path: root/include/unotools/tempfile.hxx
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authorBjoern Michaelsen <>2013-04-18 18:26:28 +0200
committerBjoern Michaelsen <>2013-04-23 22:20:31 +0200
commitb9337e22ce1dbf2eba0e8c8db294ae99f4111f91 (patch)
tree53ee1bd3dfd213815a21579151983cb997922b05 /include/unotools/tempfile.hxx
parentf4e1642a1761d5eab6ccdd89928869c2b2f1528a (diff)
execute move of global headers
see and Change-Id: I00c96fa77d04b33a6f8c8cd3490dfcd9bdc9e84a for details Change-Id: I199a75bc4042af20817265d5ef85b1134a96ff5a
Diffstat (limited to 'include/unotools/tempfile.hxx')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/unotools/tempfile.hxx b/include/unotools/tempfile.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6cf2cb0cd98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/unotools/tempfile.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include "unotools/unotoolsdllapi.h"
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
+namespace utl
+struct TempFile_Impl;
+ The class TempFile gives access to temporary files in the local file system. Sometimes they are needed because a 3rd party
+ code has a file name based interface, or some file access has to be done locally without transferring tons of bytes to or
+ from a remote system.
+ Creating a UCB content on a TempFile is only possible if a UCP for the local file system is present.
+ TempFiles can always be accessed by SvFileStreams or Sot/SvStorages using the "physical" file name ( not the URL, because
+ this may be a non-file URL, see below ), but if a UCB content can be created, it is also possible to take the URL and use
+ the UCB helper classes for streams. For convenience use UcbStreamHelper.
+ A Tempfile always has a "physical" file name ( a file name in the local computers host notation ) but it has a
+ "UCB compatible" URL only if a UCP for the local file system exists. This URL may have its own URL scheme
+ ( not necessarily "file://" ! ). The TempFile class methods take this into account, but other simple conversions like
+ the osl functions do not.
+ So it is a potential error to convert between the filename and the URL of a TempFile object using functions or methods
+ outside this class.
+ TempFile_Impl* pImp;
+ sal_Bool bKillingFileEnabled;
+ /**
+ Create a temporary file or directory, in the default tempfile folder or if possible in a given folder.
+ This given folder ( the "parent" parameter ( if not NULL ) ) must be a "UCB compatible" URL.
+ The temporary object is created in the local file system, even if there is no UCB that can access it.
+ If the given folder is part of the local file system, the TempFile is created in this folder.
+ */
+ TempFile( const String* pParent=NULL, sal_Bool bDirectory=sal_False );
+ /**
+ Same as above; additionally the name starts with some given characters followed by a counter ( example:
+ rLeadingChars="abc" means "abc0","abc1" and so on, depending on existing files in the folder ).
+ The extension string may be f.e. ".txt" or "", if no extension string is given, ".tmp" is used
+ */
+ TempFile( const String& rLeadingChars, const String* pExtension=NULL, const String* pParent=NULL,
+ sal_Bool bDirectory=sal_False);
+ /**
+ Same as above; additionally the name starts with some given characters followed by a counter ( example:
+ rLeadingChars="abc" means "abc0","abc1" and so on, depending on existing files in the folder ).
+ The extension string may be f.e. ".txt" or "", if no extension string is given, ".tmp" is used
+ @param _bStartWithZero If set to false names will be generated like "abc","abc0","abc1"
+ */
+ TempFile( const String& rLeadingChars,sal_Bool _bStartWithZero, const String* pExtension=NULL, const String* pParent=NULL,sal_Bool bDirectory=sal_False);
+ /**
+ TempFile will be removed from disk in dtor if EnableKillingTempFile was called before.
+ Temporary directories will be removed recursively in that case.
+ */
+ ~TempFile();
+ /**
+ Returns sal_True if it has a valid file name.
+ */
+ sal_Bool IsValid() const;
+ /**
+ Returns the "UCB compatible" URL of the tempfile object.
+ If you want to have the "physical" file name, use the GetFileName() method of this object, because these
+ method uses the UCB for the conversion, but never use any external conversion functions for URLs into
+ "physical" names.
+ If no UCP is available for the local file system, an empty URL is returned. In this case you can't access
+ the file as a UCB content !
+ */
+ String GetURL() const;
+ /**
+ Returns the "physical" name of the tempfile in host notation ( should only be used for 3rd party code
+ with file name interfaces ).
+ If you want to have the URL, use the GetURL() method of this object, but never use any external
+ conversion functions for "physical" names into URLs.
+ */
+ String GetFileName() const;
+ /**
+ Returns a stream to the tempfiles data; the stream is owned by the tempfile object, so you have to keep this
+ alive as long as you want to use the stream. If the TempFile object is destroyed, it also destroys the
+ stream object, the underlying file is only deleted if EnableKillingFile( sal_True ) has been called before!
+ */
+ SvStream* GetStream( StreamMode eMode );
+ /**
+ Let the TempFile object close and destroy the owned stream object if any.
+ */
+ void CloseStream();
+ /**
+ If enabled the file will be removed from disk when the dtor is called ( default is not enabled )
+ */
+ void EnableKillingFile( sal_Bool bEnable=sal_True )
+ { bKillingFileEnabled = bEnable; }
+ sal_Bool IsKillingFileEnabled() const
+ { return bKillingFileEnabled; }
+ /**
+ Only create a "physical" file name for a temporary file that would be valid at that moment.
+ Should only be used for 3rd party code with a file name interface that wants to create the file by itself.
+ If you want to convert file name into a URL, always use class LocalFileHelper, but never use any
+ conversion functions of osl.
+ */
+ static String CreateTempName( const String* pParent=NULL );
+ /**
+ The TempNameBaseDirectory is a subfolder in the folder that is passed as a "physical" file name in the
+ SetTempNameBaseDirectory method.
+ This subfolder will be used if a TempFile or TempName is created without a parent name or a parent name
+ that does not belong to the local file system.
+ The caller of the SetTempNameBase is responsible for deleting this folder and all temporary files in it.
+ The return value of both methods is the complete "physical" name of the tempname base folder.
+ It is not a URL because alle URLs must be "UCB compatible", so there may be no suitable URL at all.
+ */
+ static String SetTempNameBaseDirectory( const String &rBaseName );
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