path: root/scaddins/source/datefunc
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authorHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2004-06-26 16:24:45 +0000
committerHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2004-06-26 16:24:45 +0000
commit6487ebd36d0e508a6548a0e5b15e999225c03e14 (patch)
treea33c285c574a00cc5608f1235f463ec4161b54e5 /scaddins/source/datefunc
parentc042a47860da8988b2c3bb3e93cb7642d359a4a9 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS mergebuild (1.20.14); FILE MERGED
2004/04/20 21:06:10 hjs RESYNC: (1.20-1.21); FILE MERGED 2004/02/23 11:26:39 ihi Merge-While-Build update 2003/12/16 16:18:35 ihi x-no-translate conversion 2003/11/11 19:20:58 ihi en -> en-US 2003/11/10 17:37:18 ihi #111234# Merge during build
Diffstat (limited to 'scaddins/source/datefunc')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 1322 deletions
diff --git a/scaddins/source/datefunc/datefunc.src b/scaddins/source/datefunc/datefunc.src
index 9723516058c4..9d5458341b32 100644
--- a/scaddins/source/datefunc/datefunc.src
+++ b/scaddins/source/datefunc/datefunc.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: datefunc.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.21 $
+ * $Revision: 1.22 $
- * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 18:39:39 $
+ * last change: $Author: hjs $ $Date: 2004-06-26 17:24:45 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -69,234 +69,45 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description DiffWeeks
- Text = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Wochen in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
- Text[ english ] = "Determines the number of weeks in a specific period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Calculates the number of weeks in a specific period";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Determines the number of weeks in a specific period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Berekent het aantal weken binnen een bepaalde periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Calcule le nombre de semaines dans une priode dtermine.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula el nmero de semanas en un periodo determinado.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laskee annetun aikavlin viikkojen mrn";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero di settimane di un determinato periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Beregner antal uger i en bestemt tidsperiode.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Berknar antalet veckor i en specifik period.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wyznacza liczb tygodni w podanym okresie.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Calcula o nmero de semanas em um dado perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "指定された期間内の週数を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 주 수를 계산합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算某一个周期内所包含的星期数目。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "傳回某一時期內的週數目。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Belirli bir dnemdeki haftalarn saysn hesaplar";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Determines the number of weeks in a specific period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Determina el nmero de setmanes d'un perode especfic.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Calculates the number of weeks in a specific period";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí počet týdnů v zadaném období";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Wochen in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "निर्दिष्ट अवधि में रहनेवाला सप्ताह की संख्या को गणना करता है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti počet týždňov v zadanom období";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kiszámítja az adott időszakba eső hetek számát.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izračuna število tednov v določenem obdobju";
+ Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Wochen in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Calculates the number of weeks in a specific period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 DiffWeeks
- Text = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text[ english ] = "Start date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Start date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data inicial";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Begindatum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date initiale";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alkupivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale";
- Text[ danish ] = "Startdato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Startdatum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data pocztkowa";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data inicial";
- Text[ japanese ] = "開始日";
- Text[ korean ] = "시작 날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start_date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Balang tarihi";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Start date";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data d'inici";
- Text[ thai ] = "Start date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Počáteční datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "प्रारंभ दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Počiatočný dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "kezdő dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Začetni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 DiffWeeks
- Text = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ english ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "First day of the period";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "De eerste dag van de periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Premier jour de la priode.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Primer da del periodo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kauden ensimminen piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Primo giorno del periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Frste dag i tidsperioden.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta dagen i perioden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pierwszy dzie okresu";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Primeiro dia do perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "期間の開始日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 시작 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "周期内的第一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時期的第一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dnemin birinci gn.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Primer dia del perode.";
- Text[ thai ] = "First day of the period";
- Text[ czech ] = "První den období";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अवधि का पहिला दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prvý deň obdobia";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az időszak első napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Prvi dan obdobja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "First day of the period";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 DiffWeeks
- Text = "Enddatum";
- Text[ english ] = "End date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "End date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data final";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Einddatum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date de fin";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Loppupivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data finale";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slutdato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slutdatum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data kocowa";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data final";
- Text[ japanese ] = "終了日";
- Text[ korean ] = "최종 날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "end_date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end_date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Biti tarihi";
- Text[ arabic ] = "End date";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data final";
- Text[ thai ] = "วันที่สิ้นสุด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Koncové datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Enddatum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अंतिम दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Koncový dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "befejező dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Končni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 DiffWeeks
- Text = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ english ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Last day of the period";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Laatste dag van de periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Dernier jour de la priode.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "ltimo da del periodo.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kauden viimeinen piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo giorno del periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Sidste dag i tidsperioden.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Sista dagen i perioden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ostatni dzie okresu.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ltimo dia do perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "期間の終了日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 마지막 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "周期内的最后一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時期的最後一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dnemin son gn.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "ltim dia del perode.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Last day of the period";
- Text[ czech ] = "Poslední den období";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अवधि का अंतिम दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posledný deň obdobia";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az időszak utolsó napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Zadnji dan obdobja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Last day of the period";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 DiffWeeks
- Text = "Art";
- Text[ english ] = "Mode";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Type";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mode";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Soort";
- Text[ french ] = "Mode";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laji";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ danish ] = "Type";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Typ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "単位";
- Text[ korean ] = "유형";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "type";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "type";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tr";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Mode";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mode";
- Text[ thai ] = "Type";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סוג‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "वर्ग";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Typ";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "típus";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Art";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 DiffWeeks
- Text = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 fr Wochenanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 fr Kalenderwochen.";
- Text[ english ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar weeks.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar weeks.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar weeks.";
- Text[ russian ] = " : =0 ; =1 .";
- Text[ greek ] = " : =0 , =1 .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Soort berekening: soort=0 voor aantal weken in interval, soort=1 voor kalenderweken.";
- Text[ french ] = "Type de calcul : Mode=0 pour le nombre de semaines dans l'intervalle, Mode=1 pour les semaines du calendrier.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de calculacin: Tipo=0 significa el nmero de semanas y Tipo=1 el nmero de semanas del calendario.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laskennan laji: 0 on aikavli, 1 tarkoittaa kalenteriviikkoja";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tipo di calcolo: Tipo=0 indica il numero di settimane nell'intervallo, tipo=1 indica la settimana.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Beregningstype: Type = 0 for ugeantal i intervallet, Type = 1 for kalenderuger.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typ av berkning: typ=0 fr veckoantal i intervallet, typ=1 fr kalenderveckor.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rodzaj obliczania: Typ=0 oznacza liczb tygodni, Typ=1 - tygodnie kalendarzowe.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo de clculo: Tipo=0 significa intervalo de tempo; Tipo=1 significa semanas do calendrio.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "戻り値の単位と種類: 単位=0 は期間内の週数、単位=1 はカレンダーの週。";
- Text[ korean ] = "계산 유형: 유형=0인 경우는 시간 간격, 유형=1인 경우에는 1년 중 몇 번째 주에 해당하는지를 의미합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算类型:Type=0 表示该周期内包含的星期数,Type=1 表示星期序列数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計算的類型:type=0 表示時期的週數目,type=1 表示週的序列數。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hesaplama trn giriniz: Type=0 zaman aral, Type=1 takvimde haftalar anlamna gelir. ";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar weeks.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Tipus de clcul: Mode=0 s l'interval de temps, mode=1 sn setmanes de calendari.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar weeks.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ výpočtu: Typ=0 určuje časový interval, Typ=1 znamená kalendářní týdny.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 für Wochenanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 für Kalenderwochen.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "गणना करने का वर्ग: वर्ग=0 का अर्थ समय का अंतराल है, वर्ग=1 का अर्थ केलन्डर सप्ताह है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Typ výpočtu: Typ=0 určuje časový interval, Typ=1 znamená kalendárne týždne.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A számítás típusa. Ha a típus 0, akkor időszakot, ha pedig 1, akkor naptári hetet használ a függvény a számításhoz.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta izračuna: Vrsta=0 je časovni interval, Vrsta=1 so koledarski tedni";
+ Text [ de ] = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 fr Wochenanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 fr Kalenderwochen.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar weeks.";
@@ -304,234 +115,45 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description DiffMonths
- Text = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Monate in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
- Text[ english ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Berekent het aantal maanden in een bepaalde periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Calcule le nombre de mois dans une priode dtermine.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula el nmero de meses en un periodo determinado.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mritt annetun kauden kuukausien mrn";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero di mesi in un determinato periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Beregner antal mneder i en bestemt tidsperiode.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Berknar antalet mnader i en specifik period.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Okrela liczb miesicy w podanym okresie.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Determina o nmero de meses de um dado perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "指定された期間内の月数を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 개월 수를 지정합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算指定时期内所包含的月份数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "傳回某一時期的月份數目。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Verilen zaman aralndaki ay saysn hesaplar.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Determina el nmero de mesos d'un perode especfic";
- Text[ thai ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí počet měsíců v zadaném období.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Monate in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "निर्दिष्ट अवधि में मासों की संख्या को निर्धार करता है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti počet mesiacov v zadanom období.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Meghatározza a hónapok számát egy adott időszakban.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Določi število mesecev v določenem obdobju";
+ Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Monate in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Determines the number of months in a specific period.";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 DiffMonths
- Text = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text[ english ] = "Start date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Start date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data inicial";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Begindatum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date initiale";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alkupivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale";
- Text[ danish ] = "Startdato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Startdatum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data pocztkowa";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data inicial";
- Text[ japanese ] = "開始日";
- Text[ korean ] = "시작 날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start_date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Balang tarihi";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Start date";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data d'inici";
- Text[ thai ] = "Start date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Počáteční datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "प्रारंभ दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Počiatočný dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "kezdő dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Začetni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 DiffMonths
- Text = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ english ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Eerste dag van de periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Premier jour de la priode.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Primer da del periodo.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kauden ensimminen piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Primo giorno del periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Frste dag i tidsperioden.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta dagen i perioden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pierwszy dzie okresu";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Primeiro dia do perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "期間の開始日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 시작 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "该时期内的第一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時期的第一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dnemin birinci gn.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Primer dia del perode.";
- Text[ thai ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ czech ] = "První den období.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अवधि का पहिला दिन ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prvý deň obdobia.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az időszak első napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Prvi dan obdobja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "First day of the period.";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 DiffMonths
- Text = "Enddatum";
- Text[ english ] = "End date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "End date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data final";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Einddatum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date de fin";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Loppupivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data finale";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slutdato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slutdatum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data kocowa";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data final";
- Text[ japanese ] = "終了日";
- Text[ korean ] = "최종 날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "end_date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end_date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Biti tarihi";
- Text[ arabic ] = "End date";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data final";
- Text[ thai ] = "วันที่สิ้นสุด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Koncové datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Enddatum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अंतिम दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Koncový dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "befejező dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Končni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 DiffMonths
- Text = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ english ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Laatste dag van de periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Dernier jour de la priode.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "ltimo da del periodo.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kauden viimeinen piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo giorno del periodo";
- Text[ danish ] = "Sidste dag i tidsperioden.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Sista dagen i perioden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ostatni dzie okresu.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ltimo dia do perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "期間の終了日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 마지막 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "该时期内的最后一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時期的最後一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dnemin son gn.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "ltim dia del perode.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Poslední den období.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अवधि का अंतिम दिन ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posledný deň obdobia.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az időszak utolsó napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Zadnji dan obdobja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Last day of the period.";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 DiffMonths
- Text = "Art";
- Text[ english ] = "Mode";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Type";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mode";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Type";
- Text[ french ] = "Mode";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laji";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ danish ] = "Type";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Typ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "単位";
- Text[ korean ] = "유형";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "type";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "type";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tr";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Mode";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mode";
- Text[ thai ] = "Type";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סוג‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "वर्ग";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Typ";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "típus";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Art";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 DiffMonths
- Text = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 fr Monatsanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 fr Kalendermonate.";
- Text[ english ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar months.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar months.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar months.";
- Text[ russian ] = " : =0 ; =1 .";
- Text[ greek ] = " : =0 , =1 .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Soort berekening: soort=0 voor aantal maanden in interval, soort=1 voor kalendermaanden.";
- Text[ french ] = "Type de calcul : Mode=0 pour le nombre de mois dans l'intervalle, Mode=1 pour les mois du calendrier.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de calculacin: Tipo=0 para el nmero de meses, Tipo=1 para el mes del calendario.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laskennan laji: 0 on aikavli, 1 tarkoittaa kalenterikuukausia";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tipo di calcolo: Tipo=0 indica il numero di mesi dell'intervallo, tipo=1 indica il mese.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Beregningstype: Type = 0 for mnedsantal i intervallet, Type = 1 for kalendermneder.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typ av berkning: typ=0 fr mnadsantal i intervallet, typ=1 fr kalendermnader.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rodzaj obliczania: Typ=0 oznacza liczb miesicy, Typ=1 - miesice kalendarzowe.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo de clculo: Tipo=0 significa intervalo de tempo; Tipo=1 significa meses do calendrio.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "戻り値の単位と種類: 単位=0 は期間内の月数、単位=1 はカレンダーの月。";
- Text[ korean ] = "계산 유형: 유형=0인 경우는 시간 간격, 유형=1인 경우에는 1년 중 몇 번째 월에 해당하는지를 의미합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算类型:Type=0 表示该时期内所包含的月份数,Type=1 表示月序列数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計算的類型:type=0 表示時期的月份數目,type=1 表示月份的序列數。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar months.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar months.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Tipus de clcul: Mode=0 s l'interval de temps, mode=1 sn mesos de calendari.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar months.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ výpočtu: Typ=0 určuje časový interval, Typ=1 znamená kalendářní měsíce.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 für Monatsanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 für Kalendermonate.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "गणना करने का वर्ग: वर्ग=0 का अर्थ समय का अंतराल है, वर्ग=1 का अर्थ केलन्डर मास है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Typ výpočtu: Typ=0 určuje časový interval, Typ=1 znamená kalendárne mesiace.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A számítás típusa. Ha a típus 0, akkor időintervallum, ha pedig 1, akkor naptári hónapok szerint történik a számítás.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta izračuna: Vrsta=0 je časovni interval, Vrsta=1 so koledarski meseci";
+ Text [ de ] = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 fr Monatsanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 fr Kalendermonate.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Type=1 means calendar months.";
@@ -539,234 +161,45 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description DiffYears
- Text = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Jahre in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
- Text[ english ] = "Determines the number of years in a specific period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Calculates the number of years in a specific period.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Determines the number of years in a specific period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Berekent het aantal jaren binnen een bepaalde periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Calcule le nombre d'annes dans une priode dtermine.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula el nmero de aos en un determinado periodo.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laskee annetun aikavlin vuosien mrn";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero di anni in un determinato periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Beregner antal r i en bestemt tidsperiode.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Berknar antalet r i en specifik period.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wyznacza liczb lat w podanym okresie.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Calcula o nmero de meses de um dado perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "指定された期間内の年数を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 연수를 계산합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算某一个周期内所包含的年数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "傳回某一時期的年份數目。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Belirlenen bir zaman aralndaki yllar hesaplar.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Determines the number of years in a specific period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Determina el nmero d'anys d'un perode especfic.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Calculates the number of years in a specific period.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí počet roků v zadaném období.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Jahre in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "निर्दिष्ट अवधि में रहनेवाला वर्षों की संख्या को गणना करता है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti počet rokov v zadanom období.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Kiszámítja az évek számát a megadott időtartamban.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Izračuna število let v določenem obdobju";
+ Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Anzahl der Jahre in einem bestimmten Zeitraum.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Calculates the number of years in a specific period.";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 DiffYears
- Text = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text[ english ] = "Start date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Start date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data inicial";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Begindatum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date initiale";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alkupivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale";
- Text[ danish ] = "Startdato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Startdatum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data pocztkowa";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data inicial";
- Text[ japanese ] = "開始日";
- Text[ korean ] = "시작 날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start_date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Balang tarihi";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Start date";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data d'inici";
- Text[ thai ] = "Start date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Počáteční datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "प्रारंभ दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Počiatočný dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "kezdő dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Začetni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 DiffYears
- Text = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ english ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "First day of the period";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Eerste dag van de periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Premier jour de la priode.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Primer da del periodo.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kauden ensimminen piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Primo giorno del periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Frste dag i tidsperioden.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta dagen i perioden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Pierwszy dzie okresu";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Primeiro dia do perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "期間の開始日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 시작 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "周期内的第一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時期的第一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dnemin birinci gn.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "First day of the period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Primer dia del perode.";
- Text[ thai ] = "First day of the period";
- Text[ czech ] = "První den období";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अवधि का पहिला दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prvý deň obdobia";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az időszak első napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Prvi dan obdobja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Erster Tag des Zeitraums.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "First day of the period";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 DiffYears
- Text = "Enddatum";
- Text[ english ] = "End date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "End date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data final";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Einddatum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date de fin";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Loppupivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data finale";
- Text[ danish ] = "Slutdato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Slutdatum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data kocowa";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data final";
- Text[ japanese ] = "終了日";
- Text[ korean ] = "최종 날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "end_date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end_date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Biti tarihi";
- Text[ arabic ] = "End date";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data final";
- Text[ thai ] = "วันที่สิ้นสุด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Koncové datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Enddatum";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अंतिम दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Koncový dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "befejező dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Končni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 DiffYears
- Text = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ english ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Last day of the period";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Laatste dag van de periode.";
- Text[ french ] = "Dernier jour de la priode.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "ltimo da del periodo.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kauden viimeinen piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo giorno del periodo.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Sidste dag i tidsperioden.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Sista dagen i perioden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ostatni dzie okresu.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ltimo dia do perodo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "期間の終了日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "특정 기간의 마지막 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "周期内的最后一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "時期的最後一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dnemin son gn.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Last day of the period.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "ltim dia del perode.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Last day of the period";
- Text[ czech ] = "Poslední den období";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अवधि का अंतिम दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Posledný deň obdobia";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az időszak utolsó napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Zadnji dan obdobja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Letzter Tag des Zeitraums.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Last day of the period";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 DiffYears
- Text = "Art";
- Text[ english ] = "Mode";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Type";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Mode";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Type";
- Text[ french ] = "Mode";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laji";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ danish ] = "Type";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Typ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo";
- Text[ japanese ] = "単位";
- Text[ korean ] = "유형";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "type";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "type";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tr";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Mode";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mode";
- Text[ thai ] = "Type";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סוג‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "वर्ग";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Typ";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "típus";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Art";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 DiffYears
- Text = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 fr Jahresanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 fr Kalenderjahre.";
- Text[ english ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar years.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Typee=1 means calendar years.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar years.";
- Text[ russian ] = " : =0 ; =1 .";
- Text[ greek ] = " : =0 , =1 .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Soort berekening: soort=0 voor aantal jaren in interval, soort=1 voor kalenderjaren.";
- Text[ french ] = "Type de calcul : Mode=0 pour le nombre d'annes dans l'intervalle, Mode=1 pour les annes du calendrier.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de calculacin: Tipo=0 significa el nmero de ao, Tipo=1 los aos del calendario.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laskennan laji: 0 on aikavli, 1 tarkoittaa kalenterivuosia";
- Text[ italian ] = "Tipo di calcolo: Tipo=0 indica il numero di anni dell'intervallo, tipo=1 indica l'anno solare.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Beregningstype: Type = 0 for rsantal i intervallet, Type = 1 for kalenderr.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Typ av berkning: typ=0 fr rsantal i intervallet, typ=1 fr kalenderr.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rodzaj obliczania : Typ=0 oznacza liczb lat, Typ=1 - lata kalendarzowe.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo de clculo: Tipo=0 significa intervalo de tempo; Tipo=1 significa anos do calendrio.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "戻り値の単位と種類: 単位=0 は期間内の年数、単位=1 はカレンダーの年。";
- Text[ korean ] = "계산 유형: 유형=0인 경우는 시간 간격, 유형=1인 경우에는 역년을 의미합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计算类型:Type=0 表示该周期内包含的年数,Type=1 表示年序列数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計算的類型:type=0 表示時期的年份數目,type=1 表示年份的序列數。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Typee=1 means calendar years.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Type of calculation: Mode=0 means the time interval, mode=1 means calendar years.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Tipus de clcul: Mode=0 s l'interval de temps, mode=1 sn anys de calendari.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Typee=1 means calendar years.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Typ výpočtu: Typ=0 určuje časový interval, Typ=1 znamená kalendářní roky.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 für Jahresanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 für Kalenderjahre.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "गणना करने का वर्ग: वर्ग=0 का अर्थ समय का अंतराल है, वर्ग=1 का अर्थ केलन्डर वर्ष है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Typ výpočtu: Typ=0 určuje časový interval, Typ=1 znamená kalendárne roky.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A számítás típusa. Ha a típus 0, akkor időintervallum, ha pedig 1, akkor naptári év a számítás típusa.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrsta izračuna: Vrsta=0 je časovni interval, Vrsta=1 so koledarska leta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Art der Berechnung: Art=0 fr Jahresanzahl im Intervall, Art=1 fr Kalenderjahre.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Type of calculation: Type=0 means the time interval, Typee=1 means calendar years.";
@@ -774,102 +207,21 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description IsLeapYear
- Text = "Gibt 1 (WAHR) zurck, wenn das angegebene Datum in einem Schaltjahr liegt, sonst 0 (FALSCH).";
- Text[ english ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ russian ] = " 1 (), , 0 ().";
- Text[ greek ] = " 1 () , 0 ().";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geeft als resultaat 1 (WAAR) als de opgegeven datum in een schrikkeljaar valt, anders 0 (ONWAAR).";
- Text[ french ] = "Renvoie 1 (VRAI) si l'anne d'une date est bissextile, sinon 0 (FAUX).";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve 1 (VERDADERO) si la fecha indicada es ao bisiesto, de lo contrario 0 (FALSO).";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palauttaa arvon 1 (TOSI/TRUE), jos pivmr on karkausvuoden piv. Muutoin palauttaa arvon 0 (EPTOSI/FALSE)";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce 1 (VERO) se la data indicata cade in un anno bisestile oppure 0 (FALSO).";
- Text[ danish ] = "Returnerer 1 (SANDT), hvis den angivne dato ligger i et skudr, ellers 0 (FALSK).";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar 1 (SANT) om det angivna datumet ligger i ett skottr, annars 0 (FALSKT).";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca 1 (PRAWDA), jeeli podana data wypada w roku przestpnym. W przeciwnym razie zwraca 0 (FASZ).";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Retorna 1 (VERDADEIRO) se a data recai em um ano bissexto; caso contrrio, 0 (FALSO).";
- Text[ japanese ] = "指定した日付が閏年に当たる場合は 1 (TRUE) を返します。そうでない場合は 0 (FALSE) を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜가 윤년에 속한 날짜인 경우 1(TRUE)을, 그렇지 않은 경우에는 0(FALSE)을 돌려줍니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "反馈 1 (TRUE),若该日期是闰年内的一个日期,否则反馈 0 (FALSE)。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "如果是閏年,傳回1(TRUE),反之傳回0(FALSE)。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Eer gn artk yla aitse 1 (DORU), aksi takdirde 0 (YANLI) verir.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Torna 1 (TRUE) si s un dia d'un any de trasps, si no 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ thai ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí 1 (TRUE) pokud datum je dnem v přestupném roce, jinak vrátí 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gibt 1 (WAHR) zurück, wenn das angegebene Datum in einem Schaltjahr liegt, sonst 0 (FALSCH).";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अगर दिनांक अधिकवर्ष का एक दिन है तो 1 (TRUE) को वापस करता है, नहीं तो 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti 1 (TRUE) ak dátum je dňom v prestupnom roku, inak vráti 0 (FALSE).";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "1-et (IGAZ) ad vissza, ha a dátum szökőévben van, különben 0-t (HAMIS értéket).";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrne 1 (VELJA), če je datum v prestopnem letu, drugače vrne 0 (NE VELJA)";
+ Text [ de ] = "Gibt 1 (WAHR) zurck, wenn das angegebene Datum in einem Schaltjahr liegt, sonst 0 (FALSCH).";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Returns 1 (TRUE) if the date is a day of a leap year, otherwise 0 (FALSE).";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 IsLeapYear
- Text = "Datum";
- Text[ english ] = "Date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Datum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Pivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Dato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Datum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Date";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarih";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data";
- Text[ thai ] = "Date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תאריך‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 IsLeapYear
- Text = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Jahr.";
- Text[ english ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Any day in the desired year";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Een willekeurige dag in het gewenste jaar.";
- Text[ french ] = "Un jour quelconque dans l'anne en question.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cualquier da en un ao deseado.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mik tahansa halutun vuoden piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Un giorno qualsiasi nell'anno indicato.";
- Text[ danish ] = "En vilkrlig dag i det nskede r.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "En valfri dag p det nskade ret.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dowolny dzie danego roku";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Qualquer dia do ano desejado";
- Text[ japanese ] = "任意の年月日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "원하는 연도의 임의의 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定的一年中的任意一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "某一年份之中的任意一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "stenen ylda herhangi bir gn";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Qualsevol dia de l'any desitjat.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Any day in the desired year";
- Text[ czech ] = "Jakýkoliv den v požadovaném roce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewünschten Jahr.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उद्देशित वर्ष का किसी एक दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Akýkoľvek deň v požadovanom roku";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A kért év bármely napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Katerikoli dan izbranega leta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Jahr.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired year";
@@ -877,102 +229,21 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description DaysInMonth
- Text = "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage des Monats zurck, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
- Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in which the date entered occurs";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Geeft als resultaat het aantal dagen van de maand waarin de opgegeven datum valt.";
- Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le nombre de jours dans le mois en relation avec la date indique.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la cantidad de das del mes en el que figure la fecha indicada.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palauttaa kuukauden pivien mrn, joina annettu piv ilmenee";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero di giorni del mese in riferimento alla data indicata.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Returnerer antal dage i den mned, hvori den angivne dato ligger.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet dagar i mnaden som ingr i det angivna datumet.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca liczb dni miesica, w ktrym wypada podana data.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Retorna quantos dias tem o ms no qual ocorre a data indicada";
- Text[ japanese ] = "入力した日付を含むその月の日数を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "입력한 날짜에 해당하는 월의 날짜 수를 구합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "反馈指定的日期所在月份的天数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "傳回指定日期的月份所有的天數。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Girilen gnn iinde bulunduu ayda ka gn olduu dner";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Torna el nombre de dies del mes.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in which the date entered occurs";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí počet dní v měsíci, do kterého patří zadané datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage des Monats zurück, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "प्रविष्ट की हुयी दिनांक का मास में रहनेवाला दिनों की संख्या को वापस करता है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti počet dní v mesiaci, do ktorého patrí zadaný dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A megadott dátum hónapjában előforduló napok számát adja meg.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrne število dni v mesecu, v katerem je tudi navedeni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage des Monats zurck, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days of the month in which the date entered occurs";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 DaysInMonth
- Text = "Datum";
- Text[ english ] = "Date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Datum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Pivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data";
- Text[ danish ] = "Dato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Datum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarih";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Date";
- Text[ thai ] = "Date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תאריך‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 DaysInMonth
- Text = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Monat.";
- Text[ english ] = "Any day in the desired month.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Any day in the desired month";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Any day in the desired month.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Een willekeurige dag in de gewenste maand.";
- Text[ french ] = "Un jour quelconque dans le mois en question.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cualquier da en un mes deseado.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mik tahansa halutun kuukauden piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Un giorno qualsiasi del mese indicato.";
- Text[ danish ] = "En vilkrlig dag i den nskede mned.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "En valfri dag i den nskade mnaden.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dowolny dzie danego miesica";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Qualquer dia do ms desejado";
- Text[ japanese ] = "任意の月日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "원하는 월의 임의의 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定的月份中的任意一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "某一月份的任意的一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "stenen ayda herhangi bir gn";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Any day in the desired month.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Qualsevol dia del mes";
- Text[ thai ] = "Any day in the desired month";
- Text[ czech ] = "Jakýkoliv den v požadovaném měsíci";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewünschten Monat.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उद्देशित मास का किसी एक दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Akýkoľvek deň v požadovanom mesiaci";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A dátum, amelyből a függvény kiszámítja a hónap napjainak számát.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Katerikoli dan izbranega meseca";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Monat.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired month";
@@ -980,102 +251,21 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description DaysInYear
- Text = "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage des Jahres zurck, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
- Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in which the date entered occurs.";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Retourneert het aantal dagen van het jaar dat de opgegeven datum bevat.";
- Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le nombre de jours dans l'anne en relation avec la date indique.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la cantidad de das del ao en el que figure la fecha indicada.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palauttaa vuoden pivien mrn, joina annettu piv ilmenee";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero di giorni dell'anno in riferimento alla data indicata.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Returnerer antal dage i det r, hvori den angivne dato ligger.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet dagar p ret som ingr i det angivna datumet.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca liczb dni w roku, w ktrym wypada podana data.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Retorna quantos dias tem o ano no qual ocorre a data indicada.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "入力した日付を含むその年の日数を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "입력한 날짜에 해당하는 연도의 날짜 수를 구합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "反馈指定的日期所在年份的天数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "傳回指定日期的年份所有的天數。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Verilen gnn iinde bulunduu ylda ka gn olduunu verir.";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Torna el nombre de dies de l'any en relaci amb la data.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in which the date entered occurs.";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí počet dní v roce, do kterého patří zadané datum.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage des Jahres zurück, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "प्रविष्ट की हुयी दिनांक का वर्ष में रहनेवाला दिनों की संख्या को वापस करता है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti počet dní v roku, do ktorého patrí zadaný dátum.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A megadott dátumban szereplő év napjainak számát adja eredményül.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrne število dni v letu, v katerem je tudi navedeni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Gibt die Anzahl der Tage des Jahres zurck, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days of the year in which the date entered occurs.";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 DaysInYear
- Text = "Datum";
- Text[ english ] = "Date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Datum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Pivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data";
- Text[ danish ] = "Dato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Datum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarih";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data";
- Text[ thai ] = "Date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תאריך‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 DaysInYear
- Text = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Jahr.";
- Text[ english ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Any day in the desired year";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Een willekeurige dag in het gewenste jaar.";
- Text[ french ] = "Un jour quelconque dans l'anne en question.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cualquier da en un ao deseado.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mik tahansa halutun vuoden piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Un giorno qualsiasi dell'anno indicato.";
- Text[ danish ] = "En vilkrlig dag i det nskede r.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "En valfri dag p det nskade ret.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dowolny dzie danego roku";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Qualquer dia do ano desejado";
- Text[ japanese ] = "任意の年月日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "원하는 연도의 임의의 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定的一年中的任意一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "某一年份的任意的一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "stenen ylda herhangi bir gn";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Qualsevol dia de l'any desitjat.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Any day in the desired year";
- Text[ czech ] = "Jakýkoliv den v požadovaném roce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewünschten Jahr.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उद्देशित वर्ष का किसी एक दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Akýkoľvek deň v požadovanom roku";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A dátum, amelynél az évben szereplő napok számát adja eredményül a függvény.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Katerikoli dan izbranega leta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Jahr.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired year";
@@ -1083,102 +273,21 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description WeeksInYear
- Text = "Gibt die Anzahl der Wochen des Jahres zurck, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
- Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in which the date entered occurs";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Retourneert het aantal weken van het jaar dat de opgegeven datum bevat.";
- Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le nombre de semaines dans l'anne en relation avec la date indique.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero de semanas del ao en el que figure la fecha indicada.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palauttaa vuoden viikkojen mrn, joina annettu piv ilmenee";
- Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero di settimane dell'anno in riferimento alla data indicata.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Returnerer antal uger i det r, hvori den angivne dato ligger.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet veckor p ret som ingr i det angivna datumet.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca liczb tygodni w roku, w ktrym wypada podana data.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Retorna quantas semanas tem o ano no qual ocorre a data indicada";
- Text[ japanese ] = "入力した日付を含むその年の週数を返します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "입력한 날짜에 해당하는 연도의 주 수를 구합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "反馈指定的日期所在年份具有的星期数。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "傳回指定日期的月份所有的週數目。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Belirtilen gnn iinde bulunduu yldaki hafta saysn verir";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in relation to the date entered.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Torna el nmero de setmanes de l'any en relaci amb la data.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in which the date entered occurs";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrátí počet týdnů v roce, do kterého patří zadané datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gibt die Anzahl der Wochen des Jahres zurück, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "प्रविष्ट की हुयी दिनांक का वर्ष में रहनेवाला सप्ताहों की संख्या को वापस करता है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vráti počet týždňov v roku, do ktorého patrí zadaný dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Megadja, hogy a beírt dátum az év hányadik hetében van.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vrne število tednov v letu, v katerem je tudi navedeni datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Gibt die Anzahl der Wochen des Jahres zurck, in dem das angegebene Datum liegt.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of weeks of the year in which the date entered occurs";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 WeeksInYear
- Text = "Datum";
- Text[ english ] = "Date";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Date";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Data";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Datum";
- Text[ french ] = "Date";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Pivmr";
- Text[ italian ] = "Data";
- Text[ danish ] = "Dato";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Datum";
- Text[ polish ] = "Data";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Data";
- Text[ japanese ] = "日付";
- Text[ korean ] = "날짜";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "date";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "date";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarih";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Data";
- Text[ thai ] = "Date";
- Text[ czech ] = "Datum";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תאריך‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दिनांक";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Dátum";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "dátum";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ de ] = "Datum";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 WeeksInYear
- Text = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Jahr.";
- Text[ english ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Any day in the desired year";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Een willekeurige dag in het gewenste jaar.";
- Text[ french ] = "Un jour quelconque dans l'anne en question.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cualquier da en un ao deseado.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mik tahansa halutun vuoden piv";
- Text[ italian ] = "Un giorno qualsiasi dell'anno indicato.";
- Text[ danish ] = "En vilkrlig dag i det nskede r.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "En valfri dag p det nskade ret.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dowolny dzie danego roku";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Qualquer dia do ano desejado";
- Text[ japanese ] = "任意の年月日。";
- Text[ korean ] = "원하는 연도의 임의의 날짜입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定的一年中的任意一天。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "某一年份的任意的一天。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "stenen ylda herhangi bir gn";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Any day in the desired year.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Qualsevol setmana de l'any desitjat.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Any day in the desired year";
- Text[ czech ] = "Jakýkoliv den v požadovaném roce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewünschten Jahr.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उद्देशित वर्ष का किसी एक दिन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Akýkoľvek deň v požadovanom roku";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A kért év bármely napja.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Katerikoli dan izbranega leta";
+ Text [ de ] = "Ein beliebiger Tag im gewnschten Jahr.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Any day in the desired year";
@@ -1186,102 +295,21 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Rot13
- Text = "Verschlsselt oder entschlsselt einen Text mit Hilfe des ROT13-Algorithmus.";
- Text[ english ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm.";
- Text[ russian ] = " ROT13.";
- Text[ greek ] = " ROT13";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Codeert of decodeert een tekst met behulp van de ROT13-algoritme.";
- Text[ french ] = "Chiffre ou dchiffre un texte en utilisant l'algorithme ROT13.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Codifica y descodifica un texto con la ayuda del algoritmo ROT13.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Koodaa tai purkaa tekstin koodin kytten ROT13-algoritmia";
- Text[ italian ] = "Codifica o decodifica un testo tramite l'algoritmo ROT13.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Krypterer eller dekrypterer en tekst ved hjlp af ROT13-algoritmen.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Krypterar text eller omvandlar krypterad text till klartext med hjlp av ROT13-algoritmen.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Szyfruje i deszyfruje teksty przy uyciu algorytmu ROT13";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Codifica ou decodifica um texto usando o algoritmo de criptografia ROT13";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ROT13 アルゴリズムを使ってテキストを暗号処理、または複合処理します。";
- Text[ korean ] = "ROT13 알고리즘을 사용하여 텍스트를 암호화하거나 텍스트의 암호를 해독합니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "借助 ROT13 运算法则加密或者解密一个文本。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "透過ROT13程式加密或解密一個文字。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ROT13 algoritmasn kullanarak bir metni ifreler veya ifresini zer";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Encripta o desencripta un text utilitzant l'algorisme ROT13.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm";
- Text[ czech ] = "Šifruje nebo dešifruje text za použití algoritmu ROT13";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Verschlüsselt oder entschlüsselt einen Text mit Hilfe des ROT13-Algorithmus.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ROT13 सिद्धांत को उपयोग करके टेक्स्ट् को ऐनक्रिप्ट् अथवा डिक्रिप्ट् करता है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Šifruje alebo dešifruje text s použitím algoritmu ROT13";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Titkosít vagy visszafejt egy szöveget a ROT13 algoritmussal.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Šifrira ali dešifrira besedilo s pomočjo algoritma ROT13";
+ Text [ de ] = "Verschlsselt oder entschlsselt einen Text mit Hilfe des ROT13-Algorithmus.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Encrypts or decrypts a text using the ROT13 algorithm";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Rot13
- Text = "Text";
- Text[ english ] = "Text";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Text";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Texto";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tekst";
- Text[ french ] = "Texte";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Texto";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Teksti";
- Text[ italian ] = "Testo";
- Text[ danish ] = "Tekst";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Text";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tekst";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Texto";
- Text[ japanese ] = "テキスト";
- Text[ korean ] = "텍스트";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "text";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "text";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Metin";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Text";
- Text[ thai ] = "Text";
- Text[ czech ] = "Text";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טקסט‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "टेक्स्ट्";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Text";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "szöveg";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Besedilo";
+ Text [ de ] = "Text";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Text";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Rot13
- Text = "Zu verschlsselnder oder verschlsselter Text.";
- Text[ english ] = "Text to be encrypted or encrypted text.";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Text to be encrypted or text already encrypted";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Text to be encrypted or encrypted text.";
- Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Te coderen of gecodeerde tekst.";
- Text[ french ] = "Texte chiffrer ou dchiffrer";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Texto codificado o a codificar.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Koodattava teksti tai jo koodattu teksti";
- Text[ italian ] = "Testo da codificare o decodificare.";
- Text[ danish ] = "Tekst, som skal krypteres, eller som er krypteret.";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Text som ska krypteras eller text som r krypterad.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tekst do szyfrowania lub ju zaszyfrowany.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Texto a codificar ou texto j codificado";
- Text[ japanese ] = "暗号化するテキスト、または暗号化したテキスト。";
- Text[ korean ] = "암호화할 텍스트 또는 이미 암호화되어 있는 텍스트입니다.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "需要加密的或者已经加密的文本。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要加密或解密的文字。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ifrelenecek veya ifrelenmi metin";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Text to be encrypted or encrypted text.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Text per ser encriptat o text encriptat.";
- Text[ thai ] = "Text to be encrypted or text already encrypted";
- Text[ czech ] = "Text, který má být zašifrován, nebo už zašifrovaný text";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zu verschlüsselnder oder verschlüsselter Text.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "टेक्स्ट् को ऐनक्रिप्ट् करना है अथवा टेक्स्ट् को पहिले से ही ऐनक्रिप्ट् किया है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Text, ktorý má byť šifrovaný, alebo už zašifrovaný text";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Titkosítandó vagy már titkosított szöveg";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Besedilo za šifriranje ali besedilo, ki je že šifrirano";
+ Text [ de ] = "Zu verschlsselnder oder verschlsselter Text.";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Text to be encrypted or text already encrypted";
@@ -1291,267 +319,51 @@ Resource RID_DATE_FUNCTION_NAMES
String DATE_FUNCNAME_DiffWeeks
- Text = "WOCHEN";
- Text[ english ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Semanas";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ dutch ] = "WEKEN";
- Text[ french ] = "SEMAINES";
- Text[ spanish ] = "SEMANAS";
- Text[ finnish ] = "VIIKOT";
- Text[ italian ] = "SETTIMANE";
- Text[ danish ] = "UGER";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ANTALVECKOR";
- Text[ polish ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "SEMANAS";
- Text[ japanese ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ korean ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ turkish ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ thai ] = "สัปดาห์";
- Text[ czech ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "WOCHEN";
- Text[ hindi ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ slovak ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "WEEKS";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "WEEKS";
+ Text [ de ] = "WOCHEN";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "WEEKS";
String DATE_FUNCNAME_DiffMonths
- Text = "MONATE";
- Text[ english ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Meses";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ dutch ] = "MAANDEN";
- Text[ french ] = "NB.MOIS";
- Text[ spanish ] = "MESES";
- Text[ finnish ] = "KUUKAUDET";
- Text[ italian ] = "MESI";
- Text[ danish ] = "MNEDER";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ANTALMNADER";
- Text[ polish ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "MESES";
- Text[ japanese ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ korean ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ turkish ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ thai ] = "เดือน";
- Text[ czech ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "MONATE";
- Text[ hindi ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ slovak ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "MONTHS";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "MONTHS";
+ Text [ de ] = "MONATE";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "MONTHS";
String DATE_FUNCNAME_DiffYears
- Text = "JAHRE";
- Text[ english ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Anos";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ dutch ] = "JAREN";
- Text[ french ] = "ANNEES";
- Text[ spanish ] = "AOS";
- Text[ finnish ] = "VUODET";
- Text[ italian ] = "ANNI";
- Text[ danish ] = "R.INTERVAL";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ANTALR";
- Text[ polish ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ANOS";
- Text[ japanese ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ korean ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ turkish ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ thai ] = "ปี";
- Text[ czech ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "JAHRE";
- Text[ hindi ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ slovak ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "YEARS";
+ Text [ de ] = "JAHRE";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "YEARS";
- Text[ english ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "AnoBissexto";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ dutch ] = "ISSCHRIKKELJAAR";
- Text[ french ] = "ESTBISSEXTILE";
- Text[ spanish ] = "ESAOBISIESTO";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ONKARK_VUOSI";
- Text[ italian ] = "ANNO.BISESTILE";
- Text[ danish ] = "ER.SKUDR";
- Text[ swedish ] = "RSKOTTR";
- Text[ polish ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ANOBISSEXTO";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ korean ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "IsLeapYear";
- Text[ thai ] = "เป็นปีอธิกวาร";
- Text[ czech ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "ISTSCHALTJAHR";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ slovak ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
+ Text [ de ] = "ISTSCHALTJAHR";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "ISLEAPYEAR";
String DATE_FUNCNAME_DaysInMonth
- Text[ english ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "DiasNoMs";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ dutch ] = "DAGENINMAAND";
- Text[ french ] = "JOURSDANSMOIS";
- Text[ spanish ] = "DASENMES";
- Text[ finnish ] = "PIVT_KUUKAUSI";
- Text[ italian ] = "GIORNI.MESE";
- Text[ danish ] = "DAGEIMNED";
- Text[ swedish ] = "DAGARIMNADEN";
- Text[ polish ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "DIASNOMES";
- Text[ japanese ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ korean ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ turkish ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ arabic ] = "DaysInMonth";
- Text[ catalan ] = "DaysInMonth";
- Text[ thai ] = "วันในเดือน";
- Text[ czech ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "TAGEIMMONAT";
- Text[ hindi ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ slovak ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
+ Text [ de ] = "TAGEIMMONAT";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "DAYSINMONTH";
- Text = "TAGEIMJAHR";
- Text[ english ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "DiasNoAno";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ dutch ] = "DAGENINJAAR";
- Text[ french ] = "JOURSDANSANNEE";
- Text[ spanish ] = "DASENAO";
- Text[ finnish ] = "PIVT_VUOSI";
- Text[ italian ] = "GIORNI.ANNO";
- Text[ danish ] = "DAGEIR";
- Text[ swedish ] = "DAGARPRET";
- Text[ polish ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "DIASNOANO";
- Text[ japanese ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ korean ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ turkish ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ arabic ] = "DaysInYear";
- Text[ catalan ] = "DaysInYear";
- Text[ thai ] = "วันในปี";
- Text[ czech ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "TAGEIMJAHR";
- Text[ hindi ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ slovak ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
+ Text [ de ] = "TAGEIMJAHR";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "DAYSINYEAR";
String DATE_FUNCNAME_WeeksInYear
- Text[ english ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "SemanasNoAno";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ dutch ] = "WEKENINJAAR";
- Text[ french ] = "SEMAINESDANSANNEE";
- Text[ spanish ] = "SEMANASENAO";
- Text[ finnish ] = "VIIKOT_VUOSI";
- Text[ italian ] = "SETTIMANE.ANNO";
- Text[ danish ] = "UGERIR";
- Text[ swedish ] = "VECKORPERR";
- Text[ polish ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "SEMANASNOANO";
- Text[ japanese ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ korean ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ turkish ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ arabic ] = "WeeksInYear";
- Text[ catalan ] = "WeeksInYear";
- Text[ thai ] = "สัปดาห์ในปี";
- Text[ czech ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "WOCHENIMJAHR";
- Text[ hindi ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ slovak ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
+ Text [ de ] = "WOCHENIMJAHR";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "WEEKSINYEAR";
- Text = "ROT13";
- Text[ english ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ russian ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ greek ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ dutch ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ french ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ spanish ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ italian ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ danish ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ swedish ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ polish ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ korean ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ arabic ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ catalan ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ thai ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ czech ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ slovak ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "ROT13";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "ROT13";
+ Text [ de ] = "ROT13";
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "ROT13";