path: root/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
commit9ae5a91f7955e44d3b24a3f7741f9bca02ac7f24 (patch)
tree13c111a6380728f470fa177e679b80089a01efc4 /sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx')
1 files changed, 2147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx b/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0562d01b06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sc/source/ui/undo/undodat.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2147 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: undodat.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:45:07 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// System - Includes -----------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef PCH
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#include "undodat.hxx"
+#include "undoutil.hxx"
+#include "document.hxx"
+#include "docsh.hxx"
+#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
+#include "olinetab.hxx"
+#include "dbcolect.hxx"
+#include "rangenam.hxx"
+#include "pivot.hxx"
+#include "globstr.hrc"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "target.hxx"
+#include "chartarr.hxx"
+#include "dbdocfun.hxx"
+#include "olinefun.hxx"
+#include "dpobject.hxx"
+#include "sc.hrc"
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDoOutline, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoMakeOutline, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoOutlineLevel, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoOutlineBlock, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoAutoOutline, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSubTotals, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoSort, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoQuery, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDBData, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoImportData, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoRepeatDB, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoPivot, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoDataPilot, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoConsolidate, SfxUndoAction);
+TYPEINIT1(ScUndoChartData, SfxUndoAction);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Outline-Gruppen ein- oder ausblenden
+ScUndoDoOutline::ScUndoDoOutline( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewEnd, USHORT nNewTab,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, BOOL bNewColumns,
+ USHORT nNewLevel, USHORT nNewEntry, BOOL bNewShow ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nStart( nNewStart ),
+ nEnd( nNewEnd ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bColumns( bNewColumns ),
+ nLevel( nNewLevel ),
+ nEntry( nNewEntry ),
+ bShow( bNewShow )
+__EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::~ScUndoDoOutline()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::GetComment() const
+{ // Detail einblenden" "Detail ausblenden"
+ return bShow ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DOOUTLINE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REDOOUTLINE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ // inverse Funktion ausfuehren
+ if (bShow)
+ pViewShell->HideOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->ShowOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE, FALSE );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (bColumns)
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart, 0, nTab, nEnd, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStart, nTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if (bShow)
+ pViewShell->ShowOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->HideOutline( bColumns, nLevel, nEntry, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDoOutline::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht
+// Outline-Gruppen erzeugen oder loeschen
+ScUndoMakeOutline::ScUndoMakeOutline( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab, BOOL bNewColumns, BOOL bNewMake ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ bColumns( bNewColumns ),
+ bMake( bNewMake )
+__EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::~ScUndoMakeOutline()
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::GetComment() const
+{ // "Gruppierung" "Gruppierung aufheben"
+ return bMake ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_MAKEOUTLINE ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMAKEOUTLINE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart, aBlockEnd );
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart, aBlockEnd );
+ if (bMake)
+ pViewShell->MakeOutline( bColumns, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->RemoveOutline( bColumns, FALSE );
+ pDocShell->PostPaint(0,0,aBlockStart.GetTab(),MAXCOL,MAXROW,aBlockEnd.GetTab(),PAINT_GRID);
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (bMake)
+ rViewShell.MakeOutline( bColumns, TRUE );
+ else
+ rViewShell.RemoveOutline( bColumns, TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoMakeOutline::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Outline-Ebene auswaehlen
+ScUndoOutlineLevel::ScUndoOutlineLevel( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewEnd, USHORT nNewTab,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ BOOL bNewColumns, USHORT nNewLevel ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nStart( nNewStart ),
+ nEnd( nNewEnd ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ bColumns( bNewColumns ),
+ nLevel( nNewLevel )
+__EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::~ScUndoOutlineLevel()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::GetComment() const
+{ // "Gliederungsebene auswaehlen";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_OUTLINELEVEL );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (bColumns)
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStart, 0, nTab, nEnd, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStart, nTab, MAXCOL, nEnd, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->SelectLevel( bColumns, nLevel, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->SelectLevel( bColumns, nLevel, TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineLevel::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Outline ueber Blockmarken ein- oder ausblenden
+ScUndoOutlineBlock::ScUndoOutlineBlock( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab, BOOL bNewShow ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ bShow( bNewShow )
+__EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::~ScUndoOutlineBlock()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::GetComment() const
+{ // "Detail einblenden" "Detail ausblenden"
+ return bShow ?
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DOOUTLINEBLK ) :
+ ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REDOOUTLINEBLK );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ USHORT nStartCol = aBlockStart.GetCol();
+ USHORT nEndCol = aBlockEnd.GetCol();
+ USHORT nStartRow = aBlockStart.GetRow();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aBlockEnd.GetRow();
+ if (!bShow)
+ { // Groesse des ausgeblendeten Blocks
+ USHORT nLevel;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->FindTouchedLevel( nStartCol, nEndCol, nLevel );
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->ExtendBlock( nLevel, nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->FindTouchedLevel( nStartRow, nEndRow, nLevel );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->ExtendBlock( nLevel, nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ }
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart, aBlockEnd );
+ if (bShow)
+ pViewShell->ShowMarkedOutlines( FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->HideMarkedOutlines( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ if (bShow)
+ rViewShell.ShowMarkedOutlines( TRUE );
+ else
+ rViewShell.HideMarkedOutlines( TRUE );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoOutlineBlock::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// alle Outlines loeschen
+ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab )
+__EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::~ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::GetComment() const
+{ // "Gliederung entfernen"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REMOVEALLOTLNS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ USHORT nStartCol = aBlockStart.GetCol();
+ USHORT nEndCol = aBlockEnd.GetCol();
+ USHORT nStartRow = aBlockStart.GetRow();
+ USHORT nEndRow = aBlockEnd.GetRow();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pViewShell->RemoveAllOutlines( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->RemoveAllOutlines( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Auto-Outline
+ScUndoAutoOutline::ScUndoAutoOutline( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nStartX, USHORT nStartY, USHORT nStartZ,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX, nStartY, nStartZ ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX, nEndY, nEndZ ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab )
+__EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::~ScUndoAutoOutline()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::GetComment() const
+{ // "Auto-Gliederung"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_AUTOOUTLINE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (pUndoDoc && pUndoTable)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartCol;
+ USHORT nStartRow;
+ USHORT nEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndRow;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->GetRange( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->GetRange( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ }
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ // Tabelle muss vorher umgeschaltet sein (#46952#) !!!
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ }
+ ScRange aRange( aBlockStart.GetCol(), aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab,
+ aBlockEnd.GetCol(), aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab );
+ ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc( *pDocShell );
+ aFunc.AutoOutline( aRange, FALSE, FALSE );
+ // auf der View markieren
+ // Wenn's beim Aufruf eine Mehrfachselektion war, ist es jetzt der
+ // umschliessende Bereich...
+ if (pViewShell)
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( aRange );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->AutoOutline( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoAutoOutline::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Zwischenergebnisse
+ScUndoSubTotals::ScUndoSubTotals( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const ScSubTotalParam& rNewParam, USHORT nNewEndY,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ ScRangeName* pNewUndoRange, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aParam( rNewParam ),
+ nNewEndRow( nNewEndY ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ pUndoRange( pNewUndoRange ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB )
+__EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::~ScUndoSubTotals()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+ delete pUndoRange;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::GetComment() const
+{ // "Teilergebnisse"
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SUBTOTALS );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ // um einzelnen DB-Bereich anzupassen
+/* ScDBData* pOldDBData = ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( pUndoDBData, pDoc, nTab,
+ aParam.nCol1, aParam.nRow1, aParam.nCol2, nNewEndRow );
+ if (nNewEndRow > aParam.nRow2)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, aParam.nRow2+1, nNewEndRow-aParam.nRow2 );
+ }
+ else if (nNewEndRow < aParam.nRow2)
+ {
+ pDoc->InsertRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nNewEndRow+1, nNewEndRow-aParam.nRow2 );
+ }
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (pUndoDoc && pUndoTable)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartCol;
+ USHORT nStartRow;
+ USHORT nEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndRow;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->GetRange( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->GetRange( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ }
+ // Original-Daten & Referenzen
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, 0, aParam.nRow1+1, nTab,
+ MAXCOL, aParam.nRow2, nTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0,aParam.nRow1+1, MAXCOL,aParam.nRow2, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, aParam.nRow1+1, nTab, MAXCOL, aParam.nRow2, nTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc ); // Flags
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( 0, aParam.nRow1+1, nTab, MAXCOL, aParam.nRow2, nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aParam.nCol1,aParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ aParam.nCol2,aParam.nRow2,nTab );
+/* if (pUndoDBData)
+ *pOldDBData = *pUndoDBData;
+ if (pUndoRange)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pUndoRange ) );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aParam.nCol1,aParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ aParam.nCol2,aParam.nRow2,nTab );
+ pViewShell->DoSubTotals( aParam, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSubTotals::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht wegen Spaltennummern
+// Sortieren
+ScUndoSort::ScUndoSort( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ USHORT nNewTab, const ScSortParam& rParam,
+ BOOL bQuery, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB,
+ const ScRange* pDest ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aSortParam( rParam ),
+ bRepeatQuery( bQuery ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ bDestArea( FALSE )
+ if ( pDest )
+ {
+ bDestArea = TRUE;
+ aDestRange = *pDest;
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoSort::~ScUndoSort()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoSort::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_SORT );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSort::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nStartCol = aSortParam.nCol1;
+ USHORT nStartRow = aSortParam.nRow1;
+ USHORT nEndCol = aSortParam.nCol2;
+ USHORT nEndRow = aSortParam.nRow2;
+ USHORT nSortTab = nTab;
+ if ( !aSortParam.bInplace )
+ {
+ nStartCol = aSortParam.nDestCol;
+ nStartRow = aSortParam.nDestRow;
+ nEndCol = nStartCol + ( aSortParam.nCol2 - aSortParam.nCol1 );
+ nEndRow = nStartRow + ( aSortParam.nRow2 - aSortParam.nRow1 );
+ nSortTab = aSortParam.nDestTab;
+ }
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, nStartCol, nStartRow, nSortTab,
+ nEndCol, nEndRow, nSortTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( nStartCol,nStartRow, nEndCol,nEndRow, nSortTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, nStartRow, nSortTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nSortTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (bDestArea)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aDestRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aDestRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ // Zeilenhoehen immer (wegen automatischer Anpassung)
+ //! auf ScBlockUndo umstellen
+// if (bRepeatQuery)
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nSortTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nSortTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nSortTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nSortTab );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSort::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+// pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+// pViewShell->InitOwnBlockMode();
+// pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetMarkData() = aMarkData; // CopyMarksTo
+ pViewShell->MarkRange( ScRange( aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nRow1, nTab,
+ aSortParam.nCol2, aSortParam.nRow2, nTab ) );
+ pViewShell->Sort( aSortParam, FALSE );
+ // Quellbereich painten wegen Markierung
+ if ( !aSortParam.bInplace )
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nRow1, nTab,
+ aSortParam.nCol2, aSortParam.nRow2, nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoSort::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoSort::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht wegen Spaltennummern
+// Filtern
+ScUndoQuery::ScUndoQuery( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab, const ScQueryParam& rParam,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB,
+ const ScRange* pOld, BOOL bSize, const ScRange* pAdvSrc ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aQueryParam( rParam ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+// pUndoDBData( pNewData )
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ bIsAdvanced( FALSE ),
+ bDestArea( FALSE ),
+ bDoSize( bSize )
+ if ( pOld )
+ {
+ bDestArea = TRUE;
+ aOldDest = *pOld;
+ }
+ if ( pAdvSrc )
+ {
+ bIsAdvanced = TRUE;
+ aAdvSource = *pAdvSrc;
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoQuery::~ScUndoQuery()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+// delete pUndoDBData;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::GetComment() const
+{ // "Filtern";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_QUERY );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ BOOL bCopy = !aQueryParam.bInplace;
+ USHORT nDestEndCol = 0;
+ USHORT nDestEndRow = 0;
+ if (bCopy)
+ {
+ nDestEndCol = aQueryParam.nDestCol + ( aQueryParam.nCol2-aQueryParam.nCol1 );
+ nDestEndRow = aQueryParam.nDestRow + ( aQueryParam.nRow2-aQueryParam.nRow1 );
+ ScDBData* pData = pDoc->GetDBAtCursor( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow,
+ aQueryParam.nDestTab, TRUE );
+ if (pData)
+ {
+ ScRange aNewDest;
+ pData->GetArea( aNewDest );
+ nDestEndCol = aNewDest.aEnd.Col();
+ nDestEndRow = aNewDest.aEnd.Row();
+ }
+ if ( bDoSize && bDestArea )
+ {
+ // aDestRange ist der alte Bereich
+ pDoc->FitBlock( ScRange(
+ aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab ),
+ aOldDest );
+ }
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell,
+ aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pViewShell->DoneBlockMode();
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nDestEndCol, nDestEndRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Attribute werden immer mitkopiert (#49287#)
+ // Rest von altem Bereich
+ if ( bDestArea && !bDoSize )
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aOldDest, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aOldDest, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, aQueryParam.nRow1, nTab, MAXCOL, aQueryParam.nRow2, nTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+ if (!bCopy)
+ pDoc->UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ // Paint
+ if (bCopy)
+ {
+ USHORT nEndX = nDestEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndY = nDestEndRow;
+ if (bDestArea)
+ {
+ if ( aOldDest.aEnd.Col() > nEndX )
+ nEndX = aOldDest.aEnd.Col();
+ if ( aOldDest.aEnd.Row() > nEndY )
+ nEndY = aOldDest.aEnd.Row();
+ }
+ if (bDoSize)
+ nEndY = MAXROW;
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aQueryParam.nDestCol, aQueryParam.nDestRow, aQueryParam.nDestTab,
+ nEndY, nEndY, aQueryParam.nDestTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ }
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0, aQueryParam.nRow1, nTab, MAXCOL, MAXROW, nTab,
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if ( bIsAdvanced )
+ pViewShell->Query( aQueryParam, &aAdvSource, FALSE );
+ else
+ pViewShell->Query( aQueryParam, NULL, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoQuery::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht wegen Spaltennummern
+// Datenbankbereiche aendern (Dialog)
+ScUndoDBData::ScUndoDBData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScDBCollection* pNewUndoColl, ScDBCollection* pNewRedoColl ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pUndoColl( pNewUndoColl ),
+ pRedoColl( pNewRedoColl )
+__EXPORT ScUndoDBData::~ScUndoDBData()
+ delete pUndoColl;
+ delete pRedoColl;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::GetComment() const
+{ // "Datenbankbereiche aendern";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_DBDATA );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // unnoetige Berechnungen vermeiden
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( TRUE ); // CreateFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection(*pUndoColl) );
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( FALSE ); // CompileFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_DBAREAS_CHANGED ) );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // unnoetige Berechnungen vermeiden
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( TRUE ); // CreateFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection(*pRedoColl) );
+ pDoc->CompileDBFormula( FALSE ); // CompileFormulaString
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ SFX_APP()->Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint( SC_HINT_DBAREAS_CHANGED ) );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDBData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE; // geht nicht
+// Import
+ScUndoImportData::ScUndoImportData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ const ScImportParam& rParam, USHORT nNewEndX, USHORT nNewEndY,
+ USHORT nNewFormula,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScDocument* pNewRedoDoc,
+ ScDBData* pNewUndoData, ScDBData* pNewRedoData ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ nTab( nNewTab ),
+ aImportParam( rParam ),
+ nEndCol( nNewEndX ),
+ nEndRow( nNewEndY ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pRedoDoc( pNewRedoDoc ),
+ pUndoDBData( pNewUndoData ),
+ pRedoDBData( pNewRedoData ),
+ nFormulaCols( nNewFormula ),
+ bRedoFilled( FALSE )
+ // redo doc doesn't contain imported data (but everything else)
+__EXPORT ScUndoImportData::~ScUndoImportData()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pRedoDoc;
+ delete pUndoDBData;
+ delete pRedoDBData;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::GetComment() const
+{ // "Importieren";
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_IMPORTDATA );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab );
+ USHORT nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2;
+ ScDBData* pCurrentData = NULL;
+ if (pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData)
+ {
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ pCurrentData = ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( pRedoDBData, pDoc, nTab,
+ nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ if ( !bRedoFilled )
+ {
+ // read redo data from document at first undo
+ // imported data is deleted later anyway,
+ // so now delete each column after copying to save memory (#41216#)
+ BOOL bOldAutoCalc = pDoc->GetAutoCalc();
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( FALSE ); // outside of the loop
+ for (USHORT nCopyCol = nCol1; nCopyCol <= nCol2; nCopyCol++)
+ {
+ pDoc->CopyToDocument( nCopyCol,nRow1,nTab, nCopyCol,nRow2,nTab,
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( nCopyCol,nRow1, nCopyCol,nRow2, nTab, IDF_CONTENTS );
+ pDoc->DoColResize( nTab, nCopyCol, nCopyCol, 0 );
+ }
+ pDoc->SetAutoCalc( bOldAutoCalc );
+ bRedoFilled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOL bMoveCells = pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData &&
+ pRedoDBData->IsDoSize(); // in alt und neu gleich
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ {
+ // Undo: erst die neuen Daten loeschen, dann FitBlock rueckwaerts
+ ScRange aOld, aNew;
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( aOld );
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( aNew );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNew.aStart.Col(), aNew.aStart.Row(),
+ aNew.aEnd.Col(), aNew.aEnd.Row(), nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ aOld.aEnd.SetCol( aOld.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols ); // FitBlock auch fuer Formeln
+ aNew.aEnd.SetCol( aNew.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols );
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNew, aOld, FALSE ); // rueckwaerts
+ }
+ else
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol+nFormulaCols,nEndRow,nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ if (pCurrentData)
+ {
+ *pCurrentData = *pUndoDBData;
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, nCol1, nRow1, nTable, nCol2, nRow2, nTable );
+ }
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab );
+ USHORT nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2;
+ ScDBData* pCurrentData = NULL;
+ if (pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData)
+ {
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ pCurrentData = ScUndoUtil::GetOldDBData( pUndoDBData, pDoc, nTab,
+ nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ }
+ BOOL bMoveCells = pUndoDBData && pRedoDBData &&
+ pRedoDBData->IsDoSize(); // in alt und neu gleich
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ {
+ // Redo: FitBlock, dann Daten loeschen (noetig fuer CopyToDocument)
+ ScRange aOld, aNew;
+ pUndoDBData->GetArea( aOld );
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( aNew );
+ aOld.aEnd.SetCol( aOld.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols ); // FitBlock auch fuer Formeln
+ aNew.aEnd.SetCol( aNew.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols );
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aOld, aNew );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNew.aStart.Col(), aNew.aStart.Row(),
+ aNew.aEnd.Col(), aNew.aEnd.Row(), nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNew, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc ); // incl. Formeln
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pRedoDoc->CopyToDocument( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if (pCurrentData)
+ {
+ *pCurrentData = *pRedoDBData;
+ pRedoDBData->GetArea( nTable, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, nCol1, nRow1, nTable, nCol2, nRow2, nTable );
+ }
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ if (bMoveCells)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ else
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aImportParam.nCol1,aImportParam.nRow1,nTab,
+ nEndCol,nEndRow,nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ {
+ ScTabViewShell& rViewShell = *((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell();
+ USHORT nDummy;
+ ScImportParam aNewParam(aImportParam);
+ ScDBData* pDBData = rViewShell.GetDBData();
+ pDBData->GetArea( nDummy, aNewParam.nCol1,aNewParam.nRow1, aNewParam.nCol2,aNewParam.nRow2 );
+ rViewShell.ImportData( aNewParam );
+ }
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoImportData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ // Repeat nur fuer Import per DB-Bereich, dann ist pUndoDBData gesetzt
+ if (pUndoDBData)
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+ else
+ return FALSE; // Adressbuch
+// Operationen wiederholen
+ScUndoRepeatDB::ScUndoRepeatDB( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, USHORT nNewTab,
+ USHORT nResultEndRow, USHORT nCurX, USHORT nCurY,
+ ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc, ScOutlineTable* pNewUndoTab,
+ ScRangeName* pNewUndoRange, ScDBCollection* pNewUndoDB,
+ const ScRange* pOldQ, const ScRange* pNewQ ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aBlockStart( nStartX,nStartY,nNewTab ),
+ aBlockEnd( nEndX,nEndY,nNewTab ),
+ nNewEndRow( nResultEndRow ),
+ aCursorPos( nCurX,nCurY,nNewTab ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ pUndoTable( pNewUndoTab ),
+ pUndoRange( pNewUndoRange ),
+ pUndoDB( pNewUndoDB ),
+ bQuerySize( FALSE )
+ if ( pOldQ && pNewQ )
+ {
+ aOldQuery = *pOldQ;
+ aNewQuery = *pNewQ;
+ bQuerySize = TRUE;;
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::~ScUndoRepeatDB()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTable;
+ delete pUndoRange;
+ delete pUndoDB;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::GetComment() const
+{ // "Wiederholen"; //! bessere Beschreibung!
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_REPEATDB );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ if (bQuerySize)
+ {
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNewQuery, aOldQuery, FALSE );
+ if ( aNewQuery.aEnd.Col() == aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() )
+ {
+ USHORT nFormulaCols = 0;
+ USHORT nCol = aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() + 1;
+ USHORT nRow = aOldQuery.aStart.Row() + 1; //! Header testen
+ while ( nCol <= MAXCOL &&
+ pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress( nCol, nRow, nTab )) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
+ ++nCol, ++nFormulaCols;
+ if ( nFormulaCols )
+ {
+ ScRange aOldForm = aOldQuery;
+ aOldForm.aStart.SetCol( aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() + 1 );
+ aOldForm.aEnd.SetCol( aOldQuery.aEnd.Col() + nFormulaCols );
+ ScRange aNewForm = aOldForm;
+ aNewForm.aEnd.SetRow( aNewQuery.aEnd.Row() );
+ pDoc->FitBlock( aNewForm, aOldForm, FALSE );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //! Daten von Filter in anderen Bereich fehlen noch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (nNewEndRow > aBlockEnd.GetRow())
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, aBlockEnd.GetRow()+1, nNewEndRow-aBlockEnd.GetRow() );
+ }
+ else if (nNewEndRow < aBlockEnd.GetRow())
+ {
+ pDoc->InsertRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, nNewEndRow+1, nNewEndRow-aBlockEnd.GetRow() );
+ }
+ // Original Outline-Table
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTable );
+ // Original Spalten-/Zeilenstatus
+ if (pUndoDoc && pUndoTable)
+ {
+ USHORT nStartCol;
+ USHORT nStartRow;
+ USHORT nEndCol;
+ USHORT nEndRow;
+ pUndoTable->GetColArray()->GetRange( nStartCol, nEndCol );
+ pUndoTable->GetRowArray()->GetRange( nStartRow, nEndRow );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( nStartCol, 0, nTab, nEndCol, MAXROW, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, nStartRow, nTab, MAXCOL, nEndRow, nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ pViewShell->UpdateScrollBars();
+ }
+ // Original-Daten & Referenzen
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab,
+ MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab );
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(),
+ MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab, MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab,
+ IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc ); // Flags
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( 0, aBlockStart.GetRow(), nTab, MAXCOL, aBlockEnd.GetRow(), nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart.GetCol(),aBlockStart.GetRow(),nTab,
+ aBlockEnd.GetCol(),aBlockEnd.GetRow(),nTab );
+ if (pUndoRange)
+ pDoc->SetRangeName( new ScRangeName( *pUndoRange ) );
+ if (pUndoDB)
+ pDoc->SetDBCollection( new ScDBCollection( *pUndoDB ) );
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ USHORT nTab = aBlockStart.GetTab();
+ USHORT nVisTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nVisTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ ScUndoUtil::MarkSimpleBlock( pDocShell, aBlockStart.GetCol(),aBlockStart.GetRow(),nTab,
+ aBlockEnd.GetCol(),aBlockEnd.GetRow(),nTab );
+ pViewShell->SetCursor( aCursorPos.GetCol(), aCursorPos.GetRow() );
+ pViewShell->RepeatDB( FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ if (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget))
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->RepeatDB( TRUE );
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoRepeatDB::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return (rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget));
+// Pivot-Tabellen
+ScUndoPivot::ScUndoPivot( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ const ScArea& rOld, const ScArea& rNew,
+ ScDocument* pOldDoc, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
+ const ScPivot* pOldPivot, const ScPivot* pNewPivot ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aOldArea( rOld ),
+ aNewArea( rNew ),
+ pOldUndoDoc( pOldDoc ),
+ pNewUndoDoc( pNewDoc )
+ if (pNewPivot)
+ {
+ pNewPivot->GetParam( aNewParam, aNewQuery, aNewSrc );
+ aNewName = pNewPivot->GetName();
+ aNewTag = pNewPivot->GetTag();
+ }
+ if (pOldPivot)
+ {
+ pOldPivot->GetParam( aOldParam, aOldQuery, aOldSrc );
+ aOldName = pOldPivot->GetName();
+ aOldTag = pOldPivot->GetTag();
+ }
+__EXPORT ScUndoPivot::~ScUndoPivot()
+ delete pOldUndoDoc;
+ delete pNewUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::GetComment() const
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc && pNewUndoDoc )
+ else if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nIndex );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNewArea.nColStart,aNewArea.nRowStart,
+ aNewArea.nColEnd,aNewArea.nRowEnd, aNewArea.nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pNewUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNewArea.nColStart, aNewArea.nRowStart, aNewArea.nTab,
+ aNewArea.nColEnd, aNewArea.nRowEnd, aNewArea.nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if (pOldUndoDoc)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aOldArea.nColStart,aOldArea.nRowStart,
+ aOldArea.nColEnd,aOldArea.nRowEnd, aOldArea.nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pOldUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aOldArea.nColStart, aOldArea.nRowStart, aOldArea.nTab,
+ aOldArea.nColEnd, aOldArea.nRowEnd, aOldArea.nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ ScPivotCollection* pPivotCollection = pDoc->GetPivotCollection();
+ if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ {
+ ScPivot* pNewPivot = pPivotCollection->GetPivotAtCursor(
+ aNewParam.nCol, aNewParam.nRow, aNewParam.nTab );
+ if (pNewPivot)
+ pPivotCollection->Free( pNewPivot );
+ }
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc )
+ {
+ ScPivot* pOldPivot = new ScPivot( pDoc );
+ pOldPivot->SetParam( aOldParam, aOldQuery, aOldSrc );
+ pOldPivot->SetName( aOldName );
+ pOldPivot->SetTag( aOldTag );
+ if (pOldPivot->CreateData()) // Felder berechnen
+ pOldPivot->ReleaseData();
+ pPivotCollection->Insert( pOldPivot );
+ }
+// erack! it's broadcasted
+// pDoc->SetDirty();
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aNewArea.nColStart, aNewArea.nRowStart, aNewArea.nTab,
+ aNewArea.nColEnd, aNewArea.nRowEnd, aNewArea.nTab,
+ if (pOldUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aOldArea.nColStart, aOldArea.nRowStart, aOldArea.nTab,
+ aOldArea.nColEnd, aOldArea.nRowEnd, aOldArea.nTab,
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc )
+ {
+ if ( nTab != aOldArea.nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aOldArea.nTab );
+ }
+ else if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ {
+ if ( nTab != aNewArea.nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aNewArea.nTab );
+ }
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScPivotCollection* pPivotCollection = pDoc->GetPivotCollection();
+ ScPivot* pOldPivot = pPivotCollection->GetPivotAtCursor(
+ aOldParam.nCol, aOldParam.nRow, aOldParam.nTab );
+ ScPivot* pNewPivot = NULL;
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ {
+ pNewPivot = new ScPivot( pDoc );
+ pNewPivot->SetParam( aNewParam, aNewQuery, aNewSrc );
+ pNewPivot->SetName( aNewName );
+ pNewPivot->SetTag( aNewTag );
+ }
+ pDocShell->PivotUpdate( pOldPivot, pNewPivot, FALSE );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ // Wiederholen: nur loeschen
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc && !pNewUndoDoc && rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget) )
+ ((ScTabViewTarget&)rTarget).GetViewShell()->DeletePivotTable();
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoPivot::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ // Wiederholen: nur loeschen
+ return ( pOldUndoDoc && !pNewUndoDoc && rTarget.ISA(ScTabViewTarget) );
+// data pilot
+ScUndoDataPilot::ScUndoDataPilot( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell,
+ ScDocument* pOldDoc, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
+ const ScDPObject* pOldObj, const ScDPObject* pNewObj ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ pOldDPObject( NULL ),
+ pNewDPObject( NULL ),
+ pOldUndoDoc( pOldDoc ),
+ pNewUndoDoc( pNewDoc )
+ if (pOldObj)
+ pOldDPObject = new ScDPObject( *pOldObj );
+ if (pNewObj)
+ pNewDPObject = new ScDPObject( *pNewObj );
+__EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::~ScUndoDataPilot()
+ delete pOldDPObject;
+ delete pNewDPObject;
+ delete pOldUndoDoc;
+ delete pNewUndoDoc;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::GetComment() const
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ if ( pOldUndoDoc && pNewUndoDoc )
+ else if ( pNewUndoDoc )
+ else
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( nIndex );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScRange aOldRange;
+ ScRange aNewRange;
+ if ( pNewDPObject && pNewUndoDoc )
+ {
+ aNewRange = pNewDPObject->GetOutRange();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aNewRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pNewUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aNewRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ if ( pOldDPObject && pOldUndoDoc )
+ {
+ aOldRange = pOldDPObject->GetOutRange();
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aOldRange, IDF_ALL );
+ pOldUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ }
+ // update objects in collection
+ if ( pNewDPObject )
+ {
+ // find updated object
+ //! find by name!
+ ScDPObject* pDocObj = pDoc->GetDPAtCursor(
+ aNewRange.aStart.Col(), aNewRange.aStart.Row(), aNewRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pDocObj, "DPObject not found");
+ if (pDocObj)
+ {
+ if ( pOldDPObject )
+ {
+ // restore old settings
+ pOldDPObject->WriteSourceDataTo( *pDocObj );
+ ScDPSaveData* pData = pOldDPObject->GetSaveData();
+ if (pData)
+ pDocObj->SetSaveData(*pData);
+ pDocObj->SetOutRange( pOldDPObject->GetOutRange() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // delete inserted object
+ pDoc->GetDPCollection()->Free(pDocObj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( pOldDPObject )
+ {
+ // re-insert deleted object
+ ScDPObject* pDestObj = new ScDPObject( *pOldDPObject );
+ pDestObj->SetAlive(TRUE);
+ if ( !pDoc->GetDPCollection()->Insert(pDestObj) )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR("cannot insert DPObject");
+ DELETEZ( pDestObj );
+ }
+ }
+ if (pNewUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aNewRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES );
+ if (pOldUndoDoc)
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aOldRange, PAINT_GRID, SC_PF_LINES );
+ pDocShell->PostDataChanged();
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ //! set current sheet
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ //! copy output data instead of repeating the change,
+ //! in case external data have changed!
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ ScDPObject* pSourceObj = NULL;
+ if ( pOldDPObject )
+ {
+ // find object to modify
+ //! find by name!
+ ScRange aOldRange = pOldDPObject->GetOutRange();
+ pSourceObj = pDoc->GetDPAtCursor(
+ aOldRange.aStart.Col(), aOldRange.aStart.Row(), aOldRange.aStart.Tab() );
+ DBG_ASSERT(pSourceObj, "DPObject not found");
+ }
+ ScDBDocFunc aFunc( *pDocShell );
+ aFunc.DataPilotUpdate( pSourceObj, pNewDPObject, FALSE, FALSE ); // no new undo action
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+ //! allow deletion
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoDataPilot::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ //! allow deletion
+ return FALSE;
+// Konsolidieren
+ScUndoConsolidate::ScUndoConsolidate( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const ScArea& rArea,
+ const ScConsolidateParam& rPar, ScDocument* pNewUndoDoc,
+ BOOL bReference, USHORT nInsCount, ScOutlineTable* pTab,
+ ScDBData* pData ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aDestArea( rArea ),
+ aParam( rPar ),
+ pUndoDoc( pNewUndoDoc ),
+ bInsRef( bReference ),
+ nInsertCount( nInsCount ),
+ pUndoTab( pTab ),
+ pUndoData( pData )
+__EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::~ScUndoConsolidate()
+ delete pUndoDoc;
+ delete pUndoTab;
+ delete pUndoData;
+String __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_CONSOLIDATE );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ USHORT nTab = aDestArea.nTab;
+ ScRange aOldRange;
+ if (pUndoData)
+ pUndoData->GetArea(aOldRange);
+ if (bInsRef)
+ {
+ // Zeilen loeschen
+ pDoc->DeleteRow( 0,nTab, MAXCOL,nTab, aDestArea.nRowStart, nInsertCount );
+ // Outlines
+ pDoc->SetOutlineTable( nTab, pUndoTab );
+ // Zeilenstatus
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( 0,0,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab, IDF_NONE, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Daten & Referenzen
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( 0,aDestArea.nRowStart, MAXCOL,aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->UndoToDocument( 0, aDestArea.nRowStart, nTab,
+ MAXCOL, aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Original-Bereich
+ if (pUndoData)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab(aOldRange, IDF_ALL);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument(aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc);
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( 0,aDestArea.nRowStart,nTab, MAXCOL,MAXROW,nTab,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aDestArea.nColStart,aDestArea.nRowStart,
+ aDestArea.nColEnd,aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab, IDF_ALL );
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument( aDestArea.nColStart, aDestArea.nRowStart, nTab,
+ aDestArea.nColEnd, aDestArea.nRowEnd, nTab,
+ IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc );
+ // Original-Bereich
+ if (pUndoData)
+ {
+ pDoc->DeleteAreaTab(aOldRange, IDF_ALL);
+ pUndoDoc->CopyToDocument(aOldRange, IDF_ALL, FALSE, pDoc);
+ }
+ USHORT nEndX = aDestArea.nColEnd;
+ USHORT nEndY = aDestArea.nRowEnd;
+ if ( pUndoData )
+ {
+ if ( aOldRange.aEnd.Col() > nEndX )
+ nEndX = aOldRange.aEnd.Col();
+ if ( aOldRange.aEnd.Row() > nEndY )
+ nEndY = aOldRange.aEnd.Row();
+ }
+ pDocShell->PostPaint( aDestArea.nColStart, aDestArea.nRowStart, nTab,
+ nEndX, nEndY, nTab, PAINT_GRID );
+ }
+ // DB-Bereich wieder anpassen
+ if (pUndoData)
+ {
+ ScDBCollection* pColl = pDoc->GetDBCollection();
+ if (pColl)
+ {
+ USHORT nIndex;
+ if (pColl->SearchName( pUndoData->GetName(), nIndex ))
+ {
+ ScDBData* pDocData = (*pColl)[nIndex];
+ if (pDocData)
+ *pDocData = *pUndoData;
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ERROR("alte DB-Daten nicht gefunden");
+ }
+ }
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nViewTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nViewTab != nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( nTab );
+ }
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ pDocShell->DoConsolidate( aParam, FALSE );
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewShell)
+ {
+ USHORT nViewTab = pViewShell->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
+ if ( nViewTab != aParam.nTab )
+ pViewShell->SetTabNo( aParam.nTab );
+ }
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoConsolidate::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;
+// Quell-Daten von Chart aendern
+void ScUndoChartData::Init()
+ ScDocument* pDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
+ BOOL bFound = FALSE;;
+ SchMemChart* pOld = pDoc->FindChartData(aChartName);
+ if (pOld)
+ {
+ ScChartArray aData(pDoc,*pOld);
+ aOldRangeListRef = aData.GetRangeList();
+ bOldColHeaders = aData.HasColHeaders();
+ bOldRowHeaders = aData.HasRowHeaders();
+ }
+ else // war vorher nicht initialisiert
+ { //! bei Undo zuruecksetzen ?
+ aOldRangeListRef = aNewRangeListRef;
+ bOldColHeaders = bNewColHeaders;
+ bOldRowHeaders = bNewRowHeaders;
+ }
+ScUndoChartData::ScUndoChartData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const String& rName,
+ const ScRange& rNew, BOOL bColHdr, BOOL bRowHdr,
+ BOOL bAdd ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aChartName( rName ),
+ bNewColHeaders( bColHdr ),
+ bNewRowHeaders( bRowHdr ),
+ bAddRange( bAdd )
+ aNewRangeListRef = new ScRangeList;
+ aNewRangeListRef->Append( rNew );
+ Init();
+ScUndoChartData::ScUndoChartData( ScDocShell* pNewDocShell, const String& rName,
+ const ScRangeListRef& rNew, BOOL bColHdr, BOOL bRowHdr,
+ BOOL bAdd ) :
+ ScSimpleUndo( pNewDocShell ),
+ aChartName( rName ),
+ aNewRangeListRef( rNew ),
+ bNewColHeaders( bColHdr ),
+ bNewRowHeaders( bRowHdr ),
+ bAddRange( bAdd )
+ Init();
+__EXPORT ScUndoChartData::~ScUndoChartData()
+String __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::GetComment() const
+ return ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_UNDO_CHARTDATA );
+void __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::Undo()
+ BeginUndo();
+ Window* pDataWin = NULL;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewSh)
+ pDataWin = pViewSh->GetActiveWin();
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->UpdateChartArea( aChartName, aOldRangeListRef,
+ bOldColHeaders, bOldRowHeaders, FALSE, pDataWin );
+ EndUndo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::Redo()
+ BeginRedo();
+ Window* pDataWin = NULL;
+ ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
+ if (pViewSh)
+ pDataWin = pViewSh->GetActiveWin();
+ pDocShell->GetDocument()->UpdateChartArea( aChartName, aNewRangeListRef,
+ bNewColHeaders, bNewRowHeaders, bAddRange, pDataWin );
+ EndRedo();
+void __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::Repeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget)
+BOOL __EXPORT ScUndoChartData::CanRepeat(SfxRepeatTarget& rTarget) const
+ return FALSE;