path: root/sd
diff options
authorGabor Kelemen <>2024-04-25 16:15:45 +0200
committerGabor Kelemen <>2024-04-26 09:40:16 +0200
commitfebb429d5e02c2d6082194320ea689e8a01a3180 (patch)
tree849c37e0181a1f02849087553b504c38fda14eb5 /sd
parent3029019cd930fd672ceda413376a26a33fdbad38 (diff)
Drop stale pubdlg.cxx file
Seems to be unused since commit 28b6480c6bdd179f3943f768926b7f196226c768 tdf#105303: Drop html export wizard Change-Id: I9d7aa80d64df6f68af51cd026ef49d6a61cf9cfa Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Gabor Kelemen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/sd/source/filter/html/pubdlg.cxx b/sd/source/filter/html/pubdlg.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b42d3c8cfad..000000000000
--- a/sd/source/filter/html/pubdlg.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at .
- */
-#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
-#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
-#include <unotools/ucbstreamhelper.hxx>
-#include <vcl/FilterConfigItem.hxx>
-#include <vcl/image.hxx>
-#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
-#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
-#include <sal/log.hxx>
-#include <svtools/valueset.hxx>
-#include <svtools/colrdlg.hxx>
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
-#include <tools/GenericTypeSerializer.hxx>
-#include <sdiocmpt.hxx>
-#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
-#include <pres.hxx>
-#include <unotools/useroptions.hxx>
-#include <unotools/pathoptions.hxx>
-#include <sdresid.hxx>
-#include <strings.hrc>
-#include "htmlattr.hxx"
-#include "htmlpublishmode.hxx"
-#include <helpids.h>
-#include "buttonset.hxx"
-#include <strings.hxx>
-using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
-using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
-#define NOOFPAGES 6
-//ID for the config-data with the HTML-settings
-const sal_uInt16 nMagic = sal_uInt16(0x1977);
-// Key for the soffice.ini
-constexpr OUStringLiteral KEY_QUALITY = u"JPG-EXPORT-QUALITY";
-static SvStream& operator>>(SvStream& rIn, SdPublishingDesign& rDesign);
-static SvStream& WriteSdPublishingDesign(SvStream& rOut, const SdPublishingDesign& rDesign);
-// This class has all the settings for the HTML-export autopilot
-class SdPublishingDesign
- OUString m_aDesignName;
- HtmlPublishMode m_eMode;
- // special WebCast options
- PublishingScript m_eScript;
- OUString m_aCGI;
- OUString m_aURL;
- // special Kiosk options
- bool m_bAutoSlide;
- sal_uInt32 m_nSlideDuration;
- bool m_bEndless;
- // special HTML options
- bool m_bContentPage;
- bool m_bNotes;
- // misc options
- sal_uInt16 m_nResolution;
- OUString m_aCompression;
- PublishingFormat m_eFormat;
- bool m_bSlideSound;
- bool m_bHiddenSlides;
- // title page information
- OUString m_aAuthor;
- OUString m_aEMail;
- OUString m_aWWW;
- OUString m_aMisc;
- bool m_bDownload;
- bool m_bCreated; // not used
- // buttons and colorscheme
- sal_Int16 m_nButtonThema;
- bool m_bUserAttr;
- Color m_aBackColor;
- Color m_aTextColor;
- Color m_aLinkColor;
- Color m_aVLinkColor;
- Color m_aALinkColor;
- bool m_bUseAttribs;
- bool m_bUseColor;
- SdPublishingDesign();
- bool operator==(const SdPublishingDesign& rDesign) const;
- friend SvStream& operator>>(SvStream& rIn, SdPublishingDesign& rDesign);
- friend SvStream& WriteSdPublishingDesign(SvStream& rOut, const SdPublishingDesign& rDesign);
-// load Default-settings
- : m_eMode(PUBLISH_HTML)
- , m_eScript(SCRIPT_ASP)
- , m_bAutoSlide(true)
- , m_nSlideDuration(15)
- , m_bEndless(true)
- , m_bContentPage(true)
- , m_bNotes(true)
- , m_nResolution(PUB_LOWRES_WIDTH)
- , m_eFormat(FORMAT_PNG)
- , m_bSlideSound(true)
- , m_bHiddenSlides(false)
- , m_bDownload(false)
- , m_bCreated(false)
- , m_nButtonThema(-1)
- , m_bUserAttr(false)
- , m_aBackColor(COL_WHITE)
- , m_aTextColor(COL_BLACK)
- , m_aLinkColor(COL_BLUE)
- , m_aVLinkColor(COL_LIGHTGRAY)
- , m_aALinkColor(COL_GRAY)
- , m_bUseAttribs(true)
- , m_bUseColor(true)
- FilterConfigItem aFilterConfigItem(u"Office.Common/Filter/Graphic/Export/JPG");
- sal_Int32 nCompression = aFilterConfigItem.ReadInt32(KEY_QUALITY, 75);
- m_aCompression = OUString::number(nCompression) + "%";
- SvtUserOptions aUserOptions;
- m_aAuthor = aUserOptions.GetFirstName();
- if (!m_aAuthor.isEmpty() && !aUserOptions.GetLastName().isEmpty())
- m_aAuthor += " ";
- m_aAuthor += aUserOptions.GetLastName();
- m_aEMail = aUserOptions.GetEmail();
-// Compares the values without paying attention to the name
-bool SdPublishingDesign::operator==(const SdPublishingDesign& rDesign) const
- return (
- m_eMode == rDesign.m_eMode && m_nResolution == rDesign.m_nResolution
- && m_aCompression == rDesign.m_aCompression && m_eFormat == rDesign.m_eFormat
- && m_bHiddenSlides == rDesign.m_bHiddenSlides
- && ( // compare html options
- (m_eMode != PUBLISH_HTML && m_eMode != PUBLISH_FRAMES)
- || (m_bContentPage == rDesign.m_bContentPage && m_bNotes == rDesign.m_bNotes
- && m_aAuthor == rDesign.m_aAuthor && m_aEMail == rDesign.m_aEMail
- && m_aWWW == rDesign.m_aWWW && m_aMisc == rDesign.m_aMisc
- && m_bDownload == rDesign.m_bDownload && m_nButtonThema == rDesign.m_nButtonThema
- && m_bUserAttr == rDesign.m_bUserAttr && m_aBackColor == rDesign.m_aBackColor
- && m_aTextColor == rDesign.m_aTextColor && m_aLinkColor == rDesign.m_aLinkColor
- && m_aVLinkColor == rDesign.m_aVLinkColor
- && m_aALinkColor == rDesign.m_aALinkColor
- && m_bUseAttribs == rDesign.m_bUseAttribs
- && m_bSlideSound == rDesign.m_bSlideSound && m_bUseColor == rDesign.m_bUseColor))
- && ( // compare kiosk options
- (m_eMode != PUBLISH_KIOSK)
- || (m_bAutoSlide == rDesign.m_bAutoSlide && m_bSlideSound == rDesign.m_bSlideSound
- && (!m_bAutoSlide
- || (m_nSlideDuration == rDesign.m_nSlideDuration
- && m_bEndless == rDesign.m_bEndless))))
- && ( // compare WebCast options
- (m_eMode != PUBLISH_WEBCAST)
- || (m_eScript == rDesign.m_eScript
- && (m_eScript != SCRIPT_PERL
- || (m_aURL == rDesign.m_aURL && m_aCGI == rDesign.m_aCGI)))));
-// Load the design from the stream
-SvStream& operator>>(SvStream& rIn, SdPublishingDesign& rDesign)
- SdIOCompat aIO(rIn, StreamMode::READ);
- sal_uInt16 nTemp16;
- tools::GenericTypeSerializer aSerializer(rIn);
- rDesign.m_aDesignName = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rIn.ReadUInt16(nTemp16);
- rDesign.m_eMode = static_cast<HtmlPublishMode>(nTemp16);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bContentPage);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bNotes);
- rIn.ReadUInt16(rDesign.m_nResolution);
- rDesign.m_aCompression = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rIn.ReadUInt16(nTemp16);
- rDesign.m_eFormat = static_cast<PublishingFormat>(nTemp16);
- rDesign.m_aAuthor = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rDesign.m_aEMail = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rDesign.m_aWWW = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rDesign.m_aMisc = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bDownload);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bCreated); // not used
- rIn.ReadInt16(rDesign.m_nButtonThema);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bUserAttr);
- aSerializer.readColor(rDesign.m_aBackColor);
- aSerializer.readColor(rDesign.m_aTextColor);
- aSerializer.readColor(rDesign.m_aLinkColor);
- aSerializer.readColor(rDesign.m_aVLinkColor);
- aSerializer.readColor(rDesign.m_aALinkColor);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bUseAttribs);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bUseColor);
- rIn.ReadUInt16(nTemp16);
- rDesign.m_eScript = static_cast<PublishingScript>(nTemp16);
- rDesign.m_aURL = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rDesign.m_aCGI = read_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOUString(rIn, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bAutoSlide);
- rIn.ReadUInt32(rDesign.m_nSlideDuration);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bEndless);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bSlideSound);
- rIn.ReadCharAsBool(rDesign.m_bHiddenSlides);
- return rIn;
-// Set the design to the stream
-SvStream& WriteSdPublishingDesign(SvStream& rOut, const SdPublishingDesign& rDesign)
- // The last parameter is the versionnumber of the code
- SdIOCompat aIO(rOut, StreamMode::WRITE, 0);
- tools::GenericTypeSerializer aSerializer(rOut);
- // Name
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aDesignName,
- rOut.WriteUInt16(rDesign.m_eMode);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bContentPage);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bNotes);
- rOut.WriteUInt16(rDesign.m_nResolution);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aCompression,
- rOut.WriteUInt16(rDesign.m_eFormat);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aAuthor, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aEMail, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aWWW, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aMisc, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bDownload);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bCreated); // not used
- rOut.WriteInt16(rDesign.m_nButtonThema);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bUserAttr);
- aSerializer.writeColor(rDesign.m_aBackColor);
- aSerializer.writeColor(rDesign.m_aTextColor);
- aSerializer.writeColor(rDesign.m_aLinkColor);
- aSerializer.writeColor(rDesign.m_aVLinkColor);
- aSerializer.writeColor(rDesign.m_aALinkColor);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bUseAttribs);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bUseColor);
- rOut.WriteUInt16(rDesign.m_eScript);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOut, rDesign.m_aCGI, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bAutoSlide);
- rOut.WriteUInt32(rDesign.m_nSlideDuration);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bEndless);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bSlideSound);
- rOut.WriteBool(rDesign.m_bHiddenSlides);
- return rOut;
-// Dialog for the entry of the name of the design
-class SdDesignNameDlg : public weld::GenericDialogController
- std::unique_ptr<weld::Entry> m_xEdit;
- std::unique_ptr<weld::Button> m_xBtnOK;
- SdDesignNameDlg(weld::Window* pWindow, const OUString& aName);
- OUString GetDesignName() const;
- DECL_LINK(ModifyHdl, weld::Entry&, void);
-// SdDesignNameDlg Methods
-SdDesignNameDlg::SdDesignNameDlg(weld::Window* pWindow, const OUString& rName)
- : GenericDialogController(pWindow, "modules/sdraw/ui/namedesign.ui", "NameDesignDialog")
- , m_xEdit(m_xBuilder->weld_entry("entry"))
- , m_xBtnOK(m_xBuilder->weld_button("ok"))
- m_xEdit->connect_changed(LINK(this, SdDesignNameDlg, ModifyHdl));
- m_xEdit->set_text(rName);
- m_xBtnOK->set_sensitive(!rName.isEmpty());
-OUString SdDesignNameDlg::GetDesignName() const { return m_xEdit->get_text(); }
-IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SdDesignNameDlg, ModifyHdl, weld::Entry&, void)
- m_xBtnOK->set_sensitive(!m_xEdit->get_text().isEmpty());
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */