path: root/sc
diff options
authorKohei Yoshida <>2013-02-05 01:21:45 -0500
committerKohei Yoshida <>2013-02-05 01:24:21 -0500
commitfed4f58030db4e9afd83044201b06d437345fc3f (patch)
tree55997821e3abbebf6429f99ffc3a29b26a5473e2 /sc
parentff59007adbaadddcf7411e15d9c24eaad32c985f (diff)
Use the new excel format detector for all binary excel types.
But I have yet to implement the detection of Excel 4.0... Separating detection services like this will make the overall type detection process a little more reliable. It's actually not a good idea to use a single type detection service for a multitude of file format types... Change-Id: I2914c179ac939a031b84e8d37de891a5043851e6
Diffstat (limited to 'sc')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/exceldetect.cxx b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/exceldetect.cxx
index f11cf176537f..2e0eae259a96 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/exceldetect.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/exceldetect.cxx
@@ -9,7 +9,19 @@
#include "exceldetect.hxx"
+#include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContent.hpp>
+#include "svl/itemset.hxx"
+#include "svl/eitem.hxx"
+#include "sfx2/app.hxx"
+#include "sfx2/docfile.hxx"
+#include "sfx2/sfxsids.hrc"
+#include "comphelper/mediadescriptor.hxx"
+#include "sot/storage.hxx"
using namespace com::sun::star;
+using comphelper::MediaDescriptor;
ScExcelBiffDetect::ScExcelBiffDetect( const uno::Reference<uno::XComponentContext>& /*xContext*/ ) {}
ScExcelBiffDetect::~ScExcelBiffDetect() {}
@@ -36,9 +48,95 @@ uno::Sequence<OUString> ScExcelBiffDetect::getSupportedServiceNames() throw (uno
return impl_getStaticSupportedServiceNames();
+namespace {
+bool hasStream(const uno::Reference<io::XInputStream>& xInStream, const OUString& rName)
+ SfxMedium aMedium;
+ aMedium.UseInteractionHandler(true);
+ aMedium.setStreamToLoadFrom(xInStream, true);
+ SvStream* pStream = aMedium.GetInStream();
+ if (!pStream)
+ return false;
+ pStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
+ sal_Size nSize = pStream->Tell();
+ pStream->Seek(0);
+ if (!nSize)
+ // 0-size stream. Failed.
+ return false;
+ SotStorageRef xStorage = new SotStorage(pStream, false);
+ if (!xStorage.Is() || xStorage->GetError())
+ return false;
+ return xStorage->IsStream(rName);
+bool isTemplate(const OUString& rType)
+ return rType.indexOf("_VorlageTemplate") != -1;
OUString ScExcelBiffDetect::detect( uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& lDescriptor )
throw (uno::RuntimeException)
+ MediaDescriptor aMediaDesc(lDescriptor);
+ OUString aType;
+ aMediaDesc[MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME()] >>= aType;
+ if (aType.isEmpty())
+ // Type is not given. We can't proceed.
+ return OUString();
+ aMediaDesc.addInputStream();
+ uno::Reference<io::XInputStream> xInStream(aMediaDesc[MediaDescriptor::PROP_INPUTSTREAM()], uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if (!
+ // No input stream.
+ return OUString();
+ if (aType == "calc_MS_Excel_97" || aType == "calc_MS_Excel_97_VorlageTemplate")
+ {
+ // See if this stream is a Excel 97/XP/2003 (BIFF8) stream.
+ if (!hasStream(xInStream, "Workbook"))
+ // BIFF8 is expected to contain a stream named "Workbook".
+ return OUString();
+ aMediaDesc[MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= isTemplate(aType) ? OUString("MS Excel 97 Vorlage/Template") : OUString("MS Excel 97");
+ return aType;
+ }
+ if (aType == "calc_MS_Excel_95" || aType == "calc_MS_Excel_95_VorlageTemplate")
+ {
+ // See if this stream is a Excel 95 (BIFF5) stream.
+ if (!hasStream(xInStream, "Book"))
+ return OUString();
+ aMediaDesc[MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= isTemplate(aType) ? OUString("MS Excel 95 Vorlage/Template") : OUString("MS Excel 95");
+ return aType;
+ }
+ if (aType == "calc_MS_Excel_5095" || aType == "calc_MS_Excel_5095_VorlageTemplate")
+ {
+ // See if this stream is a Excel 5.0/95 stream.
+ if (!hasStream(xInStream, "Book"))
+ return OUString();
+ aMediaDesc[MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= isTemplate(aType) ? OUString("MS Excel 5.0/95 Vorlage/Template") : OUString("MS Excel 5.0/95");
+ return aType;
+ }
+ if (aType == "calc_MS_Excel_40" || aType == "calc_MS_Excel_40_VorlageTemplate")
+ {
+ // See if this stream is a Excel 4.0 stream.
+ // TODO: Implement this.
+ return OUString();
+ }
+ // failed!
return OUString();