path: root/sc
diff options
authorMichael Meeks <>2013-07-08 21:35:26 +0100
committerKohei Yoshida <>2013-07-11 00:25:36 -0400
commitc6fd693a8a1efb9e301bd623d29411dfa2378e5c (patch)
treec907ed85ad080fc393778d09fd65bbf4f6d1ff70 /sc
parentd5ae61ed2394b6945b969c61aea0adac2234f702 (diff)
cleanup formulagroupcl and add opencl kernel for averagedelta.
Conflicts: sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.hxx Change-Id: Id4777d3854d34ab34dd29b050cd329a803023a39
Diffstat (limited to 'sc')
4 files changed, 196 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
index d92a4719f5d9..8bc0224b874f 100755
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
@@ -310,11 +310,8 @@ bool FormulaGroupInterpreterGroundwater::interpret(ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAdd
OpCode eOp; // type of operation: ocAverage, ocMax, ocMin
const double *pArrayToSubtractOneElementFrom;
const double *pGroundWaterDataArray;
- size_t nGroundWaterDataArrayLen;
// Output:
- double *pResult = new double[xGroup->mnLength];
- RETURN_IF_FAIL(pResult != NULL, "buffer alloc failed");
std::vector<double> aMatrixContent;
const formula::FormulaToken *p;
@@ -338,36 +335,13 @@ bool FormulaGroupInterpreterGroundwater::interpret(ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAdd
p = rCode.NextNoSpaces();
RETURN_IF_FAIL(p != NULL, "no function argument");
- if (p->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
- {
- // FIXME: this is what I would expect; but table1.cxx's
- // ScColumn::ResolveStaticReference as called from
- // GroupTokenConverter::convert returns an ScMatrixToken un-conditionally
- const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDvr = static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken*>(p);
- const std::vector<const double*>& rArrays = pDvr->GetArrays();
- RETURN_IF_FAIL(rArrays.size() == 1, "unexpectedly large double ref array");
- RETURN_IF_FAIL(pDvr->GetArrayLength() == (size_t)xGroup->mnLength, "wrong double ref length");
- RETURN_IF_FAIL(pDvr->IsStartFixed() && pDvr->IsEndFixed(), "non-fixed ranges )");
- pGroundWaterDataArray = rArrays[0];
- nGroundWaterDataArrayLen = xGroup->mnLength;
- }
- else
- {
- RETURN_IF_FAIL(p->GetType() == formula::svMatrix, "unexpected fn. param type");
- const ScMatrixToken *pMatTok = static_cast<const ScMatrixToken *>(p);
- pMatTok->GetMatrix()->GetDoubleArray( aMatrixContent );
- // FIXME: horrible hackery: the legacy / excel shared formula oddness,
- // such that the 1st entry is not truly shared, making these a different
- // shape.
- if (aMatrixContent.size() > (size_t)xGroup->mnLength + 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error size range mismatch: %ld vs %ld\n",
- (long)aMatrixContent.size(), (long)xGroup->mnLength);
- return false;
- }
- pGroundWaterDataArray = &aMatrixContent[0];
- nGroundWaterDataArrayLen = aMatrixContent.size();
- }
+ RETURN_IF_FAIL(p->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef, "wrong type of fn argument");
+ const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDvr = static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken*>(p);
+ const std::vector<const double*>& rArrays = pDvr->GetArrays();
+ RETURN_IF_FAIL(rArrays.size() == 1, "unexpectedly large double ref array");
+ RETURN_IF_FAIL(pDvr->GetArrayLength() == (size_t)xGroup->mnLength, "wrong double ref length");
+ RETURN_IF_FAIL(pDvr->IsStartFixed() && pDvr->IsEndFixed(), "non-fixed ranges )");
+ pGroundWaterDataArray = rArrays[0];
p = rCode.NextNoSpaces();
RETURN_IF_FAIL(p != NULL && p->GetOpCode() == ocClose, "missing closing )");
@@ -400,17 +374,22 @@ bool FormulaGroupInterpreterGroundwater::interpret(ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAdd
// =AVERAGE(L$6:L$7701) - L6
// we would get:
// eOp => ocAverage
- // pGroundWaterDataArray => contains L$6:L$7701
- // pGroundWaterDataArrayLen => 7701 - 6 + 1
- // pArrayToSubtractOneElementFrom => contains L$5:L$7701 (overlapping)
+ // pGroundWaterDataArray => contains L$5:L$7701
+ // pArrayToSubtractOneElementFrom => contains L$5:L$7701 (ie. a copy)
// length of this array -> xGroup->mnLength
fprintf (stderr, "Calculate !\n");
+ double *pResult = ocl_calc.OclSimpleDeltaOperation( eOp, pGroundWaterDataArray,
+ pArrayToSubtractOneElementFrom,
+ (size_t) xGroup->mnLength );
+ RETURN_IF_FAIL(pResult != NULL, "buffer alloc / calculaton failed");
// Insert the double data, in rResult[i] back into the document
rDoc.SetFormulaResults(rTopPos, pResult, xGroup->mnLength);
delete [] pResult;
SAL_DEBUG ("exit cleanly !");
return true;
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/oclkernels.hxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/oclkernels.hxx
index 6c9012641b54..e13c24a3a158 100755
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/oclkernels.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/oclkernels.hxx
@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ __kernel void oclFormulaAverage(__global float *input,__global int *start,__glob
for(i = start[id];i<=end[id];i++)
sum += input[i];
output[id] = sum / (end[id]-start[id]+1);
@@ -162,6 +161,33 @@ __kernel void oclFormulaMinverse(__global float *data,
+// Double precision is a requirement of spreadsheets
+#if 0
+#if defined(cl_khr_fp64) // Khronos extension
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
+#elif defined(cl_amd_fp64) // AMD extension
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable
+typedef double fp_t;
+typedef float fp_t;
+__kernel void oclAverageDelta(__global fp_t *values, __global fp_t *subtract, __global int start, __global int end, __global fp_t *output)
+ const unsigned int id = get_global_id(0);
+ // Average
+ int i;
+ fp_t sum = 0.0;
+ for(i = start; i < end; i++)
+ sum += values[i];
+ fp_t val = sum/(end-start);
+ // Subtract & output
+ output[id] = val - subtract[id];
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.cxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.cxx
index 597f37097ce8..3030a2e8b703 100755
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.cxx
@@ -76,16 +76,17 @@ int OpenclDevice::ReleaseOpenclRunEnv() {
-inline int OpenclDevice::AddKernelConfig(int kCount, const char *kName) {
+inline int OpenclDevice::AddKernelConfig(int kCount, const char *kName)
strcpy(gpuEnv.mArrykernelNames[kCount], kName);
return 0;
-int OpenclDevice::RegistOpenclKernel() {
- if (!gpuEnv.mnIsUserCreated) {
+int OpenclDevice::RegistOpenclKernel()
+ if (!gpuEnv.mnIsUserCreated)
memset(&gpuEnv, 0, sizeof(gpuEnv));
- }
gpuEnv.mnFileCount = 0; //argc;
gpuEnv.mnKernelCount = 0UL;
@@ -100,17 +101,22 @@ int OpenclDevice::RegistOpenclKernel() {
AddKernelConfig(7, (const char*) "oclFormulaSumproduct");
AddKernelConfig(8, (const char*) "oclFormulaMinverse");
- AddKernelConfig(9, (const char*) "oclSignedAdd");
+ AddKernelConfig(9, (const char*) "oclSignedAdd");
AddKernelConfig(10, (const char*) "oclSignedSub");
AddKernelConfig(11, (const char*) "oclSignedMul");
AddKernelConfig(12, (const char*) "oclSignedDiv");
+ AddKernelConfig(13, (const char*) "oclAverageDelta");
return 0;
-OpenclDevice::~OpenclDevice() {
@@ -122,13 +128,15 @@ int OpenclDevice::SetKernelEnv(KernelEnv *envInfo)
return 1;
-int OpenclDevice::CheckKernelName(KernelEnv *envInfo,const char *kernelName){
+int OpenclDevice::CheckKernelName(KernelEnv *envInfo,const char *kernelName)
//printf("CheckKernelName,total count of kernels...%d\n", gpuEnv.kernelCount);
int kCount;
for(kCount=0; kCount < gpuEnv.mnKernelCount; kCount++) {
if(strcasecmp(kernelName, gpuEnv.mArrykernelNames[kCount]) == 0) {
- printf("match %s kernel right\n",kernelName);
- break;
+ printf("match %s kernel right\n",kernelName);
+ break;
envInfo->mpkKernel = gpuEnv.mpArryKernels[kCount];
@@ -141,7 +149,8 @@ int OpenclDevice::CheckKernelName(KernelEnv *envInfo,const char *kernelName){
return 1;
-int OpenclDevice::ConvertToString(const char *filename, char **source) {
+int OpenclDevice::ConvertToString(const char *filename, char **source)
int file_size;
size_t result;
FILE *file = NULL;
@@ -174,8 +183,9 @@ int OpenclDevice::ConvertToString(const char *filename, char **source) {
return 0;
-int OpenclDevice::BinaryGenerated(const char * clFileName, FILE ** fhandle) {
- unsigned int i = 0;
+int OpenclDevice::BinaryGenerated(const char * clFileName, FILE ** fhandle)
+ unsigned int i = 0;
cl_int status;
char *str = NULL;
FILE *fd = NULL;
@@ -208,7 +218,8 @@ int OpenclDevice::BinaryGenerated(const char * clFileName, FILE ** fhandle) {
int OpenclDevice::WriteBinaryToFile(const char* fileName, const char* birary,
- size_t numBytes) {
+ size_t numBytes)
FILE *output = NULL;
output = fopen(fileName, "wb");
if (output == NULL) {
@@ -223,7 +234,8 @@ int OpenclDevice::WriteBinaryToFile(const char* fileName, const char* birary,
int OpenclDevice::GeneratBinFromKernelSource(cl_program program,
- const char * clFileName) {
+ const char * clFileName)
unsigned int i = 0;
cl_int status;
size_t *binarySizes, numDevices;
@@ -319,10 +331,10 @@ int OpenclDevice::GeneratBinFromKernelSource(cl_program program,
return 1;
-int OpenclDevice::InitOpenclAttr(OpenCLEnv * env) {
- if (gpuEnv.mnIsUserCreated) {
+int OpenclDevice::InitOpenclAttr(OpenCLEnv * env)
+ if (gpuEnv.mnIsUserCreated)
return 1;
- }
gpuEnv.mpContext = env->mpOclContext;
gpuEnv.mpPlatformID = env->mpOclPlatformID;
@@ -334,21 +346,24 @@ int OpenclDevice::InitOpenclAttr(OpenCLEnv * env) {
return 0;
-int OpenclDevice::CreateKernel(char * kernelname, KernelEnv * env) {
+int OpenclDevice::CreateKernel(char * kernelname, KernelEnv * env)
int status;
- env->mpkKernel = clCreateKernel(gpuEnv.mpArryPrograms[0], kernelname, &status);
+ env->mpkKernel = clCreateKernel(gpuEnv.mpArryPrograms[0], kernelname, &status);
env->mpkContext = gpuEnv.mpContext;
env->mpkCmdQueue = gpuEnv.mpCmdQueue;
return status != CL_SUCCESS ? 1 : 0;
-int OpenclDevice::ReleaseKernel(KernelEnv * env) {
+int OpenclDevice::ReleaseKernel(KernelEnv * env)
int status = clReleaseKernel(env->mpkKernel);
return status != CL_SUCCESS ? 1 : 0;
-int OpenclDevice::ReleaseOpenclEnv(GPUEnv *gpuInfo) {
+int OpenclDevice::ReleaseOpenclEnv(GPUEnv *gpuInfo)
int i = 0;
int status = 0;
@@ -378,7 +393,8 @@ int OpenclDevice::ReleaseOpenclEnv(GPUEnv *gpuInfo) {
int OpenclDevice::RunKernelWrapper(cl_kernel_function function,
- const char * kernelName, void **usrdata) {
+ const char * kernelName, void **usrdata)
if (RegisterKernelWrapper(kernelName, function) != 1) {
@@ -389,8 +405,9 @@ int OpenclDevice::RunKernelWrapper(cl_kernel_function function,
int OpenclDevice::CachedOfKernerPrg(const GPUEnv *gpuEnvCached,
- const char * clFileName) {
- int i;
+ const char * clFileName)
+ int i;
for (i = 0; i < gpuEnvCached->mnFileCount; i++) {
if (strcasecmp(gpuEnvCached->mArryKnelSrcFile[i], clFileName) == 0) {
if (gpuEnvCached->mpArryPrograms[i] != NULL) {
@@ -574,6 +591,7 @@ int OpenclDevice::RunKernel(const char *kernelName, void **userdata) {
return 0;
int OpenclDevice::InitOpenclRunEnv(int argc, const char *buildOptionKernelfiles)
int status = 0;
@@ -1007,6 +1025,7 @@ int OclCalc::OclHostFormulaMax(double *srcData,int *start,int *end,double *outpu
return 0;
int OclCalc::OclHostFormulaMin(double *srcData,int *start,int *end,double *output,int size)
KernelEnv kEnv;
@@ -1590,7 +1609,6 @@ int OclCalc::OclHostFormulaMin32Bits(float *fpSrcData,uint *npStartPos,uint *npE
clStatus = clReleaseMemObject(outputCl);
return 0;
int OclCalc::OclHostFormulaAverage32Bits(float *fpSrcData,uint *npStartPos,uint *npEndPos,double *output,int size)
@@ -2066,4 +2084,111 @@ int OclCalc::OclHostFormulaSumProduct(float *dpSrcData,int *npStart,int *npEnd,f
+#if 0
+typedef double fp_;
+typedef float fp_t;
+// FIXME: should be templatised in <double> - double buffering [sic] rocks
+static cl_mem allocateDoubleBuffer(KernelEnv &rEnv, const double *_pValues,
+ size_t nElements, cl_int *pStatus)
+ // Ugh - horrible redundant copying ...
+ cl_mem xValues = clCreateBuffer(rEnv.mpkContext,(cl_mem_flags) (CL_MEM_READ_WRITE),
+ nElements * sizeof(double), NULL, pStatus);
+ fp_t *pValues = (fp_t *)clEnqueueMapBuffer(rEnv.mpkCmdQueue,xValues,CL_TRUE,CL_MAP_WRITE,0,
+ nElements * sizeof(fp_t),0,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+ for(int i=0;i<nElements;i++)
+ pValues[i] = (fp_t)_pValues[i];
+ clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(rEnv.mpkCmdQueue,xValues,pValues,0,NULL,NULL);
+ return xValues;
+double *OclCalc::OclSimpleDeltaOperation(OpCode eOp, const double *pOpArray,
+ const double *pSubtractSingle, size_t nElements)
+ KernelEnv kEnv;
+ // select a kernel: cut & paste coding is utterly evil.
+ const char *kernelName;
+ switch (eOp) {
+ case ocMax:
+ case ocMin:
+ ; // FIXME: fallthrough for now
+ case ocAverage:
+ kernelName = "oclAverageDelta";
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ CheckKernelName(&kEnv,kernelName);
+ cl_int clStatus;
+ size_t global_work_size[1];
+ kEnv.mpkKernel = clCreateKernel(kEnv.mpkProgram,kernelName, &clStatus);
+ // Ugh - horrible redundant copying ...
+ cl_mem valuesCl = allocateDoubleBuffer(kEnv, pOpArray, nElements, &clStatus);
+ cl_mem subtractCl = allocateDoubleBuffer(kEnv, pSubtractSingle, nElements, &clStatus);
+ cl_int start = 0;
+ cl_int end = (cl_int) nElements;
+ cl_mem outputCl = clCreateBuffer(kEnv.mpkContext,
+ nElements * sizeof(fp_t),
+ &clStatus);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ clStatus = clSetKernelArg(kEnv.mpkKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem),
+ (void *)&valuesCl);
+ clStatus = clSetKernelArg(kEnv.mpkKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem),
+ (void *)&subtractCl);
+ clStatus = clSetKernelArg(kEnv.mpkKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem),
+ (void *)&start);
+ clStatus = clSetKernelArg(kEnv.mpkKernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem),
+ (void *)&end);
+ clStatus = clSetKernelArg(kEnv.mpkKernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem),
+ (void *)&outputCl);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ fprintf(stderr, "prior to enqueue range kernel\n");
+ global_work_size[0] = nElements;
+ clStatus = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(kEnv.mpkCmdQueue, kEnv.mpkKernel, 1,
+ NULL, global_work_size, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ double *pResult = new double[nElements];
+ if(!pResult)
+ return NULL; // leak.
+ fp_t *pOutput = (fp_t *)clEnqueueMapBuffer(kEnv.mpkCmdQueue,outputCl,CL_TRUE,
+ CL_MAP_READ,0,nElements*sizeof(fp_t),
+ for(int i = 0; i < nElements; i++)
+ pResult[i] = (double)pOutput[i];
+ clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(kEnv.mpkCmdQueue,outputCl,pOutput,0,NULL,NULL);
+ clStatus = clFinish(kEnv.mpkCmdQueue);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ clStatus = clReleaseKernel(kEnv.mpkKernel);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ clStatus = clReleaseMemObject(valuesCl);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ clStatus = clReleaseMemObject(subtractCl);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ clStatus = clReleaseMemObject(outputCl);
+ CHECK_OPENCL(clStatus);
+ fprintf(stderr, "completed opencl delta operation\n");
+ return pResult;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.hxx b/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.hxx
index 3e87f8445e7d..a0c132a2c49f 100755
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/openclwrapper.hxx
@@ -11,10 +11,8 @@
#include <config_features.h>
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#include <OpenCL/cl.h>
+#include <formula/opcode.hxx>
+#include <cassert>
#include <CL/cl.h>
@@ -212,6 +210,7 @@ public:
int OclHostFormulaMax32Bits(float *fpSrcData,uint *npStartPos,uint *npEndPos,double *output,int outputSize);
int OclHostFormulaMin32Bits(float *fpSrcData,uint *npStartPos,uint *npEndPos,double *output,int outputSize);
int OclHostFormulaAverage32Bits(float *fpSrcData,uint *npStartPos,uint *npEndPos,double *output,int outputSize);
+ double *OclSimpleDeltaOperation(OpCode eOp, const double *pOpArray, const double *pSubtractSingle, size_t nElements);
//int OclHostFormulaCount(int *startPos,int *endPos,float *output,int outputSize);
//int OclHostFormulaSum(float *srcData,int *startPos,int *endPos,float *output,int outputSize);