path: root/scaddins
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authorIvo Hinkelmann <>2007-04-19 10:51:45 +0000
committerIvo Hinkelmann <>2007-04-19 10:51:45 +0000
commitc4471320828e19937d7be7137ecd698281c1cee6 (patch)
tree80564de8f39bf70d944a173e3bbfc93e66e2d70e /scaddins
parenta4817277f24c137c5fe2b5e5a2a461acd49814da (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS mergede01 (1.66.82); FILE MERGED
2007/03/20 14:35:04 ihi #i72301# Remove German
Diffstat (limited to 'scaddins')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1239 deletions
diff --git a/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.src b/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.src
index 7b0a55e3e61c..b7cec2bfbe7c 100644
--- a/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.src
+++ b/scaddins/source/analysis/analysis.src
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: analysis.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.66 $
+ * $Revision: 1.67 $
- * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2005-09-23 12:07:31 $
+ * last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007-04-19 11:51:45 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
String 1 // description Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die fortlaufende Zahl des Datums, das vor oder nach einer bestimmten Anzahl von Arbeitstagen liegt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Tage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Days";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl Arbeitstage vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number of workdays before or after the start date";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Freie Tage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Holidays";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Workday
- Text [ de ] = "Liste mit Datumswerten freier Tage (Urlaub, Feiertage, etc.).";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "List of date values of days off (vacation, holidays, etc.)";
String 1 // description Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Differenz zwischen Ausgangsdatum und Enddatum als Bruchteil von Jahren.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of whole days between 'start date' and 'end date' as a year fraction";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The end date";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yearfrac
- Text [ de ] = "Basis für die Bestimmung der Zinstage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis for determining the interest days";
@@ -147,36 +119,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Edate
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die fortlaufende Zahl des Datums, das eine bestimmte Anzahl Monate vor bzw. nach dem Ausgangsdatum liegt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is a specified number of months before or after the start date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Edate
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Edate
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Edate
- Text [ de ] = "Monate";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Months";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Edate
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der Monate vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of months before or after the start date";
@@ -185,31 +147,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Weeknum_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert eine Zahl, die angibt, in welche Woche eines Jahres das angegebene Datum fällt.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of the calendar week in which the specified date occurs.";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Weeknum_add
- Text [ de ] = "Datum";
Text [ en-US ] = "Date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Weeknum_add
- Text [ de ] = "Datum";
Text [ en-US ] = "The date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Weeknum_add
- Text [ de ] = "Rückgabetyp";
Text [ en-US ] = "Return type";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Weeknum_add
- Text [ de ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt.";
Text [ en-US ] = "A number from 1 to 3 that specifies the day with which a week begins";
@@ -218,35 +175,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description EoMonth
- Text[ de ] = "Liefert die fortlaufende Zahl des Datums, das den letzten Tag des Monats repräsentiert, der eine bestimmte Anzahl von Monaten vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum liegt.";
Text[ en-US ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month that comes a certain number of months before or after the start date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 EoMonth
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 EoMonth
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 EoMonth
- Text [ de ] = "Monate";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Months";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 EoMonth
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der Monate vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of months before or after the start date";
@@ -255,50 +203,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Anzahl Werktage in einem Zeitintervall";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of workdays between two dates";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start date";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Ausgangsdatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "End date";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Enddatum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The end date";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Freie Tage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Holidays";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Networkdays
- Text [ de ] = "Liste mit Datumswerten, die die freien Tage (Urlaub, Feiertage, etc.) darstellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "List of date values representing days off (vacation, holidays, etc.)";
@@ -307,19 +241,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Iseven_add
- Text [ de ] = "Gibt den Wert WAHR zurück, wenn die Zahl gerade ist.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the value 'true' if the number is even";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Iseven_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Iseven_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number";
@@ -328,19 +259,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Isodd_add
- Text [ de ] = "Gibt den Wert WAHR zurück, wenn die Zahl ungerade ist.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the value 'true' if the number is odd";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Isodd_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Isodd_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number";
@@ -349,22 +277,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Multinomial
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet den Polynomialkoeffizienten einer Gruppe von Zahlen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the multinomial coefficient of a set of numbers";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Multinomial
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl(en)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number(s)";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Multinomial
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen, deren Polynomialkoeffizienten bestimmt werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number or list of numbers for which you want the multinomial coefficient";
@@ -373,64 +295,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Summe von Potenzen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the sum of a power series";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "X";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "X";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "Unabhängige Variable der Potenzreihe.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The independent variable of the power series";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "N";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "N";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "Anfangspotenz, in die x erhoben werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The initial power to which x is to be raised";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "M";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "M";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "Inkrement, um das n in jedem Glied der Reihe vergrößert werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The increment by which to increase n for each term in the series";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "Koeffizienten";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Coefficients";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Seriessum
- Text [ de ] = "Gruppe von Koeffizienten, mit denen aufeinander folgende Potenzen der Variablen x multipliziert werden.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Set of coefficients by which each successive power of the variable x is multiplied";
@@ -439,36 +343,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Quotient
- Text [ de ] = "Gibt den ganzzahligen Anteil einer Division zurück.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Quotient
- Text [ de ] = "Zähler";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Numerator";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Quotient
- Text [ de ] = "Zähler (Dividend)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The dividend";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Quotient
- Text [ de ] = "Nenner";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Denominator";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Quotient
- Text [ de ] = "Nenner (Divisor)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The divisor";
@@ -477,36 +371,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Mround
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert eine auf das Vielfache gerundete Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns a number rounded to a specified multiple";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Mround
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Mround
- Text [ de ] = "Die zu rundende Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number to round off";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Mround
- Text [ de ] = "Vielfaches";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Multiple";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Mround
- Text [ de ] = "Der Wert, auf dessen Vielfaches gerundet werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The multiple to which you want to round number";
@@ -515,22 +399,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description SqrtPI
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Wurzel aus einer mit Pi multiplizierten Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the square root of a number which has been multiplied by pi";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 SqrtPI
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 SqrtPI
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number by which pi is multiplied";
@@ -539,36 +417,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Randbetween
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert eine ganze Zufallszahl aus dem angegebenen Bereich.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns a random integer between the numbers you specify";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Randbetween
- Text [ de ] = "Kleinste Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Bottom";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Randbetween
- Text [ de ] = "Die kleinste Zahl, die geliefert werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The smallest integer returned";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Randbetween
- Text [ de ] = "Größte Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Top";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Randbetween
- Text [ de ] = "Die größte Zahl, die geliefert werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The largest integer returned";
@@ -577,19 +445,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Gcd_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den größten gemeinsamen Teiler.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Gcd_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl(en)";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number(s)";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Gcd_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number or list of numbers";
@@ -598,19 +463,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Lcm_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert das kleinste gemeinsame Vielfache.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the least common multiple";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Lcm_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl(en)";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number(s)";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Lcm_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number or list of numbers";
@@ -619,36 +481,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description BesselI
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die modifizierte Besselfunktion In(x).";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselI
- Text [ de ] = "X";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "X";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselI
- Text [ de ] = "Der Wert, für den die Funktion berechnet werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The value at which the function is to be evaluated";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselI
- Text [ de ] = "N";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "N";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselI
- Text [ de ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The order of the Bessel function";
@@ -657,36 +509,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description BesselJ
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Besselfunktion Jn(x).";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselJ
- Text [ de ] = "X";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "X";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselJ
- Text [ de ] = "Der Wert, für den die Funktion berechnet werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The value at which the function is to be evaluated";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselJ
- Text [ de ] = "N";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "N";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselJ
- Text [ de ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The order of the Bessel function";
@@ -695,36 +537,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description BesselK
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die modifizierte Besselfunktion Kn(x).";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselK
- Text [ de ] = "X";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "X";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselK
- Text [ de ] = "Der Wert, für den die Funktion berechnet werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The value at which the function is to be evaluated";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselK
- Text [ de ] = "N";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "N";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselK
- Text [ de ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The order of the Bessel function";
@@ -733,36 +565,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description BesselY
- Text [ de ] = "Berechnet die Besselfunktion Yn(x).";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselY
- Text [ de ] = "X";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "X";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselY
- Text [ de ] = "Der Wert, für den die Funktion berechnet werden soll.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The value at which the function is to be evaluated";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselY
- Text [ de ] = "N";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "N";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselY
- Text [ de ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The order of the Bessel function";
@@ -771,36 +593,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Bin2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine (Binär-) Dualzahl in eine Oktalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a binary number to an octal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Bin2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Bin2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Dualzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The binary number to be converted (as text)";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Bin2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Bin2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -809,22 +621,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Bin2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine (Binär-) Dualzahl in eine Dezimalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a binary number to a decimal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Bin2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Bin2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Dualzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The binary number to be converted (as text)";
@@ -833,36 +639,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Bin2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine (Binär-) Dualzahl in eine Hexadezimalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a binary number to a hexadecimal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Bin2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Bin2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Dualzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The binary number to be converted (as text)";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Bin2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Bin2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used.";
@@ -871,36 +667,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oct2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Oktalzahl in eine (Binär-) Dualzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts an octal number to a binary number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oct2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oct2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Oktalzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The octal number to be converted (as text)";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oct2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oct2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -909,22 +695,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oct2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Oktalzahl in eine Dezimalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts an octal number to a decimal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oct2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oct2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Oktalzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The octal number to be converted (as text)";
@@ -933,36 +713,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oct2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Oktalzahl in eine Hexadezimalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts an octal number to a hexadecimal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oct2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oct2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Oktalzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The octal number to be converted (as text)";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oct2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oct2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -971,36 +741,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Dec2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine (Binär-) Dualzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a decimal number to a binary number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dec2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dec2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Dezimalzahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The decimal integer to be converted";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dec2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dec2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -1009,36 +769,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Dec2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Hexadezimalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dec2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dec2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Dezimalzahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The decimal integer to be converted";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dec2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dec2Hex
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -1047,31 +797,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Dec2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a decimal number into an octal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dec2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dec2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Dezimalzahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "The decimal number";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dec2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dec2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -1080,36 +825,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Hex2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Hexadezimalzahl in eine (Binär-) Dualzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to a binary number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Hex2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Hex2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The hexadecimal number to be converted (as text)";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Hex2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Hex2Bin
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -1118,22 +853,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Hex2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Hexadezimalzahl in eine Dezimalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to a decimal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Hex2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Hex2Dec
- Text [ de ] = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The hexadecimal number to be converted (as text)";
@@ -1142,36 +871,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Hex2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Hexadezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to an octal number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Hex2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Hex2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The hexadecimal number to be converted (as text)";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Hex2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Stellen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Places";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Hex2Oct
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of places used";
@@ -1180,36 +899,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Delta
- Text [ de ] = "Überprüft, ob zwei Werte gleich sind.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Tests whether two values are equal";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Delta
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl 1";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number 1";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Delta
- Text [ de ] = "Erste Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The first number";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Delta
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl 2";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number 2";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Delta
- Text [ de ] = "Zweite Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The second number";
@@ -1218,36 +927,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Erf
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Gauss'sche Fehlerfunktion.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the error function";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Erf
- Text [ de ] = "Untere Grenze";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Lower limit";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Erf
- Text [ de ] = "Untere Grenze zur Integration.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The lower limit for integration";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Erf
- Text [ de ] = "Obere Grenze";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Upper limit";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Erf
- Text [ de ] = "Obere Grenze zur Integration.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The upper limit for integration";
@@ -1256,22 +955,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Erfc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert das Komplement zur Gauss'schen Fehlerfunktion.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the complementary error function";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Erfc
- Text [ de ] = "Untere Grenze";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Lower limit";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Erfc
- Text [ de ] = "Untere Grenze zur Integration.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The lower limit for integration";
@@ -1280,36 +973,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description GeStep
- Text [ de ] = "Überprüft, ob eine Zahl größer als ein Schwellenwert ist.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Tests whether a number is greater than a threshold value";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 GeStep
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 GeStep
- Text [ de ] = "An Schwellenwert zu überprüfender Wert.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The value to test against step";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 GeStep
- Text [ de ] = "Schwellenwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Step";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 GeStep
- Text [ de ] = "Schwellenwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The threshhold value";
@@ -1318,22 +1001,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Factdouble
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Fakultät zu Zahl mit der Schrittlänge 2.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the double factorial of Number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Factdouble
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Factdouble
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number";
@@ -1342,22 +1019,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imabs
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Betrag einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imabs
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imabs
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1366,22 +1037,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imaginary
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Imaginärteil einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imaginary
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imaginary
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1390,36 +1055,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Impower
- Text [ de ] = "Potenziert eine komplexe Zahl mit einer ganzen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns a complex number raised to an integer power";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Impower
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Impower
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Impower
- Text [ de ] = "Potenz";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Impower
- Text [ de ] = "Exponent, mit dem die komplexe Zahl potenziert wird.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Power to which the complex number is raised";
@@ -1428,22 +1083,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imargument
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Winkel im Bogenmaß zur Darstellung der komplexen Zahl in trigonometrischer Schreibweise.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the argument theta, an angle expressed in radians";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imargument
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imargument
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "A complex number";
@@ -1452,22 +1101,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imcos
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kosinus einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imcos
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imcos
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "A complex number";
@@ -1476,36 +1119,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imdiv
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Quotient zweier komplexer Zahlen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imdiv
- Text [ de ] = "Zähler";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Numerator";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imdiv
- Text [ de ] = "Zähler (Dividend)";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The dividend";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Imdiv
- Text [ de ] = "Nenner";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Denominator";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Imdiv
- Text [ de ] = "Nenner( Divisor )";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The divisor";
@@ -1514,22 +1147,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imexp
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die algebraische Form einer in exponentieller Darstellung vorliegenden komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the algebraic form of the exponential of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imexp
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imexp
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1538,22 +1165,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imconjugate
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert das konjugiert Komplexe zu einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imconjugate
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imconjugate
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1562,22 +1183,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imln
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den natürlichen Logarithmus einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imln
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imln
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1586,22 +1201,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imlog10
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den dekadischen Logarithmus einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imlog10
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imlog10
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1610,22 +1219,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imlog2
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Duallogarithmus";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imlog2
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imlog2
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1634,36 +1237,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Improduct
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert das Produkt mehrer komplexer Zahlen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the product of several complex numbers";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Improduct
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Improduct
- Text [ de ] = "Erste komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The first complex number";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Improduct
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Improduct
- Text [ de ] = "Weitere komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Another complex number";
@@ -1672,22 +1265,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imreal
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Realteil einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imreal
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imreal
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1696,22 +1283,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imsin
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Sinus einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsin
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsin
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1720,36 +1301,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imsub
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Differenz zweier komplexer Zahlen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsub
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl 1";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number 1";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsub
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl 1";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number 1";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Imsub
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl 2";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number 2";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Imsub
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl 2";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number 2";
@@ -1758,22 +1329,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imsqrt
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Quadratwurzel einer komplexen Zahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsqrt
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsqrt
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1782,22 +1347,16 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Imsum
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Summe komplexer Zahlen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsum
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Complex number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsum
- Text [ de ] = "Komplexe Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The complex number";
@@ -1807,50 +1366,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt den Real- und Imaginärteil in eine komplexe Zahl um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Realteil";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Real num";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Realteil";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The real coefficient";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Imaginärteil";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "I num";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Imaginärteil";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The imaginary coefficient";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Suffix";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Suffix";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Complex
- Text [ de ] = "Suffix";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The suffix";
@@ -1859,43 +1404,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "Wandelt eine Zahl von einem Maßsystem in ein anderes um.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "Von-Maßeinheit";
Text [ en-US ] = "From unit";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "Maßeinheit von Zahl.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Unit of measure for number";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "In-Maßeinheit";
Text [ en-US ] = "To unit";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Convert_add
- Text [ de ] = "Maßeinheit des Ergebnisses.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Unit of measure for the result";
@@ -1904,106 +1442,76 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den für eine Abrechnungsperiode anzusetzenden Abschreibungsbetrag auf Basis des französischen Buchführungssystems.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Kosten";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Cost";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Anschaffungskosten des Anlageguts.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Cost of the asset";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Datum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Date purchased";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Anschaffungsdatum des Anlagegutes";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Purchase date of the asset";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Erste Periode";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "First period";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Datum des Endes der ersten Periode.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Date the first period ends";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Restwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Salvage";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Restwert des Anlagegutes am Ende der Nutzungsdauer.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Salvage value of an asset at the end of its life";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Periode";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Period";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Periode";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The period";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Rate";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Abschreibungssatz";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate of depreciation";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Amordegrc
- Text [ de ] = "Zu verwendende Jahresbasis.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The year basis to be used";
@@ -2012,106 +1520,76 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den für eine Abrechnungsperiode anzusetzenden Abschreibungsbetrag auf Basis des französischen Buchführungssystems.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Kosten";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Cost";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Anschaffungskosten des Anlageguts.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Cost of the asset";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Datum";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Date purchased";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Anschaffungsdatum des Anlagegutes";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Purchase date of the asset";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Erste Periode";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "First period";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Datum des Endes der ersten Periode.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The date the first period ends";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Restwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Salvage";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Restwert des Anlagegutes am Ende der Nutzungsdauer.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The salvage value of an asset at the end of its life";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Periode";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Period";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Periode";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The period";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Rate";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Abschreibungssatz";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate of depreciation";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Amorlinc
- Text [ de ] = "Zu verwendende Jahresbasis.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The year basis to be used";
@@ -2120,106 +1598,76 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die aufgelaufenen Zinsen (Stückzinsen) eines Wertpapieres mit periodischer Zinszahlung.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Datum der Wertpapieremission.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue date of the security";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Erster Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "First interest";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Erster Zinstermin des Wertpapiers.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "First interest date of the security";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Nennwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Par";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Nennwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The par value";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Accrint
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2228,78 +1676,56 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die aufgelaufenen Zinsen (Stückzinsen) eines Wertpapieres, die bei Fälligkeit ausgezahlt werden.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The issue date";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Nennwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Par";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Nennwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The par value";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Accrintm
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2308,78 +1734,56 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Received
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Auszahlungsbetrag eines voll investierten Wertpapiers am Fälligkeitstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the amount paid out at maturity for a fully invested security";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Anlage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Investment";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Anlage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The investment";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Discount";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The discount";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Received
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2388,78 +1792,56 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den prozentualen Abschlag (Disagio) eines Wertpapiers";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Disc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2468,92 +1850,66 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die jährliche Macaulay Laufzeit eines Wertpapieres mit periodischer Zinszahlung.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the annual Macaulay duration of a security with periodic interest payments";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Coupon";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The coupon rate";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Yield";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The yield";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Duration
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2562,31 +1918,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Effect_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die jährliche Effektivverzinsung.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the effective annual interest rate";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Effect_add
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
Text [ en-US ] = "Nominal rate";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Effect_add
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
Text [ en-US ] = "The nominal rate";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Effect_add
- Text [ de ] = "Perioden";
Text [ en-US ] = "Npery";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Effect_add
- Text [ de ] = "Perioden";
Text [ en-US ] = "The periods";
@@ -2595,80 +1946,66 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die aufgelaufene Tilgung eines Darlehens, die zwischen zwei Perioden zu zahlen ist.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the cumulative principal on a loan to be paid between two periods";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zzr";
Text [ en-US ] = "Nper";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of payment periods";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Bw";
Text [ en-US ] = "Pv";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Gegenstandswert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = "; BLG 12.06.01: \"Gegenstandswert\" ist dasselbe wie \"Barwert\" (abgekrzt BW als Parameter von anderen Funktionen). ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The present value";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Startperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start period";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Startperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start period";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Endperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "End period";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Endperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "The end period";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "F";
Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Cumprinc_add
- Text [ de ] = "Typ der Fälligkeit";
Text [ en-US ] = "The type of maturity";
@@ -2677,79 +2014,66 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die kumulierten Zinsen, die zwischen zwei Perioden zu zahlen sind.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the cumulative interest to be paid between two periods";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Zzr";
Text [ en-US ] = "Nper";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden";
Text [ en-US ] = "Number of payment periods";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Bw";
Text [ en-US ] = "Pv";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Gegenstandswert";
Text [ en-US ] = "The present value";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Startperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "Start period";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Startperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "The start period";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Endperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "End period";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Endperiode";
Text [ en-US ] = "The end period";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "F";
Text [ en-US ] = "Type";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Cumipmt_add
- Text [ de ] = "Typ der Fälligkeit";
Text [ en-US ] = "The type of maturity";
@@ -2758,106 +2082,76 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Price
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert eines Wertpapiers, das periodische Zinsen auszahlt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the price per 100 currency units face value of a security that pays periodic interest";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Yield";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The yield";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Price
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2866,78 +2160,56 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert eines unverzinslichen Werpapiers.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the price per 100 currency units face value of a discounted security";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Discount";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The discount";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Pricedisc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -2946,92 +2218,66 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert eines Wertpapiers, das Zinsen am Fälligkeitsdatum auszahlt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the price per 100 currency units face value of a security that pays interest at maturity";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The issue date";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Yield";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The yield";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Pricemat
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3040,92 +2286,66 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die modifizierte Macaulay-Duration eines Wertpapiers mit 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the Macaulay modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of 100 currency units";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Coupon";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Nominalzins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The coupon rate";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Yield";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The yield";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Mduration
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3134,31 +2354,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Nominal_add
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die jährliche Nominalverzinsung.";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Nominal_add
- Text [ de ] = "Effektiver Zins";
Text [ en-US ] = "Effective rate";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Nominal_add
- Text [ de ] = "Effektiver Zins";
Text [ en-US ] = "The effective interest rate";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Nominal_add
- Text [ de ] = "Perioden";
Text [ en-US ] = "Npery";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Nominal_add
- Text [ de ] = "Perioden";
Text [ en-US ] = "The periods";
@@ -3167,36 +2382,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Dollarfr
- Text [ de ] = "Konvertiert eine Notierung in dezimaler Schreibweise in eine gemischten Dezimalbruch.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a price expressed as a decimal into a price expressed as a fraction";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dollarfr
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Decimal dollar";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dollarfr
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The decimal number";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dollarfr
- Text [ de ] = "Teiler";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Fraction";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dollarfr
- Text [ de ] = "Teiler";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The divisor";
@@ -3205,36 +2410,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Dollarde
- Text [ de ] = "Konvertiert eine Notierung, die als Dezimalbruch angegeben ist, in eine Dezimalzahl.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Converts a price expressed as a fraction into a price expressed as a decimal";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dollarde
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Fractional dollar";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dollarde
- Text [ de ] = "Zahl";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The number as a fraction";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dollarde
- Text [ de ] = "Teiler";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Fraction";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dollarde
- Text [ de ] = "Teiler";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The divisor";
@@ -3243,106 +2438,76 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Rendite eines Wertpapieres, das periodisch Zinsen auszahlt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Yield
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3351,78 +2516,56 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die jährliche Rendite eines diskontierten Wertpapiers.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Yielddisc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3431,92 +2574,66 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die jährliche Rendite eines Wertpapiers, das Zinsen am Fälligkeitsdatum auszahlt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The issue date";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Yieldmat
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3525,50 +2642,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Rechnet die Verzinsung eines Schatzwechsels in die für Anleihen übliche einfache jährliche Verzinsung um.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Discount";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Tbilleq
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The discount rate";
@@ -3577,50 +2680,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert eines Schatzwechsels.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the price of 100 currency units face value for a treasury bill";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Discount";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Tbillprice
- Text [ de ] = "Disagio";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The discount rate";
@@ -3629,50 +2718,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Rendite eines Schatzwechsels.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Tbillyield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
@@ -3681,134 +2756,96 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmäßigen ersten Zinstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The issue date";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Erster Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "First coupon";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Erster Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The first coupon date";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Yield";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The yield";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 18 // name of parameter 9 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 19 // description of parameter 9 Oddfprice
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3817,134 +2854,96 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Rendite eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmäßigen ersten Zinstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Issue";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Emission";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The issue date";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Erster Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "First coupon";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Erster Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The first coupon date";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 18 // name of parameter 9 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 19 // description of parameter 9 Oddfyield
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -3953,120 +2952,86 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Währungseinheiten Nennwert eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmäßigen letzten Zinstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Letzter Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Last interest";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Letzter Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The last interest date";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Yield";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rendite";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The yield";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddlprice
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4075,120 +3040,86 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Rendite eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmäßigen letzten Zinstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Letzter Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Last interest";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Letzter Zinstermin";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The last interest date";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Price";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Kurs";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The price";
String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddlyield
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4197,50 +3128,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den internen Zinsfuß einer Reihe nicht periodisch anfallender Zahlungen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a non-periodic schedule of payments";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Werte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Values";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Werte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The values";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Zeitpunkte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Dates";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Zeitpunkte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The dates";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Schätzwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Guess";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Xirr
- Text [ de ] = "Schätzwert";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The guess";
@@ -4249,50 +3166,36 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Nettobarwert (Kapitalwert) einer Reihe nicht periodisch anfallender Zahlungen.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the net present value for a non-periodic schedule of payments";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Rate";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Zins";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The rate";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Werte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Values";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Werte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The values";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Zeitpunkte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Dates";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Xnpv
- Text [ de ] = "Zeitpunkte";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The dates";
@@ -4301,78 +3204,56 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den Zinssatz eines voll investierten Wertpapiers.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Anlage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Investment";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Anlage";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The investment";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Redemption";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Rückzahlung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The redemption value";
String 10 // name of parameter 5 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 11 // description of parameter 5 Intrate
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4381,64 +3262,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert das Datum des ersten Zinstermins nach dem Abrechungstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the first coupon date after the settlement date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupncd
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4447,64 +3310,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Anzahl Tage der Zinsperiode, die den Abrechnungstermin einschließt.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period containing the settlement date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupdays
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4513,64 +3358,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Anzahl der Tage vom Abrechnungstermin bis zum nächsten Zinstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupdaysnc
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4579,64 +3406,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Anzahl der Tage vom Anfang des Zinstermins bis zum Abrechnungstermin.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupdaybs
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4645,64 +3454,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert das Datum des letzten Zinstermins vor dem Abrechnungsdatum.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the last coupon date preceding the settlement date";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Couppcd
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4711,64 +3502,46 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert die Anzahl der Zinstermine zwischen Abrechnungs- und Fälligkeitsdatum.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement and maturity dates";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Settlement";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Abrechnung";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The settlement";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Maturity";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Fälligkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The maturity";
String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Frequency";
String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Häufigkeit";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The frequency";
String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Basis";
String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupnum
- Text [ de ] = "Basis";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The basis";
@@ -4777,36 +3550,26 @@ Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS
String 1 // description Fvschedule
- Text [ de ] = "Liefert den aufgezinsten Wert des Anfangskapitals für eine Reihe periodisch unterschiedlicher Zinssätze.";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Returns the future value of the initial principal after a series of compound interest rates are applied";
String 2 // name of parameter 1 Fvschedule
- Text [ de ] = "Kapital";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Principal";
String 3 // description of parameter 1 Fvschedule
- Text [ de ] = "Kapital";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The principal";
String 4 // name of parameter 2 Fvschedule
- Text [ de ] = "Zinsen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "Schedule";
String 5 // description of parameter 2 Fvschedule
- Text [ de ] = "Zinsen";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Text [ en-US ] = "The schedule";