path: root/cli_ure
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2007-05-09 12:31:48 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2007-05-09 12:31:48 +0000
commit740b0ecbd5901613f7263abe42d67a78381308fb (patch)
tree25e2714d4311cef35c5542b074bf9c67055138a2 /cli_ure
parent0c7f0636d433bed508332a537550505ced3cb7a4 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS bunoexttm (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2007/02/12 10:19:50 kr adapted: need to put Environment::invoke into no_warn 2006/12/19 12:05:24 kr added: moved cli_uno bridge from bridges to here
Diffstat (limited to 'cli_ure')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cli_ure/source/uno_bridge/cli_proxy.h b/cli_ure/source/uno_bridge/cli_proxy.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b544f36cf5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli_ure/source/uno_bridge/cli_proxy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: cli_proxy.h,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2007-05-09 13:31:48 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#pragma warning(push, 1)
+#include "uno/environment.hxx"
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#include "uno/mapping.hxx"
+#include "uno/dispatcher.h"
+#include "cli_bridge.h"
+#include "cli_environment.h"
+#using <mscorlib.dll>
+#using <cli_ure.dll>
+namespace srrp = System::Runtime::Remoting::Proxies;
+namespace srrm = System::Runtime::Remoting::Messaging;
+namespace srr = System::Runtime::Remoting;
+namespace sr = System::Reflection;
+namespace sc = System::Collections;
+using namespace uno;
+namespace cli_uno
+public __gc class UnoInterfaceInfo
+ UnoInterfaceInfo(Bridge const * bridge, uno_Interface* unoI,
+ typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* td);
+ ~UnoInterfaceInfo();
+ uno_Interface * m_unoI; // wrapped interface
+ System::Type * m_type;
+ typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* m_typeDesc;
+ Bridge const* m_bridge;
+public __gc class UnoInterfaceProxy: public srrp::RealProxy,
+ public srr::IRemotingTypeInfo
+ /** used for IRemotingTypeInfo.TypeName
+ */
+ System::String* m_sTypeName;
+ /** The list is filled with UnoInterfaceInfo objects. The list can only
+ grow and elements are never changed. If an element was added it
+ must not be changed!
+ */
+ sc::ArrayList* m_listIfaces;
+ /** The number of UNO interfaces this proxy represents. It corresponds
+ to the the number of elements in m_listIfaces.
+ */
+ int m_numUnoIfaces;
+ /** The list is filled with additional UnoInterfaceProxy object due
+ to aggregation via bridges. Though the latter is strongly
+ discouraged, this has to be supported.
+ */
+ sc::ArrayList* m_listAdditionalProxies;
+ int m_nlistAdditionalProxies;
+ UnoInterfaceInfo * findInfo( ::System::Type * type );
+ Bridge const* m_bridge;
+ System::String* m_oid;
+ /** The string contains all names of UNO interfaces which are
+ represented by this proxy. It is used to print out the interfaces
+ when this proxy dies. In the destructor it is not allowed to
+ access m_listIfaces or any other managed object.
+ */
+ rtl_uString * _sInterfaces;
+// /** Count of interfaces. Used in conjunction with _sInterfaces.
+// */
+ int _numInterfaces;
+ /** Creates a proxy and registers it on the dot NET side.
+ */
+ static System::Object* create(Bridge * bridge,
+ uno_Interface * pUnoI,
+ typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTd,
+ const rtl::OUString& oid);
+ /** RealProxy::Invoke */
+ srrm::IMessage* Invoke(srrm::IMessage* msg);
+ /** Must be called from within a synchronized section.
+ Add only the interface if it is not already contained.
+ This method is called from the constructor and as a result
+ of IRemotingTypeInfo::CanCastTo
+ */
+ void addUnoInterface(uno_Interface* pUnoI,
+ typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTd);
+ ~UnoInterfaceProxy();
+ /**
+ */
+ inline System::String * getOid()
+ { return m_oid; }
+ //IRemotingTypeInfo ----------------------------------------------
+ bool CanCastTo(System::Type* fromType, System::Object* o);
+ __property System::String* get_TypeName()
+ {
+ return m_sTypeName;
+ }
+ __property void set_TypeName(System::String* name)
+ {
+ m_sTypeName = name;
+ }
+ UnoInterfaceProxy(
+ Bridge * bridge,
+ uno_Interface * pUnoI,
+ typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTD,
+ const rtl::OUString& oid );
+ static srrm::IMessage* constructReturnMessage(System::Object* retVal,
+ System::Object* outArgs[],
+ typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription* mtd,
+ srrm::IMessage* msg, System::Object* exc);
+ static System::String* m_methodNameString =
+ new System::String("__MethodName");
+ static System::String* m_typeNameString = new System::String("__TypeName");
+ static System::String* m_ArgsString = new System::String("__Args");
+ static System::String* m_CallContextString =
+ new System::String("__CallContext");
+ static System::String* m_system_Object_String =
+ new System::String("System.Object");
+ static System::String* m_methodSignatureString =
+ new System::String("__MethodSignature");
+ static System::String* m_Equals_String = new System::String("Equals");
+ static System::String* m_GetHashCode_String =
+ new System::String("GetHashCode");
+ static System::String* m_GetType_String = new System::String("GetType");
+ static System::String* m_ToString_String = new System::String("ToString");
+ srrm::IMessage* invokeObject(sc::IDictionary* properties,
+ srrm::LogicalCallContext* context,
+ srrm::IMethodCallMessage* mcm);
+//Cannot make this __gc because a managed type cannot derive from unmanaged type
+struct CliProxy: public uno_Interface
+ mutable oslInterlockedCount m_ref;
+ const Bridge* m_bridge;
+ const gcroot<System::Object*> m_cliI;
+ gcroot<System::Type*> m_type;
+ const com::sun::star::uno::TypeDescription m_unoType;
+ const gcroot<System::String*> m_oid;
+ const rtl::OUString m_usOid;
+ enum MethodKind {MK_METHOD = 0, MK_SET, MK_GET};
+ /** The array contains MethodInfos of the cli object. Each one reflects an
+ implemented interface method of the interface for which this proxy was
+ created. The MethodInfos are from the object's method and not from the
+ interface type. That is, they can be used to invoke the methods. The
+ order of the MethodInfo objects corresponds to the order of the
+ interface methods (see member m_type). Position 0 contains the
+ MethodInfo of the first method of the interface which represents the
+ root of the inheritance chain. The last MethodInfo represents the last
+ method of the furthest derived interface.
+ The array is completely initialized in the constructor of this object.
+ When the uno_DispatchMethod is called for this proxy then it receives
+ a typelib_TypeDescription of the member which is either an attribute
+ (setter or getter) or method. After determining the position of the
+ method within the UNO interface one can use the position to obtain the
+ MethodInfo of the corresponding cli method. To obtain the index for the
+ m_arMethodInfos array the function position has to be decreased by 3.
+ This is becaus, the cli interface does not contain the XInterface
+ methods.
+ */
+ gcroot<sr::MethodInfo*[]> m_arMethodInfos;
+ /** This array is similar to m_arMethodInfos but it contains the MethodInfo
+ objects of the interface (not the object). When a call is made from uno
+ to cli then the uno method name is compared to the cli method name. The
+ cli method name can be obtained from the MethodInfo object in this
+ array. The name of the actual implemented method may not be the same as
+ the interface method.
+ */
+ gcroot<sr::MethodInfo*[]> m_arInterfaceMethodInfos;
+ /** Maps the position of the method in the UNO interface to the position of
+ the corresponding MethodInfo in m_arMethodInfos. The Uno position must
+ not include the XInterface methods. For example,
+ pos 0 = XInterface::queryInterface
+ pos 1 = XInterface::acquire
+ pos 2 = XInterface::release
+ That is the real Uno position has to be deducted by 3. Then
+ arUnoPosToCliPos[pos] contains the index for m_arMethodInfos.
+ */
+ gcroot<System::Int32[]> m_arUnoPosToCliPos;
+ /** Count of inherited interfaces of the cli interface.
+ */
+ int m_nInheritedInterfaces;
+ /** Contains the number of methods of each interface.
+ */
+ gcroot<System::Int32[]> m_arInterfaceMethodCount;
+ CliProxy( Bridge const* bridge, System::Object* cliI,
+ typelib_TypeDescription const* pTD,
+ const rtl::OUString& usOid);
+ ~CliProxy();
+ static uno_Interface* create(Bridge const * bridge,
+ System::Object* cliI,
+ typelib_TypeDescription const * TD,
+ rtl::OUString const & usOid );
+ /** Prepares an array (m_arMethoInfos) containing MethodInfo object of the
+ interface and all inherited interfaces. At index null is the first
+ method of the base interface and at the last position is the last method
+ of the furthest derived interface.
+ If a UNO call is received then one can determine the position of the
+ method (or getter or setter for an attribute) from the passed type
+ information. The position minus 3 (there is no XInterface in the cli
+ mapping) corresponds to the index of the cli interface method in the
+ array.
+ */
+ void makeMethodInfos();
+ /**Obtains a MethodInfo which can be used to invoke the cli object.
+ Internally it maps nUnoFunctionPos to an index that is used to get the
+ corresponding MethodInfo object from m_arMethoInfos. The mapping table
+ is dynamically initialized. If the cli interface has no base interface
+ or exactly one then the mapping table is initialized in one go at the
+ first call. In all ensuing calls the MethodInfo object is immediately
+ retrieved through the mapping table.
+ If the interface has more then one interface in its inheritance chain,
+ that is Type.GetInterfaces return more then one Type, then the mapping
+ table is partially initiallized. On the first call the mappings for the
+ methods of the belonging interface are created.
+ The implementation assumes that the order of interface methods as
+ provided by InterfaceMapping.InterfaceMethods corresponds to the order
+ of methods in the interface declaration.
+ @param nUnoFunctionPos
+ Position of the method in the uno interface.
+ */
+ sr::MethodInfo* getMethodInfo(int nUnoFunctionPos,
+ const rtl::OUString & usMethodName,
+ MethodKind mk);
+ void SAL_CALL uno_DispatchMethod(
+ struct _uno_Interface * pUnoI,
+ const struct _typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberType,
+ void * pReturn,
+ void * pArgs[],
+ uno_Any ** ppException );
+ inline void acquire() const;
+ inline void release() const;