path: root/basic
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2008-01-28 13:00:06 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2008-01-28 13:00:06 +0000
commit2ce1162d9dfcc178ea947e2d32304ef7cde81566 (patch)
tree5fbd96868e4ab09dcde17933ba627e4eecb7ec69 /basic
parent6a0819abebb93f5f42dcb2b4ec5d2b0dfa2d229a (diff)
2008/01/10 16:07:20 ab #i83978# Applied PATCH from fs to consolidate exception message handling 2007/12/20 09:34:37 ab #i84040# Allow to create Exception instances in CreateUnoStruct / Dim As New ...
Diffstat (limited to 'basic')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx b/basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx
index 3aca07accc29..a04d02dce03e 100644
--- a/basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/classes/sbunoobj.cxx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: sbunoobj.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.50 $
+ * $Revision: 1.51 $
- * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-11-13 15:21:05 $
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2008-01-28 14:00:06 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
+#include <cppuhelper/exc_hlp.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/typeprovider.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/extract.hxx>
-static String aIllegalArgumentExceptionName
static OUString aSeqLevelStr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("[]") );
static OUString defaultNameSpace( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("org.openoffice") );
@@ -325,7 +324,49 @@ SbUnoObject* createOLEObject_Impl( const String& aType )
-String implGetExceptionMsg( Exception& e, const String& aExceptionType_ );
+ void lcl_indent( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& _inout_rBuffer, sal_Int32 _nLevel )
+ {
+ while ( _nLevel-- > 0 )
+ _inout_rBuffer.appendAscii( " " );
+ }
+void implAppendExceptionMsg( ::rtl::OUStringBuffer& _inout_rBuffer, const Exception& _e, const ::rtl::OUString& _rExceptionType, sal_Int32 _nLevel )
+ _inout_rBuffer.appendAscii( "\n" );
+ lcl_indent( _inout_rBuffer, _nLevel );
+ _inout_rBuffer.appendAscii( "Type: " );
+ if ( _rExceptionType.getLength() == 0 )
+ _inout_rBuffer.appendAscii( "Unknown" );
+ else
+ _inout_rBuffer.append( _rExceptionType );
+ _inout_rBuffer.appendAscii( "\n" );
+ lcl_indent( _inout_rBuffer, _nLevel );
+ _inout_rBuffer.appendAscii( "Message: " );
+ _inout_rBuffer.append( _e.Message );
+// Fehlermeldungs-Message bei Exception zusammenbauen
+::rtl::OUString implGetExceptionMsg( const Exception& e, const ::rtl::OUString& aExceptionType_ )
+ ::rtl::OUStringBuffer aMessageBuf;
+ implAppendExceptionMsg( aMessageBuf, e, aExceptionType_, 0 );
+ return aMessageBuf.makeStringAndClear();
+String implGetExceptionMsg( const Any& _rCaughtException )
+ OSL_PRECOND( _rCaughtException.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_EXCEPTION, "implGetExceptionMsg: illegal argument!" );
+ if ( _rCaughtException.getValueTypeClass() != TypeClass_EXCEPTION )
+ return String();
+ return implGetExceptionMsg( *static_cast< const Exception* >( _rCaughtException.getValue() ), _rCaughtException.getValueTypeName() );
Any convertAny( const Any& rVal, const Type& aDestType )
@@ -335,10 +376,10 @@ Any convertAny( const Any& rVal, const Type& aDestType )
aConvertedVal = xConverter->convertTo( rVal, aDestType );
- catch( IllegalArgumentException& e1 )
+ catch( const IllegalArgumentException& )
- implGetExceptionMsg( e1, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
+ implGetExceptionMsg( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ) );
return aConvertedVal;
catch( CannotConvertException& e2 )
@@ -374,33 +415,15 @@ Reference<XIdlClass> TypeToIdlClass( const Type& rType )
return xRetClass;
-// Fehlermeldungs-Message bei Exception zusammenbauen
-String implGetExceptionMsg( Exception& e, const String& aExceptionType_ )
- String aExceptionType = aExceptionType_;
- if( aExceptionType.Len() == 0 )
- aExceptionType = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Unknown" ) );
- String aTypeLine( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("\nType: " ) );
- aTypeLine += aExceptionType;
- String aMessageLine( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("\nMessage: " ) );
- aMessageLine += String( e.Message );
- String aMsg = aTypeLine;
- aMsg += aMessageLine;
- return aMsg;
// Exception type unknown
-String implGetExceptionMsg( Exception& e )
+template< class EXCEPTION >
+String implGetExceptionMsg( const EXCEPTION& e )
- String aMsg = implGetExceptionMsg( e, String() );
- return aMsg;
+ return implGetExceptionMsg( e, ::getCppuType( &e ).getTypeName() );
// Error-Message fuer WrappedTargetExceptions
-String implGetWrappedMsg( WrappedTargetException& e )
+String implGetWrappedMsg( const WrappedTargetException& e )
String aMsg;
Any aWrappedAny = e.TargetException;
@@ -409,7 +432,7 @@ String implGetWrappedMsg( WrappedTargetException& e )
// Really an Exception?
if( aExceptionType.getTypeClass() == TypeClass_EXCEPTION )
- RuntimeException& e_ = *( (RuntimeException*)aWrappedAny.getValue() );
+ Exception& e_ = *( (Exception*)aWrappedAny.getValue() );
aMsg = implGetExceptionMsg( e_, String( aExceptionType.getTypeName() ) );
// Otherwise use WrappedTargetException itself
@@ -427,23 +450,72 @@ void implHandleBasicErrorException( BasicErrorException& e )
StarBASIC::Error( nError, e.ErrorMessageArgument );
-void implHandleWrappedTargetException( WrappedTargetException& e )
+void implHandleWrappedTargetException( const Any& _rWrappedTargetException )
- SbError nError;
- String aMessage;
- Any aWrappedAny = e.TargetException;
- if ( aWrappedAny.getValueType() == ::getCppuType( (BasicErrorException*)NULL ) )
+ Any aExamine( _rWrappedTargetException );
+ // completely strip the first InvocationTargetException, its error message isn't of any
+ // interest to the user, it just says something like "invoking the UNO method went wrong.".
+ InvocationTargetException aInvocationError;
+ if ( aExamine >>= aInvocationError )
+ aExamine = aInvocationError.TargetException;
+ BasicErrorException aBasicError;
+ ::rtl::OUStringBuffer aMessageBuf;
+ // strip any other WrappedTargetException instances, but this time preserve the error messages.
+ WrappedTargetException aWrapped;
+ sal_Int32 nLevel = 0;
+ while ( aExamine >>= aWrapped )
+ {
+ // special handling for BasicErrorException errors
+ if ( aWrapped.TargetException >>= aBasicError )
+ {
+ nError = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( (USHORT)aBasicError.ErrorCode );
+ aMessageBuf.append( aBasicError.ErrorMessageArgument );
+ aExamine.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ // append this round's message
+ implAppendExceptionMsg( aMessageBuf, aWrapped, aExamine.getValueTypeName(), nLevel );
+ if ( aWrapped.TargetException.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_EXCEPTION )
+ // there is a next chain element
+ aMessageBuf.appendAscii( "\nTargetException:" );
+ // next round
+ aExamine = aWrapped.TargetException;
+ ++nLevel;
+ }
+ if ( aExamine.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_EXCEPTION )
+ {
+ // the last element in the chain is still an exception, but no WrappedTargetException
+ implAppendExceptionMsg( aMessageBuf, *static_cast< const Exception* >( aExamine.getValue() ), aExamine.getValueTypeName(), nLevel );
+ }
+ StarBASIC::Error( nError, aMessageBuf.makeStringAndClear() );
+static void implHandleAnyException( const Any& _rCaughtException )
+ BasicErrorException aBasicError;
+ WrappedTargetException aWrappedError;
+ if ( _rCaughtException >>= aBasicError )
+ {
+ implHandleBasicErrorException( aBasicError );
+ }
+ else if ( _rCaughtException >>= aWrappedError )
- BasicErrorException& be = *( (BasicErrorException*)aWrappedAny.getValue() );
- nError = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( (USHORT)be.ErrorCode );
- aMessage = be.ErrorMessageArgument;
+ implHandleWrappedTargetException( _rCaughtException );
- aMessage = implGetWrappedMsg( e );
+ StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( _rCaughtException ) );
- StarBASIC::Error( nError, aMessage );
// Von Uno nach Sbx wandeln
@@ -1128,10 +1200,10 @@ static Any implRekMultiDimArrayToSequence( SbxDimArray* pArray,
// In die Sequence uebernehmen
xArray->set( aRetVal, i, aElementVal );
- catch( IllegalArgumentException& e1 )
+ catch( const IllegalArgumentException& )
- implGetExceptionMsg( e1, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
+ implGetExceptionMsg( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ) );
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException&)
@@ -1297,10 +1369,10 @@ Any sbxToUnoValue( SbxVariable* pVar, const Type& rType, Property* pUnoProperty
// In die Sequence uebernehmen
xArray->set( aRetVal, i, aAnyValue );
- catch( IllegalArgumentException& e1 )
+ catch( const IllegalArgumentException& )
- implGetExceptionMsg( e1, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
+ implGetExceptionMsg( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ) );
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException&)
@@ -1901,21 +1973,9 @@ void SbUnoObject::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
// Wert von Uno nach Sbx uebernehmen
unoToSbxValue( pVar, aRetAny );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
- {
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
- }
- catch( Exception& e3 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e3 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
else if( bInvocation && )
@@ -1928,21 +1988,9 @@ void SbUnoObject::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
// Wert von Uno nach Sbx uebernehmen
unoToSbxValue( pVar, aRetAny );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
- }
- catch( Exception& e3 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e3 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
@@ -1967,26 +2015,9 @@ void SbUnoObject::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
// nicht optimal, aber die Umstellung auf XInvocation steht ja ohnehin an
// Ansonsten kann auch FastPropertySet genutzt werden
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
- {
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( IllegalArgumentException& e2 )
- {
- implGetExceptionMsg( e2, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e3 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e3 ) );
- }
- catch( Exception& e4 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e4 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
else if( bInvocation && )
@@ -1998,21 +2029,9 @@ void SbUnoObject::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
// Wert setzen
mxInvocation->setValue( pProp->GetName(), aAnyValue );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
- }
- catch( Exception& e3 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e3 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
@@ -2199,35 +2218,10 @@ void SbUnoObject::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType,
if( pParams )
pVar->SetParameters( NULL );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
- {
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
- }
- catch( IllegalArgumentException& e3)
- {
- implGetExceptionMsg( e3, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
- }
- catch( Exception& e4 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e4 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
- /*
- catch( NullPointerException& e1 )
- {
- }
- catch( InvocationTargetException& e2 )
- {
- }
- */
GetSbData()->bBlockCompilerError = FALSE; // #106433 Unblock compiler errors
@@ -2628,29 +2622,13 @@ SbxVariable* SbUnoObject::Find( const XubString& rName, SbxClassType t )
StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e ) );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
- {
- // Anlegen, damit der Exception-Fehler nicht ueberschrieben wird
- if( !pRes )
- pRes = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT );
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- // Anlegen, damit der Exception-Fehler nicht ueberschrieben wird
- if( !pRes )
- pRes = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT );
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
// Anlegen, damit der Exception-Fehler nicht ueberschrieben wird
if( !pRes )
pRes = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT );
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
@@ -2820,7 +2798,7 @@ SbUnoObject* Impl_CreateUnoStruct( const String& aClassName )
// Ist es ueberhaupt ein struct?
TypeClass eType = xClass->getTypeClass();
- if( eType != TypeClass_STRUCT )
+ if ( ( eType != TypeClass_STRUCT ) && ( eType != TypeClass_EXCEPTION ) )
return NULL;
// Instanz erzeugen
@@ -2916,21 +2894,9 @@ void RTL_Impl_CreateUnoService( StarBASIC* pBasic, SbxArray& rPar, BOOL bWrite )
xInterface = xFactory->createInstance( aServiceName );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
- {
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
- }
- catch( Exception& e3 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e3 ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
@@ -3244,22 +3210,9 @@ SbxVariable* SbUnoClass::Find( const XubString& rName, SbxClassType t )
pRes->SetName( rName );
unoToSbxValue( pRes, aAny );
- catch( BasicErrorException& e0 )
- {
- implHandleBasicErrorException( e0 );
- }
- catch( WrappedTargetException& e1 )
- {
- implHandleWrappedTargetException( e1 );
- }
- catch( RuntimeException& e2 )
- {
- StarBASIC::Error( ERRCODE_BASIC_EXCEPTION, implGetExceptionMsg( e2 ) );
- }
- catch( IllegalArgumentException& e3 )
+ catch( const Exception& )
- implGetExceptionMsg( e3, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
+ implHandleAnyException( ::cppu::getCaughtException() );
@@ -3761,7 +3714,7 @@ void RTL_Impl_CreateUnoValue( StarBASIC* pBasic, SbxArray& rPar, BOOL bWrite )
catch( IllegalArgumentException& e1 )
- implGetExceptionMsg( e1, aIllegalArgumentExceptionName ) );
+ implGetExceptionMsg( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ) );
catch( CannotConvertException& e2 )