path: root/basic/source/app
diff options
authorGregor Hartmann <>2002-06-26 12:09:26 +0000
committerGregor Hartmann <>2002-06-26 12:09:26 +0000
commit9641241f06a163e651ae923057400dead4f1b8db (patch)
tree69f4288bd96efb4da9700697a844a64efaddfb87 /basic/source/app
parent7b7c61a26aef066fdb15f9e31cf869094207c3ac (diff)
#100095# resources not to be i18ned
Diffstat (limited to 'basic/source/app')
5 files changed, 238 insertions, 5864 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/app/basic.src b/basic/source/app/basic.src
index 723eabe336eb..376d0e140da2 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/basic.src
+++ b/basic/source/app/basic.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: basic.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.49 $
+ * $Revision: 1.50 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-06-10 15:06:25 $
+ * last change: $Author: gh $ $Date: 2002-06-26 13:06:16 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@
#include "resids.hrc"
ModalDialog RID_CALLDLG {
- Text = "Dynamischer Link Nr. ";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
+ Text = "Dynamic Link No. ";
PosSize = MAP_SYSFONT (18,18,142,142);
SVLook = TRUE;
@@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ ModalDialog RID_CALLDLG {
// WinChilds = {
// FixedText {
// Text = "Aktuelle Parameter";
-// Text [ english_us ] = "Aktuelle Parameter";
// PosSize = MAP_SYSFONT (10,10,120,8);
// };
// };
@@ -94,26 +92,6 @@ ModalDialog RID_CALLDLG {
TabStop = TRUE;
DefButton = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Ligao dinmica n. ";
- Text[ russian ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ greek ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Dynamische link no. ";
- Text[ french ] = "Lien dynamique No. ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Vnculo dinmico nm.: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Dynamic link No. ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dynamischer Link Nr. ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ korean ] = "동적 링크 번호 ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Dynamic Link No. ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dinamik balant no. ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Enlla dinmic nm.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Dynaaminen linkki numero ";
- Text[ thai ] = "เชื่อมโยงลำดับหมายเลขแบบพลวัต ";
@@ -126,28 +104,24 @@ ModalDialog IDD_ABOUT_DIALOG {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 5 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
TEXT = "Testtool";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
FixedText {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 20 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 20 );
TEXT = "Ojektorientiertes BASIC-Entwicklungssystem";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Ojektorientiertes BASIC-Entwicklungssystem";
FixedText {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 45 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
- TEXT = "Version 2.0 Mai 1995";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Version 2.0 Mai 1995";
+ TEXT = "Version 2.0 May 2002";
FixedText {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 60 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
TEXT = "1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
@@ -174,55 +148,13 @@ ModalDialog IDD_TT_ABOUT_DIALOG {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 5 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
TEXT = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ french ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "StarTestTool";
FixedText 3 {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 45 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
TEXT = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Verso 1.0";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Versie 1.0";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Versin 1.0";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Versione 1.0";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "버전 1.0";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Version 1.0";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Srm 1.0";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Versi 1.0";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "versio 1.0";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เวอร์ชั่น 1.0";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 55 );
@@ -234,28 +166,7 @@ ModalDialog IDD_TT_ABOUT_DIALOG {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 70 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 110, 10 );
TEXT = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ french ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "?1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ョ1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "®1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "?995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "(r)1995-1998 Sun Microsystems Inc.";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ฎ1995-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.";
// FixedIcon RID_ICON {
// Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 20, 26 );
@@ -275,8 +186,7 @@ ModalDialog IDD_FIND_DIALOG {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 69, 30 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 185, 70 );
SVLook = TRUE;
- TEXT = "Testtool: Text suchen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
+ TEXT = "Testtool: Find Text";
// CLOSEABLE = TRUE; // Hat cancelbutton
@@ -284,27 +194,6 @@ ModalDialog IDD_FIND_DIALOG {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 10 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 10 );
TEXT = "~Text";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Texto";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Tekst";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Texte";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Te~xto";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Testo";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "텍스트(~T)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Metin";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Text";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Teksti";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ข้อความ";
@@ -315,139 +204,34 @@ ModalDialog IDD_FIND_DIALOG {
OKButton RID_OK {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 30 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
- TEXT = "~Suchen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Find";
+ TEXT = "~Find";
DefButton = TRUE;
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Procurar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Zoeken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Rechercher";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Buscar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Suchen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "検索(~F)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "찾기(~F)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Find";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Ara";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Cerca";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Etsi";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~หา";
CancelButton RID_CANCEL {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 30 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
- TEXT = "~Abbruch";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Cancel";
+ TEXT = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Cancelar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Annuler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Cancelar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Annulla";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Abbruch";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "キャンセル(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "취소(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~ptal";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Cancella";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Peruuta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ยกเลิก";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic: Localizar texto";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Testtool: ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Testtool: tekst zoeken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Testool : Recherche de texte";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Testtool: Buscar texto";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarBasic: Find Text";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic: Text suchen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Testtool: 文字列の検索";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "테스트 도구: 텍스트 찾기";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Testtool: Find Text";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarBasic: Metni ara";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Texttool: Cerca text";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu: Etsi teksti";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ: หาข้อความ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 69, 30 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 185, 88 );
SVLook = TRUE;
- TEXT = "Testtool: Text ersetzen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
+ TEXT = "Testtool: Replace Text";
// CLOSEABLE = TRUE; // Hat cancelbutton
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 10 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 10 );
- TEXT = "~Alter Text";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Antigo texto";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Oude tekst";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Ancien texte";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Antiguo texto";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Testo precedente";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Previous text ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Alter Text";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "이전 텍스트(~P)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Previous text";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Eski metin";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Text anterior";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Edellinen teksti";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ข้อความ~ก่อน";
+ TEXT = "~Search for";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 5, 30 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 55, 10 );
- TEXT = "~Neuer Text";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "No~vo texto";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Nieuwe tekst";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Nouveau texte";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Nuevo texto";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Nuovo testo";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~New text ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Neuer Text";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "새 텍스트(~N)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~New Text";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~New text";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Yeni metin";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Text nou";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Uusi teksti";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ข้อความใ~หม่";
+ TEXT = "~Replace by";
@@ -464,1124 +248,137 @@ ModalDialog IDD_REPLACE_DIALOG {
OKButton RID_OK {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 30, 50 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
- TEXT = "~Ersetzen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Replace";
+ TEXT = "~Replace";
DefButton = TRUE;
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Substituir";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Vervangen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Remplacer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Sustituir";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ersetzen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "置換(~R)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "바꾸기(~R)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Replace";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Deitir";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Reemplaa";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Korvaa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "แ~ทนที่";
CancelButton RID_CANCEL {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 105, 50 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 50, 14 );
- TEXT = "~Abbruch";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Cancel";
+ TEXT = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Cancelar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Annuler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Cancelar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Annulla";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Cancel ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Abbruch";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "キャンセル(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "취소(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "ptal";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Cancella";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Peruuta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ยกเลิก";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic: Substituir texto";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Testtool: ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Testtool: tekst vervangen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Testtool : Remplacement de texte";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Testtool: Sustituir texto";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarBasic: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic: Text ersetzen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Testtool: 文字列の置換";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "테스트 도구: 텍스트 바꾸기";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool:Replace Text";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Testtool: Replace Text";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarBasic: Metni deitir";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Testtool: Reemplaa text";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu: Korvaa teksti";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ: แทนที่ข้อความ";
- MESSAGE = "Drucken steht nicht zur Verfgung!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "A funo de impresso no est disponvel!";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "De functie Afdrukken is niet beschikbaar!";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "La fonction d'impresssion n'est pas disponible !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "No disponible la funcin para imprimir!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "The print function is not available! ";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Drucken steht nicht zur Verf?ung!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "プリンタがありません";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "인쇄 불가능!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "The print function is not available!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "The print function is not available";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Yazdrma ilevi kullanlamaz!";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "La funci d'imprimir no est disponible!";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tulostustoiminto ei ole kytettviss.";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ฟังก์ชั่นการพิมพ์ใช้ไม่ได้!";
+ MESSAGE = "The print function is not available!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Library kann nicht geladen werden!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel carregar a biblioteca!";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = " !";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Library kan niet worden geladen";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Impossible de charger la bibliothque !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "No se puede cargar la biblioteca!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Impossibile caricare la library.";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Library kann nicht geladen werden!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ライブラリは読み込みできません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "라이브러리를 로드할 수 없습니다!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = " Testtool";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Kitaplk yklenemiyor!";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "No es pot carregar la biblioteca!";
- Title[ catalan ] = "Error de StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Kirjaston lataaminen ei onnistu.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถโหลดไลบรารีได้!";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "Library cannot be loaded!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Library kann nicht gespeichert werden!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel guardar a biblioteca!";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = " !";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Library kan niet worden opgeslagen!";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Impossible d'enregistrer la bibliothque !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "No se puede guardar la biblioteca!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Impossibile salvare la library";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Library cannot be saved! ";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Library kann nicht gespeichert werden!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ライブラリは保存できません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "라이브러리를 저장할 수 없습니다!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "Library cannot be saved!";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = " Testtool";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Kitaplk kaydedilemiyor!";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "No es pot desar la biblioteca!";
- Title[ catalan ] = "Error de StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Kirjaston tallentaminen ei onnistu.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกไลบรารีได้!";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "Library cannot be saved!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Dieses Fenster enthlt kein Hauptprogramm!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Esta janela no contm nenhum programa principal!";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = " !";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Dit venster bevat geen hoofdprogramma!";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Cette fentre ne contient aucun programme principal !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Esta ventana no contiene ningn programa principal!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "La finestra non contiene un programma principale";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "This window does not contain a main program! ";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dieses Fenster enth?lt kein Hauptprogramm!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "このウィンドウにメインプログラムは含まれていません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "이 창은 주 프로그램을 포함하지 않습니다!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = " Testtool";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Bu pencere ana program iermiyor!";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "Aquesta finestra no cont cap programa principal!";
- Title[ catalan ] = "Error de StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tss ikkunassa ei ole pohjelmaa.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "หน้าต่างนี้ไม่มีโปรแกรมหลักอยู่!";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "This window does not contain a main program!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Datei kann nicht eingelesen werden!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel ler ficheiro!";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = " !";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Bestand kan niet worden gelezen!";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Impossible de lire le fichier !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "No se puede leer el archivo!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Impossibile leggere il file";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei kann nicht eingelesen werden!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルは読み取れません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "파일을 읽을 수 없습니다!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File cannot be read!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File cannot be read!";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = " Testtool";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya okunamyor!";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "No es pot llegir el fitxer!";
- Title[ catalan ] = "Error de StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tiedoston lukeminen ei onnistu.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถอ่านแฟ้มได้!";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "File cannot be read!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Datei kann nicht abgespeichert werden!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel guardar ficheiro!";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Bestand kan niet worden opgeslagen!";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "No se puede guardar el archivo!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Impossibile salvare il file";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei kann nicht abgespeichert werden!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルは保存できません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "파일을 저장할 수 없습니다 !";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File cannot be saved!";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya kaydedilemiyor!";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "No es pot desar el fitxer!";
- Title[ catalan ] = "Error de StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tiedoston tallentaminen ei onnistu.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกแฟ้มได้!";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "File cannot be saved!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Suchbegriff nicht gefunden!";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel encontrar expresso procurada.";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Zoekbegrip niet gevonden!";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Impossible de dtecter le terme recherch !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "No se encontr el trmino buscado!";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Impossibile trovare chiave di ricerca.";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Search term not found!";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Suchbegriff nicht gefunden!";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "検索キーは見つかりません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "검색용어를 찾지 못했습니다!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "Search key not found!";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "Search term not found!";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Arama terimi bulunamad!";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "No es troba la clau de cerca!";
- Title[ catalan ] = "Error de StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Hakuavainta ei lytynyt.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ไม่พบแป้นค้นหา!";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "Search key not found!";
- TITLE = "Testtool-Fehler";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE = "Der Wert ist ungltig und kann daher nicht gesetzt werden.";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O valor no vlido e no pode ser aplicado.";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Deze waarde is ongeldig.";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Valeur incorrecte, impossible de la placer !";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Valor incorrecto; no se puede aplicar.";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Il valore non valido e non pu essere applicato";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Wert ist ung?tig und kann daher nicht gesetzt werden.";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "値が無効で、設定できません。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "유효하지 않은 값이므로 설정될 수 없습니다.";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "Erro StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool-fout";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool : Erreur";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Error de Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic Error";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool エラー";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴-오류";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool Error";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool Error";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Bu deer geersiz olduu iin belirlenemez.";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic-Fehler";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "El valor no s vlid i no es pot definir.";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic Error";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Arvo on virheellinen eik sit voi asettaa.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalun virhe";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ค่าไม่ถูกต้องและไม่สามารถตั้งค่าได้";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบผิดพลาด!";
+ TITLE = "Testtool Error";
+ MESSAGE = "The value is invalid and cannot be set.";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Fehler beim Speichern der Dateien! Trotzdem ausfhren?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
+ MESSAGE = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Ocorreu um erro ao guardar os ficheiros!Mesmo assim, executar?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Erreur durant l'enregistrement des fichiers ! Quand mme excuter ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Error al guardar los archivos! Ejecutar de todas formas?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway? ";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fehler beim Speichern der Dateien! Trotzdem ausf?ren?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイル保存時のエラーです。実行してもかまいませんか。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "파일 저장시 오류가 발생했습니다! 계속 실행하겠습니까?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "Error saving files! Run anyway?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya kayd srasnda bir hata ortaya kt! lem yine de yrtlsn m?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en desar els fitxers. Voleu continuar igualment?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "On ilmennyt virhe tallennettaessa tiedostoja! Suoritetaanko ohjelma?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "บันทึกแฟ้มผิดพลาด! เรียกใช้งานใด ๆ หรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Datei ist gendert worden. Abspeichern?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
+ MESSAGE = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O ficheiro foi modificado. Guardar?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Le fichier a t modifi. Enregistrer ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "El archivo ha sido modificado. Guardar?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei ist ge?ndert worden. Abspeichern?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルに変更があります。保存しますか。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "파일이 변경되었습니다. 저장하겠습니까?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File has been changed. Save?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya deitirildi. Deiiklikler kaydedilsin mi?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "S'ha canviat el fitxer. El voleu desar?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tiedostoa on muutettu. Tallennetaanko se?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "แฟ้มมีการเปลี่ยนแปลง บันทึกหรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Datei ist auf dem Datentrger und\nim Editor gendert worden. Abspeichern?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
+ MESSAGE = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O ficheiro foi modificado no suporte\nde dados e no Editor. Guardar?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Bestand op datamedium en in editor gewijzigd. Opslaan?";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Le fichier a t modifi sur le mdia\net dans l'diteur. Enregistrer ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "El archivo se ha modificado en el disco\ny en el editor. Desea guardarlo?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datentr?ger und\nim Editor ge?ndert worden. Abspeichern?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルは媒体上と\nエディタで変更されています。保存しますか。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "데이터 매체상의 파일이 변경되었습니다. 저장하겠습니까?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Save?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya, veri kayt ortamnda\nve editrde deitirildi. Kaydedilsin mi?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "S'ha canviat el fitxer al suport de dades\ni a l'editor. El voleu desar?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tallennusvlineen ja editorin tiedostoa\non muokattu. Tallennetaanko se?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "แฟ้มมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลระดับกลาง\nและในตัวแก้ไข บันทึกหรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Datei ist auf dem Datentrger gendert worden.\nberschreiben?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
+ MESSAGE = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O ficheiro foi modificado no suporte de dados.\nSubstituir?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Bestand op het datamedium werd gewijzigd. Overschrijven?";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Le fichier a t modifi sur le mdia.\ncraser ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "El archivo en el disco se ha modificado\nDesea sobrescribirlo?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datentr?ger ge?ndert worden.\n?berschreiben?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルは媒体上で変更されています。\n上書きしますか。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "데이터 매체상의 파일이 변경되었습니다.\n덮어쓰겠습니까??";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File has been changed on data medium.\nOverwrite?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya, veri ortamnda deitirildi.\nKaydedilsin mi?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "S'ha canviat el fitxer al suport de dades.\nEl voleu sobreescriure?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tallennusvlineen tiedostoa on muokattu.\nKorvataanko se?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "แฟ้มมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลระดับกลาง\nเขียนทับหรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Datei ist auf dem Datentrger gendert worden. Erneut Laden?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
+ MESSAGE = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O ficheiro foi modificado no suporte de dados. Recarregar?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Bestand op het datamedium werd gewijzigd. Opnieuw laden?";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Le fichier a t modifi sur le mdia. Recharger ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Se ha modificado el archivo en el disco. Desea recargarlo?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datentr?ger ge?ndert worden. Erneut Laden?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルは媒体上で変更されています。読み込みなおし";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "데이터 매체상의 파일이 변경되었습니다. 다시 로드하겠습니까?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File has been changed on data medium. Reload?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya, veri ortamnda deitirildi. Yeniden yklensin mi?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "S'ha canviat el fitxer al suport de dades\nEl voleu tornar a carregar?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tallennusvlineen tiedostoa on muokattu. Ladataanko se uudelleen?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "แฟ้มมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลระดับกลาง โหลดอีกครั้งหรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Datei ist auf dem Datentrger und\nim Editor gendert worden. Erneut Laden?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
+ MESSAGE = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O ficheiro foi modificado no\\suporte de dados e no Editor. Recarregar?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Bestand op datamedium en in editor gewijzigd. Opnieuw laden?";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Le fichier a t modifi sur le mdia\net dans l'diteur. Recharger ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Se ha modificado el archivo en el disco y\nen el editor. Desea recargarlo?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datei ist auf dem Datentr?ger und\nim Editor ge?ndert worden. Erneut Laden?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "ファイルは媒体上と\nエディタで変更されています。読み込みなおしますか。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "데이터 매체와 편집기상의 파일이 변경되었습니다.\n다시 로드하겠습니까?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "File has been changed on data medium\nand in the Editor. Reload?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Dosya, veri ortamnda ve\neditrde deitirildi deitirildi. Yeniden yklensin mi?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "S'ha canviat el fitxer al suport de dades\ni a l'editor. El voleu tornar a carregar?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tallennusvlineen ja editorin tiedostoa\non muokattu. Ladataanko se uudelleen?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "แฟ้มมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลระดับกลาง\nและในตัวแก้ไข โหลดอีกครั้งหรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "BASIC-Programm ist noch aktiv! Dennoch beenden?";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
+ MESSAGE = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "O programa BASIC ainda est activo! Mesmo assim, sair?";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "BASIC-programma is nog actief! Toch beindigen?";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "BASIC est encore actif ! Tout de mme quitter le programme ?";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "El programa BASIC est an activo! Desea cerrar de todas formas?";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "BASIC-Programm ist noch aktiv! Dennoch beenden?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "BASIC プログラムはまだ起動中です。そのまま終了してもかまいませんか。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "BASIC 프로그램이 아직 작동중입니다! 그래도 종료하겠습니까??";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "BASIC program hl etkin. Yine de kmak istiyor musunuz?";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "Encara s'est executant el BASIC. Voleu sortir igualment?";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "BASIC on yh kynniss! Lopetetaanko?";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "BASIC ยังทำงานอยู่! ออกจากโปรแกรมหรือไม่?";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
TITLE = "Testtool";
- TITLE [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE = "Speichern in Fremdformat verursacht Informationsverlust";
- MESSAGE [ english_us ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
+ MESSAGE = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Guardar em formatos externos causar perda de informao.";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Door het opslaan in een extern formaat kunnen gegevens verloren gaan";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "L'enregistrement dans un format externe entrane une perte d'informations.";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Al guardar en formato externo se perder informacin";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "BASIC is still running! Exit anyway?";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "外部書式で保存すると、情報を失う可能性があります。";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "외부 형식으로 저장하는 것은 정보 손실을 초래합니다.";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "Saving in an external format causes information loss.";
- Title[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ greek ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ french ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ italian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- Title[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ korean ] = "테스트 툴";
- Title[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- Title[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Yabanc formatta kaydetmek bilgi kaybna yol aar";
- Title[ turkish ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "Si deseu en un format extern es poden provocar prdues d'informaci";
- Title[ catalan ] = "StarBasic";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Tietoja menetetn, jos tallennat ulkoisessa muodossa.";
- Title[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "กำลังบันทึกในรูปแบบภายนอกซึ่งเป็นเหตุให้ข้อมูลหาย";
- Title[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ!";
- MESSAGE = "Noch nicht implementiert";
- MESSAGE[ english_us ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese ] = "Ainda no implementado";
- MESSAGE[ russian ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ greek ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ dutch ] = "Nog niet gemplementeerd";
- MESSAGE[ french ] = "Pas encore implment";
- MESSAGE[ spanish ] = "Todava no implementado";
- MESSAGE[ italian ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ danish ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ swedish ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ polish ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Noch nicht implementiert";
- MESSAGE[ japanese ] = "まだ実装されていません";
- MESSAGE[ korean ] = "아직 구현되지 않았습니다.";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_simplified ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ chinese_traditional ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ arabic ] = "Not yet implemented";
- MESSAGE[ turkish ] = "Henz uygulanmad";
- MESSAGE[ catalan ] = "Encara no est implementat";
- MESSAGE[ finnish ] = "Ei viel kytss";
- MESSAGE[ thai ] = "ยังใช้ไม่ได้";
+ MESSAGE = "Not yet implemented";
- TEXT = "Warnung ";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Advertncia";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Waarschuwing ";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Attention !";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Advertencia ";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Warning";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Warnung ";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "警告 ";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "경고 ";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Warnung ";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Warning ";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Uyar ";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Advertncia ";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Varoitus";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "คำเตือน ";
+ TEXT = "Warning ";
String IDS_ERROR1 {
- TEXT = "Fehler ";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Erro ";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Fout ";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Erreur ";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fehler ";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "エラー ";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "오류 ";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Error ";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Hata ";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Error";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Virhe";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ผิดพลาด ";
+ TEXT = "Error ";
String IDS_ERROR2 {
- TEXT = " in Zeile ";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "na linha ";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "in regel ";
- TEXT[ french ] = " la ligne ";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "en fila ";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "in Zeile ";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "行 ";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "행으로 ";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = " in Row ";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "in row ";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Satr: ";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "en la fila";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "rivill ";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ในแถว ";
+ TEXT = " in line ";
- TEXT = "Kein Eintrag in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ english_us ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma entrada em Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Geen item in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Aucune entre dans Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Ninguna entrada en Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "No esntries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kein Eintrag in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Hid.Lstに項目はありません";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "Hid.Lst에 입력되지 않았습니다.";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Hid.Lst'te giri yok";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap entrada a Hid.Lst";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Ei merkintj piiloluettelossa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ไม่มีรายการใน Hid.Lst";
+ TEXT = "No entries in Hid.Lst";
- Text = "Warnung: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Advertncia:";
- Text[ russian ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ greek ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Waarschuwing: ";
- Text[ french ] = "Attention ! ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Advertencia: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Warnung: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "警告: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "경고 ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Uyar: ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Advertncia: ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Varoitus: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "คำเตือน: ";
+ Text = "Warning: ";
- Text = "Objekt";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Object";
+ Text = "Object";
Text[ LANGUAGE_USER1 ] = "Gemeint sind Objekte aus der Objektorientierten Programmierung";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Objecto";
- Text[ russian ] = "Object";
- Text[ greek ] = "Objekt";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Object";
- Text[ french ] = "Objet";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Objeto";
- Text[ italian ] = "Object";
- Text[ danish ] = "Object";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Object";
- Text[ polish ] = "Object";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Object";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オブジェクト";
- Text[ korean ] = "개체";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Object";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Object";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Object";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Nesne";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Objecte";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Objekti";
- Text[ thai ] = "วัตถุ";
- Text = "($Arg1) Editieren";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ LANGUAGE_USER1 ] = "Keine Dati, sondern eine Variable";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Editar ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Editeren ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "diter ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Editar ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1)編集";
- Text[ korean ] = "편집 ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Edit ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "($Arg1) Dzenle";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Edita ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Muokkaa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "แก้ไข ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Edit ($Arg1)";
TEXT = "Testtool";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarBasic";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "테스트 도구";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Basic";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Testtool";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ";
TEXT = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ french ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "StarTestTool";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "StarTestTool";
text = "Break";
- text[ english_us ] = "Break";
- text[ portuguese ] = "Break";
- text[ russian ] = "Break";
- text[ greek ] = "Break";
- text[ dutch ] = "Break";
- text[ french ] = "Break";
- text[ spanish ] = "Break";
- text[ italian ] = "Break";
- text[ danish ] = "Break";
- text[ swedish ] = "Break";
- text[ polish ] = "Break";
- text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Break";
- text[ japanese ] = "Break";
- text[ korean ] = "중단";
- text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Break";
- text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Break";
- text[ arabic ] = "Break";
- text[ turkish ] = "Break";
- text[ catalan ] = "Salt";
- text[ finnish ] = "Keskeytys";
- text[ thai ] = "แบ่ง";
text = "Run";
- text[ english_us ] = "Run";
- text[ portuguese ] = "Run";
- text[ russian ] = "Run";
- text[ greek ] = "Run";
- text[ dutch ] = "Run";
- text[ french ] = "Run";
- text[ spanish ] = "Run";
- text[ italian ] = "Run";
- text[ danish ] = "Run";
- text[ swedish ] = "Run";
- text[ polish ] = "Run";
- text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Run";
- text[ japanese ] = "Run";
- text[ korean ] = "실행";
- text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Run";
- text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Run";
- text[ arabic ] = "Run";
- text[ turkish ] = "Run";
- text[ catalan ] = "Executa";
- text[ finnish ] = "Suorita";
- text[ thai ] = "เรียกใช้งาน";
- TEXT = "Unbenannt";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Sem nome";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Naamloos";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Sans nom";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Sin nombre";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Unnamed ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unbenannt";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "不明";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "이름이 없음";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Unnamed";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Adsz";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Sense nom";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Nimetn";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ไม่มีชื่อ";
+ TEXT = "Unnamed";
@@ -1621,292 +418,40 @@ TEXT = "*.TXT";
- TEXT = "Testtool: Datei einlesen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic: ler ficheiro";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Testtool: bestand lezen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Testtool : Lecture du fichier";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Testtool: Leer archivo";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarBasic: Load File";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic: Datei einlesen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Testtool: ファイルの読み取り";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "테스트 도구: 파일 읽기";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool:Load File";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarBasic: Dosyay ykle";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Testool: Carrega l'arxiu";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu: Lataa tiedosto";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ: โหลดแฟ้ม";
+ TEXT = "Testtool: Load File";
- TEXT = "Testtool: Datei speichern";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic: guardar ficheiro";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Testtool: bestand opslaan";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Testtool : Enregistrement du fichier";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Testtool: Guardar archivo";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarBasic: Save File";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic: Datei speichern";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Testtool: ファイルの保存";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "테스트 도구: 파일 저장";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarBasic: Dosyay kaydet";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Testool: Desa l'arxiu ";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu: Tallenna tiedosto";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ: บันทึกแฟ้ม";
+ TEXT = "Testtool: Save File";
- TEXT = "Quelltexte (*.BAS)";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Textos-fonte (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Brontekst (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Texte source (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Textos fuente (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Source text (*.BAS) ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Quelltexte (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ソーステキスト(*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "소스텍스트 (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Source text(*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Source text (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kaynak metinler (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Text font (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Lhdeteksti (*.BAS)";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "แหล่งข้อความ (*.BAS)";
+ TEXT = "Source files (*.BAS)";
- TEXT = "Include-Dateien (*.INC)";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Ficheiros \"Include\" (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Include-bestanden (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Fichiers \"Include\" (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Archivos \"Include\" (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Include files (*.INC) ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Include-Dateien (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "파일 포함 (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Include-Files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Include files(*.INC)";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Include files (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Include dosyalar (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Fitxers d'inclusi (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Include- tiedostot (*.INC)";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "รวมแฟ้ม (*.INC)";
+ TEXT = "Include files (*.INC)";
TEXT = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Bibliotecas (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Bibliothques (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Bibliotecas (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Libraries (*.SB) ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ライブラリ(*.SB)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "라이브러리 (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Libraries(*.SB)";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Libraries (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kitaplklar (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Biblioteques (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Kirjastot (*.SB)";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ไลบรารี (*.SB)";
- TEXT = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Resultados (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Rsultats (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Resultados (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Results (*.RES) ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "結果(*.RES)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "결과 (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Results(*.RES)";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Results (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Sonular (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Resultats (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tulokset (*.RES)";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ผลลัพธ์ (*.RES)";
+ TEXT = "Result files (*.RES)";
- TEXT = "Results als Textdatei (*.TXT)";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Resultados como ficheiro de texto (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Results als tekstbestand (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Rsultats sous forme de fichier texte (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Resultados como archivo de texto (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT) ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Results als Textdatei (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "文書ファイルとしての結果(*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "텍스트 파일 결과 (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Results as text file(*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Metin dosyas olarak sonular (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Resultats com a fitxers de text (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tulokset tekstitiedostona (*.TXT)";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ผลลัพธ์เป็นแฟ้มข้อความ (*.TXT)";
+ TEXT = "Results as text file (*.TXT)";
String IDS_PAGE {
- TEXT = "Seite ";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Pgina ";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Pagina ";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Pgina ";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Page";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seite ";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ページ ";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "페이지 ";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "page ";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Page ";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Sayfa ";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Pgina";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Sivu ";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "หน้า ";
+ TEXT = "Page ";
- TEXT = "Ausdruck von ";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Impresso de ";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Afdruk van ";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Impression de ";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Imprimir ";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ausdruck von ";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "印刷範囲 ";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "출력 ";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Print out from ";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Printout from ";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "kt kayna: ";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Sortida d'impressi des de ";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tuloste kohteesta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "พิมพ์ออกจาก ";
+ TEXT = "Printout of ";
- TEXT = "Weiter";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Continuar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Volgende";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Suivant";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Continuar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Continue ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Weiter";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "続行";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "계속";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Contiune";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Continue";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "leri";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Continua";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Jatka";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ทำต่อ";
+ TEXT = "Continue";
- TEXT = "Abbruch";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Cancelar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Annuleren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Annuler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Cancelar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Cancel ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abbruch";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "キャンセル";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "취소";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "ptal";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Cancella";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Peruuta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ยกเลิก";
+ TEXT = "Cancel";
TEXT = "Disassembly";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Descodificar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Dsassembler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Desensamblar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Disassembly ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "디스어셈블리";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Disassembly";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Desassemblatge";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Purkaminen";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ดิสแอสเซมบลี";
// FILE = "basic.ico";
@@ -1932,115 +477,23 @@ Menu RID_APPMENUBAR {
ItemList = {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_APPFILE;
- TEXT = "~Datei";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~File";
- HELPTEXT = "Dateien ffnen, schlieen und drucken";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Dateien ffnen, schlieen und drucken";
+ TEXT = "~File";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Ficheiro";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Bestand";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Fichier";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Archivo";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~File ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Datei";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ファイル(~F)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "파일(~F)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~File";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Dosya";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Fitxer";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Tiedosto";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "แ~ฟ้ม";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_APPEDIT;
- TEXT = "~Bearbeiten";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Edit";
- HELPTEXT = "Editier-Funktionen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Editier-Funktionen";
+ TEXT = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Editar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Bewerken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~diter";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Editar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Edit ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Bearbeiten";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "編集(~E)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "편집(~E)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Edit";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "D~zenle";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Edita";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Muokkaa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "แ~ก้ไข";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_APPRUN;
- TEXT = "~Programm";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Program";
- HELPTEXT = "Programme compilieren und ausfhren";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programme compilieren und ausfhren";
+ TEXT = "~Program";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Programa";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Programma";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Programme";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Programa";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Program ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Programm";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "プログラム(~P)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "프로그램(~P)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Program";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "P~rogram";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Programa";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Ohjelma";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "โ~ปรแกรม";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_APPWINDOW;
- TEXT = "~Fenster";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Window";
- HELPTEXT = "Fenster anordnen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Fenster anordnen";
+ TEXT = "~Window";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Janela";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Venster";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Fentre";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Ventana";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Window ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Fenster";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ウィンドウ(~W)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "창(~W)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Windows";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Window";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Pencere";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Finestra";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Ikkuna";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~หน้าต่าง";
MenuItem {
@@ -2048,31 +501,8 @@ Menu RID_APPMENUBAR {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_APPHELP;
- TEXT = "~Hilfe";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Help";
- HELPTEXT = "Hilfe-Funktionen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Hilfe-Funktionen";
+ TEXT = "~Help";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Ajuda";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Aide";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Ayuda";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Help ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Hilfe";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ヘルプ(~H)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "도움말(~H)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Help";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Yardm";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Ajuda";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Ohje";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ช่วยเหลือ";
@@ -2080,290 +510,60 @@ Menu RID_FILE {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILENEW;
- TEXT = "~Neu";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~New";
- HELPTEXT = "Neues, leeres Fenster ffnen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Neues, leeres Fenster ffnen";
+ TEXT = "~New";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_NEW; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Novo";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Nieuw";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Nouveau";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Nuevo";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~New ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Neu";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "新規作成(~N)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "새로 만들기(~N)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~New";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Y~eni";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Nou";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Uusi";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ใ~หม่";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILEOPEN;
- TEXT = "~ffnen...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Open...";
- HELPTEXT = "Datei in Fenster einlesen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Datei in Fenster einlesen";
+ TEXT = "~Open...";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_OPEN; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "A~brir...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "O~penen...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Ouvrir...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "A~brir...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Open... ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "?~ffnen...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "開く(~O)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "열기(~O)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Open...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~A...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Obre...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Avaa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เ~ปิด...";
MenuItem {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILECLOSE;
- TEXT = "S~chlieen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Close";
- HELPTEXT = "Fenster schlieen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Fenster schlieen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Fechar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "S~luiten";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Fermer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Cerrar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Close ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "S~chlie?en";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "閉じる(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "닫기(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Close";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kapa~t";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Tanca...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Sulje";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ปิ~ด";
+ TEXT = "~Close";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILESAVE;
- TEXT = "~Speichern";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Save";
- HELPTEXT = "Datei unter dem aktuellen Namen speichern";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Datei unter dem aktuellen Namen speichern";
+ TEXT = "~Save";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_SAVE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Opslaan";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Enregistrer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Guardar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Speichern";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "保存(~S)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "저장(~S)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Save";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kay~det";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Desa";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Tallenna";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~บันทึก";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILESAVEAS;
- TEXT = "Speichern ~unter...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Save~ As...";
- HELPTEXT = "Datei unter einem neuen Namen speichern";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Datei unter einem neuen Namen speichern";
+ TEXT = "Save~ As...";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_SAVEAS; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Guardar ~como...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Save~ As...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Save~ As...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Opslaan ~als...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Enregistrer ~sous...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Guardar ~como...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Save ~As...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Save~ As...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Save ~As...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Save~ As... ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Speichern ~unter...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "名前を付けて保存...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "다른 이름으로 저장(~)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Save As...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Save as...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Save~ As...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Farkl kaydet...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Anomena~ i desa...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tallenna~ nimell";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "บันทึกเป็~น...";
MenuItem {
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "~Library laden...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Load Library...";
- HELPTEXT = "Modul-Library laden und aktivieren";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Modul-Library laden und aktivieren";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Carregar biblioteca...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Library laden...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Charger la ~bibliothque...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Cargar ~Biblioteca...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Library laden...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ライブラリの読み込み(~L)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "라이브러리 로드(~L)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Load Library...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Kitapl ykle";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Carrega la biblioteca...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Lataa kirjasto";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "โ~หลดไลบรารี...";
+ TEXT = "~Load Library...";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "Li~brary speichern...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- HELPTEXT = "Aktuelle Module als Library speichern";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Aktuelle Module als Library speichern";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar biblioteca...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Li~brary opslaan...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "En~registrer la bibliothque...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Guardar Bibli~oteca...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Save Li~brary... ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Li~brary speichern...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "ライブラリの保存(~B)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "라이브러리 저장(~B)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Save Li~brary...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kitapl kaydet...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Desa la biblioteca...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tallenna kir~jasto";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "บันทึกไล~บรารี...";
+ TEXT = "Save Li~brary...";
MenuItem {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILEPRINT;
- TEXT = "~Drucken";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Print";
- HELPTEXT = "Datei ausdrucken";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Datei ausdrucken";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Imprimir";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Afdrukken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Imprimer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Imprimir";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Print ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Drucken";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "印刷(~P)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "인쇄(~P)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Print";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Yazdr";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Imprimeix";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Tulosta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~พิมพ์";
+ TEXT = "~Print";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_FILESETUP;
- TEXT = "Druckereinstellun~g...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "P~rinter Setting...";
- HELPTEXT = "Drucker einrichten";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Drucker einrichten";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Configurar ~impressora...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Printerinstellin~g...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Paramtra~ge de l'imprimante...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Configuracin de impresora...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Druckereinstellun~g...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "プリンタの設定(~R)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "프린터 설정(~R)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "P~rinter Setting...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "P~rinter Setup...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Yazc ayarlar...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Parmetres de l'imp~ressora...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tu~lostinasetukset";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่าเ~ครื่องพิมพ์...";
+ TEXT = "P~rinter Setting...";
MenuItem {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_QUIT;
- TEXT = "~Beenden";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Exit";
- HELPTEXT = "Programm beenden";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programm beenden";
+ TEXT = "~Exit";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_QUIT; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Sair";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Beindigen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Quitter";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Terminar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Beenden";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "終了(~E)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "종료(~E)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Exit";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~k";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Surt";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Lopeta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ออก";
@@ -2371,261 +571,54 @@ Menu RID_EDIT {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITUNDO;
- TEXT = "~Rckgngig";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Undo";
- HELPTEXT = "Die letzte nderung rckgngig machen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Die letzte nderung rckgngig machen";
+ TEXT = "~Undo";
// AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_CUT; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Anular";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Ongedaan";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Annuler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Deshacer";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Undo ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~R?kg?ngig";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "元に戻す(~U)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "실행 취소(~U)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Undo";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Geri ~al";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Desfs";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Peruuta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เ~ลิกทำ";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITREDO;
- TEXT = "~Wiederholen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Repeat";
- HELPTEXT = "Die zuletzt rckgngig gemachte nderung wiederherstellen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Die zuletzt rckgngig gemachte nderung wiederherstellen";
+ TEXT = "~Redo";
// AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_CUT; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Repetir";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Herhalen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Rpter";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Repetir";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Repeat ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Wiederholen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "やり直し(~R)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "다시 실행(~R)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Repeat";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Yinele";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Repeteix";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Toista";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ทำซ้ำ";
MenuItem {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITCUT;
- TEXT = "~Ausschneiden";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Cut";
- HELPTEXT = "Markierten Text in Zwischenablage ablegen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Markierten Text in Zwischenablage ablegen";
+ TEXT = "~Cut";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_CUT; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Cor~tar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Knippen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Couper";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Cortar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Cut ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ausschneiden";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "切り取り(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "잘라내기(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Cut";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kes";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Retalla";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Leikkaa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ตัด";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITCOPY;
- TEXT = "~Kopieren";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Copy";
- HELPTEXT = "Markierten Text in Zwischenablage kopieren";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Markierten Text in Zwischenablage kopieren";
+ TEXT = "~Copy";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_COPY; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Copiar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Kopiren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Co~pier";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Copiar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Copy ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Kopieren";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "コピー(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "복사(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Copy";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Kopyala";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Copia";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Kopioi";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~คัดลอก";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITPASTE;
- TEXT = "E~infgen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Paste";
- HELPTEXT = "Inhalt der Zwischenablage einfgen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Inhalt der Zwischenablage einfgen";
+ TEXT = "~Paste";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_PASTE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "In~serir";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "I~nvoegen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "C~oller";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "In~sertar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Paste ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "E~inf?en";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "貼り付け(~P)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "붙여넣기(~P)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Paste";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Insert";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Ekle";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Enganxa";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "L~iit";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~วาง";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITDEL;
- TEXT = "~Lschen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Delete";
- HELPTEXT = "Markierten Text lschen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Markierten Text lschen";
+ TEXT = "~Delete";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_DELETE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "E~liminar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Wissen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Supprimer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Eliminar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Delete ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~L?chen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "削除(~D)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "삭제(~D)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Delete";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Sil";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Suprimeix";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Poista";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ลบ";
MenuItem {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITSEARCH;
- TEXT = "~Suchen...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Find...";
- HELPTEXT = "Textstelle suchen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Textstelle suchen";
+ TEXT = "~Find...";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_FIND; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Localizar...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Zoeken...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Rechercher...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Buscar...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Find... ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Suchen...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "検索(~F)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "찾기(~F)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Find...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Ara...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Cerca...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Etsi";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~หา...";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "~Ersetzen...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Replace...";
- HELPTEXT = "Textstelle durch anderen Text ersetzen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Textstelle durch anderen Text ersetzen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Substituir...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Vervangen...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "R~emplacer...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Sustituir...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Replace... ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ersetzen...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "置換(~R)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "바꾸기(~R)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Replace...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Deitir...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Reemplaa...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Korvaa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "แ~ทนที่...";
+ TEXT = "~Replace...";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_EDITREPEAT;
- TEXT = "S~uchen Wiederholen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- HELPTEXT = "Suchen/ersetzen wiederholen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Suchen/ersetzen wiederholen";
+ TEXT = "Repeat S~earch";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F3; };
// AccelKey = KeyCode { Function = KEYFUNC_REPEAT; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Repetir Localizar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Z~oeken herhalen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "R~pter la recherche";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Repetir bsqueda";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Repeat S~earch ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "S~uchen Wiederholen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "検索の繰り返し(~E)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "다시 찾기(~E)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Repeat S~earch";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Yeniden ara";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Repeteix la c~erca";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Toista ~haku";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ค้~นหาซ้ำ";
@@ -2633,289 +626,56 @@ Menu RID_RUN {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNCOMPILE;
- TEXT = "~Compilieren";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Compile";
- HELPTEXT = "Programm bersetzen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programm bersetzen";
+ TEXT = "~Compile";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F5; Shift = TRUE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Compilar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Compileren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Compiler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Compilar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Compile ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Compilieren";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "コンパイルを行う(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "컴파일(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Compile";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Derle";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Compila";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Kokoa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~คอมไพล์";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNDISAS;
- TEXT = "~Disassemblieren";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Disassemble";
- HELPTEXT = "Programm disassemblieren und Ergebnis ins Clipboard stellen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programm disassemblieren und Ergebnis ins Clipboard stellen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Descodificar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Disassembleren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Dsassembler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Desensamblar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Disassemble ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Disassemblieren";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "해체(~D)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Disassemble";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Desassembla";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Pura";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ดิสแอสเซมเบิ้ล";
+ TEXT = "~Disassemble";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNSTART;
TEXT = "~Start";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Start";
- HELPTEXT = "Programm starten";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programm starten";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F5; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Iniciar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Dmarrer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Iniciar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "スタート(~S)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "시작(~S)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Start";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Balat";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Inici";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Aloita";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เ~ริ่มต้น";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "~Einzelschritt";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Single Stepping";
- HELPTEXT = "Ein Programmschritt";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Ein Programmschritt";
+ TEXT = "~Single Step";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F8; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Pa~sso a passo";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Stap voor stap";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~tape par tape";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Paso a paso";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Single stepping";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Single Stepping ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Einzelschritt";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "개별 단계(~S)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Single Stepping";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Tek adm";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Pas simple";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Askel kerrallaan";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ทีละขั้น";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "Einzelschritt ber ~Prozeduren";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- HELPTEXT = "Ein Programmschritt, ohne Prozeduren";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Ein Programmschritt, ohne Prozeduren";
+ TEXT = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F10; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Procedimentos passo a passo";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Stap voor stap ~procedures";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Procdures tape par tape";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Procesos ~paso a paso";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Si~ngle Stepping (subroutines excluded)";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einzelschritt ?er ~Prozeduren";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Si~ngle Stepping (subroutines excluded)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "프로시저에 대한 개별 단계(~N)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Si~ngle Step over Procedure";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Pa~s simple durant el procediment";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "As~kel kerrallaan toiminnoissa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ทีละขั้นเหนือกระบวนคำสั่ง";
// MenuItem {
// Identifier = RID_RUNTOCURSOR;
-// TEXT = "Ausfhren ~bis Cursor";
-// TEXT [ english_us ] = "Ausfhren ~bis Cursor";
-// HELPTEXT = "Ausfhren des Programmes bis zur aktuellen Cursorposition";
-// HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Ausfhren des Programmes bis zur aktuellen Cursorposition";
+// TEXT = "Run to cursor";
// AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F7; };
// };
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "Brechpunkt setzen/lschen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- HELPTEXT = "Brechpunkt setzen/lschen an der aktuellen Cursorposition";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Brechpunkt setzen/lschen an der aktuellen Cursorposition";
+ TEXT = "Set / Delete Break Point";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F9; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Colocar/Eliminar ponto de quebra ";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Break point zetten/wissen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Placer / supprimer un point d'arrt (breakpoint)";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Poner/eliminar punto de detencin";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Brechpunkt setzen/l?chen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "중단점 설정/삭제";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "Set / Delete Break Point";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Defineix / Suprimeix el punt de ruptura";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Aseta/poista keskeytyspiste";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่า / ลบจุดแบ่ง";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNBREAK;
- TEXT = "~Unterbrechen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Interrupt";
- HELPTEXT = "Programmlauf unterbrechen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programmlauf unterbrechen";
+ TEXT = "~Break";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F5; Modifier1 = TRUE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Interromper";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Onderbreken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Interrompre";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Interru~mpir";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Interrupt ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Unterbrechen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "中断(~I)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "인터럽트(~I)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Interrupt";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Duraklat";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Interromp";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Keskeyt";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ขัดจังหวะ";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNSTOP;
- TEXT = "~Abbrechen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Cancel";
- HELPTEXT = "Programmlauf abbrechen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Programmlauf abbrechen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Cancelar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Stoppen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Annuler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Cancelar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Abbrechen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "キャンセル(~C)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "취소(~C)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Cancel";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~ptal";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Cancella";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Peruuta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ยกเลิก";
+ TEXT = "~Stop";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNNEXTERR;
- TEXT = "~Nchster Fehler";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Next Error";
- HELPTEXT = "Den nchsten Programmfehler anzeigen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Den nchsten Programmfehler anzeigen";
+ TEXT = "~Next Error";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F8; Shift = TRUE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Erro ~seguinte";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Volgende fout";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Erreur suivante";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Error siguiente";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Errore successivo";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~N?chster Fehler";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "次のエラー(~N)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "다음 오류(~N)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Next Error";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Sonraki hata";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Error segent";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Seuraava virhe";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ข้อผิดพลาดถัดไป";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_RUNPREVERR;
- TEXT = "~Vorheriger Fehler";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Previous Error";
- HELPTEXT = "Den vorherigen Programmfehler anzeigen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Den vorherigen Programmfehler anzeigen";
+ TEXT = "~Previous Error";
AccelKey = KeyCode { Code = KEY_F7; Shift = TRUE; };
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Erro ~anterior";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Vorige fout";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Erreur prcdente";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Error ~anterior";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Previous error";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorheriger Fehler";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "前のエラー(~P)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "이전 오류(~P)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Previous Error";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~nceki hata";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Error anterior";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Edellinen virhe";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ข้อผิดพลาดอันก่อน";
MenuItem {
@@ -2927,85 +687,18 @@ Menu RID_RUN {
// unter Folgendem Name
- Text = "E~xtras";
- Text[ english_us ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ferramentas";
- Text[ russian ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ greek ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ dutch ] = "E~xtra";
- Text[ french ] = "~Outils";
- Text[ spanish ] = "~Opciones";
- Text[ italian ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ danish ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ swedish ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ polish ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ japanese ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ korean ] = "도구(~X)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ arabic ] = "E~xtras";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Aralar";
- Text[ catalan ] = "E~xtres";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Li~sobjektit";
- Text[ thai ] = "~พิเศษ";
+ Text = "E~xtra";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_OPTIONS;
- TEXT = "~Einstellungen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Settings";
- HELPTEXT = "Einstellungen fr das Test Tool";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Einstellungen fr das Test Tool";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Definies";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Instellingen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Paramtres";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Configuracin";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Einstellungen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "設定(~S)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "설정(~S)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Settings";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Ayarlar";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Parmetres";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Asetukset";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ตั้งค่า";
+ TEXT = "~Settings";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "~Dialoge aufnehmen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- HELPTEXT = "Modus zum aufnehmen der Dialoge aktivieren";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Modus zum aufnehmen der Dialoge aktivieren";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Incluir caixas de dilogo";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Dialogen opnemen";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Ajouter une bote de ~dialogue";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "In~cluir dilogos";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Dialoge aufnehmen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "대화 상자 추가(~I)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Include Dialogs";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Pencereleri ekle";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Inclou dilegs";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Mys valintaikkunat";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~รวมไดอะล็อก";
+ TEXT = "~Record Dialogs";
@@ -3013,111 +706,19 @@ Menu RID_WINDOW {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_WINCASCADE;
- TEXT = "~berlappend";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Overlapping";
- HELPTEXT = "Fenster berlappend anordnen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Fenster berlappend anordnen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Em ~cascata";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Overlappend";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Cascade";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Cascada";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?berlappend";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "重ねて表示(~O)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "겹침(~O)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Overlapping";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "B~asamakla";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Superposici";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Pllekkin";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~วางซ้อน";
+ TEXT = "~Cascade";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_WINTILE;
- TEXT = "~Nebeneinander";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Tile";
- HELPTEXT = "Fenster nebeneinander anordnen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Fenster nebeneinander anordnen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Lado a lado";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Juxtaposer";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Mosaico";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nebeneinander";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "並べて表示(~T)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "창 나누기(~T)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Tile";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Tiled";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Tiled";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Yan yana";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Mosaic";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Vierekkin";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~ซ้อนทับ";
+ TEXT = "~Tile";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "~Horizontal anordnen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- HELPTEXT = "Fenster horizontal bereinander anordnen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Fenster horizontal bereinander anordnen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Dispor na horizontal";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Horizontaal schikken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Aligner horizontalement";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Horizontal";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Horizontal anordnen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "左右に並べて表示(~A)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "수평 정렬(~A)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Arrange Horizontally";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Yatay yerletir";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Organitza horitzontalment";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Jrjest vaakatasossa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~จัดเรียงตามแนวนอน";
+ TEXT = "~Arrange Horizontally";
MenuItem {
- TEXT = "~Vertikal anordnen";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- HELPTEXT = "Fenster vertikal nebeneinander anordnen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Fenster vertikal nebeneinander anordnen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Dispor na vertical";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Verticaal schikken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Agencement ~vertical";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Vertical";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vertikal anordnen";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "上下に並べて表示(~A)";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "수직 정렬(~A)";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~Arrange Vertically";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Dikey yerletir";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Organitza verticalment";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Jrjest pystytasossa";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "~จัดเรียงตามแนวตั้ง";
+ TEXT = "~Arrange Vertically";
@@ -3126,9 +727,6 @@ Menu RID_HELP {
/* MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_HELPINDEX;
TEXT = "~Index";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Index";
- HELPTEXT = "Inhaltsverzeichnis der Hilfe";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Inhaltsverzeichnis der Hilfe";
MenuItem {
@@ -3136,16 +734,10 @@ Menu RID_HELP {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_HELPKEYS;
TEXT = "~Tastaturbelegung";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Tastaturbelegung";
- HELPTEXT = "Liste der definierten Sondertasten";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Liste der definierten Sondertasten";
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_HELPINTRO;
TEXT = "~Anleitung";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Anleitung";
- HELPTEXT = "Einfhrung in die Programmierung";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Einfhrung in die Programmierung";
MenuItem {
@@ -3153,9 +745,6 @@ Menu RID_HELP {
MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_HELPTOPIC;
TEXT = "~Markierter Text";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~Markierter Text";
- HELPTEXT = "Aktuell markierten Text erlutern";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Aktuell markierten Text erlutern";
MenuItem {
@@ -3163,113 +752,27 @@ Menu RID_HELP {
*/ MenuItem {
Identifier = RID_HELPABOUT;
- TEXT = "~Info...";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "~About...";
- HELPTEXT = "Copyright-Informationen";
- HELPTEXT [ english_us ] = "Copyright-Informationen";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "~Informao...";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "~Info...";
- TEXT[ french ] = "~Info...";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "~Informacin...";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "~Info...";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Info...";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "情報(~A)...";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "정보(~A)...";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "~About...";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "~Bilgi...";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "~Quant a...";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "~Tietoja";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เ~กี่ยวกับ...";
+ TEXT = "~About...";
ModelessDialog IDD_PRINT_DIALOG {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 83, 42 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 171, 94 );
- TEXT = "Testtool: Datei drucken";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Testtool: Print File";
+ TEXT = "Testtool: Print File";
SVLook = TRUE;
FixedText RID_TEXT {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 11, 9 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 146, 28 );
- TEXT = "Druck von ";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Print from ";
+ TEXT = "Print ";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Impresso de ";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Afdruk van ";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Impression de ";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Imprimir ";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Stampa da ";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Druck von ";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "로부터 인쇄 ";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Print from ";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "kt kayna ";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Imprimeix des de";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Tulosta kohteesta ";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "พิมพ์จาก ";
CancelButton RID_CANCEL {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 56, 46 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 47, 19 );
- TEXT = "Abbruch";
- TEXT [ english_us ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "Cancelar";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Annuleren";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Annuler";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Cancelar";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "Annulla";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abbruch";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "キャンセル";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "취소";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "ptal";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Cancella";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Peruuta";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "ยกเลิก";
+ TEXT = "Cancel";
- TEXT[ portuguese ] = "StarBasic: imprimir ficheiro";
- TEXT[ russian ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ greek ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ dutch ] = "Testtool: bestand afdrukken";
- TEXT[ french ] = "Testtool : Impression du fichier";
- TEXT[ spanish ] = "Testtool: Imprimir archivo";
- TEXT[ italian ] = "StarBasic: Print file";
- TEXT[ danish ] = "StarBasic: Print File";
- TEXT[ swedish ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ polish ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "StarBasic: Datei drucken";
- TEXT[ japanese ] = "Testtool: ファイルの印刷";
- TEXT[ korean ] = "테스트 도구: 파일 인쇄";
- TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ arabic ] = "Testtool: Print File";
- TEXT[ turkish ] = "StarBasic: Dosyay yazdr";
- TEXT[ catalan ] = "Testool: Imprimeix el fitxer";
- TEXT[ finnish ] = "Testitykalu: Tulosta tiedosto";
- TEXT[ thai ] = "เครื่องมือทดสอบ: พิมพ์แฟ้ม";
@@ -3278,8 +781,7 @@ ModelessDialog IDD_OPTIONS_DLG
OutputSize = TRUE ;
SVLook = TRUE ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 248, 140 );
- Text = "Einstellungen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Settings" ;
+ Text = "Settings" ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = TRUE ;
@@ -3293,80 +795,17 @@ ModelessDialog IDD_OPTIONS_DLG
Identifier = RID_TP_GEN ;
- Text = "Generisch" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Generic" ;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Genrico";
- Text[ russian ] = "Generic";
- Text[ greek ] = "Generic";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Generiek";
- Text[ french ] = "Gnrique";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Genrico";
- Text[ italian ] = "Generic";
- Text[ danish ] = "Generic";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Generic";
- Text[ polish ] = "Generic";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Generisch";
- Text[ japanese ] = "汎用";
- Text[ korean ] = "일반적인";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Generic";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Generic";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Generic";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Genel";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Genric";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Yleinen";
- Text[ thai ] = "ทั่วไป";
+ Text = "Generic" ;
Identifier = RID_TP_SPE ;
- Text = "Spezial" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Specialized" ;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Especial";
- Text[ russian ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ greek ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Speciaal";
- Text[ french ] = "Spcial";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Especial";
- Text[ italian ] = "Special";
- Text[ danish ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ polish ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Spezial";
- Text[ japanese ] = "特殊";
- Text[ korean ] = "특수한";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Specialized";
- Text[ turkish ] = "zel";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Especialitzat";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Erikoinen";
- Text[ thai ] = "พิเศษ";
+ Text = "Specialized" ;
Identifier = RID_TP_FON ;
- Text = "Schrift" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Font" ;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Font";
- Text[ russian ] = "Font";
- Text[ greek ] = "Font";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Font";
- Text[ french ] = "Police";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fuente";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Font";
- Text[ italian ] = "Carattere";
- Text[ danish ] = "Font";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Font";
- Text[ polish ] = "Font";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Font";
- Text[ japanese ] = "フォント";
- Text[ korean ] = "글꼴";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Font";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Font";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Font";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Font";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Font";
- Text[ thai ] = "Font";
+ Text = "Font" ;
OKButton RID_OK {
@@ -3381,26 +820,6 @@ ModelessDialog IDD_OPTIONS_DLG
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Definies";
- Text[ russian ] = "Settings";
- Text[ greek ] = "Settings";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Instellingen";
- Text[ french ] = "Paramtres";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Configuracin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Settings";
- Text[ danish ] = "Settings";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Settings";
- Text[ polish ] = "Settings";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einstellungen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "設定";
- Text[ korean ] = "설정";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settings";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settings";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Settings";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ayarlar";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Parmetres";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Asetukset";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่า";
@@ -3411,28 +830,7 @@ TabPage RID_TP_GENERIC {
FixedLine RID_FL_AREA {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 4 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 228, 8 );
- Text = "Bereich";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Area";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "rea";
- Text[ russian ] = "Range";
- Text[ greek ] = "Range";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Bereik";
- Text[ french ] = "Zone";
- Text[ spanish ] = "rea";
- Text[ italian ] = "Range";
- Text[ danish ] = "Range";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Range";
- Text[ polish ] = "Range";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bereich";
- Text[ japanese ] = "範囲";
- Text[ korean ] = "영역";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Range";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Range";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Range";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Aralk";
- Text[ catalan ] = "rea";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alue";
- Text[ thai ] = "ช่วง";
+ Text = "Area";
ComboBox RID_CB_AREA {
HScroll = TRUE;
@@ -3447,82 +845,19 @@ TabPage RID_TP_GENERIC {
PushButton RID_PB_NEW_AREA {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 144, 16 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Neu";
- Text [ english_us ] = "New";
+ Text = "New";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Novo";
- Text[ russian ] = "New";
- Text[ greek ] = "New";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Nieuw";
- Text[ french ] = "Nouveau";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nuevo";
- Text[ italian ] = "New";
- Text[ danish ] = "New";
- Text[ swedish ] = "New";
- Text[ polish ] = "New ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Novo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "新規";
- Text[ korean ] = "새로";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "New";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "New";
- Text[ arabic ] = "New";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nou";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Uusi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ใหม่";
PushButton RID_PD_DEL_AREA {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 16 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Lschen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete";
+ Text = "Delete";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Eliminar";
- Text[ russian ] = "Delete";
- Text[ greek ] = "Delete";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Wissen";
- Text[ french ] = "Supprimer";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Eliminar";
- Text[ italian ] = "Cancel";
- Text[ danish ] = "Delete";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Delete";
- Text[ polish ] = "Delete";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "L?chen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "削除";
- Text[ korean ] = "삭제";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Delete";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Delete";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Delete";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sil";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Poista";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบ";
FixedLine RID_FL_VALUE {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 36 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 228, 8 );
- Text = "Einstellung";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Setting";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Configurao";
- Text[ russian ] = "Setting";
- Text[ greek ] = "Setting";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Instelling";
- Text[ french ] = "Paramtrage";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Configuracin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Setting";
- Text[ danish ] = "Setting";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Setting";
- Text[ polish ] = "Setting";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einstellung";
- Text[ japanese ] = "設定";
- Text[ korean ] = "설정";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Setting";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settings";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Setting";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ayarlar";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Configuraci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Asetus";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่า";
+ Text = "Setting";
HScroll = TRUE;
@@ -3536,56 +871,14 @@ TabPage RID_TP_GENERIC {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 48 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
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- Text [ english_us ] = "New";
+ Text = "New";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Novo";
- Text[ russian ] = "New";
- Text[ greek ] = "New";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Nieuw";
- Text[ french ] = "Nouveau";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nuevo";
- Text[ italian ] = "New";
- Text[ danish ] = "New";
- Text[ swedish ] = "New";
- Text[ polish ] = "New";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Novo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "新規";
- Text[ korean ] = "새로";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "New";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "New";
- Text[ arabic ] = "New";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nou";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Uusi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ใหม่";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 188, 64 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Lschen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Delete";
+ Text = "Delete";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Eliminar";
- Text[ russian ] = "Delete";
- Text[ greek ] = "Delete";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Wissen";
- Text[ french ] = "Supprimer";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Eliminar";
- Text[ italian ] = "Cancel";
- Text[ danish ] = "Delete";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Delete";
- Text[ polish ] = "Delete";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "L?chen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "削除";
- Text[ korean ] = "삭제";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Delete";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Delete";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Delete";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sil";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Poista";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลบ";
@@ -3597,106 +890,22 @@ TabPage RID_TP_SPECIAL {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 2 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 230, 8 );
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- Text [ english_us ] = "Directories";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Directrios";
- Text[ russian ] = "Directories";
- Text[ greek ] = "Directories";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Directory's";
- Text[ french ] = "Rpertoires";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Directorios";
- Text[ italian ] = "Directories";
- Text[ danish ] = "Directories";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Directories";
- Text[ polish ] = "Directories";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verzeichnisse";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ディレクトリ";
- Text[ korean ] = "디렉토리";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Directories";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Directories";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Directories";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dizinler";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Directoris";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Hakemistot";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไดเร็กทอรี่";
+ Text = "Directories";
FixedText LOG_TEXT {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 12 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
- Text = "Log Basisverzeichnis";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Directrio LOG de base";
- Text[ russian ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ greek ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ french ] = "Rpertoire racine LOG";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Directorio base de Log";
- Text[ italian ] = "Cartella log home";
- Text[ danish ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ polish ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Log Basisverzeichnis";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ korean ] = "로그 홈 디렉토리";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Log home directory";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Log ana dizin";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Directori inicial de registre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lokihakemisto";
- Text[ thai ] = "ล็อกโฮมไดเร็กทอรี่";
+ Text = "Log base directory";
FixedText BASIS_TEXT {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 28 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
- Text = "Basisverzeichnis";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Directrio de base";
- Text[ russian ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ greek ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ french ] = "Rpertoire racine";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Directorio base";
- Text[ italian ] = "Cartella home";
- Text[ danish ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ polish ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Basisverzeichnis";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ korean ] = "홈 디렉토리";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Home directory";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ana dizin";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Directori inicial";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kotihakemisto";
- Text[ thai ] = "โฮมไดเร็กทอรี่";
+ Text = "Base directory";
FixedText HID_TEXT {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 44 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
- Text = "HID Verzeichnis";
- Text [ english_us ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Directrio HID";
- Text[ russian ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ greek ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ dutch ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ french ] = "Rpertoire HID";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Directorio HID";
- Text[ italian ] = "Cartella HID";
- Text[ danish ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ swedish ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ polish ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "HID Verzeichnis";
- Text[ japanese ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ korean ] = "HID 디렉토리";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ arabic ] = "HID directory";
- Text[ turkish ] = "HID diziniz";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Directori HID";
- Text[ finnish ] = "HID-hakemisto";
- Text[ thai ] = " HID ไดเร็กทอรี่";
+ Text = "HID directory";
Border = TRUE;
@@ -3720,134 +929,29 @@ TabPage RID_TP_SPECIAL {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 12 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
Text = "...";
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TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "...";
- Text[ russian ] = "...";
- Text[ greek ] = "...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "...";
- Text[ french ] = "...";
- Text[ spanish ] = "...";
- Text[ italian ] = "...";
- Text[ danish ] = "...";
- Text[ swedish ] = "...";
- Text[ polish ] = "...";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "...";
- Text[ japanese ] = "...";
- Text[ korean ] = "...";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "...";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "...";
- Text[ arabic ] = "...";
- Text[ turkish ] = "...";
- Text[ catalan ] = "...";
- Text[ finnish ] = "...";
- Text[ thai ] = "...";
PushButton BASIS_SET {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 28 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
Text = "...";
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TabStop = TRUE;
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- Text[ russian ] = "...";
- Text[ greek ] = "...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "...";
- Text[ french ] = "...";
- Text[ spanish ] = "...";
- Text[ italian ] = "...";
- Text[ danish ] = "...";
- Text[ swedish ] = "...";
- Text[ polish ] = "...";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "...";
- Text[ japanese ] = "...";
- Text[ korean ] = "...";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "...";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "...";
- Text[ arabic ] = "...";
- Text[ turkish ] = "...";
- Text[ catalan ] = "...";
- Text[ finnish ] = "...";
- Text[ thai ] = "...";
PushButton HID_SET {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 44 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
Text = "...";
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TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "...";
- Text[ russian ] = "...";
- Text[ greek ] = "...";
- Text[ dutch ] = "...";
- Text[ french ] = "...";
- Text[ spanish ] = "...";
- Text[ italian ] = "...";
- Text[ danish ] = "...";
- Text[ swedish ] = "...";
- Text[ polish ] = "...";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "...";
- Text[ japanese ] = "...";
- Text[ korean ] = "...";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "...";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "...";
- Text[ arabic ] = "...";
- Text[ turkish ] = "...";
- Text[ catalan ] = "...";
- Text[ finnish ] = "...";
- Text[ thai ] = "...";
FixedLine FL_OTHER {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 60 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 230, 8 );
- Text = "Andere Einstellungen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Outras definies";
- Text[ russian ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ greek ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Andere instellingen";
- Text[ french ] = "Paramtres supplmentaires";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Otra configuracin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ danish ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ polish ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Andere Einstellungen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "詳細設定";
- Text[ korean ] = "다른 설정";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ohter settings";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Other settings";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dier ayarlar";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Una altre configuraci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Muut asetukset";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่าอื่น ๆ";
+ Text = "Other settings";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 70 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 70, 12 );
Text = "Server Timeout";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Timeout do servidor";
- Text[ russian ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ greek ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Server timeout";
- Text[ french ] = "Timeout du serveur";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Desconexin temporal del servidor";
- Text[ italian ] = "Timeout server";
- Text[ danish ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ polish ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ korean ] = "서버 시간 초과";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Server Timeout";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sunucu zaman am";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Temps excedit al servidor";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palvelimen aikakatkaisu";
- Text[ thai ] = "หมดเวลาเซิร์ฟเวอร์";
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Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 83 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 115, 12 );
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- Text [ english_us ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Recarga automtica";
- Text[ russian ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ greek ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Automatische reload";
- Text[ french ] = "Recharge automatique";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Recarga automtica";
- Text[ italian ] = "Ricarica automatica";
- Text[ danish ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ swedish ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ polish ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Automatischer Reload";
- Text[ japanese ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 다시 로드";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ arabic ] = "AutoReload";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik yeniden ykleme";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Recrrega automtica";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Automaattinen uudelleenlataus";
- Text[ thai ] = "โหลดอัตโนมัติอีกครั้ง";
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Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 127, 83 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 103, 12 );
- Text = "Speichern vor Ausfhren";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ russian ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ greek ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer avant excution";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Guardar antes de ejecutar";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ italian ] = "Salva prima di eseguire";
- Text[ danish ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Save before running";
- Text[ polish ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ japanese ] = "実行前に保存する";
- Text[ korean ] = "실행하기 전 저장 ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Save before running";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Save before running";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Save before execute";
- Text[ thai ] = "Save before execute";
+ Text = "Save before execute";
@@ -3929,28 +991,7 @@ TabPage RID_TP_FONT {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 2 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 123, 8 );
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- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Type";
- Text[ french ] = "Type";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tyyppi";
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- Text[ korean ] = "유형";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Type";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Type";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tr";
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- Text[ thai ] = "โหมด";
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- Text [ english_us ] = "??????";
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- Text[ russian ] = "??????";
- Text[ greek ] = "??????";
- Text[ dutch ] = "??????";
- Text[ french ] = "Style";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Estilo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "??????";
- Text[ italian ] = "Stile";
- Text[ danish ] = "??????";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typeface";
- Text[ polish ] = "??????";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "??????";
- Text[ japanese ] = "スタイル";
- Text[ korean ] = "스타일";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Typeface";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Typeface";
- Text[ turkish ] = "??????";
- Text[ arabic ] = "??????";
- Text[ catalan ] = "??????";
- Text[ thai ] = "??????";
+ Text = "Typeface";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 131, 12 );
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Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 200, 2 );
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- Text[ greek ] = "Size";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Size";
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- Text[ spanish ] = "Tamao";
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- Text[ polish ] = "Size";
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Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 200, 12 );
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Size = MAP_APPFONT( 229, 30 );
// 229 is max
- /*
- FixedText LOG_TEXT {
- Text = "Log Basisverzeichnis";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Log home directory";
- };
- FixedText BASIS_TEXT {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 28 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
- Text = "Basisverzeichnis";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Home directory";
- };
- FixedText HID_TEXT {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 7, 44 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 76, 12 );
- Text = "HID Verzeichnis";
- Text [ english_us ] = "HID directory";
- };
- Edit LOG_NAME {
- Border = TRUE;
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 12 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 126, 12 );
- TabStop = TRUE;
- };
- Border = TRUE;
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 28 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 126, 12 );
- TabStop = TRUE;
- };
- Edit HID_NAME {
- Border = TRUE;
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 87, 44 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 126, 12 );
- TabStop = TRUE;
- };
- PushButton LOG_SET {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 12 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
- Text = "...";
- Text [ english_us ] = "...";
- TabStop = TRUE;
- };
- PushButton BASIS_SET {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 28 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
- Text = "...";
- Text [ english_us ] = "...";
- TabStop = TRUE;
- };
- PushButton HID_SET {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 217, 44 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 12 );
- Text = "...";
- Text [ english_us ] = "...";
- TabStop = TRUE;
- };
- FixedLine FL_OTHER {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 60 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 230, 8 );
- Text = "Andere Einstellungen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Other settings";
- };
- FixedText TIMEOUT_TEXT {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 70 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 70, 12 );
- Text = "Server Timeout";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Server Timeout";
- };
- Border = TRUE;
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 83, 70 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- TabStop = TRUE;
- Repeat = TRUE;
- Spin = TRUE;
- Format = TIMEF_SEC;
- Duration = TRUE;
- };
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 83 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 115, 12 );
- Text = "Automatischer Reload";
- Text [ english_us ] = "AutoReload";
- };
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 127, 70 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 103, 12 );
- CheckBox CB_AUTOSAVE {
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 127, 83 );
- Size = MAP_APPFONT( 103, 12 );
- Text = "Speichern vor Ausfhren";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Save before execute";
- };*/
@@ -4125,7 +1032,6 @@ FloatingWindow IDD_DISPLAY_HID {
SVLook = TRUE;
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 261, 160 );
Text = "Display HId";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Display HId";
Moveable = TRUE;
Closeable = TRUE;
Sizeable = TRUE;
@@ -4139,7 +1045,6 @@ FloatingWindow IDD_DISPLAY_HID {
/* ItemList = {
ToolBoxItem {
Text = "erster der Toolbox";
- Text [ english_us ] = "erster der Toolbox";
// Hide = TRUE;
@@ -4148,27 +1053,6 @@ FloatingWindow IDD_DISPLAY_HID {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 16 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 128, 10 );
Text = "Controls";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Controls";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Controlos";
- Text[ russian ] = "Controls";
- Text[ greek ] = "Controls";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Controls";
- Text[ french ] = "Contrles";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Controles";
- Text[ italian ] = "Controlli";
- Text[ danish ] = "Controls";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Controls";
- Text[ polish ] = "Controls";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Controls";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Controls";
- Text[ korean ] = "컨트롤";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Controls";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Controls";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Controls";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Denetimler";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Controls";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjaimet";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัวควบคุม";
Border = TRUE;
@@ -4181,27 +1065,6 @@ FloatingWindow IDD_DISPLAY_HID {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 4, 120 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 128, 10 );
Text = "Slots";
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- Text[ portuguese ] = "Slots";
- Text[ russian ] = "Slots";
- Text[ greek ] = "Slots";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Slots";
- Text[ french ] = "Slots";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Puertos (slots)";
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- Text[ danish ] = "Slots";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slots";
- Text[ polish ] = "Slots";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Slots";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Slots";
- Text[ korean ] = "슬롯";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Slots";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Slots";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slots";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yuvalar";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ranures";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Paikat";
- Text[ thai ] = "ช่องเสียบ";
MultiListBox RID_MLB_SLOTS {
Border = TRUE;
@@ -4213,132 +1076,28 @@ FloatingWindow IDD_DISPLAY_HID {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 28 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Kopieren";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Copy";
+ Text = "Copy";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ russian ] = "Copy";
- Text[ greek ] = "Copy";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kopiren";
- Text[ french ] = "Copier";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ italian ] = "Copy";
- Text[ danish ] = "Copy";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Copy";
- Text[ polish ] = "Copy";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kopieren";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Copy";
- Text[ korean ] = "복사";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Copy";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Copy";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Copy";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Kopyala";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Copia";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kopioi";
- Text[ thai ] = "คัดลอก";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 44 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Benennen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Name";
+ Text = "Name";
TabStop = TRUE;
Hide = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Atribuir nome";
- Text[ russian ] = "Name";
- Text[ greek ] = "Name";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Naam geven";
- Text[ french ] = "Nommer";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nombrar";
- Text[ italian ] = "Name";
- Text[ danish ] = "Name";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Name";
- Text[ polish ] = "Name";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Benennen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Name";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름 지정";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Name";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Name";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Name";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Adlandr";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nom";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nimi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 44 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Alle Markieren";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Select all";
+ Text = "Select all";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccionar tudo";
- Text[ russian ] = "Select all";
- Text[ greek ] = "Select all";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Alle markeren";
- Text[ french ] = "Slectionner tout";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccionar todos";
- Text[ italian ] = "Select all";
- Text[ danish ] = "Select all";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Select all";
- Text[ polish ] = "Select all";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Alle Markieren";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Select all";
- Text[ korean ] = "모두 선택 표시";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Select all";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Select all";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Select all";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tmn se";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Selecciona-ho tot";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse kaikki";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือกทั้งหมด";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 216, 144 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
- Text = "Schlieen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Close";
+ Text = "Close";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Fechar";
- Text[ russian ] = "Close";
- Text[ greek ] = "Close";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Sluiten";
- Text[ french ] = "Fermer";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cerrar";
- Text[ italian ] = "Close";
- Text[ danish ] = "Close";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Close";
- Text[ polish ] = "Close";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Schlie?en";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Close";
- Text[ korean ] = "닫기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Close";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Close";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Close";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Kapat";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Tanca";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sulje";
- Text[ thai ] = "ปิด";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mostrar HId";
- Text[ russian ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ greek ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ french ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Mostrar HId";
- Text[ italian ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ danish ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ polish ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ korean ] = "디스플레이 HId";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Display HId";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Grntle: HId";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Visualitza l'HId";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt piilotunnus";
- Text[ thai ] = "แสดงผล HId";
@@ -4446,195 +1205,47 @@ ImageList RID_IMGLST_LAYOUT
ModelessDialog IDD_EDIT_VAR {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 0 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 171, 87 );
- Text = "Variable editieren";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Edit variable";
+ Text = "Edit variable";
Moveable = TRUE;
Closeable = TRUE;
FixedText RID_FT_NAME {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 8 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 10 );
Text = "Name";
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- Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome";
- Text[ russian ] = "Name";
- Text[ greek ] = "Name";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Naam";
- Text[ french ] = "Nom";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre";
- Text[ italian ] = "Nome";
- Text[ danish ] = "Name";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Name";
- Text[ polish ] = "Name";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Name";
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- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Name";
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- Text[ turkish ] = "Ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nom";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nimi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อ";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 21 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 10 );
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- Text[ portuguese ] = "Contedo";
- Text[ russian ] = "Content";
- Text[ greek ] = "Content";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Inhoud";
- Text[ french ] = "Contenu";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Contenido";
- Text[ italian ] = "Contenuto";
- Text[ danish ] = "Content";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Content";
- Text[ polish ] = "Content";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inhalt";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Content";
- Text[ korean ] = "내용";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Content";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Content";
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- Text[ turkish ] = "erik";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Contingut";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sislt";
- Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหา";
+ Text = "Content";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 8, 38 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 10 );
- Text = "Neuer Inhalt";
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- Text[ portuguese ] = "Novo contedo";
- Text[ russian ] = "New content";
- Text[ greek ] = "New content";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Nieuwe inhoud";
- Text[ french ] = "Nouveau contenu";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nuevo contenido";
- Text[ italian ] = "Nuovo contenuto";
- Text[ danish ] = "New content";
- Text[ swedish ] = "New content";
- Text[ polish ] = "New content";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Neuer Inhalt";
- Text[ japanese ] = "New content";
- Text[ korean ] = "새로운 내용";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "New content";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "New content";
- Text[ arabic ] = "New content";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni ierik";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nou contingut";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Uusi sislt";
- Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหาใหม่";
+ Text = "New content";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 8 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 10 );
- Text = "name der variablen";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "nome das variveis";
- Text[ russian ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ greek ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Naam van de variabelen";
- Text[ french ] = "Noms des variables";
- Text[ spanish ] = "nombre de variables";
- Text[ italian ] = "Nome delle variabili";
- Text[ danish ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ polish ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "name der variablen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ korean ] = "변수 이름";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "name of variable";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Name of variable";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Deiken ad";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de variables";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Muuttujan nimi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อตัวแปร";
+ Text = "Name of variable";
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 21 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 10 );
- Text = "Alter Inhalt";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Antigo contedo";
- Text[ russian ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ greek ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Oude inhoud";
- Text[ french ] = "Ancien contenu";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Contenido antiguo";
- Text[ italian ] = "Previous content";
- Text[ danish ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Previous content";
- Text[ polish ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Alter Inhalt";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ korean ] = "이전 내용";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Previous content";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Previous contents";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Eski ierik";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Contingut vell";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Edellinen sislt";
- Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหาอันก่อน";
+ Text = "Previous contents";
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Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
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- Text[ french ] = "True";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Verdadero";
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- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "True";
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- Text[ turkish ] = "Doru";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Veritable";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tosi";
- Text[ thai ] = "จริง";
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- Text[ french ] = "Faux";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Falso";
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- Text[ danish ] = "False";
- Text[ swedish ] = "False";
- Text[ polish ] = "False";
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- Text[ turkish ] = "Yanl";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Fals";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Eptosi";
- Text[ thai ] = "เท็จ";
Border = TRUE;
@@ -4670,28 +1281,7 @@ ModelessDialog IDD_EDIT_VAR {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 53, 37 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 111, 12 );
Text = "Edit";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Edit";
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Editar";
- Text[ russian ] = "Edit";
- Text[ greek ] = "Edit";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Edit";
- Text[ french ] = "diter";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Editar";
- Text[ italian ] = "Edit";
- Text[ danish ] = "Edit";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Edit";
- Text[ polish ] = "Edit";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Edit";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Edit";
- Text[ korean ] = "편집";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Edit";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Edit";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Edit";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dzenle";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Edita";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Muokkaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "แก้ไข";
OKButton RID_OK {
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 33, 58 );
@@ -4703,125 +1293,27 @@ ModelessDialog IDD_EDIT_VAR {
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 40, 12 );
TabStop = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Editar variveis";
- Text[ russian ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ greek ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Variabele editeren";
- Text[ french ] = "dition de variable";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Editar variable";
- Text[ italian ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ danish ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ polish ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Variable editieren";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ korean ] = "변수 편집";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Edit variable";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Deiken dzenle";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Editar variable";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Muokkaa muuttujaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "แก้ไขตัวแปร";
FloatingWindow LOAD_CONF {
SVLook = TRUE;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 66, 23 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 156, 51 );
- Text = "Lese Konfigurationsdateien";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
+ Text = "Reading Configuration Files";
Moveable = TRUE;
FixedText WORK {
SVLook = TRUE;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 8 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 155, 10 );
Text = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Slot IDs";
Center = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ russian ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ greek ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ french ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ italian ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ polish ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ korean ] = "슬롯 ID";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Slot IDs";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Paikkatunnukset";
- Text[ thai ] = "ช่องเสียบ IDs";
FixedText FILENAME {
SVLook = TRUE;
Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 0, 21 );
Size = MAP_APPFONT( 155, 10 );
- Text = "";
- Text[ english_us ] = "";
+ Text = "";
Center = TRUE;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "";
- Text[ french ] = "";
- Text[ spanish ] = "";
- Text[ italian ] = "";
- Text[ danish ] = "";
- Text[ swedish ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "";
- Text[ japanese ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "파일.win";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ turkish ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "";
- Text[ finnish ] = "";
- Text[ thai ] = "แฟ้ม.win";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A ler ficheiros de configurao";
- Text[ russian ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ greek ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Lees configuratiebestanden";
- Text[ french ] = "Lecture des fichiers de configuration";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Leyendo archivos de configuracin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Carica file di configurazione";
- Text[ danish ] = "Load configuration files";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Load configuration files";
- Text[ polish ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Lese Konfigurationsdateien";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ korean ] = "구성 파일 읽기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Reading Configuration Files";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Konfigrasyon dosyalar okunuyor";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'estan llegint els fitxers de configuraci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luetaan kokoonpanotiedostoja";
- Text[ thai ] = "กำลังอ่านแฟ้มโครงแบบ";
diff --git a/basic/source/app/basmsg.src b/basic/source/app/basmsg.src
index 62fd8ec5930b..990094ae8f17 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/basmsg.src
+++ b/basic/source/app/basmsg.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: basmsg.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.17 $
+ * $Revision: 1.18 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-11-16 22:21:28 $
+ * last change: $Author: gh $ $Date: 2002-06-26 13:06:16 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -75,83 +75,14 @@
- Text = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ LANGUAGE_USER1 ] = "Programmstart: <Datum>; <Uhrzeit>";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Incio do programa: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Programma start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ french ] = "Dmarrage du programme : ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Inicio de programa: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Uruchomienie programu: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ korean ] = "프로그램 시작: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Program balatma: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inicio de programa: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjelman aloitus: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
+ Text = "Program start: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text = "Fehler auerhalb eines Testcase.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Erro fora de um test case.";
- Text[ russian ] = "Error outside of test case.";
- Text[ greek ] = "Error outside of test case.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Fout buiten testcase.";
- Text[ french ] = "Erreur en dehors d'un scnario de test (test case).";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Error fuera de un Testcase.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ danish ] = "Error outside of test case.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bd poza Testcase.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fehler au?erhalb eines Testcase.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Error outside of test case.";
- Text[ korean ] = "테스트 케이스 외부의 오류";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Error outside of test case";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Error fuera de un Testcase.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Testitapauksen ulkopuolinen virhe";
+ Text = "Error outside of test case";
- Text = "Warnung: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Advertncia: ";
- Text[ russian ] = "Warning:";
- Text[ greek ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Waarschuwing: ";
- Text[ french ] = "Avertissement : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Advertencia: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ostrzeenie: ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "경고: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Warning: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Warning:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Uyar: ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Advertencia: ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Varoitus: ";
+ Text = "Warning: ";
diff --git a/basic/source/app/svtmsg.src b/basic/source/app/svtmsg.src
index 5eeda1da0dbb..9880fe4a8f89 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/svtmsg.src
+++ b/basic/source/app/svtmsg.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: svtmsg.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.61 $
+ * $Revision: 1.62 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-05-02 21:41:29 $
+ * last change: $Author: gh $ $Date: 2002-06-26 13:06:15 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -75,1658 +75,268 @@
- Text = "Programm abgebrochen mit GPF";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Programa abortado com GPF";
- Text[ russian ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ greek ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Programma gestopt met GPF";
- Text[ french ] = "Programme interrompu avec GPF";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Programa interrumpido con GPF";
- Text[ italian ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ danish ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przerwanie programu przez GPF";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ korean ] = "프로그램이 GPF로 중단되었습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Programa avortat amb GPF";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjelma keskeytetty (yleinen ohjelmavirhe)";
- Text[ thai ] = "โปรแกรมล้มเลิกเพราะ GPF";
+ Text = "Program aborted with GPF";
- Text = "Applikation wurde Beendet";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A aplicao foi fechada.";
- Text[ russian ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ greek ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Applicatie werd beindigd";
- Text[ french ] = "L'application a t arrte.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Se cerr la aplicacin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ danish ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ polish ] = "Aplikacja zakoczona";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ korean ] = "응용 프로그램이 종료되었습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Application has been shut down";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha tancat l'aplicaci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sovellus on sammutettu";
- Text[ thai ] = "โปรแกรมประยุกต์ได้ปิดลงแล้ว";
+ Text = "Application has been shut down";
- Text = "Konnte Slot ID nicht ausfhren: Kein ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel executar Slot ID: ActiveDispatcher inexistente";
- Text[ russian ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ greek ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon slot ID niet uitvoeren: geen ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'excuter Slot ID : aucun dispatcheur actif";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo ejecutar Slot ID. ActiveDispatcher inexistente";
- Text[ italian ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie mg wykona Slot ID: Brak ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ korean ] = "슬롯 ID를 실행하지 못했습니다: 활성 디스패처가 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut executar Slot ID. ActiveDispatcher no existeix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Paikkatunnuksen suoritus ei onnistu. Ei aktiivista lhetint";
- Text[ thai ] = "ช่องเสียบ ID ไม่สามารถใช้งานได้ ไม่มีตัวจ่ายงานที่ทำงานอยู่";
+ Text = "Slot ID cannot be executed. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text = "Konnte Slot ID nicht ausfhren";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel executar Slot ID.";
- Text[ russian ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ greek ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon slot ID niet uitvoeren";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'excuter Slot ID";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo ejecutar Slot ID";
- Text[ italian ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie mg wykona Slot ID";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ korean ] = "슬롯 ID를 실행하지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut executar Slot ID";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Paikkatunnusta ei voitu suorittaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "ช่องเสียบ ID ไม่สามารถใช้งานได้";
+ Text = "Slot ID could not be execute";
- Text = "UnoSlot: Konnte Properties nicht initialisieren.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "UnoSlot: impossvel inicializar Properties.";
- Text[ russian ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ greek ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ dutch ] = "UnoSlot: kon Properties niet initialiseren";
- Text[ french ] = "UnoSlot : Impossible d'initialiser les proprits.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "UnoSlot: No se pudo instalar Properties";
- Text[ italian ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized.";
- Text[ danish ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ swedish ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ polish ] = "UnoSlot: Nie mg rozpocz Properties.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ korean ] = "UnoSlot: 등록 정보를 초기화하지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ arabic ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ turkish ] = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text[ catalan ] = "UnoSlot: No s'ha pogut installar Properties";
- Text[ finnish ] = "UnoSlot: Ominaisuuksia ei voitu alustaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "UnoSlot: ไม่สามารถเริ่มคุณสมบัติได้";
+ Text = "UnoSlot: Properties could not be initialized";
- Text = "ResetApplication fehlgeschlagen: Zu komplex";
- Text[ english_us ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "ResetApplication falhou: demasiado complexa";
- Text[ russian ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ greek ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ dutch ] = "ResetApplication mislukt: te gecompliceerd";
- Text[ french ] = "chec de ResetApplication : trop complexe";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se realiz ResetApplication: Demasiado compleja";
- Text[ italian ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ danish ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ polish ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ korean ] = "ResetApplication 실패 : 너무 복잡합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ arabic ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha realitzat ResetApplication: Massa complexa";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ResetApplication-sovelluksenalustustoiminto ei onnistunut: liian monimutkainen";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่าโปรแกรมประยุกต์อีกครั้งล้มเหลว: ซับซ้อนเกินไป";
+ Text = "ResetApplication failed: too complex";
- Text = "ResetApplication fehlgeschlagen: Unbekannter Fenstertyp";
- Text[ english_us ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "ResetApplication falhou: tipo de janela desconhecido";
- Text[ russian ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ greek ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ dutch ] = "RestApplication mislukt: onbekend venstertype";
- Text[ french ] = "chec de ResetApplication : type de fentre inconnu";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se realiz ResetApplication: Tipo desconocido de error";
- Text[ italian ] = "RestApplication failed: unknown window type.";
- Text[ danish ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ polish ] = "ResetApplikation nie powiodo si: nieznany typ okna";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ korean ] = "ResetApplication 실패 : 알수없는 창 타입";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ arabic ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha realitzat ResetApplication: Error desconegut";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ResetApplication-sovelluksenalustustoiminto ei onnistunut: tuntematon ikkunatyyppi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่าโปรแกรมประยุกต์อีกครั้งล้มเหลว: ไม่รู้จักชนิดของหน้าต่าง";
+ Text = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text = "Kein aktives Fenster gefunden (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel encontrar janela activa (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen actief venster gevonden (GetNextCloseWindows)";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucune fentre active dtecte (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se encontr ninguna ventana activa (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie znaleziono aktywnego okna (GetNextCloseWindow) ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ korean ] = "활성 창을 찾지 못했습니다.(GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ResetApplication failed: unknown window type";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Active window not found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha trobat cap finestra activa (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Aktiivista ikkunaa ei lytynyt (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่พบหน้าต่างที่ทำงานอยู่ (GetNextCloseWindow)";
+ Text = "No active window found (GetNextCloseWindow)";
- Text = "GetActive liefert keinen Dialog zurck! Bitte Entwicklung informieren";
- Text[ english_us ] = "GetActive does not show a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "GetActive no devolve nenhuma caixa de dilogo! Informe o departamento de programao.";
- Text[ russian ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ greek ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "GetActive levert geen dialoog terug! Ontwikkeling informeren!";
- Text[ french ] = "GetActive ne fournit aucune bote de dialogue ! Veuillez informer le service de dveloppement.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "GetActive no devuelve ningn dilogo! Informe por favor al servicio de programacin";
- Text[ italian ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ danish ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ polish ] = "GetActive nie wysya z powrotem adnego dialogu! Prosz powiadomi o tym oddzia programowania.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ korean ] = "GetActive가 대화상자를 제공하지 않습니다! 개발부에 문의하십시오.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "GetActive does not deliver a dialog! Inform development.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "GetActive no retorna cap dileg! Informa al servei de programaci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "GetActive-aktiivihakutoiminto ei nyt valintaikkunaa! Ota yhteys sovelluskehittjiin.";
- Text[ thai ] = "GetActive ไม่แสดงไดอะล็อก! แจ้งการพัฒนา";
+ Text = "GetActive does not return a dialog! Inform development";
- Text = "Kein PopupMenu geffnet";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Pop-up menu not open";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "PopupMenu no est aberto";
- Text[ russian ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ greek ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen PopUpMenu geopend";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucun menu Pop-up ouvert";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe ningn PopupMenu abierto";
- Text[ italian ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ danish ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ swedish ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie otworzono adnego menu Popup";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ korean ] = "팝업 메뉴가 열리지 않습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ arabic ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ turkish ] = "PopUp menu not open";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap PopupMenu obert";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ponnahdusvalikko ei ole avoinna";
- Text[ thai ] = "เมนูแบบผุดขึ้นไม่เปิด";
+ Text = "Pop-up menu not open";
- Text = "Untermen nicht vorhanden";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Submenu inexistente";
- Text[ russian ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ greek ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Submenu niet voorhanden";
- Text[ french ] = "Sous-menu inexistant";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Submen inexistente";
- Text[ italian ] = "Submenu does not exists";
- Text[ danish ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ polish ] = "Menu podrzdne nie istnieje";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ korean ] = "서브 메뉴가 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Submen inexistent";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alivalikkoa ei ole";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีเมนูย่อยอยู่";
+ Text = "Submenu does not exist";
- Text = "ControlType ($Arg1) wird nicht untersttzt";
- Text[ english_us ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) no tem suporte";
- Text[ russian ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ greek ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ dutch ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) wordt niet ondersteund";
- Text[ french ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) non support";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se apoya ControlType ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ danish ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ polish ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) nie jest obsugiwany";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ korean ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) 이 지원되지 않습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ arabic ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha suport per a ControlType ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjaintyyppi ($Arg1) ei tueta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สนับสนุน ControlType ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "ControlType ($Arg1) is not supported";
- Text = "Selektion nach Attributen nur fr Directories mglich.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A seleco por atributos somente possvel para directrios.";
- Text[ russian ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ greek ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Selectie naar attributen alleen voor directory's mogelijk.";
- Text[ french ] = "La slection en fonction des attributs n'est possible que pour les rpertoires.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "La seleccin por atributos es solo posible para directorios.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ danish ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ polish ] = "Selekcja wedug atrybutw moliwa jest tylko w wypadku katalogw.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ korean ] = "속성에 따른 선택은 디렉토리에 대해서만 가능합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text[ catalan ] = "La selecci per atributs noms s possible per a directoris.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mritevalintoja voi tehd vain hakemistoissa";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือกโดยคุณลักษณะที่เป็นไปได้ของไดเร็กทอรี่เท่านั้น";
+ Text = "Selection by attributes only possible for directories";
- Text = "Keine weiteren Dateien";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No further files";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "No existem outros ficheiros";
- Text[ russian ] = "No further files";
- Text[ greek ] = "No further files";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen verdere bestanden";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucun autre fichier";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Ningn otro archivo";
- Text[ italian ] = "No further files";
- Text[ danish ] = "No further files";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No further files";
- Text[ polish ] = "Brak innych plikw";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "No further files";
- Text[ korean ] = "더 이상 파일이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "No further files";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "No further files";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No further files";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No further files";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap ms fitxer";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei en tiedostoja";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีแฟ้มมากกว่านี้";
+ Text = "No more files";
- Text = "Unbekannte Methode '($Arg1)' an ($Arg2)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mtodo desconhecido ($Arg1) para ($Arg2)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Onbekende methode '($Arg1)' aan ($Arg2)";
- Text[ french ] = "Mthode inconnue '($Arg1)' vers ($Arg2)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Mtodo desconocido '($Arg1)' a ($Arg2)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieznana metoda '($Arg1)' do ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unbekannte Methode an Objekt : ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg2)에 있는 알 수 없는 메소드 '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "($Arg2)上不明的方法'($Arg1)'";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mtode desconegut '($Arg1)' a ($Arg2)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon menetelm ($Arg1) -> ($Arg2)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่รู้จักวิธี '($Arg1)' ถึง ($Arg2)";
+ Text = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' on ($Arg2)";
- Text = "Ungltige Parameter";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Parmetros no vlidos";
- Text[ russian ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ greek ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Ongeldige parameters";
- Text[ french ] = "Paramtres incorrects";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Parmetros incorrectos";
- Text[ italian ] = "Invalid parameters";
- Text[ danish ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieprawidowe parametry";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ korean ] = "유효하지 않은 파라미터";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Parmetres incorrectes";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vrt parametrit";
- Text[ thai ] = "พารามิเตอร์ไม่ถูกต้อง";
+ Text = "Invalid Parameters";
- Text = "Pointer nicht innerhalb des Applikationsfensters bei '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "O ponteiro no est dentro da janela de aplicao em '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ russian ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ greek ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Pointer niet in applicatievenster bij '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ french ] = "Pointeur en dehors de la fentre de l'application pour '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Pointer fuera de la ventana de aplicacin en '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ italian ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ danish ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pointer poza obszarem okna aplikacji przy '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ korean ] = "'($Arg1)'의 응용 프로그램 창 내부에 포인터가 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Pointer not located in application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Pointer es troba fora de la finestra d'aplicaci a '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sovellusikkunassa ei ole osoitinta kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "จุดชี้ไม่อยู่ในหน้าต่างโปรแกรมประยุกต์ที่ '($Arg1)'";
+ Text = "Pointer not inside application window at '($Arg1)'";
- Text = "Unbekannter Befehl '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Comando desconhecido '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ russian ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ greek ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Onbekende opdracht '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ french ] = "Commande inconnue '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Error desconocido '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ italian ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ danish ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieznane polecenie ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ korean ] = "알수없는 명령어 '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Error desconegut '($Arg1)'";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon komento ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่รู้จักคำสั่ง '($Arg1)'";
+ Text = "Unknown command '($Arg1)'";
- Text = "Konnte ($Arg1) nicht finden.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel encontrar ($Arg1).";
- Text[ russian ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ greek ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon ($Arg1) niet vinden";
- Text[ french ] = "($Arg1) introuvable";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo encontrar ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "($Arg1) could not be found.";
- Text[ danish ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ swedish ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ polish ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)을(를)찾지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "($Arg1) could not be found.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ arabic ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ turkish ] = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut trobar ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "($Arg1) ei lytynyt";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถพบ ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "($Arg1) could not be found";
- Text = "($Arg1) ist unsichtbar.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "($Arg1) invisvel.";
- Text[ russian ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ greek ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ dutch ] = "($Arg1) is onzichtbaar";
- Text[ french ] = "($Arg1) invisible";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se puede ver ($Arg1).";
- Text[ italian ] = "$Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ danish ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ swedish ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ polish ] = "($Arg1) is not visible ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)은 보이지 않습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "($Arg1) is not visible.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ arabic ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ turkish ] = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text[ catalan ] = "($Arg1) no s visible";
- Text[ finnish ] = "($Arg1) ei ole nkyviss";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่เห็น ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "($Arg1) is not visible";
- Text = "Konnte auf ($Arg1) nicht zugreifen.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel o acesso a ($Arg1).";
- Text[ russian ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed";
- Text[ greek ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen toegang tot ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Accs ($Arg1) impossible";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo acceder a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile accedere a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed";
- Text[ swedish ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed";
- Text[ polish ] = "Brak dostpu do ($Arg1).";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) にアクセスできませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)을(를) 액세스하지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed.";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ($Arg1).";
- Text[ turkish ] = "($Arg1) could not be accessed";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut accedir a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "($Arg1) ei voitu kytt";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเข้าถึง ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "($Arg1) could not be accessed.";
- Text = "Eintragsnummer ($Arg2) zu gro in ($Arg1). Maximum ist ($Arg3)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "O nmero da entrada ($Arg2) muito elevado em ($Arg1). O mximo ($Arg3)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Nummer voor ($Arg2) te hoog in ($Arg1). Maximum is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ french ] = "Le numro d'entre ($Arg2) est trop lev pour ($Arg1). Le maximum possible est ($Arg3)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nm. de entradas ($Arg2) es demasiado grande en ($Arg1). El mximo es ($Arg3)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 항목 번호($Arg2)는 너무 큽니다. 최대값은 ($Arg3)입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "L'entrada nmero ($Arg2) s massa gran per a ($Arg1). El mxim perms s ($Arg3)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Merkint numero ($Arg2) on liian suuri kohteessa ($Arg1). Enimmisarvo on ($Arg3)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ตัวเลข ($Arg2) มากเกินไปใน ($Arg1) จำนวนมากที่สุดที่ใส่ได้คือ ($Arg3)";
+ Text = "Entry number ($Arg2) is too large in ($Arg1). Max. allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text = "Eintragsnummer ($Arg2) zu klein in ($Arg1). Minimum ist ($Arg3)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "O nmero da entrada ($Arg2) muito baixo em ($Arg1). O mnimo ($Arg3)";
- Text[ russian ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ greek ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Nummer voor ($Arg2) te laag in ($Arg1). Minimum is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ french ] = "Le numro d'entre ($Arg2) est trop bas pour ($Arg1). Le minimum possible est ($Arg3)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nm. de entradas ($Arg2) es demasiado pequeo en ($Arg1). El mnimo es ($Arg3)";
- Text[ italian ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ danish ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ polish ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 항목 번호($Arg2)는 너무 작습니다. 최소값은 ($Arg3)입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "L'entrada nmero ($Arg2) s massa petita per a ($Arg1). El mnim perms s ($Arg3)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Merkint numero ($Arg2) on liian pieni kohteessa ($Arg1). Enimmisarvo on ($Arg3)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ตัวเลข ($Arg2) น้อยเกินไปใน ($Arg1) จำนวนน้อยที่สุดที่ใส่ได้คือ ($Arg3)";
+ Text = "The entry number ($Arg2) is too small in ($Arg1). Min allowed is ($Arg3)";
- Text = "Window zwischenzeitlich verschwunden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Desaparecimento momentneo da janela em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Windows momenteel niet zichtbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Disparition momentane de la fentre ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Desaparacin momentnea de Windows en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "창이 그 사이 ($Arg1)에서 사라짐";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Window momentarily not visible at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "La finestra no es pot veure momentniament a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ikkuna ei ole tilapisesti nkyviss kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่เห็นหน้าต่างชั่วขณะู่ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Window disappeared in the meantime at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Fehler #($Arg1) beim Speichern des Bildes";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Erro #($Arg1) ao guardar a imagem";
- Text[ russian ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ greek ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Fout #($Arg1) bij opslaan van afbeelding";
- Text[ french ] = "Erreur #($Arg1) lors de l'enregistrement de l'image";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Error #($Arg1) al guardar la imagen";
- Text[ italian ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ danish ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ polish ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ korean ] = "이미지 저장시 오류 #($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error #($Arg1) en desar la imatge";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Virhe #($Arg1) tallennettaessa kuvaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "ผิดพลาด #($Arg1) ขณะกำลังบันทึกรูปภาพ";
+ Text = "Error #($Arg1) when saving the image";
- Text = "Ungltige Positionsangabe bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Posio indicada incorrectamente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Omgeldige positie aangegeven bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Erreur d'indication de l'emplacement de ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Posicin indicada incorrecta en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 유효하지 않은 위치";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Posici no vlida a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Virheellinen sijainti kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตำแหน่งไม่ถูกต้องที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Invalid positon at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Konnte SplitWindow nicht finden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel encontrar SplitWindow em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon SplitWindow niet vinden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "SplitWindow introuvable pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo encontrar SplitWindow en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "SplitWindow를 ($Arg1)에서 찾지 못했음";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Split window not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha trobat la finestra dividida a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Jaettua ikkunaa ei lytynyt kohteesta ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่พบหน้าต่างที่แยกที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "SplitWindow not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Interner Fehler bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Erro interno em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Interne fout bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Erreur interne pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Error interno en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 내부 오류";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error intern a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sisinen virhe kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ผิดพลาดภายในที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Internal error at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Keine StatusBar vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Barra de estado em ($Arg1) inexistente";
- Text[ russian ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen StatusBar voorhanden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de barre d'tat pour ($Arg1) ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe StatusBar en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 상태 표시줄이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha barra d'estat a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei tilarivi kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีแถบสถานะที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Die Items sind ausgeblendet bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Os items em ($Arg1) esto ocultos";
- Text[ russian ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De items zijn verborgen bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Les Items sont masqus pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Los tems en ($Arg1) estn ocultos";
- Text[ italian ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 항목이 숨겨집니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Els elements a ($Arg1) sn amagats";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nimikkeet on piilotettu kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ซ่อนรายการที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "The items are hidden at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Tabpage nicht gefunden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel encontrar o separador em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tabpage niet gevonden bij ($Arg1";
- Text[ french ] = "Tabpage introuvable pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se encontr tabpage en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 탭 페이지를 찾지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha trobat la pgina de les pestanyes a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vlilehtisivua ei lytynyt kohteesta ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่พบระยะกั้นหน้าที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Tab page not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Tristate darf nicht gesetzt werden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel indicar um valor \"tristate\" em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tristate mag niet worden gezet bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible de placer une valeur Tristate pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pude aplicar tristate en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 세가지 상태는 설정될 수 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Three state cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es poden definir tres estats a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kolmitilaa ei voi asettaa kohteeseen ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถตั้งค่าได้สามสถานะที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Tristate cannot be set at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "SetText hat nicht funktioniert";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "SetText no funcionou";
- Text[ russian ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ greek ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ dutch ] = "SetText heeft niet gefunctioneerd";
- Text[ french ] = "SetText n'a pas fonctionn";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No ha funcionado SetText";
- Text[ italian ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ danish ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ polish ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ korean ] = "텍스트 설정이 작동하지 않습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Set text did not function";
- Text[ catalan ] = "La definici de text no ha funcionat";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tekstin mritys ei toiminut";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่าให้ข้อความไม่มีฟังก์ชั่น";
+ Text = "Set text did not function";
- Text = "Schreibversuch auf ReadOnly ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Tentativa de escrita em ($Arg1) como s leitura";
- Text[ russian ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Schrijfpoging op ReadOnly ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Tentative d'criture sur ($Arg1) (en lecture seule)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Intento de escritura en ReadOnly ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "읽기 전용($Arg1)에 쓰기를 시도";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'intenta escriure en mode de noms lectura ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Yritettiin kirjoittaan vain luku -objektiin ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "พยายามเขียนแบบอ่านอย่างเดียว ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Attempt to write on read-only ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Select FALSE nicht erlaubt. Bitte MultiSelect verwenden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Interdito seleccionar FALSE. Utilizar MultiSelect em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Select FALSE niet toegestaan. Gebruik MultiSelect bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Interdit de slectionner FALSE. Veuillez utiliser MultiSelect pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se permite Select FALSE. Use MultiSelect en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "FALSE를 선택할 수 없습니다. ($Arg1)에서 다중 선택을 사용하십시오.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es permet la selecci de FALSE. Utilitzeu Miltiselect a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valinta UNTRUE ei ole sallittu. Kyt MultiSelect-monivalintatoimintoa kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่อนุญาตให้เลือก เท็จ ใช้การเลือกหลายส่วนที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Select FALSE not allowed. Use MultiSelect at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Eintrag \"($Arg2)\" bei ($Arg1) nicht gefunden";
- Text[ english_us ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel encontrar a entrada \"($Arg2) em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ greek ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Optie ($Arg2) niet gevonden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Entre \"($Arg2)\" introuvable pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se encontr entrada \"($Arg2)\" en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ danish ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ swedish ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ polish ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ korean ] = "항목 ($Arg1)에서 \"($Arg2)\"을(를)찾지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ arabic ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ turkish ] = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha trobat l'entrada \"($Arg2)\" a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Merkint ($Arg2) kohteessa ($Arg1) ei lytynyt";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่พบรายการ \"($Arg2)\" ที่ ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "\"($Arg2)\" entry at ($Arg1) not found";
- Text = "($Arg1) von Eintrag \"($Arg2)\" ist fehlgeschlagen";
- Text[ english_us ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "($Arg1) da entrada \"($Arg2)\" falhou";
- Text[ russian ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ greek ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ dutch ] = "($Arg1) van optie ($Arg2) mislukt";
- Text[ french ] = "($Arg1) a chou pour l'entre \"($Arg2)\" ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No result ($Arg1) de la entrada \"($Arg2)\"";
- Text[ italian ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ danish ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ swedish ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ polish ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ korean ] = "항목\"($Arg2)\"의 ($Arg1) 실패.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ arabic ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ turkish ] = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ha fallat ($Arg1) de l'entrada \"($Arg2)\"";
- Text[ finnish ] = "($Arg1) merkinnlle ($Arg2) ei onnistunut";
- Text[ thai ] = "($Arg1) ของรายการ \"($Arg2)\" ล้มเหลว";
+ Text = "($Arg1) of entry \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text = "HelpID auf ToolBox nicht gefunden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel encontrar o HelpID da ToolBox em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "HelpID op ToolBox niet gevonden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "HelpID de la ToolBox introuvable pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se encontr en ($Arg1) HelpID en ToolBox";
- Text[ italian ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "도구상자의 도움말 ID를 ($Arg1)에서 찾지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha trobat el HelpID del quadre d'eines de ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tykaluvalikon ohjetunnusta ei lytynyt kohteesta ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่พบ ID ช่วยเหลือในกล่องเครื่องมือที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "HelpID in ToolBox not found at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Der Button ist disabled in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "O boto da ToolBox em ($Arg1) est desactivado";
- Text[ russian ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Button buiten werking in ToolBox bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Le bouton est dsactiv dans la ToolBox pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "El botn est desactivado en ToolBox en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 도구상자 버튼을 사용할 수 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha inhabilitat el bot?al quadre d'eines de ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Painike on poistettu kytst tykaluvalikosta kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถใช้งานปุ่มที่อยู่ในกล่องเครื่องมือที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "The button is disabled in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Der Button ist hidden in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "O boto da ToolBox em ($Arg1) est oculto";
- Text[ russian ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Button verborgen in Toolbox bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Le bouton est cach dans la ToolBox pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "El botn es hidden en ToolBox en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 도구상자 버튼은 숨겨져 있습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El bot al quadre d'eines de ($Arg1) s ocult";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Painike on piilotettu tykaluvalikosta kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ซ่อนปุ่มที่อยู่ในกล่องเครื่องมือที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "The button is hidden in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Button konnte nicht sichtbar gemacht werden in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel tornar o boto da ToolBox em ($Arg1) visvel";
- Text[ russian ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Button kon niet zichtbaar worden gemaakt in Toolbox bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "mpossible d'afficher le bouton dans la ToolBox pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo mostrar el boton en ToolBox para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 도구상자 버튼을 표시할 수 없었습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot fer visible el bot al quadre d'eines de ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tykaluvalikon painiketta ei voi nytt kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถทำให้เห็นปุ่มที่อยู่ในกล่องเครื่องมือได้ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Button cannot be made visible in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "TearOff Fehlgeschlagen in ToolBox bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "TearOff falhou na ToolBox em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "TearOff mislukt in ToolBox bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "TearOff a chou dans la ToolBox pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Ha fallado TearOff en ToolBox para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1의 도구상자에서 잘라내기 실패.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "TearOff ha fallat en el quadre d'eines a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "TearOff-irrottamistoiminto ei onnistunut tykaluvalikossa kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "TearOff ล้มเหลวในกล่องเครื่องมือที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "TearOff failed in ToolBox at ($Arg1)";
// Has to stay in for old res files
- Text = "Es ist kein Eintrag Selektiert in TreeListBox bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No entry was selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma entrada seleccionada na TreeListBox em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen item geselecteerd in TreeListBox bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucune entre slectionne dans la TreeListBox pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna entrada seleccionada en TreeListBox para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "No entry was selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No entry was selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) の TreeListBox で項目の選択ができていません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)의 트리 목록 상자에 선택된 항목이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有在 ($Arg1) 内的 TreeListBox 中选中一个条目";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "No entry was selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap entrada seleccionada a TreeListBox per ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valikkoluetteloruudun (TreeListBox) merkint ei ole valittu kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "รายการไม่ได้ถูกเลือกใน TreeListBox ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "No entry is selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
Text = "Es ist kein Eintrag Selektiert in ($Arg2) bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No entry was selected in ($Arg2) at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma entrada seleccionada em ($Arg2) em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen item geselecteerd in ($Arg2) bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucune entre slectionne dans ($Arg2) pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna entrada seleccionada en ($Arg2) para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "No entry was selected in ($Arg2) at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No entry was selected in ($Arg2) at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) の ($Arg2) で項目の選択ができていません。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "An entry has not been selected in TreeListBox at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha seleccionat cap entrada a TreeListBox a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valikkoluetteloruudun (TreeListBox) merkint ei ole valittu kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)의 ($Arg2)에는 선택된 항목이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有在 ($Arg1) 的 ($Arg2) 中选中一个条目";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "No entry was selected in ($Arg2) at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "รายการไม่ได้ถูกเลือกใน TreeListBox ที่ ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Select/Deselect mit String nicht implementiert bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccionar/Desseleccionar com String no implementado em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Select/Deselect met String niet gemplementeerd bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Slection/dselection d'un string pas implmente pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccionar/Deshacer seleccin con String no implementado para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 문자열 선택/선택취소가 구현되지 않았습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha implementat a ($Arg1) l'opci amb cadena selecciona/desselecciona";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Valinta/valinnan poisto merkkijonolla ei ole kytss kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "เลือก/ไม่เลือกสายอักขระที่ยังใช้ไม่ได้ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Select/Deselect with string not implemented at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Methode nur im Froating-Mode erlaubt bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mtodo autorizado apenas em modo Froating em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Methode alleen toegestaan in Froating Mode bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Mthode autorise uniquement en mode Froating pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Mtodo permitido solo en modo Froating para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 메소드는 부동-모드로만 허용됩니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El mtode noms es permet en el mode flotant a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Menetelm on sallittu vain kohteen ($Arg1) irrallistilassa";
- Text[ thai ] = "อนุญาตให้ใช้วิธีการในโหมดลอยเท่านั้นที่ ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "Method only allowed in floating mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Methode nur im Docking-Mode erlaubt bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mtodo somente autorizado em modo Docking em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Methode alleen toegestaan in Docking-Mode bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Mthode autorise uniquement en mode Docking pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Mtodo permitido solo en modo Docking para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 메소드는 연결 모드로만 허용됩니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El mtode noms es permet en el mode d'acoblament a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Menetelm on sallittu vain kohteen ($Arg1) telakointitilassa";
- Text[ thai ] = "อนุญาตให้ใช้วิธีการในโหมดเทียบชิดขอบเท่านั้นที่ ($Arg1) ";
+ Text = "Method only allowed in docking mode at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Gre ist nicht vernderbar bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel alterar o tamanho em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Grootte kan niet worden veranderd bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Taille non modifiable pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tamao no modificable para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 크기는 변경할 수 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot modificar la mida a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kokoa ei voi muuttaa kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนขนาดที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Size cannot be altered at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein OK Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto OK inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen OK-button voorhanden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton OK pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe botn Aceptar para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 확인 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot D'acord a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole OK-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ตกลง ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no OK button at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Abbrechen Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto Cancelar inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Annuleren-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton Annuler pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe botn Cancelar para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 취소 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot Cancella a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole Peruuta-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ยกเลิก ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no Cancel button at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Ja Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto Sim inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Ja-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton Oui pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe botn S para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 \"예\" 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot S a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole Kyll-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ใช่ ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no Yes button at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Nein Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto No inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Nee-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton Non pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe boton No para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 \"아니오\" 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot No a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole Ei-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ไม่ใช่ ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no No button at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Wiederholen Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto Repetir inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Herhalen-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton Ressayer pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe botn Repetir para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 반복 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot Repeteix a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole Toista-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ทำซ้ำ ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no Repeat button at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Hilfe Button Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto Ajuda inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Help-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton Aide pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe botn Ayuda para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 도움말 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot Ajuda a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole Ohje-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ช่วยเหลือ ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Default Button Definiert bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto Padro inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Default-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de bouton Par dfaut pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay definido un botn Default para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 정의된 기본 버튼이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap bot Per defecte definit a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteeseen ($Arg1) ei ole mritetty oletuspainiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ค่าเริ่มต้น ระบุไว้ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no Default button defined at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Kein Button mit der ID ($Arg1) Vorhanden bei ($Arg2)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Boto com ID ($Arg1) inexistente em ($Arg2)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen button met ID ($Arg1) beschikbaar bij ($Arg2)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence bouton portant l'ID ($Arg1) pour ($Arg2) ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe un botn con la ID ($Arg1) para ($Arg2)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg2)에 ID ($Arg1)이(가) 있는 버튼이 없음";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no button with a ($Arg1) ID at ($Arg2)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ni hi ha cap bot amb un identificador ($Arg1) a ($Arg2)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tunnuksen ($Arg1) painiketta ei ole kohteessa ($Arg2)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีปุ่ม ID ($Arg1) ที่ ($Arg2)";
+ Text = "There is no button with ID ($Arg1) at ($Arg2)";
- Text = "Es muss eine ButtonId angegeben werden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Necessrio indicar ButtonId em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Er moet een buttonID worden vermeld bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Il manque un ButtonID pour ($Arg1) ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Debe indicarse un ButtonId para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "A button ID needs to be specified at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서 버튼 ID가 반드시 지정되어야 합니다";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "A button ID needs to be entered at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Cal introduir un bot ID a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Painiketunnus on sytettv kohteeseen ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "จำเป็นต้องใส่ปุ่ม ID ที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "A button ID needs to be given at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Unbekannter Objekttyp ($Arg1) aus UId oder Methode '($Arg2)' nicht untersttzt";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Tipo de objecto ($Arg1) desconhecido deste UId ou mtodo '($Arg2)' sem suporte";
- Text[ russian ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ greek ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Onbekend objecttype ($Arg1) uit UId of methode '($Arg2)' niet ondersteund";
- Text[ french ] = "Type d'objet inconnu ($Arg1) issu de UId ou mthode '($Arg2)' non supporte";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de objeto ($Arg1) desconocido por su UId o mtodo '($Arg2)' no apoyado";
- Text[ italian ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ danish ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieznany typ obiektu ($Arg1) z UId lub nie obsugiwana metoda '($Arg2)'";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "UId あるいはメソッド'($Arg2)' からの不明なオブジェクトの種類 ($Arg1) は支援されません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "UId로부터의 알려져 있지 않은 개체 형식 ($Arg1)이나 메소드 '($Arg2)'가 지원되지 않습니다";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es permet un tipus d'objecte desconegut ($Arg1) de UId o un mtode '($Arg2)'";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon objektityyppi ($Arg1) UID:st tai menetelm '($Arg2)' ei tueta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่รู้จักชนิดวัตถุ ($Arg1) จาก UId หรือไม่สนับสนุนวิธี '($Arg2)' ";
+ Text = "Unknown object type ($Arg1) from UId or method '($Arg2)' not supported";
- Text = "Entpacken der Storage \"($Arg1)\" nach \"($Arg2)\" ist fehlgeschlagen";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel descomprimir o ficheiro Storage de \"($Arg1)\" para \"($Arg2)\".";
- Text[ russian ] = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed.";
- Text[ greek ] = " \"($Arg1)\" \"($Arg2)\" ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Decomprimeren van Storage \"($Arg1)\" in \"($Arg2)\" mislukt";
- Text[ french ] = "La dcompression du stockage \"($Arg1)\" vers \"($Arg2)\" a chou.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo descomprimir storage \"($Arg1)\" a \"($Arg2)\"";
- Text[ italian ] = "Decompressione Storage \"($Arg1)\" a \"($Arg2)\" non riuscita";
- Text[ danish ] = "Unpacking Storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rozpakowanie pamici (storage) \"($Arg1)\" w \"($Arg2)\" nie powiodo si.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unpacking Storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ japanese ] = "記憶装置 \"($Arg1)\" は \"($Arg2)\" に解凍できませんでした。";
- Text[ korean ] = "기억장치 \"($Arg1)\"을(를) \"($Arg2)\"에 푸는데 실패";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "解压缩文件 \"($Arg1)\" 至 \"($Arg2)\" 失败。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Unpacking Storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text[ arabic ] = " \"($Arg1)\" \"($Arg2)\"";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ha fallat la descompressi de l'emmagatzemament \"($Arg1)\" a \"($Arg2)\"";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Pakkauksen ($Arg1) purkaminen kohteeseen ($Arg2) ei onnistunut";
- Text[ thai ] = "ที่เก็บที่เปิด \"($Arg1)\" ถึง \"($Arg2)\" ล้มเหลว";
+ Text = "Unpacking storage \"($Arg1)\" to \"($Arg2)\" failed";
- Text = "ListBoxButton nicht vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "ListBoxButton no disponvel em($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "ListBoxButton niet voorhanden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Bouton de zone de liste inexistant pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "ListBoxButton no existe en ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "ListBoxButton nicht vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ListBoxButton nicht vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ListBoxButton は ($Arg1) にありません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 목록 상자 버튼이 없습니다";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ListBoxButton nicht vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap ListBoxButton a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohdetta ListBoxButton ei ole kohteessa ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มี ListBoxButton อยู่ใน ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "ListBoxButton does not exist in ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Konnte UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"nicht ausfhren: Keinen Dispatcher gefunden";
- Text[ english_us ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel executar o URL UNO \"($Arg1)\": nenhum Dispatcher activo";
- Text[ russian ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found.";
- Text[ greek ] = " UNO Url \"($Arg1)\": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon Url \"($Arg1)\" niet uitvoeren: geen dispatcher gevonden";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'excuter l'URL UNO \"($Arg1)\" : aucun dispatcheur actif";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo ejecutar UNO Url \"($Arg1)\". No se encontr ningn Dispatcher";
- Text[ italian ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ swedish ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found";
- Text[ polish ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" は実行できませんでした: ディスパッチャーが見つかりません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "슬롯 ID를 실행하지 못했습니다: 능동 디스패처가 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run. No dispatcher was found.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot ID cannot be run. No ActiveDispatcher";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot executar Slot ID. ActiveDispatcher no existeix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "UNO URL -osoitetta ($Arg1) ei voitu suorittaa. Lhetinohjelmaa ei lytynyt.";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถใช้งาน UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" ได้ ไม่พบตัวเลือกจ่ายงาน";
+ Text = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be executed: No dispatcher was found.";
- Text = "Konnte UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"nicht ausfhren: Kein ActiveFrame am Desktop";
- Text[ english_us ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel executar o URL UNO \"($Arg1)\": no existe nenhum Frame activo no Desktop";
- Text[ russian ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ greek ] = " UNO Url \"($Arg1)\": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" niet uitvoeren: geen ActiveFrame aan desktop";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'excuter l'URL UNO \"($Arg1)\" : aucun Frame actif sur le Desktop";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo ejecutar UNO Url \"($Arg1)\": No existe ningn ActiveFrame en el escritorio";
- Text[ italian ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ swedish ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop";
- Text[ polish ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" は実行できませんでした: デスクトップにアクティブフレームがありません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "실행하지 못했습니다. 바탕화면에 ActiveFrame이 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot executar Slot ID";
- Text[ finnish ] = "UNO URL -osoitetta ($Arg1) ei voitu suorittaa: typydll ei ole aktiivista kehyst.";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถใช้งาน UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" ได้: กรอบที่ไม่ได้ใช้งานอยู่บนเดสก์ท็อป";
+ Text = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be executed: No ActiveFrame on desktop.";
String S_NO_MENU
- Text = "Kein Men Vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Menu inexistente em ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen Help-button beschikbaar bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de menu pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No existe men para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dummytext";
- Text[ japanese ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 메뉴가 없습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "There is no Help button at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha bot Ajuda per a ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kohteessa ($Arg1) ei ole Ohje-painiketta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีเมนูที่ ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "There is no menu at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Konnte UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"nicht ausfhren: Disabled";
- Text[ english_us ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel executar o URL UNO \"($Arg1)\": desactivado";
- Text[ russian ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: No active frame on desktop.";
- Text[ greek ] = " UNO Url \"($Arg1)\": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kon UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" niet uitvoeren: disabled.";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'excuter l'URL UNO \"($Arg1)\" : dsactiv";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo ejecutar UNO Url \"($Arg1)\": Disabled";
- Text[ italian ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ swedish ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text[ polish ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Programmstart: ($Arg1); ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\" は実行できませんでした: 動作しません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "UNO Url \"($Arg1)\"을 실행할 수 없었습니다: 사용할 수 없음";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot ID could not be run";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No se pudo ejecutar Slot ID";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Paikkatunnusta ei voitu suorittaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
+ Text = "UNO URL \"($Arg1)\" could not be run: Disabled";
- Text = "Keine ScrollBar vorhanden bei ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen beeldschuifbalk voorhanden bij ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Absence de barre de dfilement pour ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No hay barra de desplazamiento para ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1) にはスクロールバーがありません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에 상태 표시줄이 없습니다";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text[ thai ] = "No status bar at ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "No scroll bar at ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Keine SAX Parser bei ($Arg1). Zuerst mit 'SAXReadFile' initialisieren.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ russian ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ greek ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucun SAX Parser pour ($Arg1). Initialiser avant toute chose avec 'SAXReadFile'.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Ningn SAX Parser para ($Arg1). Inicializar primero con 'SAXReadFile'.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ italian ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ danish ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ polish ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1)には SAX Parser がありません。最初に 'SAXReadFile' で初期化します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1)에서는 SAX 파서(parser)가 없음. 먼저 'SAXReadFile'로 초기화하시오.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
- Text[ thai ] = "No SAX Parser using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
+ Text = "No SAX Parser when using ($Arg1). Initialize with 'SAXReadFile' first.";
diff --git a/basic/source/app/testtool.src b/basic/source/app/testtool.src
index 0d9e0d100e92..14bb3ee52479 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/testtool.src
+++ b/basic/source/app/testtool.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: testtool.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.17 $
+ * $Revision: 1.18 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-11-16 22:16:13 $
+ * last change: $Author: gh $ $Date: 2002-06-26 13:06:16 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -66,178 +66,30 @@
- Text = "Ist kein gltiger KeyCode!";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "No um KeyCode vlido!";
- Text[ russian ] = " KeyCode!";
- Text[ greek ] = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Is geen geldige KeyCode!";
- Text[ french ] = "KeyCode incorrect !";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No es un KeyCode correcto!";
- Text[ italian ] = "KeyCode non valido";
- Text[ danish ] = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieprawidowy KeyCode!";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ist kein g?tiger KeyCode!";
- Text[ japanese ] = "キーコードは無効です。";
- Text[ korean ] = "키 코드가 맞지 않습니다!";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是一个无效的键码!";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無效的鍵碼!";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Geerli bir KeyCode deil!";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es un KeyCode correcto!";
- Text[ finnish ] = "On virheellinen avainkoodi.";
+ Text = "Is an invalid KeyCode!";
- Text = "\nwurde nicht gefunden.\nDiese Datei ist unentbehrlich.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "\nno foi encontrado.\nEste ficheiro indispensvel.";
- Text[ russian ] = "\n .\n .";
- Text[ greek ] = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "\nniet gevonden.\nDit bestand is onontbeerlijk.";
- Text[ french ] = "\nn'a pas pu tre dtect.\nCe fichier est indispensable.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "\nno se encontr.\nEste archivo es imprescindible.";
- Text[ italian ] = "\nnon trovato.\nIl file indispensabile";
- Text[ danish ] = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
- Text[ polish ] = "\nnie znaleziono.\n.Plik ten jest niezbdny.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "\nwurde nicht gefunden.\nDiese Datei ist unentbehrlich.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "\n見つかりませんでした。\nこのファイルは絶対に必要です。";
- Text[ korean ] = "\n찾지 못했습니다.\n이 파일은 반드시 필요합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "\n无法找到。\n一定需要这个文件。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "\n沒有被找到。\n這個檔案是必不可少的。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "\nbulunamad.\nBu dosya mutlaka gerekli.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "\nno se encontr.\nEste archivo es imprescindible.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "\nei lytynyt.\nTt tiedostoa ei voi korvata.";
+ Text = "\ncould not be found.\nThis file is indispensable.";
- Text = "Einlesen der Langnamen";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Reading long names";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Leitura dos nomes extensos";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "Reading long names";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Lezen van volledige namen";
- Text[ french ] = "Lecture des noms de fichiers longs (long names)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Leyendo nombres largos";
- Text[ italian ] = "Carica nomi estesi";
- Text[ danish ] = "Reading long names";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Reading long names";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czytanie penych nazw";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einlesen der Langnamen";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ロングファイルネームの読み取り";
- Text[ korean ] = "긴 이름 읽기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "读取长名称";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "讀取長名稱。";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Uzun adlar okunuyor";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Leyendo nombres largos";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luetaan pitki nimi";
+ Text = "Reading long-names";
- Text = "Einlesen der Slot IDs";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Reading Slot IDs";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Leitura dos Slot IDs";
- Text[ russian ] = " Slot IDs";
- Text[ greek ] = "Reading Slot IDs";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Lezen van de Slot IDs";
- Text[ french ] = "Lecture des Slot IDs";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Leyendo Slot IDs";
- Text[ italian ] = "Carica Slot IDs";
- Text[ danish ] = "Reading Slot IDs";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Reading Slot IDs";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czytanie Slot ID";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einlesen der Slot IDs";
- Text[ japanese ] = "スロット ID の読み取り";
- Text[ korean ] = "슬롯ID 읽기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "读取 Slot IDs";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "讀取 Slot IDs";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Reading Slot IDs";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot ID'ler okunuyor";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Leyendo Slot IDs";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luetaan paikkatunnukset";
+ Text = "Reading Slot IDs";
- Text = "Einlesen der Controls";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Leitura dos Controls";
- Text[ russian ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ greek ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Lezen van de Controls";
- Text[ french ] = "Lecture des contrles";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Leyendo Controls";
- Text[ italian ] = "Carica Controls";
- Text[ danish ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ polish ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einlesen der Controls";
- Text[ japanese ] = "コントロールの読み取り";
- Text[ korean ] = "컨트롤 읽기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "读取控制";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "讀取控製項";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Reading Controls";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Control'ler okunuyor";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Leyendo Controls";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luetaan ohjaimet";
+ Text = "Reading Controls";
- Text = "Einlesen BASIC Modul";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Reading BASIC module";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Leitura do mdulo BASIC";
- Text[ russian ] = " BASIC";
- Text[ greek ] = "Reading BASIC module";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Lezen van BASIC module";
- Text[ french ] = "Lecture du module BASIC";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Leyendo mdulo BASIC";
- Text[ italian ] = "Carica i moduli BASIC";
- Text[ danish ] = "Reading BASIC module";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Reading BASIC module";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czytanie moduu BASIC";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einlesen BASIC Modul";
- Text[ japanese ] = "BASIC モジュールの読み取り";
- Text[ korean ] = "BASIC 모듈 읽기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "读取 BASIC 模块";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "讀取 BASIC 模塊";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Reading BASIC module";
- Text[ turkish ] = "BASIC modl okunuyor";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Leyendo mdulo BASIC";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luetaan BASIC-moduuli";
+ Text = "Reading BASIC module";
- Text = "Starten der Applikation";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Starting application";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A iniciar aplicao";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "Starting application";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Starten van toepassing";
- Text[ french ] = "Dmarrage de l'application";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Iniciando la aplicacin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Avvio dell'applicazione";
- Text[ danish ] = "Starting application";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Starting application";
- Text[ polish ] = "Uruchamianie aplikacji";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Starten der Applikation";
- Text[ japanese ] = "アプリケーションの起動";
- Text[ korean ] = "응용프로그램 시작";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "启动应用程序";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "啟動應用程式";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Starting application";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Uygulama balatlyor";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Iniciando la aplicacin";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Aloitetaan sovellus";
+ Text = "Starting application";
diff --git a/basic/source/app/ttmsg.src b/basic/source/app/ttmsg.src
index 662cca2d9434..2d4d75f86bad 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/ttmsg.src
+++ b/basic/source/app/ttmsg.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: ttmsg.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.35 $
+ * $Revision: 1.36 $
- * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2001-12-14 16:36:03 $
+ * last change: $Author: gh $ $Date: 2002-06-26 13:06:16 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -75,603 +75,103 @@
- Text = "Name nicht vorhanden: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome inexistente: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Naam bestaat niet: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Nom inexistant : #($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "El nombre no existe: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa nie istnieje: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name nicht vorhanden: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "この名前はありません: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름이 없음: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "名称不存在:#($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "名稱不存在: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El nom no existeix: #($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nime ei ole: #($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Name doesn't exist: #($Arg1)";
- Text = "Name Doppelt: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome duplo: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele naam: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Nome double : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre doble: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podwjna nazwa: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Name Doppelt: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "名前が重複しています: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "이름이 중복됨 : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "双重名称:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "名稱雙重:($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Anomena el doble: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kaksoisnimi: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Name double: ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Einlesen der Dateien";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Leitura dos ficheiros";
- Text[ russian ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ greek ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Bestanden lezen";
- Text[ french ] = "Lecture des fichiers";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Leyendo los archivos";
- Text[ italian ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ danish ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czytanie plikw";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einlesen der Dateien";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ファイルの読み取り";
- Text[ korean ] = "파일 읽기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "读取文件";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "讀取檔案";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Reading the files";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'estan llegint els fitxers";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luetaan tiedostoja";
+ Text = "Reading the files";
- Text = "Kann Datei nicht ffnen: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel abrir ficheiro: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kan bestand niet openen: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se puede abrir el archivo: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie moe otworzy pliku: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kann Datei nicht ?ffnen: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ファイルが開けられません: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "파일이 열리지 않음: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开文件:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法開啟檔案: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El fitxer no es pot obrir: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tiedoston avaaminen ei onnistu: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "File cannot be opened: ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Zeile \"($Arg1)\" Ist ungltig.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A linha \"($Arg1)\" no vlida.";
- Text[ russian ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ greek ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Regel \"($Arg1)\" is ongeldig.";
- Text[ french ] = "Ligne \"($Arg1)\" non valable.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "La lnea \"($Arg1)\" no es vlida.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wiersz \"($Arg1)\" jest niewany.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeile \"($Arg1)\" Ist ung?tig.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "\"($Arg1)\"行は無効です。";
- Text[ korean ] = "행 \"($Arg1)\" 은 유효하지 않습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行($Arg1)无效。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行($Arg1)無效。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "La lnia \"($Arg1) no s vlida.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Rivi (Arg1) ei ole kelvollinen.";
+ Text = "Line \"($Arg1)\" is invalid.";
- Text = "Kurzname unbekannt beim Kopieren: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Abreviatura desconhecida ao copiar: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Afkorting onbekend bij kopiren: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Abrviation inconnue lors de la copie : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Abreviatura desconocida al copiar: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Skrt nazwy nieznany podczas kopiowania: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kurzname Unbekannt beim Kopieren: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "복사시에 알 수 없는 짧은 이름: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "复制时不明的简称:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "複製時檔案短名稱不明:($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El nom curt s desconegut durant la cpia: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kopioitaessa havaittu tuntematon lyhyt nimi: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Short-name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Langname unbekannt: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Long name unknown: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome desconhecido: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Long name unknown: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = " : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Naam onbekend: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Nom inconnu : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre largo desconocido: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Long name unknown: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Long name unknown: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pena nazwa nieznana: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kurzname Unbekannt beim Kopieren: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "長い名前は不明: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "알 수 없는 긴 이름: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "长名称不明:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "長檔案名稱不明:($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = " : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Short name unknown during copying: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El nom llarg s desconegut: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon pitk nimi: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Long-name unknown: ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Erster Kurzname muss mit * beginnen. berspringe.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A primeira abreviatura dever comear com *. Ignorar.";
- Text[ russian ] = "First short name must start with * . Leave out.";
- Text[ greek ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Eerste afkorting moet beginnen met *. Overslaan.";
- Text[ french ] = "La premire abrviation doit commencer par *. Ignorer.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "La primera abreviatura debe comenzar con *. Ignorar.";
- Text[ italian ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
- Text[ danish ] = "First short name must start with *. Ignore. ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pierwszy skrt nazwy musi si zaczyna na * . Omi.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Erster Kurzname mu? mit * beginnen. ?berspringe.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
- Text[ korean ] = "첫번째 짧은 이름은 반드시 * 로 시작 되어야 합니다.건너뛰기";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "第一个简称必须以 * 开头。省略。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "第一個短名稱必須以 * 開始。忽略。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "First short name must start with * . Leave out.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "First short name must start with * . Ignore.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El primer nom curt ha de comenar per *. Ignora.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ensimmisen lyhyen nimen ensimmisen merkin on oltava *. Ohita.";
+ Text = "First short-name must start with * . Ignoring.";
- Text = "Server Timeout beim Warten auf Antwort. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Server Timeout ao esperar pela resposta. Sequncia n: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Server timeout bij het wachten op antwoord. Sequentie nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Timeout du serveur lors de l'attente de la rponse. N de squence : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Desconexin temporal al esperar por respuesta. Secuencia nm.: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Server Timeout podczas czekania na odpowied. Numer sekwencji: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Server Timeout beim Warten auf Antwort. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "応答待ちの際のサーバーのタイムアウト。シーケンスNo.: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "응답을 기다릴 때 서버 타임아웃. 일련 번호: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在等候答复时服务器超时。序列号:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "伺服器等候答复超時。序列號碼: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha excedit el temps del servidor en esperar resposta. Seqncia nm. ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palvelimen aikakatkaisu vastausta odotettaessa. Jrjestysnumero: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Server Timeout while waiting for answer. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Applikation wurde neu gestartet.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "A aplicao foi reiniciada.";
- Text[ russian ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ greek ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Applicatie werd opnieuw gestart";
- Text[ french ] = "L'application a t redmarre.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Se reinici la aplicacin.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Aplikacja zostaa ponownie uruchomiona.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Applikation wurde neu gestartet.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "アプリケーションは再スタートされました。";
- Text[ korean ] = "응용 프로그램이 다시 시작 되었습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "应用程序已经重新启动。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重新啟動了應用程式。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha reiniciat l'aplicaci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sovellus on kynnistetty uudelleen.";
+ Text = "Application has been restarted.";
- Text = "Applikation \"($Arg1)\" kann nicht gestartet werden. ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel iniciar a aplicao \"($Arg1)\". ";
- Text[ russian ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ greek ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Applicatie \"($Arg1)\" kan niet worden gestart. ";
- Text[ french ] = "Impossible de lancer l'application \"($Arg1)\". ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se puede iniciar la aplicacin \"($Arg1)\". ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona uruchomi aplikacji \"($Arg1)\". ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Applikation \"($Arg1)\" kann nicht gestartet werden. ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "アプリケーション \"($Arg1)\" はスタートできません。 ";
- Text[ korean ] = "응용 프로그램 \"($Arg1)\"은(는) 시작될 수 없습니다. ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法启动应用程序($Arg1)。 ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法啟動應用程式($Arg1)。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot iniciar l'aplicaci\"($Arg1)\".";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sovelluksen ($Arg1) kynnistys ei onnistu. ";
+ Text = "Application \"($Arg1)\" cannot be started. ";
- Text = "Server Timeout beim Senden. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Server Timeout ao enviar. Sequncia n: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Server timeout bij het zenden. Sequentie nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Timeout du serveur lors de l'envoi. N de squence : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Desconexin temporal al enviar. Secuencia nm.: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Server Timeout podczas wysyania. Numer sekwencji: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Server Timeout beim Senden. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "送信の際のサーバーのタイムアウト。シーケンスNo.: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "송신시 서버 시간 초과. 일련 번호: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在寄发时服务器超时。序列号:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "伺服器發送時超時。序列號碼: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha excedit el temps del servidor en enviar. Seqncia nm. ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palvelimen aikakatkaisu lhetettess. Jrjestysnumero: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Server Timeout while sending. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text = "Keine Verbindung. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Sem ligao. Sequncia n: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ greek ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen verbinding. Sequentie nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucune connexion. N de squence : ($Arg1)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Sin conexin. Secuencia nm.: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ danish ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Brak poczenia. Numer sekwencji: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Keine Verbindung. Sequenz Nr: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "接続なし。シーケンスNo.: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "연결 안됨. 일련번호: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有连接。序列号:($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法連線。序列號碼:($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha connexi. Seqncia nm. ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei yhteytt. Jrjestysnumero: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "No connection. Sequence No: ($Arg1)";
String S_NO_FILES_FOUND // Not used anymore. needed only for old *.res files
- Text = "Keine ($Arg1) Dateien gefunden";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "No foram encontrados quaisquer ficheiros ($Arg1)";
- Text[ russian ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ greek ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geen ($Arg1) bestanden gevonden";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucun fichier ($Arg1) dtect";
- Text[ spanish ] = "No se encontr ningn archivo ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ danish ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ swedish ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie znaleziono plikw ($Arg1)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Keine ($Arg1) Dateien gefunden";
- Text[ japanese ] = "($Arg1)ファイルは見つかりません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "($Arg1) 파일을 찾지 못했습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有找到 ($Arg1) 文件";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有找到 ($Arg1) 檔案";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'han trobat els fitxers ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "($Arg1) tiedostoja ei lytynyt";
+ Text = "No ($Arg1) files found";
- Text = "** ($Arg1) Fehler aufgetreten";
- Text[ english_us ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "** ($Arg1): erros ocorridos";
- Text[ russian ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ greek ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ dutch ] = "** ($Arg1) fout opgetreden";
- Text[ french ] = "** ($Arg1) : Erreurs survenues";
- Text[ spanish ] = "** Ha ocurrido el error ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ danish ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ swedish ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ polish ] = "** Wystpio ($Arg1) bdw";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "** ($Arg1) Fehler aufgetreten";
- Text[ japanese ] = "** ($Arg1) のエラー発生";
- Text[ korean ] = "** ($Arg1) 오류 발생";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了** ($Arg1) 错误";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "** ($Arg1) 錯誤";
- Text[ arabic ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ turkish ] = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text[ catalan ] = "** S'han produt ($Arg1) errors";
- Text[ finnish ] = "** ($Arg1) virhett havaittu";
+ Text = "** ($Arg1) errors occurred";
- Text = "** Keine Fehler aufgetreten";
- Text[ english_us ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "**No ocorreram erros";
- Text[ russian ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ greek ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ dutch ] = "** Geen fouten opgetreden";
- Text[ french ] = "** Aucune erreur n'est survenue";
- Text[ spanish ] = "** No ha ocurrido ningn error";
- Text[ italian ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ danish ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ swedish ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ polish ] = "** Nie wystpiy adne bdy";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "** Keine Fehler aufgetreten";
- Text[ japanese ] = "** エラーなし";
- Text[ korean ] = "** 발생된 오류 없음.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "** 没有出现错误";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "** 沒有出現錯誤";
- Text[ arabic ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ turkish ] = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text[ catalan ] = "** No hi ha hagut cap error";
- Text[ finnish ] = "** Virheit ei ilmennyt";
+ Text = "** No errors have occurred";
- Text = "** ($Arg1) Warnungen aufgetreten";
- Text[ english_us ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "** ($Arg1)advertncias ocorridas";
- Text[ russian ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ greek ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ dutch ] = "** ($Arg1) waarschuwingen weergegeven";
- Text[ french ] = "** ($Arg1) : Avertissements survenus";
- Text[ spanish ] = "** Han aparecido las advertencias ($Arg1)";
- Text[ italian ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ danish ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ swedish ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ polish ] = "** Wystpio ($Arg1) ostrzee";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "** ($Arg1) Warnungen aufgetreten";
- Text[ japanese ] = "** ($Arg1) の警告発生";
- Text[ korean ] = "** ($Arg1) 경고 발생";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了** ($Arg1) 警告";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "** ($Arg1) 警告";
- Text[ arabic ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ turkish ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ catalan ] = "** Han aparegut les advertncies ($Arg1)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "** ($Arg1) varoitusta";
+ Text = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text = "** Keine Warnungen aufgetreten";
- Text[ english_us ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "**No ocorreram quaisquer erros";
- Text[ russian ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ greek ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ dutch ] = "** Geen waarschuwingen weergegeven";
- Text[ french ] = "** Aucun avertissement n'est survenu";
- Text[ spanish ] = "** No han aparecido advertencias";
- Text[ italian ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ danish ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ swedish ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ polish ] = "** Nie wystpiy adne ostrzeenia";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "** Keine Warnungen aufgetreten";
- Text[ japanese ] = "** 警告なし";
- Text[ korean ] = "** 발생된 경고 없음.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "** 没有出现警告";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "** 沒有警告";
- Text[ arabic ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ turkish ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ catalan ] = "** No han aparegut advertncies";
- Text[ finnish ] = "** Varoituksia ei ilmennyt";
+ Text = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text = "** ($Arg1) Warnungen bei der Initialisierung aufgetreten";
- Text[ english_us ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred during initialization";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Advertncias ** ($Arg1) durante a inicializao";
- Text[ russian ] = "** ($Arg1) ";
- Text[ greek ] = "** ($Arg1) ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "** ($Arg1) waarschuwingen weergegeven";
- Text[ french ] = "** ($Arg1) : Avertissements durant l'initialisation";
- Text[ spanish ] = "** Han aparecido las advertencias ($Arg1) durante la inicializacin";
- Text[ italian ] = "** ($Arg1) avvertenze durante l'inizializzazione";
- Text[ danish ] = "** ($Arg1) advarsler opstod under initialiseringen";
- Text[ swedish ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred during initialization";
- Text[ polish ] = "** Wystpio ($Arg1) ostrzee podczas inicjalizacji";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "** ($Arg1) Warnungen aufgetreten";
- Text[ japanese ] = "** 初期化中に ($Arg1) の警告あり";
- Text[ korean ] = "** ($Arg1) 초기화에서 경고 발생";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在初始化时发出 ** ($Arg1) 警告";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "** 在初始化時發出警告($Arg1) 警告";
- Text[ arabic ] = "** ($Arg1) ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred";
- Text[ catalan ] = "** Han aparegut les advertncies ($Arg1) durant la inicialitzaci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "** ($Arg1) varoitusta asennuksessa";
+ Text = "** ($Arg1) warnings occurred during initialization";
- Text = "** Keine Warnungen bei der Initialisierung aufgetreten";
- Text[ english_us ] = "** No warnings occurred during initialization";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "**No apareceram quaisquer advertncias durante a inicializao";
- Text[ russian ] = "** ";
- Text[ greek ] = "** ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "** Geen waarschuwingen weergegeven";
- Text[ french ] = "** Aucun avertissement durant l'initialisation";
- Text[ spanish ] = "** No han aparecido advertencias durante la inicializacin";
- Text[ italian ] = "** Nessuna avvertenza durante l'inizializzazione";
- Text[ danish ] = "** Ingen advarsler opstod under initialiseringen";
- Text[ swedish ] = "** No warnings occurred during initialization";
- Text[ polish ] = "** Nie wystpiy adne ostrzeenia podczas inicjalizacji";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "** Keine Warnungen aufgetreten";
- Text[ japanese ] = "** 初期化中に警告なし";
- Text[ korean ] = "** 초기화에서 경고가 발생하지 않았습니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "** 在初始化时没有出现警告";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "** 在初始化時沒有發出警告";
- Text[ arabic ] = "** ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "** No warnings have occurred";
- Text[ catalan ] = "** No han aparegut advertncies durant la inicialitzaci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "** Ei varoituksia asennuksessa";
+ Text = "** No warnings occurred during initialization";
- Text = "Slot/Control unbekannt :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Slot/Control desconhecido :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ russian ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ greek ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Slot/Control onbekend :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ french ] = "Slot/Control inconnu : \"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Slot/Control desconocido :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ italian ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieznany Slot/Control :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Slot/Control unbekannt :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ japanese ] = "スロット/コントロールがわかりません:\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ korean ] = "알수 없는 슬롯/컨트롤 :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不明的 Slot/Control:\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Slot/Control 不明:($Arg1)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Slot/Control desconegut :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon paikka/ohjain: ($Arg1)";
+ Text = "Slot/Control unknown :\"($Arg1)\"";
- Text = "Return Stream mit falscher Sequenz: ($Arg1) statt ($Arg2)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Return Stream com sequncia incorrecta: ($Arg1) em lugar de ($Arg2)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Return Stream met verkeerde sequentie: ($Arg1) in plaats van ($Arg2)";
- Text[ french ] = "Return Stream avec une squence errone : ($Arg1) au lieu de ($Arg2)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Return Stream con secuencia falsa: ($Arg1) en vez de ($Arg2)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Return Stream o nieprawidowej sekwencji: ($Arg1) zamiast ($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Return Stream mit falscher Sequenz: ($Arg1) statt ($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "リターンストリームのシーケンスが間違っています: ($Arg2) でなく ($Arg1)";
- Text[ korean ] = "일련 번호가 틀린 리턴 스트림: ($Arg2) 대신 ($Arg1)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "含有错误序列的返回信息流:($Arg1) 代替($Arg2)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "返回數據流的序列錯誤:($Arg1), 應該是 ($Arg2)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Return Stream amb seqncia falsa: ($Arg1) en comptes de ($Arg2)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Paluuvirran jrjestys on vr: ($Arg1) eik ($Arg2)";
+ Text = "Return Stream has wrong sequence: ($Arg1) instead of ($Arg2)";
- Text = "Returnwert Empfangen aber andere Id erwartet";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Recebido o valor Return, mas necessrio outro ID";
- Text[ russian ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ greek ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Retourwaarde ontvangen echter andere Id verwacht";
- Text[ french ] = "Valeur de renvoi reue mais attente d'un autre ID";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Recibido Valor Return, pero se esperaba otro Id";
- Text[ italian ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ danish ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odebrano warto return, ale oczekiwane jest inne ID";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returnwert Empfangen aber andere Id erwartet";
- Text[ japanese ] = "リターン値を受け取りましたが、別のIdが必要です。";
- Text[ korean ] = "반환값 수신함, 하지만 다른 Id를 기대함";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "返回值接收期待的是其它的 Id(标识符)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "接收到返回值,但是期待是其它 Id";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha rebut el valor Return, per s'esperava un altre Id";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palautusarvo saatu, mutta tunnus ei ole odotettu";
+ Text = "Return value received but different Id expected";
- Text = "Returnwert Empfangen aber kein Empfnger definiert";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Recebido o valor Return, mas o destinatrio no foi definido";
- Text[ russian ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ greek ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Retourwaarde ontvangen echter geen ontvanger gedefinieerd";
- Text[ french ] = "Valeur de renvoi reue mais aucun destinataire dfini";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Recibido valor Return sin definicin de destinatario";
- Text[ italian ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ danish ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odebrano warto return, ale brak zdefiniowanego odbiorcy";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returnwert Empfangen aber kein Empf?nger definiert";
- Text[ japanese ] = "リターン値を受け取りましたが、受信者が決定できません。";
- Text[ korean ] = "반환값 수신함, 하지만 수신자가 정의되지 않았음";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "返回值接收没有指定接收者";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "接收到返回值,但是沒有指定接收目標。";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Return value received but receiver not defined";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha rebut un valor Return sense definici del destinatari";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palautusarvo saatu, mutta vastaanottajaa ei ole mritetty";
+ Text = "Return value received but no receiver defined";
- Text = "Unbekannte Methode an Objekt : ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mtodo desconhecido ($Arg1) para ($Arg2)";
- Text[ russian ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ greek ] = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Onbekende methode aan object: ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ french ] = "Mthode inconnue vers l'objet : ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Mtodo desconocido ($Arg1) a ($Arg2)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Unknown method on object: ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieznana metoda do obiektu: ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unbekannte Methode an Objekt : ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ korean ] = "개체에 알수 없는 메소드 : ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Unknown method on object:($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "物件方式不明: ($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Unknown method '($Arg1)' to ($Arg2)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mtode desconegut ($Arg1) a ($Arg2)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon menetelm objektissa($Arg1).($Arg2)";
+ Text = "Unknown method on object :($Arg1).($Arg2)";
@@ -704,14 +204,3 @@ String