path: root/sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 23:16:46 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 23:16:46 +0000
commitd0484bcdcbffd42d242647a2fdc1a203d176b775 (patch)
tree5a55e322eba52fffac58b43beb88568721d13a9b /sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx
parent9ae5a91f7955e44d3b24a3f7741f9bca02ac7f24 (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx')
1 files changed, 1542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx b/sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df3b387d0d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1542 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: conditio.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-19 00:16:14 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "core_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "scitems.hxx"
+#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
+#include <svtools/itemset.hxx>
+#include <svtools/zforlist.hxx>
+#include <tools/intn.hxx>
+#include <tools/solmath.hxx>
+#include "conditio.hxx"
+#include "cell.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "hints.hxx"
+#include "compiler.hxx"
+#include "rechead.hxx"
+#include "rangelst.hxx"
+#include "stlpool.hxx"
+SV_IMPL_OP_PTRARR_SORT( ScConditionalFormats_Impl, ScConditionalFormatPtr );
+BOOL lcl_HasRelRef( ScTokenArray* pFormula )
+ if (pFormula)
+ {
+ pFormula->Reset();
+ ScToken* t;
+ for( t = pFormula->GetNextReference(); t; t = pFormula->GetNextReference() )
+ {
+ ComplRefData& rRef = t->GetReference();
+ if ( rRef.Ref1.IsColRel() || rRef.Ref1.IsRowRel() || rRef.Ref1.IsTabRel() ||
+ rRef.Ref2.IsColRel() || rRef.Ref2.IsRowRel() || rRef.Ref2.IsTabRel() )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntry( const ScConditionEntry& r ) :
+ eOp(r.eOp),
+ nOptions(r.nOptions),
+ nVal1(r.nVal1),
+ nVal2(r.nVal2),
+ aStrVal1(r.aStrVal1),
+ aStrVal2(r.aStrVal2),
+ bIsStr1(r.bIsStr1),
+ bIsStr2(r.bIsStr2),
+ bRelRef1(r.bRelRef1),
+ bRelRef2(r.bRelRef2),
+ pFormula1(NULL),
+ pFormula2(NULL),
+ pFCell1(NULL),
+ pFCell2(NULL),
+ pDoc(r.pDoc),
+ aSrcPos(r.aSrcPos),
+ bFirstRun(TRUE)
+ // ScTokenArray copy ctor erzeugt flache Kopie
+ if (r.pFormula1)
+ pFormula1 = new ScTokenArray( *r.pFormula1 );
+ if (r.pFormula2)
+ pFormula2 = new ScTokenArray( *r.pFormula2 );
+ // Formelzellen werden erst bei IsValid angelegt
+ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntry( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScConditionEntry& r ) :
+ eOp(r.eOp),
+ nOptions(r.nOptions),
+ nVal1(r.nVal1),
+ nVal2(r.nVal2),
+ aStrVal1(r.aStrVal1),
+ aStrVal2(r.aStrVal2),
+ bIsStr1(r.bIsStr1),
+ bIsStr2(r.bIsStr2),
+ bRelRef1(r.bRelRef1),
+ bRelRef2(r.bRelRef2),
+ pFormula1(NULL),
+ pFormula2(NULL),
+ pFCell1(NULL),
+ pFCell2(NULL),
+ pDoc(pDocument),
+ aSrcPos(r.aSrcPos),
+ bFirstRun(TRUE)
+ // echte Kopie der Formeln (fuer Ref-Undo)
+ if (r.pFormula1)
+ pFormula1 = r.pFormula1->Clone();
+ if (r.pFormula2)
+ pFormula2 = r.pFormula2->Clone();
+ // Formelzellen werden erst bei IsValid angelegt
+ //! im Clipboard nicht - dann vorher interpretieren !!!
+ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntry( ScConditionMode eOper,
+ const String& rExpr1, const String& rExpr2,
+ ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos,
+ BOOL bCompileEnglish ) :
+ eOp(eOper),
+ nOptions(0), // spaeter...
+ nVal1(0.0),
+ nVal2(0.0),
+ bIsStr1(FALSE),
+ bIsStr2(FALSE),
+ bRelRef1(FALSE),
+ bRelRef2(FALSE),
+ pFormula1(NULL),
+ pFormula2(NULL),
+ pFCell1(NULL),
+ pFCell2(NULL),
+ pDoc(pDocument),
+ aSrcPos(rPos),
+ bFirstRun(TRUE)
+ Compile( rExpr1, rExpr2, bCompileEnglish );
+ // Formelzellen werden erst bei IsValid angelegt
+ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntry( ScConditionMode eOper,
+ const ScTokenArray* pArr1, const ScTokenArray* pArr2,
+ ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos ) :
+ eOp(eOper),
+ nOptions(0), // spaeter...
+ nVal1(0.0),
+ nVal2(0.0),
+ bIsStr1(FALSE),
+ bIsStr2(FALSE),
+ bRelRef1(FALSE),
+ bRelRef2(FALSE),
+ pFormula1(NULL),
+ pFormula2(NULL),
+ pFCell1(NULL),
+ pFCell2(NULL),
+ pDoc(pDocument),
+ aSrcPos(rPos),
+ bFirstRun(TRUE)
+ if ( pArr1 )
+ {
+ pFormula1 = new ScTokenArray( *pArr1 );
+ if ( pFormula1->GetLen() == 1 )
+ {
+ // einzelne (konstante Zahl) ?
+ ScToken* pToken = pFormula1->First();
+ if ( pToken->GetOpCode() == ocPush )
+ {
+ if ( pToken->GetType() == svDouble )
+ {
+ nVal1 = pToken->nValue;
+ DELETEZ(pFormula1); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ else if ( pToken->GetType() == svString )
+ {
+ bIsStr1 = TRUE;
+ aStrVal1 = pToken->cStr; // char-ptr
+ DELETEZ(pFormula1); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bRelRef1 = lcl_HasRelRef( pFormula1 );
+ }
+ if ( pArr2 )
+ {
+ pFormula2 = new ScTokenArray( *pArr2 );
+ if ( pFormula2->GetLen() == 1 )
+ {
+ // einzelne (konstante Zahl) ?
+ ScToken* pToken = pFormula2->First();
+ if ( pToken->GetOpCode() == ocPush )
+ {
+ if ( pToken->GetType() == svDouble )
+ {
+ nVal2 = pToken->nValue;
+ DELETEZ(pFormula2); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ else if ( pToken->GetType() == svString )
+ {
+ bIsStr2 = TRUE;
+ aStrVal2 = pToken->cStr; // char-ptr
+ DELETEZ(pFormula2); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bRelRef2 = lcl_HasRelRef( pFormula2 );
+ }
+ // formula cells are created at IsValid
+ delete pFCell1;
+ delete pFCell2;
+ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntry( SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleReadHeader& rHdr,
+ ScDocument* pDocument ) :
+ nVal1(0.0),
+ nVal2(0.0),
+ bIsStr1(FALSE),
+ bIsStr2(FALSE),
+ bRelRef1(FALSE),
+ bRelRef2(FALSE),
+ pFormula1(NULL),
+ pFormula2(NULL),
+ pFCell1(NULL),
+ pFCell2(NULL),
+ pDoc(pDocument),
+ bFirstRun(TRUE)
+ USHORT nVer = (USHORT) pDoc->GetSrcVersion();
+ rHdr.StartEntry();
+ BYTE nOpByte;
+ rStream >> nOpByte;
+ eOp = (ScConditionMode) nOpByte;
+ rStream >> nOptions;
+ ScAddress aPos;
+ BYTE nTypeByte;
+ rStream >> nTypeByte;
+ ScConditionValType eType = (ScConditionValType) nTypeByte;
+ if ( eType == SC_VAL_FORMULA )
+ {
+ rStream >> aPos;
+ pFormula1 = new ScTokenArray;
+ pFormula1->Load( rStream, nVer, aPos );
+ bRelRef1 = lcl_HasRelRef( pFormula1 );
+ }
+ else if ( eType == SC_VAL_VALUE )
+ rStream >> nVal1;
+ else
+ {
+ bIsStr1 = TRUE;
+ rStream.ReadByteString( aStrVal1, rStream.GetStreamCharSet() );
+ }
+ {
+ rStream >> nTypeByte;
+ eType = (ScConditionValType) nTypeByte;
+ if ( eType == SC_VAL_FORMULA )
+ {
+ rStream >> aPos;
+ pFormula2 = new ScTokenArray;
+ pFormula2->Load( rStream, nVer, aPos );
+ bRelRef2 = lcl_HasRelRef( pFormula2 );
+ }
+ else if ( eType == SC_VAL_VALUE )
+ rStream >> nVal2;
+ else
+ {
+ bIsStr2 = TRUE;
+ rStream.ReadByteString( aStrVal2, rStream.GetStreamCharSet() );
+ }
+ }
+ rHdr.EndEntry();
+ aSrcPos = aPos;
+ // Formelzellen werden erst bei IsValid angelegt
+void ScConditionEntry::StoreCondition(SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleWriteHeader& rHdr) const
+ rHdr.StartEntry();
+ // 1) Byte fuer die Operation
+ // 2) USHORT fuer Optionen
+ // 3) Byte, ob Wert, String oder Formel folgt
+ // 4) double, String oder TokenArray
+ // 5) je nach Operation 3 und 4 nochmal
+ // vor jedem TokenArray noch die Position als ScAddress
+ rStream << (BYTE) eOp;
+ rStream << nOptions;
+ ScConditionValType eType =
+ pFormula1 ? SC_VAL_FORMULA : ( bIsStr1 ? SC_VAL_STRING : SC_VAL_VALUE );
+ rStream << (BYTE) eType;
+ if ( eType == SC_VAL_FORMULA )
+ {
+ rStream << aSrcPos;
+ pFormula1->Store( rStream, aSrcPos );
+ }
+ else if ( eType == SC_VAL_VALUE )
+ rStream << nVal1;
+ else
+ rStream.WriteByteString( aStrVal1, rStream.GetStreamCharSet() );
+ {
+ eType = pFormula2 ? SC_VAL_FORMULA : ( bIsStr2 ? SC_VAL_STRING : SC_VAL_VALUE );
+ rStream << (BYTE) eType;
+ if ( eType == SC_VAL_FORMULA )
+ {
+ rStream << aSrcPos;
+ pFormula2->Store( rStream, aSrcPos );
+ }
+ else if ( eType == SC_VAL_VALUE )
+ rStream << nVal2;
+ else
+ rStream.WriteByteString( aStrVal2, rStream.GetStreamCharSet() );
+ }
+ rHdr.EndEntry();
+void ScConditionEntry::Compile( const String& rExpr1, const String& rExpr2, BOOL bEnglish )
+ if ( rExpr1.Len() || rExpr2.Len() )
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp( pDoc, aSrcPos );
+ aComp.SetCompileEnglish( bEnglish );
+ if ( rExpr1.Len() )
+ {
+ pFormula1 = aComp.CompileString( rExpr1 );
+ if ( pFormula1->GetLen() == 1 )
+ {
+ // einzelne (konstante Zahl) ?
+ ScToken* pToken = pFormula1->First();
+ if ( pToken->GetOpCode() == ocPush )
+ {
+ if ( pToken->GetType() == svDouble )
+ {
+ nVal1 = pToken->nValue;
+ DELETEZ(pFormula1); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ else if ( pToken->GetType() == svString )
+ {
+ bIsStr1 = TRUE;
+ aStrVal1 = pToken->cStr; // char-ptr
+ DELETEZ(pFormula1); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bRelRef1 = lcl_HasRelRef( pFormula1 );
+ }
+ if ( rExpr2.Len() )
+ {
+ pFormula2 = aComp.CompileString( rExpr2 );
+ if ( pFormula2->GetLen() == 1 )
+ {
+ // einzelne (konstante Zahl) ?
+ ScToken* pToken = pFormula2->First();
+ if ( pToken->GetOpCode() == ocPush )
+ {
+ if ( pToken->GetType() == svDouble )
+ {
+ nVal2 = pToken->nValue;
+ DELETEZ(pFormula2); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ else if ( pToken->GetType() == svString )
+ {
+ bIsStr2 = TRUE;
+ aStrVal2 = pToken->cStr; // char-ptr
+ DELETEZ(pFormula2); // nicht als Formel merken
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bRelRef2 = lcl_HasRelRef( pFormula2 );
+ }
+ }
+void ScConditionEntry::MakeCells( const ScAddress& rPos ) // Formelzellen anlegen
+ if ( !pDoc->IsClipOrUndo() ) // nie im Clipboard rechnen!
+ {
+ if ( pFormula1 && !pFCell1 && !bRelRef1 )
+ {
+ pFCell1 = new ScFormulaCell( pDoc, rPos, pFormula1 );
+ pFCell1->StartListeningTo( pDoc );
+ }
+ if ( pFormula2 && !pFCell2 && !bRelRef2 )
+ {
+ pFCell2 = new ScFormulaCell( pDoc, rPos, pFormula2 );
+ pFCell2->StartListeningTo( pDoc );
+ }
+ }
+void ScConditionEntry::SetIgnoreBlank(BOOL bSet)
+ // Das Bit SC_COND_NOBLANKS wird gesetzt, wenn Blanks nicht ignoriert werden
+ // (nur bei Gueltigkeit)
+ if (bSet)
+ nOptions &= ~SC_COND_NOBLANKS;
+ else
+ nOptions |= SC_COND_NOBLANKS;
+void ScConditionEntry::CompileAll()
+ // Formelzellen loeschen, dann wird beim naechsten IsValid neu kompiliert
+ DELETEZ(pFCell1);
+ DELETEZ(pFCell2);
+void ScConditionEntry::UpdateReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
+ const ScRange& rRange, short nDx, short nDy, short nDz )
+ BOOL bChanged1 = FALSE;
+ BOOL bChanged2 = FALSE;
+ if (pFormula1)
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp( pDoc, aSrcPos, *pFormula1 );
+ aComp.UpdateNameReference( eUpdateRefMode, rRange, nDx, nDy, nDz, bChanged1);
+ if (bChanged1)
+ DELETEZ(pFCell1); // wird bei IsValid wieder angelegt
+ }
+ if (pFormula2)
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp( pDoc, aSrcPos, *pFormula2 );
+ aComp.UpdateNameReference( eUpdateRefMode, rRange, nDx, nDy, nDz, bChanged2);
+ if (bChanged2)
+ DELETEZ(pFCell2); // wird bei IsValid wieder angelegt
+ }
+void ScConditionEntry::UpdateMoveTab( USHORT nOldPos, USHORT nNewPos )
+ if (pFormula1)
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp( pDoc, aSrcPos, *pFormula1 );
+ aComp.UpdateMoveTab(nOldPos, nNewPos, TRUE );
+ DELETEZ(pFCell1);
+ }
+ if (pFormula2)
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp( pDoc, aSrcPos, *pFormula2 );
+ aComp.UpdateMoveTab(nOldPos, nNewPos, TRUE );
+ DELETEZ(pFCell2);
+ }
+//! als Vergleichsoperator ans TokenArray ???
+BOOL lcl_IsEqual( const ScTokenArray* pArr1, const ScTokenArray* pArr2 )
+ // verglichen wird nur das nicht-UPN Array
+ if ( pArr1 && pArr2 )
+ {
+ USHORT nLen = pArr1->GetLen();
+ if ( pArr2->GetLen() != nLen )
+ return FALSE;
+ ScToken** ppToken1 = pArr1->GetArray();
+ ScToken** ppToken2 = pArr2->GetArray();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nLen; i++)
+ {
+ if ( ppToken1[i] != ppToken2[i] &&
+ !(*ppToken1[i] == *ppToken2[i]) )
+ return FALSE; // Unterschied
+ }
+ return TRUE; // alle Eintraege gleich
+ }
+ else
+ return !pArr1 && !pArr2; // beide 0 -> gleich
+int ScConditionEntry::operator== ( const ScConditionEntry& r ) const
+ BOOL bEq = (eOp == r.eOp && nOptions == r.nOptions &&
+ lcl_IsEqual( pFormula1, r.pFormula1 ) &&
+ lcl_IsEqual( pFormula2, r.pFormula2 ));
+ if (bEq)
+ {
+ // bei Formeln auch die Referenz-Tabelle vergleichen
+ if ( ( pFormula1 || pFormula2 ) && aSrcPos != r.aSrcPos )
+ bEq = FALSE;
+ // wenn keine Formeln, Werte vergleichen
+ if ( !pFormula1 && ( nVal1 != r.nVal1 || aStrVal1 != r.aStrVal1 || bIsStr1 != r.bIsStr1 ) )
+ bEq = FALSE;
+ if ( !pFormula2 && ( nVal2 != r.nVal2 || aStrVal2 != r.aStrVal2 || bIsStr2 != r.bIsStr2 ) )
+ bEq = FALSE;
+ }
+ return bEq;
+void ScConditionEntry::Interpret( const ScAddress& rPos )
+ // Formelzellen anlegen
+ // dabei koennen neue Broadcaster (Note-Zellen) ins Dokument eingefuegt werden !!!!
+ if ( ( pFormula1 && !pFCell1 ) || ( pFormula2 && !pFCell2 ) )
+ MakeCells( rPos );
+ // Formeln auswerten
+ BOOL bDirty = FALSE; //! 1 und 2 getrennt ???
+ ScFormulaCell* pTemp1 = NULL;
+ ScFormulaCell* pEff1 = pFCell1;
+ if ( bRelRef1 )
+ {
+ pTemp1 = new ScFormulaCell( pDoc, rPos, pFormula1 ); // ohne Listening
+ pEff1 = pTemp1;
+ }
+ if ( pEff1 )
+ {
+ if (!pEff1->IsRunning()) // keine 522 erzeugen
+ {
+ //! Changed statt Dirty abfragen !!!
+ if (pEff1->GetDirty() && !bRelRef1)
+ bDirty = TRUE;
+ if (pEff1->IsValue())
+ {
+ bIsStr1 = FALSE;
+ nVal1 = pEff1->GetValue();
+ aStrVal1.Erase();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bIsStr1 = TRUE;
+ pEff1->GetString( aStrVal1 );
+ nVal1 = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete pTemp1;
+ ScFormulaCell* pTemp2 = NULL;
+ ScFormulaCell* pEff2 = pFCell2; //@ 1!=2
+ if ( bRelRef2 )
+ {
+ pTemp2 = new ScFormulaCell( pDoc, rPos, pFormula2 ); // ohne Listening
+ pEff2 = pTemp2;
+ }
+ if ( pEff2 )
+ {
+ if (!pEff2->IsRunning()) // keine 522 erzeugen
+ {
+ if (pEff2->GetDirty() && !bRelRef2)
+ bDirty = TRUE;
+ if (pEff2->IsValue())
+ {
+ bIsStr2 = FALSE;
+ nVal2 = pEff2->GetValue();
+ aStrVal2.Erase();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bIsStr2 = TRUE;
+ pEff2->GetString( aStrVal2 );
+ nVal2 = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete pTemp2;
+ // wenn IsRunning, bleiben die letzten Werte erhalten
+ if (bDirty && !bFirstRun)
+ {
+ // bei bedingten Formaten neu painten
+ DataChanged( NULL ); // alles
+ }
+ bFirstRun = FALSE;
+BOOL ScConditionEntry::IsValid( double nArg ) const
+ // Interpret muss schon gerufen sein
+ if ( bIsStr1 )
+ {
+ // wenn auf String getestet wird, bei Zahlen immer FALSE, ausser bei "ungleich"
+ return ( eOp == SC_COND_NOTEQUAL );
+ }
+ if ( bIsStr2 )
+ return FALSE;
+ double nComp1 = nVal1; // Kopie, damit vertauscht werden kann
+ double nComp2 = nVal2;
+ if ( nComp1 > nComp2 )
+ {
+ // richtige Reihenfolge fuer Wertebereich
+ double nTemp = nComp1; nComp1 = nComp2; nComp2 = nTemp;
+ }
+ // Alle Grenzfaelle muessen per SolarMath::ApproxEqual getestet werden!
+ BOOL bValid = FALSE;
+ switch (eOp)
+ {
+ case SC_COND_NONE:
+ break; // immer FALSE;
+ bValid = SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 );
+ break;
+ bValid = !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( nArg > nComp1 ) && !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( nArg >= nComp1 ) || SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 );
+ break;
+ case SC_COND_LESS:
+ bValid = ( nArg < nComp1 ) && !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( nArg <= nComp1 ) || SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( nArg >= nComp1 && nArg <= nComp2 ) ||
+ SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 ) || SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp2 );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( nArg < nComp1 || nArg > nComp2 ) &&
+ !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp1 ) && !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nArg, nComp2 );
+ break;
+ bValid = !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nComp1, 0.0 );
+ break;
+ default:
+ DBG_ERROR("unbekannte Operation bei ScConditionEntry");
+ break;
+ }
+ return bValid;
+BOOL ScConditionEntry::IsValidStr( const String& rArg ) const
+ // Interpret muss schon gerufen sein
+ if ( eOp == SC_COND_DIRECT ) // Formel ist unabhaengig vom Inhalt
+ return !SolarMath::ApproxEqual( nVal1, 0.0 );
+ // Wenn Bedingung Zahl enthaelt, immer FALSE, ausser bei "ungleich"
+ if ( !bIsStr1 )
+ return ( eOp == SC_COND_NOTEQUAL );
+ if ( !bIsStr2 )
+ return FALSE;
+ String aUpVal1( aStrVal1 ); //! als Member? (dann auch in Interpret setzen)
+ String aUpVal2( aStrVal2 );
+ if ( ScGlobal::pScInternational->Compare( aUpVal1, aUpVal2,
+ {
+ // richtige Reihenfolge fuer Wertebereich
+ String aTemp( aUpVal1 ); aUpVal1 = aUpVal2; aUpVal2 = aTemp;
+ }
+ BOOL bValid;
+ switch ( eOp )
+ {
+ bValid = ScGlobal::pScInternational->CompareEqual(
+ break;
+ bValid = !ScGlobal::pScInternational->CompareEqual(
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ StringCompare eCompare = ScGlobal::pScInternational->Compare(
+ switch ( eOp )
+ {
+ bValid = ( eCompare == COMPARE_GREATER );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( eCompare == COMPARE_EQUAL || eCompare == COMPARE_GREATER );
+ break;
+ case SC_COND_LESS:
+ bValid = ( eCompare == COMPARE_LESS );
+ break;
+ bValid = ( eCompare == COMPARE_EQUAL || eCompare == COMPARE_LESS );
+ break;
+ // Test auf NOTBETWEEN:
+ bValid = ( eCompare == COMPARE_LESS ||
+ ScGlobal::pScInternational->Compare( rArg, aUpVal2,
+ if ( eOp == SC_COND_BETWEEN )
+ bValid = !bValid;
+ break;
+ // SC_COND_DIRECT schon oben abgefragt
+ default:
+ DBG_ERROR("unbekannte Operation bei ScConditionEntry");
+ bValid = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bValid;
+BOOL ScConditionEntry::IsCellValid( ScBaseCell* pCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const
+ ((ScConditionEntry*)this)->Interpret(rPos); // Formeln auswerten
+ double nArg = 0.0;
+ String aArgStr;
+ BOOL bVal = TRUE;
+ if ( pCell )
+ {
+ CellType eType = pCell->GetCellType();
+ switch (eType)
+ {
+ nArg = ((ScValueCell*)pCell)->GetValue();
+ break;
+ {
+ ScFormulaCell* pFCell = (ScFormulaCell*)pCell;
+ bVal = pFCell->IsValue();
+ if (bVal)
+ nArg = pFCell->GetValue();
+ else
+ pFCell->GetString(aArgStr);
+ }
+ break;
+ bVal = FALSE;
+ if ( eType == CELLTYPE_STRING )
+ ((ScStringCell*)pCell)->GetString(aArgStr);
+ else
+ ((ScEditCell*)pCell)->GetString(aArgStr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ pCell = NULL; // Note-Zellen wie leere
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pCell)
+ if (bIsStr1)
+ bVal = FALSE; // leere Zellen je nach Bedingung
+ if (bVal)
+ return IsValid( nArg );
+ else
+ return IsValidStr( aArgStr );
+String ScConditionEntry::GetExpression( const ScAddress& rCursor, USHORT nIndex,
+ ULONG nNumFmt, BOOL bEnglish ) const
+ String aRet;
+ if ( bEnglish && nNumFmt == 0 )
+ nNumFmt = pDoc->GetFormatTable()->GetStandardIndex( LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US );
+ if ( nIndex==0 )
+ {
+ if ( pFormula1 )
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp(pDoc, rCursor, *pFormula1);
+ aComp.SetCompileEnglish( bEnglish );
+ aComp.CreateStringFromTokenArray( aRet );
+ }
+ else if (bIsStr1)
+ {
+ aRet = '"';
+ aRet += aStrVal1;
+ aRet += '"';
+ }
+ else
+ pDoc->GetFormatTable()->GetInputLineString(nVal1, nNumFmt, aRet);
+ }
+ else if ( nIndex==1 )
+ {
+ if ( pFormula2 )
+ {
+ ScCompiler aComp(pDoc, rCursor, *pFormula2);
+ aComp.SetCompileEnglish( bEnglish );
+ aComp.CreateStringFromTokenArray( aRet );
+ }
+ else if (bIsStr2)
+ {
+ aRet = '"';
+ aRet += aStrVal2;
+ aRet += '"';
+ }
+ else
+ pDoc->GetFormatTable()->GetInputLineString(nVal2, nNumFmt, aRet);
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR("GetExpression: falscher Index");
+ return aRet;
+ScTokenArray* ScConditionEntry::CreateTokenArry( USHORT nIndex ) const
+ ScTokenArray* pRet;
+ ScAddress aAddr;
+ if ( nIndex==0 )
+ {
+ if ( pFormula1 )
+ pRet = new ScTokenArray( *pFormula1 );
+ else
+ {
+ pRet = new ScTokenArray();
+ if (bIsStr1)
+ pRet->AddString( aStrVal1.GetBuffer() );
+ else
+ pRet->AddDouble( nVal1 );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( nIndex==1 )
+ {
+ if ( pFormula2 )
+ pRet = new ScTokenArray( *pFormula2 );
+ else
+ {
+ pRet = new ScTokenArray();
+ if (bIsStr2)
+ pRet->AddString( aStrVal2.GetBuffer() );
+ else
+ pRet->AddDouble( nVal2 );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR("GetExpression: falscher Index");
+ return pRet;
+void ScConditionEntry::SourceChanged( const ScAddress& rChanged )
+ for (USHORT nPass = 0; nPass < 2; nPass++)
+ {
+ ScTokenArray* pFormula = nPass ? pFormula2 : pFormula1;
+ if (pFormula)
+ {
+ pFormula->Reset();
+ ScToken* t;
+ for( t = pFormula->GetNextReference(); t; t = pFormula->GetNextReference() )
+ {
+ ComplRefData& rRef = t->GetReference();
+ if ( rRef.Ref1.IsColRel() || rRef.Ref1.IsRowRel() || rRef.Ref1.IsTabRel() ||
+ rRef.Ref2.IsColRel() || rRef.Ref2.IsRowRel() || rRef.Ref2.IsTabRel() )
+ {
+ // absolut muss getroffen sein, relativ bestimmt Bereich
+ BOOL bHit = TRUE;
+ INT16 nCol1, nRow1, nTab1, nCol2, nRow2, nTab2;
+ if ( rRef.Ref1.IsColRel() )
+ nCol2 = rChanged.Col() - rRef.Ref1.nRelCol;
+ else
+ {
+ bHit &= ( rChanged.Col() >= rRef.Ref1.nCol );
+ nCol2 = MAXCOL;
+ }
+ if ( rRef.Ref1.IsRowRel() )
+ nRow2 = rChanged.Row() - rRef.Ref1.nRelRow;
+ else
+ {
+ bHit &= ( rChanged.Row() >= rRef.Ref1.nRow );
+ nRow2 = MAXROW;
+ }
+ if ( rRef.Ref1.IsTabRel() )
+ nTab2 = rChanged.Tab() - rRef.Ref1.nRelTab;
+ else
+ {
+ bHit &= ( rChanged.Tab() >= rRef.Ref1.nTab );
+ nTab2 = MAXTAB;
+ }
+ if ( rRef.Ref2.IsColRel() )
+ nCol1 = rChanged.Col() - rRef.Ref2.nRelCol;
+ else
+ {
+ bHit &= ( rChanged.Col() <= rRef.Ref2.nCol );
+ nCol1 = 0;
+ }
+ if ( rRef.Ref2.IsRowRel() )
+ nRow1 = rChanged.Row() - rRef.Ref2.nRelRow;
+ else
+ {
+ bHit &= ( rChanged.Row() <= rRef.Ref2.nRow );
+ nRow1 = 0;
+ }
+ if ( rRef.Ref2.IsTabRel() )
+ nTab1 = rChanged.Tab() - rRef.Ref2.nRelTab;
+ else
+ {
+ bHit &= ( rChanged.Tab() <= rRef.Ref2.nTab );
+ nTab1 = 0;
+ }
+ if ( bHit )
+ {
+ //! begrenzen
+ ScRange aPaint( nCol1,nRow1,nTab1, nCol2,nRow2,nTab2 );
+ // kein Paint, wenn es nur die Zelle selber ist
+ if ( aPaint.aStart != rChanged || aPaint.aEnd != rChanged )
+ DataChanged( &aPaint );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ScConditionEntry::DataChanged( const ScRange* pModified ) const
+ // nix
+ScCondFormatEntry::ScCondFormatEntry( ScConditionMode eOper,
+ const String& rExpr1, const String& rExpr2,
+ ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const String& rStyle, BOOL bCompileEnglish ) :
+ ScConditionEntry( eOper, rExpr1, rExpr2, pDocument, rPos, bCompileEnglish ),
+ aStyleName( rStyle ),
+ pParent( NULL )
+ScCondFormatEntry::ScCondFormatEntry( ScConditionMode eOper,
+ const ScTokenArray* pArr1, const ScTokenArray* pArr2,
+ ScDocument* pDocument, const ScAddress& rPos,
+ const String& rStyle ) :
+ ScConditionEntry( eOper, pArr1, pArr2, pDocument, rPos ),
+ aStyleName( rStyle ),
+ pParent( NULL )
+ScCondFormatEntry::ScCondFormatEntry( const ScCondFormatEntry& r ) :
+ ScConditionEntry( r ),
+ aStyleName( r.aStyleName ),
+ pParent( NULL )
+ScCondFormatEntry::ScCondFormatEntry( ScDocument* pDocument, const ScCondFormatEntry& r ) :
+ ScConditionEntry( pDocument, r ),
+ aStyleName( r.aStyleName ),
+ pParent( NULL )
+ScCondFormatEntry::ScCondFormatEntry( SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleReadHeader& rHdr,
+ ScDocument* pDocument ) :
+ ScConditionEntry( rStream, rHdr, pDocument ),
+ pParent( NULL )
+ // im Datei-Header sind getrennte Eintraege fuer ScConditionEntry und ScCondFormatEntry
+ rHdr.StartEntry();
+ rStream.ReadByteString( aStyleName, rStream.GetStreamCharSet() );
+ rHdr.EndEntry();
+void ScCondFormatEntry::Store(SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleWriteHeader& rHdr) const
+ // im Datei-Header sind getrennte Eintraege fuer ScConditionEntry und ScCondFormatEntry
+ StoreCondition( rStream, rHdr );
+ rHdr.StartEntry();
+ rStream.WriteByteString( aStyleName, rStream.GetStreamCharSet() );
+ rHdr.EndEntry();
+int ScCondFormatEntry::operator== ( const ScCondFormatEntry& r ) const
+ return ScConditionEntry::operator==( r ) &&
+ aStyleName == r.aStyleName;
+ // Range wird nicht verglichen
+void ScCondFormatEntry::DataChanged( const ScRange* pModified ) const
+ if ( pParent )
+ pParent->DoRepaint( pModified );
+ScConditionalFormat::ScConditionalFormat(ULONG nNewKey, ScDocument* pDocument) :
+ pDoc( pDocument ),
+ pAreas( NULL ),
+ nKey( nNewKey ),
+ ppEntries( NULL ),
+ nEntryCount( 0 )
+ScConditionalFormat::ScConditionalFormat(const ScConditionalFormat& r) :
+ pDoc( r.pDoc ),
+ pAreas( NULL ),
+ nKey( r.nKey ),
+ ppEntries( NULL ),
+ nEntryCount( r.nEntryCount )
+ if (nEntryCount)
+ {
+ ppEntries = new ScCondFormatEntry*[nEntryCount];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ {
+ ppEntries[i] = new ScCondFormatEntry(*r.ppEntries[i]);
+ ppEntries[i]->SetParent(this);
+ }
+ }
+ScConditionalFormat* ScConditionalFormat::Clone(ScDocument* pNewDoc) const
+ // echte Kopie der Formeln (fuer Ref-Undo / zwischen Dokumenten)
+ if (!pNewDoc)
+ pNewDoc = pDoc;
+ ScConditionalFormat* pNew = new ScConditionalFormat(nKey, pNewDoc);
+ DBG_ASSERT(!pNew->ppEntries, "wo kommen die Eintraege her?");
+ if (nEntryCount)
+ {
+ pNew->ppEntries = new ScCondFormatEntry*[nEntryCount];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ {
+ pNew->ppEntries[i] = new ScCondFormatEntry( pNewDoc, *ppEntries[i] );
+ pNew->ppEntries[i]->SetParent(pNew);
+ }
+ pNew->nEntryCount = nEntryCount;
+ }
+ return pNew;
+ScConditionalFormat::ScConditionalFormat(SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleReadHeader& rHdr,
+ ScDocument* pDocument) :
+ pDoc( pDocument ),
+ pAreas( NULL ),
+ ppEntries( NULL ),
+ nEntryCount( 0 )
+ // ein Eintrag im Header fuer die ScConditionalFormat-Daten,
+ // je zwei Eintraege fuer jede Bedingung (ScConditionEntry und ScCondFormatEntry)
+ rHdr.StartEntry();
+ rStream >> nKey;
+ rStream >> nEntryCount;
+ rHdr.EndEntry();
+ // Eintraege laden
+ if (nEntryCount)
+ {
+ ppEntries = new ScCondFormatEntry*[nEntryCount];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ {
+ ppEntries[i] = new ScCondFormatEntry(rStream, rHdr, pDocument);
+ ppEntries[i]->SetParent(this);
+ }
+ }
+void ScConditionalFormat::Store(SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleWriteHeader& rHdr) const
+ // ein Eintrag im Header fuer die ScConditionalFormat-Daten,
+ // je zwei Eintraege fuer jede Bedingung (ScConditionEntry und ScCondFormatEntry)
+ rHdr.StartEntry();
+ rStream << nKey;
+ rStream << nEntryCount;
+ rHdr.EndEntry();
+ // Eintraege speichern
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ ppEntries[i]->Store(rStream, rHdr);
+BOOL ScConditionalFormat::EqualEntries( const ScConditionalFormat& r ) const
+ if ( nEntryCount != r.nEntryCount )
+ return FALSE;
+ //! auf gleiche Eintraege in anderer Reihenfolge testen ???
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ if ( ! (*ppEntries[i] == *r.ppEntries[i]) )
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+void ScConditionalFormat::AddEntry( const ScCondFormatEntry& rNew )
+ ScCondFormatEntry** ppNew = new ScCondFormatEntry*[nEntryCount+1];
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ ppNew[i] = ppEntries[i];
+ ppNew[nEntryCount] = new ScCondFormatEntry(rNew);
+ ppNew[nEntryCount]->SetParent(this);
+ ++nEntryCount;
+ delete[] ppEntries;
+ ppEntries = ppNew;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ delete ppEntries[i];
+ delete[] ppEntries;
+ delete pAreas;
+const ScCondFormatEntry* ScConditionalFormat::GetEntry( USHORT nPos ) const
+ if ( nPos < nEntryCount )
+ return ppEntries[nPos];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+const String& ScConditionalFormat::GetCellStyle( ScBaseCell* pCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ if ( ppEntries[i]->IsCellValid( pCell, rPos ) )
+ return ppEntries[i]->GetStyle();
+ return EMPTY_STRING;
+void lcl_Extend( ScRange& rRange, ScDocument* pDoc, BOOL bLines )
+ USHORT nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
+ DBG_ASSERT(rRange.aEnd.Tab() == nTab, "lcl_Extend - mehrere Tabellen?");
+ USHORT nStartCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
+ USHORT nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
+ USHORT nEndCol = rRange.aEnd.Col();
+ USHORT nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
+ BOOL bEx = pDoc->ExtendMerge( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab );
+ if (bLines)
+ {
+ if (nStartCol > 0) --nStartCol;
+ if (nStartRow > 0) --nStartRow;
+ if (nEndCol < MAXCOL) ++nEndCol;
+ if (nEndRow < MAXROW) ++nEndRow;
+ }
+ if ( bEx || bLines )
+ {
+ rRange.aStart.Set( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTab );
+ rRange.aEnd.Set( nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab );
+ }
+BOOL lcl_CutRange( ScRange& rRange, const ScRange& rOther )
+ rRange.Justify();
+ ScRange aCmpRange = rOther;
+ aCmpRange.Justify();
+ if ( rRange.aStart.Col() <= aCmpRange.aEnd.Col() &&
+ rRange.aEnd.Col() >= aCmpRange.aStart.Col() &&
+ rRange.aStart.Row() <= aCmpRange.aEnd.Row() &&
+ rRange.aEnd.Row() >= aCmpRange.aStart.Row() &&
+ rRange.aStart.Tab() <= aCmpRange.aEnd.Tab() &&
+ rRange.aEnd.Tab() >= aCmpRange.aStart.Tab() )
+ {
+ if ( rRange.aStart.Col() < aCmpRange.aStart.Col() )
+ rRange.aStart.SetCol( aCmpRange.aStart.Col() );
+ if ( rRange.aStart.Row() < aCmpRange.aStart.Row() )
+ rRange.aStart.SetRow( aCmpRange.aStart.Row() );
+ if ( rRange.aStart.Tab() < aCmpRange.aStart.Tab() )
+ rRange.aStart.SetTab( aCmpRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ if ( rRange.aEnd.Col() > aCmpRange.aEnd.Col() )
+ rRange.aEnd.SetCol( aCmpRange.aEnd.Col() );
+ if ( rRange.aEnd.Row() > aCmpRange.aEnd.Row() )
+ rRange.aEnd.SetRow( aCmpRange.aEnd.Row() );
+ if ( rRange.aEnd.Tab() > aCmpRange.aEnd.Tab() )
+ rRange.aEnd.SetTab( aCmpRange.aEnd.Tab() );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE; // ausserhalb
+void ScConditionalFormat::DoRepaint( const ScRange* pModified )
+ SfxObjectShell* pSh = pDoc->GetDocumentShell();
+ if (pSh)
+ {
+ // Rahmen/Schatten enthalten?
+ // (alle Bedingungen testen)
+ BOOL bExtend = FALSE;
+ BOOL bRotate = FALSE;
+ for (i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ {
+ String aStyle = ppEntries[i]->GetStyle();
+ if (aStyle.Len())
+ {
+ SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet =
+ pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool()->Find( aStyle, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
+ if ( pStyleSheet )
+ {
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet = pStyleSheet->GetItemSet();
+ if (rSet.GetItemState( ATTR_BORDER, TRUE ) == SFX_ITEM_SET ||
+ rSet.GetItemState( ATTR_SHADOW, TRUE ) == SFX_ITEM_SET)
+ {
+ bExtend = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (rSet.GetItemState( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, TRUE ) == SFX_ITEM_SET ||
+ {
+ bRotate = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pAreas) // RangeList ggf. holen
+ {
+ pAreas = new ScRangeList;
+ pDoc->FindConditionalFormat( nKey, *pAreas );
+ }
+ USHORT nCount = (USHORT) pAreas->Count();
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScRange aRange = *pAreas->GetObject(i);
+ BOOL bDo = TRUE;
+ if ( pModified )
+ {
+ if ( !lcl_CutRange( aRange, *pModified ) )
+ bDo = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (bDo)
+ {
+ lcl_Extend( aRange, pDoc, bExtend ); // zusammengefasste und bExtend
+ if ( bRotate )
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL); // gedreht: ganze Zeilen
+ }
+ // gedreht -> ganze Zeilen
+ if ( aRange.aStart.Col() != 0 || aRange.aEnd.Col() != MAXCOL )
+ {
+ if ( pDoc->HasAttrib( 0,aRange.aStart.Row(),aRange.aStart.Tab(),
+ MAXCOL,aRange.aEnd.Row(),aRange.aEnd.Tab(),
+ {
+ aRange.aStart.SetCol(0);
+ aRange.aEnd.SetCol(MAXCOL);
+ }
+ }
+ pSh->Broadcast( ScPaintHint( aRange, PAINT_GRID ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ScConditionalFormat::InvalidateArea()
+ delete pAreas;
+ pAreas = NULL;
+void ScConditionalFormat::CompileAll()
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ ppEntries[i]->CompileAll();
+void ScConditionalFormat::UpdateReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
+ const ScRange& rRange, short nDx, short nDy, short nDz )
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ ppEntries[i]->UpdateReference(eUpdateRefMode, rRange, nDx, nDy, nDz);
+ delete pAreas; // aus dem AttrArray kommt beim Einfuegen/Loeschen kein Aufruf
+ pAreas = NULL;
+void ScConditionalFormat::UpdateMoveTab( USHORT nOldPos, USHORT nNewPos )
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ ppEntries[i]->UpdateMoveTab( nOldPos, nNewPos );
+ delete pAreas; // aus dem AttrArray kommt beim Einfuegen/Loeschen kein Aufruf
+ pAreas = NULL;
+void ScConditionalFormat::SourceChanged( const ScAddress& rAddr )
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nEntryCount; i++)
+ ppEntries[i]->SourceChanged( rAddr );
+ScConditionalFormatList::ScConditionalFormatList(const ScConditionalFormatList& rList)
+ // fuer Ref-Undo - echte Kopie mit neuen Tokens!
+ USHORT nCount = rList.Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ InsertNew( rList[i]->Clone() );
+ //! sortierte Eintraege aus rList schneller einfuegen ???
+ScConditionalFormatList::ScConditionalFormatList(ScDocument* pNewDoc,
+ const ScConditionalFormatList& rList)
+ // fuer neues Dokument - echte Kopie mit neuen Tokens!
+ USHORT nCount = rList.Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ InsertNew( rList[i]->Clone(pNewDoc) );
+ //! sortierte Eintraege aus rList schneller einfuegen ???
+BOOL ScConditionalFormatList::operator==( const ScConditionalFormatList& r ) const
+ // fuer Ref-Undo - interne Variablen werden nicht verglichen
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ BOOL bEqual = ( nCount == r.Count() );
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount && bEqual; i++) // Eintraege sind sortiert
+ if ( !(*this)[i]->EqualEntries(*r[i]) ) // Eintraege unterschiedlich ?
+ bEqual = FALSE;
+ return bEqual;
+void ScConditionalFormatList::Load( SvStream& rStream, ScDocument* pDocument )
+ ScMultipleReadHeader aHdr( rStream );
+ USHORT nNewCount;
+ rStream >> nNewCount;
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nNewCount; i++)
+ {
+ ScConditionalFormat* pNew = new ScConditionalFormat( rStream, aHdr, pDocument );
+ InsertNew( pNew );
+ }
+void ScConditionalFormatList::Store( SvStream& rStream ) const
+ ScMultipleWriteHeader aHdr( rStream );
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ USHORT nUsed = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ if ((*this)[i]->IsUsed())
+ ++nUsed;
+ rStream << nUsed; // Anzahl der gespeicherten
+ for (i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ {
+ const ScConditionalFormat* pForm = (*this)[i];
+ if (pForm->IsUsed())
+ pForm->Store( rStream, aHdr );
+ }
+ScConditionalFormat* ScConditionalFormatList::GetFormat( ULONG nKey )
+ //! binaer suchen
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ if ((*this)[i]->GetKey() == nKey)
+ return (*this)[i];
+ DBG_ERROR("ScConditionalFormatList: Eintrag nicht gefunden");
+ return NULL;
+void ScConditionalFormatList::ResetUsed()
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ (*this)[i]->SetUsed(FALSE);
+void ScConditionalFormatList::CompileAll()
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ (*this)[i]->CompileAll();
+void ScConditionalFormatList::UpdateReference( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
+ const ScRange& rRange, short nDx, short nDy, short nDz )
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ (*this)[i]->UpdateReference( eUpdateRefMode, rRange, nDx, nDy, nDz );
+void ScConditionalFormatList::UpdateMoveTab( USHORT nOldPos, USHORT nNewPos )
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ (*this)[i]->UpdateMoveTab( nOldPos, nNewPos );
+void ScConditionalFormatList::SourceChanged( const ScAddress& rAddr )
+ USHORT nCount = Count();
+ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+ (*this)[i]->SourceChanged( rAddr );