path: root/sd/source
diff options
authorOliver Bolte <>2006-07-13 09:32:25 +0000
committerOliver Bolte <>2006-07-13 09:32:25 +0000
commit5333e38e1301d237814d4598058af816598a6511 (patch)
tree0fafb4b44a0a74f658b793dcff450dbd95c122ba /sd/source
parent931a268770820b3ce0e49339dc5ef16884531eab (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS impress96 (1.50.38); FILE MERGED
2006/05/12 14:39:54 af #i57318# Moved Print(Outline,Handout,StdOrNotes,Page) to PrintManager.
Diffstat (limited to 'sd/source')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 832 deletions
diff --git a/sd/source/ui/view/viewshe3.cxx b/sd/source/ui/view/viewshe3.cxx
index 5b494718bddb..ba7c232045a6 100644
--- a/sd/source/ui/view/viewshe3.cxx
+++ b/sd/source/ui/view/viewshe3.cxx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: viewshe3.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.50 $
+ * $Revision: 1.51 $
- * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-04-07 15:02:56 $
+ * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-07-13 10:32:25 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@@ -58,10 +58,6 @@
#include "new_foil.hxx"
#include "fupoor.hxx"
-#include <svtools/printdlg.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
@@ -86,10 +82,6 @@
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
-#ifndef _SFX_PRINTER_HXX //autogen
-#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
#ifndef _SFX_BINDINGS_HXX //autogen
#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
@@ -168,12 +160,7 @@
#include "FrameView.hxx"
-//CHINA001 #include "prntopts.hxx"
-//CHINA001 #include "printdlg.hxx"
#include "optsitem.hxx"
-#include "Outliner.hxx"
#include "sdresid.hxx"
// #96090#
@@ -195,823 +182,6 @@ namespace sd {
-|* Drucken der Outlinerdaten
-void ViewShell::PrintOutline(SfxPrinter& rPrinter,
- SfxProgress& rProgress,
- const MultiSelection& rSelPages,
- const String& rTimeDateStr,
- const Font& rTimeDateFont,
- const SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts,
- USHORT nPage, USHORT nPageMax,
- USHORT nCopies, USHORT nProgressOffset, USHORT nTotal )
- // Papierschacht
- // Seiteneinstellungen koennen nicht fuer die Gliederung gemacht werden
- // (also auch nicht der Druckerschacht), deswegen wird der Druckerschacht
- // von der Seite PK_STANDARD genommen.
- /*
- if( pPrintOpts && !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung
- {
- USHORT nPaperBin = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD)->GetPaperBin();
- rPrinter.SetPaperBin( nPaperBin );
- } */
- // Es wird jetzt (vorlaeufig ?) der Druckerschacht vom Drucker genommen
- const MapMode aOldMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() );
- MapMode aMap( aOldMap );
- const Orientation eOldOrient = rPrinter.GetOrientation();
- Point aPageOfs( rPrinter.GetPageOffset() );
- Fraction aScale(1, 2);
- BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE;
- aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs);
- aMap.SetScaleX(aScale);
- aMap.SetScaleY(aScale);
- rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap);
- rPrinter.SetOrientation(ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);
- if ( pPrintOpts )
- bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages();
- Rectangle aOutRect(aPageOfs, rPrinter.GetOutputSize());
- Link aOldLink;
- Outliner* pOutliner = GetDoc()->GetInternalOutliner();
- USHORT nOutlMode = pOutliner->GetMode();
- BOOL bOldUpdateMode = pOutliner->GetUpdateMode();
- if (this->ISA(OutlineViewShell))
- pOutliner->SetMinDepth(0);
- Size aPaperSize = pOutliner->GetPaperSize();
- pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aOutRect.GetSize());
- pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
- long nPageH = aOutRect.GetHeight();
- USHORT nPageCount = nProgressOffset;
- while ( nPage < nPageMax )
- {
- Paragraph* pPara = NULL;
- long nH = 0;
- pOutliner->Clear();
- pOutliner->SetFirstPageNumber(nPage+1);
- while ( nH < nPageH && nPage < nPageMax )
- {
- if ( rSelPages.IsSelected(nPage+1) )
- {
- //rProgress.SetState( nPageCount, nTotal );
- //rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, nPage+1, nTotal );
- String aTmp = UniString::CreateFromInt32( nPage+1 );
- aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_OUTLINE ) );
- rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, aTmp, nTotal );
- nPageCount += nCopies;
- SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*)
- GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD);
- SdrTextObj* pTextObj = NULL;
- ULONG nObj = 0;
- if ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded )
- {
- while ( !pTextObj && nObj < pPage->GetObjCount() )
- {
- SdrObject* pObj = pPage->GetObj(nObj++);
- if ( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor &&
- pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_TITLETEXT )
- pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*) pObj;
- }
- pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() - 1 );
- if ( pTextObj && !pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj() &&
- pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject() )
- pOutliner->AddText( *(pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) );
- else
- pOutliner->Insert(String());
- pTextObj = NULL;
- nObj = 0;
- while ( !pTextObj && nObj < pPage->GetObjCount() )
- {
- SdrObject* pObj = pPage->GetObj(nObj++);
- if ( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor &&
- pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT )
- pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*) pObj;
- }
- BOOL bSubTitle = FALSE;
- if (!pTextObj)
- {
- bSubTitle = TRUE;
- pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*) pPage->GetPresObj(PRESOBJ_TEXT); // Untertitel vorhanden?
- }
- ULONG nParaCount1 = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount();
- if ( pTextObj && !pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj() &&
- pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject() )
- pOutliner->AddText( *(pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) );
- if ( bSubTitle )
- {
- ULONG nParaCount2 = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount();
- Paragraph* pPara = NULL;
- for (ULONG nPara = nParaCount1; nPara < nParaCount2; nPara++)
- {
- pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph(nPara);
- if(pPara && pOutliner->GetDepth( (USHORT) nPara ) !=1 )
- pOutliner->SetDepth(pPara, 1);
- }
- }
- nH = pOutliner->GetTextHeight();
- }
- }
- nPage++;
- }
- if ( nH > nPageH && pPara )
- {
- ULONG nCnt = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pOutliner->GetParagraph( pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() - 1 ) );
- ULONG nParaPos = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pPara );
- nCnt -= nParaPos;
- pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( ++nParaPos );
- if ( nCnt && pPara )
- {
- pOutliner->Remove(pPara, nCnt);
- nPage--;
- }
- }
- rPrinter.StartPage();
- pOutliner->Draw(&rPrinter, aOutRect);
- if ( rTimeDateStr.Len() )
- {
- Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont();
- rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont);
- rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, rTimeDateStr);
- rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont);
- }
- rPrinter.EndPage();
- }
- pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(bOldUpdateMode);
- pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aPaperSize);
- pOutliner->Init( nOutlMode );
- rPrinter.SetOrientation(eOldOrient);
- rPrinter.SetMapMode( aOldMap );
-|* Drucken der Handouts
-void ViewShell::PrintHandout (
- SfxPrinter& rPrinter,
- SfxProgress& rProgress,
- const MultiSelection& rSelPages,
- const String& rTimeDateStr,
- const Font& rTimeDateFont,
- const SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts,
- USHORT nPage,
- USHORT nPageMax,
- USHORT nCopies,
- USHORT nProgressOffset,
- USHORT nTotal )
- SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT);
- SdPage& rMaster = (SdPage&)pPage->TRG_GetMasterPage();
- BOOL bScalePage = TRUE;
- if ( pPrintOpts )
- {
- bScalePage = pPrintOpts->IsPagesize();
- }
- // Papierschacht
- if( pPrintOpts && !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung
- {
- USHORT nPaperBin = pPage->GetPaperBin();
- rPrinter.SetPaperBin( nPaperBin );
- }
- // Hoch/Querformat aendern?
- Orientation eOrientation = rMaster.GetOrientation();
- short nDlgResult = RET_OK;
- if ( !rPrinter.SetOrientation(eOrientation) &&
- (!pPrintOpts || pPrintOpts->IsWarningOrientation()) )
- {
- // eine Warnung anzeigen
- WarningBox aWarnBox(GetActiveWindow(),(WinBits)(WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_CANCEL),
- nDlgResult = aWarnBox.Execute();
- }
- if ( nDlgResult == RET_OK )
- {
- const MapMode aOldMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() );
- MapMode aMap( aOldMap );
- Point aPageOfs( rPrinter.GetPageOffset() );
- DrawView* pPrintView;
- BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE;
- aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs);
- if ( bScalePage )
- {
- Size aPageSize(pPage->GetSize());
- Size aPrintSize( rPrinter.GetOutputSize() );
- double fHorz = (double) aPrintSize.Width() / aPageSize.Width();
- double fVert = (double) aPrintSize.Height() / aPageSize.Height();
- Fraction aFract;
- if ( fHorz < fVert )
- aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Width(), aPageSize.Width());
- else
- aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Height(), aPageSize.Height());
- aMap.SetScaleX(aFract);
- aMap.SetScaleY(aFract);
- aMap.SetOrigin(Point());
- }
- rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap);
- if (this->ISA(DrawViewShell))
- pPrintView = new DrawView (GetDocSh(), &rPrinter,
- static_cast<DrawViewShell*>(this));
- else
- pPrintView = new DrawView (GetDocSh(), &rPrinter, NULL);
- sd::ShapeList& rShapeList = rMaster.GetPresentationShapeList();
- USHORT nPageCount = nProgressOffset;
- WriteFrameViewData();
- nPrintedHandoutPageNum = 0;
- if ( pPrintOpts )
- bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages();
- while ( nPage < nPageMax )
- {
- // Anzahl ALLER Seiten im Dokument:
- USHORT nAbsPageCnt = GetDoc()->GetPageCount();
- SdrObject* pIter = rShapeList.getNextShape(0);
- while( pIter && (nPage < nPageMax) )
- {
- SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast< SdrPageObj* >(pIter);
- if( pPageObj && (rMaster.GetPresObjKind(pPageObj) == PRESOBJ_HANDOUT) )
- {
- if ( rSelPages.IsSelected(nPage+1) )
- {
- //rProgress.SetState( nPageCount, nTotal );
- //rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, nPage+1, nTotal );
- String aTmp = UniString::CreateFromInt32( nPage+1 );
- aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_HANDOUT ) );
- rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, aTmp, nTotal );
- nPageCount += nCopies;
- SdPage* pPg = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD);
- if ( !pPg->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded )
- {
- (pPageObj)->SetReferencedPage(pPg);
- pIter = rShapeList.getNextShape(pIter);
- }
- }
- nPage++;
- }
- else
- {
- pIter = rShapeList.getNextShape(pIter);
- }
- }
- while( pIter )
- {
- SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast< SdrPageObj* >(pIter);
- if( pPageObj && (rMaster.GetPresObjKind(pPageObj) == PRESOBJ_HANDOUT) )
- pPageObj->SetReferencedPage(0L);
- pIter = rShapeList.getNextShape(pIter);
- }
- nPrintedHandoutPageNum++;
- rPrinter.StartPage();
- pPrintView->ShowPage(pPage, Point());
- SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage);
- pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() );
- pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() );
- pPrintView->CompleteRedraw(&rPrinter, Rectangle(Point(0,0),
- pPage->GetSize()));
- if ( rTimeDateStr.Len() )
- {
- Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont();
- rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont);
- rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, rTimeDateStr);
- rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont);
- }
- rPrinter.EndPage();
- pPrintView->HidePage(pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage));
- }
- USHORT nRealPage = 0;
- SdrObject* pIter = 0;
- while( pIter = rShapeList.getNextShape(pIter) )
- {
- SdrPageObj* pPageObj = dynamic_cast< SdrPageObj* >(pIter);
- if( pPageObj && (rMaster.GetPresObjKind(pPageObj) == PRESOBJ_HANDOUT) )
- {
- SdPage* pRealPage = 0;
- if( nRealPage < GetDoc()->GetSdPageCount( PK_STANDARD ) )
- pRealPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nRealPage++,PK_STANDARD);
- pPageObj->SetReferencedPage(pRealPage);
- }
- }
- nPrintedHandoutPageNum = 1;
- delete pPrintView;
- rPrinter.SetMapMode(aOldMap);
- }
-|* Drucken der normalen Seiten oder der Notizseiten
-void ViewShell::PrintStdOrNotes(SfxPrinter& rPrinter,
- SfxProgress& rProgress,
- const MultiSelection& rSelPages,
- const String& rTimeDateStr,
- const Font& rTimeDateFont,
- const SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts,
- USHORT nPage, USHORT nPageMax,
- USHORT nCopies, USHORT nProgressOffset, USHORT nTotal,
- PageKind ePageKind, BOOL bPrintMarkedOnly)
- Fraction aFract;
- BOOL bScalePage = TRUE;
- BOOL bTilePage = FALSE;
- BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE;
- BOOL bPrintPageName = TRUE;
- BOOL bPrintBooklet = FALSE;
- BOOL bPrintFrontPage = FALSE;
- BOOL bPrintBackPage = FALSE;
- SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nPage, ePageKind);
- if ( pPrintOpts )
- {
- bScalePage = pPrintOpts->IsPagesize();
- bTilePage = pPrintOpts->IsPagetile();
- bPrintPageName = pPrintOpts->IsPagename();
- bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages();
- bPrintBooklet = pPrintOpts->IsBooklet();
- bPrintFrontPage = pPrintOpts->IsFrontPage();
- bPrintBackPage = pPrintOpts->IsBackPage();
- // Papierschacht
- if( !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung
- {
- USHORT nPaperBin = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nPage, ePageKind)->GetPaperBin();
- rPrinter.SetPaperBin( nPaperBin );
- }
- }
- // Hoch/Querformat aendern?
- Size aPageSize(pPage->GetSize());
- Orientation eOrientation = ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;
- short nDlgResult = RET_OK;
- if( !bPrintBooklet )
- {
- eOrientation = pPage->GetOrientation();
- }
- else if( aPageSize.Width() < aPageSize.Height() )
- if ( !rPrinter.SetOrientation(eOrientation) &&
- (!pPrintOpts || pPrintOpts->IsWarningOrientation()) )
- {
- // eine Warnung anzeigen
- WarningBox aWarnBox(GetActiveWindow(),(WinBits)(WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_CANCEL),
- nDlgResult = aWarnBox.Execute();
- }
- if ( nDlgResult == RET_OK )
- {
- const MapMode aOldMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() );
- MapMode aMap( aOldMap );
- Point aPageOfs( rPrinter.GetPageOffset() );
- DrawView* pPrintView;
- aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs);
- rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap);
- Size aPrintSize( rPrinter.GetOutputSize() );
- if (this->ISA(DrawViewShell))
- pPrintView = new DrawView (GetDocSh(), &rPrinter,
- static_cast<DrawViewShell*>(this));
- else
- pPrintView = new DrawView (GetDocSh(), &rPrinter, NULL);
- USHORT nPageCount = nProgressOffset;
- // Als Broschuere drucken ?
- if( bPrintBooklet )
- {
- SdPage* pPage;
- MapMode aStdMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() );
- ::std::vector< USHORT > aPageVector;
- ::std::vector< ::std::pair< USHORT, USHORT > > aPairVector;
- Point aOffset;
- Size aPrintSize_2( aPrintSize );
- Size aPageSize_2( aPageSize );
- if( eOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE )
- aPrintSize_2.Width() >>= 1;
- else
- aPrintSize_2.Height() >>= 1;
- const double fPageWH = (double) aPageSize_2.Width() / aPageSize_2.Height();
- const double fPrintWH = (double) aPrintSize_2.Width() / aPrintSize_2.Height();
- if( fPageWH < fPrintWH )
- {
- aPageSize_2.Width() = (long) ( aPrintSize_2.Height() * fPageWH );
- aPageSize_2.Height()= aPrintSize_2.Height();
- }
- else
- {
- aPageSize_2.Width() = aPrintSize_2.Width();
- aPageSize_2.Height() = (long) ( aPrintSize_2.Width() / fPageWH );
- }
- aMap.SetScaleX( Fraction( aPageSize_2.Width(), aPageSize.Width() ) );
- aMap.SetScaleY( Fraction( aPageSize_2.Height(), aPageSize.Height() ) );
- // calculate adjusted print size
- aPrintSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aPrintSize, aStdMap, aMap );
- if( eOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE )
- {
- aOffset.X() = ( ( aPrintSize.Width() >> 1 ) - aPageSize.Width() ) >> 1;
- aOffset.Y() = ( aPrintSize.Height() - aPageSize.Height() ) >> 1;
- }
- else
- {
- aOffset.X() = ( aPrintSize.Width() - aPageSize.Width() ) >> 1;
- aOffset.Y() = ( ( aPrintSize.Height() >> 1 ) - aPageSize.Height() ) >> 1;
- }
- // create vector of pages to print
- while( nPage < nPageMax )
- {
- if( rSelPages.IsSelected( nPage + 1 ) )
- {
- SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage( nPage, ePageKind );
- if( pPage && ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded ) )
- aPageVector.push_back( nPage );
- }
- nPage++;
- }
- // create pairs of pages to print on each page
- if( aPageVector.size() )
- {
- sal_uInt32 nFirstIndex = 0, nLastIndex = aPageVector.size() - 1;
- if( aPageVector.size() & 1 )
- aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( (USHORT) 65535, aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) );
- else
- aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ], aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) );
- while( nFirstIndex < nLastIndex )
- {
- if( nFirstIndex & 1 )
- aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ], aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ] ) );
- else
- aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ], aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) );
- }
- }
- for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aPairVector.size(); i++ )
- {
- if( ( !( i & 1 ) && bPrintFrontPage ) || ( ( i & 1 ) && bPrintBackPage ) )
- {
- const ::std::pair< USHORT, USHORT > aPair( aPairVector[ i ] );
- rPrinter.StartPage();
- pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage( aPair.first, ePageKind );
- if( pPage )
- {
- aMap.SetOrigin( aOffset );
- rPrinter.SetMapMode( aMap );
- PrintPage( rPrinter, pPrintView, pPage, bPrintMarkedOnly );
- }
- pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage( aPair.second, ePageKind );
- if( pPage )
- {
- Point aSecondOffset( aOffset );
- if( eOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE )
- aSecondOffset.X() += ( aPrintSize.Width() >> 1 );
- else
- aSecondOffset.Y() += ( aPrintSize.Height() >> 1 );
- aMap.SetOrigin( aSecondOffset );
- rPrinter.SetMapMode( aMap );
- PrintPage( rPrinter, pPrintView, pPage, bPrintMarkedOnly );
- }
- rPrinter.EndPage();
- }
- }
- rPrinter.SetMapMode( aStdMap );
- }
- else
- {
- WriteFrameViewData();
- Point aPtZero;
- while ( nPage < nPageMax )
- {
- if ( rSelPages.IsSelected(nPage+1) )
- {
- SdPage* pPage = GetDoc()->GetSdPage(nPage, ePageKind);
- // Kann sich die Seitengroesse geaendert haben?
- aPageSize = pPage->GetSize();
- rProgress.SetState( nPageCount, nTotal );
- nPageCount += nCopies;
- if ( bScalePage )
- {
- double fHorz = (double) aPrintSize.Width() / aPageSize.Width();
- double fVert = (double) aPrintSize.Height() / aPageSize.Height();
- if ( fHorz < fVert )
- aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Width(), aPageSize.Width());
- else
- aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Height(), aPageSize.Height());
- aMap.SetScaleX(aFract);
- aMap.SetScaleY(aFract);
- aMap.SetOrigin(Point());
- }
- if ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded )
- {
- String aTmp = UniString::CreateFromInt32( nPage+1 );
- if(ePageKind == PK_NOTES)
- aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_NOTES ) );
- else
- aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_DRAWING ) );
- rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, aTmp, nTotal );
- String aPageStr;
- if ( bPrintPageName )
- {
- aPageStr = pPage->GetName();
- aPageStr += (sal_Unicode)' ';
- }
- aPageStr += rTimeDateStr;
- MapMode aStdMap = rPrinter.GetMapMode();
- rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap);
- //
- BOOL bPrint = TRUE;
- Point aPageOrigin;
- long aPageWidth = aPageSize.Width() - pPage->GetLftBorder() - pPage->GetRgtBorder();
- long aPageHeight = aPageSize.Height() - pPage->GetUppBorder() - pPage->GetLwrBorder();
- long aPrintWidth = aPrintSize.Width();
- long aPrintHeight = aPrintSize.Height();
- // Bugfix zu 44530:
- // Falls implizit umgestellt wurde (Landscape/Portrait)
- // wird dies beim Kacheln, bzw. aufteilen (Poster) beruecksichtigt
- BOOL bSwitchPageSize = FALSE;
- if( ( aPrintWidth > aPrintHeight && aPageWidth < aPageHeight ) ||
- ( aPrintWidth < aPrintHeight && aPageWidth > aPageHeight ) )
- {
- bSwitchPageSize = TRUE;
- aPrintWidth = aPrintSize.Height();
- aPrintHeight = aPrintSize.Width();
- }
- // Eine (kleine) Seite, die gekachelt ausgegeben werden soll
- if( bTilePage &&
- aPageWidth < aPrintWidth &&
- aPageHeight < aPrintHeight )
- {
- aPageWidth += 500;
- aPageHeight += 500;
- Point aPrintOrigin;
- rPrinter.StartPage();
- pPrintView->ShowPage( pPage, aPtZero );
- SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage);
- pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() );
- pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() );
- long nPagesPrinted = 0; // Fuer Bedingung s.u.
- BOOL bPrintPage; // Fuer Bedingung s.u.
- while( bPrint )
- {
- BOOL bWidth = aPageWidth < aPrintWidth;
- BOOL bHeight = aPageHeight < aPrintHeight;
- if( !bWidth && !bHeight )
- bPrint = FALSE;
- // Etwas umstaendliche Abfrage, die ausdrueckt, ob eine Seite
- // beim Kacheln abgeschnitten oder gar nicht dargestellt werden
- // soll. Die Bedingung ist, dass eine 2. Seite (horz. oder vert.)
- // immer gedruck wird, waehrend eine dritte Seite (oder hoeher)
- // nur noch gedruckt wird, wenn diese auch noch vollstaendig
- // aufs Papier passt.
- if( nPagesPrinted < 4 && !( !bWidth && nPagesPrinted == 2 ) )
- bPrintPage = TRUE;
- else
- bPrintPage = FALSE;
- nPagesPrinted++;
- if( ( bWidth && bHeight ) || bPrintPage )
- {
- aStdMap.SetOrigin( aPrintOrigin );
- rPrinter.SetMapMode( aStdMap );
- if (this->ISA(DrawViewShell) && bPrintMarkedOnly )
- {
- GetView()->DrawAllMarked( rPrinter, aPtZero );
- }
- else
- pPrintView->CompleteRedraw( &rPrinter, Rectangle( aPtZero,
- aPageSize ) );
- }
- if( bWidth )
- {
- aPrintOrigin.X() += aPageWidth;
- aPrintWidth -= aPageWidth;
- }
- else if( bHeight )
- {
- aPrintOrigin.X() = 0;
- aPrintWidth = bSwitchPageSize ? aPrintSize.Height() : aPrintSize.Width();
- aPrintOrigin.Y() += aPageHeight;
- aPrintHeight -= aPageHeight;
- }
- }
- if ( aPageStr.Len() )
- {
- Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont();
- rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont);
- rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, aPageStr);
- rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont);
- }
- rPrinter.EndPage();
- pPrintView->HidePage(pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage));
- bPrint = FALSE;
- }
- // Damit ein groessere Seite auch auf einem kleineren Drucker (Format)
- // ausgegeben werden kann, wird folgende while-Schleife durchlaufen.
- // Beim "Abschneiden" wird nur eine Seite gedruckt!
- while( bPrint )
- {
- BOOL bWidth = aPageWidth > aPrintWidth;
- BOOL bHeight = aPageHeight > aPrintHeight;
- if( bScalePage ||
- ( !bWidth && !bHeight ) ||
- ( pPrintOpts && pPrintOpts->IsCutPage() ) )
- bPrint = FALSE;
- rPrinter.StartPage();
- pPrintView->ShowPage(pPage, aPageOrigin);
- if( bWidth )
- {
- aPageOrigin.X() -= aPrintWidth;
- aPageWidth -= aPrintWidth;
- }
- else if( bHeight )
- {
- aPageOrigin.X() = 0;
- aPageWidth = aPageSize.Width() - pPage->GetUppBorder() - pPage->GetLwrBorder();
- aPageOrigin.Y() -= aPrintHeight;
- aPageHeight -= aPrintHeight;
- }
- SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage);
- pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() );
- pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() );
- if (this->ISA(DrawViewShell) && bPrintMarkedOnly)
- GetView()->DrawAllMarked( rPrinter, aPtZero );
- else
- pPrintView->CompleteRedraw(&rPrinter, Rectangle(Point(0,0),
- pPage->GetSize()));
- rPrinter.SetMapMode(aStdMap);
- if ( aPageStr.Len() )
- {
- Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont();
- rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont);
- rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, aPageStr);
- rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont);
- }
- rPrinter.EndPage();
- pPrintView->HidePage(pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage));
- }
- }
- }
- nPage++;
- }
- }
- delete pPrintView;
- rPrinter.SetMapMode( aOldMap );
- }
-|* Seite drucken
-void ViewShell::PrintPage (
- SfxPrinter& rPrinter,
- ::sd::View* pPrintView,
- SdPage* pPage,
- BOOL bPrintMarkedOnly )
- Point aPtZero;
- pPrintView->ShowPage( pPage, aPtZero );
- SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView( pPage );
- pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() );
- pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() );
- if (this->ISA(DrawViewShell) && bPrintMarkedOnly)
- GetView()->DrawAllMarked( rPrinter, aPtZero );
- else
- pPrintView->CompleteRedraw( &rPrinter, Rectangle( aPtZero,
- pPage->GetSize() ) );
- pPrintView->HidePage( pPrintView->GetPageView( pPage ) );
- /*
- if ( aPageStr.Len() )
- {
- Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont();
- rPrinter.SetFont( rTimeDateFont );
- rPrinter.DrawText( aPageOfs, aPageStr );
- rPrinter.SetFont( aOldFont );
- }
- */
|* Status (Enabled/Disabled) von Menue-SfxSlots setzen