path: root/include/svx/sdr
diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2013-05-15 09:10:25 +0100
committerMichael Meeks <>2013-05-20 11:33:35 +0100
commit80118379b2e930e85887480358cf1458e27c1064 (patch)
tree1669d18620535f4c752bd13825d7108cc15a5e0d /include/svx/sdr
parenta9626f143a1466591764b03baa2d15905487b692 (diff)
move some new includes files to new include locations
Change-Id: I34b18fb2e0f1eae01eff5b8e849dd5f5744335f6
Diffstat (limited to 'include/svx/sdr')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/svx/sdr/table/tablecontroller.hxx b/include/svx/sdr/table/tablecontroller.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5efdd875968e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/svx/sdr/table/tablecontroller.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include <com/sun/star/util/XModifyListener.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/table/XTable.hpp>
+#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/overlay/overlayobjectlist.hxx>
+#include <svx/selectioncontroller.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdotable.hxx>
+#include <svx/svdview.hxx>
+//#include <tablemodel.hxx>
+class SdrObjEditView;
+class SdrObject;
+class SfxItemSet;
+namespace sdr { namespace table {
+class TableModel;
+class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SvxTableController: public sdr::SelectionController
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE SvxTableController( SdrObjEditView* pView, const SdrObject* pObj );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual ~SvxTableController();
+ // from sdr::SelectionController
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool onKeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt, Window* pWin);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool onMouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, Window* pWin);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool onMouseButtonUp(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, Window* pWin);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool onMouseMove(const MouseEvent& rMEvt, Window* pWin);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool DeleteMarked();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual void onSelectionHasChanged();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual void GetState( SfxItemSet& rSet );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual void Execute( SfxRequest& rReq );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool GetStyleSheet( SfxStyleSheet* &rpStyleSheet ) const;
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool SetStyleSheet( SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet, bool bDontRemoveHardAttr );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool TakeFormatPaintBrush( boost::shared_ptr< SfxItemSet >& rFormatSet );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool ApplyFormatPaintBrush( SfxItemSet& rFormatSet, bool bNoCharacterFormats, bool bNoParagraphFormats );
+ // slots
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void onInsert( sal_uInt16 nSId, const SfxItemSet* pArgs = 0 );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void onDelete( sal_uInt16 nSId );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void onSelect( sal_uInt16 nSId );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void onFormatTable( SfxRequest& rReq );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void MergeMarkedCells();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void SplitMarkedCells();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void DistributeColumns();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void DistributeRows();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void SetVertical( sal_uInt16 nSId );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE static rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionController > create( SdrObjEditView* pView, const SdrObject* pObj, const rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionController >& xRefController );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void MergeAttrFromSelectedCells(SfxItemSet& rAttr, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const;
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void SetAttrToSelectedCells(const SfxItemSet& rAttr, bool bReplaceAll);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool GetAttributes(SfxItemSet& rTargetSet, bool bOnlyHardAttr) const;
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool SetAttributes(const SfxItemSet& rSet, bool bReplaceAll);
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool GetMarkedObjModel( SdrPage* pNewPage );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE virtual bool PasteObjModel( const SdrModel& rModel );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool hasSelectedCells() const { return mbCellSelectionMode || mpView->IsTextEdit(); }
+ void getSelectedCells( CellPos& rFirstPos, CellPos& rLastPos );
+ void setSelectedCells( const CellPos& rFirstPos, const CellPos& rLastPos );
+ void clearSelection();
+ void selectAll();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void onTableModified();
+ SvxTableController(SvxTableController &); // not defined
+ void operator =(SvxTableController &); // not defined
+ // internals
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ApplyBorderAttr( const SfxItemSet& rAttr );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateTableShape();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void SetTableStyle( const SfxItemSet* pArgs );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void SetTableStyleSettings( const SfxItemSet* pArgs );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool PasteObject( SdrTableObj* pPasteTableObj );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool checkTableObject();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool updateTableObject();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE const CellPos& getSelectionStart();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void setSelectionStart( const CellPos& rPos );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE const CellPos& getSelectionEnd();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void checkCell( CellPos& rPos );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void MergeRange( sal_Int32 nFirstCol, sal_Int32 nFirstRow, sal_Int32 nLastCol, sal_Int32 nLastRow );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void EditCell( const CellPos& rPos, ::Window* pWindow, const ::com::sun::star::awt::MouseEvent* pMouseEvent = 0, sal_uInt16 nAction = 0 );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool StopTextEdit();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE sal_uInt16 getKeyboardAction( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, Window* pWindow );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE bool executeAction( sal_uInt16 nAction, bool bSelect, Window* pWindow );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void gotoCell( const CellPos& rCell, bool bSelect, Window* pWindow, sal_uInt16 nAction = 0 );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void StartSelection( const CellPos& rPos );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateSelection( const CellPos& rPos );
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void RemoveSelection();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void updateSelectionOverlay();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void destroySelectionOverlay();
+ SVX_DLLPRIVATE void findMergeOrigin( CellPos& rPos );
+ DECL_LINK( UpdateHdl, void * );
+ //TableModelRef mxTable;
+ rtl::Reference< TableModel > mxTable;
+ CellPos maCursorFirstPos;
+ CellPos maCursorLastPos;
+ bool mbCellSelectionMode;
+ CellPos maMouseDownPos;
+ bool mbLeftButtonDown;
+ ::sdr::overlay::OverlayObjectList* mpSelectionOverlay;
+ SdrView* mpView;
+ SdrObjectWeakRef mxTableObj;
+ SdrModel* mpModel;
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener > mxModifyListener;
+ sal_uLong mnUpdateEvent;
+} }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */