path: root/odk
diff options
authorAriel Constenla-Haile <>2012-12-06 12:34:04 +0000
committerAriel Constenla-Haile <>2012-12-06 12:34:04 +0000
commite41f1e5b5d6290a8952cd27f2676f59b3cff8adc (patch)
tree5ad991facf943b3e784ddb664a1cb9e382ddb375 /odk
parent7341acbe0d6262578aee6670a9dd96f84a4175b9 (diff)
#i121442# - Add StatusbarController examples
Notes: ignore: reverted
Diffstat (limited to 'odk')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/odk/examples/examples.html b/odk/examples/examples.html
index 2553e56df502..de4613b2ddba 100644
--- a/odk/examples/examples.html
+++ b/odk/examples/examples.html
@@ -442,12 +442,16 @@</a> interface. In the run method, it connects to
the servers process and retrieves an instance and does some calls on the
- </tr>
+ </tr>
<td class="cell20"><a href="cpp/complextoolbarcontrols/" title="link to the source directory of the C++ complextoolbarcontrols example">complextoolbarcontrols</a></td>
<td class="cell80">This example shows how to create a toolbar add-on with complex toolbar controls.
It shows how to use an Image Button, a Combo Box, a Spin Field, an Edit Field, a Dropdown Box, a Toggle Dropdown Button and a normal Dropdown Button</td>
- </tr>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="cell20"><a href="cpp/StatusbarController/" title="link to the source directory of the C++ StatusbarController example">StatusbarController</a></td>
+ <td class="cell80">These examples show how to implement a StatusbarController to add functionality in the status bar.</td>
+ </tr>