path: root/basic/qa
diff options
authorZdeněk Crhonek <>2017-03-10 21:27:07 +0100
committerZdenek Crhonek <>2017-03-11 06:16:58 +0000
commitc0ed8e953745c65ea339b2498551894fbae70def (patch)
treeb678f0eb2f193f05b90f1de6543a4bc394665b48 /basic/qa
parent0f0ebddb81a7c5b83bdf8d050bfe38dad26f0bfd (diff)
add VBA test CINT,CLNG functions tests
Change-Id: I69f0144006e4ed226e8b158c0cc9f60dda0a9184 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Zdenek Crhonek <>
Diffstat (limited to 'basic/qa')
3 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basic/qa/cppunit/test_vba.cxx b/basic/qa/cppunit/test_vba.cxx
index 7bf804aa804e..5899759d4a76 100644
--- a/basic/qa/cppunit/test_vba.cxx
+++ b/basic/qa/cppunit/test_vba.cxx
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ void VBATest::testMiscVBAFunctions()
+ "cint.vb",
+ "clng.vb",
#ifndef WIN32 // missing 64bit Currency marshalling.
"win32compat.vb", // windows compatibility hooks.
diff --git a/basic/qa/vba_tests/cint.vb b/basic/qa/vba_tests/cint.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cf6ac009b2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/qa/vba_tests/cint.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Option VBASupport 1
+Option Explicit
+Dim passCount As Integer
+Dim failCount As Integer
+Dim result As String
+Function doUnitTest() As String
+result = verify_testCInt()
+If failCount <> 0 And passCount > 0 Then
+ doUnitTest = result
+ doUnitTest = "OK"
+End If
+End Function
+Function verify_testCInt() As String
+ passCount = 0
+ failCount = 0
+ result = "Test Results" & Chr$(10) & "============" & Chr$(10)
+ Dim testName As String
+ Dim TestDateTime As Date
+ Dim TestStr As String
+ Dim nr1, nr2 As Integer 'variables for test
+ testName = "Test CInt function"
+ On Error GoTo errorHandler
+ nr2 = -1
+ nr1 = CInt(-1.1)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = -1
+ nr1 = CInt(-1.1)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = -2
+ nr1 = CInt(-1.9)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 0
+ nr1 = CInt(0.2)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+REM In excel:
+REM If the fraction is less than or equal to .5, the result will round down.
+REM If the fraction is greater than .5, the result will round up.
+REM nr2 = 0
+REM nr1 = CInt(0.5)
+REM TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+REM nr2 = 2
+REM nr1 = CInt(1.5)
+REM TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+REM nr2 = 2
+REM nr1 = CInt(2.5)
+REM TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 11
+ nr1 = CInt(10.51)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 30207
+ nr1 = CInt("&H75FF")
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 1876
+ nr1 = CInt("&H754")
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CInt is: " & nr1
+ result = result & Chr$(10) & "Tests passed: " & passCount & Chr$(10) & "Tests failed: " & failCount & Chr$(10)
+ verify_testCInt = result
+ Exit Function
+ TestLog_ASSERT (False), testName & ": hit error handler"
+End Function
+Sub TestLog_ASSERT(assertion As Boolean, Optional testId As String, Optional testComment As String)
+ If assertion = True Then
+ passCount = passCount + 1
+ Else
+ Dim testMsg As String
+ If Not IsMissing(testId) Then
+ testMsg = testMsg + " : " + testId
+ End If
+ If Not IsMissing(testComment) And Not (testComment = "") Then
+ testMsg = testMsg + " (" + testComment + ")"
+ End If
+ result = result & Chr$(10) & " Failed: " & testMsg
+ failCount = failCount + 1
+ End If
+End Sub
diff --git a/basic/qa/vba_tests/clng.vb b/basic/qa/vba_tests/clng.vb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..32d81f6b2207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/qa/vba_tests/clng.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Option VBASupport 1
+Option Explicit
+Dim passCount As Integer
+Dim failCount As Integer
+Dim result As String
+Function doUnitTest() As String
+result = verify_testCLng()
+If failCount <> 0 And passCount > 0 Then
+ doUnitTest = result
+ doUnitTest = "OK"
+End If
+End Function
+Function verify_testCLng() As String
+ passCount = 0
+ failCount = 0
+ result = "Test Results" & Chr$(10) & "============" & Chr$(10)
+ Dim testName As String
+ Dim TestDateTime As Date
+ Dim TestStr As String
+ Dim nr1, nr2 As Long 'variables for test
+ testName = "Test CLng function"
+ On Error GoTo errorHandler
+ nr2 = -1
+ nr1 = CLng(-1.1)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = -1
+ nr1 = CLng(-1.1)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = -2
+ nr1 = CLng(-1.9)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 0
+ nr1 = CLng(0.2)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+REM nr2 = 0
+REM nr1 = CLng(0.5)
+REM TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+REM If the fraction is less than or equal to .5, the result will round down.
+REM If the fraction is greater than .5, the result will round up.
+ nr2 = 11
+ nr1 = CLng(10.51)
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 30207
+ nr1 = CLng("&H75FF")
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+ nr2 = 1876
+ nr1 = CLng("&H754")
+ TestLog_ASSERT nr1 = nr2, "the return CLng is: " & nr1
+ result = result & Chr$(10) & "Tests passed: " & passCount & Chr$(10) & "Tests failed: " & failCount & Chr$(10)
+ verify_testCLng = result
+ Exit Function
+ TestLog_ASSERT (False), testName & ": hit error handler"
+End Function
+Sub TestLog_ASSERT(assertion As Boolean, Optional testId As String, Optional testComment As String)
+ If assertion = True Then
+ passCount = passCount + 1
+ Else
+ Dim testMsg As String
+ If Not IsMissing(testId) Then
+ testMsg = testMsg + " : " + testId
+ End If
+ If Not IsMissing(testComment) And Not (testComment = "") Then
+ testMsg = testMsg + " (" + testComment + ")"
+ End If
+ result = result & Chr$(10) & " Failed: " & testMsg
+ failCount = failCount + 1
+ End If
+End Sub