path: root/sd/source
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authorMichael Weghorn <>2025-02-27 13:54:53 +0100
committerMichael Weghorn <>2025-02-27 23:01:02 +0100
commitbc35ec327f1ade9075232ebc77a466130aa3aa95 (patch)
tree62711030e03b255d32a431fff826083c292ef8b6 /sd/source
parentda3c954c95b2cc8e9316a36f76ec5f7bfadce868 (diff)
sd presenter a11y: Move 2 classes to own .hxx/.cxx
Move the AccessibleFocusManager and AccessibleObject classes to their own header and source files, which makes it a little easier to keep the overview. AccessibleObject is now also no longer an inner class of the PresenterAccessible class. Change-Id: Ifdd2101fff7bee32567d737227dff514678d8f1c Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Michael Weghorn <> Tested-by: Jenkins
Diffstat (limited to 'sd/source')
6 files changed, 851 insertions, 740 deletions
diff --git a/sd/source/console/AccessibleFocusManager.cxx b/sd/source/console/AccessibleFocusManager.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..347e184b4c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd/source/console/AccessibleFocusManager.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include "AccessibleFocusManager.hxx"
+#include "AccessibleObject.hxx"
+std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> AccessibleFocusManager::mpInstance;
+std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> const & AccessibleFocusManager::Instance()
+ if ( ! mpInstance)
+ {
+ mpInstance.reset(new AccessibleFocusManager());
+ }
+ return mpInstance;
+ // copy member to stack, then drop it - otherwise will get use-after-free
+ // from AccessibleObject::disposing(), it will call ~Reference *twice*
+ auto const temp(std::move(maFocusableObjects));
+ (void) temp;
+ m_isInDtor = true;
+void AccessibleFocusManager::AddFocusableObject (
+ const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpObject)
+ OSL_ASSERT(::std::find(maFocusableObjects.begin(),maFocusableObjects.end(), rpObject)==maFocusableObjects.end());
+ maFocusableObjects.push_back(rpObject);
+void AccessibleFocusManager::RemoveFocusableObject (
+ const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpObject)
+ ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> >::iterator iObject (
+ ::std::find(maFocusableObjects.begin(),maFocusableObjects.end(), rpObject));
+ if (iObject != maFocusableObjects.end())
+ maFocusableObjects.erase(iObject);
+ else
+ {
+ OSL_ASSERT(m_isInDtor); // in dtor, was removed already
+ }
+void AccessibleFocusManager::FocusObject (
+ const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpObject)
+ // Remove the focus of any of the other focusable objects.
+ for (auto& rxObject : maFocusableObjects)
+ {
+ if (rxObject!=rpObject)
+ rxObject->SetIsFocused(false);
+ }
+ if (
+ rpObject->SetIsFocused(true);
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */
diff --git a/sd/source/console/AccessibleFocusManager.hxx b/sd/source/console/AccessibleFocusManager.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cdfd24ba342b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd/source/console/AccessibleFocusManager.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
+#include <memory>
+class AccessibleObject;
+//===== AccessibleFocusManager ================================================
+/** A singleton class that makes sure that only one accessibility object in
+ the PresenterConsole hierarchy has the focus.
+class AccessibleFocusManager
+ static std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> const & Instance();
+ void AddFocusableObject (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpObject);
+ void RemoveFocusableObject (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpObject);
+ void FocusObject (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpObject);
+ ~AccessibleFocusManager();
+ static std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> mpInstance;
+ ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> > maFocusableObjects;
+ bool m_isInDtor = false;
+ AccessibleFocusManager();
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */
diff --git a/sd/source/console/AccessibleObject.cxx b/sd/source/console/AccessibleObject.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a77712f63596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd/source/console/AccessibleObject.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#include "AccessibleObject.hxx"
+#include "AccessibleFocusManager.hxx"
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.hpp>
+ const sal_Int16 nRole,
+ OUString sName)
+ : AccessibleObjectInterfaceBase(m_aMutex),
+ msName(std::move(sName)),
+ mnRole(nRole),
+ mnStateSet(0),
+ mbIsFocused(false)
+void AccessibleObject::LateInitialization()
+ AccessibleFocusManager::Instance()->AddFocusableObject(this);
+void AccessibleObject::SetWindow (
+ const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
+ const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow)
+ Reference<awt::XWindow2> xContentWindow (rxContentWindow, UNO_QUERY);
+ if (mxContentWindow.get() == xContentWindow.get())
+ return;
+ if (
+ {
+ mxContentWindow->removeWindowListener(this);
+ }
+ mxContentWindow = std::move(xContentWindow);
+ mxBorderWindow.set(rxBorderWindow, UNO_QUERY);
+ if (
+ {
+ mxContentWindow->addWindowListener(this);
+ }
+ UpdateStateSet();
+void AccessibleObject::SetAccessibleParent (
+ const Reference<XAccessible>& rxAccessibleParent)
+ mxParentAccessible = rxAccessibleParent;
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::disposing()
+ AccessibleFocusManager::Instance()->RemoveFocusableObject(this);
+ SetWindow(nullptr, nullptr);
+//----- XAccessible -------------------------------------------------------
+Reference<XAccessibleContext> SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleContext()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return this;
+//----- XAccessibleContext ----------------------------------------------
+sal_Int64 SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getAccessibleChildCount()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return maChildren.size();
+Reference<XAccessible> SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleChild (sal_Int64 nIndex)
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ if (nIndex<0 || o3tl::make_unsigned(nIndex)>=maChildren.size())
+ throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(u"invalid child index"_ustr, static_cast<uno::XWeak*>(this));
+ return maChildren[nIndex];
+Reference<XAccessible> SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleParent()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return mxParentAccessible;
+sal_Int64 SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleIndexInParent()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ const Reference<XAccessible> xThis (this);
+ if (
+ {
+ const Reference<XAccessibleContext> xContext (mxParentAccessible->getAccessibleContext());
+ for (sal_Int64 nIndex = 0, nCount=xContext->getAccessibleChildCount();
+ nIndex<nCount;
+ ++nIndex)
+ {
+ if (xContext->getAccessibleChild(nIndex) == xThis)
+ return nIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sal_Int16 SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleRole()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return mnRole;
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleDescription()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return msName;
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleName()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return msName;
+Reference<XAccessibleRelationSet> SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleRelationSet()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return nullptr;
+sal_Int64 SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleStateSet()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return mnStateSet;
+lang::Locale SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getLocale()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ if (
+ {
+ Reference<XAccessibleContext> xParentContext (mxParentAccessible->getAccessibleContext());
+ if (
+ return xParentContext->getLocale();
+ }
+ return css::lang::Locale();
+//----- XAccessibleComponent ------------------------------------------------
+sal_Bool SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::containsPoint (
+ const awt::Point& rPoint)
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ if (
+ {
+ const awt::Rectangle aBox (getBounds());
+ return rPoint.X>=aBox.X
+ && rPoint.Y>=aBox.Y
+ && rPoint.X<aBox.X+aBox.Width
+ && rPoint.Y<aBox.Y+aBox.Height;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+Reference<XAccessible> SAL_CALL
+ AccessibleObject::getAccessibleAtPoint (const awt::Point&)
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return Reference<XAccessible>();
+awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getBounds()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ const awt::Point aLocation (GetRelativeLocation());
+ const awt::Size aSize (GetSize());
+ return awt::Rectangle (aLocation.X, aLocation.Y, aSize.Width, aSize.Height);
+awt::Point SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getLocation()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ const awt::Point aLocation (GetRelativeLocation());
+ return aLocation;
+awt::Point SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getLocationOnScreen()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ awt::Point aRelativeLocation (GetRelativeLocation());
+ awt::Point aParentLocationOnScreen (GetAbsoluteParentLocation());
+ return awt::Point(
+ aRelativeLocation.X + aParentLocationOnScreen.X,
+ aRelativeLocation.Y + aParentLocationOnScreen.Y);
+awt::Size SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getSize()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ const awt::Size aSize (GetSize());
+ return aSize;
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::grabFocus()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ if (
+ mxBorderWindow->setFocus();
+ else if (
+ mxContentWindow->setFocus();
+sal_Int32 SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getForeground()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return 0x00ffffff;
+sal_Int32 SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::getBackground()
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ return 0x00000000;
+//----- XAccessibleEventBroadcaster -------------------------------------------
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::addAccessibleEventListener (
+ const Reference<XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener)
+ if (!
+ return;
+ const osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
+ if (rBHelper.bDisposed || rBHelper.bInDispose)
+ {
+ uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xThis (static_cast<XWeak*>(this), UNO_QUERY);
+ rxListener->disposing (lang::EventObject(xThis));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maListeners.push_back(rxListener);
+ }
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::removeAccessibleEventListener (
+ const Reference<XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener)
+ ThrowIfDisposed();
+ if (
+ {
+ const osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
+ std::erase(maListeners, rxListener);
+ }
+//----- XWindowListener ---------------------------------------------------
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::windowResized (
+ const css::awt::WindowEvent&)
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::BOUNDRECT_CHANGED, Any(), Any());
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::windowMoved (
+ const css::awt::WindowEvent&)
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::BOUNDRECT_CHANGED, Any(), Any());
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::windowShown (
+ const css::lang::EventObject&)
+ UpdateStateSet();
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::windowHidden (
+ const css::lang::EventObject&)
+ UpdateStateSet();
+//----- XEventListener --------------------------------------------------------
+void SAL_CALL AccessibleObject::disposing (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent)
+ if (rEvent.Source == mxContentWindow)
+ {
+ mxContentWindow = nullptr;
+ mxBorderWindow = nullptr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetWindow(nullptr, nullptr);
+ }
+//----- private ---------------------------------------------------------------
+bool AccessibleObject::GetWindowState (const sal_Int64 nType) const
+ switch (nType)
+ {
+ case AccessibleStateType::ENABLED:
+ return && mxContentWindow->isEnabled();
+ case AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE:
+ return true;
+ case AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED:
+ return mbIsFocused;
+ case AccessibleStateType::SHOWING:
+ return && mxContentWindow->isVisible();
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+void AccessibleObject::UpdateStateSet()
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE, true);
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE, true);
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED, true);
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::MULTI_LINE, true);
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE, true);
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED));
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED));
+ UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::SHOWING, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::SHOWING));
+ // UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE));
+void AccessibleObject::UpdateState(
+ const sal_Int64 nState,
+ const bool bValue)
+ if (((mnStateSet & nState) != 0) == bValue)
+ return;
+ if (bValue)
+ {
+ mnStateSet |= nState;
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, Any(), Any(nState));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mnStateSet &= ~nState;
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, Any(nState), Any());
+ }
+void AccessibleObject::AddChild (
+ const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild)
+ maChildren.push_back(rpChild);
+ rpChild->SetAccessibleParent(this);
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::INVALIDATE_ALL_CHILDREN, Any(), Any());
+void AccessibleObject::RemoveChild (
+ const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild)
+ rpChild->SetAccessibleParent(Reference<XAccessible>());
+ maChildren.erase(::std::find(maChildren.begin(), maChildren.end(), rpChild));
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::INVALIDATE_ALL_CHILDREN, Any(), Any());
+void AccessibleObject::SetIsFocused (const bool bIsFocused)
+ if (mbIsFocused != bIsFocused)
+ {
+ mbIsFocused = bIsFocused;
+ UpdateStateSet();
+ }
+void AccessibleObject::SetAccessibleName (const OUString& rsName)
+ if (msName != rsName)
+ {
+ const OUString sOldName(msName);
+ msName = rsName;
+ FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::NAME_CHANGED, Any(sOldName), Any(msName));
+ }
+void AccessibleObject::FireAccessibleEvent (
+ const sal_Int16 nEventId,
+ const uno::Any& rOldValue,
+ const uno::Any& rNewValue )
+ AccessibleEventObject aEventObject;
+ aEventObject.Source = Reference<XWeak>(this);
+ aEventObject.EventId = nEventId;
+ aEventObject.NewValue = rNewValue;
+ aEventObject.OldValue = rOldValue;
+ ::std::vector<Reference<XAccessibleEventListener> > aListenerCopy(maListeners);
+ for (const auto& rxListener : aListenerCopy)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ rxListener->notifyEvent(aEventObject);
+ }
+ catch (const lang::DisposedException&)
+ {
+ // Listener has been disposed and should have been removed
+ // already.
+ removeAccessibleEventListener(rxListener);
+ }
+ catch (const Exception&)
+ {
+ // Ignore all other exceptions and assume that they are
+ // caused by a temporary problem.
+ }
+ }
+awt::Point AccessibleObject::GetRelativeLocation()
+ awt::Point aLocation;
+ if (
+ {
+ const awt::Rectangle aContentBox (mxContentWindow->getPosSize());
+ aLocation.X = aContentBox.X;
+ aLocation.Y = aContentBox.Y;
+ if (
+ {
+ const awt::Rectangle aBorderBox (mxBorderWindow->getPosSize());
+ aLocation.X += aBorderBox.X;
+ aLocation.Y += aBorderBox.Y;
+ }
+ }
+ return aLocation;
+awt::Size AccessibleObject::GetSize()
+ if (
+ {
+ const awt::Rectangle aBox (mxContentWindow->getPosSize());
+ return awt::Size(aBox.Width, aBox.Height);
+ }
+ else
+ return awt::Size();
+awt::Point AccessibleObject::GetAbsoluteParentLocation()
+ Reference<XAccessibleComponent> xParentComponent;
+ if (
+ xParentComponent.set( mxParentAccessible->getAccessibleContext(), UNO_QUERY);
+ if (
+ return xParentComponent->getLocationOnScreen();
+ else
+ return awt::Point();
+void AccessibleObject::ThrowIfDisposed() const
+ if (rBHelper.bDisposed || rBHelper.bInDispose)
+ throw lang::DisposedException(u"object has already been disposed"_ustr, uno::Reference<uno::XInterface>(const_cast<uno::XWeak*>(static_cast<uno::XWeak const *>(this))));
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */
diff --git a/sd/source/console/AccessibleObject.hxx b/sd/source/console/AccessibleObject.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0962f9c178e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd/source/console/AccessibleObject.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleScrollType.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessibleComponent.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessibleContext.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessibleEventBroadcaster.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/awt/XWindow2.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/awt/XWindowListener.hpp>
+#include <cppuhelper/basemutex.hxx>
+#include <cppuhelper/compbase.hxx>
+#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
+#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+namespace {
+ typedef ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper <
+ css::accessibility::XAccessible,
+ css::accessibility::XAccessibleContext,
+ css::accessibility::XAccessibleComponent,
+ css::accessibility::XAccessibleEventBroadcaster,
+ css::awt::XWindowListener
+ > AccessibleObjectInterfaceBase;
+class AccessibleObject
+ : public ::cppu::BaseMutex,
+ public AccessibleObjectInterfaceBase
+ AccessibleObject(const sal_Int16 nRole, OUString sName);
+ void LateInitialization();
+ virtual void SetWindow (
+ const css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
+ const css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow);
+ void SetAccessibleParent (const css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible>& rxAccessibleParent);
+ virtual void SAL_CALL disposing() override;
+ void AddChild (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild);
+ void RemoveChild (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild);
+ void SetIsFocused (const bool bIsFocused);
+ void SetAccessibleName (const OUString& rsName);
+ void FireAccessibleEvent (
+ const sal_Int16 nEventId,
+ const css::uno::Any& rOldValue,
+ const css::uno::Any& rNewValue);
+ void UpdateStateSet();
+ //----- XAccessible -------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleContext> SAL_CALL
+ getAccessibleContext() override;
+ //----- XAccessibleContext ----------------------------------------------
+ virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getAccessibleChildCount() override;
+ virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL
+ getAccessibleChild (sal_Int64 nIndex) override;
+ virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL getAccessibleParent() override;
+ virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getAccessibleIndexInParent() override;
+ virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getAccessibleRole() override;
+ virtual OUString SAL_CALL getAccessibleDescription() override;
+ virtual OUString SAL_CALL getAccessibleName() override;
+ virtual css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleRelationSet> SAL_CALL
+ getAccessibleRelationSet() override;
+ virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getAccessibleStateSet() override;
+ virtual css::lang::Locale SAL_CALL getLocale() override;
+ //----- XAccessibleComponent --------------------------------------------
+ virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL containsPoint (
+ const css::awt::Point& aPoint) override;
+ virtual css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL
+ getAccessibleAtPoint (
+ const css::awt::Point& aPoint) override;
+ virtual css::awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL getBounds() override;
+ virtual css::awt::Point SAL_CALL getLocation() override;
+ virtual css::awt::Point SAL_CALL getLocationOnScreen() override;
+ virtual css::awt::Size SAL_CALL getSize() override;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL grabFocus() override;
+ virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getForeground() override;
+ virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getBackground() override;
+ //----- XAccessibleEventBroadcaster --------------------------------------
+ virtual void SAL_CALL addAccessibleEventListener (
+ const css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener) override;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL removeAccessibleEventListener (
+ const css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener) override;
+ //----- XWindowListener ---------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void SAL_CALL windowResized (const css::awt::WindowEvent& rEvent) override;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL windowMoved (const css::awt::WindowEvent& rEvent) override;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL windowShown (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent) override;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL windowHidden (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent) override;
+ //----- XEventListener ----------------------------------------------------
+ virtual void SAL_CALL disposing (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent) override;
+ OUString msName;
+ css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow2> mxContentWindow;
+ css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow2> mxBorderWindow;
+ const sal_Int16 mnRole;
+ sal_Int64 mnStateSet;
+ bool mbIsFocused;
+ css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> mxParentAccessible;
+ ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> > maChildren;
+ ::std::vector<Reference<XAccessibleEventListener> > maListeners;
+ virtual awt::Point GetRelativeLocation();
+ virtual awt::Size GetSize();
+ virtual awt::Point GetAbsoluteParentLocation();
+ virtual bool GetWindowState (const sal_Int64 nType) const;
+ void UpdateState (const sal_Int64 aState, const bool bValue);
+ /// @throws css::lang::DisposedException
+ void ThrowIfDisposed() const;
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */
diff --git a/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.cxx b/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.cxx
index da98db49dda4..a4e831d90b12 100644
--- a/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.cxx
+++ b/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.cxx
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
* the License at .
+#include "AccessibleFocusManager.hxx"
#include "PresenterAccessibility.hxx"
#include "PresenterTextView.hxx"
#include "PresenterConfigurationAccess.hxx"
@@ -51,146 +52,9 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework;
-//===== PresenterAccessibleObject =============================================
namespace sdext::presenter {
namespace {
- typedef ::cppu::WeakComponentImplHelper <
- css::accessibility::XAccessible,
- css::accessibility::XAccessibleContext,
- css::accessibility::XAccessibleComponent,
- css::accessibility::XAccessibleEventBroadcaster,
- css::awt::XWindowListener
- > PresenterAccessibleObjectInterfaceBase;
-class PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject
- : public ::cppu::BaseMutex,
- public PresenterAccessibleObjectInterfaceBase
- AccessibleObject(const sal_Int16 nRole, OUString sName);
- void LateInitialization();
- virtual void SetWindow (
- const css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
- const css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow);
- void SetAccessibleParent (const css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible>& rxAccessibleParent);
- virtual void SAL_CALL disposing() override;
- void AddChild (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild);
- void RemoveChild (const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild);
- void SetIsFocused (const bool bIsFocused);
- void SetAccessibleName (const OUString& rsName);
- void FireAccessibleEvent (
- const sal_Int16 nEventId,
- const css::uno::Any& rOldValue,
- const css::uno::Any& rNewValue);
- void UpdateStateSet();
- //----- XAccessible -------------------------------------------------------
- virtual css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleContext> SAL_CALL
- getAccessibleContext() override;
- //----- XAccessibleContext ----------------------------------------------
- virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getAccessibleChildCount() override;
- virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL
- getAccessibleChild (sal_Int64 nIndex) override;
- virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL getAccessibleParent() override;
- virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getAccessibleIndexInParent() override;
- virtual sal_Int16 SAL_CALL getAccessibleRole() override;
- virtual OUString SAL_CALL getAccessibleDescription() override;
- virtual OUString SAL_CALL getAccessibleName() override;
- virtual css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleRelationSet> SAL_CALL
- getAccessibleRelationSet() override;
- virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getAccessibleStateSet() override;
- virtual css::lang::Locale SAL_CALL getLocale() override;
- //----- XAccessibleComponent --------------------------------------------
- virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL containsPoint (
- const css::awt::Point& aPoint) override;
- virtual css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL
- getAccessibleAtPoint (
- const css::awt::Point& aPoint) override;
- virtual css::awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL getBounds() override;
- virtual css::awt::Point SAL_CALL getLocation() override;
- virtual css::awt::Point SAL_CALL getLocationOnScreen() override;
- virtual css::awt::Size SAL_CALL getSize() override;
- virtual void SAL_CALL grabFocus() override;
- virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getForeground() override;
- virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getBackground() override;
- //----- XAccessibleEventBroadcaster --------------------------------------
- virtual void SAL_CALL addAccessibleEventListener (
- const css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener) override;
- virtual void SAL_CALL removeAccessibleEventListener (
- const css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener) override;
- //----- XWindowListener ---------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SAL_CALL windowResized (const css::awt::WindowEvent& rEvent) override;
- virtual void SAL_CALL windowMoved (const css::awt::WindowEvent& rEvent) override;
- virtual void SAL_CALL windowShown (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent) override;
- virtual void SAL_CALL windowHidden (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent) override;
- //----- XEventListener ----------------------------------------------------
- virtual void SAL_CALL disposing (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent) override;
- OUString msName;
- css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow2> mxContentWindow;
- css::uno::Reference<css::awt::XWindow2> mxBorderWindow;
- const sal_Int16 mnRole;
- sal_Int64 mnStateSet;
- bool mbIsFocused;
- css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> mxParentAccessible;
- ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> > maChildren;
- ::std::vector<Reference<XAccessibleEventListener> > maListeners;
- virtual awt::Point GetRelativeLocation();
- virtual awt::Size GetSize();
- virtual awt::Point GetAbsoluteParentLocation();
- virtual bool GetWindowState (const sal_Int64 nType) const;
- void UpdateState (const sal_Int64 aState, const bool bValue);
- /// @throws css::lang::DisposedException
- void ThrowIfDisposed() const;
-namespace {
//===== AccessibleRelationSet =================================================
@@ -226,7 +90,7 @@ private:
//===== PresenterAccessibleParagraph ==========================================
typedef ::cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper <
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject,
+ AccessibleObject,
> PresenterAccessibleParagraphInterfaceBase;
@@ -315,7 +179,7 @@ namespace {
class AccessibleConsole
- static rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> Create (
+ static rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> Create (
const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& rxContext)
OUString sName (u"Presenter Console"_ustr);
@@ -326,8 +190,8 @@ public:
>>= sName;
- rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> pObject (
- new PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject(AccessibleRole::PANEL, sName));
+ rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> pObject (
+ new AccessibleObject(AccessibleRole::PANEL, sName));
@@ -340,7 +204,7 @@ public:
class AccessiblePreview
- static rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> Create (
+ static rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> Create (
const Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& rxContext,
const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow)
@@ -355,8 +219,8 @@ public:
>>= sName;
- rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> pObject (
- new PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject(
+ rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> pObject (
+ new AccessibleObject(
@@ -369,12 +233,12 @@ public:
//===== AccessibleNotes =======================================================
-class AccessibleNotes : public PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject
+class AccessibleNotes : public AccessibleObject
AccessibleNotes(const OUString& rsName);
- static rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> Create (
+ static rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> Create (
const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& rxContext,
const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow,
@@ -396,31 +260,6 @@ private:
const sal_Int32 nNewCharacterIndex);
-//===== AccessibleFocusManager ================================================
-/** A singleton class that makes sure that only one accessibility object in
- the PresenterConsole hierarchy has the focus.
-class AccessibleFocusManager
- static std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> const & Instance();
- void AddFocusableObject (const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject>& rpObject);
- void RemoveFocusableObject (const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject>& rpObject);
- void FocusObject (const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject>& rpObject);
- ~AccessibleFocusManager();
- static std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> mpInstance;
- ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> > maFocusableObjects;
- bool m_isInDtor = false;
- AccessibleFocusManager();
//===== PresenterAccessible ===================================================
@@ -667,507 +506,6 @@ void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::initialize (const css::uno::Sequence<css::uno
-//===== PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject =========================================
- const sal_Int16 nRole,
- OUString sName)
- : PresenterAccessibleObjectInterfaceBase(m_aMutex),
- msName(std::move(sName)),
- mnRole(nRole),
- mnStateSet(0),
- mbIsFocused(false)
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::LateInitialization()
- AccessibleFocusManager::Instance()->AddFocusableObject(this);
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::SetWindow (
- const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
- const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow)
- Reference<awt::XWindow2> xContentWindow (rxContentWindow, UNO_QUERY);
- if (mxContentWindow.get() == xContentWindow.get())
- return;
- if (
- {
- mxContentWindow->removeWindowListener(this);
- }
- mxContentWindow = std::move(xContentWindow);
- mxBorderWindow.set(rxBorderWindow, UNO_QUERY);
- if (
- {
- mxContentWindow->addWindowListener(this);
- }
- UpdateStateSet();
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::SetAccessibleParent (
- const Reference<XAccessible>& rxAccessibleParent)
- mxParentAccessible = rxAccessibleParent;
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::disposing()
- AccessibleFocusManager::Instance()->RemoveFocusableObject(this);
- SetWindow(nullptr, nullptr);
-//----- XAccessible -------------------------------------------------------
-Reference<XAccessibleContext> SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleContext()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return this;
-//----- XAccessibleContext ----------------------------------------------
-sal_Int64 SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleChildCount()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return maChildren.size();
-Reference<XAccessible> SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleChild (sal_Int64 nIndex)
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (nIndex<0 || o3tl::make_unsigned(nIndex)>=maChildren.size())
- throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(u"invalid child index"_ustr, static_cast<uno::XWeak*>(this));
- return maChildren[nIndex];
-Reference<XAccessible> SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleParent()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return mxParentAccessible;
-sal_Int64 SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleIndexInParent()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- const Reference<XAccessible> xThis (this);
- if (
- {
- const Reference<XAccessibleContext> xContext (mxParentAccessible->getAccessibleContext());
- for (sal_Int64 nIndex = 0, nCount=xContext->getAccessibleChildCount();
- nIndex<nCount;
- ++nIndex)
- {
- if (xContext->getAccessibleChild(nIndex) == xThis)
- return nIndex;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sal_Int16 SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleRole()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return mnRole;
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleDescription()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return msName;
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleName()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return msName;
-Reference<XAccessibleRelationSet> SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleRelationSet()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return nullptr;
-sal_Int64 SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleStateSet()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return mnStateSet;
-lang::Locale SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getLocale()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (
- {
- Reference<XAccessibleContext> xParentContext (mxParentAccessible->getAccessibleContext());
- if (
- return xParentContext->getLocale();
- }
- return css::lang::Locale();
-//----- XAccessibleComponent ------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::containsPoint (
- const awt::Point& rPoint)
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (
- {
- const awt::Rectangle aBox (getBounds());
- return rPoint.X>=aBox.X
- && rPoint.Y>=aBox.Y
- && rPoint.X<aBox.X+aBox.Width
- && rPoint.Y<aBox.Y+aBox.Height;
- }
- else
- return false;
-Reference<XAccessible> SAL_CALL
- PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getAccessibleAtPoint (const awt::Point&)
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return Reference<XAccessible>();
-awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getBounds()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- const awt::Point aLocation (GetRelativeLocation());
- const awt::Size aSize (GetSize());
- return awt::Rectangle (aLocation.X, aLocation.Y, aSize.Width, aSize.Height);
-awt::Point SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getLocation()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- const awt::Point aLocation (GetRelativeLocation());
- return aLocation;
-awt::Point SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getLocationOnScreen()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- awt::Point aRelativeLocation (GetRelativeLocation());
- awt::Point aParentLocationOnScreen (GetAbsoluteParentLocation());
- return awt::Point(
- aRelativeLocation.X + aParentLocationOnScreen.X,
- aRelativeLocation.Y + aParentLocationOnScreen.Y);
-awt::Size SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getSize()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- const awt::Size aSize (GetSize());
- return aSize;
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::grabFocus()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (
- mxBorderWindow->setFocus();
- else if (
- mxContentWindow->setFocus();
-sal_Int32 SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getForeground()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return 0x00ffffff;
-sal_Int32 SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::getBackground()
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- return 0x00000000;
-//----- XAccessibleEventBroadcaster -------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::addAccessibleEventListener (
- const Reference<XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener)
- if (!
- return;
- const osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- if (rBHelper.bDisposed || rBHelper.bInDispose)
- {
- uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xThis (static_cast<XWeak*>(this), UNO_QUERY);
- rxListener->disposing (lang::EventObject(xThis));
- }
- else
- {
- maListeners.push_back(rxListener);
- }
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::removeAccessibleEventListener (
- const Reference<XAccessibleEventListener>& rxListener)
- ThrowIfDisposed();
- if (
- {
- const osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- std::erase(maListeners, rxListener);
- }
-//----- XWindowListener ---------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::windowResized (
- const css::awt::WindowEvent&)
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::BOUNDRECT_CHANGED, Any(), Any());
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::windowMoved (
- const css::awt::WindowEvent&)
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::BOUNDRECT_CHANGED, Any(), Any());
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::windowShown (
- const css::lang::EventObject&)
- UpdateStateSet();
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::windowHidden (
- const css::lang::EventObject&)
- UpdateStateSet();
-//----- XEventListener --------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::disposing (const css::lang::EventObject& rEvent)
- if (rEvent.Source == mxContentWindow)
- {
- mxContentWindow = nullptr;
- mxBorderWindow = nullptr;
- }
- else
- {
- SetWindow(nullptr, nullptr);
- }
-//----- private ---------------------------------------------------------------
-bool PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::GetWindowState (const sal_Int64 nType) const
- switch (nType)
- {
- case AccessibleStateType::ENABLED:
- return && mxContentWindow->isEnabled();
- case AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE:
- return true;
- case AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED:
- return mbIsFocused;
- case AccessibleStateType::SHOWING:
- return && mxContentWindow->isVisible();
- default:
- return false;
- }
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::UpdateStateSet()
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE, true);
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE, true);
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED, true);
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::MULTI_LINE, true);
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE, true);
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::ENABLED));
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED));
- UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::SHOWING, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::SHOWING));
- // UpdateState(AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE, GetWindowState(AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE));
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::UpdateState(
- const sal_Int64 nState,
- const bool bValue)
- if (((mnStateSet & nState) != 0) == bValue)
- return;
- if (bValue)
- {
- mnStateSet |= nState;
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, Any(), Any(nState));
- }
- else
- {
- mnStateSet &= ~nState;
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, Any(nState), Any());
- }
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::AddChild (
- const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild)
- maChildren.push_back(rpChild);
- rpChild->SetAccessibleParent(this);
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::INVALIDATE_ALL_CHILDREN, Any(), Any());
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::RemoveChild (
- const ::rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject>& rpChild)
- rpChild->SetAccessibleParent(Reference<XAccessible>());
- maChildren.erase(::std::find(maChildren.begin(), maChildren.end(), rpChild));
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::INVALIDATE_ALL_CHILDREN, Any(), Any());
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::SetIsFocused (const bool bIsFocused)
- if (mbIsFocused != bIsFocused)
- {
- mbIsFocused = bIsFocused;
- UpdateStateSet();
- }
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::SetAccessibleName (const OUString& rsName)
- if (msName != rsName)
- {
- const OUString sOldName(msName);
- msName = rsName;
- FireAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::NAME_CHANGED, Any(sOldName), Any(msName));
- }
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::FireAccessibleEvent (
- const sal_Int16 nEventId,
- const uno::Any& rOldValue,
- const uno::Any& rNewValue )
- AccessibleEventObject aEventObject;
- aEventObject.Source = Reference<XWeak>(this);
- aEventObject.EventId = nEventId;
- aEventObject.NewValue = rNewValue;
- aEventObject.OldValue = rOldValue;
- ::std::vector<Reference<XAccessibleEventListener> > aListenerCopy(maListeners);
- for (const auto& rxListener : aListenerCopy)
- {
- try
- {
- rxListener->notifyEvent(aEventObject);
- }
- catch (const lang::DisposedException&)
- {
- // Listener has been disposed and should have been removed
- // already.
- removeAccessibleEventListener(rxListener);
- }
- catch (const Exception&)
- {
- // Ignore all other exceptions and assume that they are
- // caused by a temporary problem.
- }
- }
-awt::Point PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::GetRelativeLocation()
- awt::Point aLocation;
- if (
- {
- const awt::Rectangle aContentBox (mxContentWindow->getPosSize());
- aLocation.X = aContentBox.X;
- aLocation.Y = aContentBox.Y;
- if (
- {
- const awt::Rectangle aBorderBox (mxBorderWindow->getPosSize());
- aLocation.X += aBorderBox.X;
- aLocation.Y += aBorderBox.Y;
- }
- }
- return aLocation;
-awt::Size PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::GetSize()
- if (
- {
- const awt::Rectangle aBox (mxContentWindow->getPosSize());
- return awt::Size(aBox.Width, aBox.Height);
- }
- else
- return awt::Size();
-awt::Point PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::GetAbsoluteParentLocation()
- Reference<XAccessibleComponent> xParentComponent;
- if (
- xParentComponent.set( mxParentAccessible->getAccessibleContext(), UNO_QUERY);
- if (
- return xParentComponent->getLocationOnScreen();
- else
- return awt::Point();
-void PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject::ThrowIfDisposed() const
- if (rBHelper.bDisposed || rBHelper.bInDispose)
- throw lang::DisposedException(u"object has already been disposed"_ustr, uno::Reference<uno::XInterface>(const_cast<uno::XWeak*>(static_cast<uno::XWeak const *>(this))));
//===== AccessibleRelationSet =================================================
@@ -1541,7 +879,7 @@ AccessibleNotes::AccessibleNotes(const OUString& rsName)
-rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> AccessibleNotes::Create (
+rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> AccessibleNotes::Create (
const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& rxContext,
const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxContentWindow,
const Reference<awt::XWindow>& rxBorderWindow,
@@ -1570,7 +908,7 @@ rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> AccessibleNotes::Create (
void AccessibleNotes::SetTextView (
const std::shared_ptr<PresenterTextView>& rpTextView)
- ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> > aChildren;
+ ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<AccessibleObject> > aChildren;
// Release any listeners to the current text view.
if (mpTextView)
@@ -1676,70 +1014,6 @@ void AccessibleNotes::NotifyCaretChange (
-//===== AccessibleFocusManager ================================================
-std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> AccessibleFocusManager::mpInstance;
-std::shared_ptr<AccessibleFocusManager> const & AccessibleFocusManager::Instance()
- if ( ! mpInstance)
- {
- mpInstance.reset(new AccessibleFocusManager());
- }
- return mpInstance;
- // copy member to stack, then drop it - otherwise will get use-after-free
- // from AccessibleObject::disposing(), it will call ~Reference *twice*
- auto const temp(std::move(maFocusableObjects));
- (void) temp;
- m_isInDtor = true;
-void AccessibleFocusManager::AddFocusableObject (
- const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject>& rpObject)
- OSL_ASSERT(::std::find(maFocusableObjects.begin(),maFocusableObjects.end(), rpObject)==maFocusableObjects.end());
- maFocusableObjects.push_back(rpObject);
-void AccessibleFocusManager::RemoveFocusableObject (
- const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject>& rpObject)
- ::std::vector<rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject> >::iterator iObject (
- ::std::find(maFocusableObjects.begin(),maFocusableObjects.end(), rpObject));
- if (iObject != maFocusableObjects.end())
- maFocusableObjects.erase(iObject);
- else
- {
- OSL_ASSERT(m_isInDtor); // in dtor, was removed already
- }
-void AccessibleFocusManager::FocusObject (
- const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterAccessible::AccessibleObject>& rpObject)
- // Remove the focus of any of the other focusable objects.
- for (auto& rxObject : maFocusableObjects)
- {
- if (rxObject!=rpObject)
- rxObject->SetIsFocused(false);
- }
- if (
- rpObject->SetIsFocused(true);
} // end of namespace ::sd::presenter
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.hxx b/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.hxx
index 350f0995fc56..ef33567dcc5e 100644
--- a/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.hxx
+++ b/sd/source/console/PresenterAccessibility.hxx
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include "AccessibleObject.hxx"
#include "PresenterPaneContainer.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/XAccessible.hpp>
@@ -79,8 +80,6 @@ public:
//----- XInitialization ---------------------------------------------------
virtual void SAL_CALL initialize (const css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any>& rArguments) override;
- class AccessibleObject;
class AccessibleParagraph;