diff options
authorPhilipp Lohmann [pl] <Philipp.Lohmann@Oracle.COM>2010-07-27 20:11:20 +0200
committerPhilipp Lohmann [pl] <Philipp.Lohmann@Oracle.COM>2010-07-27 20:11:20 +0200
commitf56ae64d51b8d6326023cff6c7d4063cdf9dc694 (patch)
parent86daa367395d94cdd19fa8771955096f4a8fe53b (diff)
vcl114: #i89515# add a print selection button to print accessory view
2 files changed, 410 insertions, 269 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/
index d00fc9a6cd0e..d19290d8320a 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class ControllerProperties
maLocalizedStrings( VclResId( SV_PRINT_NATIVE_STRINGS ) )
mpState->bNeedRestart = false;
- DBG_ASSERT( maLocalizedStrings.Count() >= 4, "resources not found !" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( maLocalizedStrings.Count() >= 5, "resources not found !" );
rtl::OUString getMoreString()
@@ -122,6 +122,13 @@ class ControllerProperties
+ rtl::OUString getPrintSelectionString()
+ {
+ return maLocalizedStrings.Count() >= 5
+ ? rtl::OUString( maLocalizedStrings.GetString( 4 ) )
+ : rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Print selection only" ) );
+ }
void updatePrintJob()
// TODO: refresh page count etc from mpController
@@ -246,7 +253,11 @@ class ControllerProperties
PropertyValue* pVal = mpController->getValue( name_it->second );
if( pVal )
- pVal->Value <<= i_bValue;
+ // ugly
+ if( name_it->second.equalsAscii( "PrintContent" ) )
+ pVal->Value <<= i_bValue ? sal_Int32(2) : sal_Int32(0);
+ else
+ pVal->Value <<= i_bValue;
@@ -283,7 +294,7 @@ class ControllerProperties
std::map< int, rtl::OUString >::const_iterator name_it = maTagToPropertyName.find( nTag );
- if( name_it != maTagToPropertyName.end() )
+ if( name_it != maTagToPropertyName.end() && ! name_it->second.equalsAscii( "PrintContent" ) )
MacOSBOOL bEnabled = mpController->isUIOptionEnabled( name_it->second ) ? YES : NO;
if( pCtrl )
@@ -768,6 +779,319 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
+static void addSubgroup( NSView* pCurParent, long& rCurY, const rtl::OUString& rText )
+ NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( rText );
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
+ NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
+ // move to nCurY
+ aTextRect.origin.y = rCurY - aTextRect.size.height;
+ [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
+ NSRect aSepRect = { { aTextRect.size.width + 1, aTextRect.origin.y }, { 100, 6 } };
+ NSBox* pBox = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame: aSepRect];
+ [pBox setBoxType: NSBoxSeparator];
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pBox autorelease]];
+ // update nCurY
+ rCurY = aTextRect.origin.y - 5;
+static void addBool( NSView* pCurParent, long& rCurX, long& rCurY, long nAttachOffset,
+ const rtl::OUString& rText, sal_Bool bEnabled,
+ const rtl::OUString& rProperty, sal_Bool bValue,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rRightColumn,
+ ControllerProperties* pControllerProperties,
+ ControlTarget* pCtrlTarget
+ )
+ NSRect aCheckRect = { { rCurX + nAttachOffset, 0 }, { 0, 15 } };
+ NSButton* pBtn = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame: aCheckRect];
+ [pBtn setButtonType: NSSwitchButton];
+ [pBtn setState: bValue ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
+ if( ! bEnabled )
+ [pBtn setEnabled: NO];
+ linebreakCell( [pBtn cell], rText );
+ [pBtn sizeToFit];
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pBtn autorelease]];
+ rRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pBtn ) );
+ // connect target
+ [pBtn setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pBtn setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
+ int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameTag( rProperty );
+ pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pBtn );
+ [pBtn setTag: nTag];
+ aCheckRect = [pBtn frame];
+ // move to rCurY
+ aCheckRect.origin.y = rCurY - aCheckRect.size.height;
+ [pBtn setFrame: aCheckRect];
+ // update rCurY
+ rCurY = aCheckRect.origin.y - 5;
+static void addRadio( NSView* pCurParent, long& rCurX, long& rCurY, long nAttachOffset,
+ const rtl::OUString& rText,
+ const rtl::OUString& rProperty, Sequence< rtl::OUString > rChoices, sal_Int32 nSelectValue,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rLeftColumn,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rRightColumn,
+ ControllerProperties* pControllerProperties,
+ ControlTarget* pCtrlTarget
+ )
+ sal_Int32 nOff = 0;
+ if( rText.getLength() )
+ {
+ // add a label
+ NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( rText );
+ NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
+ aTextRect.origin.x = rCurX + nAttachOffset;
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
+ rLeftColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pTextView ) );
+ // move to nCurY
+ aTextRect.origin.y = rCurY - aTextRect.size.height;
+ [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
+ // update nCurY
+ rCurY = aTextRect.origin.y - 5;
+ // indent the radio group relative to the text
+ // nOff = 20;
+ }
+ // setup radio matrix
+ NSButtonCell* pProto = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
+ NSRect aRadioRect = { { rCurX + nOff, 0 }, { 280 - rCurX, 5*rChoices.getLength() } };
+ [pProto setTitle: @"RadioButtonGroup"];
+ [pProto setButtonType: NSRadioButton];
+ NSMatrix* pMatrix = [[NSMatrix alloc] initWithFrame: aRadioRect
+ mode: NSRadioModeMatrix
+ prototype: (NSCell*)pProto
+ numberOfRows: rChoices.getLength()
+ numberOfColumns: 1];
+ // set individual titles
+ NSArray* pCells = [pMatrix cells];
+ for( sal_Int32 m = 0; m < rChoices.getLength(); m++ )
+ {
+ NSCell* pCell = [pCells objectAtIndex: m];
+ filterAccelerator( rChoices[m] );
+ linebreakCell( pCell, rChoices[m] );
+ // connect target and action
+ [pCell setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pCell setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
+ int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameAndValueTag( rProperty, m );
+ pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pCell );
+ [pCell setTag: nTag];
+ // set current selection
+ if( nSelectValue == m )
+ [pMatrix selectCellAtRow: m column: 0];
+ }
+ [pMatrix sizeToFit];
+ aRadioRect = [pMatrix frame];
+ // move it down, so it comes to the correct position
+ aRadioRect.origin.y = rCurY - aRadioRect.size.height;
+ [pMatrix setFrame: aRadioRect];
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pMatrix autorelease]];
+ rRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pMatrix ) );
+ // update nCurY
+ rCurY = aRadioRect.origin.y - 5;
+ [pProto release];
+static void addList( NSView* pCurParent, long& rCurX, long& rCurY, long nAttachOffset,
+ const rtl::OUString& rText,
+ const rtl::OUString& rProperty, const Sequence< rtl::OUString > rChoices, sal_Int32 nSelectValue,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rLeftColumn,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rRightColumn,
+ ControllerProperties* pControllerProperties,
+ ControlTarget* pCtrlTarget
+ )
+ // don't indent attached lists, looks bad in the existing cases
+ NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( rText );
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
+ rLeftColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pTextView ) );
+ NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
+ aTextRect.origin.x = rCurX /* + nAttachOffset*/;
+ // don't indent attached lists, looks bad in the existing cases
+ NSRect aBtnRect = { { rCurX /*+ nAttachOffset*/ + aTextRect.size.width, 0 }, { 0, 15 } };
+ NSPopUpButton* pBtn = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame: aBtnRect pullsDown: NO];
+ // iterate options
+ for( sal_Int32 m = 0; m < rChoices.getLength(); m++ )
+ {
+ NSString* pItemText = CreateNSString( rChoices[m] );
+ [pBtn addItemWithTitle: pItemText];
+ NSMenuItem* pItem = [pBtn itemWithTitle: pItemText];
+ int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameAndValueTag( rProperty, m );
+ [pItem setTag: nTag];
+ [pItemText release];
+ }
+ [pBtn selectItemAtIndex: nSelectValue];
+ // add the button to observed controls for enabled state changes
+ // also add a tag just for this purpose
+ pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pBtn );
+ [pBtn setTag: pControllerProperties->addNameTag( rProperty )];
+ [pBtn sizeToFit];
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pBtn autorelease]];
+ rRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pBtn ) );
+ // connect target and action
+ [pBtn setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pBtn setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
+ // move to nCurY
+ aBtnRect = [pBtn frame];
+ aBtnRect.origin.y = rCurY - aBtnRect.size.height;
+ [pBtn setFrame: aBtnRect];
+ // align label
+ aTextRect.origin.y = aBtnRect.origin.y + (aBtnRect.size.height - aTextRect.size.height)/2;
+ [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
+ // update rCurY
+ rCurY = aBtnRect.origin.y - 5;
+static void addEdit( NSView* pCurParent, long& rCurX, long& rCurY, long nAttachOffset,
+ const rtl::OUString rCtrlType,
+ const rtl::OUString& rText,
+ const rtl::OUString& rProperty, const PropertyValue* pValue,
+ sal_Int64 nMinValue, sal_Int64 nMaxValue,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rLeftColumn,
+ std::vector<ColumnItem >& rRightColumn,
+ ControllerProperties* pControllerProperties,
+ ControlTarget* pCtrlTarget
+ )
+ sal_Int32 nOff = 0;
+ if( rText.getLength() )
+ {
+ // add a label
+ NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( rText );
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
+ rLeftColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pTextView ) );
+ // move to nCurY
+ NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
+ aTextRect.origin.x = rCurX + nAttachOffset;
+ aTextRect.origin.y = rCurY - aTextRect.size.height;
+ [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
+ // update nCurY
+ rCurY = aTextRect.origin.y - 5;
+ // and set the offset for the real edit field
+ nOff = aTextRect.size.width + 5;
+ }
+ NSRect aFieldRect = { { rCurX + nOff + nAttachOffset, 0 }, { 100, 25 } };
+ NSTextField* pFieldView = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame: aFieldRect];
+ [pFieldView setEditable: YES];
+ [pFieldView setSelectable: YES];
+ [pFieldView setDrawsBackground: YES];
+ [pFieldView sizeToFit]; // FIXME: this does nothing
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pFieldView autorelease]];
+ rRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pFieldView ) );
+ // add the field to observed controls for enabled state changes
+ // also add a tag just for this purpose
+ pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pFieldView );
+ int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameTag( rProperty );
+ [pFieldView setTag: nTag];
+ // pControllerProperties->addNamedView( pFieldView, aPropertyName );
+ // move to nCurY
+ aFieldRect.origin.y = rCurY - aFieldRect.size.height;
+ [pFieldView setFrame: aFieldRect];
+ if( rCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Range" ) )
+ {
+ // add a stepper control
+ NSRect aStepFrame = { { aFieldRect.origin.x + aFieldRect.size.width + 5,
+ aFieldRect.origin.y },
+ { 15, aFieldRect.size.height } };
+ NSStepper* pStep = [[NSStepper alloc] initWithFrame: aStepFrame];
+ [pStep setIncrement: 1];
+ [pStep setValueWraps: NO];
+ [pStep setTag: nTag];
+ [pCurParent addSubview: [pStep autorelease]];
+ rRightColumn.back().pSubControl = pStep;
+ pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pStep );
+ [pStep setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pStep setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
+ // constrain the text field to decimal numbers
+ NSNumberFormatter* pFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
+ [pFormatter setFormatterBehavior: NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
+ [pFormatter setNumberStyle: NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
+ [pFormatter setAllowsFloats: NO];
+ [pFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits: 0];
+ if( nMinValue != nMaxValue )
+ {
+ [pFormatter setMinimum: [[NSNumber numberWithInt: nMinValue] autorelease]];
+ [pStep setMinValue: nMinValue];
+ [pFormatter setMaximum: [[NSNumber numberWithInt: nMaxValue] autorelease]];
+ [pStep setMaxValue: nMaxValue];
+ }
+ [pFieldView setFormatter: pFormatter];
+ sal_Int64 nSelectVal = 0;
+ if( pValue && pValue->Value.hasValue() )
+ pValue->Value >>= nSelectVal;
+ [pFieldView setIntValue: nSelectVal];
+ [pStep setIntValue: nSelectVal];
+ pControllerProperties->addViewPair( pFieldView, pStep );
+ // connect target and action
+ [pFieldView setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pFieldView setAction: @selector(triggeredNumeric:)];
+ [pStep setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pStep setAction: @selector(triggeredNumeric:)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // connect target and action
+ [pFieldView setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
+ [pFieldView setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
+ if( pValue && pValue->Value.hasValue() )
+ {
+ rtl::OUString aValue;
+ pValue->Value >>= aValue;
+ if( aValue.getLength() )
+ {
+ NSString* pText = CreateNSString( aValue );
+ [pFieldView setStringValue: pText];
+ [pText release];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // update nCurY
+ rCurY = aFieldRect.origin.y - 5;
@implementation AquaPrintAccessoryView
+(NSObject*)setupPrinterPanel: (NSPrintOperation*)pOp withController: (vcl::PrinterController*)pController withState: (PrintAccessoryViewState*)pState;
@@ -792,6 +1116,54 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
ControlTarget* pCtrlTarget = [[ControlTarget alloc] initWithControllerMap: pControllerProperties];
std::vector< ColumnItem > aLeftColumn, aRightColumn;
+ // ugly:
+ // prepend a "selection" checkbox if the properties have such a selection in PrintContent
+ bool bAddSelectionCheckBox = false, bSelectionBoxEnabled = false, bSelectionBoxChecked = false;
+ for( int i = 0; i < rOptions.getLength(); i++ )
+ {
+ Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aOptProp;
+ rOptions[i].Value >>= aOptProp;
+ rtl::OUString aCtrlType;
+ rtl::OUString aPropertyName;
+ Sequence< rtl::OUString > aChoices;
+ Sequence< sal_Bool > aChoicesDisabled;
+ sal_Int32 aSelectionChecked = 0;
+ for( int n = 0; n < aOptProp.getLength(); n++ )
+ {
+ const beans::PropertyValue& rEntry( aOptProp[ n ] );
+ if( rEntry.Name.equalsAscii( "ControlType" ) )
+ {
+ rEntry.Value >>= aCtrlType;
+ }
+ else if( rEntry.Name.equalsAscii( "Choices" ) )
+ {
+ rEntry.Value >>= aChoices;
+ }
+ else if( rEntry.Name.equalsAscii( "ChoicesDisabled" ) )
+ {
+ rEntry.Value >>= aChoicesDisabled;
+ }
+ else if( rEntry.Name.equalsAscii( "Property" ) )
+ {
+ PropertyValue aVal;
+ rEntry.Value >>= aVal;
+ aPropertyName = aVal.Name;
+ if( aPropertyName.equalsAscii( "PrintContent" ) )
+ aVal.Value >>= aSelectionChecked;
+ }
+ }
+ if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Radio" ) &&
+ aPropertyName.equalsAscii( "PrintContent" ) &&
+ aChoices.getLength() > 2 )
+ {
+ bAddSelectionCheckBox = true;
+ bSelectionBoxEnabled = aChoicesDisabled.getLength() < 2 || ! aChoicesDisabled[2];
+ bSelectionBoxChecked = (aSelectionChecked==2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
for( int i = 0; i < rOptions.getLength(); i++ )
@@ -803,6 +1175,7 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
rtl::OUString aCtrlType;
rtl::OUString aText;
rtl::OUString aPropertyName;
+ rtl::OUString aGroupHint;
Sequence< rtl::OUString > aChoices;
sal_Int64 nMinValue = 0, nMaxValue = 0;
long nAttachOffset = 0;
@@ -852,6 +1225,10 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
rEntry.Value >>= bIgnore;
+ else if( rEntry.Name.equalsAscii( "GroupingHint" ) )
+ {
+ rEntry.Value >>= aGroupHint;
+ }
if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Group" ) ||
@@ -894,6 +1271,15 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
// clear columns
+ if( bAddSelectionCheckBox )
+ {
+ addBool( pCurParent, nCurX, nCurY, 0,
+ pControllerProperties->getPrintSelectionString(), bSelectionBoxEnabled,
+ rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PrintContent" ) ), bSelectionBoxChecked,
+ aRightColumn, pControllerProperties, pCtrlTarget );
+ bAddSelectionCheckBox = false;
+ }
if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Subgroup" ) && pCurParent )
@@ -902,302 +1288,56 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
if( bIgnore )
- NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( aText );
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
- NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
- // move to nCurY
- aTextRect.origin.y = nCurY - aTextRect.size.height;
- [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
- NSRect aSepRect = { { aTextRect.size.width + 1, aTextRect.origin.y }, { 100, 6 } };
- NSBox* pBox = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame: aSepRect];
- [pBox setBoxType: NSBoxSeparator];
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pBox autorelease]];
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aTextRect.origin.y - 5;
+ addSubgroup( pCurParent, nCurY, aText );
else if( bIgnoreSubgroup || bIgnore )
+ {
+ }
else if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Bool" ) && pCurParent )
- NSRect aCheckRect = { { nCurX + nAttachOffset, 0 }, { 0, 15 } };
- NSButton* pBtn = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame: aCheckRect];
- [pBtn setButtonType: NSSwitchButton];
sal_Bool bVal = sal_False;
PropertyValue* pVal = pController->getValue( aPropertyName );
if( pVal )
pVal->Value >>= bVal;
- [pBtn setState: bVal ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
- linebreakCell( [pBtn cell], aText );
- [pBtn sizeToFit];
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pBtn autorelease]];
- aRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pBtn ) );
- // connect target
- [pBtn setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pBtn setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
- int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameTag( aPropertyName );
- pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pBtn );
- [pBtn setTag: nTag];
- aCheckRect = [pBtn frame];
- // move to nCurY
- aCheckRect.origin.y = nCurY - aCheckRect.size.height;
- [pBtn setFrame: aCheckRect];
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aCheckRect.origin.y - 5;
+ addBool( pCurParent, nCurX, nCurY, nAttachOffset,
+ aText, true, aPropertyName, bVal,
+ aRightColumn, pControllerProperties, pCtrlTarget );
else if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Radio" ) && pCurParent )
- sal_Int32 nOff = 0;
- if( aText.getLength() )
- {
- // add a label
- NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( aText );
- NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
- aTextRect.origin.x = nCurX + nAttachOffset;
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
- aLeftColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pTextView ) );
- // move to nCurY
- aTextRect.origin.y = nCurY - aTextRect.size.height;
- [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aTextRect.origin.y - 5;
- // indent the radio group relative to the text
- // nOff = 20;
- }
- // setup radio matrix
- NSButtonCell* pProto = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
- NSRect aRadioRect = { { nCurX + nOff, 0 }, { 280 - nCurX, 5*aChoices.getLength() } };
- [pProto setTitle: @"RadioButtonGroup"];
- [pProto setButtonType: NSRadioButton];
- NSMatrix* pMatrix = [[NSMatrix alloc] initWithFrame: aRadioRect
- mode: NSRadioModeMatrix
- prototype: (NSCell*)pProto
- numberOfRows: aChoices.getLength()
- numberOfColumns: 1];
// get currently selected value
sal_Int32 nSelectVal = 0;
PropertyValue* pVal = pController->getValue( aPropertyName );
if( pVal && pVal->Value.hasValue() )
pVal->Value >>= nSelectVal;
- // set individual titles
- NSArray* pCells = [pMatrix cells];
- for( sal_Int32 m = 0; m < aChoices.getLength(); m++ )
- {
- NSCell* pCell = [pCells objectAtIndex: m];
- filterAccelerator( aChoices[m] );
- linebreakCell( pCell, aChoices[m] );
- //NSString* pTitle = CreateNSString( aChoices[m] );
- //[pCell setTitle: pTitle];
- // connect target and action
- [pCell setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pCell setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
- int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameAndValueTag( aPropertyName, m );
- pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pCell );
- [pCell setTag: nTag];
- //[pTitle release];
- // set current selection
- if( nSelectVal == m )
- [pMatrix selectCellAtRow: m column: 0];
- }
- [pMatrix sizeToFit];
- aRadioRect = [pMatrix frame];
- // move it down, so it comes to the correct position
- aRadioRect.origin.y = nCurY - aRadioRect.size.height;
- [pMatrix setFrame: aRadioRect];
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pMatrix autorelease]];
- aRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pMatrix ) );
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aRadioRect.origin.y - 5;
- [pProto release];
+ addRadio( pCurParent, nCurX, nCurY, nAttachOffset,
+ aText, aPropertyName, aChoices, nSelectVal,
+ aLeftColumn, aRightColumn,
+ pControllerProperties, pCtrlTarget );
else if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "List" ) && pCurParent )
- // don't indent attached lists, looks bad in the existing cases
- NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( aText );
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
- aLeftColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pTextView ) );
- NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
- aTextRect.origin.x = nCurX /* + nAttachOffset*/;
- // don't indent attached lists, looks bad in the existing cases
- NSRect aBtnRect = { { nCurX /*+ nAttachOffset*/ + aTextRect.size.width, 0 }, { 0, 15 } };
- NSPopUpButton* pBtn = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame: aBtnRect pullsDown: NO];
- // iterate options
- for( sal_Int32 m = 0; m < aChoices.getLength(); m++ )
- {
- NSString* pItemText = CreateNSString( aChoices[m] );
- [pBtn addItemWithTitle: pItemText];
- NSMenuItem* pItem = [pBtn itemWithTitle: pItemText];
- int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameAndValueTag( aPropertyName, m );
- [pItem setTag: nTag];
- [pItemText release];
- }
PropertyValue* pVal = pController->getValue( aPropertyName );
sal_Int32 aSelectVal = 0;
if( pVal && pVal->Value.hasValue() )
pVal->Value >>= aSelectVal;
- [pBtn selectItemAtIndex: aSelectVal];
- // add the button to observed controls for enabled state changes
- // also add a tag just for this purpose
- pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pBtn );
- [pBtn setTag: pControllerProperties->addNameTag( aPropertyName )];
- [pBtn sizeToFit];
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pBtn autorelease]];
- aRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pBtn ) );
- // connect target and action
- [pBtn setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pBtn setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
- // move to nCurY
- aBtnRect = [pBtn frame];
- aBtnRect.origin.y = nCurY - aBtnRect.size.height;
- [pBtn setFrame: aBtnRect];
- // align label
- aTextRect.origin.y = aBtnRect.origin.y + (aBtnRect.size.height - aTextRect.size.height)/2;
- [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aBtnRect.origin.y - 5;
+ addList( pCurParent, nCurX, nCurY, nAttachOffset,
+ aText, aPropertyName, aChoices, aSelectVal,
+ aLeftColumn, aRightColumn,
+ pControllerProperties, pCtrlTarget );
else if( (aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Edit" ) || aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Range" )) && pCurParent )
- sal_Int32 nOff = 0;
- if( aText.getLength() )
- {
- // add a label
- NSControl* pTextView = createLabel( aText );
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pTextView autorelease]];
- aLeftColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pTextView ) );
- // move to nCurY
- NSRect aTextRect = [pTextView frame];
- aTextRect.origin.x = nCurX + nAttachOffset;
- aTextRect.origin.y = nCurY - aTextRect.size.height;
- [pTextView setFrame: aTextRect];
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aTextRect.origin.y - 5;
- // and set the offset for the real edit field
- nOff = aTextRect.size.width + 5;
- }
- NSRect aFieldRect = { { nCurX + nOff + nAttachOffset, 0 }, { 100, 25 } };
- NSTextField* pFieldView = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame: aFieldRect];
- [pFieldView setEditable: YES];
- [pFieldView setSelectable: YES];
- [pFieldView setDrawsBackground: YES];
- [pFieldView sizeToFit]; // FIXME: this does nothing
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pFieldView autorelease]];
- aRightColumn.push_back( ColumnItem( pFieldView ) );
- // add the field to observed controls for enabled state changes
- // also add a tag just for this purpose
- pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pFieldView );
- int nTag = pControllerProperties->addNameTag( aPropertyName );
- [pFieldView setTag: nTag];
- // pControllerProperties->addNamedView( pFieldView, aPropertyName );
- // move to nCurY
- aFieldRect.origin.y = nCurY - aFieldRect.size.height;
- [pFieldView setFrame: aFieldRect];
// current value
PropertyValue* pVal = pController->getValue( aPropertyName );
- if( aCtrlType.equalsAscii( "Range" ) )
- {
- // add a stepper control
- NSRect aStepFrame = { { aFieldRect.origin.x + aFieldRect.size.width + 5,
- aFieldRect.origin.y },
- { 15, aFieldRect.size.height } };
- NSStepper* pStep = [[NSStepper alloc] initWithFrame: aStepFrame];
- [pStep setIncrement: 1];
- [pStep setValueWraps: NO];
- [pStep setTag: nTag];
- [pCurParent addSubview: [pStep autorelease]];
- aRightColumn.back().pSubControl = pStep;
- pControllerProperties->addObservedControl( pStep );
- [pStep setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pStep setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
- // constrain the text field to decimal numbers
- NSNumberFormatter* pFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
- [pFormatter setFormatterBehavior: NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
- [pFormatter setNumberStyle: NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
- [pFormatter setAllowsFloats: NO];
- [pFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits: 0];
- if( nMinValue != nMaxValue )
- {
- [pFormatter setMinimum: [[NSNumber numberWithInt: nMinValue] autorelease]];
- [pStep setMinValue: nMinValue];
- [pFormatter setMaximum: [[NSNumber numberWithInt: nMaxValue] autorelease]];
- [pStep setMaxValue: nMaxValue];
- }
- [pFieldView setFormatter: pFormatter];
- sal_Int64 nSelectVal = 0;
- if( pVal && pVal->Value.hasValue() )
- pVal->Value >>= nSelectVal;
- [pFieldView setIntValue: nSelectVal];
- [pStep setIntValue: nSelectVal];
- pControllerProperties->addViewPair( pFieldView, pStep );
- // connect target and action
- [pFieldView setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pFieldView setAction: @selector(triggeredNumeric:)];
- [pStep setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pStep setAction: @selector(triggeredNumeric:)];
- }
- else
- {
- // connect target and action
- [pFieldView setTarget: pCtrlTarget];
- [pFieldView setAction: @selector(triggered:)];
- if( pVal && pVal->Value.hasValue() )
- {
- rtl::OUString aValue;
- pVal->Value >>= aValue;
- if( aValue.getLength() )
- {
- NSString* pText = CreateNSString( aValue );
- [pFieldView setStringValue: pText];
- [pText release];
- }
- }
- }
- // update nCurY
- nCurY = aFieldRect.origin.y - 5;
+ addEdit( pCurParent, nCurX, nCurY, nAttachOffset,
+ aCtrlType, aText, aPropertyName, pVal,
+ nMinValue, nMaxValue,
+ aLeftColumn, aRightColumn,
+ pControllerProperties, pCtrlTarget );
@@ -1205,7 +1345,7 @@ static void linebreakCell( NSCell* pBtn, const rtl::OUString& i_rText )
DBG_ERROR( "Unsupported UI option" );
adjustViewAndChildren( pCurParent, aMaxTabSize, aLeftColumn, aRightColumn );
diff --git a/vcl/source/src/print.src b/vcl/source/src/print.src
index 58f0a477c848..010cae338e0e 100644
--- a/vcl/source/src/print.src
+++ b/vcl/source/src/print.src
@@ -488,5 +488,6 @@ StringArray SV_PRINT_NATIVE_STRINGS
< "Page number"; >;
< "Number of pages"; >;
< "More"; >;
+ < "Print selection only"; >;