path: root/oox
diff options
authorArmin Le Grand (allotropia) <>2023-05-16 15:59:42 +0200
committerArmin Le Grand <>2023-05-19 10:09:11 +0200
commit428b8a8d23e473fecf2916591615ff38611b93c9 (patch)
treeed883778d6094cb6d24a30a8fd73df16ae2a17cd /oox
parent286a1c03fa10acf60f076a0af987112d24cb2ff5 (diff)
MCGR: Adaptions to WriteGradientFill and BGradient
Added code to make WriteGradientFill directly use the available BGradient implementation. The goal is to never directly work on awt::Gradient2, but use BGradient & it's tooling methods. Added constructors and tooling to BGradient and BColorStops to make that easier (single line conversions between uno::Any, basesgfx classes and awt:: incarnations). Directly handle uno::Any and awt:: classes, changed stuff to make use of this. Change-Id: I083a323b9efee8ca4f3becb2966aac0a294b9a60 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Armin Le Grand <>
Diffstat (limited to 'oox')
2 files changed, 65 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/oox/source/export/chartexport.cxx b/oox/source/export/chartexport.cxx
index 0c223bb452aa..29f25b82b944 100644
--- a/oox/source/export/chartexport.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/export/chartexport.cxx
@@ -1903,37 +1903,26 @@ void ChartExport::exportSolidFill(const Reference< XPropertySet >& xPropSet)
// OOXML has no separate transparence gradient but uses transparency in the gradient stops.
// So we merge transparency and color and use gradient fill in such case.
- awt::Gradient2 aTransparenceGradient;
+ basegfx::BGradient aTransparenceGradient;
bool bNeedGradientFill(false);
OUString sFillTransparenceGradientName;
if (GetProperty(xPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradientName")
&& (mAny >>= sFillTransparenceGradientName)
&& !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty())
uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFact( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY );
uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xTransparenceGradient(xFact->createInstance(""), uno::UNO_QUERY);
- uno::Any rTransparenceValue = xTransparenceGradient->getByName(sFillTransparenceGradientName);
+ const uno::Any rTransparenceValue = xTransparenceGradient->getByName(sFillTransparenceGradientName);
- if (basegfx::utils::fillGradient2FromAny(aTransparenceGradient, rTransparenceValue))
- {
- const basegfx::BColorStops aColorStops(rTransparenceValue);
- basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
- bNeedGradientFill = !aColorStops.isSingleColor(aSingleColor);
- }
+ aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(rTransparenceValue);
+ basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
+ bNeedGradientFill = !aTransparenceGradient.GetColorStops().isSingleColor(aSingleColor);
- if (!bNeedGradientFill && 0 != aTransparenceGradient.StartColor)
+ if (!bNeedGradientFill)
- // Our alpha is a gray color value.
- sal_uInt8 nRed(0);
- if (aTransparenceGradient.ColorStops.getLength() > 0)
- {
- nRed = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(aTransparenceGradient.ColorStops[0].StopColor.Red * 255.0);
- }
- else
- {
- nRed = ::Color(ColorTransparency, aTransparenceGradient.StartColor).GetRed();
- }
+ // Our alpha is a single gray color value.
+ const sal_uInt8 nRed(aSingleColor.getRed() * 255.0);
// drawingML alpha is a percentage on a 0..100000 scale.
nAlpha = (255 - nRed) * oox::drawingml::MAX_PERCENT / 255;
@@ -2012,19 +2001,23 @@ void ChartExport::exportGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& xPropSet
uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xGradient( xFact->createInstance(""), uno::UNO_QUERY );
- uno::Any rGradientValue = xGradient->getByName( sFillGradientName );
- awt::Gradient2 aGradient;
+ const uno::Any rGradientValue(xGradient->getByName( sFillGradientName ));
+ const basegfx::BGradient aGradient(rGradientValue);
+ basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
- if (basegfx::utils::fillGradient2FromAny(aGradient, rGradientValue))
+ if (!aGradient.GetColorStops().isSingleColor(aSingleColor))
- awt::Gradient2 aTransparenceGradient;
+ basegfx::BGradient aTransparenceGradient;
mpFS->startElementNS(XML_a, XML_gradFill);
OUString sFillTransparenceGradientName;
if( (xPropSet->getPropertyValue("FillTransparenceGradientName") >>= sFillTransparenceGradientName) && !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty())
uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > xTransparenceGradient(xFact->createInstance(""), uno::UNO_QUERY);
- uno::Any rTransparenceValue = xTransparenceGradient->getByName(sFillTransparenceGradientName);
- basegfx::utils::fillGradient2FromAny(aTransparenceGradient, rTransparenceValue);
+ const uno::Any rTransparenceValue(xTransparenceGradient->getByName(sFillTransparenceGradientName));
+ aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(rTransparenceValue);
WriteGradientFill(&aGradient, 0, &aTransparenceGradient);
else if (GetProperty(xPropSet, "FillTransparence") )
@@ -2038,7 +2031,7 @@ void ChartExport::exportGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& xPropSet
- WriteGradientFill(&aGradient, 0, &aTransparenceGradient);
+ WriteGradientFill(&aGradient, 0, nullptr);
mpFS->endElementNS(XML_a, XML_gradFill);
diff --git a/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx b/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx
index 11d562ff41b9..ef4e4ea2b445 100644
--- a/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/export/drawingml.cxx
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ static css::uno::Any getLineDash( const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XModel>&
-void WriteGradientPath(const awt::Gradient2& rGradient, const FSHelperPtr& pFS, const bool bCircle)
+void WriteGradientPath(const basegfx::BGradient& rBGradient, const FSHelperPtr& pFS, const bool bCircle)
pFS->startElementNS(XML_a, XML_path, XML_path, bCircle ? "circle" : "rect");
@@ -222,13 +222,13 @@ void WriteGradientPath(const awt::Gradient2& rGradient, const FSHelperPtr& pFS,
// edge of the tile rectangle and 100% means the center of it.
rtl::Reference<sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList> pAttributeList(
- sal_Int32 nLeftPercent = rGradient.XOffset;
+ sal_Int32 nLeftPercent = rBGradient.GetXOffset();
pAttributeList->add(XML_l, OString::number(nLeftPercent * PER_PERCENT));
- sal_Int32 nTopPercent = rGradient.YOffset;
+ sal_Int32 nTopPercent = rBGradient.GetYOffset();
pAttributeList->add(XML_t, OString::number(nTopPercent * PER_PERCENT));
- sal_Int32 nRightPercent = 100 - rGradient.XOffset;
+ sal_Int32 nRightPercent = 100 - rBGradient.GetXOffset();
pAttributeList->add(XML_r, OString::number(nRightPercent * PER_PERCENT));
- sal_Int32 nBottomPercent = 100 - rGradient.YOffset;
+ sal_Int32 nBottomPercent = 100 - rBGradient.GetYOffset();
pAttributeList->add(XML_b, OString::number(nBottomPercent * PER_PERCENT));
pFS->singleElementNS(XML_a, XML_fillToRect, pAttributeList);
@@ -472,31 +472,19 @@ void DrawingML::WriteSolidFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
// OOXML has no separate transparence gradient but uses transparency in the gradient stops.
// So we merge transparency and color and use gradient fill in such case.
- awt::Gradient2 aTransparenceGradient;
+ basegfx::BGradient aTransparenceGradient;
bool bNeedGradientFill(false);
if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
- if (basegfx::utils::fillGradient2FromAny(aTransparenceGradient, mAny))
- {
- const basegfx::BColorStops aColorStops(mAny);
- basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
- bNeedGradientFill = !aColorStops.isSingleColor(aSingleColor);
- }
+ aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(mAny);
+ basegfx::BColor aSingleColor;
+ bNeedGradientFill = !aTransparenceGradient.GetColorStops().isSingleColor(aSingleColor);
- if (!bNeedGradientFill && 0 != aTransparenceGradient.StartColor)
+ if (!bNeedGradientFill && aSingleColor != basegfx::BColor())
// Our alpha is a gray color value.
- sal_uInt8 nRed(0);
- if (aTransparenceGradient.ColorStops.getLength() > 0)
- {
- nRed = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(aTransparenceGradient.ColorStops[0].StopColor.Red * 255.0);
- }
- else
- {
- nRed = ::Color(ColorTransparency, aTransparenceGradient.StartColor).GetRed();
- }
+ const sal_uInt8 nRed(aSingleColor.getRed() * 255.0);
// drawingML alpha is a percentage on a 0..100000 scale.
nAlpha = (255 - nRed) * oox::drawingml::MAX_PERCENT / 255;
@@ -604,57 +592,16 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientStop(double fOffset, const basegfx::BColor& rColor,
| ( ( ( ( ( nColor & 0xff0000 ) >> 8 ) * nIntensity ) / 100 ) << 8 ));
-bool DrawingML::EqualGradients( const awt::Gradient2& rGradient1, const awt::Gradient2& rGradient2 )
- if (rGradient1.Style == rGradient2.Style &&
- rGradient1.StartColor == rGradient2.StartColor &&
- rGradient1.EndColor == rGradient2.EndColor &&
- rGradient1.Angle == rGradient2.Angle &&
- rGradient1.Border == rGradient2.Border &&
- rGradient1.XOffset == rGradient2.XOffset &&
- rGradient1.YOffset == rGradient2.YOffset &&
- rGradient1.StartIntensity == rGradient2.StartIntensity &&
- rGradient1.EndIntensity == rGradient2.EndIntensity &&
- rGradient1.StepCount == rGradient2.StepCount &&
- rGradient1.ColorStops.getLength() == rGradient2.ColorStops.getLength())
- {
- const sal_Int32 nLen(rGradient1.ColorStops.getLength());
- if (0 == nLen)
- return true;
- const awt::ColorStop* pColorStop1(rGradient1.ColorStops.getConstArray());
- const awt::ColorStop* pColorStop2(rGradient2.ColorStops.getConstArray());
- for (sal_Int32 a(0); a < nLen; a++, pColorStop1++, pColorStop2++)
- {
- if (pColorStop1->StopOffset != pColorStop2->StopOffset ||
- pColorStop1->StopColor.Red != pColorStop2->StopColor.Red ||
- pColorStop1->StopColor.Green != pColorStop2->StopColor.Green ||
- pColorStop1->StopColor.Blue != pColorStop2->StopColor.Blue)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
- awt::Gradient2 aGradient;
if (!GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillGradient"))
- // use fillGradient2FromAny to evtl. take care of Gradient/Gradient2
- basegfx::utils::fillGradient2FromAny(aGradient, mAny);
+ // use BGradient constructor directly, it will take care of Gradient/Gradient2
+ basegfx::BGradient aGradient(mAny);
// get InteropGrabBag and search the relevant attributes
- awt::Gradient2 aOriginalGradient;
+ basegfx::BGradient aOriginalGradient;
Sequence< PropertyValue > aGradientStops;
if ( GetProperty( rXPropSet, "InteropGrabBag" ) )
@@ -664,14 +611,14 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
if( rProp.Name == "GradFillDefinition" )
rProp.Value >>= aGradientStops;
else if( rProp.Name == "OriginalGradFill" )
- // use fillGradient2FromAny to evtl. take care of Gradient/Gradient2
- basegfx::utils::fillGradient2FromAny(aOriginalGradient, rProp.Value);
+ // use BGradient constructor direcly, it will take care of Gradient/Gradient2
+ aOriginalGradient = basegfx::BGradient(rProp.Value);
// check if an ooxml gradient had been imported and if the user has modified it
// Gradient grab-bag depends on theme grab-bag, which is implemented
// only for DOCX.
- if( EqualGradients( aOriginalGradient, aGradient ) && GetDocumentType() == DOCUMENT_DOCX)
+ if (aOriginalGradient == aGradient && GetDocumentType() == DOCUMENT_DOCX)
// If we have no gradient stops that means original gradient were defined by a theme.
if( aGradientStops.hasElements() )
@@ -685,8 +632,8 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
mpFS->startElementNS(XML_a, XML_gradFill, XML_rotWithShape, "0");
- awt::Gradient2 aTransparenceGradient;
- awt::Gradient2* pTransparenceGradient(nullptr);
+ basegfx::BGradient aTransparenceGradient;
+ basegfx::BGradient* pTransparenceGradient(nullptr);
double fTransparency(0.0);
OUString sFillTransparenceGradientName;
@@ -695,7 +642,9 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
&& !sFillTransparenceGradientName.isEmpty())
if (GetProperty(rXPropSet, "FillTransparenceGradient"))
- aTransparenceGradient = *o3tl::doAccess<awt::Gradient2>(mAny);
+ {
+ aTransparenceGradient = basegfx::BGradient(mAny);
+ }
pTransparenceGradient = &aTransparenceGradient;
@@ -715,7 +664,7 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill( const Reference< XPropertySet >& rXPropSet )
-void DrawingML::WriteGrabBagGradientFill( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& aGradientStops, const awt::Gradient2& rGradient )
+void DrawingML::WriteGrabBagGradientFill( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& aGradientStops, const basegfx::BGradient& rBGradient )
// write back the original gradient
mpFS->startElementNS(XML_a, XML_gsLst);
@@ -761,34 +710,36 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGrabBagGradientFill( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& aGrad
mpFS->endElementNS( XML_a, XML_gsLst );
- switch (rGradient.Style)
+ switch (rBGradient.GetGradientStyle())
+ {
+ const sal_Int16 nAngle(rBGradient.GetAngle());
XML_a, XML_lin, XML_ang,
- OString::number(((3600 - rGradient.Angle + 900) * 6000) % 21600000));
+ OString::number(((3600 - static_cast<sal_Int32>(nAngle) + 900) * 6000) % 21600000));
+ }
case awt::GradientStyle_RADIAL:
- WriteGradientPath(rGradient, mpFS, true);
+ {
+ WriteGradientPath(rBGradient, mpFS, true);
+ }
void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill(
- const awt::Gradient2* pColorGradient, sal_Int32 nFixColor,
- const awt::Gradient2* pTransparenceGradient, double fFixTransparence)
+ const basegfx::BGradient* pColorGradient, sal_Int32 nFixColor,
+ const basegfx::BGradient* pTransparenceGradient, double fFixTransparence)
basegfx::BColorStops aColorStops;
basegfx::BColorStops aAlphaStops;
basegfx::BColor aSingleColor(::Color(ColorTransparency, nFixColor).getBColor());
basegfx::BColor aSingleAlpha(fFixTransparence);
- awt::Gradient2 aGradient;
+ const basegfx::BGradient* pGradient(pColorGradient);
if (nullptr != pColorGradient)
- // remember basic Gradient definition to use
- aGradient = *pColorGradient;
// extract and correct/process ColorStops
basegfx::utils::prepareColorStops(*pColorGradient, aColorStops, aSingleColor);
@@ -796,9 +747,9 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill(
if (nullptr != pTransparenceGradient)
// remember basic Gradient definition to use
- if (nullptr == pColorGradient)
+ if (nullptr == pGradient)
- aGradient = *pTransparenceGradient;
+ pGradient = pTransparenceGradient;
// extract and correct/process AlphaStops
@@ -810,10 +761,12 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill(
// method (at import time) will be exported again
basegfx::utils::synchronizeColorStops(aColorStops, aAlphaStops, aSingleColor, aSingleAlpha);
- if (aColorStops.size() != aAlphaStops.size())
+ if (aColorStops.size() != aAlphaStops.size() || nullptr == pGradient)
// this is an error - synchronizeColorStops above *has* to create that
// state, see description there (!)
+ // also an error - see comment in header - is to give neither pColorGradient
+ // nor pTransparenceGradient
assert(false && "oox::WriteGradientFill: non-synchronized gradients (!)");
@@ -822,7 +775,7 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill(
bool bLinear(false);
bool bAxial(false);
- switch (aGradient.Style)
+ switch (pGradient->GetGradientStyle())
case awt::GradientStyle_LINEAR:
@@ -915,18 +868,19 @@ void DrawingML::WriteGradientFill(
if (bLinear || bAxial)
// cases where gradient rotation has to be exported
+ const sal_Int16 nAngle(pGradient->GetAngle());
XML_a, XML_lin, XML_ang,
- OString::number(((3600 - aGradient.Angle + 900) * 6000) % 21600000));
+ OString::number(((3600 - static_cast<sal_Int32>(nAngle) + 900) * 6000) % 21600000));
if (bRadialOrEllipticalOrRectOrSquare)
// cases where gradient path has to be exported
- const bool bCircle(aGradient.Style == awt::GradientStyle_RADIAL ||
- aGradient.Style == awt::GradientStyle_ELLIPTICAL);
+ const bool bCircle(pGradient->GetGradientStyle() == awt::GradientStyle_RADIAL ||
+ pGradient->GetGradientStyle() == awt::GradientStyle_ELLIPTICAL);
- WriteGradientPath(aGradient, mpFS, bCircle);
+ WriteGradientPath(*pGradient, mpFS, bCircle);