path: root/basic/source/basmgr
diff options
authorFrank Schoenheit [fs] <>2010-11-01 21:50:46 +0100
committerFrank Schoenheit [fs] <>2010-11-01 21:50:46 +0100
commit8241bf7c831b07bc19509387f1514c42bc5624c1 (patch)
tree18407af3d5aa602a8f618ea20363621e8565e673 /basic/source/basmgr
parent25553ced99b24cd4939945b3b1fa7d4843ed9947 (diff)
- introduced BasicManager::HasMacro/ExecuteMacro - removed SfxQueryMacro, superseded by BasicManager::ExecuteMacro - removed macrconf.hxx - removed SfxObjectShell::CallScript, migrated the only client to BasicManager::HasMacro/SfxObjectShell::CallXScript - removed SfxObjectShell::CallStarBasicScript, migrated the only client to SfxObjectShell::CallXScript
Diffstat (limited to 'basic/source/basmgr')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx b/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
index 84763468e64c..a491b957fef6 100644
--- a/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/basmgr/basmgr.cxx
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
#include <basic/sbmod.hxx>
#include <basic/sbobjmod.hxx>
+#include <unotools/intlwrapper.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <basic/sbuno.hxx>
#include <basic/basmgr.hxx>
@@ -1868,6 +1870,116 @@ bool BasicManager::LegacyPsswdBinaryLimitExceeded( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequen
return false;
+ SbMethod* lcl_queryMacro( BasicManager* i_manager, String const& i_fullyQualifiedName )
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 nLast = 0;
+ String sMacro = i_fullyQualifiedName;
+ String sLibName = sMacro.GetToken( 0, '.', nLast );
+ String sModule = sMacro.GetToken( 0, '.', nLast );
+ sMacro.Erase( 0, nLast );
+ IntlWrapper aIntlWrapper( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), Application::GetSettings().GetLocale() );
+ const CollatorWrapper* pCollator = aIntlWrapper.getCollator();
+ sal_uInt16 nLibCount = i_manager->GetLibCount();
+ for ( sal_uInt16 nLib = 0; nLib < nLibCount; ++nLib )
+ {
+ if ( COMPARE_EQUAL == pCollator->compareString( i_manager->GetLibName( nLib ), sLibName ) )
+ {
+ StarBASIC* pLib = i_manager->GetLib( nLib );
+ if( !pLib )
+ {
+ i_manager->LoadLib( nLib );
+ pLib = i_manager->GetLib( nLib );
+ }
+ if( pLib )
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 nModCount = pLib->GetModules()->Count();
+ for( sal_uInt16 nMod = 0; nMod < nModCount; ++nMod )
+ {
+ SbModule* pMod = (SbModule*)pLib->GetModules()->Get( nMod );
+ if ( pMod && COMPARE_EQUAL == pCollator->compareString( pMod->GetName(), sModule ) )
+ {
+ SbMethod* pMethod = (SbMethod*)pMod->Find( sMacro, SbxCLASS_METHOD );
+ if( pMethod )
+ return pMethod;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+bool BasicManager::HasMacro( String const& i_fullyQualifiedName ) const
+ return ( NULL != lcl_queryMacro( const_cast< BasicManager* >( this ), i_fullyQualifiedName ) );
+ErrCode BasicManager::ExecuteMacro( String const& i_fullyQualifiedName, SbxArray* i_arguments, SbxValue* i_retValue )
+ SbMethod* pMethod = lcl_queryMacro( this, i_fullyQualifiedName );
+ ErrCode nError = 0;
+ if ( pMethod )
+ {
+ if ( i_arguments )
+ pMethod->SetParameters( i_arguments );
+ nError = pMethod->Call( i_retValue );
+ }
+ else
+ return nError;
+ErrCode BasicManager::ExecuteMacro( String const& i_fullyQualifiedName, String const& i_commaSeparatedArgs, SbxValue* i_retValue )
+ SbMethod* pMethod = lcl_queryMacro( this, i_fullyQualifiedName );
+ if ( !pMethod )
+ // arguments must be quoted
+ String sQuotedArgs;
+ String sArgs( i_commaSeparatedArgs );
+ if ( sArgs.Len()<2 || sArgs.GetBuffer()[1] == '\"')
+ // no args or already quoted args
+ sQuotedArgs = sArgs;
+ else
+ {
+ // quote parameters
+ sArgs.Erase( 0, 1 );
+ sArgs.Erase( sArgs.Len()-1, 1 );
+ sQuotedArgs = '(';
+ sal_uInt16 nCount = sArgs.GetTokenCount(',');
+ for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; ++n )
+ {
+ sQuotedArgs += '\"';
+ sQuotedArgs += sArgs.GetToken( n, ',' );
+ sQuotedArgs += '\"';
+ if ( n<nCount-1 )
+ sQuotedArgs += ',';
+ }
+ sQuotedArgs += ')';
+ }
+ // add quoted arguments and do the call
+ String sCall( '[' );
+ sCall += pMethod->GetName();
+ sCall += sQuotedArgs;
+ sCall += ']';
+ SbxVariable* pRet = pMethod->GetParent()->Execute( sCall );
+ if ( pRet )
+ *i_retValue = *pRet;
+ return SbxBase::GetError();
class ModuleInfo_Impl : public ModuleInfoHelper