path: root/sfx2/inc
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2007-04-11 20:19:45 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2007-04-11 20:19:45 +0000
commit2e0b37476d09f634fc9c51cac5c9c1d5614b924f (patch)
tree4d98c8a6509fb5ef4c91f42c02a78d8b084613ef /sfx2/inc
parent6867d2b6c930b05bacafb4b6759540d7a04bc490 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS hedaburemove01 (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2007/04/04 14:56:20 vg resync to SRC680_m207 2007/02/09 16:14:42 vg #72503# get rid of hedabu procedure: Moving headers to sfx2/inc/sfx2 and correspondent necessary changes
Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/inc')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/inc/sfx2/doctempl.hxx b/sfx2/inc/sfx2/doctempl.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..958572646142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfx2/inc/sfx2/doctempl.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: doctempl.hxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2007-04-11 21:19:45 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _SAL_CONFIG_H_
+#include "sal/config.h"
+#include "sfx2/dllapi.h"
+#ifndef _SAL_TYPES_H_
+#include "sal/types.h"
+#ifndef _REF_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/ref.hxx>
+#ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/string.hxx>
+// CLASS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+class SfxObjectShell;
+class SfxDocTemplate_Impl;
+// class SfxDocumentTemplates --------------------------------------------
+class SFX2_DLLPUBLIC SfxDocumentTemplates
+ SfxDocTemplate_ImplRef pImp;
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL CopyOrMove( USHORT nTargetRegion, USHORT nTargetIdx,
+ USHORT nSourceRegion, USHORT nSourceIdx, BOOL bMove );
+ SfxDocumentTemplates();
+ SfxDocumentTemplates(const SfxDocumentTemplates &);
+ ~SfxDocumentTemplates();
+ BOOL IsConstructed() { return pImp != NULL; }
+ void Construct();
+ static BOOL SaveDir( /*SfxTemplateDir &rEntry */ ) ;
+ const SfxDocumentTemplates &operator=(const SfxDocumentTemplates &);
+ BOOL Rescan( ); // Aktualisieren
+ void ReInitFromComponent();
+ BOOL IsRegionLoaded( USHORT nIdx ) const;
+ USHORT GetRegionCount() const;
+ const String& GetRegionName(USHORT nIdx) const; //dv!
+ String GetFullRegionName(USHORT nIdx) const;
+ USHORT GetRegionNo( const String &rRegionName ) const;
+ USHORT GetCount(USHORT nRegion) const;
+ USHORT GetCount( const String &rName) const;
+ const String& GetName(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx) const; //dv!
+ String GetFileName(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx) const;
+ String GetPath(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx) const;
+ String GetDefaultTemplatePath(const String &rLongName);
+ // Pfad zur Vorlage geben lassen; logischer Name muss angegeben
+ // werden, damit beim Ueberschreiben einer Vorlage der
+ // richtige Dateiname gefunden werden kann
+ String GetTemplatePath(USHORT nRegion, const String &rLongName) const;
+ // Allows to retrieve the target template URL from the UCB
+ ::rtl::OUString GetTemplateTargetURLFromComponent( const ::rtl::OUString& aGroupName,
+ const ::rtl::OUString& aTitle );
+ // Speichern als Vorlage hat geklappt -> Aktualisieren
+ void NewTemplate(USHORT nRegion,
+ const String &rLongName,
+ const String &rFileName);
+ BOOL Copy(USHORT nTargetRegion,
+ USHORT nTargetIdx,
+ USHORT nSourceRegion,
+ USHORT nSourceIdx);
+ BOOL Move(USHORT nTargetRegion,
+ USHORT nTargetIdx,
+ USHORT nSourceRegion,
+ USHORT nSourceIdx);
+ BOOL Delete(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx);
+ BOOL InsertDir(const String &rText, USHORT nRegion);
+ BOOL SetName(const String &rName, USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx);
+ BOOL CopyTo(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx, const String &rName) const;
+ BOOL CopyFrom(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx, String &rName);
+ SfxObjectShellRef CreateObjectShell(USHORT nRegion, USHORT nIdx);
+ BOOL DeleteObjectShell(USHORT, USHORT);
+ BOOL GetFull( const String& rRegion, const String& rName, String& rPath );
+ BOOL GetLogicNames( const String& rPath, String& rRegion, String& rName ) const;
+ /** updates the configuration where the document templates structure is stored.
+ <p>The info about the document templates (which files, which groups etc.) is stored in the
+ configuration. This means that just by copying files into OOo's template directories, this
+ change is not reflected in the SfxDocumentTemplates - 'cause the configuration is not synchronous with
+ the file system. This can be enforced with this method.</p>
+ @param _bSmart
+ The update of the configuration is rather expensive - nothing you want to do regulary if you don't really
+ need it. So you have the possibility to do a smart update - it first checks if the update if necessary.
+ In case the update is needed, the additional check made it somewhat more expensive. In case it's not
+ necessary (which should be the usual case), the check alone is (much) less expensive than the real update.
+ <br/>
+ So set <arg>_bSmart</arg> to <TRUE/> to do a check for necessity first.
+ */
+ void Update( sal_Bool _bSmart = sal_True );
+ // allows to detect whether it is allowed to delete ( at least partially )
+ // a group or a template, or to edit a template
+ sal_Bool HasUserContents( sal_uInt16 nRegion, sal_uInt16 nIdx ) const;
+#endif // #ifndef _SFXDOCTEMPL_HXX