diff options
author | Hans-Joachim Lankenau <hjs@openoffice.org> | 2004-06-26 18:57:41 +0000 |
committer | Hans-Joachim Lankenau <hjs@openoffice.org> | 2004-06-26 18:57:41 +0000 |
commit | 3fc1a94690169c761a4188d325c713b3872268a8 (patch) | |
tree | 1f4410425ef95b9d558aed979ca6ce1d261009f1 /sc/addin | |
parent | 601e395d83eb932b510180d77853b721971f33fa (diff) |
INTEGRATION: CWS mergebuild (1.17.68); FILE MERGED
2004/04/20 22:56:16 hjs RESYNC: (1.17-1.18); FILE MERGED
2003/11/11 19:19:44 ihi en -> en-US
2003/11/10 17:35:50 ihi #111234# Merge during build
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/addin')
-rw-r--r-- | sc/addin/rot13/rot13.src | 109 |
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/sc/addin/rot13/rot13.src b/sc/addin/rot13/rot13.src index 64f8533c3c75..c1fe05dba03b 100644 --- a/sc/addin/rot13/rot13.src +++ b/sc/addin/rot13/rot13.src @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ * * $RCSfile: rot13.src,v $ * - * $Revision: 1.18 $ + * $Revision: 1.19 $ * - * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 19:48:54 $ + * last change: $Author: hjs $ $Date: 2004-06-26 19:57:41 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses @@ -65,110 +65,23 @@ Resource RID_SC_ADDIN_ROT13 { String ROT13_DESC // Description { - Text = "ROT13 Algorithmus, jedes alphabetische Zeichen des Textes wird um 13 im Alphabet rotiert." ; - Text [ english ] = "ROT13 Algorithm, each alphabetical character of the text is rotated by 13 in the alphabet" ; - Text[ english_us ] = "ROT13 Algorithm, each alphabetical character of the text is rotated by 13 in the alphabet"; - Text[ portuguese ] = "ROT13 Algoritmo: rotao de 13 caracteres no alfabeto para cada um dos caracteres alfabticos do texto."; - Text[ russian ] = " ROT13: , 13 ."; - Text[ dutch ] = "ROT13 Algoritme, ieder alfabetisch teken van de tekst roteert met het 13e in het alfabet."; - Text[ french ] = "ROT13 Algorythme, remplacement de chaque caractre alphabtique du texte par rotation de 13 caractres dans l'alphabet."; - Text[ spanish ] = "Algoritmo ROT13, cada carcter alfabtico del texto rodar 13 espacios en el alfabeto."; - Text[ italian ] = "ROT13 algoritmo, ogni carattere alfabetico del testo viene ruotato di 13 nell'alfabeto."; - Text[ danish ] = "ROT13 algoritme: Hvert bogstav forskydes med 13 pladser i alfabetet."; - Text[ swedish ] = "ROT13 algoritm, varje alfabetiskt tecken i texten roteras med 13 i alfabetet."; - Text[ polish ] = "Algorytm ROT13, kady alfabetyczny znak tekstu zostanie obrcony o 13 w alfabecie."; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Algoritmo ROT13, rotao de 13 caracteres no alfabeto para cada um dos caracteres alfabticos do texto "; - Text[ japanese ] = "ROT13 アルゴリズム、アルファベット文字を13字ずらして文字列を暗号化します。"; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ROT13 法则,文本内每个字母将沿字母表的第13个字母循环旋转。"; - Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ROT13 法則,本文內每個字母將沿字母表的第13個字母循環旋轉。"; - Text[ arabic ] = " ROT13 13 ."; - Text[ dutch ] = "ROT13 Algoritme, ieder alfabetisch teken van de tekst roteert met het 13e in het alfabet."; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ROT13 法则,文本内每个字母将沿字母表的第13个字母循环旋转。"; - Text[ greek ] = " ROT13, 13 "; - Text[ korean ] = "ROT13 알고리즘, 텍스트의 모든 알파벳 문자는 알파벳에서 13 자리씩 이동합니다."; - Text[ turkish ] = "ROT13 Algoritmi, metnin her alfabetik karakteri alfabe iinde 13 sra dndrlr."; - Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; - Text[ catalan ] = "Algorisme ROT13, cada carcter alfabtic del text es desplaa 13 posicions dins de l'alfabet"; - Text[ finnish ] = "ROT13-koodaus; jokaista tekstin aakkosnumeerista merkki siirretn aakkosissa 13 askelta"; - Text[ thai ] = "อัลกอริธึม ROT13 , แต่ละตัวอักษรของข้อความหมุนโดย 13 ในตัวอักษร"; - Text[ czech ] = "Algoritmus ROT13, každé písmeno textu je odrotováno o 13 pozic vpravo"; - Text[ hebrew ] = "ROT13 Algorithmus, jedes alphabetische Zeichen des Textes wird um 13 im Alphabet rotiert."; - Text[ hindi ] = "ROT13 अल्गोरितम्, टेक्स्ट् का हरेक वर्णमाला अक्षर को वर्णमाला में 13 बार घुमाता है"; - Text[ slovak ] = "ROT13 algoritmus, každý abecedný znak v texte je posunutý o 13 pozícií v abecede"; - Text[ hungarian ] = "ROT13 Algoritmus, a szöveg minden betűjét az ábécében 13 egységgel eltolja."; - Text[ slovenian ] = "Algoritem ROT13, vsak abecedni znak v besedilu premakne za 13 mest v abecedi"; + Text [ de ] = "ROT13 Algorithmus, jedes alphabetische Zeichen des Textes wird um 13 im Alphabet rotiert." ; + Text [ en-US ] = "ROT13 Algorithm, each alphabetical character of the text is rotated by 13 in the alphabet"; + Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String ROT13_PAR1_NAME // Name of Parameter 1 { - Text = "Text" ; - Text [ english ] = "Text" ; - Text[ english_us ] = "Text"; - Text[ portuguese ] = "Texto"; - Text[ russian ] = ""; - Text[ dutch ] = "Tekst"; - Text[ french ] = "Texte"; - Text[ spanish ] = "Texto"; - Text[ italian ] = "Testo"; - Text[ danish ] = "Tekst"; - Text[ swedish ] = "Text"; - Text[ polish ] = "Tekst"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Texto"; - Text[ japanese ] = "文字列"; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "text"; - Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "文字"; - Text[ arabic ] = ""; - Text[ dutch ] = "Tekst"; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "text"; - Text[ greek ] = ""; - Text[ korean ] = "텍스트"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Metin"; - Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; - Text[ catalan ] = "Text"; - Text[ finnish ] = "Teksti"; - Text[ thai ] = "ข้อความ"; - Text[ czech ] = "Text"; - Text[ hebrew ] = "טקסט"; - Text[ hindi ] = "टेक्स्ट्"; - Text[ slovak ] = "Text"; - Text[ hungarian ] = "Szöveg"; - Text[ slovenian ] = "Besedilo"; + Text [ de ] = "Text" ; + Text [ en-US ] = "Text"; + Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; String ROT13_PAR1_DESC // Description of Parameter 1 { - Text = "Der Text der rotiert werden soll" ; - Text [ english ] = "the text which should be rotated" ; - Text[ english_us ] = "The text that is to be rotated"; - Text[ portuguese ] = " o texto de rotao"; - Text[ russian ] = ", "; - Text[ dutch ] = "de tekst die roteert"; - Text[ french ] = "Le texte de rotation"; - Text[ spanish ] = "Texto que debe rodar"; - Text[ italian ] = "Il testo da ruotare"; - Text[ danish ] = "Teksten, som skal roteres"; - Text[ swedish ] = "Texten som skall roteras"; - Text[ polish ] = "Tekst, ktry ma zosta obrcony"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O texto a ser girado"; - Text[ japanese ] = "13字ずらして暗号化する文字列。"; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要旋转的文字"; - Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要旋轉的本文"; - Text[ arabic ] = " "; - Text[ dutch ] = "de tekst die roteert"; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要旋转的文字"; - Text[ greek ] = " "; - Text[ korean ] = "회전될 텍스트"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Dndrlecek metin"; - Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; - Text[ catalan ] = "Text que s'ha de desplaar"; - Text[ finnish ] = "Kierrettv teksti"; - Text[ thai ] = "ข้อความที่ถูกหมุน"; - Text[ czech ] = "Text, který bude rotován"; - Text[ hebrew ] = "Der Text der rotiert werden soll"; - Text[ hindi ] = "टेक्स्ट् जिसको घुमाना है"; - Text[ slovak ] = "Text ktorý má byť posunutý"; - Text[ hungarian ] = "Az elforgatandó szöveg"; - Text[ slovenian ] = "Besedilo, ki ga je potrebno premakniti"; + Text [ de ] = "Der Text der rotiert werden soll" ; + Text [ en-US ] = "The text that is to be rotated"; + Text [ x-comment ] = " "; }; }; |