diff options
authorPhilipp Lohmann <>2001-07-13 16:05:30 +0000
committerPhilipp Lohmann <>2001-07-13 16:05:30 +0000
commitb521f61062ede11d802237690a5b4a5a7425941a (patch)
parenta862c2bb601d4c5a98cfefc26cff198024a2cf81 (diff)
#89430# double to string conversion had too many rounding errors
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/sal/rtl/source/strimp.c b/sal/rtl/source/strimp.c
index c968d680534a..acd806006c8a 100644
--- a/sal/rtl/source/strimp.c
+++ b/sal/rtl/source/strimp.c
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: strimp.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ * $Revision: 1.3 $
- * last change: $Author: th $ $Date: 2001-04-03 12:03:57 $
+ * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-07-13 17:05:30 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -112,130 +112,78 @@ static sal_Int32 rtl_ImplFloatNumToString( sal_Char* pStr,
sal_Int16 nSignificantDigits )
sal_Char* pTempStr = pStr;
- sal_Char* pEndStr;
- sal_Int16 i;
sal_Int16 nDigit;
- sal_Int16 nDotPos;
- sal_Int16 nExpDigits;
- sal_Bool bExp;
- sal_Bool bDotSet;
- double dExp;
- double dRem;
+ int nExp;
+ int nPowTen;
+ int nIntegralPart;
+ double fEpsilon;
if ( d == 0.0 )
- *pTempStr = '0';
- *pTempStr++;
- *pTempStr = '.';
- *pTempStr++;
- *pTempStr = '0';
- *pTempStr++;
+ *pTempStr++ = '0';
+ *pTempStr++ = '.';
+ *pTempStr++ = '0';
if ( d < 0.0 )
- *pTempStr = '-';
- *pTempStr++;
+ *pTempStr++ = '-';
d = -d;
- dExp = log10( d );
- bExp = sal_False;
- if ( (dExp > 7) || (dExp <= -7) )
- bExp = sal_True;
+ nExp = (int)log10( d );
+ if ( (nExp < 8) && (nExp > -7) )
+ nExp = 0;
- dExp = floor( dExp );
- d /= pow( 10, dExp );
- while ( d > 10 )
- {
- d /= 10.0;
- dExp += 1.0;
- }
- if ( d < 1.0 )
- nSignificantDigits++;
+ d /= pow( 10, nExp );
+ if( nExp < 0 && d < 1.0 )
+ d *= 10.0, nExp--;
- nDotPos = bExp ? 0 : (sal_Int16)dExp;
- bDotSet = sal_False;
- /* handle leading zeros */
- if ( nDotPos < 0 )
+ if( d >= 1.0 )
- *pTempStr = '0';
- *pTempStr++;
- *pTempStr = '.';
- *pTempStr++;
- while( ++nDotPos < 0 )
- {
- *pTempStr = '0';
- *pTempStr++;
- }
- pEndStr = pTempStr;
- bDotSet = sal_True;
- }
- else
- pEndStr = pTempStr;
+ nPowTen = (int)pow( 10, floor( log10( d ) ) );
+ nIntegralPart = (int)d;
+ d -= (double)nIntegralPart;
- for ( i=0; i < nSignificantDigits; i++ )
- {
- nDigit = (sal_Int16)d;
- *pTempStr = '0' + nDigit;
- *pTempStr++;
- if ( i == nDotPos && !bDotSet )
+ do
- *pTempStr = '.';
- *pTempStr++;
- pEndStr = pTempStr+1; /* We want one 0 behind the . */
- }
- else if ( nDigit )
- pEndStr = pTempStr;
- d -= (double)nDigit;
- d *= 10.0;
+ nDigit = nIntegralPart / nPowTen;
+ *pTempStr++ = nDigit + '0';
+ nIntegralPart -= nPowTen * nDigit;
+ nPowTen /= 10;
+ nSignificantDigits--;
+ } while( nPowTen );
- /* Add/Kill trailing zeros */
- while ( pTempStr < pEndStr )
+ else
+ *pTempStr++ = '0';
+ *pTempStr++ = '.';
+ /* avoid trailing zeros */
+ fEpsilon = pow( 10, -nSignificantDigits );
+ do
- *pTempStr = '0';
- pTempStr++;
- }
- pTempStr = pEndStr;
+ d *= 10, fEpsilon *= 10;
+ nIntegralPart = (int)d;
+ d -= (double)nIntegralPart;
+ *pTempStr++ = nIntegralPart + '0';
+ } while( d >= fEpsilon && --nSignificantDigits > 0 );
- /* exponent */
- if ( bExp )
+ if( nExp )
- *pTempStr = 'E';
- *pTempStr++;
- if ( dExp < 0.0 )
- {
- dExp = -dExp;
- *pTempStr = '-';
- *pTempStr++;
- }
- nExpDigits = 1;
- while ( dExp >= 10.0 )
+ *pTempStr++ = 'E';
+ if( nExp < 0 )
- nExpDigits++;
- dExp /= 10;
+ *pTempStr++ = '-';
+ nExp = -nExp;
- for ( i=0; i < nExpDigits; i++ )
+ nPowTen = (int)pow( 10, floor( log10( (double)nExp ) ) );
+ do
- nDigit = (sal_Int16)dExp; /* sometimes if the debugger shows dExp= 2, the cast produces 1 */
- dRem = fmod( dExp, 1 );
- /* max exponent is about 357 */
- if ( dRem >0.999 )
- nDigit++;
- *pTempStr = '0' + nDigit;
- *pTempStr++;
- dExp -= (double)nDigit;
- dExp *= 10.0;
- }
+ nDigit = nExp / nPowTen;
+ *pTempStr++ = nDigit + '0';
+ nExp -= nPowTen*nDigit;
+ nPowTen /= 10;
+ } while( nPowTen );