path: root/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
commit8ab086b6cc054501bfbf7ef6fa509c393691e860 (patch)
tree324d51845d7f1a2f4e02a14db22fb5947137c822 /rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
parent411e68cc54ae97eebd79ae3a9cb2971b74cb2a9e (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f92d7e78e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsc/inc/rscdb.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: rscdb.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:42:54 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _RSCDB_HXX
+#define _RSCDB_HXX
+#ifndef _TABLE_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/table.hxx>
+#ifndef _LANG_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/lang.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCALL_H
+#include <rscall.h>
+#ifndef _RSCKEY_HXX
+#include <rsckey.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCCONST_HXX
+#include <rscconst.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCFLAG_HXX
+#include <rscflag.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCRANGE_HXX
+#include <rscrange.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCSTR_HXX
+#include <rscstr.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCARRAY_HXX
+#include <rscarray.hxx>
+#ifndef _RSCDEF_HXX
+#include <rscdef.hxx>
+class RscError;
+class REResourceList;
+class RscTupel;
+class RscCont;
+/****************** R s c T y p C o n ************************************/
+// Liste die alle Basistypen enthaelt
+DECLARE_LIST( RscBaseList, RscTop * )
+// Tabelle fuer Systemabhaengige Resourcen
+struct RscSysEntry
+ USHORT nKey;
+ USHORT nRscTyp;
+ ByteString aFileName;
+ USHORT nTyp;
+ USHORT nRefId;
+DECLARE_LIST( RscSysList, RscSysEntry * )
+class RscTypCont
+ CharSet nSourceCharSet;
+ USHORT nLangTypeId; // Globale Sprachtyp
+ USHORT nDfltLangTypeId; // fallback fuer globalen Sprachtyp
+ USHORT nMachineId; // Globaler Maschinentyp
+ RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE nByteOrder; // Intel oder
+ ByteString aSearchPath; // Suchen der Bitmap, Icon, Pointer
+ USHORT nUniqueId; // eindeutiger Id fuer Systemresourcen
+ ULONG nFilePos; // Position in der Datei ( MTF )
+ USHORT nPMId; // eindeutiger Id fuer PM-Rseourcefile
+ // muss groesser als RSC_VERSIONCONTROL_ID sein
+ RscTop * pRoot; // Zeiger auf die Wurzel vom Typenbaum
+ RSCINST aVersion; // Versionskontrollinstanz
+ RscBaseList aBaseLst; // Liste der einfachen Resourceklasse
+ RscSysList aSysLst; // Liste der Systemresourcen
+ HASHID nWinBitVarId; // Name der Winbitvariablen
+ HASHID nBorderId;
+ HASHID nHideId;
+ HASHID nClipChildrenId;
+ HASHID nSizeableId;
+ HASHID nMoveableId;
+ HASHID nMinimizeId;
+ HASHID nMaximizeId;
+ HASHID nCloseableId;
+ HASHID nAppId;
+ HASHID nTabstopId;
+ HASHID nGroupId;
+ HASHID nSysmodalId;
+ HASHID nLeftId;
+ HASHID nCenterId;
+ HASHID nRightId;
+ HASHID nHscrollId;
+ HASHID nVscrollId;
+ HASHID nSortId;
+ HASHID nDefaultId;
+ HASHID nRepeatId;
+ HASHID nDropDownId;
+ HASHID nPassWordId;
+ HASHID nReadOnlyId;
+ HASHID nAutoSizeId;
+ HASHID nSpinId;
+ HASHID nTabControlId;
+ HASHID nSimpleModeId;
+ HASHID nDragId;
+ HASHID nSaveAsId;
+ HASHID nOpenId;
+ HASHID nScrollId;
+ HASHID nZoomableId;
+ HASHID nHideWhenDeactivateId;
+ HASHID nAutoHScrollId;
+ HASHID nDDExtraWidthId;
+ HASHID nWordBreakId;
+ HASHID nLeftLabelId;
+ HASHID nHasLinesId;
+ HASHID nHasButtonsId;
+ HASHID nRectStyleId;
+ HASHID nLineSpacingId;
+ HASHID nSmallStyleId;
+ HASHID nEnableResizingId;
+ HASHID nDockableId;
+ HASHID nScaleId;
+ HASHID nIgnoreTabId;
+ HASHID nNoSplitDrawId;
+ HASHID nTopImageId;
+ HASHID nNoLabelId;
+ void Init(); // Initialisiert Klassen und Tabelle
+ void SETCONST( RscConst *, char *, UINT32 );
+ void SETCONST( RscConst *, HASHID, UINT32 );
+ RscEnum * InitLangType();
+ RscEnum * InitDateFormatType();
+ RscEnum * InitTimeFormatType();
+ RscEnum * InitWeekDayFormatType();
+ RscEnum * InitMonthFormatType();
+ RscEnum * InitFieldUnitsType();
+ RscEnum * InitDayOfWeekType();
+ RscEnum * InitTimeFieldFormat();
+ RscEnum * InitColor();
+ RscEnum * InitMapUnit();
+ RscEnum * InitKey();
+ RscEnum * InitTriState();
+ RscEnum * InitMessButtons();
+ RscEnum * InitMessDefButton();
+ RscTupel * InitGeometry();
+ RscArray * InitLangGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo );
+ RscArray * InitSystemGeometry( RscTupel * pGeo );
+ RscCont * InitStringList();
+ RscArray * InitLangStringList( RscCont * pStrLst );
+ RscTupel * InitStringTupel();
+ RscTupel * InitStringLongTupel();
+ RscCont * InitStringTupelList( RscTupel * pStringTupel );
+ RscCont * InitStringLongTupelList( RscTupel * pStringLongTupel );
+ RscArray * InitLangStringTupelList( RscCont * pStrTupelLst );
+ RscArray * InitLangStringLongTupelList( RscCont * pStrLongTupelLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassMgr();
+ RscTop * InitClassString( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassBitmap( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassColor( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pColor );
+ RscTop * InitClassImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop *pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassColor );
+ RscTop * InitClassImageList( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop *pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassColor );
+ RscTop * InitClassWindow( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit,
+ RscArray * pLangGeo );
+ RscTop * InitClassSystemWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassWorkWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassModalDialog( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassModelessDialog( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassControl( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassPushButton( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassTriStateBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pTriState );
+ RscTop * InitClassMenuButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClasMenu );
+ RscTop * InitClassImageButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscEnum * pTriState );
+ RscTop * InitClassEdit( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMultiLineEdit( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassScrollBar( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassListBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassMultiListBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassComboBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscArray * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassFixedText( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassFixedBitmap( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap );
+ RscTop * InitClassFixedImage( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage );
+ RscTop * InitClassImageRadioButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassImage );
+ RscTop * InitClassKeyCode( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pKey );
+ RscTop * InitClassAccelItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pKeyCode );
+ RscTop * InitClassAccel( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassAccelItem );
+ RscTop * InitClassMenuItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassKeyCode );
+ RscTop * InitClassMenu( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pMenuItem );
+ RscTop * InitClassMessBox( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMessButtons,
+ RscEnum * pMessDefButton );
+ RscTop * InitClassSplitter( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassSplitWindow( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassTime( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassDate( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pDayOfWeek );
+ RscTop * InitClassInt1( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pDateFormat,
+ RscEnum * pTimeFormat, RscEnum * pWeekDayFormat,
+ RscEnum * pMonthFormat );
+ RscTop * InitClassInternational( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pDateFormat,
+ RscEnum * pTimeFormat, RscEnum * pWeekDayFormat,
+ RscEnum * pMonthFormat );
+ RscTop * InitClassPatternFormatter( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassNumericFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassI12 );
+ RscTop * InitClassMetricFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits );
+ RscTop * InitClassCurrencyFormatter( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pFieldUnits );
+ RscTop * InitClassDateFormatter( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate,
+ RscTop * pClassI12 );
+ RscTop * InitClassTimeFormatter( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime,
+ RscTop * pClassI12,
+ RscEnum * pTimeFieldFormat );
+ RscTop * InitClassSpinField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassPatternField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassNumericField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMetricField( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassCurrencyField( const char * pClassName, USHORT nRT,
+ RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassDateField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
+ RscTop * InitClassTimeField( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime );
+ RscTop * InitClassPatternBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassNumericBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMetricBox( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassCurrencyBox( const char * pClassName, USHORT nRT,
+ RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassDateBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassDate );
+ RscTop * InitClassTimeBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassTime );
+ RscTop * InitClassDockingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit );
+ RscTop * InitClassToolBoxItem( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscEnum * pTriState );
+ RscTop * InitClassToolBox( RscTop * pSuper, RscTop * pClassToolBoxItem,
+ RscTop * pClassImageList );
+ RscTop * InitClassStatusBar( RscTop * pSuper );
+ RscTop * InitClassMoreButton( RscTop * pSuper, RscEnum * pMapUnit );
+ RscTop * InitClassFloatingWindow( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscEnum * pMapUnit );
+ RscTop * InitClassTabControlItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassTabPage );
+ RscTop * InitClassTabControl( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassTabControlItem );
+ RscTop * InitClassSfxStyleFamilyItem( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pClassBitmap,
+ RscTop * pClassImage,
+ RscArray * pStrLst );
+ RscTop * InitClassSfxTemplateDialog( RscTop * pSuper,
+ RscTop * pStyleFamily );
+ RscTop * InitClassSfxSlotInfo( RscTop * pSuper );
+ void InsWinBit( RscTop * pClass, const ByteString & rName,
+ HASHID nVal );
+ void WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, ULONG lKey );
+ RscBool aBool;
+ RscRange aShort;
+ RscRange aUShort;
+ RscLongRange aLong;
+ RscLongEnumRange aEnumLong;
+ RscIdRange aIdUShort;
+ RscIdRange aIdNoZeroUShort;
+ RscBreakRange aNoZeroShort;
+ RscRange a1to12Short;
+ RscRange a0to23Short;
+ RscRange a1to31Short;
+ RscRange a0to59Short;
+ RscRange a0to99Short;
+ RscRange a0to9999Short;
+ RscIdRange aIdLong;
+ RscString aString;
+ RscFlag aWinBits;
+ RscEnum aLangType;
+ RscLangArray aLangString;
+ RscLangArray aLangShort;
+ RscError* pEH; // Fehlerhandler
+ RscNameTable aNmTb; // Tabelle fuer Namen
+ RscFileTab aFileTab; // Tabelle der Dateinamen
+ USHORT nFlags;
+ Table aIdTranslator; //Ordnet Resourcetypen und Id's einen Id zu
+ //(unter PM), oder eine Dateiposition (MTF)
+ RscTypCont( RscError *, LanguageType,
+ CharSet nSourceCharSet,
+ const ByteString & rSearchPath, USHORT nFlags );
+ ~RscTypCont();
+ BOOL IsPreload() const
+ { return (nFlags & PRELOAD_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ BOOL IsSmart() const
+ { return (nFlags & SMART_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ BOOL IsSysResTest() const
+ { return (nFlags & NOSYSRESTEST_FLAG) ? FALSE : TRUE; }
+ BOOL IsSrsDefault() const
+ { return (nFlags & SRSDEFAULT_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
+ LanguageType ChangeLanguage( LanguageType eLang )
+ {
+ LanguageType nOldLang = (LanguageType)nLangTypeId;
+ nLangTypeId = eLang;
+ return nOldLang;
+ }
+ RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE GetByteOrder() const { return nByteOrder; }
+ CharSet GetSourceCharSet() const { return nSourceCharSet; }
+ void SetSearchPath( const ByteString & rStr) { aSearchPath = rStr; }
+ ByteString GetSearchPath() const { return aSearchPath; }
+ void InsertType( RscTop * pType )
+ {
+ aBaseLst.Insert( pType, LIST_APPEND );
+ }
+ RscTop * SearchType( HASHID nTypId );
+ RscTop * Search( HASHID typ );
+ CLASS_DATA Search( HASHID typ, const RscId & rId );
+ void Delete( HASHID typ, const RscId & rId );
+ // loescht alle Resourceobjekte diese Datei
+ void Delete( ULONG lFileKey );
+ RscTop * GetRoot() { return( pRoot ); };
+ USHORT PutSysName( USHORT nRscTyp, char * pName, USHORT nConst,
+ USHORT nId, BOOL bFirst );
+ ERRTYPE WriteRc( FILE * fOutput );
+ void WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileIndex,
+ CharSet nCharSet, BOOL bName = TRUE );
+ ERRTYPE WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey);
+ ERRTYPE WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, ULONG nFileKey,
+ const ByteString & rHxxName );
+ void WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput );
+ void WriteRcCtor( FILE * fOutput );
+ void FillNameIdList( REResourceList * pList, ULONG lFileKey );
+ BOOL MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList );
+ USHORT PutTranslatorKey( ULONG nKey );
+ void IncFilePos( ULONG nOffset ){ nFilePos += nOffset; }