path: root/sc
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authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-11-05 12:40:19 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-11-05 12:40:19 +0000
commitf93bbc9f6477ba5263337eb57a0e9320488cc17a (patch)
tree1a94c1ad5607a4c135c6683e77d365bbd14d92a8 /sc
parente50213e33908daf55c086787d529a1c016b55269 (diff)
2003/10/02 13:06:11 dr #101529# new NAME import, update of imp/exp link managers
Diffstat (limited to 'sc')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/xelink.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/xelink.hxx
index c0cda65b5e21..af37f1767879 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/xelink.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/xelink.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: xelink.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
- * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-05-27 10:37:38 $
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-11-05 13:40:19 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@
#include "markdata.hxx"
+#ifndef SC_XLLINK_HXX
+#include "xllink.hxx"
#include "xehelper.hxx"
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ struct SingleRefData;
Classes for export of different kinds of internal/external references.
- 3D cell and cell range links
- External cell and cell range links
+- Internal and external defined names
- Add-in functions
- DDE links
- OLE object links
@@ -95,22 +99,6 @@ typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16 > > XclExpRefLogVec;
(i.e. external link sheets, scenario sheets). */
class XclExpTabIdBuffer
- typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< sal_uInt16, sal_uInt8 > > IndexEntryVec;
- IndexEntryVec maIndexVec; /// Array of sheet index information.
- sal_uInt16 mnScCnt; /// Count of Calc sheets.
- sal_uInt16 mnXclCnt; /// Count of Excel sheets to be exported.
- sal_uInt16 mnExtCnt; /// Count of external link sheets (in Calc).
- sal_uInt16 mnCodeCnt; /// Count of codepages.
- ScfUInt16Vec maFromSortedVec; /// Sorted index -> real index.
- ScfUInt16Vec maToSortedVec; /// Real index -> sorted index.
- XclExpRefLogVec maRefLog; /// A log for each requested Excel sheet index.
- bool mbEnableLog; /// true = log all sheet indexes (for formula compiler).
/** Initializes the complete buffer from the passed document. */
explicit XclExpTabIdBuffer( ScDocument& rDoc );
@@ -153,388 +141,28 @@ private:
void CalcXclIndexes();
/** Sorts the names of all tables and stores the indexes of the sorted indexes. */
void CalcSortedIndexes( ScDocument& rDoc );
-// External names =============================================================
-/** This is a base class for any external name (i.e. add-in names or DDE links).
- @descr Derived classes implement creation and export of the external names. */
-class XclExpExtNameBase : public XclExpRecord
- String maName; /// Name of the external name.
- sal_uInt16 mnFlags; /// Flags for record export.
- /** @param nFlags The flags to export directly.
- @param nAddSize The size of additional data derived classes will write. */
- explicit XclExpExtNameBase(
- const String& rName,
- sal_uInt16 nFlags = 0,
- sal_uInt32 nAddSize = 0 );
- virtual ~XclExpExtNameBase();
- /** Returns the name string of the external name. */
- inline const String& GetName() const { return maName; }
- /** Writes the start of the record that is equal in all EXTERNNAME records and calls WriteAddData(). */
- virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
- /** Called to write additional data following the common record contents.
- @descr Derived classes should overwrite this function to write their data. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Represents an EXTERNNAME record for an add-in function name. */
-class XclExpExtNameAddIn : public XclExpExtNameBase
- inline explicit XclExpExtNameAddIn( const String& rName ) :
- XclExpExtNameBase( rName, 0, 4 ) {}
- /** Writes additional record contents. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Represents an EXTERNNAME record for a DDE link. */
-class XclExpExtNameDde : public XclExpExtNameBase
- typedef ::std::auto_ptr< XclExpCachedMatrix > XclExpCachedMatrixPtr;
- XclExpCachedMatrixPtr mpMatrix; /// Cached results of the DDE link.
- sal_uInt32 mnBaseSize; /// Cached size of base record.
- explicit XclExpExtNameDde( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nFlags );
- /** Inserts result list of a DDE link. */
- bool InsertDde(
- const XclExpRoot& rRoot,
- const String& rApplic,
- const String& rTopic,
- const String& rItem );
- /** Writes additional record contents. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** List of all external names of a sheet. */
-class XclExpExtNameList : XclExpRecordBase
- XclExpRecordList< XclExpExtNameBase > maNameList; /// The list with all EXTERNNAME records.
- bool mbHasDde; /// true = contains DDE links.
- explicit XclExpExtNameList() : mbHasDde( false ) {}
- /** Inserts an add-in function name
- @return The 1-based (Excel-like) list index of the name. */
- sal_uInt16 InsertAddIn( const String& rName );
- /** Inserts a DDE link.
- @return The 1-based (Excel-like) list index of the DDE link. */
- sal_uInt16 InsertDde(
- const XclExpRoot& rRoot,
- const String& rApplic,
- const String& rTopic,
- const String& rItem );
- /** Writes the EXTERNNAME record list. */
- virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
- /** Returns the 1-based (Excel-like) list index of the external name or 0, if not found. */
- sal_uInt16 GetIndex( const String& rName ) const;
- /** Appends the external name.
- @return The 1-based (Excel-like) list index of the appended name. */
- sal_uInt16 Append( XclExpExtNameBase* pName );
-// Cached external cells ======================================================
-/** Base class to store the contents of one external cell (record CRN). */
-class XclExpCrn : public XclExpRecord
- sal_uInt16 mnCol; /// Column index of the external cell.
- sal_uInt16 mnRow; /// Row index of the external cell.
- sal_uInt8 mnId; /// Identifier for data type (EXC_CACHEDVAL_***).
- /** @param nAddSize The size of additional data derived classes will write. */
- explicit XclExpCrn( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt8 nId, sal_uInt32 nAddLen = 0 );
- /** Writes the start of the record that is equal in all CRN records and calls WriteAddData(). */
- virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
- /** Called to write additional data following the common record contents.
- @descr Derived classes should overwrite this function to write their data. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm ) = 0;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Cached data of an external value cell. */
-class XclExpCrnDouble : public XclExpCrn
- double mfVal; /// Value of the cached cell.
- explicit XclExpCrnDouble( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, double fVal );
- /** Writes the double value following the common record contents. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Cached data of an external text cell. */
-class XclExpCrnString : public XclExpCrn
- XclExpString maText; /// Text of the cached cell.
- explicit XclExpCrnString( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, const String& rText );
- /** Writes the string following the common record contents. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// Cached data of an external Boolean cell. */
-class XclExpCrnBool : public XclExpCrn
- sal_uInt16 mnBool; /// Boolean value of the cached cell.
- explicit XclExpCrnBool( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nRow, bool bBoolVal );
- /** Writes the Boolean value following the common record contents. */
- virtual void WriteAddData( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// Represents the record XCT which is the header record of a CRN record list. */
-class XclExpXct : public XclExpRecord
- XclExpRecordList< XclExpCrn > maCrnList; /// CRN records that follow this record.
- ScMarkData maUsedCells; /// Contains addresses of all stored cells.
- XclExpString maTable; /// Sheet name of the external sheet.
- sal_uInt16 mnXclTab; /// Excel sheet index.
- explicit XclExpXct( const String& rTabName );
- /** Returns the external sheet name. */
- inline const XclExpString& GetTableName() const { return maTable; }
- /** Sets the Excel sheet index. */
- inline void SetXclTab( sal_uInt16 nXclTab ) { mnXclTab = nXclTab; }
- /** Stores all cells in the given range in the CRN list. */
- void StoreCellRange( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ScRange& rRange );
- /** Writes the XCT and all CRN records. */
- virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
- /** Writes the XCT record contents. */
- virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// External documents =========================================================
-/** The SUPBOOK record contains data for an external document (URL, sheet names, external values). */
-class XclExpSupbook : public XclExpRecord
- typedef ::std::auto_ptr< XclExpExtNameList > XclExpExtNameListPtr;
- /** This enumeration specifies the type of a SUPBOOK record. */
- enum XclExpSBType
- {
- xlSBSelf, /// SUPBOOK is used for internal references.
- xlSBUrl, /// SUPBOOK is used for external references.
- xlSBDde, /// SUPBOOK is used for DDE links.
- xlSBAddIn /// SUPBOOK contains add-in functions.
- };
- XclExpRecordList< XclExpXct > maXctList; /// List of XCT records (which contain CRN records).
- String maUrl; /// URL of the external document or application name for DDE.
- String maDdeTopic; /// Topic of an DDE link.
- XclExpString maUrlEncoded; /// Document name encoded for Excel.
- XclExpExtNameListPtr mpExtNameList; /// List of EXTERNNAME records.
- XclExpSBType meType; /// Type of this SUPBOOK record.
- sal_uInt16 mnTables; /// Count of sheets.
- /** Creates a SUPBOOK record for internal references. */
- explicit XclExpSupbook( sal_uInt16 nTabs );
- /** Creates a SUPBOOK record for add-in functions. */
- explicit XclExpSupbook();
- /** Creates a SUPBOOK record for an external document. */
- explicit XclExpSupbook( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const String& rUrl );
- /** Creates a SUPBOOK record for a DDE link. */
- explicit XclExpSupbook( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const String& rApplic, const String& rTopic );
- /** Returns document URL encoded for Excel. */
- inline const XclExpString& GetUrlEncoded() const { return maUrlEncoded; }
- /** Returns the sheet name inside of this SUPBOOK. */
- const XclExpString* GetTableName( sal_uInt16 nXct ) const;
- /** Returns true, if this SUPBOOK contains the passed URL of an external document. */
- bool IsUrlLink( const String& rUrl ) const;
- /** Returns true, if this SUPBOOK contains the passed DDE link. */
- bool IsDdeLink( const String& rApplic, const String& rTopic ) const;
- /** Stores all cells in the given range in the CRN list of the XCT with index nXct. */
- void StoreCellRange( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ScRange& rRange, sal_uInt16 nXct );
- /** Inserts a new XCT record with the given sheet name.
- @return The sheet index. */
- sal_uInt16 InsertTable( const String& rTabName );
- /** Finds or inserts an EXTERNNAME record for add-ins.
- @return The 1-based EXTERNNAME record index. */
- sal_uInt16 InsertAddIn( const String& rName );
- /** Finds or inserts an EXTERNNAME record for DDE links.
- @return The 1-based EXTERNNAME record index. */
- sal_uInt16 InsertDde( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const String& rItem );
- /** Writes the SUPBOOK and all EXTERNNAME, XCT and CRN records. */
- virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
- /** Creates and returns the list of EXTERNNAME records. */
- XclExpExtNameList& GetExtNameList();
- /** Writes the SUPBOOK record contents. */
- virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Contains a list of all SUPBOOK records and index arrays of external sheets. */
-class XclExpSupbookBuffer : public XclExpRecordBase, protected XclExpRoot
- XclExpRecordList< XclExpSupbook > maSupbookList; /// List of all SUPBOOK records.
- ScfUInt16Vec maSBIndexBuffer; /// SUPBOOK index for each Excel sheet.
- ScfUInt16Vec maXtiBuffer; /// Sheet indexes inside of SUPBOOK records for each Excel sheet.
- sal_uInt16 mnAddInSB; /// Index to add-in SUPBOOK.
- explicit XclExpSupbookBuffer( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
- /** Returns the external document URL of the Excel sheet nXclTab. */
- const XclExpString* GetUrl( sal_uInt16 nXclTab ) const;
- /** Returns the external sheet name of the Excel sheet nXclTab. */
- const XclExpString* GetTableName( sal_uInt16 nXclTab ) const;
- /** Finds SUPBOOK index and SUPBOOK sheet range from given Excel sheet range.
- @param rnSupbook Returns the index of the SUPBOOK record containing the sheet range.
- @param rnXtiFirst Returns the index of the first XTI structure.
- @param rnXtiLast Returns the index of the last XTI structure. */
- void GetXtiRange(
- sal_uInt16& rnSupbook, sal_uInt16& rnXtiFirst, sal_uInt16& rnXtiLast,
- sal_uInt16 nXclFirst, sal_uInt16 nXclLast ) const;
+ typedef ::std::vector< ::std::pair< sal_uInt16, sal_uInt8 > > IndexEntryVec;
- /** Stores all cells in the given range in a CRN record list. */
- void StoreCellRange( const ScRange& rRange );
+ IndexEntryVec maIndexVec; /// Array of sheet index information.
- /** Finds or inserts an EXTERNNAME record for an add-in function name.
- @param rnSupbook Returns the index of the SUPBOOK record which contains the add-in function name.
- @param rnExtName Returns the 1-based EXTERNNAME record index. */
- void InsertAddIn(
- sal_uInt16& rnSupbook, sal_uInt16& rnExtName,
- const String& rName );
- /** Finds or inserts an EXTERNNAME record for DDE links.
- @param rnSupbook Returns the index of the SUPBOOK record which contains the DDE link.
- @param rnExtName Returns the 1-based EXTERNNAME record index. */
- void InsertDde(
- sal_uInt16& rnSupbook, sal_uInt16& rnExtName,
- const String& rApplic, const String& rTopic, const String& rItem );
+ sal_uInt16 mnScCnt; /// Count of Calc sheets.
+ sal_uInt16 mnXclCnt; /// Count of Excel sheets to be exported.
+ sal_uInt16 mnExtCnt; /// Count of external link sheets (in Calc).
+ sal_uInt16 mnCodeCnt; /// Count of codepages.
- /** Writes all SUPBOOK records with their sub records. */
- virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
+ ScfUInt16Vec maFromSortedVec; /// Sorted index -> real index.
+ ScfUInt16Vec maToSortedVec; /// Real index -> sorted index.
- /** Returns the SUPBOOK record of an Excel sheet. */
- XclExpSupbook* GetSupbook( sal_uInt16 nXclTab ) const;
- /** Searches for the SUPBOOK record containing the passed document URL.
- @param rnIndex Returns the list index, if the SUPBOOK exists.
- @return The SUPBOOK record or NULL, if not found. */
- XclExpSupbook* GetSupbookUrl( sal_uInt16& rnIndex, const String& rUrl ) const;
- /** Searches for the SUPBOOK record containing the passed DDE link.
- @param rnIndex Returns the list index, if the SUPBOOK exists.
- @return The SUPBOOK record or NULL, if not found. */
- XclExpSupbook* GetSupbookDde( sal_uInt16& rnIndex, const String& rApplic, const String& rTopic ) const;
- /** Appends a new SUPBOOK to the list.
- @return The list index of the SUPBOOK record. */
- sal_uInt16 Append( XclExpSupbook* pBook );
- /** Creates and appends an external SUPBOOK record from the Calc sheet nScTab. */
- void AddExt( sal_uInt16 nScTab );
+ XclExpRefLogVec maRefLog; /// A log for each requested Excel sheet index.
+ bool mbEnableLog; /// true = log all sheet indexes (for formula compiler).
// Export link manager ========================================================
-/** This struct contains a sheet index range for 3D references.
- @descr This reference consists of an index to a SUPBOOK record and indexes
- to SUPBOOK sheet names. */
-struct XclExpXti
- sal_uInt16 mnSupb; /// Index to SUPBOOK record.
- sal_uInt16 mnFirst; /// Index to the first sheet of the range.
- sal_uInt16 mnLast; /// Index to the last sheet of the range.
- inline explicit XclExpXti( sal_uInt16 nSupbook, sal_uInt16 nFirst, sal_uInt16 nLast ) :
- mnSupb( nSupbook ), mnFirst( nFirst ), mnLast( nLast ) {}
- /** Returns true, if this XTI contains the given values. */
- inline bool Equals( sal_uInt16 nSupbook, sal_uInt16 nFirst, sal_uInt16 nLast ) const
- {return (mnSupb == nSupbook) && (mnFirst == nFirst) && (mnLast == nLast); }
- /** Writes this XTI structure (inside of the EXTERNSHEET record). */
- inline void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ) const
- { rStrm << mnSupb << mnFirst << mnLast; }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class XclExpLinkManager_Impl;
/** Stores all EXTERNSHEET and SUPBOOK record data.
@descr This is the central class for export of all external references.
@@ -550,25 +178,20 @@ struct XclExpXti
and sheet indexes for each external reference used anywhere in the workbook.
This record follows a list of SUPBOOK records.
-class XclExpLinkManager : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpRoot
+class XclExpLinkManager : public XclExpRecordBase
- ScfDelList< XclExpXti > maXtiList; /// List of XTI structures.
- XclExpSupbookBuffer maSBBuffer; /// List of all SUPBOOK records.
explicit XclExpLinkManager( const XclExpRoot& rRoot );
+ virtual ~XclExpLinkManager();
/** Searches for XTI structure with the given Excel sheet range. Adds new XTI if not found.
@return The list index of the XTI structure. */
sal_uInt16 FindXti( sal_uInt16 nXclFirst, sal_uInt16 nXclLast );
/** Returns the external document URL of the specified Excel sheet. */
- inline const XclExpString* GetUrl( sal_uInt16 nXclTab )
- { return maSBBuffer.GetUrl( nXclTab ); }
+ const XclExpString* GetUrl( sal_uInt16 nXclTab ) const;
/** Returns the external sheet name of the specified Excel sheet. */
- inline const XclExpString* GetTableName( sal_uInt16 nXclTab )
- { return maSBBuffer.GetTableName( nXclTab ); }
+ const XclExpString* GetTableName( sal_uInt16 nXclTab ) const;
/** Stores the cell with the given address in a CRN record list. */
void StoreCellCont( const SingleRefData& rRef );
@@ -588,19 +211,12 @@ public:
sal_uInt16& rnXti, sal_uInt16& rnExtName,
const String& rApplic, const String& rTopic, const String& rItem );
- /** Writes the EXTERNSHEET record and all SUPBOOK records with their sub records. */
+ /** Writes the entire Link table. */
virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm );
- /** Appends an XTI structure to the list.
- @return The list index of the XTI structure. */
- sal_uInt16 AppendXti( XclExpXti* pXti );
- /** Searches for or inserts a new XTI structure.
- @return The list index of the XTI structure. */
- sal_uInt16 InsertXti( sal_uInt16 nSupbook, sal_uInt16 nXtiFirst, sal_uInt16 nXtiLast );
- /** Writes the EXTERNSHEET record contents with its XTI structures. */
- virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm );
+ typedef ::std::auto_ptr< XclExpLinkManager_Impl > XclExpLinkManager_ImplPtr;
+ XclExpLinkManager_ImplPtr mpImpl;