path: root/sd/source/ui/accessibility
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authorVladimir Glazounov <>2003-12-17 18:34:12 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2003-12-17 18:34:12 +0000
commit9a6068a6691d2d0dd4567f236810ec060983ef2c (patch)
tree1ad5e69632222e1a6eeb877b76eccab40fbadc01 /sd/source/ui/accessibility
parenta0f95b6a4eb23a815bfd0c1eac2643e5b2a1db7c (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS geordi2q11 (1.9.128); FILE MERGED
2003/12/16 15:37:45 hr #111934#: join CWS ooo111fix1
Diffstat (limited to 'sd/source/ui/accessibility')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/sd/source/ui/accessibility/accessibility.src b/sd/source/ui/accessibility/accessibility.src
index fe03a41bc71a..adb93d51bb1f 100644
--- a/sd/source/ui/accessibility/accessibility.src
+++ b/sd/source/ui/accessibility/accessibility.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: accessibility.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.9 $
+ * $Revision: 1.10 $
- * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-07-17 12:39:34 $
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 19:34:12 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_D_DRAWVIEW_N
Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeichnungsansicht";
Text[ hindi ] = "रेखाचित्र दृश्य";
Text[ slovak ] = "Náhľad kresby";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Rajzolónézet";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Risalni pogled";
@@ -103,13 +105,13 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_D_DRAWVIEW_D
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
Text[ russian ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
- Text[ greek ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Hier maakt en bewerkt u tekeningen.";
Text[ french ] = "Cration et dition des dessins";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aqu puede crear y editar dibujos. ";
Text[ finnish ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
Text[ italian ] = "Spazio per creare e modificare disegni.";
- Text[ danish ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Her kan du oprette og redigere tegninger.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hr kan du skapa och redigera teckningar.";
Text[ polish ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criao e edio de desenhos";
@@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_D_DRAWVIEW_D
Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier können Sie Zeichnungen erzeugen und bearbeiten.";
Text[ hindi ] = "This is where you create and edit drawings.";
Text[ slovak ] = "Tu môžete vytvárať a upravovať kresby.";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Ebben a nézetben lehet létrehozni és szerkeszteni a rajzokat.";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Tukaj lahko ustvarjate in urejate risbe.";
@@ -156,6 +160,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_DRAWVIEW_N
Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeichnungsansicht";
Text[ hindi ] = "रेखाचित्र दृश्य";
Text[ slovak ] = "Náhľad kresby";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Szerkesztés nézet";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Risalni pogled";
@@ -165,13 +171,13 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_DRAWVIEW_D
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
Text[ russian ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
- Text[ greek ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Hier maakt en bewerkt u dia's.";
Text[ french ] = "Cration et dition des pages";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aqu se pueden crear y editar diapositivas.";
Text[ finnish ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
Text[ italian ] = "Spazio per creare e modificare le presentazioni.";
- Text[ danish ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Her kan du oprette og redigere dias.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hr kan du skapa och redigera sidor.";
Text[ polish ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criao e edio de slides";
@@ -187,6 +193,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_DRAWVIEW_D
Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier können Sie Seiten erzeugen und bearbeiten.";
Text[ hindi ] = "This is where you create and edit slides.";
Text[ slovak ] = "Tu môžete vytvárať a upravovať snímky.";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Ebben a nézetben lehet létrehozni és szerkeszteni a diákat.";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Tukaj oblikujete in urejate diapozitive.";
@@ -218,6 +226,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_OUTLINEVIEW_N
Text[ hebrew ] = "Gliederungsansicht";
Text[ hindi ] = "बाहरी रूपरेखा दृश्य";
Text[ slovak ] = "Pohľad s osnovou";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Vázlat nézet";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Orisni pogled";
@@ -227,13 +237,13 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_OUTLINEVIEW_D
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
Text[ russian ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
- Text[ greek ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Hier voert u tekst in lijstvorm in of of bewerkt deze tekst.";
Text[ french ] = "Saisie et dition du texte en mode Plan";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aqu puede introducir y editar texto en forma de lista. ";
Text[ finnish ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
Text[ italian ] = "Spazio per creare e modificare un testo nella vista struttura.";
- Text[ danish ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Her kan du indtaste eller redigere tekst p listeform.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hr kan du mata in och redigera text i dispositionsvyn.";
Text[ polish ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criao e edio do texto dos tpicos.";
@@ -249,6 +259,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_OUTLINEVIEW_D
Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier können Sie Text in der Gliederungsansicht eingeben und bearbeiten.";
Text[ hindi ] = "This is where you enter or edit text in list form.";
Text[ slovak ] = "Tu môžete zadávať a upravovať text formulára.";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Ebben a nézetben listaformában írhatjuk be vagy szerkeszthetjük a szövegeket.";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Tukaj vnašate in urejate besedilo v obliki seznama.";
@@ -280,6 +292,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_SLIDEVIEW_N
Text[ hebrew ] = "Diaansicht";
Text[ hindi ] = "स्लइड दृश्य";
Text[ slovak ] = "Pohľad na snímky";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Dia nézet";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Pogled diapozitivov";
@@ -289,13 +303,13 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_SLIDEVIEW_D
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
Text[ russian ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
- Text[ greek ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Hier sorteert u dia's.";
Text[ french ] = "Tri des diapos";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aqu puede ordenar las diapositivas.";
Text[ finnish ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
Text[ italian ] = "Spazio per ordinare le diapositive.";
- Text[ danish ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Her kan du sortere dine dias.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hr kan du sortera sidor.";
Text[ polish ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seleo de slides";
@@ -311,6 +325,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_SLIDEVIEW_D
Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier können Sie Seiten sortieren.";
Text[ hindi ] = "This is where you sort slides.";
Text[ slovak ] = "Tu môžete triediť snímky.";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Ebben a nézetben rendezhetjük a diákat.";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Tukaj razvrščate diapozitive.";
@@ -342,6 +358,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_NOTESVIEW_N
Text[ hebrew ] = "Notizansicht";
Text[ hindi ] = "टिप्पणी दृश्य";
Text[ slovak ] = "Pohľad na poznámky";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Jegyzet nézet";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Pogled opomb";
@@ -351,13 +369,13 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_NOTESVIEW_D
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
Text[ russian ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
- Text[ greek ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Hier voert u aantekeningen in en bewerkt ze.";
Text[ french ] = "Saisie et dition des notes";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aqu puede introducir y editar anotaciones. ";
Text[ finnish ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
Text[ italian ] = "Spazio per scrivere le annotazioni.";
- Text[ danish ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Her kan du indtaste og vise noter.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hr kan du mata in och redigera anteckningar.";
Text[ polish ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Digitao e edio de anotaes";
@@ -373,6 +391,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_NOTESVIEW_D
Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier können Sie Notizen eingeben und bearbeiten.";
Text[ hindi ] = "This is where you enter and view notes.";
Text[ slovak ] = "Tu môžete zadávať a prezerať poznámky.";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Ebben a nézetben írhatjuk be és nézhetjük meg a megjegyzéseket.";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Tukaj vnašate in urejate opombe.";
@@ -404,6 +424,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_HANDOUTVIEW_N
Text[ hebrew ] = "Handzettelansicht";
Text[ hindi ] = "हान्डौट् दृश्य";
Text[ slovak ] = "Pohľad na tézu";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Emlékeztető nézet";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Pogled izročka";
@@ -413,13 +435,13 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_HANDOUTVIEW_D
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
Text[ russian ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
- Text[ greek ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
- Text[ dutch ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
+ Text[ greek ] = " .";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Hier bepaalt u de lay-out van hand-outs.";
Text[ french ] = "dition de la mise en page des prospectus";
Text[ spanish ] = "Aqu puede editar el diseo de los volantes. ";
Text[ finnish ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
Text[ italian ] = "Spazio per modificare il layout di stampati.";
- Text[ danish ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Her bestemmer du layout for uddelingskopier.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Hr kan du redigera layout fr flygblad.";
Text[ polish ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Edio do layout dos folhetos";
@@ -435,6 +457,8 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_HANDOUTVIEW_D
Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier können Sie das Layout der Handzettel bearbeiten.";
Text[ hindi ] = "This is where you decide on the layout for handouts.";
Text[ slovak ] = "Tu sa môžete rozhodnúť pre rozloženie téz.";
+ Text[ hungarian ] = "Ebben a nézetben határozhatjuk meg az emlékeztetők elrendezését.";
+ Text[ slovenian ] = "Tukaj določite postavitev izročka.";
@@ -456,3 +480,6 @@ String SID_SD_A11Y_I_HANDOUTVIEW_D