path: root/icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/lc_choosemacro.svg
diff options
authorrizmut <>2019-06-27 10:22:10 +0700
committerRizal Muttaqin <>2019-06-27 06:35:11 +0200
commit068f5f085cea4a8c87bfb6e15d3f2f74e0b0f219 (patch)
treed3c67221d8824b0605c13be115d1a3eb15a765a5 /icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/lc_choosemacro.svg
parentd3b81a27e2bb7c8a3de8cd5fabe8d3734b5a3d3d (diff)
Breeze: Fix for tdf#107144
- Update DB Form/Query/Report/Table - Add missing menubar icons - Clean SVG files - etc Change-Id: I6fc9943df01aad58e00d5c76cfd35bd808aef924 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Rizal Muttaqin <> Tested-by: Rizal Muttaqin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/lc_choosemacro.svg')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/lc_choosemacro.svg b/icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/lc_choosemacro.svg
index 0d0ba0c24ec0..327a98ecf0c0 100644
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+++ b/icon-themes/breeze_svg/cmd/lc_choosemacro.svg
@@ -1,6 +1 @@
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