path: root/basic
diff options
authorRüdiger Timm <>2007-04-26 07:31:45 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2007-04-26 07:31:45 +0000
commitc802688d54bcadde11f5bde41d84035a810cd6cd (patch)
tree6f2447abc7790729aa45744b35c0845a3adc8b00 /basic
parentbd6eb9f53fce67172d5bee4178be6113b3c8f317 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS residcleanup (1.31.10); FILE MERGED
2007/02/18 21:06:55 pl #i74635# get rid of implicit global ResMgr
Diffstat (limited to 'basic')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/app/dialogs.cxx b/basic/source/app/dialogs.cxx
index 69adc2de6eed..ef704e145514 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/dialogs.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/app/dialogs.cxx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: dialogs.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.31 $
+ * $Revision: 1.32 $
- * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2007-01-23 11:11:32 $
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-04-26 08:31:45 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@@ -106,15 +106,16 @@
#include "basic.hrc"
#include "app.hxx"
+#include "basrid.hxx"
#include "_version.h"
AboutDialog::AboutDialog( Window* pParent, const ResId& id )
: ModalDialog( pParent, id )
-, a1( this, ResId( 1 ) )
-, a4( this, ResId( 4 ) )
-, aVersionString( this, ResId( RID_VERSIONSTRING ) )
-, aOk ( this, ResId( RID_OK ) )
+, a1( this, ResId( 1, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, a4( this, ResId( 4, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aVersionString( this, ResId( RID_VERSIONSTRING, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aOk ( this, ResId( RID_OK, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
@@ -123,10 +124,10 @@ AboutDialog::AboutDialog( Window* pParent, const ResId& id )
FindDialog::FindDialog( Window* pParent, const ResId& id, String& Text )
: ModalDialog( pParent, id )
-, aFT1( this, ResId( RID_FIXEDTEXT1 ) )
-, aFind( this, ResId( RID_FIND ) )
-, aOk( this, ResId( RID_OK ) )
-, aCancel( this, ResId( RID_CANCEL ) )
+, aFT1( this, ResId( RID_FIXEDTEXT1, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aFind( this, ResId( RID_FIND, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aOk( this, ResId( RID_OK, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aCancel( this, ResId( RID_CANCEL, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
pFind = &Text;
@@ -148,12 +149,12 @@ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( FindDialog, ButtonClick, Button *, pB )
ReplaceDialog::ReplaceDialog(Window* pParent, const ResId& id, String& Old, String& New )
: ModalDialog( pParent, id )
-, aFT1( this, ResId( RID_FIXEDTEXT1 ) )
-, aFT2( this, ResId( RID_FIXEDTEXT2 ) )
-, aFind( this, ResId( RID_FIND ) )
-, aReplace(this, ResId( RID_REPLACE ) )
-, aOk( this, ResId( RID_OK ) )
-, aCancel( this, ResId( RID_CANCEL ) )
+, aFT1( this, ResId( RID_FIXEDTEXT1, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aFT2( this, ResId( RID_FIXEDTEXT2, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aFind( this, ResId( RID_FIND, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aReplace(this, ResId( RID_REPLACE, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aOk( this, ResId( RID_OK, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
+, aCancel( this, ResId( RID_CANCEL, *id.GetResMgr() ) )
pFind = &Old;
@@ -186,9 +187,9 @@ void CheckButtons( ComboBox &aCB, Button &aNewB, Button &aDelB )
ConfEdit::ConfEdit( Window* pParent, USHORT nResText, USHORT nResEdit, USHORT nResButton, const ByteString& aKN, Config &aConf )
-: PushButton( pParent, ResId(nResButton) )
-, aText( pParent, ResId(nResText) )
-, aEdit( pParent, ResId(nResEdit) )
+: PushButton( pParent, SttResId(nResButton) )
+, aText( pParent, SttResId(nResText) )
+, aEdit( pParent, SttResId(nResEdit) )
, aKeyName(aKN)
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ void ConfEdit::Click()
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog( Window* pParent, const ResId& aResId )
: TabDialog( pParent, aResId )
-, aTabCtrl( this, ResId( RES_TC_OPTIONS ) )
+, aTabCtrl( this, ResId( RES_TC_OPTIONS, *aResId.GetResMgr() ) )
, aOK( this )
, aCancel( this )
, aConfig( Config::GetConfigName( Config::GetDefDirectory(), CUniString("testtool") ) )
@@ -329,22 +330,22 @@ const ByteString ProfilePrefix("_profile_");
const USHORT ProfilePrefixLen = ProfilePrefix.Len();
ProfileOptions::ProfileOptions( Window* pParent, Config &rConfig )
-: TabPage( pParent, ResId( RID_TP_PROFILE ) )
+: TabPage( pParent, SttResId( RID_TP_PROFILE ) )
, rConf( rConfig )
-, aFlProfile( this, ResId( RID_FL_PROFILE ) )
-, aCbProfile( this, ResId( RID_CB_PROFILE ) )
-, aPbNewProfile( this, ResId( RID_PB_NEW_PROFILE ) )
-, aPbDelProfile( this, ResId( RID_PD_DEL_PROFILE ) )
+, aFlProfile( this, SttResId( RID_FL_PROFILE ) )
+, aCbProfile( this, SttResId( RID_CB_PROFILE ) )
+, aPbNewProfile( this, SttResId( RID_PB_NEW_PROFILE ) )
+, aPbDelProfile( this, SttResId( RID_PD_DEL_PROFILE ) )
-, aDirs( this, ResId(FL_DIRECTORIES) )
+, aDirs( this, SttResId(FL_DIRECTORIES) )
, aLog( this, LOG_TEXT, LOG_NAME, LOG_SET ,"LogBaseDir", rConfig )
, aBasis( this, BASIS_TEXT, BASIS_NAME, BASIS_SET ,"BaseDir", rConfig )
, aHID( this, HID_TEXT, HID_NAME, HID_SET ,"HIDDir", rConfig )
-, aAutoReload( this, ResId(CB_AUTORELOAD) )
-, aAutoSave( this, ResId(CB_AUTOSAVE) )
-, aStopOnSyntaxError( this, ResId(CB_STOPONSYNTAXERRORS) )
+, aAutoReload( this, SttResId(CB_AUTORELOAD) )
+, aAutoSave( this, SttResId(CB_AUTOSAVE) )
+, aStopOnSyntaxError( this, SttResId(CB_STOPONSYNTAXERRORS) )
@@ -471,19 +472,19 @@ void ProfileOptions::Save( Config &rConfig )
MiscOptions::MiscOptions( Window* pParent, Config &aConfig )
-: TabPage( pParent, ResId( RID_TP_MISC ) )
-, aFLCommunication( this, ResId(FL_COMMUNICATION) )
-, aFTHost( this, ResId(FT_HOST) )
-, aEDHost( this, ResId(ED_HOST) )
-, aFTTTPort( this, ResId(FT_TTPORT) )
-, aNFTTPort( this, ResId(NF_TTPORT) )
-, aFTUNOPort( this, ResId(FT_UNOPORT) )
-, aNFUNOPort( this, ResId(NF_UNOPORT) )
-, aOther( this, ResId(FL_OTHER) )
-, aTimeoutText( this, ResId(TIMEOUT_TEXT) )
-, aServerTimeout( this, ResId(SERVER_TIMEOUT) )
-, aFTLRU( this, ResId(FT_LRU) )
-, aTFMaxLRU( this, ResId(TF_MAX_LRU) )
+: TabPage( pParent, SttResId( RID_TP_MISC ) )
+, aFLCommunication( this, SttResId(FL_COMMUNICATION) )
+, aFTHost( this, SttResId(FT_HOST) )
+, aEDHost( this, SttResId(ED_HOST) )
+, aFTTTPort( this, SttResId(FT_TTPORT) )
+, aNFTTPort( this, SttResId(NF_TTPORT) )
+, aFTUNOPort( this, SttResId(FT_UNOPORT) )
+, aNFUNOPort( this, SttResId(NF_UNOPORT) )
+, aOther( this, SttResId(FL_OTHER) )
+, aTimeoutText( this, SttResId(TIMEOUT_TEXT) )
+, aServerTimeout( this, SttResId(SERVER_TIMEOUT) )
+, aFTLRU( this, SttResId(FT_LRU) )
+, aTFMaxLRU( this, SttResId(TF_MAX_LRU) )
@@ -532,14 +533,14 @@ void MiscOptions::Save( Config &aConfig )
FontOptions::FontOptions( Window* pParent, Config &aConfig )
-: TabPage( pParent, ResId( RID_TP_FONT ) )
-, aFTFontName( this, ResId(FT_FONTNAME) )
-, aFontName( this, ResId(CB_FONTNAME) )
-, aFTStyle( this, ResId(FT_FONTSTYLE) )
-, aFontStyle( this, ResId(CB_FONTSTYLE) )
-, aFTSize( this, ResId(FT_FONTSIZE) )
-, aFontSize( this, ResId(MB_FONTSIZE) )
-, aFTPreview( this, ResId(FT_PREVIEW) )
+: TabPage( pParent, SttResId( RID_TP_FONT ) )
+, aFTFontName( this, SttResId(FT_FONTNAME) )
+, aFontName( this, SttResId(CB_FONTNAME) )
+, aFTStyle( this, SttResId(FT_FONTSTYLE) )
+, aFontStyle( this, SttResId(CB_FONTSTYLE) )
+, aFTSize( this, SttResId(FT_FONTSIZE) )
+, aFontSize( this, SttResId(MB_FONTSIZE) )
+, aFTPreview( this, SttResId(FT_PREVIEW) )
, aFontList( this )
@@ -612,20 +613,20 @@ void FontOptions::Save( Config &aConfig )
GenericOptions::GenericOptions( Window* pParent, Config &aConfig )
-: TabPage( pParent, ResId( RID_TP_GENERIC ) )
+: TabPage( pParent, SttResId( RID_TP_GENERIC ) )
, aConf( aConfig )
-, aFlArea( this, ResId( RID_FL_AREA ) )
-, aCbArea( this, ResId( RID_CB_AREA ) )
-, aPbNewArea( this, ResId( RID_PB_NEW_AREA ) )
-, aPbDelArea( this, ResId( RID_PD_DEL_AREA ) )
+, aFlArea( this, SttResId( RID_FL_AREA ) )
+, aCbArea( this, SttResId( RID_CB_AREA ) )
+, aPbNewArea( this, SttResId( RID_PB_NEW_AREA ) )
+, aPbDelArea( this, SttResId( RID_PD_DEL_AREA ) )
-, aFlValue( this, ResId( RID_FL_VALUE ) )
-, aCbValue( this, ResId( RID_CB_VALUE ) )
+, aFlValue( this, SttResId( RID_FL_VALUE ) )
+, aCbValue( this, SttResId( RID_CB_VALUE ) )
-, aPbSelectPath( this, ResId( RID_PB_SELECT_FILE ) )
-, aPbNewValue( this, ResId( RID_PB_NEW_VALUE ) )
-, aPbDelValue( this, ResId( RID_PB_DEL_VALUE ) )
+, aPbSelectPath( this, SttResId( RID_PB_SELECT_FILE ) )
+, aPbNewValue( this, SttResId( RID_PB_NEW_VALUE ) )
+, aPbDelValue( this, SttResId( RID_PB_DEL_VALUE ) )
, nMoveButtons( 0 )
, bShowSelectPath( FALSE )
@@ -940,16 +941,16 @@ void TextAndWin::Resize()
DisplayHidDlg::DisplayHidDlg( Window * pParent )
-: FloatingWindow( pParent, ResId( IDD_DISPLAY_HID ) )
-, aTbConf( this, ResId( RID_TB_CONF ) )
-, aFtControls( this, ResId( RID_FT_CONTROLS ) )
-, aMlbControls( this, ResId( RID_MLB_CONTROLS ) )
-, aFtSlots( this, ResId( RID_FT_SLOTS ) )
-, aMlbSlots( this, ResId( RID_MLB_SLOTS ) )
-, aPbKopieren( this, ResId( RID_PB_KOPIEREN ) )
-, aPbBenennen( this, ResId( RID_PB_BENENNEN ) )
-, aPbSelectAll( this, ResId( RID_PB_SELECTALL ) )
-, aOKClose( this, ResId( RID_OK_CLOSE ) )
+: FloatingWindow( pParent, SttResId( IDD_DISPLAY_HID ) )
+, aTbConf( this, SttResId( RID_TB_CONF ) )
+, aFtControls( this, SttResId( RID_FT_CONTROLS ) )
+, aMlbControls( this, SttResId( RID_MLB_CONTROLS ) )
+, aFtSlots( this, SttResId( RID_FT_SLOTS ) )
+, aMlbSlots( this, SttResId( RID_MLB_SLOTS ) )
+, aPbKopieren( this, SttResId( RID_PB_KOPIEREN ) )
+, aPbBenennen( this, SttResId( RID_PB_BENENNEN ) )
+, aPbSelectAll( this, SttResId( RID_PB_SELECTALL ) )
+, aOKClose( this, SttResId( RID_OK_CLOSE ) )
, nDisplayMode( DH_MODE_KURZNAME | DH_MODE_LANGNAME ) // Falls wir ein altes Office haben diesen Default verwenden
@@ -1089,7 +1090,7 @@ void DisplayHidDlg::AddData( WinInfoRec* pWinInfo )
if ( pWinInfo->aLangname.Len() > 0 )
aMsg += pWinInfo->aLangname;
- aMsg += String( ResId( IDS_NO_LONGNAME ) );
+ aMsg += String( SttResId( IDS_NO_LONGNAME ) );
aMlbControls.InsertEntry( aMsg );
@@ -1107,7 +1108,7 @@ void DisplayHidDlg::AddData( WinInfoRec* pWinInfo )
if ( pWinInfo->aLangname.Len() > 0 )
aMsg += pWinInfo->aLangname;
- aMsg += String( ResId( IDS_NO_LONGNAME ) );
+ aMsg += String( SttResId( IDS_NO_LONGNAME ) );
aMlbSlots.InsertEntry( aMsg );
@@ -1188,21 +1189,21 @@ void DisplayHidDlg::Resize()
VarEditDialog::VarEditDialog( Window * pParent, SbxVariable *pPVar )
-: ModelessDialog( pParent, ResId( IDD_EDIT_VAR ) )
-, aFixedTextRID_FT_NAME( this, ResId( RID_FT_NAME ) )
-, aFixedTextRID_FT_CONTENT( this, ResId( RID_FT_CONTENT ) )
-, aFixedTextRID_FT_NEW_CONTENT( this, ResId( RID_FT_NEW_CONTENT ) )
-, aFixedTextRID_FT_NAME_VALUE( this, ResId( RID_FT_NAME_VALUE ) )
-, aRadioButtonRID_RB_NEW_BOOL_T( this, ResId( RID_RB_NEW_BOOL_T ) )
-, aRadioButtonRID_RB_NEW_BOOL_F( this, ResId( RID_RB_NEW_BOOL_F ) )
-, aNumericFieldRID_NF_NEW_INTEGER( this, ResId( RID_NF_NEW_INTEGER ) )
-, aNumericFieldRID_NF_NEW_LONG( this, ResId( RID_NF_NEW_LONG ) )
-, aOKButtonRID_OK( this, ResId( RID_OK ) )
-, aCancelButtonRID_CANCEL( this, ResId( RID_CANCEL ) )
+: ModelessDialog( pParent, SttResId( IDD_EDIT_VAR ) )
+, aFixedTextRID_FT_NAME( this, SttResId( RID_FT_NAME ) )
+, aFixedTextRID_FT_CONTENT( this, SttResId( RID_FT_CONTENT ) )
+, aFixedTextRID_FT_NEW_CONTENT( this, SttResId( RID_FT_NEW_CONTENT ) )
+, aFixedTextRID_FT_NAME_VALUE( this, SttResId( RID_FT_NAME_VALUE ) )
+, aRadioButtonRID_RB_NEW_BOOL_T( this, SttResId( RID_RB_NEW_BOOL_T ) )
+, aRadioButtonRID_RB_NEW_BOOL_F( this, SttResId( RID_RB_NEW_BOOL_F ) )
+, aNumericFieldRID_NF_NEW_INTEGER( this, SttResId( RID_NF_NEW_INTEGER ) )
+, aNumericFieldRID_NF_NEW_LONG( this, SttResId( RID_NF_NEW_LONG ) )
+, aEditRID_ED_NEW_STRING( this, SttResId( RID_ED_NEW_STRING ) )
+, aOKButtonRID_OK( this, SttResId( RID_OK ) )
+, aCancelButtonRID_CANCEL( this, SttResId( RID_CANCEL ) )
, pVar( pPVar )
aFixedTextRID_FT_NAME_VALUE.SetText( pVar->GetName() );
@@ -1347,7 +1348,7 @@ SvNumberformat::
if ( bError )
// ErrorBox( this, WB_OK | WB_DEF_OK, "Der Wert ist ung�ltig und kann daher nicht gesetzt werden" ).Execute();
- ErrorBox( this, ResId( IDS_INVALID_VALUE ) ).Execute();
+ ErrorBox( this, SttResId( IDS_INVALID_VALUE ) ).Execute();
return 1;