diff options
authorgt <>2001-10-19 12:59:02 +0000
committergt <>2001-10-19 12:59:02 +0000
commitf5f32f829ee864adeab89a9befdd3949fd64ef45 (patch)
parent9d05dde4141c47e2274131bf89729a57aa155de2 (diff)
#87691# folder name translation and doc title as file name
4 files changed, 507 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/inc/fileview.hxx b/svtools/inc/fileview.hxx
index 2f9e87ace53a..9b7b55c070a4 100644
--- a/svtools/inc/fileview.hxx
+++ b/svtools/inc/fileview.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: fileview.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Revision: 1.9 $
- * last change: $Author: fs $ $Date: 2001-09-05 09:45:29 $
+ * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-10-19 13:57:45 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ public:
void EnableContextMenu( sal_Bool bEnable );
void EnableDelete( sal_Bool bEnable );
+ void EnableNameReplacing( sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True );
+ // translate folder names or display doc-title instead of file name
+ // EnableContextMenu( TRUE )/EnableDelete(TRUE) disable name replacing!
// struct SvtContentEntry ------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/fileview.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/fileview.cxx
index 2c404983ce2f..be93c6a6eec9 100644
--- a/svtools/source/contnr/fileview.cxx
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/fileview.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: fileview.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.25 $
+ * $Revision: 1.26 $
- * last change: $Author: mba $ $Date: 2001-09-19 15:37:41 $
+ * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-10-19 13:59:02 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -111,6 +111,12 @@
#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/io/XPersist.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#ifndef _VECTOR_
#include <vector>
@@ -147,6 +153,9 @@
#ifndef _WLDCRD_HXX
#include <tools/wldcrd.hxx>
+#ifndef _CONFIG_HXX
+#include <tools/config.hxx>
#ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
@@ -171,6 +180,8 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::task;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::io;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::comphelper;
using namespace ::rtl;
using namespace ::ucb;
@@ -253,12 +264,288 @@ public:
void EnableAutoResize() { mbAutoResize = sal_True; }
void EnableContextMenu( sal_Bool bEnable ) { mbContextMenuEnabled = bEnable; }
void EnableDelete( sal_Bool bEnable ) { mbEnableDelete = bEnable; }
+ sal_Bool IsDeleteOrContextMenuEnabled() { return mbContextMenuEnabled || mbEnableDelete; }
Reference< XCommandEnvironment > GetCommandEnvironment() const { return mxCmdEnv; }
DECL_LINK( ResetQuickSearch_Impl, Timer * );
+// class HashedEntry --------------------------------------------------
+class HashedEntry
+{ // just a special String which can be compared on equality much faster
+ OUString maName;
+ sal_Int32 mnHashCode;
+ inline HashedEntry( const OUString& rName );
+ inline HashedEntry( const INetURLObject& rURL );
+ inline HashedEntry( const HashedEntry& rCopy );
+ virtual ~HashedEntry();
+ inline sal_Bool operator ==( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const;
+ inline sal_Bool operator !=( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const;
+ inline const OUString& GetName() const;
+inline HashedEntry::HashedEntry( const OUString& rName ): maName( rName ), mnHashCode( rName.hashCode() )
+inline HashedEntry::HashedEntry( const INetURLObject& rURL ):
+ maName( rURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ),
+ mnHashCode( maName.hashCode() )
+inline HashedEntry::HashedEntry( const HashedEntry& r ): maName( r.maName ), mnHashCode( r.mnHashCode )
+inline sal_Bool HashedEntry::operator ==( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const
+ return mnHashCode == rRef.mnHashCode && maName.reverseCompareTo( rRef.maName ) == 0;
+inline sal_Bool HashedEntry::operator !=( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const
+ return mnHashCode != rRef.mnHashCode || maName.reverseCompareTo( rRef.maName ) != 0;
+inline const OUString& HashedEntry::GetName() const
+ return maName;
+// class HashedEntryList ----------------------------------------------
+class HashedEntryList : protected List
+{// provides a list of _unique_ Entries
+ inline HashedEntry* First();
+ inline HashedEntry* Next();
+ inline void Append( HashedEntry* pNewEntry );
+ virtual ~HashedEntryList();
+ const HashedEntry* Find( const OUString& rNameToSearchFor );
+ const HashedEntry* Find( const HashedEntry& rToSearchFor );
+ // not const, because First()/Next() is used
+ const HashedEntry& Insert( HashedEntry* pInsertOrDelete );
+ // don't care about pInsertOrDelete after this any more and handle it as invalid!
+ // returns the Entry, which is effectively inserted
+ void Clear();
+inline HashedEntry* HashedEntryList::First()
+ return ( HashedEntry* ) List::First();
+inline HashedEntry* HashedEntryList::Next()
+ return ( HashedEntry* ) List::Next();
+inline void HashedEntryList::Append( HashedEntry* pNew )
+ List::Insert( pNew, LIST_APPEND );
+ Clear();
+const HashedEntry* HashedEntryList::Find( const OUString& rRefName )
+{ // simple linear search, which should be fast enough for this purpose
+ HashedEntry aRef( rRefName );
+ HashedEntry* pIter = First();
+ while( pIter && *pIter != aRef )
+ pIter = Next();
+ return pIter;
+const HashedEntry* HashedEntryList::Find( const HashedEntry& rRef )
+{ // simple linear search, which should be fast enough for this purpose
+ HashedEntry* pIter = First();
+ while( pIter && *pIter != rRef )
+ pIter = Next();
+ return pIter;
+const HashedEntry& HashedEntryList::Insert( HashedEntry* pNew )
+{ // inserts (appends) only, if entry doesn't already exists
+ // if it already exists, pNew is deleted, because the caller must not worry about pNew any more
+ DBG_ASSERT( pNew, "HashedEntryList::Insert(): NULL-pointer can't be inserted" );
+ const HashedEntry* pSearch = Find( *pNew );
+ if( pSearch )
+ {
+ delete pNew;
+ return *pSearch;
+ }
+ Append( pNew );
+ return *pNew;
+void HashedEntryList::Clear()
+ HashedEntry* p = First();
+ while( p )
+ {
+ delete p;
+ p = Next();
+ }
+// class NameTranslationEntry -----------------------------------------
+class NameTranslationEntry : public HashedEntry
+{// a fast compareble String and another String, which is used to get a substitution for a given String
+ OUString maTranslatedName;
+ inline NameTranslationEntry( const OUString& rOriginalName, const OUString& rTranslatedName );
+ inline NameTranslationEntry( const ByteString& rOriginalName, const ByteString& rTranslatedName );
+ inline const OUString& GetTranslation() const;
+inline NameTranslationEntry::NameTranslationEntry( const OUString& rOrg, const OUString& rTrans ):
+ HashedEntry( rOrg ),
+ maTranslatedName( rTrans )
+inline NameTranslationEntry::NameTranslationEntry( const ByteString& rOrg, const ByteString& rTrans ):
+ HashedEntry( OUString( rOrg.GetBuffer(), rOrg.Len(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ),
+ maTranslatedName( OUString( rTrans.GetBuffer(), rTrans.Len(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
+inline const OUString& NameTranslationEntry::GetTranslation() const
+ return maTranslatedName;
+// class NameTranslationList -----------------------------------------
+class NameTranslationList : protected HashedEntryList
+{ // contains a list of substitutes of strings for a given folder (as URL)
+ // explanation of the circumstances see in remarks for Init();
+ INetURLObject maTransFile; // URL of file with translation entries
+ HashedEntry maHashedURL; // for future purposes when dealing with a set of cached
+ // NameTranslationLists
+ void Init(); // reads the translation file and fills the (internal) list
+ NameTranslationList( const INetURLObject& rBaseURL );
+ // rBaseURL: path to folder for which the translation of the entries
+ // should be done
+ inline sal_Bool operator ==( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const;
+ inline sal_Bool operator !=( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const;
+ const OUString* Translate( const OUString& rName ) const;
+ // returns NULL, if rName can't be found
+ inline void Update(); // clears list and init
+void NameTranslationList::Init()
+// Tries to read the file ".nametranslation.table" in the base folder. Complete path/name is in maTransFile.
+// Further on, the found entries in the section "TRANSLATIONNAMES" are used to replace names in the
+// base folder by translated ones. The translation must be given in UTF8
+// See examples of such a files in the samples-folder of an Office installation
+ try
+ {
+ Content aTestContent( maTransFile.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), Reference< XCommandEnvironment >() );
+ if( aTestContent.isDocument() )
+ {// ... also tests the existence of maTransFile by throwing an Exception
+ const sal_Char* pSection = "TRANSLATIONNAMES";
+ String aFsysName( maTransFile.getFSysPath( INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT ) );
+ Config aConfig( aFsysName );
+ aConfig.SetGroup( ByteString( pSection ) );
+ USHORT nKeyCnt = aConfig.GetKeyCount();
+ for( USHORT nCnt = 0 ; nCnt < nKeyCnt ; ++nCnt )
+ Insert( new NameTranslationEntry( aConfig.GetKeyName( nCnt ), aConfig.ReadKey( nCnt ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception& ) {}
+NameTranslationList::NameTranslationList( const INetURLObject& rBaseURL ):
+ maTransFile( rBaseURL ),
+ maHashedURL( rBaseURL )
+ maTransFile.insertName( OUString::createFromAscii( ".nametranslation.table" ) );
+ Init();
+inline sal_Bool NameTranslationList::operator ==( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const
+ return maHashedURL == rRef;
+inline sal_Bool NameTranslationList::operator !=( const HashedEntry& rRef ) const
+ return maHashedURL != rRef;
+const OUString* NameTranslationList::Translate( const OUString& rName ) const
+ const NameTranslationEntry* pSearch = static_cast< const NameTranslationEntry* >(
+ ( const_cast< NameTranslationList* >( this ) )->Find( rName ) );
+ return pSearch? &pSearch->GetTranslation() : NULL;
+inline void NameTranslationList::Update()
+ Clear();
+ Init();
+// class NameTranslator_Impl ------------------------------------------
+class NameTranslator_Impl
+{ // enables the user to get string substitutions (translations for the content) for a given folder
+ // see more explanations above in the description for NameTranslationList
+ NameTranslationList* mpActFolder;
+ NameTranslator_Impl( void );
+ NameTranslator_Impl( const INetURLObject& rActualFolder );
+ ~NameTranslator_Impl();
+ void UpdateTranslationTable(); // reads the translation file again
+ void SetActualFolder( const INetURLObject& rActualFolder );
+ sal_Bool GetTranslation( const OUString& rOriginalName, OUString& rTranslatedName ) const;
+ // does nothing with rTranslatedName, when translation is not possible
// class SvtFileView_Impl ---------------------------------------------
class SvtFileView_Impl
@@ -269,9 +556,12 @@ public:
::osl::Mutex maMutex;
ViewTabListBox_Impl* mpView;
+ NameTranslator_Impl* mpNameTrans;
+ Reference< XPersist > xDocInfo;
sal_uInt16 mnSortColumn;
sal_Bool mbAscending : 1;
sal_Bool mbOnlyFolder : 1;
+ sal_Bool mbReplaceNames : 1; // translate folder names or display doc-title instead of file name
String maViewURL;
String maAllFilter;
String maCurrentFilter;
@@ -301,16 +591,51 @@ public:
ULONG GetEntryPos( const OUString& rURL );
- void EnableContextMenu( sal_Bool bEnable ) { mpView->EnableContextMenu( bEnable ); }
- void EnableDelete( sal_Bool bEnable ) { mpView->EnableDelete( bEnable ); }
+ inline void EnableContextMenu( sal_Bool bEnable );
+ inline void EnableDelete( sal_Bool bEnable );
void Resort_Impl( sal_Int16 nColumn, sal_Bool bAscending );
sal_Bool SearchNextEntry( sal_uInt32 &nIndex,
const OUString& rTitle,
sal_Bool bWrapAround );
+ inline sal_Bool EnableNameReplacing( sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True ); // returns false, if action wasn't possible
+ void SetActualFolder( const INetURLObject& rActualFolder );
+ sal_Bool GetTranslatedName( const OUString& rName, OUString& rTranslatedName ) const;
+ sal_Bool GetDocTitle( const OUString& rTargetURL, OUString& rDocTitle ) const;
+inline void SvtFileView_Impl::EnableContextMenu( sal_Bool bEnable )
+ mpView->EnableContextMenu( bEnable );
+ if( bEnable )
+ mbReplaceNames = sal_False;
+inline void SvtFileView_Impl::EnableDelete( sal_Bool bEnable )
+ mpView->EnableDelete( bEnable );
+ if( bEnable )
+ mbReplaceNames = sal_False;
+inline sal_Bool SvtFileView_Impl::EnableNameReplacing( sal_Bool bEnable )
+ sal_Bool bRet;
+ if( mpView->IsDeleteOrContextMenuEnabled() )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( !mbReplaceNames, "SvtFileView_Impl::EnableNameReplacing(): state should be not possible!" );
+ bRet = !bEnable; // only for enabling this is an unsuccessful result
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mbReplaceNames = bEnable;
+ bRet = sal_True;
+ }
+ return bRet;
// functions -------------------------------------------------------------
#define CONVERT_DATETIME( aUnoDT, aToolsDT ) \
@@ -1131,6 +1456,11 @@ void SvtFileView::EnableDelete( sal_Bool bEnable )
mpImp->EnableDelete( bEnable );
+void SvtFileView::EnableNameReplacing( sal_Bool bEnable )
+ mpImp->EnableNameReplacing( bEnable );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPL_LINK( SvtFileView, HeaderSelect_Impl, HeaderBar*, pBar )
@@ -1172,17 +1502,79 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvtFileView, HeaderSelect_Impl, HeaderBar*, pBar )
return 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// class SvtFileView_Impl ---------------------------------------------
+NameTranslator_Impl::NameTranslator_Impl( void ) :
+ mpActFolder( NULL )
+NameTranslator_Impl::NameTranslator_Impl( const INetURLObject& rActualFolder )
+ mpActFolder = new NameTranslationList( rActualFolder );
+ if( mpActFolder )
+ delete mpActFolder;
+void NameTranslator_Impl::UpdateTranslationTable()
+ if( mpActFolder )
+ mpActFolder->Update();
+void NameTranslator_Impl::SetActualFolder( const INetURLObject& rActualFolder )
+ HashedEntry aActFolder( rActualFolder );
+ if( mpActFolder )
+ {
+ if( *mpActFolder != aActFolder )
+ {
+ delete mpActFolder;
+ mpActFolder = new NameTranslationList( rActualFolder );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ mpActFolder = new NameTranslationList( rActualFolder );
+sal_Bool NameTranslator_Impl::GetTranslation( const OUString& rOrg, OUString& rTrans ) const
+ sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
+ if( mpActFolder )
+ {
+ const OUString* pTrans = mpActFolder->Translate( rOrg );
+ if( pTrans )
+ {
+ rTrans = *pTrans;
+ bRet = sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// class SvtFileView_Impl ---------------------------------------------
SvtFileView_Impl::SvtFileView_Impl( Window* pParent,
sal_Int16 nFlags,
sal_Bool bOnlyFolder ) :
mnSortColumn ( COLUMN_TITLE ),
mbAscending ( sal_True ),
mbOnlyFolder ( bOnlyFolder ),
- maFolderImage ( SvtResId( IMG_SVT_FOLDER ) )
+ mbReplaceNames ( sal_False ),
+ maFolderImage ( SvtResId( IMG_SVT_FOLDER ) ),
+ mpNameTrans ( NULL )
maAllFilter = String::CreateFromAscii( "*.*" );
@@ -1208,6 +1600,9 @@ void SvtFileView_Impl::Clear()
delete (*aIt);
+ if( mpNameTrans )
+ DELETEZ( mpNameTrans );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1222,6 +1617,9 @@ void SvtFileView_Impl::GetFolderContent_Impl( const String& rFolder )
+ // prepare name translation
+ SetActualFolder( aFolderObj );
Content aCnt( aFolderObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), mpView->GetCommandEnvironment() );
Reference< XResultSet > xResultSet;
Sequence< OUString > aProps(6);
@@ -1270,10 +1668,10 @@ void SvtFileView_Impl::GetFolderContent_Impl( const String& rFolder )
OUString aTargetURL = xRow->getString( ROW_TARGET_URL );
sal_Bool bTarget = aTargetURL.getLength() > 0;
+ pData->mbIsFolder = xRow->getBoolean( ROW_IS_FOLDER );
pData->maTitle = xRow->getString( ROW_TITLE );
- pData->maLowerTitle = pData->maTitle.toAsciiLowerCase();
pData->maSize = xRow->getLong( ROW_SIZE );
- pData->mbIsFolder = xRow->getBoolean( ROW_IS_FOLDER );
if ( bTarget &&
INetURLObject( aContentURL ).GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_VND_SUN_STAR_HIER )
@@ -1294,6 +1692,16 @@ void SvtFileView_Impl::GetFolderContent_Impl( const String& rFolder )
pData->maType = SvFileInformationManager::GetDescription( aURLObj );
+ // replace names on demand
+ if( mbReplaceNames )
+ {
+ if( pData->mbIsFolder )
+ GetTranslatedName( pData->maTitle, pData->maTitle );
+ else
+ GetDocTitle( pData->maTargetURL, pData->maTitle );
+ }
+ pData->maLowerTitle = pData->maTitle.toAsciiLowerCase();
maContent.push_back( pData );
@@ -1851,6 +2259,61 @@ sal_Bool SvtFileView_Impl::SearchNextEntry( sal_uInt32 &nIndex,
return sal_False;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void SvtFileView_Impl::SetActualFolder( const INetURLObject& rActualFolder )
+ if( mpNameTrans )
+ mpNameTrans->SetActualFolder( rActualFolder );
+ else
+ mpNameTrans = new NameTranslator_Impl( rActualFolder );
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SvtFileView_Impl::GetTranslatedName( const OUString& rName, OUString& rRet ) const
+ sal_Bool bRet;
+ if( mbReplaceNames && mpNameTrans )
+ bRet = mpNameTrans->GetTranslation( rName, rRet );
+ else
+ bRet = sal_False;
+ return bRet;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SvtFileView_Impl::GetDocTitle( const OUString& rTargetURL, OUString& rRet ) const
+ SvtFileView_Impl* p = const_cast< SvtFileView_Impl* >( this );
+ sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
+ if( ! )
+ p->xDocInfo = Reference< XPersist > (
+ ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance(
+ DBG_ASSERT(, "SvtFileView_Impl::GetDocTitle(): I don't understand the world any more!" );
+ try
+ {
+ p->xDocInfo->read( rTargetURL );
+ Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xDocInfo, UNO_QUERY );
+ Any aAny = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString::createFromAscii( "Title" ) );
+ OUString aTitle;
+ if( aAny >>= aTitle )
+ {
+ rRet = aTitle;
+ bRet = sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( IOException& ) {}
+ catch ( UnknownPropertyException& ) {}
+ catch ( Exception& ) {}
+ return bRet;
namespace svtools {
@@ -1917,3 +2380,4 @@ IMPL_STATIC_LINK( QueryDeleteDlg_Impl, ClickLink, PushButton*, pBtn )
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.cxx b/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.cxx
index ea82b47cddc1..587e913c9f11 100644
--- a/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.cxx
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: templwin.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.33 $
+ * $Revision: 1.34 $
- * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-10-12 12:51:26 $
+ * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-10-19 13:59:02 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ SvtIconWindow_Impl::SvtIconWindow_Impl( Window* pParent ) :
aDummyHeaderBar( this ),
- aIconCtrl( this, /*WB_3DLOOK | */WB_ICON | WB_NOCOLUMNHEADER |
+ aIconCtrl( this, WB_ICON | WB_NOCOLUMNHEADER |
nMaxTextLength( 0 )
aIconCtrl.SetChoiceWithCursor( TRUE );
@@ -467,14 +467,21 @@ void SvtIconWindow_Impl::SetFocus()
+String SvtIconWindow_Impl::GetSamplesFolderURL()
+ return SvtPathOptions().SubstituteVariable(
+ String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("$(insturl)/share/samples/$(vlang)") ) );
// class SvtFileViewWindow_Impl -----------------------------------------_
-SvtFileViewWindow_Impl::SvtFileViewWindow_Impl( Window* pParent ) :
+SvtFileViewWindow_Impl::SvtFileViewWindow_Impl( Window* pParent, const String& rSamplesFolderURL ) :
- bIsTemplateFolder ( sal_False )
+ bIsTemplateFolder ( sal_False ),
+ aSamplesFolderURL ( rSamplesFolderURL )
aFileView.SetStyle( aFileView.GetStyle() | WB_DIALOGCONTROL | WB_TABSTOP );
@@ -594,9 +601,17 @@ void SvtFileViewWindow_Impl::OpenFolder( const String& rURL )
INetProtocol eProt = INetURLObject( rURL ).GetProtocol();
bIsTemplateFolder = ( eProt == INET_PROT_VND_SUN_STAR_HIER );
if ( eProt == INET_PROT_PRIVATE )
+ {
+ aFileView.EnableNameReplacing( sal_False );
aFileView.Initialize( rURL, GetNewDocContents() );
+ }
+ {
+ xub_StrLen nSampFoldLen = aSamplesFolderURL.Len();
+ aFileView.EnableNameReplacing(
+ nSampFoldLen? rURL.CompareTo( aSamplesFolderURL, nSampFoldLen ) == COMPARE_EQUAL : sal_False );
aFileView.Initialize( rURL, String() );
+ }
aNewFolderLink.Call( this );
@@ -950,17 +965,17 @@ void SvtFrameWindow_Impl::ToggleView( sal_Bool bDI )
SvtTemplateWindow::SvtTemplateWindow( Window* pParent ) :
- Window( pParent, /*WB_3DLOOK | */WB_DIALOGCONTROL ),
+ Window( pParent, WB_DIALOGCONTROL ),
aFileViewTB ( this, SvtResId( TB_SVT_FILEVIEW ) ),
aFrameWinTB ( this, SvtResId( TB_SVT_FRAMEWIN ) ),
pHistoryList ( NULL )
// create windows
pIconWin = new SvtIconWindow_Impl( this );
- pFileWin = new SvtFileViewWindow_Impl( this );
+ pFileWin = new SvtFileViewWindow_Impl( this, pIconWin->GetSamplesFolderURL() );
pFrameWin = new SvtFrameWindow_Impl( this );
// set handlers
diff --git a/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.hxx b/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.hxx
index 099b086322a3..c39e14db3169 100644
--- a/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.hxx
+++ b/svtools/source/contnr/templwin.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: templwin.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.16 $
+ * $Revision: 1.17 $
- * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-09-28 11:13:55 $
+ * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-10-19 13:59:02 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ public:
void SetCursorPos( ULONG nPos );
ULONG GetCursorPos();
void SetFocus();
+ static String GetSamplesFolderURL();
// class SvtFileViewWindow_Impl ------------------------------------------
@@ -131,6 +133,7 @@ private:
Link aNewFolderLink;
String aCurrentRootURL;
String aFolderURL;
+ String aSamplesFolderURL;
sal_Bool bIsTemplateFolder;
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ private:
GetNewDocContents() const;
- SvtFileViewWindow_Impl( Window* pParent );
+ SvtFileViewWindow_Impl( Window* pParent, const String& rSamplesFolderURL );
virtual void Resize();
@@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ public:
String GetFolderTitle() const;
String GetFolderURL() const { return aFolderURL; }
void SetFocus();
+// void SetSamplesFolder( const String* pSamplesFolder );
// class SvtFrameWindow_Impl ---------------------------------------------