Filtre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Suodatin";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Suodatus";
Text[ thai ] = "ตัวกรอง";
@@ -3794,7 +3794,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 30
Text [ english_us ] = "After completion...";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de pronto...";
Text[ russian ] = " ...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooing...";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooiing...";
Text[ french ] = "Aprs gnration...";
Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de crear...";
Text[ italian ] = "Dopo il completamento...";
@@ -3806,7 +3806,7 @@ String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 30
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后...";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在完成之後...";
Text[ arabic ] = " ...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooing...";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooiing...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后...";
Text[ greek ] = " ...";
Text[ korean ] = "종료 후...";
@@ -3879,7 +3879,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot Bericht";
Text [ english_us ] = "Report AutoPilot";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Relatrios";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'tat";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Informe";
@@ -3898,7 +3898,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 보고서";
Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Informe de l'AutoPilot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen raportin ohjaus";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu raportin luominen";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องรายงานอัตโนมัติ ";
@@ -3907,8 +3907,8 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 1
Text = "Der Bericht konnte nicht im Explorer abgelegt werden.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The report could not be saved in the Explorer.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel guardar o relatrio no Explorer.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kon niet in de explorer worden opgenomen.";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kan niet in de Explorer worden opgenomen.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'archiver l'tat dans l'Explorer !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo guardar el informe en el Explorador.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile salvare il rapporto nell'Explorer.";
@@ -3920,7 +3920,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在资源管理器内创建报告。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表無法存入檔案總管。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kon niet in de explorer worden opgenomen.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kan niet in de Explorer worden opgenomen.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在资源管理器内创建报告。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "보고서를 익스플로러에 철할 수 없었습니다.";
@@ -3936,7 +3936,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 2
Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Berichte starten zu knnen.";
Text [ english_us ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database on the system so that the AutoPilot Report can be started.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para poder iniciar o AutoPiloto para relatrios.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote d'tats.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para informes.";
@@ -3955,7 +3955,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 리포트 자동 파일럿을 시작할 수 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Rapor OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap base de dades instal.lada. En necessiteu una com a mnim per iniciar l'Autopilot Report.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Jrjestelmss on oltava vhintn yksi tietokanta ennen kuin automaattista raportin ohjausta voi kytt.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Jrjestelmss on oltava vhintn yksi tietokanta ennen kuin ohjattua raportin luomista voi kytt.";
Text[ thai ] = "ยังไม่ได้ติดตั้งฐานข้อมูล ต้องมีอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลบนระบบเพื่อสามารถเริ่มต้นการนำร่องรายงานอัตโนมัติ ";
@@ -3984,7 +3984,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Taula";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukko";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tau~lukko:";
Text[ thai ] = "~ตาราง";
@@ -3993,7 +3993,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 4
Text = "~Spalten";
Text [ english_us ] = "Colu~mns";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Colunas";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolommen";
Text[ french ] = "~Colonnes";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Columnas";
@@ -4022,7 +4022,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 5
Text = "~Gliederung A";
Text [ english_us ] = "Outline A";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Esquema A";
- Text[ russian ] = " A";
+ Text[ russian ] = " A";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A";
Text[ french ] = "~Structure A";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Esquema A";
@@ -4106,7 +4106,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 8
Text = "-undefiniert-";
Text [ english_us ] = "- undefined -";
Text[ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)";
- Text[ russian ] = "()";
+ Text[ russian ] = "()";
Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)";
Text[ french ] = "- indfini -";
Text[ spanish ] = "- no definido -";
@@ -4257,7 +4257,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 14
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘报表";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存報表";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ":";
Text[ greek ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen";
Text[ finnish ] = ": Tyylit";
@@ -4275,7 +4275,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 15
Text = "Layout der Daten";
Text [ english_us ] = "Layout of data";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien";
Text[ french ] = "Mise en page des donnes";
Text[ spanish ] = "Diseo de los datos";
@@ -4332,7 +4332,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 19
Text = "Felder";
Text [ english_us ] = "Fields";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Estruturar ~campos";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Velden ~indelen";
Text[ french ] = "Champs";
Text[ spanish ] = "Campos";
@@ -4379,7 +4379,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 20
Text[ korean ] = "기준별 정렬";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Sralama";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Ordre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Lajitellaan";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Lajittelujrjestys";
Text[ thai ] = "เ~รียง";
@@ -4437,7 +4437,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 22
Text[ korean ] = "맞춤";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Dikey";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Vertical";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Pystytaso";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Pysty";
Text[ thai ] = "แนว~ตั้ง";
@@ -4465,7 +4465,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 23
Text[ korean ] = "세로";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Yatay";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Apaisat";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Vaakataso";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "~Vaaka";
Text[ thai ] = "แนว~นอน";
@@ -4493,7 +4493,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 24
Text[ korean ] = "가로";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Biim";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Estil";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Tyyli";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "T~yyli";
Text[ thai ] = "~ลักษณะ";
@@ -4516,7 +4516,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 28
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "~ B";
Text[ dutch ] = "L~inks B";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Oikea B";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "O~ikea B";
Text[ danish ] = "K~de B";
Text[ polish ] = "~Z lewej B";
Text[ turkish ] = "So~l B";
@@ -4543,7 +4543,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 29
Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ greek ] = " ~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Trapsgewijs";
- Text[ finnish ] = "S~isennetty";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Si~sennetty";
Text[ danish ] = "~Opdelt";
Text[ polish ] = "~Stopniowy";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Girintilenmi";
@@ -4594,7 +4594,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 31
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您的报表版式?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您的報表版式?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilos";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Opmaakprofielen";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tyylit";
@@ -4613,7 +4613,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 32
Text = "Welche Art von Bericht mchten Sie erstellen?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Which type of report do you want?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome do relatrio";
- Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht";
Text[ french ] = "Type d'tat :";
Text[ spanish ] = "Qu tipo de informe desea crear?";
@@ -4643,7 +4643,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 33
Text = "~Name des Berichts";
Text [ english_us ] = "Title of report";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de ~pronto...";
- Text[ russian ] = " ...";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ...";
Text[ dutch ] = "Na het ~beindigen...";
Text[ french ] = "Nom de l'tat";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre del informe";
@@ -4662,7 +4662,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 33
Text[ korean ] = "보고서 이름";
Text[ turkish ] = "Oluturulduktan sonra...";
Text[ catalan ] = "En acab~ar...";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen ~jlkeen";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen ~jlkeen...";
Text[ thai ] = "หลังจากเสร็จสม~บูรณ์...";
@@ -4759,7 +4759,7 @@ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 37
Text[ french ] = "Dcroissant";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Descendente";
Text[ swedish ] = "Fallande";
- Text[ russian ] = " 32 .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " 32 .";
Text[ italian ] = "Decrescente";
Text[ danish ] = "Rapportnavne m hjst indeholde 32 tegn.";
Text[ polish ] = "Nazwy raportw mog si skada z maksymalnie 32 znakw.";
@@ -5408,7 +5408,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot Tabelle";
Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Table";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Tabela";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de table";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Tabla";
@@ -5427,7 +5427,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 표";
Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo OtoPilotu";
Text[ catalan ] = "Taula de l'AutoPilot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen taulukon ohjaus";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu taulukon luominen";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องตารางอัตโนมัติ";
@@ -5436,7 +5436,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1
Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mind. eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Tabellen starten zu knnen.";
Text [ english_us ] = "There is no database installed. You need at least one database to start the AutoPilot for tables.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para iniciar o AutoPiloto para tabelas.";
- Text[ russian ] = " . .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " . .";
Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten.";
Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de table.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para tablas.";
@@ -5455,7 +5455,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 표에 대해 자동 파일럿을 시작하려면 최소 하나의 데이터베이스가 필요합니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Tablo OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap base de dades instal.lada. N'hi ha d'haver una com a mnim per poder executar l'AutoPilot Table.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Automaattista taulukoiden ohjausta varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Ohjattua taulukoiden luomista varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ได้ติดตั้งฐานข้อมูล คุณต้องการอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลเพื่อเริ่มต้นการนำร่องตารางอัตโนมัติ";
@@ -5464,7 +5464,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 2
Text = "Der Bezeichner $1 ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The identifier $1 already exists in the list.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O nome $1 j existe na lista.";
- Text[ russian ] = " $1 .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " $1 .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De naam $1 komt reeds voor in de lijst.";
Text[ french ] = "L'intitul $1 existe dj dans la liste.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El nombre $1 ya existe en la lista.";
@@ -5492,8 +5492,8 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 3
Text = "Die Datenbank $1 konnte nicht geffnet werden.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The database $1 could not be opened.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a base de dados $1.";
- Text[ russian ] = " $1 .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kon niet worden geopend.";
+ Text[ russian ] = " $1.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kan niet worden geopend.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la base de donnes $1 !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la base de datos $1.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile aprire il database $1.";
@@ -5505,7 +5505,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 3
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开数据库 $1 。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法開啟資料庫 $1";
Text[ arabic ] = " $1.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kon niet worden geopend.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kan niet worden geopend.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开数据库 $1 。";
Text[ greek ] = " $1.";
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 $1을(를) 열 수 없었습니다.";
@@ -5521,7 +5521,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 4
Text [ english_us ] = "The table has been created.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "A tabela foi criada.";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel werd gemaakt.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel is gemaakt.";
Text[ french ] = "La table a t cre.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Se ha creado la tabla.";
Text[ italian ] = "La tabella stata creata.";
@@ -5533,7 +5533,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 4
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经创建这个表格。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格已經製作完畢。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel werd gemaakt.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel is gemaakt.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经创建这个表格。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "표가 생성되었습니다.";
@@ -5548,8 +5548,8 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 5
Text = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht erstellt werden.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The table could not be created.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel criar a tabela.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kon niet worden gemaakt.";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kan niet worden gemaakt.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible de crer la table !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo crear la tabla.";
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile creare la tabella.";
@@ -5561,7 +5561,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 5
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法创建这个表格。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法完成製作表格。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kon niet worden gemaakt.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kan niet worden gemaakt.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法创建这个表格。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "표가 생성되지 못했습니다.";
@@ -5736,7 +5736,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ korean ] = "시트(~T)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Taula";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukko";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tau~lukko:";
Text[ thai ] = "~ตาราง";
@@ -5792,7 +5792,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 13
Text[ korean ] = "인수됨(~A)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Aplicats";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Kytss";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "K~ytss";
Text[ thai ] = "~ประยุกต์";
@@ -5820,7 +5820,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 14
Text[ korean ] = "필드 이름(~F)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Alan ad";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Nom de camp";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Kentn nimi";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn ~nimi";
Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเ~ขตข้อมูล";
@@ -5829,7 +5829,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15
Text = "~bernehmen";
Text [ english_us ] = "~Apply";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Aplicar";
- Text[ russian ] = "~";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen";
Text[ french ] = "Appliquer";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Aceptar";
@@ -5848,7 +5848,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15
Text[ korean ] = "인수(~A)";
Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Aplica";
- Text[ finnish ] = "~Kyt";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "K~yt";
Text[ thai ] = "ใ~ช้";
@@ -5857,7 +5857,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 16
Text = "Nach dem Beenden...";
Text [ english_us ] = "After completion...";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de pronto...";
- Text[ russian ] = " ...";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ...";
Text[ dutch ] = "Na het beindigen...";
Text[ french ] = "Aprs gnration...";
Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de terminar...";
@@ -5942,7 +5942,7 @@ String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 19
Text = "Tabelle ~nicht anzeigen";
Text [ english_us ] = "Do not show table";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~No mostrar tabela";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~niet weergeven";
Text[ french ] = "~Ne pas afficher la table";
Text[ spanish ] = "~No mostrar tabla";
@@ -5972,7 +5972,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot Tabellenelement";
Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Table Element";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de tabela";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de table";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de tabla";
@@ -5992,7 +5992,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Tablo esi";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Element de taula de l'AutoPilot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen taulukkoelementin ohjaus";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu taulukkoelementin luominen";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่ององค์ประกอบตารางอัตโนมัติ ";
@@ -6227,7 +6227,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 9
Text = ": Formular erstellen";
Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken";
Text[ french ] = " : Crer le formulaire";
Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario";
@@ -6284,7 +6284,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 11
Text = "~Vorhandene Felder";
Text [ english_us ] = "Existing fields";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis";
- Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden";
Text[ french ] = "Champs ~existants";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes";
@@ -6312,7 +6312,7 @@ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 12
Text = "~Ausgewhlte Felder";
Text [ english_us ] = "Selected fields";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campos seleccionados";
- Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~ ";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Geselecteerde velden";
Text[ french ] = "~Champs slectionns";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos seleccionados";
@@ -6342,7 +6342,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 0
Text = "AutoPilot - Kombinationsfeld";
Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot - Combo Box";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Caixa de combinao";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Combinatieveld";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de zone combine";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Campo combinado";
@@ -6362,7 +6362,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 0
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot - Kombinasyon alan";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "AutoPilot - Quadre combinat";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen ohjaus - yhdistelmruutu";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu toiminto - yhdistelmruutu";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องอัตโนมัติ - กล่องคอมโบ้ ";
@@ -6371,8 +6371,8 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 1
Text = "AutoPilot - Listenfeld";
Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot - List Box";
Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto- Caixa de listagem";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "AutPiloot - Keuzelijst";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Keuzelijst";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de zone de liste";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Listado";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella di riepilogo";
@@ -6384,13 +6384,13 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 1
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文档助理 列单栏";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 清單方塊";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "AutPiloot - Keuzelijst";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Keuzelijst";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文档助理 列单栏";
Text[ greek ] = " - ";
Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 - 목록 필드";
Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot - Liste alan";
Text[ catalan ] = "Auto Pilot - Camp de llista";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen ohjaus - luettelokentt";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu toiminto - luetteloruutu";
Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องอัตโนมัติ - กล่องรายการ";
@@ -6419,7 +6419,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 2
Text[ turkish ] = "Komut alan olutur";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un control";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luo ohjain";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Luo ohjausobjekti";
Text[ thai ] = "สร้างตัวควบคุม";
@@ -6428,7 +6428,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 3
Text = "KombinationsListfeld_";
Text [ english_us ] = "Combo Box Field_";
Text[ portuguese ] = "CaixaCombinadaLista_";
- Text[ russian ] = "_";
+ Text[ russian ] = "_";
Text[ dutch ] = "CombinatieKeuzelijst_";
Text[ french ] = "ZoneListeCombine_";
Text[ spanish ] = "ListadoCombinacin_";
@@ -6569,7 +6569,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 8
Text = ": Formular erstellen";
Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form";
Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken";
Text[ french ] = " : Crer le formulaire";
Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario";
@@ -6653,8 +6653,8 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 11
Text = "~Vorhandene Felder";
Text [ english_us ] = "Existing fields";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Bestaande ~velden";
Text[ french ] = "Champs ~existants";
Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes";
Text[ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili";
@@ -6666,7 +6666,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 11
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "現存的欄位";
Text[ arabic ] = "~ ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Bestaande ~velden";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "기존 필드";
@@ -6709,7 +6709,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 13
Text = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in der Liste des Kombinationsfeldes angezeigt.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the field selected will be shown in the combo box list.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O contedo do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista da caixa de combinao.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven..";
Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ slectionn sera affich dans la liste de la zone combine.";
Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en la lista del campo combinado.";
@@ -6850,7 +6850,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 18
Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the combo box in a database field or use it for display purposes.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de combinao num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualizao.";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven.";
Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone combine dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del campo combinado en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo slo para visualizarlo.";
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella combinata in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo solo per visualizzarlo.";
@@ -6862,14 +6862,14 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 18
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "组合栏之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠將組合欄位的數值存入一個資料庫內或用於顯示這些數值。";
Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "组合栏之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "콤보 상자의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 또는 표시를 위해서만 사용할 수 있습니다.";
Text[ turkish ] = "Kombinasyon alannn deerini bir veritaban alannda kaydedebilir ya da yalnzca grntleme iin kullanabilirsiniz.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Podeu desar el valor dels quadres combinats a la base de dades o utilitzar-los noms per mostrar-los.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Voit joko tallentaa yhdistelmruudun kentn arvon tietokannan kenttn tai nytt sen.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Voit joko tallentaa yhdistelmruudun arvon tietokannan kenttn tai nytt sen.";
Text[ thai ] = "คุณสามารถบันทึกค่าของกล่องคอมโบ้ ในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลหรือไม่ก็ใช้มันเพื่อแสดงวัตถุประสงค์";
@@ -6879,7 +6879,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 19
Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the list field in a database field or use it for display purposes.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de listagem num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualizao.";
Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven.";
Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone de liste dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del listado en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo slo para visualizarlo.";
Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella di riepilogo in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per visualizzarlo.";
@@ -6891,7 +6891,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 19
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列单字段之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠在資料庫內儲存一個數值或僅於顯示這個資料。";
Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列单字段之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "목록 필드의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 또는 표시를 위해서만 사용할 수 있습니다.";
@@ -6906,7 +6906,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 20
Text = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern?";
Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar o valor num campo da base de dados?";
- Text[ russian ] = " ?";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ?";
Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde in een databaseveld opslaan?";
Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer la valeur dans un champ de base de donnes ?";
Text[ spanish ] = "Desea guardar el valor en un campo de base de datos?";
@@ -6934,8 +6934,8 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 21
Text = "~Ja, und zwar folgendem Datenbankfeld :";
Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, save in the following database field:";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Sim, no seguinte:";
- Text[ russian ] = ". :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld : ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld: ";
Text[ french ] = "~Oui, dans le champ suivant :";
Text[ spanish ] = "~S, en el siguiente campo de datos :";
Text[ italian ] = "~S, il seguente campo database :";
@@ -6947,7 +6947,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 21
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在下列数据库字段:";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "是,以下的資料庫欄位:";
Text[ arabic ] = "~ :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld : ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld: ";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在下列数据库字段:";
Text[ greek ] = ", ~ :";
Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음 데이터베이스 필드에:";
@@ -6962,7 +6962,7 @@ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 22
Text = "~Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden.";
Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only want to use the value for display purposes.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~No. Utilizar valor apenas para visualizao.";
- Text[ russian ] = "~. .";
+ Text[ russian ] = "~, .";
Text[ dutch ] = "~Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen laten weergeven.";
Text[ french ] = "~Non, utiliser la valeur uniquement pour l'affichage";
Text[ spanish ] = "~No, deseo utilizar el valor slo para la visualizacin.";