path: root/offapi
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2008-04-03 14:27:41 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2008-04-03 14:27:41 +0000
commita07215c4797fa4741106616fd56d9137f880d049 (patch)
tree5773d01fda476909b1a3e0fb9bb3bd53902d7848 /offapi
parentcb4c1c772e75afecef03d1690eff2224f6e6bad7 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS presenterview (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2008/01/09 18:16:31 cl #i15900# moved slideshow api to offapi 2007/03/21 15:31:02 cl #i71351# added initial draft for animation listeners
Diffstat (limited to 'offapi')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/offapi/com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationListener.idl b/offapi/com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationListener.idl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..923327340509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/offapi/com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationListener.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: XAnimationListener.idl,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2008-04-03 15:27:41 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_animations_XAnimationListener_idl__
+#define __com_sun_star_animations_XAnimationListener_idl__
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_XEventListener_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/XEventListener.idl>
+#ifndef __com_sun_star_animations_XAnimationNode_idl__
+#include <com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationNode.idl>
+ module com { module sun { module star { module animations {
+/** makes it possible to register listeners, which are called whenever
+ an animation event occurs.
+ @since #i71351#
+ */
+interface XAnimationListener : ::com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener
+ /** This event is raised when the element local timeline begins to play.
+ <p>It will be raised each time the element begins the active duration (i.e. when it restarts, but not when it repeats).</p>
+ <p>It may be raised both in the course of normal (i.e. scheduled or interactive) timeline play, as well as in the
+ case that the element was begun with an interface method.</p>
+ @param Node
+ The node that begins to play.
+ */
+ void beginEvent( [in] XAnimationNode Node );
+ /** This event is raised at the active end of the element.
+ <p>Note that this event is not raised at the simple end of each repeat.</p>
+ <p>This event may be raised both in the course of normal (i.e. scheduled or interactive) timeline play, as well as in the
+ case that the element was ended with a DOM method.</p>
+ @param Node
+ The node that stops playing.
+ */
+ void endEvent( [in] XAnimationNode Node );
+ /** This event is raised when the element local timeline repeats.
+ <p>It will be raised each time the element repeats, after the first iteration.</p>
+ <p>Associated with the repeat event is an integer that indicates which repeat iteration is
+ beginning.
+ @param Node
+ The node that repeats.
+ @param Repeat
+ The value is a 0-based integer, but the repeat event is not raised for the first iteration and so the observed values will be >= 1.
+ */
+ void repeat( [in] XAnimationNode Node, [in] long Repeat );
+}; }; }; };