path: root/bin/gbuild-to-ide
diff options
authorBjoern Michaelsen <>2013-11-15 18:39:46 +0100
committerBjörn Michaelsen <>2013-11-19 05:32:30 -0600
commitba99e296077e6bc6d6a153d01a45bd9ebe1a1d35 (patch)
treeb0ba8b7a2edba0e075c4ceb8e85d905e2b6c0c35 /bin/gbuild-to-ide
parent3773201d5973d40f0b6a67930adeaed36f1494c9 (diff)
related fdo#70414 gbuild to ide: kdevelop
This provides kdevelop integration and generates one project file for each old-style module (top level dir). This project file has: - has four build configurations: - build the module of the project or build all of LibreOffice - for each of the above a debug and a nondebug build - has seven launch targets: - running the unitchecks, the slowchecks and subsequentchecks - for each of the above once for the module and once for all - running LibreOffice interactively - has custom include paths and thus provides full autocompletion Change-Id: I6dd51133147d019fc403e3bd814bc6103df94cac Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Björn Michaelsen <> Tested-by: Björn Michaelsen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/gbuild-to-ide')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/gbuild-to-ide b/bin/gbuild-to-ide
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..d18ee84eb519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gbuild-to-ide
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import argparse
+import inspect
+import os
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import re
+import sys
+class GbuildParserState:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.include = []
+ self.defs = {}
+ self.cxxobjects = []
+ self.linked_libs = []
+class GbuildLinkTarget:
+ def __init__(self, name, location, include, defs, cxxobjects, linked_libs):
+ (, self.location, self.include, self.defs, self.cxxobjects, self.linked_libs) = (name, location, include, defs, cxxobjects, linked_libs)
+ def short_name(self):
+ return
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%s at %s with include path: %s, defines %s, objects: %s and linked libs: %s' % (self.short_name(), self.location, self.include, self.defs, self.cxxobjects, self.linked_libs)
+class GbuildLib(GbuildLinkTarget):
+ def __init__(self, name, location, include, defs, cxxobjects, linked_libs):
+ GbuildLinkTarget.__init__(self, name, location, include, defs, cxxobjects, linked_libs)
+ def short_name(self):
+ return 'Library %s' %
+class GbuildExe(GbuildLinkTarget):
+ def __init__(self, name, location, include, defs, cxxobjects, linked_libs):
+ GbuildLinkTarget.__init__(self, name, location, include, defs, cxxobjects, linked_libs)
+ def short_name(self):
+ return 'Executable %s' %
+class GbuildParser:
+ makecmdpattern = re.compile('^MAKE_COMMAND := (.*)')
+ srcdirpattern = re.compile('^SRCDIR = (.*)')
+ builddirpattern = re.compile('^BUILDDIR = (.*)')
+ instdirpattern = re.compile('^INSTDIR = (.*)')
+ libpattern = re.compile('# [a-z]+ to execute \(from `(.*)/Library_(.*)\.mk\', line [0-9]*\):')
+ exepattern = re.compile('# [a-z]+ to execute \(from `(.*)/Executable_(.*)\.mk\', line [0-9]*\):')
+ includepattern = re.compile('# INCLUDE := (.*)')
+ defspattern = re.compile('# DEFS := (.*)')
+ cxxpattern = re.compile('# CXXOBJECTS := (.*)')
+ linkedlibspattern = re.compile('# LINKED_LIBS := (.*)')
+ def __init__(self):
+ (self.makecmd, self.srcdir, self.builddir, self.instdir, self.libs, self.exes) = ('', '', '', '', [], [])
+ def parse(self, gbuildstate):
+ state = GbuildParserState()
+ for line in gbuildstate:
+ if not line.startswith('#'):
+ makecmdmatch = GbuildParser.makecmdpattern.match(line)
+ if makecmdmatch:
+ self.makecmd =
+ # FIXME: Hack
+ if self.makecmd == 'make':
+ self.makecmd = '/usr/bin/make'
+ continue
+ srcdirmatch = GbuildParser.srcdirpattern.match(line)
+ if srcdirmatch:
+ self.srcdir =
+ continue
+ builddirmatch = GbuildParser.builddirpattern.match(line)
+ if builddirmatch:
+ self.builddir =
+ continue
+ instdirmatch = GbuildParser.instdirpattern.match(line)
+ if instdirmatch:
+ self.instdir =
+ continue
+ state = GbuildParserState()
+ continue
+ libmatch = GbuildParser.libpattern.match(line)
+ if libmatch:
+ self.libs.append(GbuildLib(,, state.include, state.defs, state.cxxobjects, state.linked_libs))
+ state = GbuildParserState()
+ continue
+ exematch = GbuildParser.exepattern.match(line)
+ if exematch:
+ self.exes.append(GbuildExe(,, state.include, state.defs, state.cxxobjects, state.linked_libs))
+ state = GbuildParserState()
+ continue
+ includematch = GbuildParser.includepattern.match(line)
+ if includematch:
+ state.include = [includeswitch.strip()[2:] for includeswitch in' ') if len(includeswitch) > 2]
+ continue
+ defsmatch = GbuildParser.defspattern.match(line)
+ if defsmatch:
+ alldefs = [defswitch.strip()[2:] for defswitch in' ') if len(defswitch) >2]
+ for d in alldefs:
+ defparts = d.split('=')
+ if len(defparts) == 1:
+ defparts.append(None)
+ state.defs[defparts[0]] = defparts[1]
+ continue
+ cxxmatch = GbuildParser.cxxpattern.match(line)
+ if cxxmatch:
+ state.cxxobjects = [obj for obj in' ') if len(obj) > 0]
+ continue
+ linkedlibsmatch = GbuildParser.linkedlibspattern.match(line)
+ if linkedlibsmatch:
+ state.linked_libs =' ')
+ continue
+ #we could match a lot of other stuff here if needed for integration rpaths etc.
+ return self
+class IdeIntegrationGenerator:
+ def __init__(self, gbuildparser):
+ self.gbuildparser = gbuildparser
+ def emit(self):
+ pass
+class DebugIntegrationGenerator(IdeIntegrationGenerator):
+ def __init__(self, gbuildparser):
+ IdeIntegrationGenerator.__init__(self, gbuildparser)
+ def emit(self):
+ print(self.gbuildparser.srcdir)
+ print(self.gbuildparser.builddir)
+ for lib in self.gbuildparser.libs:
+ print(lib)
+ for exe in self.gbuildparser.exes:
+ print(exe)
+class KdevelopIntegrationGenerator(IdeIntegrationGenerator):
+ def encode_int(self, i):
+ temp = '%08x' % i
+ return '\\x%s\\x%s\\x%s\\x%s' % (temp[0:2], temp[2:4], temp[4:6], temp[6:8])
+ def encode_string(self, string):
+ result = self.encode_int(len(string)*2)
+ for c in string.encode('utf-16-be'):
+ if c in range(32,126):
+ result += chr(c)
+ else:
+ result += '\\x%02x' % c
+ return result
+ def generate_buildsystemconfigtool(self, configid, tool, args, exe, typenr):
+ return KdevelopIntegrationGenerator.buildsystemconfigtooltemplate % { 'configid' : configid, 'tool' : tool, 'args' : args, 'exe' : exe, 'typenr' : typenr }
+ buildsystemconfigtooltemplate = """
+ def generate_buildsystemconfig(self, configid, moduledir, builddir, title, buildparms = ''):
+ result = KdevelopIntegrationGenerator.buildsystemconfigtemplate % { 'configid' : configid, 'builddir' : builddir, 'title' : title }
+ pathid = 0
+ result += self.generate_buildsystemconfigtool(configid, 'Clean', 'clean %s' % buildparms, self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 3)
+ result += self.generate_buildsystemconfigtool(configid, 'Build', 'all %s' % buildparms, self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 0)
+ return result
+ buildsystemconfigtemplate = """
+ def generate_buildsystem(self, moduledir):
+ result = KdevelopIntegrationGenerator.buildsystemtemplate % { 'defaultconfigid' : 0 }
+ result += self.generate_buildsystemconfig(0, moduledir, moduledir, 'Module Build -- Release')
+ result += self.generate_buildsystemconfig(1, moduledir, self.gbuildparser.builddir, 'Full Build -- Release')
+ result += self.generate_buildsystemconfig(2, moduledir, moduledir, 'Module Build -- Debug', 'debug=T')
+ result += self.generate_buildsystemconfig(3, moduledir, self.gbuildparser.builddir, 'Full Build -- Debug', 'debug=T')
+ return result
+ buildsystemtemplate = """
+ def generate_launch(self, launchid, launchname, executablepath, args, workdir):
+ return KdevelopIntegrationGenerator.launchtemplate % { 'launchid' : launchid, 'launchname' : launchname, 'executablepath' : executablepath, 'args' : args, 'workdir' : workdir }
+ launchtemplate = """
+[Launch][Launch Configuration %(launchid)d]
+Configured Launch Modes=execute
+Configured Launchers=nativeAppLauncher
+Type=Native Application
+[Launch][Launch Configuration %(launchid)d][Data]
+Dependency Action=Nothing
+External Terminal=konsole --noclose --workdir %%workdir -e %%exe
+Project Target=
+Use External Terminal=false
+Working Directory=file://%(workdir)s
+ def generate_launches(self, moduledir):
+ launches = ','.join(['Launch Configuration %d' % i for i in range(7)])
+ result = KdevelopIntegrationGenerator.launchestemplate % { 'launches' : launches }
+ result += self.generate_launch(0, 'Local tests -- quick tests (unitcheck)', self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 'unitcheck', moduledir)
+ result += self.generate_launch(1, 'Local tests -- slow tests (unitcheck, slowcheck)', self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 'unitcheck slowcheck', moduledir)
+ result += self.generate_launch(2, 'Local tests -- integration tests (unitcheck, slowcheck, subsequentcheck)', self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 'unitcheck slowcheck subsequentcheck', moduledir)
+ result += self.generate_launch(3, 'Global tests -- quick tests (unitcheck)', self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 'unitcheck', self.gbuildparser.builddir)
+ result += self.generate_launch(4, 'Global tests -- slow tests (unitcheck, slowcheck)', self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 'unitcheck slowcheck', self.gbuildparser.builddir)
+ result += self.generate_launch(5, 'Global tests -- integration tests (unitcheck, slowcheck, subsequentcheck)', self.gbuildparser.makecmd, 'unitcheck slowcheck subsequentcheck', self.gbuildparser.builddir)
+ result += self.generate_launch(6, 'Run LibreOffice', os.path.join(self.gbuildparser.instdir, 'program/soffice.bin'), '', self.gbuildparser.instdir)
+ return result
+ launchestemplate = """
+Launch Configurations=%(launches)s
+ def write_modulebeef(self, moduledir, modulename):
+ beefdir = os.path.join(moduledir, '.kdev4')
+ os.mkdir(beefdir)
+ beeffile = open(os.path.join(beefdir, 'Module_%s.kdev4' % modulename), 'w')
+ beeffile.write(self.generate_buildsystem(moduledir))
+ beeffile.write(self.generate_launches(moduledir))
+ beeffile.close()
+ def write_modulestub(self, moduledir, modulename):
+ stubfile = open(os.path.join(moduledir, 'Module_%s.kdev4' % modulename), 'w')
+ stubfile.write(KdevelopIntegrationGenerator.modulestubtemplate % { 'modulename' : modulename , 'builditem' : self.encode_string('Module_%s' % modulename)})
+ stubfile.close()
+ modulestubtemplate = """
+ def write_includepaths(self, path):
+ includedirfile = open(os.path.join(path, '.kdev_include_paths'), 'w')
+ fullpath = '%s/%s' % (self.gbuildparser.srcdir, path)
+ include = set()
+ for target in self.target_by_path[path]:
+ include |= set(target.include)
+ includedirfile.write('\n'.join(include))
+ includedirfile.close()
+ def __init__(self, gbuildparser):
+ IdeIntegrationGenerator.__init__(self, gbuildparser)
+ self.target_by_location = {}
+ self.target_by_path = {}
+ for target in set(self.gbuildparser.libs) | set(self.gbuildparser.exes):
+ if not target.location in self.target_by_location:
+ self.target_by_location[target.location] = set()
+ self.target_by_location[target.location] |= set([target])
+ for cxx in target.cxxobjects:
+ path = '/'.join(cxx.split('/')[:-1])
+ if not path in self.target_by_path:
+ self.target_by_path[path] = set()
+ self.target_by_path[path] |= set([target])
+ for path in self.target_by_path:
+ if len(self.target_by_path[path]) > 1:
+ print('fdo#70422: multiple target use dir %s: %s' % (path, ', '.join([target.short_name() for target in self.target_by_path[path]])))
+ def emit(self):
+ for path in self.target_by_path:
+ self.write_includepaths(path)
+ for location in self.target_by_location:
+ for f in os.listdir(location):
+ if f.endswith('.kdev4'):
+ try:
+ os.remove(os.path.join(location, f))
+ except OSError:
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(location, f))
+ for location in self.target_by_location:
+ modulename = os.path.split(location)[1]
+ self.write_modulestub(location, modulename)
+ self.write_modulebeef(location, modulename)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='LibreOffice gbuild IDE project generator')
+ parser.add_argument('--ide', dest='ide', required=True,
+ help='the ide to generate project files for')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ paths = {}
+ gbuildparser = GbuildParser().parse(sys.stdin)
+ #DebugIntegrationGenerator(gbuildparser).emit()
+ if args.ide == 'kdevelop':
+ KdevelopIntegrationGenerator(gbuildparser).emit()
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: