path: root/javaunohelper/test/com
diff options
authorJoachim Lingner <>2002-04-25 10:36:26 +0000
committerJoachim Lingner <>2002-04-25 10:36:26 +0000
commit94773767108b89fd9df40d331904416cff638709 (patch)
tree04ceb26e84e44192f6312994a32e642839007f78 /javaunohelper/test/com
parent9863ef55aad307f0965d4cd6ab377fd604b49410 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'javaunohelper/test/com')
1 files changed, 1607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javaunohelper/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/helper/ b/javaunohelper/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/helper/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13df6011525e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javaunohelper/test/com/sun/star/lib/uno/helper/
@@ -0,0 +1,1607 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile:,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.1 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: jl $ $Date: 2002-04-25 11:36:26 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import java.util.Arrays;
+public class PropertySet_Test
+ /** Creates a new instance of PropertySet_Test */
+ public PropertySet_Test()
+ {
+ }
+ public boolean convertPropertyValue()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.convertPropertyValue");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ r[i++]= cl.test_convertPropertyValue();
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean setPropertyValueNoBroadcast()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.setValueNoBroadcast");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ r[i++]= cl.test_setPropertyValueNoBroadcast();
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean setPropertyValue()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.setPropertyValue");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[150];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ Object value;
+ Object ret;
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropBoolA");
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean) ret).equals( (Boolean) value);
+ value= new Character('A');
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropCharA");
+ r[i++]= ((Character) ret).equals((Character) value);
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropByteA");
+ r[i++]= ((Byte) ret).equals((Byte) value);
+ value= new Short((short)112);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropShortA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropShortA");
+ r[i++]= ((Short) ret).equals((Short) value);
+ value= new Integer(113);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropIntA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropIntA");
+ r[i++]= ((Integer) ret).equals((Integer) value);
+ value= new Long(115);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropLongA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropLongA");
+ r[i++]= ((Long) ret).equals((Long) value);
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropFloatA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropFloatA");
+ r[i++]= ((Float) ret).equals((Float) value);
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropDoubleA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropDoubleA");
+ r[i++]= ((Double) ret).equals((Double) value);
+ value= new String("string");
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropStringA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropStringA");
+ r[i++]= ((String) ret).equals((String) value);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropXInterfaceA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropXInterfaceA");
+ r[i++]= ((XInterface) ret).equals((XInterface) value);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropXWeakA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropXWeakA");
+ r[i++]= ((XWeak) ret).equals((XWeak) value);
+ value= new byte[]{1,2,3};
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropArrayByteA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropArrayByteA");
+ r[i++]= ((byte[]) ret).equals((byte[]) value);
+ value= new Type(String.class);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropTypeA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropTypeA");
+ r[i++]= ((Type) ret).equals(value);
+ // test protected,package,private members
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolB", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropBoolB");
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean) ret).equals((Boolean) value);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolC", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropBoolC");
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean) ret).equals((Boolean) value);
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolD", value);
+ i++;
+ }catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean) ret).equals((Boolean) value);
+ value= new Character('A');
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Character) ret).equals((Character) value);
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Byte) ret).equals((Byte) value);
+ value= new Short((short)112);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Short) ret).equals((Short) value);
+ value= new Integer(113);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Integer) ret).equals((Integer) value);
+ value= new Long(115);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Long) ret).equals((Long) value);
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Float) ret).equals((Float) value);
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Double) ret).equals((Double) value);
+ value= new String("string");
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((String) ret).equals((String) value);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((XInterface) ret).equals((XInterface) value);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((XWeak) ret).equals((XWeak) value);
+ value= new byte[]{1,2,3};
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((byte[]) ret).equals((byte[]) value);
+ value= new Type(String.class);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Type) ret).equals(value);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", new Any( new Type(byte.class), new Byte((byte)1)));
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropObjectA");
+ r[i++]= ((Byte) ret).byteValue() == 1;
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Character('A');
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Short((short)112);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Integer(113);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Long(115);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new String("string");
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new byte[]{1,2,3};
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Type(String.class);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ value= new Any(new Type(boolean.class), new Boolean(true));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropBoolA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Boolean && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any (new Type(char.class), new Character('A'));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropCharA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Character && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(byte.class), new Byte((byte) 111));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropByteA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Byte && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(short.class), new Short((short)112));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropShortA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropShortA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Short && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(int.class), new Integer(113));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropIntA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropIntA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Integer && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(long.class), new Long(115));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropLongA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropLongA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Long && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(float.class), new Float(3.14));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropFloatA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropFloatA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Float && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(double.class),new Double(3.145));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropDoubleA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropDoubleA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Double && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(String.class), new String("string"));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropStringA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropStringA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof String && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(ComponentBase.class), new ComponentBase());
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropXInterfaceA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropXInterfaceA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof ComponentBase && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any( new Type(ComponentBase.class), new ComponentBase());
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropXWeakA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropXWeakA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof ComponentBase && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(byte[].class), new byte[]{1,2,3});
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropArrayByteA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropArrayByteA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof byte[] && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(Type.class), new Type(String.class));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropTypeA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropTypeA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Type && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ value= new Any(new Type(boolean.class), new Boolean(true));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any (new Type(char.class), new Character('A'));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(byte.class), new Byte((byte) 111));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(short.class), new Short((short)112));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(int.class), new Integer(113));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(long.class), new Long(115));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(float.class), new Float(3.14));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(double.class),new Double(3.145));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(String.class), new String("string"));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(ComponentBase.class), new ComponentBase());
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any( new Type(ComponentBase.class), new ComponentBase());
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(byte[].class), new byte[]{1,2,3});
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(Type.class), new Type(String.class));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropAnyA");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Any && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropBoolClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean) ret).equals( (Boolean) value);
+ value= new Character('A');
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharClass",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropCharClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Character) ret).equals((Character) value);
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteClass",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropByteClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Byte) ret).equals((Byte) value);
+ value= new Short((short)112);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropShortClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropShortClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Short) ret).equals((Short) value);
+ value= new Integer(113);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropIntClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropIntClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Integer) ret).equals((Integer) value);
+ value= new Long(115);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropLongClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropLongClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Long) ret).equals((Long) value);
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropFloatClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropFloatClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Float) ret).equals((Float) value);
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropDoubleClass",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropDoubleClass");
+ r[i++]= ((Double) ret).equals((Double) value);
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ value= new Any(new Type(boolean.class), new Boolean(true));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropBoolClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Boolean && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any (new Type(char.class), new Character('A'));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharClass",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropCharClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Character && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(byte.class), new Byte((byte) 111));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteClass",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropByteClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Byte && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(short.class), new Short((short)112));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropShortClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropShortClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Short && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(int.class), new Integer(113));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropIntClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropIntClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Integer && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(long.class), new Long(115));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropLongClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropLongClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Long && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(float.class), new Float(3.14));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropFloatClass", value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropFloatClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Float && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(double.class),new Double(3.145));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropDoubleClass",value);
+ ret= cl.getPropertyValue("PropDoubleClass");
+ r[i++]= ret instanceof Double && util.anyEquals(value, ret);
+ value= new Any(new Type(String.class), new String("string"));
+ // PropertyAttribute.READONLY
+ cl.propBoolA.Attributes= PropertyAttribute.READONLY;
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolA", new Boolean(true));
+ i++;
+ }catch ( e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.propBoolA.Attributes= 0;
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ // first MAYBEVOID not set
+ //primitive members: must not work
+ cl.boolPropA= false;
+ try {
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolA", null); i++;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ try {
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolA", new Any(new Type(boolean.class), null)); i++;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.propBoolA.Attributes= PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID;
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolA", null); i++;
+ } catch ( e) {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.propBoolA.Attributes= 0;
+ cl.propBoolClass.Attributes= PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID;
+ cl.boolClassProp= null;
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolClass", null);
+ r[i++]= cl.boolClassProp == null;
+ cl.boolClassProp= new Boolean(true);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolClass", null);
+ r[i++]= cl.boolClassProp == null;
+ cl.boolClassProp= new Boolean(false);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropBoolClass", new Any(new Type(boolean.class),null));
+ r[i++]= cl.boolClassProp == null;
+ cl.anyPropA= null;
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", null); i++;
+ }catch ( e) {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.anyPropA= null;
+ cl.propAnyA.Attributes= PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID;
+ Type _t= new Type(Object.class);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", null);
+ r[i++]= cl.anyPropA.getType().equals(new Type(void.class)) &&
+ cl.anyPropA.getObject() == null;
+ cl.anyPropA= new Any(new Type(byte.class),new Byte((byte) 111));
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", null);
+ r[i++]= cl.anyPropA.getType().equals(new Type(byte.class)) &&
+ cl.anyPropA.getObject() == null;
+ cl.anyPropA= null;
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropAnyA", new Object()); i++;
+ }catch ( e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.propObjectA.Attributes= 0;
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", null); i++;
+ }catch ( e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ try{
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", new Any( new Type(byte.class), null)); i++;
+ } catch ( e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ cl.propObjectA.Attributes= PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID;
+ cl.propObjectA= null;
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", null);
+ r[i++]= cl.propObjectA == null;
+ cl.propObjectA= null;
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropObjectA", new Any( new Type(byte.class), null));
+ r[i++]= cl.propObjectA == null;
+ //
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean addPropertyChangeListener()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.addPropertyChangeListener,\n" +
+ "PropertySet.removePropertChangeListener," +
+ "PropertySet.addVetoableChangeListener, \n" +
+ "PropertySet.removeVetoableChangeListener" +
+ "Notification of listeners");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ try {
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ Listener li= new Listener();
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("PropByteA", li);
+ Byte val1= new Byte((byte)115);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ cl.propByteA.Attributes = PropertyAttribute.BOUND;
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("PropByteA", li);
+ Byte val2= new Byte((byte)116);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 1 && li.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ r[i++]= li.evt.OldValue.equals(val1) && li.evt.NewValue.equals(val2) && li.evt.Source == cl;
+ li.reset();
+ Listener li2= new Listener();
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("PropByteA", li2);
+ Byte val3= new Byte((byte) 117);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val3);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 1 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 1 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ r[i++]= li.evt.OldValue.equals(val2) && li.evt.NewValue.equals(val3) && li.evt.Source == cl
+ && li2.evt.OldValue.equals(val2) && li2.evt.NewValue.equals(val3) && li2.evt.Source == cl ;
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ Listener li3= new Listener();
+ val1= new Byte((byte)118);
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("", li3);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 1 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 1 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 1 && li3.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ r[i++]= li.evt.OldValue.equals(val3) && li.evt.NewValue.equals(val1) && li.evt.Source == cl;
+ r[i++]= li2.evt.OldValue.equals(val3) && li2.evt.NewValue.equals(val1) && li2.evt.Source == cl;
+ r[i++]= li3.evt.OldValue.equals(val3) && li3.evt.NewValue.equals(val1) && li3.evt.Source == cl ;
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.removePropertyChangeListener("PropByteA",li);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 1 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 1 && li3.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ cl.removePropertyChangeListener("PropByteA", li2);
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 1 && li3.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ cl.removePropertyChangeListener("", li3);
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 0 && li3.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("PropByteA", li);
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("PropByteA", li2);
+ cl.addPropertyChangeListener("", li3);
+ cl.dispose();
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ try {
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2); i++;
+ }catch (DisposedException e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ //Vetoable tests
+ cl= new TestClass();
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA", li);
+ val1= new Byte((byte)115);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ cl.propByteA.Attributes = PropertyAttribute.CONSTRAINED;
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA", li);
+ val2= new Byte((byte)116);
+ li.reset();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 1;
+ r[i++]= li.evt.OldValue.equals(val1) && li.evt.NewValue.equals(val2) && li.evt.Source == cl;
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA", li2);
+ val3= new Byte((byte) 117);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val3);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 1
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 1;
+ r[i++]= li.evt.OldValue.equals(val2) && li.evt.NewValue.equals(val3) && li.evt.Source == cl
+ && li2.evt.OldValue.equals(val2) && li2.evt.NewValue.equals(val3) && li2.evt.Source == cl ;
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ val1= new Byte((byte)118);
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("", li3);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 1
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 1
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 0 && li3.nVetoCalled == 1;
+ r[i++]= li.evt.OldValue.equals(val3) && li.evt.NewValue.equals(val1) && li.evt.Source == cl;
+ r[i++]= li2.evt.OldValue.equals(val3) && li2.evt.NewValue.equals(val1) && li2.evt.Source == cl;
+ r[i++]= li3.evt.OldValue.equals(val3) && li3.evt.NewValue.equals(val1) && li3.evt.Source == cl ;
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ // Test Veto Exception
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ li.bVeto= true;
+ try {
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2);i++;
+ } catch (PropertyVetoException e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ r[i++]= cl.bytePropA == val1.byteValue();
+ li.bVeto= false;
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.removeVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA",li);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 1
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 0 && li3.nVetoCalled == 1;
+ cl.removeVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA", li2);
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val1);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 0 && li3.nVetoCalled == 1;
+ cl.removeVetoableChangeListener("", li3);
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2);
+ r[i++]= li.nChangeCalled == 0 && li.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li2.nChangeCalled == 0 && li2.nVetoCalled == 0
+ && li3.nChangeCalled == 0 && li3.nVetoCalled == 0;
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA", li);
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("PropByteA", li2);
+ cl.addVetoableChangeListener("", li3);
+ cl.dispose();
+ li.reset();
+ li2.reset();
+ li3.reset();
+ try {
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropByteA", val2);
+ }catch (DisposedException e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ }catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean getPropertySetInfo()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.getPropertySetInfo");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ XPropertySetInfo info= cl.getPropertySetInfo();
+ Property[] arProps= info.getProperties();
+ Property[] arRegProps= cl.getRegisteredProperties();
+ r[i++]= arProps.length == arRegProps.length;
+ for (int j= 0; j < arProps.length; j++)
+ {
+ boolean bFound= false;
+ for (int k= 0; k < arRegProps.length; k++)
+ {
+ if (arProps[j] == arRegProps[k])
+ {
+ bFound= true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !bFound)
+ r[i++]= false;
+ }
+ for (int j= 0; j < arRegProps.length; j++)
+ {
+ Property prop= info.getPropertyByName(arRegProps[j].Name);
+ if (prop != arRegProps[j])
+ r[i++]= false;
+ if (! info.hasPropertyByName(arRegProps[j].Name))
+ r[i++]= false;
+ }
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean setFastPropertyValue()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.setFastPropertyValue");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ cl.setFastPropertyValue(5, new Integer(111));
+ r[i++]= cl.intPropA == 111;
+ try {
+ cl.setFastPropertyValue(-1, new Integer(1)); i++;
+ } catch(UnknownPropertyException e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean getFastPropertyValue()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.setFastPropertyValue");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ cl.setFastPropertyValue(5, new Integer(111));
+ Integer aInt= (Integer) cl.getFastPropertyValue(5);
+ r[i++]= aInt.intValue() == 111;
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean setPropertyValues()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.setPropertyValues");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ cl.setPropertyValues(new String[0], new Object[0]);
+ String[] arNames= new String[] {"PropCharA","PropIntClass","PropObjectA"};
+ Character aChar= new Character('A');
+ Integer aInt= new Integer(111);
+ Byte aByte= new Byte((byte)11);
+ Object[] values= new Object[]{aChar, aInt, aByte};
+ cl.setPropertyValues(arNames, values);
+ r[i++]= cl.charPropA == 'A' && cl.intClassProp.intValue() == 111 && ((Byte)cl.objectPropA).byteValue() == 11;
+ arNames= new String[] {"blabla","PropIntClass","PropObjectA"};
+ cl.resetPropertyMembers();
+ cl.setPropertyValues(arNames, values);
+ r[i++]= cl.intClassProp.intValue() == 111 && ((Byte)cl.objectPropA).byteValue() == 11;
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean getPropertyValues()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.getPropertyValues");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ cl.charPropA= 'A';
+ cl.intClassProp= new Integer(111);
+ cl.objectPropA= new Byte((byte)11);
+ Object[] values= cl.getPropertyValues(new String[] {"PropCharA","PropIntClass","PropObjectA"});
+ r[i++]= ((Character) values[0]).charValue() == 'A' && ((Integer) values[1]).intValue() == 111
+ && ((Byte) values[2]).byteValue() == 11;
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ // Currently the listeners are always notified if one of properties has changed.
+ // The property names in the first argument are ignored.
+ public boolean addPropertiesChangeListener()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.addPropertiesChangeListener\n" +
+ "PropertySet.removePropertiesChangeListener\n" +
+ "notification of such listeners");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ Listener li1= new Listener();
+ Listener li2= new Listener();
+ cl.addPropertiesChangeListener(new String[]{"PropCharA"}, li1);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharA", new Character('B'));
+ r[i++]= li1.nPropertiesChange == 0;
+ cl.propCharA.Attributes= PropertyAttribute.BOUND;
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharA", new Character('C'));
+ r[i++]= li1.nPropertiesChange == 1;
+ PropertyChangeEvent evt= li1.arEvt[0];
+ r[i++]= evt.PropertyName.equals("PropCharA") && ((Character)evt.OldValue).charValue() == 'B'
+ && ((Character) evt.NewValue).charValue() == 'C';
+ li1.reset();
+ cl.removePropertiesChangeListener(li1);
+ cl.setPropertyValue("PropCharA", new Character('F'));
+ r[i++]= li1.nPropertiesChange == 0;
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean firePropertiesChangeEvent()
+ {
+ System.out.println("PropertySet.firePropertiesChangeEvent");
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ TestClass cl= new TestClass();
+ try {
+ Listener li1= new Listener();
+ cl.intClassProp= new Integer(111);
+ cl.charPropA= 'A';
+ cl.firePropertiesChangeEvent(new String[]{"PropCharA","PropIntClass"}, li1);
+ r[i++]= li1.nPropertiesChange == 1;
+ PropertyChangeEvent[] arEvt= li1.arEvt;
+ r[i++]= arEvt[0].PropertyName.equals("PropCharA")
+ && ((Character) arEvt[0].OldValue).charValue() == 'A'
+ && ((Character) arEvt[0].NewValue).charValue() == 'A';
+ r[i++]= arEvt[1].PropertyName.equals("PropIntClass")
+ && ((Integer) arEvt[1].OldValue).intValue() == 111
+ && ((Integer) arEvt[1].NewValue).intValue() == 111;
+ }catch(java.lang.Exception e){
+ System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean registerProperty1()
+ {
+ TestClass2 cl= new TestClass2();
+ return cl.test_registerProperty1();
+ }
+ public static boolean test()
+ {
+ PropertySet_Test test= new PropertySet_Test();
+ boolean r[]= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ r[i++]= test.convertPropertyValue();
+ r[i++]= test.setPropertyValueNoBroadcast();
+ r[i++]= test.setPropertyValue();
+ r[i++]= test.addPropertyChangeListener();
+ r[i++]= test.getPropertySetInfo();
+ r[i++]= test.setFastPropertyValue();
+ r[i++]= test.getFastPropertyValue();
+ r[i++]= test.setPropertyValues();
+ r[i++]= test.getPropertyValues();
+ r[i++]= test.addPropertiesChangeListener();
+ r[i++]= test.firePropertiesChangeEvent();
+ r[i++]= test.registerProperty1();
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Errors occured!");
+ else
+ System.out.println("No errors.");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args)
+ {
+ test();
+ }
+class TestClass extends PropertySet
+ public Property propBoolA= new Property("PropBoolA", 1, new Type(Boolean.TYPE), (short)0);
+ public boolean boolPropA;
+ public Property propCharA= new Property("PropCharA", 2, new Type(Character.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public char charPropA;
+ public Property propByteA= new Property("PropByteA", 3, new Type(Byte.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public byte bytePropA;
+ public Property propShortA= new Property("PropShortA", 4, new Type(Short.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public short shortPropA;
+ public Property propIntA= new Property("PropIntA", 5, new Type(Integer.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public int intPropA;
+ public Property propLongA= new Property("PropLongA", 6, new Type(Long.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public long longPropA;
+ public Property propFloatA= new Property("PropFloatA", 7, new Type(Float.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public float floatPropA;
+ public Property propDoubleA= new Property("PropDoubleA", 8, new Type(Double.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ public double doublePropA;
+ public Property propStringA= new Property("PropStringA", 9, new Type(String.class), (short) 0);
+ public String stringPropA;
+ public Property propArrayByteA= new Property("PropArrayByteA", 10, new Type(byte[].class), (short) 0);
+ public byte[] arBytePropA;
+ public Property propTypeA= new Property("PropTypeA", 11, new Type(Type.class), (short) 0);
+ public Type typePropA;
+ public Property propObjectA= new Property("PropObjectA",12, new Type(Object.class), (short) 0);
+ public Object objectPropA;
+ public Property propAnyA= new Property("PropAnyA", 13, new Type(Any.class), (short) 0);
+ public Any anyPropA;
+ public Property propXInterfaceA= new Property("PropXInterfaceA", 13, new Type(Any.class), (short) 0);
+ public XInterface xInterfacePropA;
+ public Property propXWeakA= new Property("PropXWeakA", 13, new Type(Any.class), (short) 0);
+ public XWeak xWeakPropA;
+ // Test private, protected, package access, Anys as arguments and members, members whith a value
+ public Property propBoolB= new Property("PropBoolB", 101, new Type(Boolean.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ protected boolean boolPropB;
+ public Property propBoolC= new Property("PropBoolC", 201, new Type(Boolean.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ boolean boolPropC;
+ public Property propBoolD= new Property("PropBoolD", 301, new Type(Boolean.TYPE), (short) 0);
+ private boolean boolPropD;
+ public Property propBoolClass= new Property("PropBoolClass", 1001, new Type(Boolean.class), (short) 0);
+ public Boolean boolClassProp;
+ public Property propCharClass= new Property("PropCharClass", 1002, new Type(Character.class), (short) 0);
+ public Character charClassProp;
+ public Property propByteClass= new Property("PropByteClass", 1003, new Type(Byte.class), (short) 0);
+ public Byte byteClassProp;
+ public Property propShortClass= new Property("PropShortClass", 1004, new Type(Short.class), (short) 0);
+ public Short shortClassProp;
+ public Property propIntClass= new Property("PropIntClass", 1005, new Type(Integer.class), (short) 0);
+ public Integer intClassProp;
+ public Property propLongClass= new Property("PropLongClass", 1006, new Type(Long.class), (short) 0);
+ public Long longClassProp;
+ public Property propFloatClass= new Property("PropFloatClass", 1007, new Type(Float.class), (short) 0);
+ public Float floatClassProp;
+ public Property propDoubleClass= new Property("PropDoubleClass", 1008, new Type(Double.class), (short) 0);
+ public Double doubleClassProp;
+ public TestClass()
+ {
+ super();
+// When adding properties then modify the getRegisteredProperties method
+ //registerProperty(String name, int handle, Type type, short attributes, String memberName)
+ registerProperty(propBoolA, "boolPropA");
+ registerProperty(propCharA, "charPropA");
+ registerProperty(propByteA, "bytePropA");
+ registerProperty(propShortA, "shortPropA");
+ registerProperty(propIntA, "intPropA");
+ registerProperty(propLongA, "longPropA");
+ registerProperty(propFloatA, "floatPropA");
+ registerProperty(propDoubleA, "doublePropA");
+ registerProperty(propStringA, "stringPropA");
+ registerProperty(propArrayByteA, "arBytePropA");
+ registerProperty(propTypeA, "typePropA");
+ registerProperty(propObjectA, "objectPropA");
+ registerProperty(propAnyA, "anyPropA");
+ registerProperty(propXInterfaceA, "xInterfacePropA");
+ registerProperty(propXWeakA, "xWeakPropA");
+ registerProperty(propBoolB, "boolPropB");
+ registerProperty(propBoolC, "boolPropC");
+ registerProperty(propBoolD, "boolPropD");
+ registerProperty(propBoolClass, "boolClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propCharClass, "charClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propByteClass, "byteClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propShortClass, "shortClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propIntClass, "intClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propLongClass, "longClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propFloatClass, "floatClassProp");
+ registerProperty(propDoubleClass, "doubleClassProp");
+ }
+ /** When adding properties then modify the getRegisteredProperties method
+ */
+ public Property[] getRegisteredProperties()
+ {
+ return new Property[] {
+ propBoolA, propCharA, propByteA, propShortA,
+ propIntA, propLongA, propFloatA, propDoubleA,
+ propStringA, propArrayByteA, propTypeA, propObjectA,
+ propAnyA, propXInterfaceA, propXWeakA, propBoolB,
+ propBoolC, propBoolD, propBoolClass, propCharClass,
+ propByteClass, propShortClass, propIntClass, propLongClass,
+ propFloatClass, propDoubleClass
+ };
+ }
+ public boolean test_convertPropertyValue()
+ {
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[150];
+ int i= 0;
+ resetPropertyMembers();
+ Object[] outOldVal= new Object[1];
+ Object[] outNewVal= new Object[1];
+ Object value= new Boolean(true);
+ try
+ {
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propBoolA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Boolean && outNewVal[0].equals(value) && outOldVal[0].equals(new Boolean(false));
+ value= new Character('A');
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propCharA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Character && outNewVal[0].equals(value) && outOldVal[0].equals(new Character((char)0));
+ charPropA= 'B';
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propCharA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Character && outNewVal[0].equals(value) && outOldVal[0].equals(new Character('B'));
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propByteA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Byte && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Short((short) 112);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propShortA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Short && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Integer( 113);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propIntA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Integer && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Long(114);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propLongA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Long && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propFloatA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Float && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propDoubleA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Double && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= "string";
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propStringA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof String && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new byte[]{1,2,3};
+ arBytePropA= null;
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propArrayByteA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof byte[] && outNewVal[0].equals(value) && outOldVal[0] == null;
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propArrayByteA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outOldVal[0] == null;
+ value= new Type(XInterface.class);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propTypeA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Type && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Object(); // TypeClass.VOID
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propObjectA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Object && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Integer(111);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propObjectA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Integer && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propObjectA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Object && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Integer(111);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propAnyA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Any && ((Any)outNewVal[0]).getType().equals(new Type(Integer.class))
+ && ((Any)outNewVal[0]).getObject().equals(value);
+ XWeak oWeak= new ComponentBase();
+ value= oWeak;
+ // The returned Any must contain an XInterface
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propAnyA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= ((Any) outNewVal[0]).getType().equals(new Type(XInterface.class))
+ && ((Any) outNewVal[0]).getObject() == oWeak;
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propXInterfaceA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof XInterface && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propXWeakA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof XWeak && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ // Any arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ value= new Any( new Type(Integer.class),new Integer(111));
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propIntA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Integer && ((Integer)outNewVal[0]).equals( ((Any)value).getObject());
+ value= new Any(new Type(Boolean.class), new Boolean(true));
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propBoolA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)outNewVal[0]).equals(((Any) value).getObject());
+ //Character, Byte, Short, Long
+ // must fail
+ value= new Any(new Type(Object.class), new Object());
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propObjectA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propAnyA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ value= new Any(new Type(Integer.class), new Integer(111));
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propObjectA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Integer && outNewVal[0].equals( ((Any)value).getObject());
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propAnyA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Any && ((Any) outNewVal[0]).getType().equals( ((Any) value).getType())
+ && ((Any) outNewVal[0]).getObject().equals( ((Any) value).getObject());
+ value= new Any(new Type(XInterface.class), new ComponentBase());
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propObjectA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof XInterface && outNewVal[0] == ((Any) value).getObject();
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propXInterfaceA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] == ((Any) value).getObject();
+ value= new Any(new Type(byte[].class), new byte[]{1,2,3});
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propArrayByteA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof byte[];
+ // test private, protected, package fields
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propBoolB, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() == ((Boolean) outNewVal[0]).booleanValue();
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propBoolC, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= ((Boolean)value).booleanValue() == ((Boolean) outNewVal[0]).booleanValue();
+ // must fail because the the member boolPropD is private
+ try{
+ convertPropertyValue(propBoolD, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ i++;
+ }catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ // Properties member of type Byte,Short etc.
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propBoolClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Boolean && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Character('A');
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propCharClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Character && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propByteClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Byte && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Short((short) 112);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propShortClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Short && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Integer( 113);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propIntClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Integer && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Long(114);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propLongClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Long && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propFloatClass, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Float && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ r[i++]= convertPropertyValue(propDoubleA, outNewVal, outOldVal, value);
+ r[i++]= outNewVal[0] instanceof Double && outNewVal[0].equals(value);
+ }catch ( e)
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ public boolean test_setPropertyValueNoBroadcast()
+ {
+ boolean[] r= new boolean[150];
+ int i= 0;
+ resetPropertyMembers();
+ try {
+ Object value= new Boolean(true);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propBoolA, value);
+ r[i++]= boolPropA == ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
+ value= new Character('A');
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propCharA, value);
+ r[i++]= charPropA == ((Character) value).charValue();
+ value= new Byte((byte) 111);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propByteA, value);
+ r[i++]= bytePropA == ((Byte)value).byteValue();
+ value= new Short((short) 112);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propShortA, value);
+ r[i++]= shortPropA == ((Short) value).shortValue();
+ value= new Integer( 113);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propIntA, value);
+ r[i++]= intPropA == ((Integer) value).intValue();
+ value= new Long(114);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propLongA, value);
+ r[i++]= longPropA == ((Long) value).longValue();
+ value= new Float(3.14);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propFloatA, value);
+ r[i++]= floatPropA == ((Float) value).floatValue();
+ value= new Double(3.145);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propDoubleA, value);
+ r[i++]= doublePropA == ((Double) value).doubleValue();
+ value= "string";
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propStringA, value);
+ r[i++]= stringPropA.equals(value);
+ value= new byte[]{1,2,3};
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propArrayByteA, value);
+ r[i++]= arBytePropA.equals(value);
+ value= new Type(XInterface.class);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propTypeA, value);
+ r[i++]= typePropA.equals(value);
+ value= new Integer(111);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propObjectA, value);
+ r[i++]= objectPropA.equals(value);
+ value= (XInterface) new ComponentBase();
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propObjectA, value);
+ r[i++]= objectPropA.equals(value);
+ value= new Any( new Type(Integer.TYPE), new Integer(111));
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propAnyA, value);
+ r[i++]= util.anyEquals(anyPropA, value);
+ value= new ComponentBase();
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propXInterfaceA, value);
+ r[i++]= xInterfacePropA instanceof XInterface && xInterfacePropA.equals(value);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propXWeakA, value);
+ r[i++]= xInterfacePropA instanceof XWeak && xInterfacePropA.equals(value);
+ objectPropA= new Object();
+ value= new Boolean(true);
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propBoolB, value);
+ r[i++]= boolPropB == ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propBoolC, value);
+ r[i++]= boolPropC == ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
+ // must fail because the the member boolPropD is private
+ try{
+ setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(propBoolD, value);
+ }catch( e)
+ {
+ r[i++]= true;
+ }
+ }catch (java.lang.Exception e)
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ return bOk;
+ }
+ void resetPropertyMembers()
+ {
+ boolPropA= false;
+ charPropA= (char) 0;
+ bytePropA= 0;
+ shortPropA= 0;
+ intPropA= 0;
+ longPropA= 0;
+ floatPropA= 0;
+ doublePropA= 0.;
+ stringPropA= null;
+ arBytePropA= null;
+ typePropA= null;
+ objectPropA= null;
+ anyPropA= null;
+ xInterfacePropA= null;
+ xWeakPropA= null;
+ boolPropB= false;
+ boolPropC= false;
+ boolPropD= false;
+ boolClassProp= null;
+ charClassProp= null;
+ byteClassProp= null;
+ shortClassProp= null;
+ intClassProp= null;
+ longClassProp= null;
+ floatClassProp= null;
+ doubleClassProp= null;
+ }
+class TestClass2 extends PropertySet
+ public TestClass2()
+ {
+ }
+ boolean test_registerProperty1()
+ {
+ System.out.println("registerProperty Test 1");
+ boolean r[]= new boolean[50];
+ int i= 0;
+ registerProperty("PropChar", new Type(char.class), (short) 0, "PropChar");
+ registerProperty("PropInt", new Type(int.class), (short) 0, "PropInt");
+ registerProperty("PropString", new Type(String.class), (short) 0, "PropString");
+ XPropertySetInfo info= getPropertySetInfo();
+ Property[] props= info.getProperties();
+ for (int j= 0; j < props.length; j++)
+ {
+ Property aProp= props[j];
+ if (aProp.Name.equals("PropChar") && aProp.Type.equals(new Type(char.class)) &&
+ aProp.Attributes == 0)
+ r[i++]= true;
+ else if (aProp.Name.equals("PropInt") && aProp.Type.equals(new Type(int.class)) &&
+ aProp.Attributes == 0)
+ r[i++]= true;
+ else if (aProp.Name.equals("PropString") && aProp.Type.equals(new Type(String.class)) &&
+ aProp.Attributes == 0)
+ r[i++]= true;
+ else
+ r[i++]= false;
+ }
+ boolean bOk= true;
+ for (int c= 0; c < i; c++)
+ bOk= bOk && r[c];
+ if (bOk == false)
+ System.out.println("Failed");
+ else
+ System.out.println("Ok");
+ return bOk;
+ }
+class util
+ // An Object is considered an Any with TypeClass.VOID and no value.
+ static boolean anyEquals(Object val1, Object val2)
+ {
+ Object obj1= null;
+ Object obj2= null;
+ Type t1= null;
+ Type t2= null;
+ if (val1 instanceof Any)
+ {
+ obj1= ((Any) val1).getObject();
+ t1= ((Any) val1).getType();
+ }
+ else
+ obj1= val1;
+ if (val2 instanceof Any)
+ {
+ obj2= ((Any) val2).getObject();
+ t2= ((Any) val2).getType();
+ }
+ else
+ obj2= val2;
+ if (obj1 != null && obj1.equals(obj2))
+ return true;
+ else if ((obj1 == null && obj2 == null) && t1 != null && t1.equals(t2))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+class Listener implements XPropertyChangeListener, XVetoableChangeListener,
+ int nChangeCalled;
+ int nPropertiesChange;
+ int nVetoCalled;
+ int nDisposingCalled;
+ boolean bVeto= false;
+ PropertyChangeEvent evt;
+ PropertyChangeEvent[] arEvt;
+ // XPropertyChangeListener
+ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt )
+ {
+ nChangeCalled++;
+ this.evt= evt;
+ }
+ //VetoableChangeListener
+ public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt ) throws PropertyVetoException
+ {
+ nVetoCalled++;
+ this.evt= evt;
+ if (bVeto)
+ throw new PropertyVetoException();
+ }
+ public void disposing( /*IN*/EventObject Source )
+ {
+ nDisposingCalled++;
+ }
+ public void reset()
+ {
+ nChangeCalled= 0;
+ nPropertiesChange= 0;
+ nVetoCalled= 0;
+ nDisposingCalled= 0;
+ evt= null;
+ arEvt= null;
+ bVeto= false;
+ }
+ // XPropertiesChangeListener
+ public void propertiesChange(PropertyChangeEvent[] propertyChangeEvent)
+ {
+ nPropertiesChange++;
+ arEvt= propertyChangeEvent;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file