path: root/linguistic
diff options
authorThomas Lange <>2001-02-02 10:13:22 +0000
committerThomas Lange <>2001-02-02 10:13:22 +0000
commitf920ae3e7d17ca1adacfc8d33462408a5aa8ba6a (patch)
treeb7d03cc9348f7a32006cfe3c20c3a3ecb9f7afe9 /linguistic
parent3f28fc5cfba7b8818207a05886f8d2aa1640d962 (diff)
changes due to new class SvtLinguConfig. Mostly the relevant code has been moved to the new class
Diffstat (limited to 'linguistic')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/linguistic/source/lngopt.cxx b/linguistic/source/lngopt.cxx
index d2ed0b8e815d..775465e4c960 100644
--- a/linguistic/source/lngopt.cxx
+++ b/linguistic/source/lngopt.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: lngopt.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * last change: $Author: tl $ $Date: 2001-01-24 10:15:58 $
+ * last change: $Author: tl $ $Date: 2001-02-02 11:13:22 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@
#include <tools/intn.hxx>
+#include <svtools/lingucfg.hxx>
#ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
@@ -111,351 +114,28 @@ using namespace com::sun::star::registry;
-static const char cLocaleDelim = '-';
-INT16 CfgLocaleStrToLanguage( const OUString &rCfgLocaleStr )
- if (rCfgLocaleStr.getLength())
- {
- INT32 nCount = rCfgLocaleStr.getTokenCount( cLocaleDelim );
- if (nCount <= 3)
- {
- OUString aPart[3];
- for (INT32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
- {
- aPart[i] = rCfgLocaleStr.getToken( i, cLocaleDelim );
- }
- nRes = LocaleToLanguage( Locale( aPart[0], aPart[1], aPart[2] ) );
- }
- else
- DBG_ERROR( "invalid Locale string" );
- }
- return nRes;
-const OUString LanguageToCfgLocaleStr( INT16 nLanguage )
- static const OUString aLocaleDelim( cLocaleDelim );
- OUString aRes;
- if (LANGUAGE_NONE != nLanguage)
- {
- Locale aLocale( CreateLocale( nLanguage ) );
- if (aLocale.Language.getLength())
- aRes += aLocale.Language;
- if (aLocale.Country.getLength())
- (aRes += aLocaleDelim) += aLocale.Country;
- if (aLocale.Variant.getLength())
- (aRes += aLocaleDelim) += aLocale.Variant;
- }
- return aRes;
-INT16 CfgAnyToLanguage( const Any &rVal )
- OUString aTmp;
- rVal >>= aTmp;
- return CfgLocaleStrToLanguage( aTmp );
- // get initial language to use (in case that it is not set later)
- nDefaultLanguage = ::GetSystemLanguage();
- if( nDefaultLanguage == LANGUAGE_SYSTEM )
- nDefaultLanguage = System::GetLanguage();
- nDefaultLanguage_CJK = LANGUAGE_NONE;
- nDefaultLanguage_CTL = LANGUAGE_NONE;
- // general options
- bIsGermanPreReform = FALSE;
- bIsUseDictionaryList =
- bIsIgnoreControlCharacters = TRUE;
- // spelling options
- bIsSpellCapitalization =
- bIsSpellSpecial = TRUE;
- bIsSpellAuto =
- bIsSpellInAllLanguages =
- bIsSpellHideMarkings =
- bIsSpellReverse =
- bIsSpellWithDigits =
- bIsSpellUpperCase = FALSE;
- // hyphenation options
- bIsHyphSpecial = TRUE;
- bIsHyphAuto = FALSE;
- nHyphMinLeading =
- nHyphMinTrailing = 2;
- nHyphMinWordLength = 0;
- // OtherLingu options
- nOtherIndex = -1;
- bIsStdSpell =
- bIsStdThes =
- bIsStdHyph = FALSE;
- bIsModified = FALSE;
- aSaveTimer.SetTimeout( 10000 );
- aSaveTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, LinguOptionsData, TimeOut ));
- LoadConfig();
-Sequence< OUString > LinguOptConfig::GetPropertyNames( INT16 nCfgItem )
- static const char * aPropNames1[] =
- {
- "DefaultLocale", // 0
- "DictionaryList/ActiveDictionaries", // 1
- "DictionaryList/IsUseDictionaryList", // 2
- "IsIgnoreControlCharacters", // 3
- "IsGermanPreReform", // 4
- "DefaultLocale_CJK", // 5
- "DefaultLocale_CTL", // 6
- 0
- };
- static const char * aPropNames2[] =
- {
- "IsSpellUpperCase", // 5
- "IsSpellWithDigits", // 6
- "IsSpellCapitalization", // 7
- "IsSpellAuto", // 8
- "IsSpellSpecial", // 9
- "IsSpellInAllLocales", // 10
- "IsHideMarkings", // 11
- "IsReverseDirection", // 12
- 0
- };
- static const char * aPropNames3[] =
- {
- "MinLeading", // 13
- "MinTrailing", // 14
- "MinWordLength", // 15
- "IsHyphSpecial", // 16
- "IsHyphAuto", // 17
- 0
- };
- static const char * aPropNames4[] =
- {
- "OtherLinguIndex", // 18
- "IsUseStandardSpellChecker", // 19
- "IsUseStandardHyphenator", // 20
- "IsUseStandardThesaurus", // 21
- 0
- };
- static const char** aPropNames[ 4 ] = {
- aPropNames1, aPropNames2, aPropNames3, aPropNames4 };
- const char** ppPropName = aPropNames[ nCfgItem ];
- Sequence< OUString > aNames( 10 );
- OUString *pNames = aNames.getArray();
- for( INT32 i = 0; *ppPropName; ++i, ++ppPropName )
- {
- pNames[i] = A2OU( *ppPropName );
- }
- aNames.realloc( i );
- return aNames;
-static const char* aRootNames[ 4 ] = {
- "Office.Linguistic/General",
- "Office.Linguistic/SpellChecking",
- "Office.Linguistic/Hyphenation",
- "Office.Linguistic/ExternalLinguistic" };
-BOOL LinguOptionsData::LoadConfig()
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- for( INT16 nCfgItem = 0; nCfgItem < 4; ++nCfgItem )
- {
- LinguOptConfig aCfg( String::CreateFromAscii( aRootNames[ nCfgItem ]));
- Sequence< OUString > aNames = aCfg.GetPropertyNames( nCfgItem );
- INT32 nProps = aNames.getLength();
- const Sequence< Any > aValues = aCfg.GetProperties( aNames );
- if (nProps && aValues.getLength() == nProps)
- {
- const Any *pValue = aValues.getConstArray();
- INT16 nCfgOff = 10 * nCfgItem;
- for (INT32 i = 0; i < nProps; ++i)
- {
- const Any &rVal = pValue[i];
- if( rVal.hasValue() )
- switch ( i + nCfgOff )
- {
- case 0: nDefaultLanguage = CfgAnyToLanguage( rVal ); break;
- case 1: rVal >>= aActiveDics; break;
- case 2: rVal >>= bIsUseDictionaryList; break;
- case 3: rVal >>= bIsIgnoreControlCharacters; break;
- case 4: rVal >>= bIsGermanPreReform; break;
- case 5: nDefaultLanguage_CJK = CfgAnyToLanguage( rVal ); break;
- case 6: nDefaultLanguage_CTL = CfgAnyToLanguage( rVal ); break;
- case 10: rVal >>= bIsSpellUpperCase; break;
- case 11: rVal >>= bIsSpellWithDigits; break;
- case 12: rVal >>= bIsSpellCapitalization; break;
- case 13: rVal >>= bIsSpellAuto; break;
- case 14: rVal >>= bIsSpellSpecial; break;
- case 15: rVal >>= bIsSpellInAllLanguages; break;
- case 16: rVal >>= bIsSpellHideMarkings; break;
- case 17: rVal >>= bIsSpellReverse; break;
- case 20: rVal >>= nHyphMinLeading; break;
- case 21: rVal >>= nHyphMinTrailing; break;
- case 22: rVal >>= nHyphMinWordLength; break;
- case 23: rVal >>= bIsHyphSpecial; break;
- case 24: rVal >>= bIsHyphAuto; break;
- case 30: rVal >>= nOtherIndex; break;
- case 31: rVal >>= bIsStdSpell; break;
- case 32: rVal >>= bIsStdHyph; break;
- case 33: rVal >>= bIsStdThes; break;
- default:
- DBG_ERROR( "unexpected case" );
- }
- }
- }
- bRes = TRUE;
- }
- DBG_ASSERT( bRes, "LoadConfig failed" );
- return bRes;
-BOOL LinguOptionsData::SaveConfig()
- if( !bIsModified )
- return TRUE;
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- const Type &rBOOL = ::getBooleanCppuType();
- const Type &rINT16 = ::getCppuType( (INT16 *) NULL );
- for( INT16 nCfgItem = 0; nCfgItem < 4; ++nCfgItem )
- {
- LinguOptConfig aCfg( String::CreateFromAscii( aRootNames[ nCfgItem ]));
- const Sequence< OUString > aNames = aCfg.GetPropertyNames( nCfgItem );
- INT32 nProps = aNames.getLength();
- Sequence< Any > aValues( aNames.getLength() );
- Any *pValue = aValues.getArray();
- switch( nCfgItem )
- {
- case 0:
- {
- OUString aTmp( LanguageToCfgLocaleStr( nDefaultLanguage ) );
- *pValue++ = makeAny( aTmp );
- *pValue++ = makeAny( aActiveDics );
- pValue->setValue( &bIsUseDictionaryList, rBOOL );
- ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsIgnoreControlCharacters, rBOOL );
- ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsGermanPreReform, rBOOL );
- ++pValue;
- aTmp = LanguageToCfgLocaleStr( nDefaultLanguage_CJK );
- *pValue++ = makeAny( aTmp );
- aTmp = LanguageToCfgLocaleStr( nDefaultLanguage_CTL );
- *pValue++ = makeAny( aTmp );
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellUpperCase, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellWithDigits, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellCapitalization, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellAuto, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellSpecial, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellInAllLanguages, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellHideMarkings, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsSpellReverse, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- break;
- case 2:
- pValue->setValue( &nHyphMinLeading, rINT16 ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &nHyphMinTrailing, rINT16 ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &nHyphMinWordLength, rINT16 );++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsHyphSpecial, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsHyphAuto, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- break;
- case 3:
- pValue->setValue( &nOtherIndex, rINT16 ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsStdSpell, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsStdHyph, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- pValue->setValue( &bIsStdThes, rBOOL ); ++pValue;
- break;
- }
- bRet |= aCfg.PutProperties( aNames, aValues );
- }
- if( bRet )
- bIsModified = FALSE;
- return bRet;
-IMPL_LINK( LinguOptionsData, TimeOut, Timer*, p )
- SaveConfig();
- return 0;
-void LinguOptions::LinguOptionsData::Notify( const Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames )
- DBG_ERROR("properties have been changed");
-void LinguOptions::LinguOptionsData::Commit()
- SaveConfig();
// static member intialization
-LinguOptionsData * LinguOptions::pData = NULL;
+SvtLinguOptions * LinguOptions::pData = NULL;
+vos::ORefCount LinguOptions::aRefCount;
if (!pData)
- pData = new LinguOptionsData;
+ pData = new SvtLinguOptions;
+ SvtLinguConfig aLinguCfg;
+ aLinguCfg.GetOptions( *pData );
- ++pData->aRefCount;
+ ++aRefCount;
LinguOptions::LinguOptions(const LinguOptions &rOpt)
DBG_ASSERT( pData, "lng : data missing" );
- ++pData->aRefCount;
+ ++aRefCount;
@@ -463,7 +143,7 @@ LinguOptions::~LinguOptions()
MutexGuard aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
- if (--pData->aRefCount == 0)
+ if (--aRefCount == 0)
delete pData; pData = NULL;
@@ -566,8 +246,8 @@ BOOL LinguOptions::SetValue( Any &rOld, const Any &rVal, INT32 nWID )
- if (bRes)
- pData->SetModified();
+// if (bRes)
+// pData->SetModified();
return bRes;
@@ -714,40 +394,14 @@ void LinguOptions::SetCfgActiveDictionaries(
pData->aActiveDics.realloc( nLen );
- pData->SetModified();
+// pData->SetModified();
-BOOL LinguOptions::Load()
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- DBG_ASSERT( pData, "NULL Pointer" );
- if (pData)
- bRes = pData->LoadConfig();
- return bRes;
-BOOL LinguOptions::Save()
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- DBG_ASSERT( pData, "NULL Pointer" );
- if (pData)
- bRes = pData->SaveConfig();
- return bRes;
-void LinguProps::MyAppExitListener::AtExit()
- // save PropertySet upon application exit
- rMyOpt.Save();
//! map must be sorted by first entry in alphabetical increasing order.
static SfxItemPropertyMap aLinguProps[] =
@@ -807,14 +461,6 @@ LinguProps::LinguProps() :
pMap (aLinguProps)
bDisposing = FALSE;
- pExitListener = new MyAppExitListener( aOpt );
- xExitListener = pExitListener;
- pExitListener->Activate();
- pExitListener->Deactivate();
void LinguProps::launchEvent( const PropertyChangeEvent &rEvt ) const