path: root/extensions/source/preload
diff options
authorPeter Burow <>2002-03-14 13:10:49 +0000
committerPeter Burow <>2002-03-14 13:10:49 +0000
commit8a51d834e78f98c51af3d1078448231c5c6fbe4c (patch)
tree75c499ee33a8b02891d65d01c49302038bf2caed /extensions/source/preload
parentfa2e859b812186c38c8566b61fb8c158b6ba6ad2 (diff)
fix: #98090# Support and Training added
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/source/preload')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/source/preload/preload.src b/extensions/source/preload/preload.src
index 50ecfaeac784..572c5c7d641b 100644
--- a/extensions/source/preload/preload.src
+++ b/extensions/source/preload/preload.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: preload.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.15 $
+ * $Revision: 1.16 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-01-25 21:08:22 $
+ * last change: $Author: pb $ $Date: 2002-03-14 14:10:49 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -235,13 +235,34 @@ TabPage RID_TP_WELCOME
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 185 ) ;
Text = "Willkommen" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Welcome" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ russian ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ greek ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ french ] = "Bienvenue";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Bienvenido";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Benvenuti";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "V�lkommen";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ようこそ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "환영합니다";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "欢迎";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "歡迎";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Welcome";
FixedText FT_INFO
- Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 14 ) ;
- Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 160 ) ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 174 ) ;
WordBreak = TRUE ;
- Text = "Herzlich willkommen zu %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nUm %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM starten zu k�nnen, geben Sie bitte auf der dem Lizenztext folgenden Dialogseite Ihre Benutzerdaten ein.\n\nIn der Readme-Datei im %PRODUCTNAME-Produktverzeichnis finden Sie wichtige Hinweise zum Programm. Bitte lesen Sie diese Hinweise aufmerksam durch.\n\nDes weiteren finden Sie ausf�hrliche Informationen auf der Internetseite von Sun unter\n\n\n\nWir w�nschen Ihnen viel Spa� und Erfolg mit Ihrem neuen %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nIhr %PRODUCTNAME Team.";
- Text [ english_us ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the %PRODUCTNAME product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Website at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text [ language_user1 ] = "LHO: Please eliminate any notion about the training in all languages except German, English, French and Japanese";
+ Text = "Herzlich willkommen zu %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nUm %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM starten zu k�nnen, geben Sie bitte auf der dem Lizenztext folgenden Dialogseite Ihre Benutzerdaten ein. In der Readme-Datei im %PRODUCTNAME-Produktverzeichnis finden Sie wichtige Hinweise zum Programm. Bitte lesen Sie diese Hinweise aufmerksam durch. Des weiteren finden Sie ausf�hrliche Informationen auf der Internetseite von Sun unter\n\n\n\nSupport und Schulung:\n\nNutzen Sie die M�glichkeit eines kostenlosen Support-Anrufs. Auch eine kostenlose, Web-basierte StarOffice-Schulung des Sun Web Learning Centers wartet auf Sie. Diese Angebote sind 60 Tage ab Kaufdatum g�ltig. Besuchen Sie folgende Webseite f�r weitere Details.\n\n\n\nWir w�nschen Ihnen viel Spa� und Erfolg mit Ihrem neuen %PRODUCTNAME.\nIhr %PRODUCTNAME Team.";
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text. Important information is contained in the readme files which are located in the %PRODUCTNAME product directory. Please read these files carefully. You can also find detailed information on the Sun Website at\n\n\n\nSupport and Training:\n\nGet one (1) free StarOffice 6.0 support phone call (valid for 60 days from date of purchase) and free access to \"Transitioning to the StarOffice 6.0 Application Suite\" (WO-1605), a web-based training course available through the Sun(tm) Web Learning Center (valid for 60 days from date of purchase). To take advantage of this offer, visit the website below.\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
Text[ russian ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
Text[ greek ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
@@ -262,26 +283,6 @@ TabPage RID_TP_WELCOME
Text[ arabic ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ russian ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ greek ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ french ] = "Bienvenue";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Bienvenido";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ italian ] = "Benvenuti";
- Text[ danish ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ swedish ] = "V�lkommen";
- Text[ polish ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ようこそ";
- Text[ korean ] = "환영합니다";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "欢迎";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "歡迎";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Welcome";
@@ -292,6 +293,26 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 185 ) ;
Text = "Lizenzvertrag" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "License Agreement" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ russian ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ greek ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ french ] = "Contrat de licence";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Contrato de licencia";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Contratto di licenza";
+ Text[ danish ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Licensavtal";
+ Text[ polish ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ライセンス許諾書";
+ Text[ korean ] = "라이센스 계약";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "用户许可协议";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用許可協定";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "License Agreement";
FixedText FT_INFO1
WordBreak = TRUE ;
@@ -356,26 +377,6 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ catalan ] = "Si acepta las condiciones de este acuerdo de licencia, pulse sobre '%1'. En caso de no ser as� pulse sobre '%2' para cancelar la instalaci�n.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Jos hyv�ksyt kaikki lisenssisopimuksen ehdot, valitse %1. Muussa tapauksessa peruuta asennus valitsemalla %2.";
- Text[ english_us ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ russian ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ greek ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ dutch ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ french ] = "Contrat de licence";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Contrato de licencia";
- Text[ finnish ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ italian ] = "Contratto di licenza";
- Text[ danish ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Licensavtal";
- Text[ polish ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ライセンス許諾書";
- Text[ korean ] = "라이센스 계약";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "用户许可协议";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用許可協定";
- Text[ turkish ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ arabic ] = "License Agreement";
- Text[ catalan ] = "License Agreement";