path: root/sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx
diff options
authorPhilipp Lohmann [pl] <Philipp.Lohmann@Oracle.COM>2011-02-14 16:17:22 +0100
committerPhilipp Lohmann [pl] <Philipp.Lohmann@Oracle.COM>2011-02-14 16:17:22 +0100
commit1fb042333fe6287756ff1fac11d18cd7c150730d (patch)
tree595de5d187177832ce656d7832af9dce9dce2d99 /sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx
parent5b3e910e926c7dd1e8dcfe8e0a5c6cb5bd17480a (diff)
parentcd0d6a5a6775f197fdb7e78b54c8133074a7a236 (diff)
rebase to DEV300_m100
Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx b/sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx
index 116f56163681..64c9b539d2be 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/inc/templdgi.hxx
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ private:
SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pDialog;
- USHORT nModifier;
+ sal_uInt16 nModifier;
DropListBox_Impl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rId, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pD ) :
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public:
using SvLBox::ExecuteDrop;
virtual sal_Int8 ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
- USHORT GetModifier() const { return nModifier; }
+ sal_uInt16 GetModifier() const { return nModifier; }
virtual long Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt );
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ protected:
ListBox aFilterLb;
Size aSize;
- USHORT nActFamily; // Id in der ToolBox = Position - 1
- USHORT nActFilter; // FilterIdx
- USHORT nAppFilter; // Filter, den die Applikation gesetzt hat (fuer automatisch)
+ sal_uInt16 nActFamily; // Id in der ToolBox = Position - 1
+ sal_uInt16 nActFilter; // FilterIdx
+ sal_uInt16 nAppFilter; // Filter, den die Applikation gesetzt hat (fuer automatisch)
- BOOL bDontUpdate :1,
+ sal_Bool bDontUpdate :1,
bIsWater :1,
bEnabled :1,
bUpdate :1,
@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ protected:
DECL_LINK( TimeOut, Timer * );
- virtual void EnableItem( USHORT /*nMesId*/, BOOL /*bCheck*/ = TRUE ) {}
- virtual void CheckItem( USHORT /*nMesId*/, BOOL /*bCheck*/ = TRUE ) {}
- virtual BOOL IsCheckedItem( USHORT /*nMesId*/ ) { return TRUE; }
+ virtual void EnableItem( sal_uInt16 /*nMesId*/, sal_Bool /*bCheck*/ = sal_True ) {}
+ virtual void CheckItem( sal_uInt16 /*nMesId*/, sal_Bool /*bCheck*/ = sal_True ) {}
+ virtual sal_Bool IsCheckedItem( sal_uInt16 /*nMesId*/ ) { return sal_True; }
virtual void LoadedFamilies() {}
virtual void Update() { UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); }
virtual void InvalidateBindings();
- virtual void InsertFamilyItem( USHORT nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pIten ) = 0;
- virtual void EnableFamilyItem( USHORT nId, BOOL bEnabled = TRUE ) = 0;
+ virtual void InsertFamilyItem( sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pIten ) = 0;
+ virtual void EnableFamilyItem( sal_uInt16 nId, sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True ) = 0;
virtual void ClearFamilyList() = 0;
virtual void ReplaceUpdateButtonByMenu();
@@ -207,37 +207,37 @@ protected:
void EditHdl( void* );
void DeleteHdl( void* );
- BOOL Execute_Impl( USHORT nId, const String& rStr, const String& rRefStr,
- USHORT nFamily, USHORT nMask = 0,
- USHORT* pIdx = NULL, const USHORT* pModifier = NULL );
+ sal_Bool Execute_Impl( sal_uInt16 nId, const String& rStr, const String& rRefStr,
+ sal_uInt16 nFamily, sal_uInt16 nMask = 0,
+ sal_uInt16* pIdx = NULL, const sal_uInt16* pModifier = NULL );
- void UpdateStyles_Impl(USHORT nFlags);
+ void UpdateStyles_Impl(sal_uInt16 nFlags);
const SfxStyleFamilyItem* GetFamilyItem_Impl() const;
- BOOL IsInitialized() { return nActFamily != 0xffff; }
+ sal_Bool IsInitialized() { return nActFamily != 0xffff; }
void ResetFocus();
void EnableDelete();
void Initialize();
- void FilterSelect( USHORT nFilterIdx, BOOL bForce = FALSE );
- void SetFamilyState( USHORT nSlotId, const SfxTemplateItem* );
+ void FilterSelect( sal_uInt16 nFilterIdx, sal_Bool bForce = sal_False );
+ void SetFamilyState( sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const SfxTemplateItem* );
void SetWaterCanState( const SfxBoolItem* pItem );
void SelectStyle( const String& rStyle );
- BOOL HasSelectedStyle() const;
+ sal_Bool HasSelectedStyle() const;
void FillTreeBox();
void Update_Impl();
void UpdateFamily_Impl();
// In welchem FamilyState muss ich nachsehen, um die Info der i-ten
// Family in der pStyleFamilies zu bekommen.
- USHORT StyleNrToInfoOffset( USHORT i );
- USHORT InfoOffsetToStyleNr( USHORT i );
+ sal_uInt16 StyleNrToInfoOffset( sal_uInt16 i );
+ sal_uInt16 InfoOffsetToStyleNr( sal_uInt16 i );
void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint );
- void FamilySelect( USHORT nId );
- void SetFamily( USHORT nId );
- void ActionSelect( USHORT nId );
+ void FamilySelect( sal_uInt16 nId );
+ void SetFamily( sal_uInt16 nId );
+ void ActionSelect( sal_uInt16 nId );
sal_Int32 LoadFactoryStyleFilter( SfxObjectShell* i_pObjSh );
void SaveFactoryStyleFilter( SfxObjectShell* i_pObjSh, sal_Int32 i_nFilter );
@@ -251,31 +251,31 @@ public:
DECL_LINK( MenuSelectHdl, Menu * );
- virtual void EnableEdit( BOOL b = TRUE ) { bCanEdit = b; }
- virtual void EnableDel( BOOL b = TRUE ) { bCanDel = b; }
- virtual void EnableNew( BOOL b = TRUE ) { bCanNew = b; }
+ virtual void EnableEdit( sal_Bool b = sal_True ) { bCanEdit = b; }
+ virtual void EnableDel( sal_Bool b = sal_True ) { bCanDel = b; }
+ virtual void EnableNew( sal_Bool b = sal_True ) { bCanNew = b; }
ISfxTemplateCommon* GetISfxTemplateCommon() { return &aISfxTemplateCommon; }
Window* GetWindow() { return pWindow; }
- void EnableTreeDrag( BOOL b = TRUE );
+ void EnableTreeDrag( sal_Bool b = sal_True );
void ExecuteContextMenu_Impl( const Point& rPos, Window* pWin );
- void EnableExample_Impl( USHORT nId, BOOL bEnable );
+ void EnableExample_Impl( sal_uInt16 nId, sal_Bool bEnable );
SfxStyleFamily GetActualFamily() const;
String GetSelectedEntry() const;
SfxObjectShell* GetObjectShell() const { return pCurObjShell; }
virtual void PrepareDeleteAction(); // disable buttons, change button text, etc. when del is going to happen
- inline BOOL CanEdit( void ) const { return bCanEdit; }
- inline BOOL CanDel( void ) const { return bCanDel; }
- inline BOOL CanNew( void ) const { return bCanNew; }
+ inline sal_Bool CanEdit( void ) const { return bCanEdit; }
+ inline sal_Bool CanDel( void ) const { return bCanDel; }
+ inline sal_Bool CanNew( void ) const { return bCanNew; }
// normaly for derivates from SvTreeListBoxes, but in this case the dialog handles context menus
virtual PopupMenu* CreateContextMenu( void );
// Rechnet von den SFX_STYLE_FAMILY Ids auf 1-5 um
- static USHORT SfxFamilyIdToNId( SfxStyleFamily nFamily );
+ static sal_uInt16 SfxFamilyIdToNId( SfxStyleFamily nFamily );
void SetAutomaticFilter();
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ private:
friend class DropToolBox_Impl;
SfxTemplateDialog* m_pFloat;
- BOOL m_bZoomIn;
+ sal_Bool m_bZoomIn;
DropToolBox_Impl m_aActionTbL;
ToolBox m_aActionTbR;
@@ -314,13 +314,13 @@ private:
virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rMEvt );
- virtual void EnableEdit( BOOL = TRUE );
- virtual void EnableItem( USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck = TRUE );
- virtual void CheckItem( USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck = TRUE );
- virtual BOOL IsCheckedItem( USHORT nMesId );
+ virtual void EnableEdit( sal_Bool = sal_True );
+ virtual void EnableItem( sal_uInt16 nMesId, sal_Bool bCheck = sal_True );
+ virtual void CheckItem( sal_uInt16 nMesId, sal_Bool bCheck = sal_True );
+ virtual sal_Bool IsCheckedItem( sal_uInt16 nMesId );
virtual void LoadedFamilies();
- virtual void InsertFamilyItem( USHORT nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pIten );
- virtual void EnableFamilyItem( USHORT nId, BOOL bEnabled = TRUE );
+ virtual void InsertFamilyItem( sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pIten );
+ virtual void EnableFamilyItem( sal_uInt16 nId, sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True );
virtual void ClearFamilyList();
virtual void ReplaceUpdateButtonByMenu();
@@ -360,15 +360,15 @@ private:
SfxModalDefParentHelper aHelper;
- virtual void EnableItem( USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck = TRUE );
- virtual void CheckItem( USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck = TRUE );
- virtual BOOL IsCheckedItem( USHORT nMesId );
- virtual void InsertFamilyItem( USHORT nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pIten );
- virtual void EnableFamilyItem( USHORT nId, BOOL bEnabled = TRUE );
+ virtual void EnableItem( sal_uInt16 nMesId, sal_Bool bCheck = sal_True );
+ virtual void CheckItem( sal_uInt16 nMesId, sal_Bool bCheck = sal_True );
+ virtual sal_Bool IsCheckedItem( sal_uInt16 nMesId );
+ virtual void InsertFamilyItem( sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pIten );
+ virtual void EnableFamilyItem( sal_uInt16 nId, sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True );
virtual void ClearFamilyList();
- virtual void EnableEdit( BOOL = TRUE );
- virtual void EnableDel( BOOL = TRUE );
- virtual void EnableNew( BOOL = TRUE );
+ virtual void EnableEdit( sal_Bool = sal_True );
+ virtual void EnableDel( sal_Bool = sal_True );
+ virtual void EnableNew( sal_Bool = sal_True );
using SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::NewHdl;
DECL_LINK( FamListSelect, ListBox * );