path: root/canvas
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2005-11-02 12:00:49 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2005-11-02 12:00:49 +0000
commitd233847d740154dda5dec66dbf6ac2b9ec59d46e (patch)
treea964f8653e9614446a869028479f4bfedaf095f6 /canvas
parente9d24106ba8c816ff55e8041818f5b52e03665d3 (diff)
2005/10/28 08:54:11 thb #i48939# Improved screen dumping facility (now also dumps the backbuffer, and actually increases the index count) 2005/10/19 13:47:17 thb #i48939# Adapted to GraphicDeviceBase changes; add screen dump facility; now providing the sprite bounds debug feature as a public property 2005/10/11 15:41:26 thb #i54170# Corrected license headers 2005/06/28 11:22:49 thb #i48939# Removed refcounted reference to device in canvashelper (leads to circular references for SpriteCanvas); improved docs; added drawBezier() implementation 2005/06/17 23:44:20 thb #i48939# The new canvas base classes expect more functionality in delegate members; these are the helper implementations
Diffstat (limited to 'canvas')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/canvas/source/vcl/devicehelper.cxx b/canvas/source/vcl/devicehelper.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3feb45ecfdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canvas/source/vcl/devicehelper.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: devicehelper.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2005-11-02 13:00:49 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <canvas/debug.hxx>
+#include <canvas/canvastools.hxx>
+#include <canvas/base/linepolypolygonbase.hxx>
+#include <vcl/canvastools.hxx>
+#include <basegfx/tools/canvastools.hxx>
+#include "devicehelper.hxx"
+#include "spritecanvas.hxx"
+#include "spritecanvashelper.hxx"
+#include "canvasbitmap.hxx"
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+namespace vclcanvas
+ DeviceHelper::DeviceHelper() :
+ mpOutputWindow(NULL),
+ mpSpriteCanvas(NULL),
+ mpBackBuffer()
+ {
+ }
+ void DeviceHelper::init( Window& rOutputWindow,
+ SpriteCanvas& rSpriteCanvas )
+ {
+ mpOutputWindow = &rOutputWindow;
+ mpSpriteCanvas = &rSpriteCanvas;
+ // setup back buffer
+ mpBackBuffer.reset( new BackBuffer( rOutputWindow ) );
+ mpBackBuffer->setSize( rOutputWindow.GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ }
+ geometry::RealSize2D DeviceHelper::getPhysicalResolution()
+ {
+ if( !mpOutputWindow )
+ return ::canvas::tools::createInfiniteSize2D(); // we're disposed
+ // Map a one-by-one millimeter box to pixel
+ const MapMode aOldMapMode( mpOutputWindow->GetMapMode() );
+ mpOutputWindow->SetMapMode( MapMode(MAP_MM) );
+ const Size aPixelSize( mpOutputWindow->LogicToPixel(Size(1,1)) );
+ mpOutputWindow->SetMapMode( aOldMapMode );
+ return ::vcl::unotools::size2DFromSize( aPixelSize );
+ }
+ geometry::RealSize2D DeviceHelper::getPhysicalSize()
+ {
+ if( !mpOutputWindow )
+ return ::canvas::tools::createInfiniteSize2D(); // we're disposed
+ // Map the pixel dimensions of the output window to millimeter
+ const MapMode aOldMapMode( mpOutputWindow->GetMapMode() );
+ mpOutputWindow->SetMapMode( MapMode(MAP_MM) );
+ const Size aLogSize( mpOutputWindow->PixelToLogic(mpOutputWindow->GetOutputSizePixel()) );
+ mpOutputWindow->SetMapMode( aOldMapMode );
+ return ::vcl::unotools::size2DFromSize( aLogSize );
+ }
+ uno::Reference< rendering::XLinePolyPolygon2D > DeviceHelper::createCompatibleLinePolyPolygon(
+ const uno::Reference< rendering::XGraphicDevice >& rDevice,
+ const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< geometry::RealPoint2D > >& points )
+ {
+ if( !mpOutputWindow )
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XLinePolyPolygon2D >(); // we're disposed
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XLinePolyPolygon2D >(
+ new ::canvas::LinePolyPolygonBase(
+ ::basegfx::unotools::polyPolygonFromPoint2DSequenceSequence( points ) ) );
+ }
+ uno::Reference< rendering::XBezierPolyPolygon2D > DeviceHelper::createCompatibleBezierPolyPolygon(
+ const uno::Reference< rendering::XGraphicDevice >& rDevice,
+ const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence< geometry::RealBezierSegment2D > >& points )
+ {
+ if( !mpOutputWindow )
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XBezierPolyPolygon2D >(); // we're disposed
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XBezierPolyPolygon2D >(
+ new ::canvas::LinePolyPolygonBase(
+ ::basegfx::unotools::polyPolygonFromBezier2DSequenceSequence( points ) ) );
+ }
+ uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap > DeviceHelper::createCompatibleBitmap(
+ const uno::Reference< rendering::XGraphicDevice >& rDevice,
+ const geometry::IntegerSize2D& size )
+ {
+ if( !mpSpriteCanvas )
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap >(); // we're disposed
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap >(
+ new CanvasBitmap( ::vcl::unotools::sizeFromIntegerSize2D(size),
+ false,
+ mpSpriteCanvas ) );
+ }
+ uno::Reference< rendering::XVolatileBitmap > DeviceHelper::createVolatileBitmap(
+ const uno::Reference< rendering::XGraphicDevice >& rDevice,
+ const geometry::IntegerSize2D& size )
+ {
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XVolatileBitmap >();
+ }
+ uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap > DeviceHelper::createCompatibleAlphaBitmap(
+ const uno::Reference< rendering::XGraphicDevice >& rDevice,
+ const geometry::IntegerSize2D& size )
+ {
+ if( !mpSpriteCanvas )
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap >(); // we're disposed
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XBitmap >( new CanvasBitmap( ::vcl::unotools::sizeFromIntegerSize2D(size),
+ true,
+ mpSpriteCanvas ) );
+ }
+ uno::Reference< rendering::XVolatileBitmap > DeviceHelper::createVolatileAlphaBitmap(
+ const uno::Reference< rendering::XGraphicDevice >& rDevice,
+ const geometry::IntegerSize2D& size )
+ {
+ return uno::Reference< rendering::XVolatileBitmap >();
+ }
+ sal_Bool DeviceHelper::hasFullScreenMode()
+ {
+ // TODO(F3): offer fullscreen mode the XCanvas way
+ return false;
+ }
+ sal_Bool DeviceHelper::enterFullScreenMode( sal_Bool bEnter )
+ {
+ // TODO(F3): offer fullscreen mode the XCanvas way
+ return false;
+ }
+ ::sal_Int32 DeviceHelper::createBuffers( ::sal_Int32 nBuffers )
+ {
+ // TODO(F3): implement XBufferStrategy interface. For now, we
+ // _always_ will have exactly one backbuffer
+ return 1;
+ }
+ void DeviceHelper::destroyBuffers()
+ {
+ // TODO(F3): implement XBufferStrategy interface. For now, we
+ // _always_ will have exactly one backbuffer
+ }
+ ::sal_Bool DeviceHelper::showBuffer( ::sal_Bool bUpdateAll )
+ {
+ // forward to sprite canvas helper
+ if( !mpSpriteCanvas )
+ return false;
+ return mpSpriteCanvas->updateScreen( bUpdateAll );
+ }
+ ::sal_Bool DeviceHelper::switchBuffer( ::sal_Bool bUpdateAll )
+ {
+ // no difference for VCL canvas
+ return showBuffer( bUpdateAll );
+ }
+ void DeviceHelper::disposing()
+ {
+ // release all references
+ mpOutputWindow = NULL;
+ mpSpriteCanvas = NULL;
+ mpBackBuffer.reset();
+ }
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Any DeviceHelper::getDeviceHandle() const
+ {
+ if( !mpOutputWindow )
+ return ::com::sun::star::uno::Any();
+ return ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny(
+ reinterpret_cast< sal_Int64 >(mpOutputWindow) );
+ }
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Any DeviceHelper::getSurfaceHandle() const
+ {
+ if( !mpBackBuffer )
+ return ::com::sun::star::uno::Any();
+ return ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny(
+ reinterpret_cast< sal_Int64 >(&mpBackBuffer->getOutDev()) );
+ }
+ void DeviceHelper::notifySizeUpdate( const awt::Rectangle& rBounds )
+ {
+ if( mpBackBuffer )
+ mpBackBuffer->setSize( ::Size(rBounds.Width,
+ rBounds.Height) );
+ }
+ void DeviceHelper::dumpScreenContent() const
+ {
+ static sal_uInt32 nFilePostfixCount(0);
+ if( mpOutputWindow )
+ {
+ String aFilename( String::CreateFromAscii("dbg_frontbuffer") );
+ aFilename += String::CreateFromInt32(nFilePostfixCount);
+ aFilename += String::CreateFromAscii(".bmp");
+ SvFileStream aStream( aFilename, STREAM_STD_READWRITE );
+ const ::Point aEmptyPoint;
+ bool bOldMap( mpOutputWindow->IsMapModeEnabled() );
+ mpOutputWindow->EnableMapMode( FALSE );
+ aStream << mpOutputWindow->GetBitmap(aEmptyPoint,
+ mpOutputWindow->GetOutputSizePixel());
+ mpOutputWindow->EnableMapMode( bOldMap );
+ if( mpBackBuffer )
+ {
+ String aFilename2( String::CreateFromAscii("dbg_backbuffer") );
+ aFilename2 += String::CreateFromInt32(nFilePostfixCount);
+ aFilename2 += String::CreateFromAscii(".bmp");
+ SvFileStream aStream2( aFilename2, STREAM_STD_READWRITE );
+ const ::Point aEmptyPoint;
+ mpBackBuffer->getOutDev().EnableMapMode( FALSE );
+ aStream2 << mpBackBuffer->getOutDev().GetBitmap(aEmptyPoint,
+ mpBackBuffer->getOutDev().GetOutputSizePixel());
+ }
+ ++nFilePostfixCount;
+ }
+ }