path: root/sc
diff options
authorKohei Yoshida <>2014-09-26 21:26:33 -0400
committerKohei Yoshida <>2014-10-02 21:32:25 -0400
commit1b1e50ccc02b833f2ca8ef85a47dd2e8c28a479b (patch)
treef8bd8354451d3ff64d6ee85d97515024363039eb /sc
parentdd617c0bbe4906e8d6e589289f42415738f00006 (diff)
Write the first test for this formula-to-value feature.
Change-Id: I545328a1c126b3bfeee8c1f662c5eb9a471d33ca
Diffstat (limited to 'sc')
2 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
index efcfc8ecbf79..c7c81b8bcb1d 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
@@ -5965,6 +5965,165 @@ void Test::testTransliterateText()
+void Test::testFormulaToValue()
+ sc::AutoCalcSwitch aACSwitch(*m_pDoc, true);
+ FormulaGrammarSwitch aFGSwitch(m_pDoc, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_ENGLISH_XL_R1C1);
+ m_pDoc->InsertTab(0, "Test");
+ const char* aData[][3] = {
+ { "=1", "=RC[-1]*2", "=ISFORMULA(RC[-1])" },
+ { "=2", "=RC[-1]*2", "=ISFORMULA(RC[-1])" },
+ { "=3", "=RC[-1]*2", "=ISFORMULA(RC[-1])" },
+ { "=4", "=RC[-1]*2", "=ISFORMULA(RC[-1])" },
+ { "=5", "=RC[-1]*2", "=ISFORMULA(RC[-1])" },
+ { "=6", "=RC[-1]*2", "=ISFORMULA(RC[-1])" },
+ };
+ ScAddress aPos(1,2,0); // B3
+ ScRange aDataRange = insertRangeData(m_pDoc, aPos, aData, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aData));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("failed to insert range data at correct position", aDataRange.aStart == aPos);
+ {
+ // Expected output table content. 0 = empty cell
+ const char* aOutputCheck[][3] = {
+ { "1", "2", "TRUE" },
+ { "2", "4", "TRUE" },
+ { "3", "6", "TRUE" },
+ { "4", "8", "TRUE" },
+ { "5", "10", "TRUE" },
+ { "6", "12", "TRUE" },
+ };
+ bool bSuccess = checkOutput<3>(m_pDoc, aDataRange, aOutputCheck, "Initial value");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Table output check failed", bSuccess);
+ }
+ // Convert B5:C6 to static values, and check the result.
+ ScDocFunc& rFunc = getDocShell().GetDocFunc();
+ ScRange aConvRange(1,4,0,2,5,0); // B5:C6
+ rFunc.ConvertFormulaToValue(aConvRange, true, false);
+ {
+ // Expected output table content. 0 = empty cell
+ const char* aOutputCheck[][3] = {
+ { "1", "2", "TRUE" },
+ { "2", "4", "TRUE" },
+ { "3", "6", "FALSE" },
+ { "4", "8", "FALSE" },
+ { "5", "10", "TRUE" },
+ { "6", "12", "TRUE" },
+ };
+ bool bSuccess = checkOutput<3>(m_pDoc, aDataRange, aOutputCheck, "Converted");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Table output check failed", bSuccess);
+ }
+ // Make sure that B3:B4 and B7:B8 are formula cells.
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,2,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,3,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,6,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,7,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ // Make sure that B5:C6 are numeric cells.
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,4,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,5,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(2,4,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(2,5,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ // Make sure that formula cells in C3:C4 and C7:C8 are grouped.
+ const ScFormulaCell* pFC = m_pDoc->GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(2,2,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedTopRow() == 2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedLength() == 2);
+ pFC = m_pDoc->GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(2,6,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedTopRow() == 6);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedLength() == 2);
+ // Undo and check.
+ SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = m_pDoc->GetUndoManager();
+ pUndoMgr->Undo();
+ {
+ // Expected output table content. 0 = empty cell
+ const char* aOutputCheck[][3] = {
+ { "1", "2", "TRUE" },
+ { "2", "4", "TRUE" },
+ { "3", "6", "TRUE" },
+ { "4", "8", "TRUE" },
+ { "5", "10", "TRUE" },
+ { "6", "12", "TRUE" },
+ };
+ bool bSuccess = checkOutput<3>(m_pDoc, aDataRange, aOutputCheck, "After undo");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Table output check failed", bSuccess);
+ }
+ // B3:B8 should all be (ungrouped) formula cells.
+ for (SCROW i = 2; i <= 7; ++i)
+ {
+ pFC = m_pDoc->GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(1,i,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!pFC->IsShared());
+ }
+ // C3:C8 should be shared formula cells.
+ pFC = m_pDoc->GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(2,2,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedTopRow() == 2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedLength() == 6);
+ // Redo and check.
+ pUndoMgr->Redo();
+ {
+ // Expected output table content. 0 = empty cell
+ const char* aOutputCheck[][3] = {
+ { "1", "2", "TRUE" },
+ { "2", "4", "TRUE" },
+ { "3", "6", "FALSE" },
+ { "4", "8", "FALSE" },
+ { "5", "10", "TRUE" },
+ { "6", "12", "TRUE" },
+ };
+ bool bSuccess = checkOutput<3>(m_pDoc, aDataRange, aOutputCheck, "Converted");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Table output check failed", bSuccess);
+ }
+ // Make sure that B3:B4 and B7:B8 are formula cells.
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,2,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,3,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,6,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,7,0)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
+ // Make sure that B5:C6 are numeric cells.
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,4,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(1,5,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(2,4,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(m_pDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(2,5,0)) == CELLTYPE_VALUE);
+ // Make sure that formula cells in C3:C4 and C7:C8 are grouped.
+ pFC = m_pDoc->GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(2,2,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedTopRow() == 2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedLength() == 2);
+ pFC = m_pDoc->GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(2,6,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedTopRow() == 6);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pFC->GetSharedLength() == 2);
+ // Undo again and make sure the recovered formulas in C5:C6 still track B5:B6.
+ pUndoMgr->Undo();
+ m_pDoc->SetValue(ScAddress(1,4,0), 10);
+ m_pDoc->SetValue(ScAddress(1,5,0), 11);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(20.0, m_pDoc->GetValue(ScAddress(2,4,0)));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(22.0, m_pDoc->GetValue(ScAddress(2,5,0)));
+ m_pDoc->DeleteTab(0);
void Test::testMixData()
m_pDoc->InsertTab(0, "Test");
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.hxx b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.hxx
index e968f6c0f85d..e59378cefa7b 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.hxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.hxx
@@ -387,6 +387,8 @@ public:
void testDeleteContents();
void testTransliterateText();
+ void testFormulaToValue();
void testColumnFindEditCells();
@@ -569,6 +571,7 @@ public:
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testFormulaToValue);