path: root/extensions/source/preload
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-04-29 16:45:23 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-04-29 16:45:23 +0000
commitac780d13e9603473fa6377e9ee8383aaf3453956 (patch)
treee1108b8c3046493b600400a21f7fd9740e492cb0 /extensions/source/preload
parent63febf4c1d7468a8502f71a7a94563d6a3acd44b (diff)
2003/04/29 08:35:43 gh final merge for Beta2 2003/04/14 14:46:43 gh merging all languages
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/source/preload')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/source/preload/preload.src b/extensions/source/preload/preload.src
index 82ab93f821a4..203bf55696a6 100644
--- a/extensions/source/preload/preload.src
+++ b/extensions/source/preload/preload.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: preload.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.30 $
+ * $Revision: 1.31 $
- * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-03-25 16:03:46 $
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-04-29 17:45:23 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
Text = "<< Zurck" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "<< Back" ;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "<< Back";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "<< Anterior";
Text[ russian ] = "<< ";
- Text[ greek ] = "<< Back";
+ Text[ greek ] = "<< ";
Text[ dutch ] = "<< Vorige";
Text[ french ] = "<< Prcdent";
Text[ spanish ] = "<< Regresar";
@@ -87,25 +87,28 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text[ italian ] = "<< Indietro";
Text[ danish ] = "<< Tilbage";
Text[ swedish ] = "<< Tillbaka";
- Text[ polish ] = "<< Back";
+ Text[ polish ] = "<< Wstecz";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "<< Voltar";
Text[ japanese ] = "<< 戻る";
Text[ korean ] = "<< 뒤로";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<< 返回";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "<< 返回";
- Text[ turkish ] = "<< Back";
- Text[ arabic ] = "<< Back";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "<< Geri";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ">> ";
Text[ catalan ] = "<< Enrere";
Text[ thai ] = "<< Back";
+ Text[ czech ] = "<< Zpět";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "<< ‮הקודם‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "<< Back";
PushButton PB_NEXT
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
Text = "Weiter >>" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Next >>" ;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Next >>";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Seguinte >>";
Text[ russian ] = " >>";
- Text[ greek ] = "Next >>";
+ Text[ greek ] = " >>";
Text[ dutch ] = "Volgende >>";
Text[ french ] = "Suivant >>";
Text[ spanish ] = "Siguiente >>";
@@ -113,16 +116,19 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text[ italian ] = "Avanti >>";
Text[ danish ] = "Nste >>";
Text[ swedish ] = "Nsta >>";
- Text[ polish ] = "Next >>";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Dalej >>";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Prxima >>";
Text[ japanese ] = "次へ >>";
Text[ korean ] = "다음 >>";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "继续 >>";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "繼續 >>";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Next >>";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Next >>";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "leri >>";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " >>";
Text[ catalan ] = "Segent >>";
Text[ thai ] = "Next >>";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Další >>";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הבא‬ >>";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Next >>";
CancelButton PB_CANCEL
@@ -133,9 +139,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text = "Akzeptieren";
Text[English] = "Accept";
Text[ english_us ] = "Accept";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Accept";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Aceitar";
Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "Accept";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Accepteren";
Text[ french ] = "Accepter";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aceptar";
@@ -143,25 +149,28 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text[ italian ] = "Accetto";
Text[ danish ] = "Accepter";
Text[ swedish ] = "Acceptera";
- Text[ polish ] = "Accept";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Akceptuj";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aceitar";
Text[ japanese ] = "同意する";
Text[ korean ] = "동의";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "接受";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "接受";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Accept";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Accept";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Kabul";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "Accepta";
Text[ thai ] = "Accept";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Přijmout";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קבלת שינוי‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Accept";
Text = "Fertig stellen";
Text[English] = "Finish";
Text[ english_us ] = "Finish";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Finish";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar";
Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "Finish";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Voltooien";
Text[ french ] = "Crer";
Text[ spanish ] = "Crear";
@@ -169,16 +178,19 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text[ italian ] = "Fine";
Text[ danish ] = "Udfr";
Text[ swedish ] = "Frdigstll";
- Text[ polish ] = "Finish";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zakocz";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Concluir";
Text[ japanese ] = "完了";
Text[ korean ] = "완료";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "完成";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Finish";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Finish";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bitir";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "Finalitza";
Text[ thai ] = "สร้าง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Dokončit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Fertig stellen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Finish";
@@ -194,16 +206,19 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text[ italian ] = " - Accordo di licenza del software";
Text[ danish ] = "#NAME?";
Text[ swedish ] = " - Licensavtal fr progamvara";
- Text[ polish ] = " - Software License Agreement";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = " - Contrato de licena para o uso do software";
+ Text[ polish ] = "#NAZWA?";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = " - Contrato de Licena de Software";
Text[ japanese ] = " - ソフトウェア使用許諾協定";
Text[ korean ] = " - 소프트웨어 라이센스 협정";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " - 软件使用协约";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = " - 軟體使用協定";
- Text[ turkish ] = " - Software License Agreement";
+ Text[ turkish ] = " - Yazlm Lisans Anlamas";
Text[ arabic ] = " - Software License Agreement";
Text[ catalan ] = "- Aceptaci de la llicncia";
Text[ thai ] = " - Software License Agreement";
+ Text[ czech ] = " - Licenční ujednání softwaru";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = " - Software-Lizenzvereinbarung";
+ Text[ hindi ] = " - Software License Agreement";
@@ -220,16 +235,19 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_OEMWIZARD
Text[ italian ] = " - Dati utente";
Text[ danish ] = "- User Data";
Text[ swedish ] = " - Anvndardata";
- Text[ polish ] = "- User Data";
+ Text[ polish ] = "#NAZWA?";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "- Dados do usurio";
Text[ japanese ] = "- ユーザーデータ";
Text[ korean ] = "- 사용자 데이터";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "- 使用者数据";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "- 使用者資料";
- Text[ turkish ] = "- User Data";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "- Kullanc verileri";
Text[ arabic ] = "- User Data";
Text[ catalan ] = "- Dades d'usuari";
Text[ thai ] = "- User Data";
+ Text[ czech ] = " - Uživatelská data";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = " - Benutzerdaten";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "- User Data";
@@ -242,9 +260,9 @@ TabPage RID_TP_WELCOME
Text = "Willkommen" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Welcome" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Bem-vindo!";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Welkom";
Text[ french ] = "Bienvenue";
Text[ spanish ] = "Bienvenido";
@@ -252,14 +270,14 @@ TabPage RID_TP_WELCOME
Text[ italian ] = "Benvenuti";
Text[ danish ] = "Velkommen";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vlkommen";
- Text[ polish ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bem vindo";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Witamy";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bem-vindo";
Text[ japanese ] = "ようこそ";
Text[ korean ] = "환영합니다";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "欢迎";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "歡迎";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Welcome";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Hogeldiniz";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "Benvinguts";
FixedText FT_INFO
@@ -286,21 +304,27 @@ TabPage RID_TP_WELCOME
Text[ french ] = "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM - Bienvenue !\n\nAvant de pouvoir dmarrer %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, vous devez spcifier vos donnes personnelles la page suivant la licence dans la bote de dialogue. Le fichier Readme (plac dans le rpertoire de %PRODUCTNAME) contient des informations importantes sur le programme. Il est vivement conseill d'en prendre connaissance. Vous trouverez galement des informations dtailles sur le site Internet de Sun l'adresse\n\n\n\nSupport et formation :\n\nProfitez du support logiciel gratuit durant 60 jours compter de la date d'achat ! Une formation Web pour StarOffice vous est galement offerte par le Sun(tm) Web Learning Center ; cette offre est valable durant 90 jours compter de la date d'enregistrement. Pour plus de dtails, visitez le site Web\n\n\n\nL'quipe de %PRODUCTNAME espre que cette nouvelle version rpondra vos attentes et vous souhaite un agrable travail !";
Text[ spanish ] = "Bienvenidos a %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nPara iniciar %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, introduzca sus datos personales en el dilogo que sigue al texto de licencia. Encontrar informacin importante relativa al programa en los archivos readme, en el directorio de %PRODUCTNAME. Lea estos archivos atentamente. Tambin encontrar informacin detallada en la pgina de Internet de Sun\n\n\n\nnSoporte y formacin:\n\\Utilice el servicio de asistencia tcnica gratuito durante los 60 das siguientes a la compra. Para aprovechar esta oferta visite la pgina\n\n\n\nEsperamos que disfrute trabajando con %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tm on %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM.\n\nVoit kynnist %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM -ohjelman kirjoittamalla henkilkohtaiset tietosi kyttoikeustekstin jlkeiseen valintaikkunaan. Trket tiedot ovat readme-tiedostoissa, jotka sijaitsevat %PRODUCTNAMEn tuotehakemistossa. Lue huolellisesti nm tiedostot. Yksityiskohtaista tietoa lydt mys Sunin Web-sivustosta osoitteessa\n\n\n\nTuki ja koulutus:\n\nSaat yhden (1) ilmaisen StarOffice 6.0 -tukipuhelun (tm mahdollisuus on voimassa 60 piv ostopivn jlkeen) ja ilmaisen \"Transitioning to the StarOffice 6.0 Application Suite\" (WO-1605) -kurssin. Tmn Web-pohjaisen kurssin saat Sun(tm) Web Learning Centerin kautta (tm mahdollisuus on voimassa 60 piv ostopivn jlkeen). Jos haluat kytt tmn tarjouksen hyvksesi, vieraile alla olevassa Web-sivustossa.\n\n\n\nToivomme, ett nautit tyskentelystsi %PRODUCTNAMElla.";
- Text[ italian ] = "Benvenuti a %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nPer avviare %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM inserite i vostri dati nel dialogo che segue il testo di licenza. I file Readme nella cartella %PRODUCTNAME contengono informazioni importanti sul programma. Leggete i file attentamente. Troverete informazioni dettagliate alla pagina Web di Sun\n\n\nSupporto:\n\nAvete l'opportunit di effettuare una chiamata gratuita al nostro servizio di supporto StarOffice 6.0 (offerta valida per 90 giorni a partire dalla data di acquisto). Per approfittare dell'offerta andate alla pagina\n\n\n\nVi auguriamo buon lavoro con %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nIl team %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Benvenuti a %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nPer avviare %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM inserite i vostri dati nel dialogo che segue il testo di licenza. I file Readme nella cartella %PRODUCTNAME contengono informazioni importanti sul programma. Leggete i file attentamente. Troverete informazioni dettagliate alla pagina Web di Sun\n\n\nSupporto:\n\nAvete l'opportunit di effettuare una chiamata gratuita al nostro servizio di supporto (offerta valida per 60 giorni a partire dalla data di acquisto). Per approfittare dell'offerta andate alla pagina\n\n\n\nVi auguriamo buon lavoro con %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nIl team %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ danish ] = "Velkommen til %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nFor at starte %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM skal du indtaste dine brugerdata i det skrmbillede, der flger efter teksten vedrrende licens. I Vigtigt-filen, der ligger i %PRODUCTNAME-produktbiblioteket, kan du finde vigtige oplysninger om programmet. Ls alle disse oplysninger grundigt igennem. Du finder desuden udfrlige oplysninger p Suns websted p adressen \n\n\n\nSupport og trning:\n\nBenyt dig af vores gratis support-telefon. Du kan ogs gre brug af et gratis, webbaseret StarOffice-kursus fra Sun Web Learning Centers. Disse tilbud er gldende i 60 dage efter kbsdatoen. Besg denne webside for at f yderligere oplysninger:\n\n\n\nVi nsker dig god fornjelse med %PRODUCTNAME.\nDit %PRODUCTNAME-team.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vlkommen till %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nFr att kunna starta %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM anger du dina anvndardata i dialogrutan som kommer efter licenstexten. I readmefilen i %PRODUCTNAME-produktkatalogen finns det viktig information om programmet. Ls igenom den hr informationen noggrant. Det finns dessutom utfrlig information p Suns Internetsida p\n\n\n\nSupport:\n\nDu fr gratis programsupport i 60 dagar efter kpdatum. Besk fljande webbsida om du vill utnyttja det hr erbjudandet.\n\n\n\nVi nskar dig mycket nje och framgngsrikt arbete med %PRODUCTNAME.\nDitt %PRODUCTNAME-team.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM へようこそ\n\n%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM を起動するには、ライセンス許諾書の文章に続くダイアログページでユーザーデータを入力します。%PRODUCTNAME がインストールされているディレクトリの Readme ファイルでは、ご使用にあたっての注意点を述べています。ご使用になる前に、必ずお読みください。詳細情報は、Sun の webサイトまで。\n\n\n\nサポートとトレーニング:\n\nソフトウェアサービスに関しては、ご購入日から60日間は無償でご利用いただけます。また Sun(tm) Web Learning Center 主催 webベースの StarSuite トレーニングについては、登録された日から90日間は有効です。ふるってご参加ください。詳細については、以下の Webページでご案内申し上げます。\n\n\n%PRODUCTNAME チーム一同";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Witamy w %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM!\n\nAby uruchomi %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, naley poda swoje dane w oknie dialogowym, ktre bdzie widoczne po wywietleniu umowy licencyjnej. W pliku Readme, zawartym w katalogu programu %PRODUCTNAME, znajduj si wane wskazwki dotyczce programu. Naley je uwanie przeczyta. Szczegowe informacje podano w witrynie firmy Sun pod adresem\n\n\n\nPomoc techniczna i szkolenia:\n\nMona uzyska jedn (1) bezpatn telefoniczn usug zwizan z programem %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION (w cigu 60 dni od daty zakupu) oraz bezpatny dostp do internetowego kursu \"Transitioning to the %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Application Suite\" (WO-1605), dostpnego w orodku Web Learning Center firmy Sun(tm) (w cigu 60 dni od daty zakupu). Aby skorzysta z tej oferty naley odwiedzi podan niej witryn.\n\n\n\nMamy nadziej, e praca z pakietem %PRODUCTNAME bdzie przyjemna i owocna.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM へようこそ\n\n%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM を起動するには、ライセンス許諾書の文章に続くダイアログページでユーザーデータを入力します。%PRODUCTNAME がインストールされているディレクトリの Readme ファイルでは、ご使用にあたっての注意点を述べています。ご使用になる前に、必ずお読みください。詳細情報は、Sun の webサイトまで。\n\n\n\nサポートとトレーニング:\n\nGet FREE ソフトウェアサポートはご購入日から60日間有効です。また Sun(tm) Web Learning Center 主催 webベースの %PRODUCTNAME トレーニングコースについては、登録された日から90日間 FREE アクセスできます。ふるってご参加ください。詳細については、以下の Webページでご案内申し上げます。\n\n\n%PRODUCTNAME チーム一同";
Text[ korean ] = "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM을 시작합니다.\n\n %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM 을 시작하려면 우선 사용자 사용권 계약서의 대화 상자에서 사용자 개인 정보를 입력해주십시오.\n\n %PRODUCTNAME 제품 디렉토리에 있는 Readme 파일에는 프로그램에 대한 주요 참고 사항이 수록되어 있습니다. 이 참고 사항을 주의깊게 읽어보십시오.\n\n그 외의 자세한 정보는 Sun의 인터넷 사이트인에서 보실 수 있습니다.\n\n%PRODUCTNAME를 사용하여 멋있는 문서를 꾸며 보십시오.\n\n %PRODUCTNAME 팀 일동.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "欢迎安装 %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\n在启动 %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM 之前,请在许可证文字之后的对话方框内输入您的个人数据。请仔细阅读存放在 %PRODUCTNAME 目录之内的重要的 READEME 文档。您也能够访问 Sun 网页,阅读详细的相关资料:\n\n";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "歡迎使用 %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\n如果要啟動 %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM,請在許可證協議之後的對話方塊中鍵入您的個人資料。%PRODUCTNAME 產品目錄讀我檔案中包含重要的資訊。請仔細閱讀這些檔案。您也可以在 Sun 網站\n\n 找到詳細的資訊。\n\n支援和訓練:\n\n從購買日起 60 天內有效的「免費」軟體支援,及「免費」存取基於 web 式的 %PRODUCTNAME 課程,可透過 Sun(tm) Web 學習中心取得 (自註冊日起 90 天內有效)。如果要利用這項優惠,請至下列網站:\n\n\n\n我們預祝您能夠愉快、順利地使用 %PRODUCTNAME。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM'a ho geldiniz. \n\n%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM'a balamak iin aadaki alana lisans numaranz girin. Product dizini altnda %PRODUCTNAME 'da konumlanm olan Beni Oku dosyas nemli bilgiler iermekte. Bu dosyay dikkatlice okuyun. Detayl bilgiyi Sun'n Websitesinde bulabilirsiniz. \n\n\n\nDestek ve Eitim:\n\n satn aldnz tarihten itibaren 60 gn iin cretsiz yazlm destei ve cretsiz Web tabanl %PRODUCTNAME kurslar (kayr tarihinden itibaren 90 gn geerli) elde edin. Bu avantaj yakalamak iin aadaki Web sayfasn ziyaret edin.\n\n\n\nUmarz %PRODUCTNAME ile almaktan holanacaksnz.";
Text[ arabic ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Benvinguts a %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nPer iniciar %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, introduu les dades personals en el quadre de dileg ms avall del text de llicncia.\n\nHi ha informaci important als fitxers readme que estan ubicats en el directori de l'StarOffice. Llegiu els fitxers amb atenci.\n\nTamb podeu trobar informaci detallada a la pgina d'Internet de Sun a\n\n\n\nEsperem que gaudeixi treballant amb l'StarOffice.";
Text[ thai ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text.\n\nImportant information is contained in the readme files which are located in the StarOffice product directory. Please read these files carefully.\n\nYou can also find detailed information on the Sun Internet pages at\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with StarOffice.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bem vindo ao%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nPara iniciar %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, preencha seus dados pessoais nas caixas de dilogo que seguem o texto da licena.\n\nOs arquivos readme contm informaes importantes e esto localizados no diretrio %PRODUCTNAME-. Por favor leia atentamente os arquivos.\n\nPara maiores informaes visite a pgina internet da SUN no endereo \n\n\n\nDesejamos um bom trabalho com %PRODUCTNAME-.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bem-vindo ao %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nPara iniciar o %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, preencha seus dados pessoais nas caixas de dilogo que seguem o texto da licena.\n\nOs arquivos readme contm informaes importantes e esto localizados no diretrio do %PRODUCTNAME. Leia atentamente esses arquivos.\n\nPara maiores informaes visite a pgina internet da SUN no endereo \n\n\n\nDesejamos um bom trabalho com o %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vítejte v %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nKe spuštění %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM zadejte prosím své osobní údaje do dialogu, který následuje za textem této licence. Soubory README obsahují důležité informace a jsou umístěny v adresáři aplikace %PRODUCTNAME. Prosím přečtěte si pozorně tyto soubory. Detailní informace taktéž najdete na webových stránkách společnosti Sun, na adrese\n\n\n\nPodpora a školení:\n\nZískáte jeden volný telefonát na podporu (platné 60 dní od nákupu) a volný přístup k materiálu \"Transitioning to the StarOffice 6.0 Application Suite\" (WO-1605); online webové školení dostupné přes Sun(tm) Web Learning Center (platné 60 dní od nákupu). Získejte tuto výhodnou nabídku navštívením stránky:\n\n\n\nDoufáme, že se vám bude dobře pracovat s produktem %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start the %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text. Important information is contained in the readme files which are located in the %PRODUCTNAME product directory. Please read these files carefully. You can also find detailed information at the Sun website \n\n\n\nSupport and Training:\n\nGet FREE software support valid for 60 days from date of purchase and FREE access to a web-based %PRODUCTNAME course available through the Sun(tm) Web Learning Center (valid for 90 days from the date of registration). To take advantage of this offer, visit the website below.\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM\n\nTo start the %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION OEM, please enter your personal data in the dialog following the license text. Important information is contained in the readme files which are located in the %PRODUCTNAME product directory. Please read these files carefully. You can also find detailed information at the Sun website \n\n\n\nSupport and Training:\n\nGet FREE software support valid for 60 days from date of purchase and FREE access to a web-based %PRODUCTNAME course available through the Sun(tm) Web Learning Center (valid for 90 days from the date of registration). To take advantage of this offer, visit the website below.\n\n\n\nWe hope you enjoy working with %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ thai ] = "Welcome";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vítejte";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Willkommen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Welcome";
@@ -359,13 +383,13 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ italian ] = "Contratto di licenza";
Text[ danish ] = "Licensaftale";
Text[ swedish ] = "Licensavtal";
- Text[ polish ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Umowa licencyjna";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Contrato da Licena";
Text[ japanese ] = "ライセンス許諾書";
Text[ korean ] = "사용권 계약";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "用户许可协议";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用許可協定";
- Text[ turkish ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Lisans Anlamas";
Text[ arabic ] = "License Agreement";
Text[ catalan ] = "Acord de llicncia";
@@ -398,12 +422,15 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ dutch ] = "Lees de volgende licentieovereenkomst door. Met de beeldschuifbalk kunt u de resterende tekst van de overeenkomst zichtbaar maken.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lue seuraava lisenssisopimus huolellisesti. Voit vieritt teksti vierityspalkin avulla.";
Text[ danish ] = "Ls den flgende licensaftale. Du kan se resten af licensaftalen ved hjlp af rullepanelet.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Prosimy przeczyta umow licencyjn. Przesunicie paska przewijania obrazu pozwala przeczyta ukryt cz umowy licencyjnej.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bitte lesen Sie das folgende Lizenzabkommen. Mit der Bildlaufleiste k?nen Sie den Rest des Lizenzabkommens sichtbar machen.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ltfen aadaki lisans anlamasn dikkatle okuyun. Sayfa kaydrma ubuunu kullanarak, lisans anlamasnn tamamn grntleyebilirsiniz.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Naley uwanie przeczyta umow licencyjn. Aby zobaczy cay tekst, mona posuy si paskiem przewijania.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Leia o seguinte contrato de licena com ateno. Use a barra de rolagem para visualizar o texto completo.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Kuruluma devam etmek iin aadaki admlar izleyin:";
Text[ arabic ] = " . .";
Text[ catalan ] = "Llegeix el segent acord de llicncia. Amb la barra de desplaament podreu veure la resta de l'acord.";
Text[ thai ] = "อ่านข้อตกลงการอนุญาตต่อไปนี้อย่างระมัดระวัง ใช้แถบเลื่อนเพื่อดูทั้งข้อความ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Pro pokračování instalace proveďte následující kroky:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Bitte führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus, um mit der Installation fortzufahren:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "निम्नलिखित अनुज्ञप्ति प्रमाणपत्र को ध्यान से पढ़िए । संपूर्ण टेक्स्ट् को देखने केलिए स्क्रॉल् पट्टी का उपयोग कीजिए ।";
FixedImage IMG_ARROW
@@ -448,6 +475,9 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ arabic ] = "1.";
Text[ catalan ] = "1.";
Text[ thai ] = "1.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "1.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮1.‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "1.";
FixedText FT_INFO2
@@ -471,12 +501,15 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ dutch ] = "Als u met alle voorwaarden in deze licentieovereenkomst akkoord gaat, klikt u op de knop '%1'. Als u de voorwaarden niet accepteert, klikt u op '%2'. De installatie wordt dan geannuleerd.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Jos hyvksyt kaikki lisenssisopimuksen ehdot, valitse '%1'. Muussa tapauksessa peruuta asennus valitsemalla '%2'.";
Text[ danish ] = "Hvis du accepterer alle betingelser i denne licensaftale, skal du klikke p knappen '%1'. Hvis du ikke accepterer betingelserne, skal du klikke p '%2'. Herefter afbrydes installationen.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Jeeli warunki niniejszej umowy licencyjnej zostan zaakceptowane, naley klikn przycisk '%1'. W razie niezaakceptowania ich naley klikn przycisk '%2'. Instalacja zostanie wwczas przerwana.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Akzeptieren Sie s?mtliche Bedingungen im vorliegenden Lizenzabkommen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfl?che '%1'. Stimmen Sie den Bedingungen nicht zu klicken Sie auf '%2', die Installation wird dann abgebrochen.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Lisans anlamasndaki tm koullar kabul ediyorsanz, '%1' dmesini tklayn. Koullar kabul etmiyorsanz, '%2' dmesini tklayn. Bu durumda kurulum iptal edilecek.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Jeeli akceptujesz wszystkie warunki umowy licencyjnej, kliknij przycisk %1. W przeciwnym przypadku kliknij przycisk %2, aby anulowa instalacj.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Se voc concorda com os termos do contrato de licena, clique no boto \"%1\". Caso contrrio, clique no boto \"%2\" para cancelar a instalao.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tm lisans anlamasn okuyun. Bu metni okumak iin kaydrma ubuunu ya da %PAGEDOWN dmesini kullanabilirsiniz.";
Text[ arabic ] = " '%1'. ǡ '%2'. .";
Text[ catalan ] = "Si accepteu les condicions d'aquest acord, feu clic a '%1'. En el cas que no sigui aix, feu clic a '%2' per cancellar la installaci.";
- Text[ thai ] = "ถ้าคุณยอมรับเงื่อนไขทั้งหมดของข้อตกลงการอนุญาต, ให้คลิ๊ก '%1'. ถ้าไม่, ให้คลิ๊ก '%2' เพื่อยกเลิกการติดตั้ง";
+ Text[ thai ] = "View the complete License Agreement. Please use the scroll bar or the '%PAGEDOWN' button in this dialog to view the entire license text.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Přečtěte si celé licenční ujednání. Použijte, prosím, posuvnou lištu nebo tlačítko '%PAGEDOWN' v tomto dialogu pro přečtení celého textu licenčního ujednání.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Lesen Sie den gesamten Lizenzvertrag. Verwenden Sie die Bildlaufleiste oder die %PAGEDOWN Schaltfläche in diesem Dialog um den gesamten Text sichtbar zu machen.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अगर आप अनुज्ञप्ति प्रमाणपत्र का पूरा नियमों को स्वीकार करते है तो, '%1' को क्लिक् कीजिए । नहीं तो, प्रतिष्ठापन को रद्द करने केलिए '%2' को क्लिक् कीजिए ।";
@@ -486,26 +519,29 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text = "Bild ab" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Page Down" ;
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ russian ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ greek ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Page Down";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Pgina para baixo";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Pagina naar beneden";
Text[ french ] = "Suivant";
Text[ spanish ] = "AvPg";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Page Down";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Sivu alas";
Text[ italian ] = "PagGi";
- Text[ danish ] = "Page Down";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Side nedad";
Text[ swedish ] = "Rulla ned";
- Text[ polish ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Page Down";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Strona w d";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pgina para baixo";
Text[ japanese ] = "下へ";
Text[ korean ] = "아래로";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "画面向下";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下一頁";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Page Down";
- Text[ thai ] = "Page Down";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa aa";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Una pgina cap avall";
+ Text[ thai ] = "หน้าถัดไป";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Page Down";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Bild ab";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ नीचे की ओर";
FixedText FT_INFO3_1
@@ -535,6 +571,9 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ arabic ] = "2.";
Text[ catalan ] = "2.";
Text[ thai ] = "2.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "2.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮2.‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "2.";
FixedText FT_INFO3
@@ -560,10 +599,13 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ korean ] = "사용자 사용권 계약에 동의하십시오.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您接受许可证协议。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "接受許可證協議。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Accept the License Agreement.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Lisans Koullarn Kabul Et";
Text[ arabic ] = "Accept the License Agreement.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Accept the License Agreement.";
Text[ thai ] = "Accept the License Agreement.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Přijmout licenci.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Akzeptieren Sie den Lizenzvertrag.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Accept the License Agreement.";
@@ -589,10 +631,13 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ korean ] = "사용권 계약 조건에 동의합니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "我接受协议的条款。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "我接受協議的條款。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "I accept the terms of the Agreement.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Anlamann maddelerini kabul ediyorum";
Text[ arabic ] = "I accept the terms of the Agreement.";
Text[ catalan ] = "I accept the terms of the Agreement.";
Text[ thai ] = "I accept the terms of the Agreement.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Přijímám podmínky ujednání.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Ich akzeptiere die Bedingungen des Vertrags.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "I accept the terms of the Agreement.";
@@ -616,11 +661,14 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
Text[ korean ] = "동의(~A)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Kabul ediyorum";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Kabul";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Accepta";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Hyvksy";
Text[ thai ] = "~ยอมรับ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Přijmout";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קבלת שינוי‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~स्वीकार";
@@ -643,13 +691,19 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE
Text[ polish ] = "Odrzu";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nicht akzeptieren";
Text[ korean ] = "거부";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ptal";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Reddet";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "~No acceptar";
Text[ thai ] = "~ยกเลิก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zrušit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Ablehnen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~रद्द करो";
Text[ thai ] = "License Agreement";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Licenční ujednání";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Lizenzvertrag";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "License Agreement";
@@ -681,3 +735,17 @@ TabPage RID_TP_LICENSE