path: root/sc
diff options
authorEike Rathke <>2017-02-10 22:47:29 +0100
committerEike Rathke <>2017-02-10 22:47:29 +0100
commitc21779746a9e32d4d8a1850787dd158338b4d071 (patch)
tree34614e414b0a295b5cc47a329e537562198d0e7a /sc
parenta68d00189988c2ed8a5ed246af60a1c967449a2e (diff)
Revert "LOK - Calc: Increase the row limit to 10.000 rows."
This reverts commit e530c7c4bcaaeb99cecd6f3c2c303db2a114b555. It breaks the build, e.g. and is still in gerrit review anyway, where it similary failed. Might had been an accidental direct push.
Diffstat (limited to 'sc')
2 files changed, 49 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/sc/inc/address.hxx b/sc/inc/address.hxx
index 4876b58f1372..05f62b4d7110 100644
--- a/sc/inc/address.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/address.hxx
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ const SCCOL MAXCOL = MAXCOLCOUNT - 1;
// Maximun tiled rendering values
-const SCROW MAXTILEDROW = 10000;
+const SCROW MAXTILEDROW = 1000;
// Limit the initial tab count to prevent users to set the count too high,
// which could cause the memory usage of blank documents to exceed the
// available system memory.
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/view/tabview.cxx b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview.cxx
index 39a417fc90bf..3cabc9273fcd 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/view/tabview.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/view/tabview.cxx
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@
#include "AccessibilityHints.hxx"
#include "appoptio.hxx"
#include "attrib.hxx"
-#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>
-#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitEnums.h>
-#include <sfx2/lokhelper.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldOrientation.hpp>
@@ -2310,273 +2307,82 @@ OUString ScTabView::getRowColumnHeaders(const Rectangle& rRectangle)
if (!pDoc)
return OUString();
- if (rRectangle.IsEmpty())
- return OUString();
- rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuffer(256);
- aBuffer.append("{ \"commandName\": \".uno:ViewRowColumnHeaders\",\n");
- SCROW nStartRow = 0;
- SCROW nEndRow = 0;
- SCCOL nStartCol = 0;
SCCOL nEndCol = 0;
+ SCROW nEndRow = 0;
+ pDoc->GetTiledRenderingArea(aViewData.GetTabNo(), nEndCol, nEndRow);
- /// *** start collecting ROWS ***
- /// 1) compute start and end rows
- long nTotalPixels = 0;
- if (rRectangle.Top() < rRectangle.Bottom())
- {
- long nUpperBoundPx = rRectangle.Top() / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL;
- long nLowerBoundPx = rRectangle.Bottom() / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL;
- for (SCROW nRow = 0; nRow <= MAXTILEDROW; ++nRow)
- {
- if (nTotalPixels > nLowerBoundPx)
- {
- nEndRow = nRow; // first row below the rectangle
- break;
- }
- const sal_uInt16 nSize = pDoc->GetRowHeight(nRow, aViewData.GetTabNo());
- const long nSizePx = ScViewData::ToPixel(nSize, 1.0 / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL);
- nTotalPixels += nSizePx;
- if (nTotalPixels < nUpperBoundPx)
- {
- nStartRow = nRow; // last row above the rectangle
- continue;
- }
- }
- nStartRow -= 1;
- nEndRow += 2;
- if (nStartRow < 0) nStartRow = 0;
- }
- aBuffer.ensureCapacity( aBuffer.getCapacity() + (50 * (nEndRow - nStartRow + 1)) );
- long nVisibleRows = nEndRow - nStartRow;
- if (nVisibleRows < 25)
- nVisibleRows = 25;
- /// 2) if we are approaching current max tiled row, signal a size changed event
- /// and invalidate the involved area
- if (nEndRow > aViewData.GetMaxTiledRow() - nVisibleRows)
- {
- ScDocShell* pDocSh = aViewData.GetDocShell();
- ScModelObj* pModelObj = pDocSh ? ScModelObj::getImplementation( pDocSh->GetModel() ) : nullptr;
- Size aOldSize(0, 0);
- if (pModelObj)
- aOldSize = pModelObj->getDocumentSize();
- aViewData.SetMaxTiledRow(std::min(std::max(nEndRow, aViewData.GetMaxTiledRow()) + nVisibleRows, (long)(MAXTILEDROW)));
- Size aNewSize(0, 0);
- if (pModelObj)
- aNewSize = pModelObj->getDocumentSize();
- if (pDocSh)
- {
- // Provide size in the payload, so clients don't have to
- // call lok::Document::getDocumentSize().
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << aNewSize.Width() << ", " << aNewSize.Height();
- OString sSize = ss.str().c_str();
- aViewData.GetViewShell()->libreOfficeKitViewCallback(LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_SIZE_CHANGED, sSize.getStr());
- // New area extended to the bottom of the sheet after last row
- // excluding overlapping area with aNewColArea
- Rectangle aNewRowArea(0, aOldSize.getHeight(), aOldSize.getWidth(), aNewSize.getHeight());
- // Only invalidate if spreadsheet extended to the bottom
- if (aNewRowArea.getHeight())
- {
- SfxLokHelper::notifyInvalidation(aViewData.GetViewShell(), aNewRowArea.toString());
- }
- }
- }
- /// 3) create string data for rows
+ rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuffer(256 + (50 * nEndRow) + (50 * nEndCol));
+ aBuffer.append("{ \"commandName\": \".uno:ViewRowColumnHeaders\",\n");
aBuffer.append("\"rows\": [\n");
+ long nTotal = 0;
+ long nTotalPixels = 0;
bool bFirstRow = true;
- if (nStartRow == 0 && nStartRow != nEndRow)
- {
- aBuffer.append("{ \"text\": \"").append("0").append("\", ");
- aBuffer.append("\"size\": \"").append(OUString::number(0)).append("\" }");
- bFirstRow = false;
- }
- nTotalPixels = 0;
- for (SCROW nRow = 0; nRow < nEndRow; ++nRow)
+ for (SCROW nRow = 0; nRow <= nEndRow; ++nRow)
// nSize will be 0 for hidden rows.
const sal_uInt16 nSize = pDoc->GetRowHeight(nRow, aViewData.GetTabNo());
- const long nSizePx = ScViewData::ToPixel(nSize, 1.0 / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL);
- nTotalPixels += nSizePx;
- if (nRow < nStartRow)
- continue;
+ const long nSizePixels = ScViewData::ToPixel(nSize, aViewData.GetPPTY());
+ const OUString aText = pRowBar[SC_SPLIT_BOTTOM]->GetEntryText(nRow);
- OUString aText = pRowBar[SC_SPLIT_BOTTOM]->GetEntryText(nRow);
- if (!bFirstRow)
- {
- aBuffer.append(", ");
- }
- else
+ bool bSkip = false;
+ if (!rRectangle.IsEmpty())
- aText = OUString::number(nStartRow + 1);
+ long nTop = std::max(rRectangle.Top(), nTotal);
+ long nBottom = std::min(rRectangle.Bottom(), nTotal + nSize);
+ if (nBottom < nTop)
+ // They do not intersect.
+ bSkip = true;
- aBuffer.append("{ \"text\": \"").append(aText).append("\", ");
- aBuffer.append("\"size\": \"").append(OUString::number(nTotalPixels * TWIPS_PER_PIXEL)).append("\" }");
- bFirstRow = false;
- }
- aBuffer.append("]");
- /// end collecting ROWS
- aBuffer.append(",\n");
- /// *** start collecting COLS ***
- /// 1) compute start and end columns
- nTotalPixels = 0;
- if (rRectangle.Left() < rRectangle.Right())
- {
- long nLeftBoundPx = rRectangle.Left() / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL;
- long nRightBoundPx = rRectangle.Right() / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL;
- nEndCol = MAXCOL;
- for (SCCOL nCol = 0; nCol <= MAXCOL; ++nCol)
+ if (!bSkip)
- if (nTotalPixels > nRightBoundPx)
- {
- nEndCol = nCol;
- break;
- }
- const sal_uInt16 nSize = pDoc->GetColWidth(nCol, aViewData.GetTabNo());
- const long nSizePx = ScViewData::ToPixel(nSize, 1.0 / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL);
- nTotalPixels += nSizePx;
- if (nTotalPixels < nLeftBoundPx)
- {
- nStartCol = nCol;
- continue;
- }
- }
- nStartCol -= 1;
- nEndCol += 2;
- if (nStartCol < 0) nStartCol = 0;
- if (nEndCol > MAXCOL) nEndCol = MAXCOL;
- }
+ if (!bFirstRow)
+ aBuffer.append(", ");
- aBuffer.ensureCapacity( aBuffer.getCapacity() + (50 * (nEndCol - nStartCol + 1)) );
- long nVisibleCols = nEndCol - nStartCol;
- if (nVisibleCols < 10)
- nVisibleCols = 10;
- /// 2) if we are approaching current max tiled column, signal a size changed event
- /// and invalidate the involved area
- if (nEndCol > aViewData.GetMaxTiledCol() - nVisibleCols)
- {
- ScDocShell* pDocSh = aViewData.GetDocShell();
- ScModelObj* pModelObj = pDocSh ? ScModelObj::getImplementation( pDocSh->GetModel() ) : nullptr;
- Size aOldSize(0, 0);
- if (pModelObj)
- aOldSize = pModelObj->getDocumentSize();
- aViewData.SetMaxTiledCol(std::min(std::max(nEndCol, aViewData.GetMaxTiledCol()) + nVisibleCols, (long)(MAXCOL)));
- Size aNewSize(0, 0);
- if (pModelObj)
- aNewSize = pModelObj->getDocumentSize();
- if (pDocSh)
- {
- // Provide size in the payload, so clients don't have to
- // call lok::Document::getDocumentSize().
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << aNewSize.Width() << ", " << aNewSize.Height();
- OString sSize = ss.str().c_str();
- aViewData.GetViewShell()->libreOfficeKitViewCallback(LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_SIZE_CHANGED, sSize.getStr());
- // New area extended to the right of the sheet after last column
- // including overlapping area with aNewRowArea
- Rectangle aNewColArea(aOldSize.getWidth(), 0, aNewSize.getWidth(), aNewSize.getHeight());
- // Only invalidate if spreadsheet extended to the bottom
- if (aNewColArea.getWidth())
- {
- SfxLokHelper::notifyInvalidation(aViewData.GetViewShell(), aNewColArea.toString());
- }
+ aBuffer.append("{ \"text\": \"").append(aText).append("\", ");
+ aBuffer.append("\"size\": \"").append(OUString::number((nTotalPixels + nSizePixels) / aViewData.GetPPTY())).append("\" }");
+ bFirstRow = false;
+ nTotal += nSize;
+ nTotalPixels += nSizePixels;
+ aBuffer.append("],\n\"columns\":\n[");
- /// 3) create string data for columns
- aBuffer.append("\"columns\": [\n");
- bool bFirstCol = true;
- if (nStartCol == 0 && nStartCol != nEndCol )
- {
- aBuffer.append("{ \"text\": \"").append("0").append("\", ");
- aBuffer.append("\"size\": \"").append(OUString::number(0)).append("\" }");
- bFirstCol = false;
- }
+ nTotal = 0;
nTotalPixels = 0;
- for (SCCOL nCol = 0; nCol < nEndCol; ++nCol)
+ bFirstRow = true;
+ for (SCCOL nCol = 0; nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
- // nSize will be 0 for hidden columns.
const sal_uInt16 nSize = pDoc->GetColWidth(nCol, aViewData.GetTabNo());
- const long nSizePx = ScViewData::ToPixel(nSize, 1.0 / TWIPS_PER_PIXEL);
- nTotalPixels += nSizePx;
- if (nCol < nStartCol)
- continue;
+ const long nSizePixels = ScViewData::ToPixel(nSize, aViewData.GetPPTX());
+ const OUString aText = pColBar[SC_SPLIT_LEFT]->GetEntryText(nCol);
- OUString aText = pColBar[SC_SPLIT_LEFT]->GetEntryText(nCol);
- if (!bFirstCol)
+ bool bSkip = false;
+ if (!rRectangle.IsEmpty())
- aBuffer.append(", ");
+ long nLeft = std::max(rRectangle.Left(), nTotal);
+ long nRight = std::min(rRectangle.Right(), nTotal + nSize);
+ if (nRight < nLeft)
+ // They do not intersect.
+ bSkip = true;
- else
+ if (!bSkip)
- aText = OUString::number(nStartCol + 1);
- }
+ if (!bFirstRow)
+ aBuffer.append(", ");
- aBuffer.append("{ \"text\": \"").append(aText).append("\", ");
- aBuffer.append("\"size\": \"").append(OUString::number(nTotalPixels * TWIPS_PER_PIXEL)).append("\" }");
- bFirstCol = false;
+ aBuffer.append("{ \"text\": \"").append(aText).append("\", ");
+ aBuffer.append("\"size\": \"").append(OUString::number((nTotalPixels + nSizePixels) / aViewData.GetPPTX())).append("\" }");
+ bFirstRow = false;
+ }
+ nTotal += nSize;
+ nTotalPixels += nSizePixels;
- aBuffer.append("]");
- /// end collecting COLs
- aBuffer.append("\n}");
- OUString sRet = aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
- return sRet;
+ aBuffer.append("]\n}");
+ return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */