path: root/codemaker/source/netmaker/netproduce.cxx
diff options
authorRMZeroFour <>2024-06-12 13:56:05 +0530
committerHossein <>2024-06-19 09:34:45 +0200
commite597e712b6e1c199a6241df3c29f35baeef9f457 (patch)
treef4517de769cd6a8e8d1b47ce87caf378122f7f83 /codemaker/source/netmaker/netproduce.cxx
parent64365dfa67d5a1d8fbc710238a4ea9c492645de4 (diff)
.NET Bindings: Add netmaker (.NET codemaker)
This commit adds the netmaker executable to the codemaker/ module, to generate C# code from UNOIDL specifications. Also adds some Makefiles in the net_ure/ directory to generate code for udkapi and offapi, to build the net_uretypes and net_oootypes assemblies. Change-Id: Ifb61fe6a0f8f594eaa6ff95b025ba57f247b0d4b Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Tested-by: Hossein <> Reviewed-by: Hossein <>
Diffstat (limited to 'codemaker/source/netmaker/netproduce.cxx')
1 files changed, 1182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/codemaker/source/netmaker/netproduce.cxx b/codemaker/source/netmaker/netproduce.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f2ff615a7803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/codemaker/source/netmaker/netproduce.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <codemaker/codemaker.hxx>
+#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+#include <unoidl/unoidl.hxx>
+#include "netproduce.hxx"
+#include "csharpfile.hxx"
+const std::unordered_set<OString> s_reservedKeywords{
+ "abstract"_ostr, "as"_ostr, "base"_ostr, "bool"_ostr, "break"_ostr,
+ "byte"_ostr, "case"_ostr, "catch"_ostr, "char"_ostr, "checked"_ostr,
+ "class"_ostr, "const"_ostr, "continue"_ostr, "decimal"_ostr, "default"_ostr,
+ "delegate"_ostr, "do"_ostr, "double"_ostr, "else"_ostr, "enum"_ostr,
+ "event"_ostr, "explicit"_ostr, "extern"_ostr, "false"_ostr, "finally"_ostr,
+ "fixed"_ostr, "float"_ostr, "for"_ostr, "foreach"_ostr, "goto"_ostr,
+ "if"_ostr, "implicit"_ostr, "in"_ostr, "int"_ostr, "interface"_ostr,
+ "internal"_ostr, "is"_ostr, "lock"_ostr, "long"_ostr, "namespace"_ostr,
+ "new"_ostr, "null"_ostr, "object"_ostr, "operator"_ostr, "out"_ostr,
+ "override"_ostr, "params"_ostr, "private"_ostr, "protected"_ostr, "public"_ostr,
+ "readonly"_ostr, "ref"_ostr, "return"_ostr, "sbyte"_ostr, "sealed"_ostr,
+ "short"_ostr, "sizeof"_ostr, "stackalloc"_ostr, "static"_ostr, "string"_ostr,
+ "struct"_ostr, "switch"_ostr, "this"_ostr, "throw"_ostr, "true"_ostr,
+ "try"_ostr, "typeof"_ostr, "uint"_ostr, "ulong"_ostr, "unchecked"_ostr,
+ "unsafe"_ostr, "ushort"_ostr, "using"_ostr, "virtual"_ostr, "void"_ostr,
+ "volatile"_ostr, "while"_ostr,
+const std::unordered_map<OString, OString> s_baseTypes{
+ { "boolean"_ostr, "bool"_ostr },
+ { "char"_ostr, "char"_ostr },
+ { "byte"_ostr, "sbyte"_ostr },
+ { "short"_ostr, "short"_ostr },
+ { "unsigned short"_ostr, "ushort"_ostr },
+ { "long"_ostr, "int"_ostr },
+ { "unsigned long"_ostr, "uint"_ostr },
+ { "hyper"_ostr, "long"_ostr },
+ { "unsigned hyper"_ostr, "ulong"_ostr },
+ { "float"_ostr, "float"_ostr },
+ { "double"_ostr, "double"_ostr },
+ { "string"_ostr, "string"_ostr },
+ { "void"_ostr, "void"_ostr },
+ { "type"_ostr, "System.Type"_ostr },
+ { "any"_ostr, ""_ostr },
+ { ""_ostr, ""_ostr },
+ { ""_ostr, ""_ostr },
+std::tuple<bool, std::string_view, std::string_view> splitName(std::string_view name)
+ size_t split = name.find_last_of('.');
+ if (split != std::string_view::npos)
+ return std::make_tuple(true, name.substr(0, split), name.substr(split + 1));
+ else
+ return std::make_tuple(false, "", name);
+OString getBaseUnoName(std::string_view name)
+ size_t start = name.find_first_not_of("[]");
+ if (start == std::string_view::npos)
+ start = 0;
+ size_t end = name.find_first_of('<');
+ if (end == std::string_view::npos)
+ end = name.size();
+ return OString(name.substr(start, end - start));
+OString getBaseUnoName(std::u16string_view name) { return getBaseUnoName(u2b(name)); }
+OString getSafeIdentifier(std::string_view name)
+ OString temp(name);
+ return s_reservedKeywords.contains(temp) ? "@"_ostr + temp : temp;
+OString getSafeIdentifier(std::u16string_view name) { return getSafeIdentifier(u2b(name)); }
+void separatedForeach(const auto& items, auto&& sepFunc, auto&& itemFunc)
+ for (auto it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it != items.begin())
+ sepFunc();
+ itemFunc(*it);
+ }
+void NetProducer::initProducer(const NetOptions& options)
+ m_outputDir = options.getOption("--output-dir"_ostr);
+ m_dryRun = options.isValid("--dry-run"_ostr);
+ m_verbose = options.isValid("--verbose"_ostr);
+ if (options.isValid("--types"_ostr))
+ {
+ const OString& names(options.getOption("--types"_ostr));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != std::string_view::npos;)
+ {
+ std::string_view name(o3tl::getToken(names, ';', i));
+ if (name == "*")
+ m_startingTypes.insert(""_ostr);
+ else if (name.ends_with(".*"))
+ m_startingTypes.emplace(name.substr(0, name.size() - 2));
+ else
+ m_startingTypes.emplace(name);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_startingTypes.insert(""_ostr);
+ }
+ for (const OString& file : options.getInputFiles())
+ m_manager->loadProvider(convertToFileUrl(file), true);
+ for (const OString& file : options.getExtraInputFiles())
+ m_manager->loadProvider(convertToFileUrl(file), false);
+void NetProducer::produceAll()
+ for (const OString& name : m_startingTypes)
+ produceType(name);
+void NetProducer::produceType(const OString& name)
+ if (m_typesProduced.contains(name))
+ return;
+ m_typesProduced.insert(name);
+ if (s_baseTypes.contains(name))
+ return;
+ OUString uname(b2u(name));
+ rtl::Reference<unoidl::Entity> entity;
+ rtl::Reference<unoidl::MapCursor> cursor;
+ if (m_manager->foundAtPrimaryProvider(uname))
+ {
+ switch (m_manager->getSort(uname, &entity, &cursor))
+ {
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Module:
+ produceModule(name, cursor);
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Enum:
+ produceEnum(name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::EnumTypeEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::PlainStruct:
+ producePlainStruct(name,
+ dynamic_cast<unoidl::PlainStructTypeEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::PolymorphicStructTemplate:
+ producePolyStruct(
+ name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::PolymorphicStructTypeTemplateEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Exception:
+ produceException(name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::ExceptionTypeEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Interface:
+ produceInterface(name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::InterfaceTypeEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Typedef:
+ produceTypedef(name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::TypedefEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::ConstantGroup:
+ produceConstantGroup(name,
+ dynamic_cast<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::SingleInterfaceBasedService:
+ produceService(
+ name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::SingleInterfaceBasedServiceEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::InterfaceBasedSingleton:
+ produceSingleton(
+ name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::InterfaceBasedSingletonEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::AccumulationBasedService:
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::ServiceBasedSingleton:
+ // old-style services and singletons not supported
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw CannotDumpException(u"entity '"_ustr + uname + u"' has unexpected type"_ustr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // type from --extra-types
+ switch (m_manager->getSort(uname, &entity, &cursor))
+ {
+ case codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Typedef:
+ produceTypedef(name, dynamic_cast<unoidl::TypedefEntity*>(entity.get()));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void NetProducer::produceModule(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::MapCursor>& cursor)
+ OUString moduleName;
+ while (cursor->getNext(&moduleName).is())
+ {
+ OString memberName = name.empty() ? u2b(moduleName) : name + "."_ostr + u2b(moduleName);
+ produceType(memberName);
+ }
+void NetProducer::produceEnum(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::EnumTypeEntity>& entity)
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[enum] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public enum ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getMembers())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(" = ")
+ .append(OString::number(member.value))
+ .append(",")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::producePlainStruct(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::PlainStructTypeEntity>& entity)
+ // produce referenced types
+ const auto& base = entity->getDirectBase();
+ if (!base.isEmpty())
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(base));
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMembers())
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(member.type));
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ // verbose and dry run checks
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[struct] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ // output namespace block
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate struct and base structs list
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public class ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName));
+ if (!base.isEmpty())
+ file.append(" : ").append(getNetName(base));
+ file.endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate default constructor
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .append("()")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .endBlock();
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate full constructor
+ std::vector<unoidl::PlainStructTypeEntity::Member> baseFields;
+ {
+ OUString baseTypeName = base;
+ while (!baseTypeName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ rtl::Reference<unoidl::Entity> baseEntity;
+ if (m_manager->getSort(baseTypeName, &baseEntity)
+ != codemaker::UnoType::Sort::PlainStruct)
+ throw CannotDumpException("'" + b2u(name) + "' base type '" + baseTypeName
+ + "' is not a plain struct");
+ rtl::Reference<unoidl::PlainStructTypeEntity> ref(
+ dynamic_cast<unoidl::PlainStructTypeEntity*>(baseEntity.get()));
+ for (const auto& member : ref->getDirectMembers())
+ baseFields.emplace_back(member);
+ baseTypeName = ref->getDirectBase();
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<unoidl::PlainStructTypeEntity::Member> allFields(entity->getDirectMembers());
+ allFields.insert(allFields.end(), baseFields.begin(), baseFields.end());
+ file.beginLine().append("public ").append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName)).append("(");
+ separatedForeach(
+ allFields, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& member) {
+ file.append(getNetName(member.type)).append(" ").append(getSafeIdentifier(;
+ });
+ file.append(")").endLine();
+ file.beginLine().extraIndent().append(": base(");
+ separatedForeach(baseFields, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [&file](const auto& member) { file.append(getSafeIdentifier(; });
+ file.append(")").endLine();
+ file.beginBlock();
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMembers())
+ {
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("this.")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(" = ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate struct fields
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMembers())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(getNetName(member.type))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::producePolyStruct(
+ std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::PolymorphicStructTypeTemplateEntity>& entity)
+ // produce referenced types
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getMembers())
+ if (!member.parameterized)
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(member.type));
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ // verbose and dry run checks
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[polystruct] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ // output namespace block
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate struct and type parameters list
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public class ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .append("<");
+ separatedForeach(entity->getTypeParameters(), [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [&file](const auto& param) { file.append(param); });
+ file.append(">").endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate default constructor
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .append("()")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .endBlock();
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate full constructor
+ file.beginLine().append("public ").append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName)).append("(");
+ separatedForeach(entity->getMembers(), [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& member) {
+ file.append(member.parameterized ? u2b(member.type)
+ : getNetName(member.type))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(;
+ });
+ file.append(")").endLine();
+ file.beginBlock();
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getMembers())
+ {
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("this.")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(" = ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate struct fields
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getMembers())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(member.parameterized ? u2b(member.type) : getNetName(member.type))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::produceException(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::ExceptionTypeEntity>& entity)
+ // produce referenced types
+ const auto& base = entity->getDirectBase();
+ if (!base.isEmpty())
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(base));
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMembers())
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(member.type));
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ // verbose and dry run checks
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[exception] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ // output namespace block
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate exception and base exceptions list
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public class ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName));
+ if (!base.isEmpty())
+ file.append(" : ").append(getNetName(base));
+ file.endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate default constructor
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .append("()")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .endBlock();
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate full constructor
+ std::vector<unoidl::ExceptionTypeEntity::Member> baseFields;
+ {
+ OUString baseTypeName = base;
+ while (!baseTypeName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ rtl::Reference<unoidl::Entity> baseEntity;
+ if (m_manager->getSort(baseTypeName, &baseEntity)
+ != codemaker::UnoType::Sort::Exception)
+ throw CannotDumpException("'" + b2u(name) + "' base type '" + baseTypeName
+ + "' is not an exception");
+ rtl::Reference<unoidl::ExceptionTypeEntity> ref(
+ dynamic_cast<unoidl::ExceptionTypeEntity*>(baseEntity.get()));
+ for (const auto& member : ref->getDirectMembers())
+ baseFields.emplace_back(member);
+ baseTypeName = ref->getDirectBase();
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<unoidl::ExceptionTypeEntity::Member> allFields(entity->getDirectMembers());
+ allFields.insert(allFields.end(), baseFields.begin(), baseFields.end());
+ file.beginLine().append("public ").append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName)).append("(");
+ separatedForeach(
+ allFields, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& member) {
+ file.append(getNetName(member.type)).append(" ").append(getSafeIdentifier(;
+ });
+ file.append(")").endLine();
+ file.beginLine().extraIndent().append(": base(");
+ separatedForeach(baseFields, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [&file](const auto& member) { file.append(getSafeIdentifier(; });
+ file.append(")").endLine();
+ file.beginBlock();
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMembers())
+ {
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("this.")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(" = ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate exception fields
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMembers())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(getNetName(member.type))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::produceInterface(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::InterfaceTypeEntity>& entity)
+ // produce referenced types
+ for (const auto& base : entity->getDirectMandatoryBases())
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(;
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectAttributes())
+ {
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(member.type));
+ for (const auto& e : member.getExceptions)
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(e));
+ for (const auto& e : member.setExceptions)
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(e));
+ }
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMethods())
+ {
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(member.returnType));
+ for (const auto& e : member.exceptions)
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(e));
+ for (const auto& p : member.parameters)
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(p.type));
+ }
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ // verbose and dry run checks
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[interface] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ // output namespace block
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate interface and base interfaces list
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public interface ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName));
+ const auto& bases = entity->getDirectMandatoryBases();
+ if (!bases.empty())
+ {
+ file.append(" : ");
+ separatedForeach(bases, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& b) { file.append(getNetName(; });
+ }
+ file.endLine().beginBlock();
+ // generate interface properties
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectAttributes())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ if (member.bound)
+ file.beginLine().append("[]").endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(getNetName(member.type))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ if (!member.getExceptions.empty())
+ {
+ file.beginLine().append("[");
+ separatedForeach(member.getExceptions, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& e) {
+ file.append("typeof(").append(getNetName(e)).append(")");
+ });
+ file.append(")]").endLine();
+ }
+ file.beginLine().append("get;").endLine();
+ if (!member.readOnly)
+ {
+ if (!member.setExceptions.empty())
+ {
+ file.beginLine().append("[");
+ separatedForeach(member.setExceptions, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& e) {
+ file.append("typeof(").append(getNetName(e)).append(")");
+ });
+ file.append(")]").endLine();
+ }
+ file.beginLine().append("set;").endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ }
+ if (!entity->getDirectAttributes().empty())
+ file.endLine(); // extra blank line
+ // generate interface methods
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getDirectMethods())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ if (!member.exceptions.empty())
+ {
+ file.beginLine().append("[");
+ separatedForeach(member.exceptions, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& e) {
+ file.append("typeof(").append(getNetName(e)).append(")");
+ });
+ file.append(")]").endLine();
+ }
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(getNetName(member.returnType))
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append("(");
+ separatedForeach(
+ member.parameters, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& p) {
+ using Dir = unoidl::InterfaceTypeEntity::Method::Parameter::Direction;
+ switch (p.direction)
+ {
+ case Dir::DIRECTION_IN:
+ file.append("in ");
+ break;
+ case Dir::DIRECTION_OUT:
+ file.append("out ");
+ break;
+ file.append("ref ");
+ break;
+ }
+ file.append(getNetName(p.type)).append(" ").append(getSafeIdentifier(;
+ });
+ file.append(");").endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::produceTypedef(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::TypedefEntity>& entity)
+ OString type = u2b(entity->getType());
+ produceType(getBaseUnoName(type));
+ m_typedefs.emplace(name, type);
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[typedef] " << name << " = " << type << '\n';
+void NetProducer::produceConstantGroup(std::string_view name,
+ const rtl::Reference<unoidl::ConstantGroupEntity>& entity)
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[constants] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public static class ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ for (const auto& member : entity->getMembers())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : member.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ OString type, value;
+ switch (member.value.type)
+ {
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
+ type = "bool"_ostr;
+ value = member.value.booleanValue ? "true"_ostr : "false"_ostr;
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_BYTE:
+ type = "sbyte"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.byteValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_SHORT:
+ type = "short"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.shortValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
+ type = "ushort"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.unsignedShortValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_LONG:
+ type = "int"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.longValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG:
+ type = "uint"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.unsignedLongValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_HYPER:
+ type = "long"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.hyperValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
+ type = "ulong"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.unsignedHyperValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_FLOAT:
+ type = "float"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.floatValue);
+ break;
+ case unoidl::ConstantValue::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ type = "double"_ostr;
+ value = OString::number(member.value.doubleValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public const ")
+ .append(type)
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(" = ")
+ .append(value)
+ .append(";")
+ .endLine();
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::produceService(
+ std::string_view name, const rtl::Reference<unoidl::SingleInterfaceBasedServiceEntity>& entity)
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[service] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public static class ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ for (const auto& ctor : entity->getConstructors())
+ {
+ for (const auto& anno : ctor.annotations)
+ if (anno == "deprecated")
+ file.beginLine().append("[System.Obsolete]").endLine();
+ std::vector<OUString> exceptions(ctor.exceptions);
+ exceptions.emplace(exceptions.begin(), "");
+ file.beginLine().append("[");
+ separatedForeach(exceptions, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& e) {
+ file.append("typeof(").append(getNetName(e)).append(")");
+ });
+ file.append(")]").endLine();
+ if (ctor.defaultConstructor)
+ {
+ const auto& returnType(getNetName(entity->getBase()));
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public static ")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(" create(in ctx)")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("try")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append(" mcf = ")
+ .append("ctx.getServiceManager();")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(" srv = (")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(")mcf.createInstanceWithContext(\"")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append("\", ctx);")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("return srv;")
+ .endLine()
+ .endBlock();
+ for (const auto& e : ctor.exceptions)
+ {
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("catch (")
+ .append(e)
+ .append(")")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("throw;")
+ .endLine()
+ .endBlock();
+ }
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("catch")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append(
+ "throw new\"Could not create service ")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(" from given XComponentContext\", ctx);")
+ .endLine()
+ .endBlock();
+ file.endBlock();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const auto& returnType(getNetName(entity->getBase()));
+ const auto* restParam = !ctor.parameters.empty() && ctor.parameters.front().rest
+ ? &ctor.parameters.front()
+ : nullptr;
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public static ")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(" ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append("(in ctx");
+ if (!ctor.parameters.empty())
+ file.append(", ");
+ separatedForeach(
+ ctor.parameters, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [this, &file](const auto& p) {
+ file.append(getNetName(p.type)).append(" ").append(getSafeIdentifier(;
+ });
+ file.append(")").endLine().beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("try")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append(" mcf = ")
+ .append("ctx.getServiceManager();")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(" srv = (")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(")mcf.createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(\"")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append("\", ");
+ if (restParam)
+ {
+ file.append(getSafeIdentifier(ctor.parameters.front().name));
+ }
+ else if (ctor.parameters.empty())
+ {
+ file.append("System.Array.Empty<>()");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ file.append("new[] { ");
+ separatedForeach(ctor.parameters, [&file]() { file.append(", "); },
+ [&file](const auto& p) {
+ file.append("")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(
+ .append(")");
+ });
+ file.append(" }");
+ }
+ file.append(", ctx);").endLine().beginLine().append("return srv;").endLine().endBlock();
+ for (const auto& e : ctor.exceptions)
+ {
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("catch (")
+ .append(e)
+ .append(")")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("throw;")
+ .endLine()
+ .endBlock();
+ }
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("catch")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append(
+ "throw new\"Could not create service ")
+ .append(returnType)
+ .append(" from given XComponentContext\", ctx);")
+ .endLine()
+ .endBlock();
+ file.endBlock();
+ }
+ }
+ file.endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+void NetProducer::produceSingleton(
+ std::string_view name, const rtl::Reference<unoidl::InterfaceBasedSingletonEntity>& entity)
+ CSharpFile file(m_outputDir, name);
+ if (m_verbose)
+ std::cout << "[singleton] " << name << " -> " << file.getPath() << '\n';
+ if (m_dryRun)
+ return;
+ file.openFile();
+ auto[hasNamespace, namespaceName, typeName] = splitName(name);
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.beginLine().append("namespace ").append(namespaceName).endLine().beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("public static class ")
+ .append(getSafeIdentifier(typeName))
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("[]")
+ .endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("public static ")
+ .append(getNetName(entity->getBase()))
+ .append(" get(in ctx)")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append(" sgtn = ctx.getValueByName(\"/singletons/")
+ .append(name)
+ .append("\");")
+ .endLine();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("if (!sgtn.hasValue())")
+ .endLine()
+ .beginBlock()
+ .beginLine()
+ .append("throw new\"Could not get singleton ")
+ .append(name)
+ .append(" from given XComponentContext\", ctx);")
+ .endLine()
+ .endBlock();
+ file.beginLine()
+ .append("return (")
+ .append(getNetName(entity->getBase()))
+ .append(")sgtn.Value;")
+ .endLine();
+ file.endBlock().endBlock();
+ if (hasNamespace)
+ file.endBlock();
+ file.closeFile();
+OString NetProducer::getNetName(std::string_view name)
+ OString fullName(name);
+ OStringBuffer buffer;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ OString baseName = getBaseUnoName(fullName);
+ if (m_typedefs.contains(baseName))
+ fullName = fullName.replaceFirst(baseName,;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ std::string_view fullNameView(fullName);
+ // if sequence, count dimensions
+ int dimensions = 0;
+ while (fullNameView.starts_with("[]"))
+ {
+ ++dimensions;
+ fullNameView = fullNameView.substr(2);
+ }
+ // if polymorphic, process parameters too
+ if (fullNameView.ends_with('>'))
+ {
+ size_t start = fullNameView.find_first_of('<') + 1;
+ size_t end = fullNameView.size() - 1;
+ buffer.append(fullNameView.substr(0, start));
+ OString params(fullNameView.substr(start, end - start));
+ bool first = true;
+ for (start = 0; start != std::string_view::npos;)
+ {
+ std::string_view param(o3tl::getToken(params, ',', start));
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ buffer.append(", ");
+ buffer.append(getNetName(param));
+ }
+ buffer.append(">");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // assumes basetypes are not polymorphic for a tiny optimization
+ // if this is changed later, move this part out of the else block
+ fullName = OString(fullNameView);
+ OString baseName = getBaseUnoName(fullName);
+ if (s_baseTypes.contains(baseName))
+ buffer.append(fullName.replaceFirst(baseName,;
+ else
+ buffer.append(fullName);
+ }
+ // if seqeunce, add [] to make array
+ while (dimensions--)
+ buffer.append("[]");
+ return buffer.makeStringAndClear();
+OString NetProducer::getNetName(std::u16string_view name) { return getNetName(u2b(name)); }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */