path: root/extensions
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2002-12-05 09:31:13 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2002-12-05 09:31:13 +0000
commite1e409d8f55bae3344eb5d69c0f244730cb3ac99 (patch)
tree8749173149e719d99b24f26432079d0cccf404d2 /extensions
parent865f5159032efe3876bcea9b3a69d6280fdf5455 (diff)
Merge SRX644: 05.12.02 - 11:27:03
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/source/abpilot/abspilot.src b/extensions/source/abpilot/abspilot.src
index 92f1cc602509..cffdab72079b 100644
--- a/extensions/source/abpilot/abspilot.src
+++ b/extensions/source/abpilot/abspilot.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: abspilot.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.35 $
+ * $Revision: 1.36 $
- * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-11-25 15:12:02 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-12-05 10:31:13 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ ModalDialog RID_DLG_ADDRESSBOOKSOURCEPILOT
Closeable = TRUE ;
Hide = TRUE;
Text[ portuguese ] = "Autopiloto da fonte de dados dos endereos";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Autopilot Address Book Data Source";
Text[ dutch ] = "Autopiloot Adresgegevensbron";
Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de source de donnes des adresses";
Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto de fuente de datos de la libreta de direcciones";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Autopilot Address Book Data Source";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu yhteystietojen tuominen";
Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico della sorgente dati della Rubrica";
Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot for adressedatakilde";
Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr adressdatakllor";
@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
"This auto pilot will assist you in the creation of this data source.";
Text [ english_us ] = "%PRODUCTNAME lets you access address data already present in your system. To do this, a %PRODUCTNAME data source will be created in which your address data is available in tabular form.\n\nThis AutoPilot helps you create the data source.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O %PRODUCTNAME permite-lhe o acesso a dados de endereos j disponveis no seu sistema.\nPara isso criada uma fonte de dados %PRODUCTNAME que permite o acesso aos seus livros de endereo na forma de tabelas.\n\nEste AutoPiloto ajuda-o a configurar essa fonte de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME .\n %PRODUCTNAME, .\n\n .";
+ Text[ russian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME .\n %PRODUCTNAME, .\n\n .";
Text[ greek ] = "%PRODUCTNAME allows you to access address data which is already present in your system.\nFor this, a new %PRODUCTNAME data source will be created, where your address data is available as tables.\n\nThis auto pilot will assist you in the creation of this data source.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Met %PRODUCTNAME heeft u toegang tot adresgegevens die reeds in uw systeem voorhanden zijn. Daartoe wordt er een %PRODUCTNAME gegevensbron aangelegd via welke u toegang heeft tot uw adresboeken als tabellen.\n\nDeze autopiloot ondersteunt u bij het inrichten van deze gegevensbron.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Met %PRODUCTNAME heeft u toegang tot adresgegevens die reeds op uw systeem beschikbaar zijn. Daartoe wordt er een %PRODUCTNAME-gegevensbron gemaakt via welke u toegang heeft tot uw adresboeken als tabellen.\n\nDeze AutoPiloot ondersteunt u bij het inrichten van deze gegevensbron.";
Text[ french ] = "%PRODUCTNAME permet l'accs aux donnes des adresses prsentes dans votre systme. Cette fonction ncessite la cration d'une source de donnes %PRODUCTNAME dans laquelle vos carnets d'adresses existeront sous forme de tables.\n\nCet AutoPilote vous assite lors du paramtrage de cette source de donnes.";
Text[ spanish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME le permite acceder a las direcciones que se encuentren en su sistema.\nPara ello se crear una fuente de datos %PRODUCTNAME en la que las libretas de direcciones estarn disponibles en tablas.\n\nEste AutoPiloto le apoya durante la creacin de esta fuente de datos.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME allows you to access address data which is already present in your system.\nFor this, a new %PRODUCTNAME data source will be created, where your address data is available as tables.\n\nThis auto pilot will assist you in the creation of this data source.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME antaa sinun kytt osoitetietoja, jotka ovat jo jrjestelmss. Tt varten luodaan %PRODUCTNAMEn tietolhde, jossa osoitetietosi ovat taulukkomuodossa.\n\nTll ohjatulla toiminnolla voit luoda tietolhteen.";
Text[ italian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME vi permette di accedere a dati della Rubrica gi presenti nel vostro sistema.\nA questo scopo viene creata una sorgente dati %PRODUCTNAME con la quale avrete accesso alle Rubriche sotto forma di tabelle.\n\nQuesto Pilota automatico vi aiuter ad impostare la sorgente dati.";
Text[ danish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME giver dig adgang til adressedata, som allerede findes p computeren. Dette gr du ved at oprette en %PRODUCTNAME-datakilde, hvor du har adgang til dine adressekartoteker som tabeller.\n\nDenne AutoPilot hjlper dig med konfigurationen af denne datakilde.";
Text[ swedish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME ger dig mjlighet att ha tillgng till adressdata som redan finns i ditt system. Fr att du ska kunna gra detta skapas en %PRODUCTNAME-dataklla dr dina adressbcker r tillgngliga som tabeller.\n\nDenna AutoPilot hjlper dig att skapa datakllan.";
@@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccione o tipo do seu livro de endereos externo:";
Text[ russian ] = " :";
Text[ greek ] = "Please choose the type of your external address book:";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kies het type van uw externe adrasboek:";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Kies het type van uw externe adresboek:";
Text[ french ] = "Slectionnez le type du carnet d'adresses externe :";
Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccione el tipo de libreta de direcciones externa:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Please choose the type of your external address book:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse ulkoisen osoitekirjan tyyppi:";
Text[ italian ] = "Selezionate il tipo di Rubrica esterna:";
Text[ danish ] = "Vlg typen af dit eksterne adressekartotek:";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vlj typen fr din externa adressbok:";
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text[ dutch ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
Text[ french ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
Text[ spanish ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mozilla / Netscape";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
Text[ italian ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
- Text[ danish ] = "Mozilla / Netscape";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
Text[ swedish ] = "Mozilla/Netscape 6.x";
Text[ polish ] = "Mozilla / Netscape 6.x";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mozilla / Netscape";
@@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text [ english ] = "LDAP address data";
Text [ english_us ] = "LDAP address data";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Endereos LDAP";
- Text[ russian ] = " LDAP";
+ Text[ russian ] = " LDAP";
Text[ greek ] = "LDAP address data";
- Text[ dutch ] = "LDAP adresbestand";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "LDAP-adresbestand";
Text[ french ] = "Stock des adresses LDAP";
Text[ spanish ] = "Datos de las direcciones LDAP ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "LDAP address data";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "LDAP-osoitetiedot";
Text[ italian ] = "Dati Rubrica LDAP";
Text[ danish ] = "LDAP-adressest";
Text[ swedish ] = "LDAP-adressdata";
@@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text[ portuguese ] = "Livro de endereos Outlook";
Text[ russian ] = " Outlook";
Text[ greek ] = "Outlook address book";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Outlook adresboek";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Outlook-adresboek";
Text[ french ] = "Carnet d'adresses Outlook";
Text[ spanish ] = "Libreta de direcciones de Outlook";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Outlook address book";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Outlookin osoitekirja";
Text[ italian ] = "Rubrica Outlook";
Text[ danish ] = "Outlook-adressekartotek";
Text[ swedish ] = "Outlook-adressbok";
@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text[ portuguese ] = "Livro de endereos do sistema Windows";
Text[ russian ] = " Windows";
Text[ greek ] = "Windows system address book";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Windows systeem-adresboek";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Windows-systeemadresboek";
Text[ french ] = "Carnet d'adresses du systme Windows";
Text[ spanish ] = "Libreta de direcciones del sistema de Windows";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Windows system address book";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Windows-jrjestelmn osoitekirja";
Text[ italian ] = "Rubrica di sistema Windows";
Text[ danish ] = "Windows systemadressekartotek";
Text[ swedish ] = "Windowssystemets adressbok";
@@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text [ english ] = "other external data source";
Text [ english_us ] = "Other external data source";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Outra fonte de dados externa";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "other external data source";
Text[ dutch ] = "andere externe gegevensbron";
Text[ french ] = "Autre source de donnes externe";
Text[ spanish ] = "Otras fuentes de datos externas";
- Text[ finnish ] = "other external data source";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Muu ulkoinen tietolhde";
Text[ italian ] = "Altre sorgenti dati esterne";
Text[ danish ] = "andre eksterne datakilder";
Text[ swedish ] = "Annan extern dataklla";
@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE
Text[ thai ] = "แหล่งข้อมูลภายนอกอื่น ๆ";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Bem-vindo ao AutoPiloto da fonte de dados dos endereos!";
- Text[ russian ] = " !";
+ Text[ russian ] = " !";
Text[ greek ] = "Welcome to the Address Data Source AutoPilot";
Text[ dutch ] = "Welkom bij de AutoPiloot voor het inrichten van adresgegevensbronnen";
Text[ french ] = "Bienvenue dans l'AutoPilote pour le paramtrage des sources de donnes des adresses !";
Text[ spanish ] = "Bienvenido al AutoPiloto de fuentes de datos de direcciones";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Welcome to the Address Data Source AutoPilot";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tm on ohjattu yhteystietojen tuominen";
Text[ italian ] = "Benvenuti nel Pilota automatico per impostare la sorgente dati della Rubrica";
Text[ danish ] = "Velkommen til AutoPilot til konfiguration af adressedatakilder.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vlkommen till AutoPiloten fr att skapa adressdatakllor";
@@ -364,12 +364,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_ADMININVOKATION
"There, please specify all missing settings.";
Text [ english_us ] = "To set up the new data source, additional information is required.\n\nClick the following button to open another dialog in which you then enter the necessary information.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Para configurar a nova fonte de dados so ainda necessrias algumas informaes.\n\nClique no boto abaixo para abrir a respectiva caixa de dilogo. Indique a os parmetros necessrios.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .\n\n , , , .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .\n\n , , , .";
Text[ greek ] = "To set up the new data source, some additional information is needed.\n\nFor this, another dialog will be opened, as soon as you press the button below. There, please specify all missing settings.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Om de nieuwe gegevensbron in te richten worden er nog meer gegevens benodigd.\n\nZodra u op de knop hieronder klikt wordt er nog een dialoog geopend. Geef daarin de ontbrekende instellingen aan.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Om de nieuwe gegevensbron in te richten, zijn nog meer gegevens vereist.\n\nZodra u op de knop hieronder klikt, wordt er nog een dialoogvenster geopend. Geef daarin de ontbrekende instellingen op.";
Text[ french ] = "Des informations supplmentaires sont requises pour le paramtrage de la nouvelle source de donnes.\n\nUtilisez le bouton ci-dessous pour ouvrir une autre bote de dialogue permettant de dfinir les paramtres manquants.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Para configurar la nueva fuente de datos se necesita otra informacin.\n\nPara ello, en cuanto pulse sobre el botn que se encuentra abajo se abrir otro dilogo. Introduzca en l la informacin requerida.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "To set up the new data source, some additional information is needed.\n\nFor this, another dialog will be opened, as soon as you press the button below. There, please specify all missing settings.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Listietoja vaaditaan uuden tietolhteen asentamiseksi.\n\nAvaa seuraavaa painiketta napsauttamalla toinen valintaikkuna, johon voit sytt tarvittavat tiedot.";
Text[ italian ] = "Per impostare la nuova sorgente dati sono necessarie ancora alcune informazioni.\n\nCliccando il pulsante sotto si aprir un altro dialogo in cui potete inserire le informazioni mancanti.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der skal bruges flere oplysninger for at kunne konfigurere den nye datakilde.\n\nDen flgende knap bner en ny dialog, hvor du kan foretage de manglende indstillinger.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Du mste gra fler instllningar fr den nya datakllan.\n\nOm du klickar p kommandoknappen nedan ppnas en annan dialogruta dr du gr instllningarna som saknas.";
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_ADMININVOKATION
Text[ dutch ] = "Instellingen";
Text[ french ] = "Paramtres";
Text[ spanish ] = "Configuracin";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Settings";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Asetukset";
Text[ italian ] = "Impostazioni";
Text[ danish ] = "Indstillinger";
Text[ swedish ] = "Instllningar";
@@ -429,12 +429,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_ADMININVOKATION
"Before you proceed, please check the settings made, or (on the previous page) choose another type of address data source.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established.\nBefore you proceed, please check the settings made, or (on the previous page) choose another address data source type.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel estabelecer a ligao fonte de dados.\nAntes de continuar, verifique as definies ou seleccione outro tipo (pgina anterior) para a fonte de dados dos endereos.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .\n , ( ) .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .\n, , ( ) .";
Text[ greek ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established.\nBefore you proceed, please check the settings made, or (on the previous page) choose another type of address data source.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De verbinding met de gegevensbron kon niet tot stand worden gebracht.\nControlleer eerst de gedefinieerde instellingen of kies (op de vorige pagina) een ander type adres-gegevensbron.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De verbinding met de gegevensbron kan niet tot stand worden gebracht.\nControleer eerst de gedefinieerde instellingen of kies (op de vorige pagina) een ander type adresgegevensbron.";
Text[ french ] = "La connexion la source de donnes n'a pas pu tre tablie.\nAvant de poursuivre, vrifiez le paramtrage effectu ou choisissez (sur la page prcdente) un autre type pour la source de donnes des adresses.";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo efectuar la conexin a la fuente de datos.\nAntes de continuar, compruebe la configuracin realizada o elija (en la ficha anterior) otro tipo para la fuente de datos de direcciones.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established.\nBefore you proceed, please check the settings made, or (on the previous page) choose another type of address data source.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Yhteytt tietolhteeseen ei saatu.\nTarkista tehdyt asetukset ennen jatkamista tai valitse edelliselt sivulta toinen osoitetietolhteen tyyppi.";
Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile realizzare il collegamento alla sorgente dati.\nPrima di proseguire vi consigliamo di verificare le impostazioni appena fatte oppure selezionate un altro tipo di sorgente dati per la Rubrica nella pagina precedente.";
Text[ danish ] = "Der kunne ikke oprettes forbindelse til datakilden.\nKontroller de foretagne indstillinger, fr du fortstter, eller vlg (p forrige side) en anden type til dit adressekartotek.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att koppla till datakllan.\nKontrollera de gjorda instllningarna innan du fortstter eller vlj en annan typ fr din adressdataklla (p fregende sida).";
@@ -452,10 +452,10 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_ADMININVOKATION
Text[ portuguese ] = "Definies adicionais";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Additional Settings";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Verdere instellingen";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Extra instellingen";
Text[ french ] = "Paramtres supplmentaires";
Text[ spanish ] = "Configuracin adicional";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Additional Settings";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Lisasetukset";
Text[ italian ] = "Ulteriori impostazioni";
Text[ danish ] = "Yderligere indstillinger";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ytterligare instllningar";
@@ -493,12 +493,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_TABLESELECTION
"Please choose the one you primarily want to work with:";
Text [ english_us ] = "The external data source you have chosen contains more than one address book.\nPlease select the one you mainly want to work with:";
Text[ portuguese ] = "A fonte de dados externa seleccionada contm vrios stocks de endereos.\nSeleccione o que ir ser mais usado.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .\n , .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .\n , .";
Text[ greek ] = "The external data source chosen by you contains more than one address stock (or tables, respectively).\nPlease choose the one you primarily want to work with:";
Text[ dutch ] = "De door u geselecteerde externe gegevensbron bevat meerdere adresbestanden.\nKies daaruit diegene waarmee u hoofdzakelijk wilt werken:";
Text[ french ] = "La source de donnes externe que vous avez choisie contient plusieurs stocks d'adresses.\nSlectionnez celui avec lequel vous voulez principalement travailler :";
Text[ spanish ] = "La fuente de datos externa que ha seleccionado contiene varias existencias de direcciones.\nSeleccione la que vaya a utilizar principalmente:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "The external data source chosen by you contains more than one address stock (or tables, respectively).\nPlease choose the one you primarily want to work with:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Valitsemasi ulkoinen tietolhde sislt monta osoitekirjaa.\nValitse osoitekirja, jota pasiassa kytt:";
Text[ italian ] = "La sorgente dati esterna selezionata contiene diversi indirizzi.\nSelezionate quelli con cui volete lavorare:";
Text[ danish ] = "Den valgte eksterne datakilde indeholder flere adressest.\nVlg det st, som du hovedsageligt vil arbejde med:";
Text[ swedish ] = "Den externa datakllan som du har valt innehller flera adressuppsttningar.\nVlj den som du huvudsakligen vill arbeta med:";
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_TABLESELECTION
Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel selecteren";
Text[ french ] = "Slection de table";
Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccionar tabla";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Select Table";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse taulukko";
Text[ italian ] = "Seleziona tabella";
Text[ danish ] = "Vlg tabel";
Text[ swedish ] = "Vlj tabell";
@@ -574,12 +574,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_FIELDMAPPING
"data source.";
Text [ english_us ] = "To incorporate the address data in your templates, %PRODUCTNAME has to know which fields contain which data.\n\nFor instance, you could have stored the e-mail addresses in a field named \"email\", or \"E-mail\" or \"EM\" - or something completely different.\n\nClick the button below to open another dialog where you can enter the settings for your data source.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Para poder utilizar os dados dos endereos nos seus modelos de documentos, o %PRODUCTNAME tem de reconhecer os campos que contm os dados concretos.\n\nExemplo: os endereos electrnicos podem estar guardados num determinado campo com o nome que lhe parecer mais conveniente (e-mail, email ou EM, etc.)\n\nUtilize o boto abaixo para abrir outra caixa de dilogo que lhe permite definir estes parmetros para a fonte de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , %PRODUCTNAME \"\" , .\n\n, \"E-Mail\" \" \" .\n\n , , , .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " , %PRODUCTNAME , .\n\n, \"E-Mail\" \" \" - .\n\n , , .";
Text[ greek ] = "To incorporate the address data in your template documents, %PRODUCTNAME has to know which fields do contain which concrete data.\n\nFor instance, you could have stored the e-mail addresses in a field named \"EMail\", or \"E-Mail\" or \"EM\" - or something completely different.\n\nWhen you press the button below, another dialog will be opened, where you can do this field assignment for your data source.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Om de adresgegevens in uw sjabloondocumenten te kunnen gebruiken moet %PRODUCTNAME weten welke velden welke concrete gegevens bevatten.\n\nU kunt bijvoorbeeld de e-mailadressen hebben opgeslagen in een veld met de naam \"E-mail\", \"EMail\", of \"EM\" - of onder een andere naam.\n\nAls u op de knop hieronder klikt wordt er een dialoog geopend waarin u de instellingen voor uw gegevensbron kunt aangeven.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Om de adresgegevens in uw sjabloondocumenten te kunnen gebruiken, moet %PRODUCTNAME weten welke velden welke concrete gegevens bevatten.\n\nU kunt bijvoorbeeld de e-mailadressen hebben opgeslagen in een veld met de naam \"E-mail\", \"EMail\", of \"EM\", of onder een andere naam.\n\nAls u op de knop hieronder klikt, wordt er een dialoogvenster geopend waarin u de instellingen voor uw gegevensbron kunt opgeven.";
Text[ french ] = "Afin de pouvoir utiliser les donnes des adresses dans les modles, %PRODUCTNAME doit reconnatre les champs contenant les donnes concrtes.\n\nExemple : les adresses e-mail pourront avoir t stockes dans un champ prcis que vous pouvez nommer comme bon vous semble (e-mail, email, EM ...).\n\nUtilisez le bouton ci-dessous pour appeler une autre bote de dialogue permettant de dfinir ces paramtres pour la source de donnes.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Para poder incorporar los datos de las direcciones en las plantillas, %PRODUCTNAME debe saber qu campos contienen qu datos.\n\nPor ejemplo, usted puede haber guardado las direcciones electrnicas en un campo con el nombre \"e-mail\", E-mail\", \"em\" o con un nombre completamente distinto.\n\nSi pulsa el botn que se encuentra ms abajo, se abrir otro dilogo en el que podr configurar la fuente de datos.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "To incorporate the address data in your template documents, %PRODUCTNAME has to know which fields do contain which concrete data.\n\nFor instance, you could have stored the e-mail addresses in a field named \"EMail\", or \"E-Mail\" or \"EM\" - or something completely different.\n\nWhen you press the button below, another dialog will be opened, where you can do this field assignment for your data source.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Jotta osoitetietojen yhdistminen malleihin onnistuisi, %PRODUCTNAMEn on tiedettv, miss kentiss on mitkin tietoa.\n\nShkpostiosoitteet voivat olla esimerkiksi kentss \"shkposti\", \"s-posti\" tai \"email\" tms.\n\nAvaa alla olevaa painiketta napsauttamalla toinen valintaikkuna, johon voit sytt tietolhteen asetukset.";
Text[ italian ] = "Per poter utilizzare i dati della Rubrica nei vostri modelli necessario che %PRODUCTNAME riconosca i campi contenenti dati concreti.\n\nSupponiamo che abbiate salvato i vostri indirizzi eMail in un campo chiamato \"E-Mail\", \"eMail\", \"EM\" o un qualsiasi altro nome.\n\nPremendo il pulsante in basso si aprir un altro dialogo in cui potrete impostare la sorgente dati.";
Text[ danish ] = "\"For at kunne bruge adressedataene i dine skabelondokumenter skal %PRODUCTNAME vide, hvilke felter der indeholder hvilke konkrete data.\n\nFor eksempel kunne du have gemt e-mail-adresserne i et felt ved navn \"\"E-mail\"\", \"\"Email\"\" eller \"\"EM\"\" eller under et helt andet navn.\n\nS snart du trykker p knappen nedenfor, bnes en yderligere dialog, hvor du kan foretage indstillingerne for din datakilde.\"";
Text[ swedish ] = "Fr att adressdata i dina malldokument ska kunna anvndas mste %PRODUCTNAME veta vilka flt som innehller vilka konkreta data.\n\nDu kan till exempel ha sparat e-postadresser i ett flt som kallas \"E-Mail\" eller \"Email\" eller \"EM\" - eller ngot helt annat.\n\nOm du klickar p kommandoknappen nedan ppnas en ytterligare dialogruta dr du kan gra de hr instllningarna fr din dataklla.";
@@ -606,10 +606,10 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_FIELDMAPPING
Text[ portuguese ] = "Atribuir campos";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Field assignment";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Veldtoewijzing";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Veldindeling";
Text[ french ] = "Assignation des champs";
Text[ spanish ] = "Asignacin de campo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Field assignment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kenttmritys";
Text[ italian ] = "Assegnazione campo";
Text[ danish ] = "Felttildeling";
Text[ swedish ] = "Flttilldelning";
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_FIELDMAPPING
Text[ dutch ] = "Veldindeling";
Text[ french ] = "Assignation des champs";
Text[ spanish ] = "Asignacin de campo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Field Assignment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kenttmritys";
Text[ italian ] = "Assegnazione campo";
Text[ danish ] = "Felttildeling";
Text[ swedish ] = "Flttilldelning";
@@ -675,12 +675,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_FINAL
"Now, just enter the name which should be used to register the data source in %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text [ english_us ] = "That was all the information necessary to integrate your address data into %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nNow, just enter the name under which you want to register the data source in %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Estas so todas as informaes necessrias para a integrao dos seus dados relacionados com endereos no %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nAgora s falta indicar o nome para o registo da fonte de dados no %PRODUCTNAME.";
- Text[ russian ] = ", %PRODUCTNAME .\n\n , %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text[ russian ] = ", %PRODUCTNAME .\n\n , %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ greek ] = "This were all information necessary to integrate your address data into %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nNow, just enter the name which should be used to register the data source in %PRODUCTNAME.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Dat waren alle benodigde gegevens voor de integratie van uw asdresgegevens in %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nVermeld nu nog de naam waaronder de gegevensbron in %PRODUCTNAME moet worden geregistreerd.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Dat waren alle vereiste gegevens voor de integratie van uw adresgegevens in %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nVoer nu nog de naam in waaronder de gegevensbron in %PRODUCTNAME moet worden geregistreerd.";
Text[ french ] = "Toutes les informations requises pour l'intgration des donnes des adresses dans %PRODUCTNAME sont prsent runies.\n\nSaisissez maintenant le nom sous lequel enregistrer la source de donnes dans %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ahora dispone de la informacin necesaria para integrar los datos de las direcciones en %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nIndique ahora el nombre con el que desee registrar la fuente de datos en %PRODUCTNAME.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "This were all information necessary to integrate your address data into %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nNow, just enter the name which should be used to register the data source in %PRODUCTNAME.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Siin olivat kaikki tarvittavat tiedot osoitetietojen yhdistmiseksi %PRODUCTNAMEen.\n\nAnna nyt nimi, jolla haluat rekisterid tietolhteen %PRODUCTNAMEssa.";
Text[ italian ] = "Queste informazioni erano necessarie per integrare i dati della Rubrica in %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nIndicate ancora il nome con cui volete registrare la sorgente dati in %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ danish ] = "Du har nu angivet alle de oplysninger, som er ndvendige for at integrere dine adressedata i %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nIndtast nu det navn, som datakilden skal registreres under i %PRODUCTNAME.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Detta var alla uppgifter som behvs fr att dina adressdata ska kunna integreras i %PRODUCTNAME.\n\nAnge nu namnet som datakllan i %PRODUCTNAME ska registreras med.";
@@ -706,12 +706,12 @@ TabPage RID_PAGE_FINAL
Text [ english_us ] = "Name";
Group = TRUE;
Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
Text[ greek ] = "Title";
Text[ dutch ] = "Titel";
Text[ french ] = "Titre";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Title";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Nimi";
Text[ italian ] = "Titolo";
Text[ danish ] = "Navn";
Text[ swedish ] = "Rubrik";
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ Text[ japanese ] = "タイトル";
Text [ english ] = "Another data source already has this name. As data sources have globally unique names, you have to choose another one.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Another data source already has this name. As data sources have to have globally unique names, you need to choose another one.";
Text [ portuguese ] = "J existe uma fonte de dados com este nome. Os nomes das fontes de dados so nicos, por esta razo ter de seleccionar outro nome.";
- Text [ russian ] = " . , .";
+ Text [ russian ] = " . . .";
Text [ greek ] = " . . ";
Text [ dutch ] = "Er bestaat reeds een andere gegevensbron met deze naam. Kies een andere naam.";
Text [ french ] = "Ce nom a dj t attribu une autre source de donnes. tant donn que les sources de donnes doivent avoir des noms globalement uniques, vous devez en choisir un autre.";
@@ -763,17 +763,17 @@ Text[ japanese ] = "タイトル";
Text [ chinese_traditional ] = "已經存在一個同名的資料源。因為一個資料源名稱必須是在資料庫範圍內單一明確的。請採用另外一個有效的名稱。";
Text [ turkish ] = "There already is another data source with this name. Since data source names have to be globally unique, you have to choose another one.";
Text [ arabic ] = " . ɡ .";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Toisella tietolhteell on jo sama nimi. Tietolhteill on oltava yksillliset nimet, valitse toinen nimi.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Toisella tietolhteell on jo sama nimi. Tietolhteill on oltava yksillliset nimet. Valitse toinen nimi.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ja existeix una altra font de dades amb aquest nom. Has d'escollir-ne un altre perqu el nom de la font de dades ha de ser globalment nic.";
Text[ thai ] = "แหล่งข้อมูลอื่นมีชื่อนี้อยู่แล้ว แหล่งข้อมูลต้องมีชื่อที่ไม่เหมือนใครโดยรวม, คุณต้องเลือกชื่ออื่น";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo da fonte de dados";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Data Source Title";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Titel gegevensbron";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Gegevensbronnen-titel";
Text[ french ] = "Titre de la source de donnes";
Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo de la fuente de datos";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Data Source Title";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tietolhteen nimi";
Text[ italian ] = "Sorgenti dati Titel";
Text[ danish ] = "Datakildenavn";
Text[ swedish ] = "Datakllrubrik";
@@ -800,10 +800,10 @@ ErrorBox RID_ERR_NEEDTYPESELECTION
Message[ portuguese ] = "Seleccione um tipo de livro de endereos";
Message[ russian ] = " ";
Message[ greek ] = "Bitte whlen sie einen Adressbuch-Typ aus";
- Message[ dutch ] = "Kies een adresboek-type.";
+ Message[ dutch ] = "Kies een adresboektype.";
Message[ french ] = "Slectionnez un type de carnet d'adresses !";
Message[ spanish ] = "Seleccione un tipo de libreta de direcciones";
- Message[ finnish ] = "Bitte whlen sie einen Adressbuch-Typ aus";
+ Message[ finnish ] = "Valitse osoitekirjan tyyppi.";
Message[ italian ] = "Selezionate un tipo di Rubrica adatto";
Message[ danish ] = "Vlg en adressekartotekstype!";
Message[ swedish ] = "Vlj en typ av adressbok";
@@ -831,12 +831,12 @@ QueryBox RID_QRY_NOTABLES
"Do you want to install it as address data source, anyway?";
Message [ english_us ] = "The data source does not contain any tables.\nDo you want to set it up as an address data source, anyway?";
Message[ portuguese ] = "A fonte de dados no contm nenhuma tabela.\nMesmo assim, configur-la como fonte de dados dos endereos?";
- Message[ russian ] = " .\n ?";
+ Message[ russian ] = " .\n ?";
Message[ greek ] = "The data source does not contain any tables.\nDo you want to install it as address data source, anyway?";
Message[ dutch ] = "De gegevensbron bevat geen tabel.\nWilt u deze toch als adresgegevensbron inrichten?";
Message[ french ] = "La source de donnes ne contient aucune table.\nVoulez-vous tout de mme la paramtrer comme source de donnes des adresses ?";
Message[ spanish ] = "La fuente de datos no contiene tablas.\nDesea no obstante configurarla como fuente de datos de direcciones?";
- Message[ finnish ] = "The data source does not contain any tables.\nDo you want to install it as address data source, anyway?";
+ Message[ finnish ] = "Tietolhteess ei ole taulukoita.\nHaluatko asettaa sen osoitetietolhteeksi joka tapauksessa?";
Message[ italian ] = "La sorgente dati non contiene tabelle.\nVolete comunque impostarla come sorgente dati della Rubrica?";
Message[ danish ] = "Datakilden indeholder ingen tabel.\nVil du alligevel konfigurere den som adressedatakilde?";
Message[ swedish ] = "Datakllan innehller ingen tabell.\nVill du nd installera den som adress-dataklla?";
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ String RID_STR_DEFAULT_NAME
Text[ dutch ] = "Adressen";
Text[ french ] = "Adresses";
Text[ spanish ] = "Direcciones";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Addresses";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Osoitteet";
Text[ italian ] = "Indirizzi";
Text[ danish ] = "Adresser";
Text[ swedish ] = "Adresser";
@@ -886,12 +886,12 @@ String RID_STR_ADMINDIALOGTITLE
Text [ english ] = "Create Address Data Source";
Text [ english_us ] = "Create Address Data Source";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar fonte de dados dos endereos";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = "Create Address Data Source";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Adres-gegevensbron aanleggen";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Adresgegevensbron maken";
Text[ french ] = "Cration de la source de donnes des adresses";
Text[ spanish ] = "Crear fuente de datos de direcciones";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Create Address Data Source";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Luo osoitetietolhde";
Text[ italian ] = "Crea sorgente dati Rubrica";
Text[ danish ] = "Opret adressedatakilde";
Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa adressdataklla";
@@ -913,12 +913,12 @@ String RID_STR_NOCONNECTION
Text [ english ] = "The connection could not be established.";
Text [ english_us ] = "The connection could not be established.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel estabelecer a ligao.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ greek ] = "The connection could not be established.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De verbinding kon niet tot stand worden gebracht.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "De verbinding kan niet tot stand worden gebracht.";
Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'tablir la connexion !";
Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo realizar la conexin.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "The connection could not be established.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Yhteyden muodostaminen ei onnistunut.";
Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile realizzare il collegamento.";
Text[ danish ] = "Forbindelsen kunne ikke oprettes.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att koppla.";
@@ -940,12 +940,12 @@ String RID_STR_PLEASECHECKSETTINGS
Text [ english ] = "Please check the settings made for the data source.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Please check the settings made for the data source.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Verifique as definies da fonte de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .";
Text[ greek ] = "Please check the settings made for the data source.";
Text[ dutch ] = "Controleer de instellingen voor de gegevensbron.";
Text[ french ] = "Vrifiez les paramtres pour la source de donnes.";
Text[ spanish ] = "Compruebe la configuracin para la fuente de datos.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Please check the settings made for the data source.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tarkista tietolhteen asetukset.";
Text[ italian ] = "Verificate le impostazioni della sorgente dati.";
Text[ danish ] = "Kontroller indstillingerne for datakilden.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Kontrollera instllningarna fr datakllan.";
@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ String RID_STR_FIELDDIALOGTITLE
Text[ dutch ] = "Adresgegevens - veldtoewijzing";
Text[ french ] = "Donnes des adresses - Assignation des champs";
Text[ spanish ] = "Datos de direcciones - asignacin de campo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Address data - field assignment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Osoitetidot - kenttien mritys";
Text[ italian ] = "Dati della Rubrica - Assegnazione campi";
Text[ danish ] = "Adressedata - Felttildeling";
Text[ swedish ] = "Adressdata - flttilldelning";
@@ -999,12 +999,12 @@ String RID_STR_NOFIELDSASSIGNED
Text [ english_us ] = "There are no fields assigned at this time.\nYou can either assign fields now or do so later by first choosing:\n\"File - Template - Address Book Source...\"";
Text [ language_user1 ] = "The last line of this text refers to a menu entry. Please use the same translation as for this menu. Does it help if I tell you that it's in svx/inc/globalmn.hrc:ITEM_FILE_DOCTEMPLATE?";
Text[ portuguese ] = "No h campos atribudos.\nSe no pretender atribuir os campos agora, poder faz-lo mais tarde em:\nmenu \"Ficheiro - Modelos - Fonte do livro de endereos...\"";
- Text[ russian ] = " .\n , :\n \" - - ...\"";
+ Text[ russian ] = " .\n , ,\n \" - - ...\"";
Text[ greek ] = "Currently, there are no fields assigned.\nIf you don't want to do this assignment at the moment, you can make this up at any time later on:\nMenu \"File - Template - Address Book Source ...\"";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Momenteel zijn er geen velden toegewezen.\nAls u op dit moment geen velden wilt toewijzen kunt u dit op een later tijdstip doen:\nMenu \"Bestand - Sjabloon - Adresboekbron...\"";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Momenteel zijn er geen velden toegewezen.\nAls u op dit moment geen velden wilt toewijzen, kunt u dit op een later tijdstip doen:\nMenu \"Bestand - Sjabloon - Adresboekbron...\"";
Text[ french ] = "Aucun champ n'est assign.\nSi vous ne souhaitez pas procder l'assignation pour le moment, vous pourrez le faire plus tard sous :\n\"Fichier - Modle de document - Source du carnet d'adresses ...\"";
Text[ spanish ] = "Actualmente no existen campos asignados.\nSi no puede llevar a cabo de momento ninguna asignacin, lo puede hacer posteriormente en cualquier momento:\nMen \"Archivo - Plantillas - Fuente de libreta de direcciones...\"";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Currently, there are no fields assigned.\nIf you don't want to do this assignment at the moment, you can make this up at any time later on:\nMenu \"File - Template - Address Book Source ...\"";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tll hetkell ei ole mritettyj kentti.\nVoit mritt ne nyt tai myhemmin valitsemalla ensin\n\"Tiedosto - Malli - Osoitekirjan lhde\"";
Text[ italian ] = "Al momento non assegnato alcun campo.\nSe preferite non fare assegnazioni al momento, potete farlo in un secondo momento:\nMenu \"File - Modelli di documenti - Sorgente Rubrica...\"";
Text[ danish ] = "I jblikket er der ikke tildelt nogen felter.\nHvis du i jeblikket ikke nsker at foretage en tildeling, kan du til enhver tid gre dette senere:\nMenuen \"Filer - Dokumentskabelon - Adressekartotekskilde...\"";
Text[ swedish ] = "Fr nrvarande r inga flt tilldelade.\nDu kan gra tilldelningen nu eller senare om du vljer:\n\"Arkiv - Dokumentmall - Adressboksklla ...\"";
@@ -1026,12 +1026,12 @@ String RID_STR_ABP_SUCCESS
Text [ english ] = "Now you will be able to access your address data from within %PRODUCTNAME. For example, pressing F4 will open the data source view where you can work with the address data.";
Text [ english_us ] = "Now you will be able to access your address data from within %PRODUCTNAME. For example, pressing F4 will open the data source view where you can work with the address data.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "O seu livro de endereos externo foi registado no %PRODUCTNAME.\nOs dados dos endereos podem ser agora utilizados como qualquer outra fonte de dados.";
- Text[ russian ] = " %PRODUCTNAME .\n .";
+ Text[ russian ] = " %PRODUCTNAME .\n .";
Text[ greek ] = "Your external address book was successully registered in %PRODUCTNAME.\nYou now can access your address data like any other data source.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Uw exter adresboek werd met succes in %PRODUCTNAME geregistreerd.\nNu kunt u uw adresgegevens als gegevensbron gebruiken.";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Uw externe adresboek is in %PRODUCTNAME geregistreerd.\nNu kunt u uw adresgegevens als gegevensbron gebruiken.";
Text[ french ] = "Le carnet d'adresses externe a t enregistr dans %PRODUCTNAME.\nLes donnes des adresses sont prsent utilisables comme les autres sources de donnes.";
Text[ spanish ] = "La libreta de direcciones externa se ha registrado en %PRODUCTNAME.\nAhora puede utilizar los datos de las direcciones como cualquier otra fuente de datos.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Your external address book was successully registered in %PRODUCTNAME.\nYou now can access your address data like any other data source.";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ulkoisen osoitekirjan rekisteriminen onnistui %PRODUCTNAMEssa.\nVoit nyt kytt osoitetietojasi muiden tietolhteiden tapaan.";
Text[ italian ] = "La vostra Rubrica esterna stata registrata in %PRODUCTNAME.\nAdesso potete utilizzare i dati della Rubrica come qualsiasi altra sorgente dati.";
Text[ danish ] = "Registreringen af det eksterne adressekartotek i %PRODUCTNAME er gennemfrt.\nDu kan nu bruge dine adressedata som enhver anden datakilde.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Din externa adressbok har registrerats i %PRODUCTNAME.\nDu kan nu anvnda dina adressdata som vilken annan dataklla som helst.";
@@ -1057,6 +1057,9 @@ Bitmap BMP_HEADERIMAGE
* history:
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ * Revision 1.35 2002/11/25 15:12:02 kz
+ * Merge SRX644: 25.11.02 - 16:08:10
+ *
* Revision 1.34 2002/11/04 17:45:34 rt
* Merge SRX644: 04.11.02 - 18:41:19